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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mokyklos kaip institucijos įtaka smurtui / The school's as the institution's influence on violence

Bortkevič, Aurelija 14 June 2005 (has links)
Analyzing school as institution impact to violence firstly looked to adolescence. Author summaries, that adolescence is one of difficult personality evolution stage. In this stage adolescence has a lot of problems. This paper also took a view about educator and family role to adolescence education. Author accents that to violence manifestation impacts family, contemporary and educators valuables. Research in Vilnius schools show that violence is in all schools in all forms but in different intensity. Also is different opinion both schoolchildren and educators. Author say, that schoolmaster must a lot to do to prevent violence at school. Author notice that at first must be eliminated apathy to this phenomenon and given more publicity.

Ikimokyklinio ugdymo pedagogų partnerystės su tėvais kompetencija / Pre – school education teachers partnership' s with parents competence

Paršuto, Ingrida 15 June 2005 (has links)
Pre – school education teachers partnership' s with parents competence conception is researched at this Master of science work and it is given in theoretical and practical level. The intercourse between teachers and parents: needs, expectations and the possibility to resound them is analysed at this work. The aim of the research – is to evaluate pre – shool education teachers partnership's with parents knowledge, practice and abilities level, intercourse and collaboration ways and content. 105 pre – school teachers, 174 parents took place at this research. The results of the research revealed that pre – school teachers have enough knowledge, abilities and experience for positive intercourse and collaboration with parents. The program of studies partially gives knowledge, which is need for positive intercourse and collaboration with parents. Only the little part of pre – school teachers continue knowledge and abilities at refresher courses. Majority of pre – school teachers relies on their own experience. Pre – school teachers often proclaim that they are seeking various ways and forms for positive intercourse. The research showed that pre – school teachers and parents mostly communes every day, on meetings or celebrations. The analisys of the research lets to affirm, that pre – school teachers have to search for better and positive intercourse and collaboration with parents, what is lead to qualitative child education. Hypothesis, that pre – school teachers are able to... [to full text]

Globos namų auklėtinių mokymosi sunkumai / Learning peculiuarities of foster home pupils

Grikpėdienė, Viktorija 15 June 2005 (has links)
Documents regulating care institutions indicate, that foster home – is not only a social institution, but also an important part of education system, wherein a specific attention is dedicated to the child’s upbringing, creation of his value system, inward world, preparation for career and adults’ life. Orphans, children left without parental care and children, whose families do not secure appropriate life and upbringing conditions for them, are housed in children’s foster homes. Accordingly these homes seek to provide and secure appropriate living and developing conditions for their residents considering their individuality. Scientists and practitioners reasonably demonstrated, that because of deprive of the parental care foster home children totally or partly lose possibility to get first basis and principles of socialization through positive identification with their parents, brothers, sisters, close relatives in their biological family. The loss of parental care substantially violate the natural psychosocial development of child’s personality, he misses the possibility of natural socialization in society. Foster homes appears to be the very important (sometimes the only) link in child’s socialization process. Significant place in the process of socialization is taken by school. Through its main activity – training and self cultivation – children gain the basis of literacy and reach general education standards. Within the training process with the guidance of pedagogues... [to full text]

Jaunuolių, grįžusių iš įkalinimo įstaigų, resocializacijos ypatumai / Resocialization peculiarities of youth, returned from confinement institutions

