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Tėvų pedagoginio konsultavimo ypatumai / Specifics of the educational consulting of parentsAleknavičiūtė, Jolanta 15 June 2005 (has links)
“Specifics of the educational consulting of parents” by J. Aleknavičiūtė. Master work.
Managed by doc. dr. A. Grabauskienė. Vilnius Pedagogical University, Department of Educology. – Vilnius, 2005.
The problem of the cooperation between the ofice and family is being raised up in educational literature and practice. For improving and managing the cooperation between school and family, different forms of work are investigated.
In the review of educational and pedagogical literature the analysis of lithuanian and foreign publishings on educational institution and family cooperation is made, with the intention of finding the right place for pedagogical consulting. After acquiring the today’s situation, the fact of missing analysis of the consulting of parents is stated, and there are not so much information published on the subject. Institutions, intended to consult, themselves face the same problem.
It was noticed, that parents are leaking the educational culture, with knowledge as one of it’s components, and parents could acquire that from consultants. So the analysis was made on the evaluation and knowledge about educational consulting from the side of consultants. Also veryu important, that the consultants should have a possibility to evaluate their own expertise and competence, ability of consulting parents.
Subject of analysis – specifics of consulting the parents.
Target of analysis – to find out the value of consulting, the influence of the consultant and his... [to full text]
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Pagrindinės mokyklos mokytojo profesinės kompetencijos / Professional competence of the teachers' of comprehensive schoolsVaitiekėnas, Arvydas 15 June 2005 (has links)
Founding the society of knowledge Lithuanian educational system changes in essence. The ways of content conveyance are changing, the active learning methods that induce independence and collaboration are ingrafted. The system for especially talented children and young people is being established and developed. The practice of independent development and possibilities to educate students of different abilities and needs are effectively improving. The new goals for teachers are determined. A teacher should be a coordinator of education, a creator of new possibilities in education system, an adviser, a partner, a mediator between students and modern sources of information. The teachers have to develop their competence using learning resources at their workplace and perceive learning possibilities in everyday situations. The teachers who are working at the modern school should be able to work as a team learning and working together, looking for new decisions, causing the interest in work of their colleagues, making an atmosphere of learning and collaborating, looking for more effective teaching and learning ways. The competence becomes more relevant for teachers on solving questions of education management and changing. The modern teacher needs new abilities. The improvement of teaching is very often related to teacher’s knowledge, to the application of innovations in teaching practice, to the improvement of teaching methods aiming producing optimal school subject results... [to full text]
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Sveikata kaip mokyklos nelankymo veiksnys / Health - as a factor of Absence from schoolGerasimovič, Svetlana 15 June 2005 (has links)
Children under 16 must attend the school, however, not everyone does it. In attempt to understand the reasons for absence from school, the assumption is usually made that such a behavior is influenced by the child’s health disorders. The survey of such scale has been performed for the first time in Lithuania. It helped to unfold if children if children who tend to skip classes have health disorders (and what kind) and to what extend it can excuse their absence (i. e. absence from school, rare attendance or bad learning).
The goal of the work: to detect the influence of health condition on the absence from school. To achieve this goal the following issues have been analyzed: how pupils themselves assess their health condition and compare their evaluation to that of the school preceptor; or/what influence the health condition (or disorders) of pupils have on the absence from school, rare attendance and bad learning; the bond between child’s social environment and health condition has been found. The target of the survey: pupils that do not attend school, or do it rarely and pupils who are bad at learning: total – 660 respondents. The survey has been performed using the theoretical method – analysis of pedagogical and scientific literature; empirical method – questionnaire survey of pupils (pupils that do not attend school, or do it rarely and pupils who are bad at learning), their class preceptors and school principals. The statistical analysis of empirical data has been... [to full text]
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Darbo rinkos profesinio mokymo programose dalyvaujančių bedarbių lūkesčių įgyvendinimo (įsidarbinimo)galimybės Utenos rajone / Darbo rinkos profesinio mokymo programose dalyvaujančių bedarbių lūkesčių įgyvendinimo (įsidarbinimo)galimybės Utenos rajoneMintaučkienė, Vida 17 June 2005 (has links)
Für Litauen, das mit dem ganzen Europa zur Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft der Kenntnisse geht, wurde der Zugang zur Information , Motivation und Kentnissen als Grund, der die Arbeit und Anpassenheit der Leute höher macht. Die Möglichkeit eine Arbeit zu haben ist die entscheidende Voraussetzung beim Streben von völliger Beschäftigung, wenn man die Konkurrenzfähigkeit und den Wohlstand der europäischen Länder in „neuer Wirtschaft" stärker macht. Die Konzeption das ganze Leben nach der Ausbildung zu streben und der lernenden Gesellschaft wird immer häufiger aktueller.
