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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vaikų, augančių socialinės rizikos šeimose, socialinė raida ir ugdymosi ypatumai / Characteristics of Children Growing Up in Socially Disadvantaged Families

Pacauskienė, Marytė 30 June 2006 (has links)
Hard economical situations, unemployment and inadequate governmental social policies provide fertile conditions for alcoholism, violence, drug use and child neglect in families. The minor aged children are the most vulnerable. The number of the socially disadvantaged families and the number of children in these families is constantly rising. The purpose of this thesis is to elucidate the characteristics of the children in socially disadvantaged families. To this end a questionnaire was prepared and responses from 191 persons solicited. 120 of the persons were school aged children, grades 5-9, coming from socially disadvantaged families. The balance of the respondents was their teachers and 50 family members. The anonymous survey����s intent was to evaluate how well the children feel in the family and the school, to evaluate the relationship between these children and their parents, to learn how the children feel about their educational activities and finally also to evaluate what the parents and teachers predict will be the children’s responses in these categories. The survey revealed that children see poverty and alcoholism as the two most important problems in the family. The teachers concurred that poverty and alcoholism were the most important problems. Additionally the children identified that parents not living together is a problem. Children from socially disadvantaged families have weak motivation for education or show an interest in just one kind... [to full text]

Globos institucijų ugdytinių požiūris į ugdytojų veiklą / Children living in foster care institutions' attitude towards their educators

Rukšėnienė, Zita 30 June 2006 (has links)
The growth of children who are given to the state care, forces us to dwell on their further destiny. It seems that the state children care system is still considered the only way of solving the problem, without taking into consideration the individuality of each situation. Children who get into children institutions lose family warmth and care, but every child should have these rights. A lot of socially and pedagogically abandoned children get into foster care institutions. Organizing the work in foster care institutions it is important to pay a special attention to children and adults communication, in solving different children’s problems. The staff of foster care institutions is an organizer of life in these institutions, on whom a lot of things depend, such as children attitude towards themselves and others, feelings and beliefs, values and ideals, character traits and behavior, preparation for independent life, positive communication with peers and adults. The educator organizing the whole work seeks for the harmony of inner and social life. Correctly chosen way of communication with children, based on good will, understanding and respect will help educators to solve a lot of problems connected with children. Education in foster care institutions where relationships between children and adults are positive may be similar to the education at home. The data of the research revealed that the educators of foster care... [to full text]

Veiklos kultūros centruose poveikis bendruomenės gyvenimui / Cultural centers activities influece to comunity life

Lanskoronskis, Vytautas 10 July 2006 (has links)
Speaking about the regional policy are important the centres being on periphery - problem of the cultural centers and its parity with problems of the periphery. The cultural centers employ theoretically necessary and capable workers. However whether always the centers working on periphery can satisfy need of a society? Unless all structures named by the cultural centers influence a society? What does not allowed the cultural centers at a sight of a society to leave ajar their mission during a life? For last decade positive shifts are felt in a public life. Let's try to consider this situation. Clearly that the regional policy essentially stimulates civil mature community. However it still weak, not having a material resources. The cultural centers and communities having one base as public organizations are guided by the various legal status and belong to various departments. In small peripheral town the problem becomes the general problem of this organizations. Object of research - public opinion on activity of the cultural centers. The purpose of research - to investigate influence of the cultural centers for a public life. Research objectives. 1. To give a theoretical substantiation of activity of the centres of culture in Lithuania. 2. To give a legal substantiation of activity of the centres of culture in Lithuania. 3. To give a theoretical and legal substantiation of activity of the centres. 4. To carry out research of influence of the cultural centre for a life of a... [to full text]

Socialinės pagalbos mokiniams bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose organizavimas / Social assistance organization for secondary school students

