Spelling suggestions: "subject:"educology"" "subject:"eucology""
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Utenos rajono dirbančiųjų fizinės saviugdos prielaidos / Presumptions of physical self-education of inhabitants in Utena regionZarankienė, Vita 07 June 2006 (has links)
The constantly getting worse health of people and little physical activity put to trouble. Speaking about the importance of physical activity in human life the famous former and present pedagogues emphasize the importance of self-education. There is a problem what factors are determining the point of view to the physical culture, what motivations encourage the physical self-help, how to achieve that more citizens will take part in the process of self-creating and forming a healthy personality, it means will reach the physical self-development.
The purpose of work – is to clear the presumptions of physical self-education of inhabitants in Utena region.
Trying to open the purpose of survey there are risen these goals:
1. To inquire for the point of view towards the body culture of inhabitants in Utena region;
2. To name the motives and factors of Utena dwellers influencing their physical activity;
3. To clear the physical state of Utena inhabitants and the forms of physical self-education;
4. To name the reasons wherefore the dwellers are not propagating the active way of life;
5. In accordance with the results there are prepared scientifically based recommendations to form a positive point of view to the physical culture and encouraging the physical self-education of Utena dwellers.
Using the method of questioning on December 2005 were questioned 288 inhabitants of Utena town and region. The investigated population was stratified according to the duty of respondent. 51... [to full text]
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Leliūnų seniūnijos bendruomenės ugdymo(-si) būklė ir perspektyvos / The state and development of Leliūnai rural Neighbourhood communityPetronienė, Lina 08 June 2006 (has links)
The history of Lithuanian rural communities is complicated. It depends on certain political, cultural and economical conditions. Much harm for development of communities was done by the World WAR II and a long occupation.
When the independence of the Republic of Lithuania was proclaimed in 1990, the problem of the development of rural communities became very actual. Now it has a direct reference to the main problems of our country – strengthening the democracy, forming civil society, developing of municipalities, intergrating into the EU, raising and bringing up cultural, educational and economical well-being of rural residents in Lithuania.
Lithuanian government gives much attention to the restoration and strengthening of the rural communities (new laws, decisions and programmes are adopted ). There is no doubt, that the rural communities and other hon governmental organizations ( NGO ) ought to join the process of quick development themselves.
Much help to Lithuania is gives by the EU, Scandinavian and other foreigh countries. On 2004 the first Lithuanian investigatios of the genesis of rural communities on peoples’ needs for them in the regions of Utena and Vilkaviškis were carried out. However, there are not many new actual empiric knowledge on which we may rely while solving the most important problems of the rural neighbourhoods.
In 2006 a research in Leliūnai rural Neighbourhood community was carried out. The task of the research was to find out the people’s... [to full text]
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Mokytojų požiūris į pagrindinės mokyklos kaitą / The Attitude of Teachers Towards the Changes in a Basic SchoolZaukevičiūtė, Jolita 08 June 2006 (has links)
The problem of the study is defined by the fact that there are many talks about the changes in Lithuanian educational system but there was no analysis of the attitude of teachers of the reorganized schools from this aspect. From the theoretical point of view this work will stimulate going deeper into the possibilities, ways and peculiarities of changes, and, in practice, it will help the persons who are independently analysing the problems of educational changes and seeking to improve practical educational work.
Aim of the work – to estimate the changes in the reorganized basic school and the attitude of teachers towards them.
155 educators, 146 of whom were teachers and 9 school executives working in basic schools, participated in the study.
The findings of the study have showed that educational changes are mostly stimulated by focussed vision and strategy of the school, and the advantages of today’s educational system comparing to the Soviet one are that teachers are allowed individualizing educational content. The most significant years for educational system were 1997 – 2002 when reform of schools network was performed and in Utena town it was determined by the decisions of educational policy. After the secondary schools were reorganized into basic the schoolchildren feel better in them but less motivated schoolchildren remain learning in 9-10 forms. After the network reform the teaching base had mostly improved in basic schools as well as assistance of psychologists... [to full text]
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9 -10 klasių merginų fizinio savivaizdžio formavimo(-si) veiksniai / Physical self – image formation factors of 9 – 10 formersButkienė, Roma 08 June 2006 (has links)
Intense social, economic, political and transformational processes, ongoing in the Western Europe, induce changes in the general culture, influencing changes in the body culture as a subject.
Physical activity becomes a healthy way of life, new lifestyle, when self-image is shaped through body. In the work I describe the psychological, biological and social factors, influencing girls’ body self-image shaping. The group of social factors, not yet sufficiently examined in Lithuania, consists of a number of smaller components. Conception of body beauty can be predetermined by historical development or sociocultural influence. Mass media broadly informs about body shaping, it is an often topic in the discussions between friends, it is actively promoted and influenced by parents. All this is observed by a young person, mismatching or thinking that she is mismatching the given appearance standards and sensitively reacting in the critical adolescence period.