Die Untersuchung des Arbeitsmarktes des Landes hat gezeigt, dass die Arbeitslosenrate sehr eng mit dem niedrigen Arbeitsniveau, mit der Berufslosigkeit, der Losigkeit von Kenntnissen und Fähigkeiten verbunden ist. Ungefähr 4/5 von registrierten Arbeitslosen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt haben keine Qualifikation oder ihre Qualifikation stimmt den heutigen Bedürfnissen des Arbeitsmarktes nicht. Doch die zur Zeit von der Regierung Litauen führende Sozialpolitik, das Grundbasis, das man ständig verstärkt, haben die Arbeitslosenrate des Landes verringert. Im Jahre 2005 (01-05) betrug die Arbeitslosenrate 8,6% (Mittelstand der EU -8,9%), im Bezirk von Utena 7,9%.
Das Grundgesetz, gemäß dem der Staat den Arbeitsmarkt regelt, ist die Unterstützung der Arbeitslosen. Eine der wichtigsten Maßnahmen des Arbeitsmarktes, die nach der Harmonie des Angebots und der Nachfrage der Arbeit streben, ist das Programm der Berufsschulung des... [to full text]
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Moksleivių destruktyvaus elgesio apraiškos pagrindinėje mokykloje: situacijos analizė ir sprendimo gairės / Destructive behaviour of the children at basic schollSurvilienė, Milda 17 June 2005 (has links)
Destructive behavior is recurrent intentional, unprovoked, rude behavior, used
by one child or a group of children in order to cause pain or torture to another child. It is
common among school children and is a problem in today’s school. According to this
research and some others, we think that school must seek to protect children from destructive
behavior of their contemporaries, which may later grow into criminal nature and violence at
home, and it may cause long term harm for its victims.
The aim of this work is to reveal peculiarities of expression of children destructive
behavior at basic school and to foresee the guidelines of the solution to this kind of problem.
Schoolchildren of fifth- eighth grades and their teachers from Utena basic schools took part in
this research (n=249).
The conclusions are: schoolchildren who took part in this research agree on the
frequency of mockery at schools. The most common forms of destructive behavior at schools
is nicknaming, slandering, pushing one another and fighting. Threatening and ignoring is
more common at school, which is situated in the area of private houses. Fighting, pushing one
another and damaging things – at school, that is attended by children from poor families.
The attitude of the eighth formers towards the frequency of destructive behavior at
school is more pessimistic than the attitude of the fifth formers. The eighth formers more
often experience destructive behavior from their classmates. The fifth formers... [to full text]
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Ikimokyklinio ugdymo institucijos ir tėvų bendruomenės lūkesčių ugdymui dermė vadybiniu aspektu / The Tune of the Expectations of the School and Parental Community for the Training in a State AspectKatinienė, Asta 17 June 2005 (has links)
Each parent, while sending their child to nursery school, seeks for coordination of the family and nursery interests, justification of his/her expectations, i.e. for the training to go entirely by the family culture, for the child to be properly trained for school. Exclusively establishing of general values, considering of the family culture and that of training authority, collegial decision taking may secure the harmony, continuity and quality of the child training. The master’s work deals with the analysis of the management model principles and actions of the coordination for the training of the expectations the preschool training authorities and parental community. Theoretical fundamentals of educational services management of different Lithuanian and foreign authors have been analyzed and systemized. Essential, general preschool training authority and parental community expectations for the training have been established. The analysis of management measures that affect the assurance of the training quality and justification of the parental expectations, has been performed. A comparable analysis of the questionnaire survey results among the preschool training schools of Molėtai region, has been performed. A hypothesis has been confirmed that a proper selection of the management model helps realize the parental and employee expectations at the institution.
