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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Utenos rajono pedagogų socialinė kompetencija: raiška ir tobulinimo galimybės / Social competence's expression and development possibility of Utena region's pedagogues

Bražėnienė, Danguolė 07 June 2006 (has links)
Social competence expression and development possibility of Utena region pedagogues The changes in public life and the reform of education determinate new requirements to the pedagogues. Today our school needs new type teacher who has wide spectrum of competence. Especially it is very important topicality of social competence. The aim of this work was to analyze pedagogues’ social competence expression and development possibility. Whereas the construct of social competence is very complicated and various, there were elected shifts of openness, orientation value and social responsibility, communication and collaboration in education institutions, as education and competence cause as the main points. Such selection of the main points allowed to see the rapports among the pedagogies themselves, others and problematical situation. In the theory part of the work there was properly traversed conception of the pedagogues social competence and it’s topicality in current school was developed. Here was unclosed the expression of the competence. The ways of the pedagogues’ social competence development are under consideration. In this work a very big attention is given to the pedagogues shift qualification development and active position in developing education system. In the practical part of the work there were researched the motives and the opportunities of Utena pedagogues social competence development. The research showed that the students at school feel partly good... [to full text]

Utenos regiono suaugusiųjų bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose mokymosi motyvai / Adults' learning motivation in secondary general education schools of Utena region

Unton, Valentina 07 June 2006 (has links)
The world we live in is extremely dynamic in terms of change. Social and economical changes in Lithuania as well as in the whole world make people encounter new requirements in their every day and working life. The development of modern technologies, creation of information society encourages them to think about their personal development. Every year more and more people, having no secondary education, come to educational institutions for adults. Therefore today the problems of adult learning are actually important for a Lithuanian society. Successful learning depends on motivation. Adult education is not compulsory. It’s a person’s own free decision. The Objective of the Research. – to analyze adults’ learning motivation in secondary schools of Utena region. Referring to pedagogical and psychological literature it was revealed that learning motivation is influenced by many factors: activity stimuli, material and cultural benefits of learning, personal goals and interests, determination, values system. Every action of a person is motivated by internal as well as by external factors. Internal learning motives are much more important than external ones, though they are achieved gradually and slowly. The research revealed that the most important motives of adults’ learning are the following: 1. Eagerness to get the Certificate of secondary education. 2. Personality development. It also depends on a respondent’s age. The older is a person and the less time he(she) has for... [to full text]

Jaunimo vertybinės orientacijos: lyties, amžiaus, šeimos sudėties aspektas / Youth valuable orientacions: aspect of gender, age, family structure

Šambarienė, Simona 08 June 2006 (has links)
Nowadays Lithuanian society outlieves essential social and economic changes, whish influense each person‘s live influencing the young generation. During the social alteration it is available to note valuable conflicts and the view at the existing valuables are changing. Today‘s youth is deeply stuck into conformosm and adoring of status symbols. Young people understand their responsibilities, work and intelligence in different ways and have an awry scale of valuables. Each person creates his or her own model of valuable orientation where are particular valuables dominated. The valuables of each induvidual are as a hierarchically organized system, whish more or less changes in his or her life.

Matematikos pamokos organizavimas naudojant informacines komunikacines technologijas / Organizing mathematics lesson using informational communicational technologies

Kareivaitė, Laima 12 June 2006 (has links)
Computer technologies progressively penetrate into educational system, influence its management and teaching process. Pupils have possibilities to use computers at home and at school. Teachers use them in the teaching process. While IT weren’t used in the teaching process lessons were dry and boring. Though, these days the rapid expansions of the computer network opens wide possibilities for teachers to choose reaching softwear and new teaching methods which helps pupils to develop awareness of the subject, creative thinking and motivates them. The purpose of the research is to ascertain informational technologies know and used in mathematics lessons, their strengths, weaknesses and use opportunities in the lessons. Tasks of the research: to analyse pedagogical, methodological literature concerning IT; to reveal strengths and weaknesses of IT use; to induct teachers’ activity using IT in the teaching process; to detect the efficiency of the IT use in the teaching process. The methodology of the research: pedagogical, methodological literature, questionnaire and its results analysis, comperative analysis, data analysis. The questionnaires were given to basic secondary schools’ and gymnasiums’ teachers in 14 regions. Inferences: Mathematics teachers know many teaching softwear programs in Lithuanian. There are good conditions to use teaching softwear programs at schools. Teachers use computers for work and teaching purposes. Mathematics teachers agree that IT helps to... [to full text]

Popamokinės veiklos struktūra ir organizavimas pradinėje mokykloje / Stukture and organizing after- school activities in primary school

Dičiūnienė, Birutė 12 June 2006 (has links)
After – school education allows obtaining one of the most important aims of education – to ensure qualitative and continues education while a child with his needs is in the centre of the process. Professional organization of educational process is constant improvement of school and item of qualitative education. After – school education is understood like a permanent process intended for a child’s socialization, creativeness, development of abilities, expansion of leisure time, recreation. All after – school activities have to help a child to spread his individual abilities of creativity, to satisfy his natural demands of self – expression, love and deference, purport, creativeness, orderliness and harmony. After – school education is a component of educational process, which determines individual formation and even has decisive stress for it. Therefore it is very important to anlyze this process systematically. Research object: organization of after – school education. Research objectives: To analyze the structure, organization of after – school activities, to establish expedience, usefulness, varieties of forms, initiative using after – school activities.