It is not so easy to form positive physical improvement motivation, because the body culture values are formed slowly, results are observed in some time. More and more investigations have been performed lately, searching for new body development technologies and seeking to improve physical activity or teenagers.
Aim of the investigation: to find out factors of physical self-image shaping among the girls of senior forms.
Tasks of investigation:
1. To analyse... [to full text]
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Populiarumo ir savivertės ugdymas priešmokyklinėse grupėse ir pradinėse klasėse / Popularity and Development of Self-esteem in the Children of Pre-school Groups and Primary School ClassesMankutė, Audronė 09 June 2006 (has links)
The novelty and urgency of this work is dictated by the fact that there are not much research work dedicated to the Lithuanian pre-school and primary school children popularity and self-esteem comparative analysis. The purpose of the work was to establish find the connections (relationships) between the popularity and stimulation of self-esteem in the children of same age of pre-school groups and primary school classes. The following methods were used in the study: scientific literature analysis; method of sociometric (two-steps social priority estimation methods, by B.T.R. Williams and J.D. Gilmour, 1994); questionnaire for the inquiry on self-esteem, psychological well-being, and orientation towards moral values, developed by D. Beresnevičienė (1995), and adopted to the children of the appropriate age; computer data processing (SPSS software package); descriptive statistics. Samplings use in the study was as follows: 208 children under the research, among which 91 children were chosen from the pre-school group (average age of 6 years) and 117 children (average age of 9 years) from the third-grade class of the schools of Kaunas town.
Conclusions: the study has proven a hypothesis that in judging about the self-esteem, according to two parameters, namely that of “nice” (r = -0,162, p < 0,05) and that of “industrious” (the learning criterions) (r = -0,165, p < 0,05), the role of the self-esteem manifests itself in the following manner: the higher the self-esteem, the less is... [to full text]
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Mokymo(si) proceso pedagoginio valdymo aspektai, vykdant mokymosi nesėkmių prevenciją / Aspects of pedagogical control in educational process implementing prevention of educational failureJankauskienė, Neringa 12 June 2006 (has links)
Pedagogical help for students which have difficulties in learning now occupies more important place in worldwide. Despite of numerous scientific researches and practical discussions associated with referred topic, this problem occurs. Therefore, not the phenomenon of failure should be analyzed, but prevention of it. The subject of thesis is organization of educational process in the aspect of educational failure.
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Profesines mokyklas baigusių bedarbių būsimos veiklos perspektyvos / Unemployed people' prospectives of the future activitiesMažulienė, Barbara 04 July 2006 (has links)
When Lithuania became the part of the Europian Union market, it has to compete with increasing competition of the international market. The following elements: work qualification, material investment, skills of marketing and management, scientific research papers determine work productivity and competitive advantages of the country. In such conditions Lithuanian companies can compete in the international market but this depends from the company staff, how they manage to use their knowledge, qualification and creativity. If we want not to be behind with the world tendencies in the state and company level, it is important to understand human resources and to develop them.
Unemployment problem is one of the biggest world economical and social problems.Increasing busyness promotes economic growth and increasing work income of people guarantees stability of the country and welfare of the people.That is why big and effective busyness is one of the most important social political aims of the state, which can be successfully solved by decreasing unemployment by creating new work places.
