Spelling suggestions: "subject:"educology"" "subject:"eucology""
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Būsimųjų jaunavedžių požiūris į šeimos funkcijas ir pasiruošimą jas atlikti / Future couples point of view at a family function’sGerasimovič, Natalija 07 June 2005 (has links)
After restitution of Lithuanian Republic, the evolution of the family has noticed certain “rises” and “deserts”. It were influenced by country’s economical evolution, social- cultural changes and still not changing societal point of view in a certain ethical and cultural valuables. These changes reflected the most in family’s states and it’s stability. According to Lithuanian’s sociologists remarks- family has been change, has lost typical peculiarities, which are characteristic for traditional family and tap modern family life style of Western countries: marriages have fallen, divorces increasingly have risen. The birth numbers of children in illegitimate families have risen, conjugations plans has been delaying, people live without any responsibility, birthrate doesn’t secure generation’s changes.
Problem’s research: young people prepearing to accomplish family’s functions.
Object’s research: young people, which are prepearing to create a family.
Research was accomplished in 2004 April- May.
Searching. General congeries made future young couples, which were consulting for marriage in an archbishorpic family center in Vilnius. There were culled 150 future marrieds, 145 of them took part in research.
Results research.
Research information shows that more than a half of researching people had their first sexual intercourse in 16- 17 and 18- 19 years old (accordingly 25, 0 % and 25, 9 % ). Otherwise, 3, 4 % of the respondents had their first sexual intercourses at the... [to full text]
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Nepilnųjų šeimų pradinių klasių berniukų mokyklinės adaptacijos ypatumai / Th Peculiarities of school adaptation of the primary class boys living in one - parent familyMasilionienė, Eglė 07 June 2005 (has links)
The post-graduate work “The peculiarities of school adaptation of the primary class boys living in one-parent family” done by Eglė Masilionienė, the student of Vilnius Pedagogical University Social Communication Institute. The Head of the work is prof. habil. Dr. Z. Bajoriūnas. The purpose of the work is to reveal the pecularities of school adaptation for primary class boys living in one-parent family.
The analitical review of psychological and pedagogical literature was performed concerning adaptation problems occuring to primary class boys living in one-parent family. The main concepts used in the work were explained. After the examination the state of the school adaptation for primary class boys living in one-parent family was revealed. The school adaptation peculiarities for these boys were notified and summarized. The student also determined the perspectives of school adaptation for these pupils. On the basis of the overall examination, it can be stated that the perspectives of school adaptation for primary class boys living in one-parent family lie in cooperation and coordination of mutual activities and the pupil’s surrounding, which has to be arranged for living, effective education and learning as well as success.
According to the examination results it can be concluded that the pecularities of the adaptation lie in exact family and school lives, education as well as parents, pupils and teacher‘s behavior. Boys from one-parent families are less self-dependent, not... [to full text]
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Moterų, kalinčių iki 2 metų, mokymosi įkalinimo sąlygomis patirtis ir galimybių analizė / Erfahrung der ausbildung der frauen,die bis zu 2 jahren verurteilt sind,unter den bedingungen der strafenzeit und analyse der möglichkeitenGrižienė, Jolita 07 June 2005 (has links)
Im Frauengefängnis von Panevėžys wurde eine Untersuchung durchgeführt.Ihr Ziel war, Bildungsbedürfnisse der verurteilten Frauen beeinflussende Faktoren zu erforschen und Bildungsprobleme bzw. Anregungen festzustellen.
Bildungsbedürfnisse der verurteilten Frauen und Möglichkeiten in der Haftanstalt.
1. Die Analyse der wissenschaftlichen Literatur durchführen.
2. Faktoren, die die Bildungsbedürfnisse beeinflussen, feststellen.
3. Den offenen, zum Teil standartisierten Fragebogen erarbeiten.
4. Ein offenes Interview durchführen, Forschungsergebnisse mit Hilfe der narrativen Methode bearbeiten.
5. Schlussfolgerungen und Empfehlungen vorstellen.
17 Frauen im verschiedenen Alter, die zum ersten Mal ins Gefängnis gerieten und zu 2 Jahren Strafe verurteilt wurden. Die Strafzeit ist verschieden, die Straftaten und die Gesetzparagraphe unterscheiden sich.
Bei der Analyse wurde die qualitative Methodologie gebraucht: man erarbeitete einen Fragebogen, der während des offenen Interviews benutzt wurde. Die Information wird mit Hilfe der narrativen Datenvorstellung dargelegt. Das bedeutet, dass Daten zusammen mit den Interpretationen und mit der Literaturanalyse vorgestellt werden.