Kuleš, Alina 10 July 2006 (has links)
Social assistance is becoming a major part of education process in secondary schools. This sphere in secondary schools is quite new and little explored. In order to organize effective social assistance it is important to conduct more detailed research and evaluate factors which affect it. The topic of the Master thesis is „Social assistance organization for secondary school students”; its object is students’ attitude to social assistance organization at school; its aim is to examine social assistance for students’ state and factors influencing it in secondary schools. Referring to scientific and methodological resources the thesis discusses the forms of social assistance rendering, social assistance possibilities and peculiarities in secondary schools. The aim of the research was to find out social assistance organization in Trakai municipality secondary schools. The research was conducted in 2006 March and April. It helped to learn that social assistance organization factors at school were: organization of students’ occupation, class teacher’s work, preventive work, rendering social assistance and transportation organization. Research methodology is based on famous Lithuanian and foreign scientists and pedagogues thought, ideas, conclusions on the importance of school in positive child socialization process, social assistance organization; education and social security system confirming documents. 64.

VPU kūno kultūros specialybės I kurso studentų socialinės nuostatos ir sportinė adaptacija pirmais studijų metais / Social attitudes and sportive adapatation of VPU physical education's speciality's freshmen during first year of study

Jankevičiūtė, Lilita 16 August 2007 (has links)
Magistro darbe nagrinėjama fizinio ugdymo svarba, jos turinys ir formos aukštojoje mokykloje. Siekta nustatyti VPU kūno kultūros specialybės I kurso studentų socialines nuostatas, ištirti studentų fizinio išsivystymo, fizinio parengtumo ir funkcinio pajėgumo rodiklius per pirmus studijų metus. Tyrimo tikslas – ištirti VPU kūno kultūros specialybės I kurso studentų socialines nuostatas ir sportinę adaptaciją pirmaisiais studijų metais. Tiriamasis darbas vyko 2005 – 2006 mokslo metais. Tyrime dalyvavo VPU kūno kultūros specialybės I kurso studentai (n = 68). Tiriamųjų kontingentą sudarė merginos (n = 20) ir vaikinai (n = 48). Apibendrinus anketinės apklausos rezultatus, galima teigti, kad VPU kūno kultūros specialybės I kurso studentai kūno kultūrai ir sportui skiria pakankamai dėmesio. Dar besimokydami vidurinėje mokykloje jie domėjosi sportu, net 55,4% studentų nuo penkių iki dešimties metų lankė pasirinktas sporto šakas. Įstoję į Vilniaus pedagoginį universitetą, dauguma studentų tęsė treniruotes toje sporto šakoje, kurią pasirinko dar mokydamiesi mokykloje. Populiariausia sporto šaka liko krepšinis, ją pasirinko 29,2% studentų. Didelę savo laisvo laiko rezervą jie išnaudoja aktyviai fizinei veiklai. Išsiaiškinome, kad 60% studentų pasirinktos sporto šakos treniruotes lanko 3-4 kartus per savaitę. 64,6% tiriamųjų treniruotės trunka 1,5val. Apklausa rodo, kad ir tolesnę profesinę veiklą dauguma tiriamųjų sieja su pasirinkta specialybe, tik 6,2% studentų dar nežino kur... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The importance of physical education, it’s purport and forms in academy was analyzed in this paper. The purpose was to estimate VPU physical’s education speciality’s freshmen’s social attitudes, to explore student’s physical development’s, physical quolification’s and functional potential’s rates during the first year of studying. The goal of analysis – to examine VPU physical education’s speciality’s freshmen’s social attitudes and sportive adaptation during first year of studying. Investigative work took through year 2005-2006. VPU physical education’s freshmen (n= 68) took part in this fact-finding. The contingent of investigatives was made of girls (n=20) and boys (n=48). Summarizing the results of survey, we can maintain that VPU physical education’s freshmen pays enough attention to physical culture and sport. During their first year of studying in VPU, they continued their participation in chosen sports. The most popular sport was basketball (29,2%). The biggest part of their spare time they used on physical activity as well. We found out, that 60% students choosen sport brauch training attaid 3-4 time per week. 64,6% of testing training last 1,5 hour. The results of survey also shows that majority of these investigatived students associates their further professional practice with chosen speciality, just 6,2% students not yet ingnorance where they can yourself to realize. And are determined to continue to combine their studies with sport trainings (93,9%)... [to full text]

