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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paauglių požiūrio į agresyvų elgesį ypatumai / The attitude of adolescents to aggressive behavior in sports and the factors that influence such behavior

Čižauskas, Liutauras 22 May 2006 (has links)
THE ATTITUDE OF ADOLESCENTS TO AGGRESSIVE BEHAVIOR IN SPORTS AND THE FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE SUCH BEHAVIOR Keywords: aggression, sports, children. Scientists, psychologists, teachers, and students nowadays pay a lot of attention to the increasing wave of aggression among adolescents. This problem is broadly studied in different journals; in manuals the whole chapters are dedicated to it but it has not been studied a lot in Lithuanian context. In sports, namely among adolescents, different unpredictive situations, aggression or even the cases of violence occur. The aim of the study – to determine the attitude of adolescents to aggressive behavior in sports and the factors that influence this behavior. The objectives of this work: 1. To examine and to compare the attitude of females and males adolescents to the aggressive behavior in sports. 2. To examine and to compare factors that influence the aggressive behavior in sports according to the point of view of females and males adolescents. 3. To examine and to compare the attitude of non-sportive, of those engaged in sports during the leisure time, and of sportive adolescents to the aggressive behavior in sports. The methods of the study: the review of literature; questionnaire, mathematical statistics. The questionnaire was made according to the example of sportsman behavior inquiry (SBI), where 6 different scenarios are presented, i.e. different situations in sports where aggressive behavior occurs are described. The... [to full text]

DARBO KLUBŲ MOTYVUOJANTI VEIKLA SUAUGUSIŲJŲ PROFESINIO KRYPTINGUMO FORMAVIMUISI DARBO BIRŽOJE / Motivating activities of Work Clubs for formation of professional singleness in employment exchange

Gintalienė, Irina 30 May 2006 (has links)
On the ground of research data it was established that organisation of professional conveyance and consultation in Work Clubs stimulates busyness of the unenployed and cognition of new professions as well as their integration into work market. If work market professional teaching corresponds with adequate work market teaching requirements and personal learning needs, employment possibilities after finishing professional teaching courses increase. Employment possibilities are conditioned by motivation, personal, background and professional factors.

Pedagoginių technologijų taikymas profesiniame mokyme / The application of educational technologies in vocational training

Zakarauskaitė, Jurgita 31 May 2006 (has links)
The main focus of the research was laid upon the application of educational technologies in vocational teaching. The results reveal that all educational technologies are applied in teaching process of Kėdainiai vocational training centre Lančiūnava branch. The majority of students are completely satisfied or satisfied with the application of educational technologies. The beginning of the research covered the development of the hypotheses – modern educational technologies help to master new information quicker than the traditional ones. The results of the students’ questionnaire confirm the hypothesis. According to the teachers’ position, the traditional technologies facilitates learning more than the most modern ones. In this case the hypothesis was rejected.

SOCIALINĖS APLINKOS POVEIKIS MOKINIŲ MOKYMOSI MOTYVACIJAI / Influence of the social environment on pupils learning motivation

Rugienius, Gintaras 02 June 2006 (has links)
Author of the work: Gintaras Rugienius Topic of the work: Influence of the social environment on pupils learning motivation. Preparation place of the work: Lithuania’s University of Agriculture. Departament of professional pedagogics and psychology Kaunas, 2006. Span of the work: 75 pages Work consists: 12 tables, 21 pictures, 3 annexes. Sources of the literature: 30 Object of the research: Pupils learning motivation Methods of the research: 1. Analysis of the literature; 2. Analysis of the documents; 3. Questionnaire made of literature analysis Questionairre made of V. Mikoliūnienė’s (1996), L. Rupšienė’s (2000) and B. Bitinas’ (2002) questionnaires; 4. Statistics analysis of data-basis using “PAULA“ software. Results of the reseach: It was stated that teenagers motivation is influenced by a group of social factors lieing in the family, school and relations among the friends. it was found that teenagers having different rates of attendance and progressive are influenced of different groups of factors. It was also stated that motivation of teenagers learning at different schools is influenced by different group of social factors.