Etikos mokymo priemonės Lietuvos profilinėje mokykloje: interpretacijos metodo tendencija / Moral education in Lithuania: tendencies of interpretation

Kurakinaitė-Valainienė, Livija 20 June 2006 (has links)
Moral education is conditionally new discipline in Lithuania. Pupils may choose lessons of moral education from two alternative disciplines- ethics or religion. Moral education has already been taught for fourteen years, but, despite it, is object of endless discussions. Main problem- there is small variety of ethics teaching methodology and matter for elder classes, there are no alternatives of ethics teaching methodology selection for a teacher. Now dominates aspect of ethics didactics, which has been created by single author. Therefore there is decision to examine present situation, to overlook critique about present measurements of teaching and to question teachers. Aim of work- to analyse what sort of teaching measurements, designed to work by method of interpretation, are being used in ethics lessons. To clear up it‘s efficiency, tune with common programs and requirement of ethics teaching. It is being overlooking connections between common programs and teaching measurements. It is being analyzing teaching measurements and methodology, which are used in ethics lessons. The teachers are being questioning about teaching measurements they use, and it is being analyzing critique, written for teaching measurements. The research was acomplished by questioning 33 ethics teachers.Research was accomplished in profile classes of Lithuanian schools. This research revealed, what teaching measurements are being used now by teachers in philosophical ethics lessons, what value have... [to full text]

Muzikinės raiškos veiksniai profesinėje mokykloje / The ways of musical expression in vocational school

Ščerbavičiūtė, Deimantė 22 June 2006 (has links)
The ways influencing students’ musical expression system are analyzed in the master’s paper. The object of investigation is students’ musical expression in vocational school. The aim of the paper is to analyze the factors influencing students’ musical expression. The masters’ paper consists of introduction, three parts of analysis, the list of literature and appendixes. The purpose and preconditions of higher forms students musical expression and it’s functioning in the whole teaching process are analyzed. The factors influencing the formation of students’ artistic expression are analyzed as well. The second part is devoted to the analysis of artistic education in vocational school. The motivation factors of musical expression are generalized and distinguished. The third part presents and summarizes the results of empirical research. The results of the research show that artistic education at school influences the system of students’ artistic expression as part of personal culture. However, artistic education should be better promoted to help students join the cultural life of society. The research stated the system of preconditions and factors of artistic expression in vocational school. Students’ interests, the musical experience at school and outside it as well as the system of students’ musical expression are investigated and discussed in the paper. According to the research, students’ musical expression experience is important in the self-realization a social... [to full text]

Vertybinės orientacijos globalizacijos sąlygomis / The Orientation of Values in Condition of Globalization

Jackevičiūtė, Jurgita 27 June 2006 (has links)
The Orientation of Values in Condition of Globalization.

Popamokinės veiklos optimizavimo būdai pagrindinėje mokykloje / Optimisation of after school work at Basic School

Morkūnienė, Daiva 28 June 2006 (has links)
After research it was discovered that financial functions have backlash in after schoolwork. Negative attitude of parents influenced children’s activities. It’s possible to optimise after school process, evaluate all inner and outer influence and its possibilities in society. Part of the students refuses to take part in after schoolwork because they aren’t interested in suggested activities.

Studentų požiūris į specialiųjų poreikių mokinių integruotą ugdymą / Students' attitude towards an integrated education of children with special needs

Matulevičienė, Danutė 28 June 2006 (has links)
Integration of children with special needs into schools of general education is characterized in literature as a process of alteration, motivating a modern look towards entire upbringing process: a student, an educator, means of upbringing and its content. Integration is realized as a natural and irreversible phenomenon in democratic society. Although integrated education obtains different views and assessments. Integration is usually understood as a formal replacement of children with special needs from one office into another without giving them any qualified help. To find out the influence of integration conditions there were performed various surveys in Lithuania. The aim was to find out the attitude of society, classmates, parents and teachers to children having disabilities and their integration. The attitude on various aspects was examined by Ambrukaitis, Gudonis, Ruškus, Kaffemanienė, Ališauskas and others. Despite a lot of surveys, analyses and researches made, it is not still clear about the attitude of future teachers to children having disabilities. To find out their attitude a survey was prepared in Vilnius Pedagogical University in 2005-2006. Students of different specialities participated in the survey. Students who study pedagogics have no possibility to work with children with special needs during their practice. Some students have never communicated with the disabled. That is why it is very important to find out their opinion about the integration of... [to full text]

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