Grigaitė, Inga 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistro darbo „Jaunuolių, grįžusių iš įkalinimo įstaigų, resocializacijos ypatumai“ tikslas - paanalizuoti resocializacijos sampratą mokslinėje literatūroje, išsiaiškinti kokios resocializacijos programos ir priemonės yra taikomos į laisvę išėjusiam jaunam žmogui, kiek valstybės siūlomos programos realiai padeda jaunuoliui, grįžusiam iš įkalinimo įstaigų, adaptuotis bei reintegruotis į visuomenę. Darbe pristatomi jaunuolių, grįžusių iš įkalinimo įstaigų, resocializacijos tyrimo rezultatais. Tyrime dalyvavo 180 respondentų iš Vilniaus, Kauno ir Panevėžio regionų: 30 pataisos inspekcijų pareigūnų (pareigūnų amžiaus vidurkis – 34,80 m. SN = 5,80) ir 150 jaunuolių, grįžusių iš įkalinimo įstaigų (amžiaus vidurkis – 19,72 m. SN = 1,31). Apibendrinus tyrimo rezultatus daromos išvados, kad Kalėjimų departamento prie LR teisingumo ministerijos patvirtintos socialinės reabilitacijos ir integracijos programos yra švietėjiško, pažintinio pobūdžio, nepritaikytos realiai situacijai, neefektyvios. Programos skirtos nuteistiesiems, vyresniems nei 18 m. Resocializacijos programų, kurios būtų skirtos darbui su nepilnamečiais, grįžusiais iš įkalinimo įstaigų nėra. Pagrindinė problema su kuria susiduria jaunuoliai, grįžę iš įkalinimo įstaigų yra darbo suradimas ir įsidarbinimas. Pareigūnai mėgindami padėti jaunuoliams patenka į įstatymo „spąstus“. Esama įstatyminė bazė kartais nepadeda, o trukdo sėkmingai jaunuolių, grįžusių iš įkalinimo įstaigų resocializacijai. Šeimos, artimųjų socialinė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of study „Resocialization peculiarities of youth, returned from confinement institutions“ – to analyze resocialization conception in scientific literature, to research what kind of programs are used for youngsters, returned from confinement institutions, how governmental programs help for adaptation and reintegration to the society of young offenders. The study represents the youth, returned from confinement institutions resocialization research results. 180 respondents have participated in the research: 30 officers from correction inspections (age average – 34,80, SD = 5,80) and 150 youngsters, returned from confinement institutions (age average – 19,72, SD = 1,31). In conclusion we can say that, programs proved by Prison department at the Ministry of Justice of Lithuanian Republic are only educative, not approved for real situation, non-effective. There are no programs for resocialization of youngsters, returned from confinement institutions under 18 years old. The main problem which youngsters meet after returning from confinement institutions is to find job. The officers in helping for youngsters get to „traps“ of law. Sometimes law system doesn‘t help, but block resocialization. For resocialization process of youngsters, returned from confinement institutions very important are social support from family, the officers and community motivation to help for young person, the motivation of youngsters to change themselves and their behavior, the negative influence of... [to full text]

Moksleivių požiūris į smurto prevenciją mokykloje / Children approach to a prevention of violence at school

Batulevičienė, Vida 07 June 2005 (has links)
THE TOPIC OF THE DISCUSSION: “ Children approach to a prevention of violence at school” SUPERVISOR: Dr. Ieva Kuginytė VILNIUS PEDAGOGICAL UNIVERSITY, VILNIUS, 2005 Violence at school is very actual problem not only in Lithuania also worldwide. There is a lot of prevention programmes at this moment witch could reduce such phenomenon spread. The aim of this paper is to evaluate pupils’ opinion to violence prevention. First part of this paper analyzes violence prevalence. The author gives violator and the victim characteristics and looks at violence reasons and results. The second part gives a view about Lithuanian prevention programmes and analyzes pedagogical prevention presumption. After this research author gives a conclusion that violence at school is evident in all forms and from different people. The main violators are older schoolchildren. The critical situation is when the violator and the educator is the same person. Schoolchildren say that the intervation of the third person ( police) is necessary in order to prevent violence and increase security at school. The main prevention tool, according to the children, is to educate how to act in any violence situation. Finally, the author gives some practical violence prevention at school recommendations which could improve the current situation and could possibly impact on further positive changes.

Socialinis pedagogas - socialinės pedagoginės pagalbos koordinatorius / Social-pedagogic help in educational institution is more effective when intermediate communication between social institutions exists

Vysocka, Jadvyga Aleksandra 08 June 2005 (has links)
The role of social pedagogue is highly important in term of reform of our educational system, because social pedagogues seek to help children and teenagers to adapt in society, community or in shelter. They use all acceptable forms of upbringing, they also communicate with others pedagogues, parents and social institutions, which guarantee security of children and teenagers, their rights and responsibilities, physical and psychological needs. Social pedagogues assist organizing educational process, help to understand, how goes on psychosocial development of children or teenagers and what influence on educational process family, community and culture have. Reorganizing society, entering free market system and democratic society, social pedagogue becomes a coordinator of social-pedagogic help. Aims of the work are to help to fulfill the right of pupil to study. Other goal of social pedagogues is to ensure effective education and upbringing at school and to create conditions for positive socialization and civic ripeness of child. Hypothesis of the research: social-pedagogic help in educational institution is more effective when intermediate communication between social institutions exists. Goal of the research: seeking intermediate communication between social institutions, reveal the role of social pedagogue in nowadays educational and upbringing system. Work task: formation of social-pedagogic system in Lithuania; to show, that social pedagogue is important helper upbringing... [to full text]

Profesinės mokyklos mokinių bendrojo lavinimo dalykų mokymosi motyvacija / MOTIVATION OF VOCATIONAL SCHOOL STUDENTS LEARNING SECONDARY SCHOOL SUBJECTS