SKIRTINGŲ UGDYMO PROGRAMŲ ĮTAKA PRIEŠMOKYKLINIO AMŽIAUS VAIKŲ MOKYKLINEI BRANDAI / Der Einfluß der verschiedenen Lehr-und Bildungsprogramme auf die Entwicklung der Zuneigungen der Kinder in Unterricht der Vorschulichen Gruppen

Smiltniekienė, Janė 02 June 2006 (has links)
Projektautor: Janė Smiltniekienė Arbeitsthema: Der Einfluß der verschiedenen Lehr-und Bildungsprogramme auf die Entwicklung der Zuneigungen der Kinder in Unterricht der Vorschulichen Gruppen Die stelle der bearbeitung des lehrwerkes: Litauen Landwirtsehaftlieche Universität. Das Lehrpult der Beruflichen Pädagogik und Psichologie. Akademie, das Jahr 2005 – 2006 Im projekt sind: 2 tabelle, 18 bilder ,4 beilagen Das werk umfaß: 68 seiten Die literaturquelle: 32 Forschungsobjekt: Die Kinder der Vorgrunds schuliSchen Vildung. Forschungsmethoden: 1. Analyse der pädagogischen, psichologischen und methodischen literatur. Das studium der Dokumente für Bildungswesen; 2. Der Test von A. Kern – J. Jirasek zur Feststellung der Stufe des Schulgangs; 3. Statistische Dokumenten BearbeiTung nach dem Komputerprogramm „Paula - 4”. Forschungsresultate 1. Mit guten Resultaten und Fähigkeiten zur Grundschule wurden am meisten die Kinder bestimmt, die Ausbildung in den staathichen Vorshulen bekammen (das heißt – in Kinderkrippen und Kindergärten wie „Vėrinėlis“ und „Ąžuoliukas“). 2. Die Ausbildung der Eltern, das Geschlecht und die Dauer der Vorshulischen Periode machten einen geringenen Einfluß auf das Bildungswesen der Kinder: • die höchste Bildungsstufe haben die Kinder erhalten, deren Eltern eine Universität beendEt haben und Hochshulbildung bekamen. • Am besten in der Bildung waren die Mädchen. • Die besten Rezultate zeigten die Kinder, die 3 oder mehr –Jahre vorschulische Institution... [to full text]

SUAUGUSIŲJŲ MOKYMOSI CENTRE BESIMOKANČIŲJŲ MOKYMOSI MOTYVACIJOS YPATUMAI / The results of assessment have shown the main students’ motives for learning in Adult Learning Center

Letkauskaitė, Asta 02 June 2006 (has links)
The results of assessment have shown the main students’ motives for learning in Adult Learning Center: a wish to acquire certificate, become an educated person, intention to continue studies, study in vocational or higher educational institution, and students’ wish for improve, education, and expand of their horizon. An essential factor for motivation in adult learning is their family support. ALC takes count of adult learning manner, the cooperation between students and teachers is excellent, as well as the needs of adult students are well met. Education of adults helps them acquire new skills and knowledge, improve and grow as personalities; it also provides favourable opportunities for tying in learning with work and family.

Olimpinio rezervo irkluotojų rengimo analizė / Analysis of Olympic Reserve Rowers' Training

Tamulevičiūtė, Kristina 03 June 2006 (has links)
In rowing the results are determined by the indicators of physical and functional capacity. Rower’s functional abilities are determined by a lot of factors, such as aerobic and anaerobic abilities, as well as technical, tactical, and psychological preparation (Skernevičius, 1997). Therefore, the biggest challenge in training process is to find optimal loads for each sportsman and team. Coaches and sportsmen understand that an increase in the amount of physical loads is limited, because human capacity and adaptation have their limits. The objective of the research was to explore the training process of the rowers of Olympic reserve in a yearlong period. Eight 18-21 year old rowers of Olympic reserve were tested. Preparation period of 2004-2005 season was analyzed. Tests for measuring physical development, physical and functional capacity were carried out three times. When yearlong period was analyzed, a conclusion can be drawn that physical loads of tested rowers were lower than the loads recommended by majority of researches. To conclude the testing results carried out at VPU Sport science institute and Vilnius sports medicine centre, rowers’ physical loads did not have much importance to physical development, but positively affected functional capacity of circulatory system. The indices of aerobic efficiency at critical intensity limit and at anaerobic threshold in competitive period did not reach appropriate level and was worse compared with indices measured at... [to full text]

