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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

9-11 klasių mokinių dorinimas per papildomo ugdymo veiklą / Die Jungendlichen legt weniger Wert auf geistiges Leben

Aleksienė, Žana 22 June 2005 (has links)
Die Jungendlichen legt weniger Wert auf geistiges Leben. Hier werden die Wege erforscht,die sittlichkeit der Jugendliche durch die Unterrichtstatigkeit im Zusammenhant mit dem Schulleben nach dem Unterricht verbessern.

Socialinės pagalbos mokiniams bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose organizavimas / Social assistance organization for secondary school students

Kuleš, Alina 10 July 2006 (has links)
Social assistance is becoming a major part of education process in secondary schools. This sphere in secondary schools is quite new and little explored. In order to organize effective social assistance it is important to conduct more detailed research and evaluate factors which affect it. The topic of the Master thesis is „Social assistance organization for secondary school students”; its object is students’ attitude to social assistance organization at school; its aim is to examine social assistance for students’ state and factors influencing it in secondary schools. Referring to scientific and methodological resources the thesis discusses the forms of social assistance rendering, social assistance possibilities and peculiarities in secondary schools. The aim of the research was to find out social assistance organization in Trakai municipality secondary schools. The research was conducted in 2006 March and April. It helped to learn that social assistance organization factors at school were: organization of students’ occupation, class teacher’s work, preventive work, rendering social assistance and transportation organization. Research methodology is based on famous Lithuanian and foreign scientists and pedagogues thought, ideas, conclusions on the importance of school in positive child socialization process, social assistance organization; education and social security system confirming documents. 64.

Papildomas dailės ugdymas paauglystėje : saviraiškos būdas socializacijos procese / Additional education of fine arts in adolescence: way of self – expression in the process of socialization

Visockytė, Viktorija 26 May 2006 (has links)
The author of this work analyses teenagers’ supplementary art education problems as aducational means for self – expression and therapy for teenagers.The supplementary aducation is also discussed in the aspect of socialization of teenagers. The question of supplementary art education is discussed as a part of teenagers’ self-expression in general context of their psychophysical development. 90 teenagers participated in the research (from 13 to 15 years of age),two groups of 30 people studying at Art school and one group of 30 people who study in the basic shool.Total – three groups with 30 people each. Results of the research – diagrams and tables that provide the information abaut obtained knowledge and communication fluency, and development of personality. In this work relations between adolescence development and visual expression are analyzed. The development of teenagers’ individuality, their needs, particularities and the influence of cultural education for the process of individuality’s development, the additional meaning of the art education while forming the consciousness, of the getting mature individuality, the particularity of cultivation of creativeness and creative thinking, the expression of teenagers’ socialization during the additional education of arts are discussed. The teenagers’ attitudes to extra education, beauty, aesthetics, wish to participate in the society’s social life actively, and teenager’s independence while choosing additional education of... [to full text]

Mokyklos sporto būrelis kaip papildomo ugdymo forma / School sport's cluster like additional education form

Grabliauskaitė, Aušra 15 June 2005 (has links)
School sport’s cluster like additional education form In this work attention is given to one of out –off-school activities example – sport’s cluster like additional education form. Wich would nurture and reinforce not only during lesson time achived knowledge, but alsowould help to form good future citizen and human, wich has values, goals, aim. Lately big attention is given to children and youth business, lack of it and possible connection to youth criminal problems of it. By different means and ways there is desire to increase schoolchildren business, education, nurturing. Research subject: sport’s clusters education possibilities. The goal of the work is to detect attitude of Vilnius city schools teachers and pupils to schools sport’s clusters activities and educational possibilities by pedagogical and social aspect. To achieve this goal the following issues have been analyzed: out-off-school sport’s activities in Vilnius city for pupils, also realistic sport’s activity as educational method. Also analyzed influance of economic enviromental elements to schoolchildren in out-off-class activities. In the survey were 601 respondents: 365 pupils participate in sports clusters, 203 pupils not participate in sports clusters and 33 sports clusters teachers.The survey has been performed using the theoretical method – analysis of pedagogical and scientific literature, inquiry of documentation; empirical method – questionnaire survey of pupils... [to full text]