Lietuvos didelio meistriškumo ėjikių rengimo ypatumai / The training singularities of Lithuanian high mastership female race walkers

Aidietytė, Neringa 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šis darbas nagrinėja moterų ėjikių ugdymo metodologiją ir ypač pasiruošimą aukšto lygio varžyboms bei Olimpinėms žaidynėms. Darbo tikslas – išnagrinėti Lietuvos ėjikių rezultatų kaitą, pasaulio ir Lietuvos rekordų pasiekimą, dalyvavimą Olimpinėse žaidynėse ir treniravimo ypatumus. Tyrimui buvo naudojami fizinio pasirengimo apskaitos dokumentai, varžybų protokolai, K. Saltanovič ir N. Aidietytės labaratorinių ir pedagoginių tyrimų medžiaga. Tikimės, kad šis darbas ir treniruočių sistemos aptarimas patarnaus kaip praktinė medžiaga jaunų ėjikių reugdymui ir tolesniam rengimui kitoms bei būsimoms Olimpinėms žaidynėms ar kitoms aukšto lygio pasaulinėms ar Europos varžyboms. / This paper is analyzing the women’s race walking training methodology and preparation particularity for high level competition and the Olympics. Paper’s purpose is to dissertate Lithunia’s female race walkers results fluctuation, setting world’s and national records, taking part in Olympics and peculiaritys of training. For the assay there were used the record documents of physical preparation, competition’s protocols, laboratorical’s and pedagogical’s exams material of K. Saltanovič and N. Aidietytė. Hopefully this assay and consideration of training system will be as practical material for preparing young female race walkers and continueing futher preparation for next and oncoming Olympics Games.

Bausmių ir smurto šeimoje įtaka vaikų agresijai / Influence of Punishment and Violence in the Family ti the Children's Aggression

Zukienė, Laima 16 August 2007 (has links)
Darbe nagrinėjama fizinių bausmių ir smurto šeimoje įtaka vaikų agresijai. Tyrimais nustatyta, kad ši įtaka yra tiesioginė. Rekomenduojama šviesti tėvus. Siūloma administracinėje ir baudžiamojoje teisėje išplėsti valstybinio kaltinimo ribas,priimti ir įgyvendinti įstatymų pataisas, draudžiančias vaikų mušimą. / The work recommends regularly educate parents and children explaining the causes and reasons of violence. The research states that administrative and criminal law should delegate more rights to state prosecution and violence in the family should be cinsidered as aggravating circumstances and the parliament should adopt amendments to the existing laws forbidding violence to children.

Profesinio mokymo(si)kokybės diagnostika profesinėje mokykloje / Vocational education and training quality diagnostic in vocational school