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Šeima kaip vertybė: asmens tapatumo problema / Family as the value: the problem of an individual's indentityŠapauskaitė, Laura 27 June 2005 (has links)
In this Master work I analysed the plaice of ethics in the family. The identity of a person was overlooked. The family as a worthfull unit is not under evaluation, but the position of the society must be considered, as the eternal values do not loose their worth. In Lithuania the common standards of family are accepted, though the possible problems and threats are not omitted. In this work ethical aspects among the people and their relations were analysed and it was discussed how they affect new appearing forms of family relations. The evaluation of family influence and positive circumstances were discussed, that encourage a person to seek perfection while living in the family. The situation in Lithuania was analysed, as the problems of poverty and disrespect to the older people influence the family union and the marriage itself. A research was carried out among the graduates of various schools in order to find out what the values of the young people were and what their position towards the marriage and family was. It was important to note that according to the results, our young people respect the traditional values, but they are becoming unconcerned about the traditional family. They put accent to the personal freedom and reject the formal marriage In the work recommendations how to create a family and improve the situation of it were given in order to help a person to be happy loved and free living in a family.
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Papildomas dailės ugdymas paauglystėje : saviraiškos būdas socializacijos procese / Additional education of fine arts in adolescence: way of self – expression in the process of socializationVisockytė, Viktorija 26 May 2006 (has links)
The author of this work analyses teenagers’ supplementary art education problems as aducational means for self – expression and therapy for teenagers.The supplementary aducation is also discussed in the aspect of socialization of teenagers.
The question of supplementary art education is discussed as a part of teenagers’ self-expression in general context of their psychophysical development.
90 teenagers participated in the research (from 13 to 15 years of age),two groups of 30 people studying at Art school and one group of 30 people who study in the basic shool.Total – three groups with 30 people each.
Results of the research – diagrams and tables that provide the information abaut obtained knowledge and communication fluency, and development of personality.
In this work relations between adolescence development and visual expression are analyzed. The development of teenagers’ individuality, their needs, particularities and the influence of cultural education for the process of individuality’s development, the additional meaning of the art education while forming the consciousness, of the getting mature individuality, the particularity of cultivation of creativeness and creative thinking, the expression of teenagers’ socialization during the additional education of arts are discussed. The teenagers’ attitudes to extra education, beauty, aesthetics, wish to participate in the society’s social life actively, and teenager’s independence while choosing additional education of... [to full text]
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Lietuvos jaunųjų slidininkų rengimas / Peculiarities of training of young lithuanian skiersKančauskaitė, Jurgita 03 June 2006 (has links)
The aim of our work was to analyze training peculiarities of Lithuanian youth skiers.
Trying to achieve the aim, we analyzed adaptation with physical load during one year training period of young skiers. We analyzed sportsmen training documents, sportsmen diaries, tests that have been taken in VPU Sports science institute laboratory. Performed work loads of Lithuanian young ski racers compared with model of characteristic for the same year skiers (Čepulėnas, 2001).
Six 15-16 years skiers of Lithuanian youth combined team – 3 girls, 3 boys – took part in our researches.
Sportsmen have been training according to plans that have been made by their trainers. They were proposal trained for the main competitions of the season – European youth winter festival.
Extended examinations were performed 4 times a year in Vilnius pedagogical Sport science institute's laboratory. Sportsmen took tests for sportsmen endurance according to test programs. Cyclist work loads performed during yearly training cycle shows that girls performed load accordingly to represent in model of characteristic. Load performed of skiers girls was too little intensity. Performed cyclist work load of skiers boys during yearly training cycle exceeded indicated in model of characteristic. Load performed of skiers boys was too little intensity. They performed too much load of I intensity zone and very little load of III-IV intensity zones.
Laboratory tests showed that functional abilities varied during year... [to full text]
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Darbas su socialinės atskirties šeimomis Utenos rajone / Work with families of social disjuncture in Utena regionBlažienė, Gailutė 07 June 2006 (has links)
The families experiencing the social disjunction are reckoned as one of painful problems in Lithuania. These families have not the possibilities properly socializing in the society, their re-socialization lasts very long and, unfortunately, not always successful. Purpose of work – to analyze the work with the families experienced the social disjunction in Utena region. Goals of work: 1. To analyze the different literature in the aspect of examined problematic. 2. To clear the fulfilment of functions of the families of social disjunction. 3. To open the importance of cooperation among the families of social disjunction and institutions in Utena region. 4. To give the recommendations for the chiefs of social, educational and development institutions and for social workers of neighbourhoods. Investigative object of work – the work with the families of social disjunction in Utena region. In the practical part of work is given the survey, which purpose – to analyze the work with the families of social disjunction in Utena region. The families experience the social disjunction because of unemployment, the lack of means of subsistence and social skills as well as not proper way of life. The social workers and social pedagogues give the priority for the individual work with all family members, but they should more influence their involvement into the planning of given social services.
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