Žieminių kviečių kokybinių parametrų optimizavimas, naudojant skystąsias trąšas lyderis / Optimization of winter wheat quality traits liquidity fertilizer ‘Lyderis’

Paltarokaitė, Alma 08 August 2007 (has links)
2005 - 2006 metais Lietuvos Žemės ūkio universiteto Bandymų stotyje, karbonatingame sekliai glėjiškame išplautžemyje (Calc(ar)i-Epihypogleyic Luvisols) IDg8-k (LVg-p-w-cc) atlikti tyrimai, siekiant įvertinti žieminių kviečių Titicum aestivum L. derlingumą ir kokybinių rodiklių pokyčius, naudojant skirtingas skystųjų kompleksinių trąšų KAS 32 ir Lyderis 25 - 3 S koncentracijas atskirais javų brendimo tarpsniais. Tyrimams pasirinkta žieminių kviečių veislė Lars, kuri priskiriama gerų kepimo savybių grupei. Nustatyta, kad papildomam žieminių kviečių tręšimui naudojant skystąsias kompleksines trąšas, patikimas derliaus priedas (1,64 – 2,14 t ha-1) gautas visuose variantuose, kuriuose tr��������šta N130 norma per augalų vegetaciją ir variante papildomai tręštame krūmijimosi tarpsnyje (N80) bei bambėjimo tarpsnyje (N20) norma. Žieminių kviečių papildomas tręšimas skystosiomis kompleksinėmis trąšomis gerino grūdų kokybę. Didžiausias kiekis šlapiojo glitimo ir baltymų nustatyta variantuose, kurie papildomai tręšti vėlyvaisiais augimo tarpsniais didesne N norma. / The productivity and quality traits of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under the influence of different liquidity fertilizers ‘KAS 32’ and ‘Lyderis 25-3S’ on special cereal ripeness were investigated at the Experimental Station of Lithuanian University of Agriculture in 2005-2006. The winter wheat variety ‘Lars’, which ascribable to well cooking group, were grown in the soil on trial fields – carbonate shallow gracious (Calc(ar)i-Epihypogleyic Luvisols) IDg8-k (LVg-p-w-cc). Our results showed, that using liquid manure for additional fertilization influenced significant yield additive (1.64-2.14 t ha-1) in all experiments, using N130 rate of fertilizers on plant growing season and additionally fertilized on tillering (N80) and stooling (N20) stages. Additional fertilization of winter wheat using liquid fertilizers improved grain quality. The greatest amount of wet gluten and protein were estimated in the experiments, using nitrogen at a premium rate for additional fartilization on late growth stages.

Neįgaliųjų profesinio rengimo ir papildomo ugdymo sąveikos aspektai / Aspects of interaction between vocational training and supplementary training of the disabled

Valčiukienė, Ilona 30 May 2006 (has links)
The problem, analysed in the master’s thesis “Aspects of Interaction between Vocational Training and Supplementary training of the Disabled” is how education concept, society’s attitude towards disability, integration of the disabled into society, their preparation for vocational activities and after-class occupation is changing. Accenting that insufficient attention is paid at supplementary training of the teenagers including the disabled. If some links between supplementary training and vocational training may be noticed, they are not sufficiently assessed, week and unreasonably belittled.

Papildomo ugdymo svarba pradinių klasių mokinių pozityviajai socializacijai / The importance of after-school education for primary school students‘ positive socialization

Baublytė, Vida 05 July 2006 (has links)
The individual like a personality grows and ripens only in a society. The whole social environment has an influence on a person‘s socialization. Socialization takes place rapidly, especially in the primary school age. The primary school age is a propitious time to develop sociality, because primary school students are interested in the activities rather than in the results of these activities. In practical activities the child acquires not only individual experience but social experience too. The after-school education is important for development of children‘s competences, civic development, social problems solving and development of children‘s skills and talents. The aim of my diploma thesis was to disclose the importance of after-school education for primary school students’ positive socialization. During the research theoretical (study of pedagogical, psychological, methodical literature, analysis of the laws and documents), empirical (pedagogues’ and parents’ testing, children’s written works), statistical (amending statistic data) methods were used. The research findings disclosed the positive standpoint of primary school community to after-school education and it was recognized as necessary for primary school students. An exclusive role in the process of education, while developing an all-round educated personality and developing a person’s qualities, social, communicative skills is occupied by after-school education. During the research it was determined that... [to full text]