MOKYKLOS MIKROKLIMATO IR MOKYTOJO ĮTAKA MOKINIŲ DOROVINIŲ VERTYBIŲ UGDYMUI / The role of the school microclimate and teachers in moral education

Butkeraitytė, Sonata 05 June 2006 (has links)
Author: Sonata Butkeraitytė Subject: The role of the school microclimate and teachers in moral education Location: Lithuanian University of Agriculture. The department of Professional Pedagogy and Psychology. Academy, 2006 Coverage: pages The work includes: 25 pictures, 5 appendices Literature sources: Object of the research: A moral education of a pupil. Methods of the research: 1. Analysis of scientific sources 2. Diagnostic methods – questionnaires 3. Interview 4. Statistic data analysis Results of the research: The purpose of the research was to analyze the conception and the content of moral education in pedagogical literature and to disclose a contemporary role of a teacher in the process of moral education. The research results reveal that pedagogical literature focuses mainly on the theoretical side of moral education, lacking in practical examples. The results show that the individuality of a teacher, his attitude towards work and motivation of pupils are of major significance for moral education. Teacher’s capabilities to match training and education are very important to pupils. Unfortunately, as disclosed by the research, more often than not teaching is merely a source of income. Teachers are of the opinion that the teacher’s role in the process of moral education would increase, if the standing of a teachers were greater in society, which at present remains steadily diminished. Secondly... [to full text]

8-10 klasių mokinių iškalbos ugdymo galimybės technologijų pamokose / The possibilities of eloquence education for pupils of 8-10 grades in lessons of technology

Džiautaitė, Violeta 05 June 2006 (has links)
Dictionary of Modern Lithuanian (Dabartinės lietuvių kalbos žodynas, 1993) defines the eloquence as a skill or power of using a persuasive, powerful discourse, rhetoric. Rhetoric is a flexible science, adjusting itself to the character of relevant ideas and wording of certain epoch. Rhetoric, as theory and practice of eloquence, has been relevant at all times. Goal of Master Thesis is to analyse the possibilities of eloquence education for pupils of 8-10 grades in lessons of technology. We were focused on the attempt to analyse the literature on given topic in pedagogical, psychological and philosophical aspects; later, with the aids of anonymous questionnaire, we tried to identify the opinion of pupils about a level of their own eloquence; we also wanted to summarize the viewpoints of pupils and teachers to the education of eloquence, and to discuss the possibilities of eloquence education in lessons of technology. In the literature part of work, the definition of eloquence education is analysed, links with other sciences are envisaged, education of language skills at school, problems of education of language skills and other aspects are reviewed. After analyzing the literature on the specified topic it became evident that different aspects of eloquence education for pupils are widely approached and described in different Lithuanian educational documents and scientific works. Nevertheless, as scientists maintain, eloquence education is insufficient. Based on the developed... [to full text]

Mokinių rengimo šeimai ypatumai tchnologinio ugdymo procese / Pupils' preparation for life in family in technology studies

Rusteikaitė, Jurgita 06 June 2006 (has links)
Family is the base of every nation, historical and everyday life of society. Lithuanian family obtains features typical for all developed countries. Marriages are delayed for later time, more pairs are in common – law marriage, more children are born in such families and birthrate decreases. The doubt about strength of marriage appears with increasing of number of common – law marriage. Though children living in town argue for marriage (39,25%) the negative opinion about marriage increases. Negative opinion about marriage has the best part of pupils living in the city (40%). Though mixed opinion of marriage, family as wealth is the most important and significant, according pupils’ opinion. It is very important to understand importance of family and its functions before marriage. According pupils’ opinion the main function of family is to grow children. Such answer had 43% of pupils living in the city and 35,48% living in town. Very important functions are birth of children and recreation as well. Many problems such as quarrel, divorces or even violence appear in families because of devaluation of spiritual wealth and misunderstanding of familial functions. According results of investigation pupils have negative opinion of divorces (in city - 60%, in town – 60,75%). Pupils almost do not sustain violence in the family (in city - 1%, in town - 4%), but this data are not reliable, as children do not like to speak up about problems in the family. It is very important to prepare... [to full text]

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