Bernatavičienė, Ona 09 June 2005 (has links)
In the master’s work conception of motivation problems of vocational school student is being analyzed, different theories are being introduced. Different theories of studying can be comprehended depending on teachers, the subject, methods and interests of students. The teacher himself ought to decide what psychological theories and principals of learning motivations could be the most acceptable and valuable realizing the most important tasks of education. If you want to tell what stimulates a student to study, you have to analyze the motives of learning or not learning. The analyze enables to foresee the pedagogical measures to be taken to make the process of teaching more effective. Therefore analyzes of learning motives has great importance for both theory and practice of pedagogies. Motivation of learning consists of: student’s essence of learning requirements, aims, emotions, interests. Everything changes depending on circumstances, students – students and students – teachers interrelations. These is evidence to sugest that motivation of learning changes depending on age and changes of social circumstances. Therefore the feeling of desire or unwillingness to learn is very important and urgent subject at vocational school. Not the best students enter vocational schools; therefore bad school attendance and back of motivation becomes big problems to the teachers working at these schools. Magistrate work of investigation is carried – out at Alytus vocational training... [to full text]

Mokyklos vadovas - humaniškos mokyklos kūrėjas / School leader - a creator of humane school

Majauskaitė, Laura 09 June 2005 (has links)
The relevance of the work is revealed both in present literature of philosophy, management, psychology and education, and works of thinkers of the past. Humane education must help for the personality to grow, develop, and feel its own value. Though, traditional school, the functions of which are to educate human, ignores the most of aspects of person who studies, but also the life itself is viewed schematic, simplified or even primitive. Hence, what alternatives are possible for traditional, didactic, lost touch with the life school? I think that humane school, i.e. the one, where everything is oriented into person – both studying and working there. Consequently it is necessary that school leaders would look after these processes. The object of the research – activities of school leaders in forming of humane relations at school. Hypothesis of the research – school leaders really pay too little attention in order to create humane relations at school, because they are not tend to follow flexible policy of command, do not consider pupils as partners, pay little attention to self-expression, they are not tend to consider human individuality, do not stimulate communication, they spend too little time for communication with teachers and pupils. The aim of the work – to define the abilities of school leaders in forming of humane relations at school. Key research objectives: 1) to ascertain the essence, meaning, managing assumptions of education of... [to full text]

Paauglių požiūris į socialinio pedagogo kasdieninę veiklą / Teenagers' attitude towards daily activities of social educator

Varkavičienė, Asta 10 June 2005 (has links)
The aim of this Master's work is to analyze teenagers' attitude towards daily activities of social educator. Research hypothesis: if social educator working at general education school with teenagers can solve arising problems such daily activities influence the formation of teenagers' attitude. Research object - teenagers of general education schools in Utena town. Research aim - to study the attitude of teenagers of general education schools in Utena town towards daily activities of social educator. Research tasks: • to analyse teenagers' attitude towards activities of social educators working at general education schools; • to study social educator's communication and collaboration with teenagers; • to analyse social educator's and teenager's intercommunion. Research methodology: the research was carried out basing on the questionnaire prepared by the author of the work (see Appendix 2). The criteria of questionnaire survey are reflected in questions. Estimation of communication and collaboration between social educator and teenagers in the context of functions performed; estimation of aspects of intercommunion between teenagers and social educator; general estimation of information on respondents. The work is based on empirical study that was carried out in March 2005 at general education schools in Utena. Statistical data were processed by the program Microsoft Excel. Novelty and theoretical significance of the work: the novelty of the subject is outlined by... [to full text]

Statutinių organizacijų pareigūnų pasirengimas teikti pirmąją medicinos pagalbą / The preparation of the officers of Statute Organizations for lending the first aid

Dubinskienė, Vida 15 June 2005 (has links)
The subject of this Master's work is as following: the preparation of the officers of Statute Organizations for lending the first aid. The goal of the research is to find out readiness of the officers of Statute organizations to lending the first aid. This goal formulates these tasks: - To study and summarize scientific literature regarding the choosen subject. - To elucidate the activity of Statute organizations in Lithuania and foreign countries, to clear up their main goal and functions. - To look through the documents timelimiting the compulsory education of the first aid. - To elucidate the level of knowledge of the officers of Statute organizations and their readiness to lend the first aid. - To foresee the possibilities to improve lending the first aid. The methods of the research used in this paper: · Theoretical: pedagogical medicinal literature standard documents related with the subject, analytical summary in order to reveal more important questions of the investigated problems. · Empiric: testing the level of knowledge of the officers of Statute Organizations in the first aid. Questioning of the officers of Statute organizations in order to find out their readiness of lend the first aid and the most frequent problems connected with it. Preparation and fulfilling their questionnaire. · The statistic analysis of empiric data – absolute frequency calculation. Fire – Prevention and Rescue Department and Police Department officers participated in... [to full text]

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