Sveikatos draudimo raida Lietuvoje 1990-2005 m / Health insurance development in Lithuania 1990-2005

Būdvytytė, Kristina 08 January 2007 (has links)
Kiekvienas Lietuvos gyventojas, dirbantis pagal darbo sutartį ar savarankiškai, valstybei moka nema.us mokesčius. Be to, mokesčius moka ir ūkine komercine veikla užsiimantys ūkio subjektai. Dalis mokesčių iš karto yra skirti konkrečiai sričiai finansuoti, kita dalis skirstoma vėliau, jau surinkus tam tikrą sumą. Tai tiksliniai mokesčiai, kurie yra kaupiami tam skirtuose fonduose, pavyzdžiui, valstybinio socialinio draudimo fonde, Garantiniame fonde. Tačiau didžioji dalis surinktų mokesčių kiekvienais metais LR valstybės biudžeto ir savivaldybių biudžetų finansinių rodiklių patvirtinimo įstatymu paskirstomi įvairioms reikmėms - švietimui, gynybai, socialinėms reikmėms, prie kurių priskiriama ir sveikatos apsauga. Iš komandinės ekonomikos Lietuva paveldėjo gana gremėzdišką ir neefektyvią sveikatos apsaugos sistemą, kuri ir buvo finansuojama iš visų mokėtojų surinktomis lėšomis. / Health system reforms have been talked about since 1988. The aim of these reforms was development of health insurance; therefore the first draft Law on Health Insurance was passed. It gave the start to legal regulations of mandatory health insurance. After restoration of independence in Lithuania, the first steps in this direction were made. On October 23, 1990 the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania (the then Supreme Board) adopted a law on the basics of social welfare. Six months later, these general provisions of the law were further developed in the Law on Social Insurance. In this way health insurance became a constituent part of social insurance. On May 21, 1996, the Seimas adopted final version of the Health insurance Law.

Atvirųjų švietimo išteklių panaudojimas papildomame moksleivių ugdyme / Open educational resources at informal children's learning

Matulevičienė, Vilma 26 August 2013 (has links)
Temos aktualumas. Lietuvos Respublikos Švietimo ir mokslo ministerijos dokumentuose apie papildomą ir neformalųjį mokinių švietimą dėmesio centre yra moksleivis. Moksleivis – tai šalies ateitis. Todėl vienas iš pagrindinių Lietuvos demokratinės švietimo politikos principų – suteikti visiems piliečiams lygias teises į mokslą, nepriklausomai nuo gyvenamos vietos, lyties, socialinės kilmės bei įsitikinimų. Labai svarbu užtikrinti kokybišką, prieinamą ne tik formalųjį švietimą, bet ir papildomą. Papildomas ugdymas turi tenkinti moksleivio poreikius ir interesus, turi padėti atsiskleisti asmenybei, pasiruošti savarankiškam gyvenimui, tapti konkurentabiliu. Šių dienų besimokantysis turi ne tik atgaminti žinias, bet ir rasti, formuluoti problemas, vertinti galimus sprendimo būdus, ieškoti alternatyvių požiūrių, kritiškai mąstyti [20]. Tik nuolatinis švietimo proceso tobulinimas, naujų metodų, mokymo priemonių ieškojimas gali patenkinti besimokančiojo poreikius ir užtikrinti kokybišką švietimą. Inovatyvios kompiuterinės technologijos vis plačiau taikomos švietimo procese. Jos gerokai pakeitė tradicinį mokymąsi, kuris dažnai perkeliamas į virtualią erdvę. Sparti IKT plėtra duoda naują impulsą tobulinti tradicinio švietimo metodus ir taikyti juos bendrojo lavinimo bei papildomo ugdymo įstaigose. Švietimo kontekste atsiranda svarbi sąvoka – e. mokymasis, kuris mokymąsi padaro patrauklesniu, prieinamesniu besimokančiajam. E. mokymasis – tai toks mokymosi būdas, kai dalis mokymosi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The documents about informal and non-formal students education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania documents, focuses attention on the student. This suggests that additional education has to meet the student's needs, helping to reveal the personality, to prepare for independent living. These days, the learner should not only reproduce knowledge, but also to find, formulate problems, evaluate possible solutions, finding alternative approaches to think critically. More and more in the educational process applied innovative computer technologies expanding learning opportunities. E. thanks to learning, which is currently increasingly being used in the education system, the learning process becomes more accessible, more attractive, more individualized. At present, the ever-popular e-learning using the open educational resources (OER). There is no unanimous OER store oriented to the main user - student, which gathers both the country and foreign OER in Lithuania . Tests of different things, learning games, videos, applications, e-books and other OER "scattered" on the Internet. For this problem, there is a need to create OER sharing system for students. During the work the OER model created for students informal learning. The model is implemented on the site OER. There students can put their created, modified OER, links to the other online resources, to view, to download the resources in the site. You can also evaluate and comment on them. Can... [to full text]