Pelakauskienė, Elena 16 August 2007 (has links)
Aktualumas: Profesinio mokymo teikėjas: vykdo profesinio mokymo įstaigos vadybinės ir pedagoginės veiklos vidinį vertinimą; atsako už profesinio mokymo kokybę. Darbo tikslas: Išanalizuoti mokymo kokybės profesinėje mokykloje sampratą ir realijas. Darbo uždaviniai:  Išstudijuoti, pedagoginę, psichologinę, sociologinę literatūrą bei įvairius dokumentus, nagrinėjančius švietimo įstaigos vertinimo nuostatų teorinę bazę.  Ištirti mokytojų nuostatas vertinant profesinio parengimo kokybę.  Atskleisti mokinių įsivertinimą profesinio pasirengimo kokybės požiūriu.  Nustatyti darbdavių požiūrį į profesinio parengimo kokybę.  Aptarti respondentų grupių vertinimų dermę, diagnozuojant profesinį pasirengimą praktinei veiklai. Tyrimo objektas: Profesinio mokymo kokybė. Išvados (1):  Studijuota įvairi pedagoginė, psichologinė, sociologinė literatūra profesinio rengimo klausimu leidžia teigti, kad mokymo procese prioritetine užduotimi įvardijama mokymo kokybė. Teisiniai dokumentai taip pat skiria ypatingą vietą profesinio mokymo kokybei.  Pažymėtina, kad vieningo mokslininkų požiūrio į kokybės vertinimą nėra.  Skirtingas įmones atstovaujantys darbdaviai, vertindami profesinio rengimo kokybę, vieningai įvardija tas pačias pagrindines problemas: pasirengimo praktinei veiklai stoką, mokinių iniciatyvumo ir atsakingumo stoką.  Darbdaviai pažymi materialinės bazės stiprinimo būtinybę, bendradarbiavimo ryšių plėtojimą. Išvados (2):  Reikšminga tai, kad dauguma darbdavių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The study object is professional schools quality of teaching. Study task is to analyze the conception and the reality of teaching quality in a professional school. The study consists three parts. Theoretical aspects of educational institution assessment are analyzed in the first part of this study. The point of professional school audit context is revealed in the second part. The empirical results of the study are presented in the third part. The conclusions follow that professional study quality depends on many factors: economical status of the country, adequate material basis of education institution, qualification of pedagogy, organization of teaching and a contingent of students. There is no unique and reliable system underlying the professional studying quality in Lithuania. The result of this study let us state that the main valuators of studying quality are employers. Study data show that employers are wanly ranking the professional preparedness of their trainees than the trainees themselves. The quality analysis shows that statistically reliable relation between evaluation of professional preparedness level or teaching quality and that dementias like motivation, success during the practice, also education institution system of knowledge evaluation. Study results indicate that mostly pupils agree with the statement that their professional preparedness depend only on their own effort. Future specialists ought to overprice their knowledge and skills, that is, they lack... [to full text]

Mokyklos bendruomenės narių požiūris į graffiti: menas ar vandalizmas / School society members attitude to graffiti: Is it art or vandalism

Kazakevičiūtė, Sandra 19 October 2007 (has links)
Šiuolaikinis miestas — tik nauja ilgus amžius augusio žmogaus noro išreikšti save per simbolinius piešinius rezultatas. Tačiau šiuolaikinio graffiti sprogimas yra su niekuo nepalyginamas. Taigi nepaisant to, kad daugelis iš mūsų gyvename informacinėje bei ganėtinai tolerantiškoje visuomenėje, kur egzistuoja neribojamai dideli meninės raiškos būdai, galimybių ir variacijų skaičius, graffiti, kaip meno kryptis, kūrinio statusas ar vieta (padėtis), taip ir liko neišspręstas bendrajame kultūriniame kontekste ir ligi šiol traktuojamas kaip neigiamumas ar net nihilistinio požiūrio išraiška į visuomeninius kriterijus bei normas. Šio darbo tikslas — atskleisti mokyklos bendruomenės narių požiūrį į graffiti. Tyrimo metodai: teorinis ― darbo tema aktualios literatūros sisteminė analizė; empiriniai ― IX klasių moksleivių anketinė apklausa, padėjusi išsiaiškinti jų žinias ir požiūrį į graffiti; pedagogų anketinė apklausa, padėjusi išsiaiškinti jų žinias ir požiūrį į graffiti; moksleivių tėvų anketinė apklausa, padėjusi išsiaiškinti jų žinias ir požiūrį į graffiti. Matematinės statistikos metodai: chi kvadrato kriterijaus taikymas, kontingencijos koeficientas (C), procentinė duomenų analizė. Tyrimo metu paaiškėjo, kad daugiausia apie graffiti žino, jį priima ir vertina mokiniai. Vadinasi, tai patvirtina, faktą, jog subkultūra yra jaunimo pasaulėžiūros atspindys. Ar graffiti – meno rūšis ar vandalizmo aktas, vienareikšmiškai atsakyti negalima. Tai priklauso nuo visuomenės išprusimo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / SUMMARY A modern city is just a new result of a person’s wish to express himself in symbolic paintings that has been growinf for long ages. But the explosure of modern graffiti cannot be compared with anything. So, in spite of that most of us live in the information and however tolerant society where unlimited big ways of artistic expression, a number of possibilities and variations exist, graffiti as an art tendency, the status place (position) of a piece of art has not been solved in the general cultural context and it has still been treated as negative expression or even a nihilistic attidude towards criteria or norms of the society. The purpose of this work is to reveal the attitude of the members of the school community towards graffiti. Methods of the research: theoretic ― systematic analysis of the literature actual about the theme of the work; empiric ― questionnaire of the pupils of the IX class that helped to find out their knowledge and attitude towards graffiti; Questionnaire of the pedagogues that helped to find out their knowledge and attitude towards graffiti; Questionnaire of the pupils’ parents that helped to find out their knowledge and attitude towards graffiti. Methods of mathematical statistics: application of the criterion of chi square, coefficient of contingency (C), per cent analysis of the data. Within the research, it became clear that graffiti is mostly known, accepted and appreciated by the pupils. Also the fact can be confirmed that subculture... [to full text]