Talking about the improvement of vocational training system it is planned to optimise vocational institutions, create training quality sponsorship system, to give the evaluation of the qualification to institutions which represent competetive employers, develop distance training, integrate into the market groups (unemployed people, young people without profession or people who only start their... [to full text]
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Penkerių – šešerių metų vaikų muzikos ritmo pajautimo lavinimas / Entwicklung des musikalischen rhythmusgefühls bei fünf – und sechsjährigen kindernRevuckaitė, Aušra 09 August 2006 (has links)
In der Vorschule und insbesondere bei fünf- und sechsjährigen Kindern wird die Entwicklung des musikalischen Rhythmusgefühls sehr vernachlässigt, weil man sich darauf beschränkt, nur eine der Disziplinen Singen, Spielen oder Musizieren den Kindern beizubringen. Deswegen stellt in der Theorie so wie in der Praxis die Entwicklung des musikalischen Rhythmusgefühl der fünf- und sechsjährigen Vorschulkinder eine pädagogische Problematik dar. Es ist sehr wichtig, mit der Entwicklung des Rhythmusgefühls so früh wie möglich anzufangen, aber auch sehr wichtig ist, sie in der richtigen Folge und in einer Einheit mit den anderen Disziplinen Singen, Tanzen, Improvisieren und Musizieren den Kindern beizubringen. Nur so können gute Resultate erzielt werden. Je früher ein Kind die Regeln des Rhythmus beherrschen lernt, desto besser wird es ihm gelingen, die vorhandenen Kenntnisse in der Zukunft weiter zu entwickeln, auszubauen und zu erweitern. Die Entwicklung des musikalischen Rhythmusgefühls, bezogen auf Beherrschung und Aneignung der elementaren Rhythmuselemente, stellt eine spezifische Problematik da. Deswegen können unzureichende Aufmerksamkeit bei der Entwicklung des Rhythmusgefühls im Vorschulalter gravierende Einschränkungen in der weiteren musikalischen Kindesentwicklung beiführen. Ziel der Untersuchung. Untersuchung der Rhythmusgefühls bei den fünf- und sechsjährigen Kinder. Untersuchungsobjekt. Die Entwicklung des musikalischen Rhythmusgefühls den fünf-und sechsjährigen Kindern... [to full text]
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5 ir 10 klasių moksleivių bendrųjų technologinių kompetencijų tyrimas / General technology competence research for fifth and tenth classes pupilPinkevičiūtė, Danguolė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiandieną bendrosios programos ir išsilavinimo standartai akcentuoja moksleivių kompetencijų ugdymą. Jose aptariamos asmens kompetencijos - žinių, gebėjimų bei nuostatų visuma, įgalinanti kelti prasmingus tikslus bei jų siekti, mokytis visą gyvenimą, būti aktyviu piliečiu ir dalyvauti visuomenės gyvenime, susirasti tinkamą darbą. Kadangi bendrasis privalomasis ugdymas turi suformuoti asmens kompetencijas, todėl svarbu ne tik žinoti kokios kompetencijos yra būtinos šių dienų augančiam vaikui, bet kokios bendrosios technologinės kompetencijos galėtų būti ugdomos, atsižvelgiant į vis sparčiau tobulėjančią visuomenę.
Atlikto tyrimo metu tirtos 5 ir 10 klasių moksleivių bendrosios technologinės kompetencijos. Išanalizavus mokslinę, metodinę literatūrą atskleista kompetencijų samprata. Tyrimui atlikti buvo sudarytas bendrųjų technologinių kompetencijų modelis remiantis bendrosiomis programomis ir išsilavinimo standartais
Atliktoje anketinėje apklausoje dalyvavo 314 moksleivių: 205 penktokai ir 107 dešimtokai, 2 moksleiviai nenurodė kurioje klasėje mokosi.
Apibendrinant atliktą literatūros analizę galima teigti, kad mokslininkai atskleisdami kompetencijų sąvoką, dažniausiai remiasi profesinėmis kompetencijomis. Šiuolaikinių edukologų darbuose kompetencija nusakoma kaip tam tikrų asmenybės nuostatų, gebėjimų, žinių, veiklos ir teisės tam tikrai veiklai atlikti visuma. Remiantis bendrosiomis programomis ir išsilavinimo standartais bendrosios technologinės kompetencijos traktuojamos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Today general programmes and education standards put emphasis on the development on pupils’ competence. They discuss person’s competence – a unity of knowledge, skills and attitudes enabling pupils set sensible goals and pursue them, study throughout their lives, be active citizens and participate in the social life, and find an appropriate job. Since general compulsory education is intended to form personal competence, it is important to know not only what kind of competence is necessary for a growing child of today but also what kind of the general technological competence could be developed taking into account the fast advancing society.
During the research there was investigated the technological competence of 5th and 10th grade schoolchildren. Analysis of scientific methodological literature revealed the notion of competence. In order to conduct the research, there was designed a general technological competence model based on general programmes and education standards.
A survey in form of questionnaires involved 314 schoolchildren: 205 5th grade pupils and 107 10th grade pupils.
The results of the literature analysis allow concluding that scientists usually rely on the professional competence when assessing for the notion of competence. In works of present day educologists, competence is presented as a unity of certain personal attitudes, skills, knowledge, activity and the rights for such activity. Relying on general programmes and education standards, the general... [to full text]
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Socialinių institucijų vadovų veiklos efektyvumo prielaidos / Efficiency of social institution leadersKazlauskienė, Rasa 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šitas darbas yra apie socialinių institucijų vadovų veiklos efektyvumą. Jo tikslas atskleisti vadovų veiklos efektyvumo prielaidas. / This work teels about social institutions’ leaders’ activity efficiency. Its aim is to reveal leaders’ activity efficiency preconditions.
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