Die am Anfang der Forschung hervorgehobene Hypothese, dass Frauen, die enge Beziehungen mit ihren Verwandten pflegen, leichter die Bildungmöglichkeiten annehmen, hat sich bestätigt. Die Zukunftspläne der Frauen werden sehr eng mit der Zukunft der Kinder... [to full text]
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Socialinės paramos bendraamžių grupių atstumtiems paaugliams įvertinimas / Social support contemporaries groups offcast teenagers estimationJaškulis, Aurelijus 08 June 2005 (has links)
There are many influential social factors which influence teenagers personality formation, but today the most important personality socialization factors is a group of contemporaries. Repudiation is connected with undesirable behavior consequences. One of the most important personality socialization factors is a group of contemporaries. Repudiation is connected with undesirable behaviour consequences. Most often repudiation from contemporaries groups reveals in teens and becomes apparent in disability to accommodate with contemporaries behavior’ culture. The index of dependence difficulties in contemporaries groups are getting into conflicts, aggressive behavior, unnature behavior forms and low self esteem. The review of scientific literature and researches in Lithuania has showed that peculiarities of contemporary groups and repudiation factors has been rarely analysed in the sociological studies. The social workers lack experience and complex model to help teenagers in this problem. The aim of this work was set to reveal the specific features of contemporary groups, the factors of repudiation from these groups and foresees the intensity of social assistance.
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Smurto raiška mokykloje / The expression of violence in the schoolPodberiozkin, Dmitrij 08 June 2005 (has links)
The subject of this work is the manifestation of compulsion in schools. The object of the research is compulsion in schools. The problem is the manifestation of compulsion between the schoolchildren of 6 – 7 years old who learn in different types of schools in Vilnius. The speculation of the research: the compulsion of emotional character is dominating in schools nowadays. The purpose of this work is to reveal the spread of compulsion in schools. The tasks of the work are: 1. To analyze the scientific literature, 2. To define the spread of the compulsion in schools, 3. To reveal the problem and the tendency of the compulsion in schools, 4. To show the influence between the school, class, family and the behavior of a teenager, 5. To discriminate the influence of compulsion to the teenager becoming individuality, 6. To tender the recommendations in order to decrease the compulsion in schools. Psychological and pedagogical literature and scientific sources were analyzed in this work that helped to reveal and view the conception and the forms of compulsion, the reasons of compulsion, the theories that clarify aggression, the aspects of children consumption and the interpersonal intercourse of schoolchildren.
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Cerebrinio paralyžiaus vaikų komunikacinių gebėjimų ugdymas menine raiška / An artistic expression training of communicative abilities of cerebral paralytic childrenBalčiūnaitė, Rasa 08 June 2005 (has links)
This research discovers an artistic expression training of communicative abilities of cerebral paralytic children.
The object of the research – discover the impact of artistic expression to education of communicative abilities.
The content of the research – the singularity of cerebral paralytic children are under discussion in this project. The non-verbal communicative methods were reviewed: body language, signs, notes of eyes. There were reviewed non-verbal communicative methods of the children of normal evolution and also there were developed methods of non-verbal communicative of cerebral paralytic children. The communicative aspects of artistic expression of children are defined. The analysis of research and the results are presented.
The analysis of the research information lets us state such conclusions:
1. The analysis of the research information shows the impact of art sessions for communicative quality of cerebral paralytic children. This is proved by got information. The communicative skills of children most of all characterized during the art sessions: the attention to task and the answers - yes/no. The most of all were characterized the method of communicative behavior by a look and a mime.
2. The results of the research show that these communicative skills of cerebral paralytic children were less characterized: initiation of intercommunion. The less were characterized communicative behavior method – gesture, communication with help of signs and things.
3. This... [to full text]
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Technologijų mokytojų kompetencijos ugdant vartotoją / The technology teachers competence training the userGvozdzinskaitė, Giedrė 09 June 2005 (has links)
The rapid economical and social changes in Lithuania induce the changes of professional life: the increase of planning need in professional career, professional activities changes, the demands for worker’s personality. Democratic society needs professionals, who gal quickly adapt to changeable conditions, full of initiative, self-confidant, seeks for higher professional standards, are responsible, expand or extend their professional know ledges and abilities. (Navaitiene, 2000).