Pedagogų komunikacijos su žiniasklaida prielaidos / The presumptions of communication between educators and media

Žvirblytė, Jolita 24 September 2008 (has links)
Šiame moksliniame darbe plačiai aptariamos pedagogų komunikacijos su žiniasklaida prielaidos: pateikiama komunikacijos su žiniasklaida samprata, bendravimo su žiniasklaida galimybės bei išsamios žiniasklaidos stebėsenos ataskaita. Teorinėje dalyje aprašoma žiniasklaidos darbo specifika ir pateikiamos rekomendacijos, kaip pedagogai galėtų bendrauti su žurnalistais tiek pranešant naujieną, tiek komentuojant krizines socialinių problemų situacijas. Siekiant efektyvios komunikacijos svarbu išmanyti naujienos formavimo principus, informacijos atrankos kriterijus – tai žinant atsiranda daugiau galimybių su pranešama žinia patekti į spaudą ir informuoti tikslines grupes. Tyrimo metu buvo siekiama išsiaiškinti, kokia informacija, susijusi su socialinėmis problemomis, labiausiai domina Lietuvos žiniasklaidą. Išsiaiškinta, kad spaudos pirmuosiuose puslapiuose dažniausiai patenka suaugusiųjų smurto prieš vaikus atvejai, seksualinė prievarta prieš vaikus, kiek rečiau jų pačių delinkventinis elgesys, alkoholizmas, narkomanija ir smurtas. Atsižvelgiant į tai, socialiniams pedagogai turėtų pateikti žiniasklaidai informatyvią šių socialinių problemų interpretaciją, numatyti prevencijos galimybes. / This research is exploring the presumptions of communication between educators and media: the conception of communication with media is presented, opportunities of communication with media are explored and comprehensive report of media observation is analyzed. Theoretical part is exploring specific features of media work, therefore recommendations for educators are presented, and how educators can inform media or comment critical social situations. In order to get effective communication it is important to have knowledge of news formation principles, criteria of news segregation – that way more possibilities to make news get to media in the proper way and to reach groups that need to get this information. The main research goal was to explore what kind of information, that has connections with social problems, is more interesting for Lithuanian media. It has been found that the first pages of newspapers usually are informing about violence of adults against children, sexual abuse against children, less often delinquent behavior of children or alcoholism, drugs and violence. According to this, social educators have to inform media with very informative news and details of social problems and interpretation, and predict prevention.

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