Mokinių požiūris į papildomą ugdymą socializacijos kontekste / Pupils’ attitude towards extra – curricilar activities in socialisation context

Padegimaitė, Agnė 04 June 2012 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: išsiaiškinti mokinių požiūrį į papildomą ugdymą socializacijos kontekste. Hipotezės: 1. Merginų požiūris į papildomą ugdymą yra palankesnis nei vaikinų. 2. Vyresniųjų klasių mokinių požiūris į papildomą ugdymą yra palankesnis nei 10 klasės mokinių. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti mokinių požiūrį į papildomą ugdymą lyties aspektu. 2. Įvertinti 10 ir 12 klasių mokinių požiūrį į papildomą ugdymą pagal klases. Išvados: 1. Nustatyta, kad pusė apklaustųjų vaikinų teigia, jog mokytojai neskatina jų lankyti būrelių, tačiau 67 proc. merginų teigia, kad mokytojai skatina jas lankyti įvairius būrelius. Rasti statistiškai reikšmingi skirtumai tarp merginų ir vaikinų (p<0,05). Daugiau nei pusė apklaustų vaikinų teigė, kad tėvai neprisideda prie papildomo ugdymo veiklos organizavimo, o 57 proc. apklaustų merginų teigia, kad tėvai prisideda prie papildomo ugdymo veiklos organizavimo. Rasti statistiškai reikšmingi skirtumai (p<0,05). Todėl galime teigti, kad merginos mieliau renkasi popamokinę veiklą nei vaikinai. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad 38 proc. merginų mano, jog papildomas ugdymas yra labai svarbi mokyklos veiklos sritis, su šia nuomone sutinka ir 26 proc. vaikinų. Tačiau gautas statistinis skirtumas tarp merginų ir vaikinų nėra patikimas (p>0,05). 2. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, jog įvertinus mokinių nuomonę apie papildomo ugdymo svarbą paaiškėjo, kad 10 ir 12 klasių mokinių požiūriu papildomas ugdymas mokykloje yra labai svarbi mokyklos veiklos sritis (taip teigia 38... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of the research: Pupils’ attitude to extra – curricular activities in socialisation context. The aims of the research: To evaluate pupils’ attitude towards extra-curricular activities in socialisation context. The objectives of the research: 1. To evaluate the attitude of pupils towards extra – curricular activities in terms of sex. 2. To evaluate the attitude of pupils towards extra – curricular activities in terms age group. Hypothesis: 1. Girls show a more positive attitude towards the extra curricular activities than the boys. 2. Pupils at higher school are of a more positive attitude towards the extra curricular activities than those in the tenth form. Conclusions 1. The findings showed that half of boys said that the teachers did not encourage them to take up some extra curricular activities, while 67 percent of girls said they have been encouraged by their teachers to do so. The said finding showed significant differences between girls and boys (p<0,05). More than half of the surveyed boys said that parents are not active in helping to organise extra curricular activities. 57 percent of the girls had a completely opposite view. There were significant statistic differences between boys and girls (p<0,05). Thus, we can conclude that the girls are more willing to take up extra curricular activities. The findings established that 38 percent of girls thought that extra-curricular activities are a very important area of school’s education. This opinion was shared... [to full text]

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