The aim of our work was to investigate the competence of technology teachers, training critically thinking user.
The investigation took place in 2005 February – March, in Vilnius (In teacher’s professional development center), in Trakai and Vilkaviskis districts schools. 120 technology teachers took part in the investigation. The analysis of literature showed that the training of users takes important place in technology training; there is still duration of competence teachers, who can train nowadays user.
The competence of a teacher in science literature is shown as an ability to influence the conditional knowledge of individuals, skills, practices, points of view, personal qualities and values.
In the work of a competence teacher exposes natural and acquired characteristics, general skills (such as: intellectual, communicational, abdicated, empathic, diagnostically, organizational, expressive) importance.
The training of users induces the rational choice and constructive... [to full text]
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Profesinių gebėjimų ir įgūdžių svarba rengiant technologijų mokytojus / Importance of proffesional abilities and profficiency on technology teachers preparationGečienė, Jovita 09 June 2005 (has links)
Since antiquity people paid attention to various aspects of educator’s existence, features of the profession have been interpreted. The spectrum of opinions and solutions is rather wide as each time created its own model of educator’s activities. Yet most theories at the end of the 20th century started shifting because changing society structures also change the understanding of education. Today educators have become a citizen of the learning society, his openness towards novelties, creativity, cooperation skills and will to constantly deepen his knowledge are the cornerstones of the success. This thesis analyses requirements for future pedagogue and future teachers’ attitude towards the same as well as the reasons preventing improvement. Future pedagogues understand new professional requirements yet ignore them due to social, economic and psychological reasons (e.g. inaptitude to plan, irresponsible attitude towards results of work, no self-confidence and others).
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5-7 klasių mokinių laisvalaikio užimtumo problemos ir jų pedagoginė prevencija / The problems of free time of the 5-7th forms and their pedagogical preventionSiciūnas, Gintaras 13 June 2005 (has links)
International and intercultural cooperation of countries, integration into the European Union brought radical changes into the system of education. It became more democratic, grounded by critical thinking and cooperation. Great attention is paid to education itself and its quality. Pupils are forced to adapt quickly to the changeable situation. The studying load is increasing, pupils have less free time, they do not use it very effectively and properly what raises the problem of this work.
The aim of the work is to analyze the problems of free time of 5-7 formers and to find adequate ways for solving them.
In order to achieve this aim the following objectives have been set:
1. After analyzing pedagogical, psychological literature to study the influence of education upon a personality, to consider ways and forms of free time.
2. With the help of empirical investigation to find out how pupils plan their free time, to set the problems and present pedagogical preventions.
3. To find out how free time differs in a city and in a country.
4. To present conclusions and recommendations how to plan pupils’ free time in an effective and efficient way.
The methods used in the work are as follows:
1. Pedagogical, psychological, and methodological literary analysis that helps to reveal the ways and forms of free time typical for this age group. 2. Questionnaire that provides an opportunity to disclose the peculiarities of students’ free time in a city and in a country. 3. Qualitative... [to full text]
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Darbo autorius Egidijus Urbutis Magistrinio darbo tema "Besimokančiųjų savo lėšomis studentų mokymosi motyvacija" Darbo vadovas:dr. doc Pranas Gudynas Vilnius, 2005 / Egidijus Urbutis Scientific supervisor Dr. Pranas Gudynas The Motivation of the Students Studying at Their Own ExpenseUrbutis, Egidijus 15 June 2005 (has links)
The paper explores the motivation of the VPU (Vilnius Pedagogical University) students studying at their own expense. The subject is relevant, because the overall causes determining a person’s decision to acquire a higher education are chiefly analyzed in the area of learning motivation researches, however, there is a lack of more detailed investigations of the motivation of the students studying at their own expense.
In the provided overview of literature sources, various learning motivation theories are examined. Based on these, a survey questionnaire has been worked out and a survey has been carried out in order to find out what kind of motivation groups (social, cognitive, practical, professional, educational, self-educational or other motives) pointed out in the works concerning the motivation topic are most important in choosing the studies at one’s own expense.
The dynamics of the number of students studying at their own expense at Lithuanian higher education institutions is analyzed in order to evaluate actuality of the subject. On the basis of statistical data it is shown that the number of the students paying for their education and their per cent ratio in the overall number of students is growing, which confirms the demand and need of this study form.
The results of the VPU students’ survey are provided which were obtained after analysis of the answers of the students of II and IV courses of Bachelor studies studying at their own expense and occupying the places... [to full text]
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