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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Suaugusiųjų mokymosi centrų mokinių motyvacija kaip karjeros prielaida / Adult Education Centres students’ motivation as a career's premise

Malinovskis, Arūnas 29 June 2006 (has links)
The object of research: Vilnius and Kaunas Education centres for adults and its students attitude towards career. The question of research: What are the possibilities for such students to be promoted? The aim of research – to disclose the Adult Education Centres students’ attitude towards the career and its motivation impact. The objectives of research 4. to research adult education centre students’ understanding of the career. 5. to define students‘ learning motives and links with their career. 6. to find out the students’ need for support and its impact on learning. The hypothesis of research • Learning in the formal adult education system satisfies the inner needs connected to the personality development, self- esteem and communication. �� The learner satisfies the need of the professional career planning. Research object - the attitude of students that study at Vilnius and Kaunas Education Centres for Adults.

Privalomosios pradinės karo tarnybos karių vertybinių nuostatų dinamika / The dynamics of conscripts valuable orientations

Čiūtienė, Romena 29 June 2006 (has links)
The primary goal of the Army is country defense. To reach that goal the Army must prepare soldiers – country defenders. The world is changing its face nowadays – the Army so on: country defenders are transforming into expeditionary warriors. According to such situation most of scholars pays attention to economical or public organizations and its employees values and very little to men of the armed forces, especially conscripts valuable orientations. The thesis focuses on conscripts that are serving in Lithuanian armed forces. Company of the Honor Guard was chosen as a research unit. The aim of the thesis is to analyze the dynamics of conscripts’ valuable orientations during the serving period: identify and explore values that influence soldiers‘maturity, civic attitude, understanding of the professional ethics, explore conscripts‘valuable orientations during the period of serving in the ranks, rate the influence of commanders to dynamics of the conscripts‘valuable orientations. In part one of the study the short review of research literature is presented. In part two special adopted questionnaire was prepared, that was filled by 68 conscripts and 14 commanders (officers and non-commissioned officers). In part three the data of research is represented and analyzed too. After separate findings were systematized, research showed that valuable orientations of conscripts are greatly changing during the period of serving. These orientations become far more similar to... [to full text]

Specialiųjų socialinių paslaugų dinamika / Special social services dinamic

Ribinskaitė, Jurgita 29 June 2006 (has links)
There is a difficult social situation in Lithuania nowdays. It touched not just a country, but every single town separately. Many of young people goes to those countries in Europe, where is much better economical life average. All problems begin when some sociali groups as kids, old people and disabled people becomes as a problem for a state. Such groups become users of social services. In Europe Union and Lithuania priority way in social security is social services, especially special social services. These people, who get social services are those, who mostly experience social disjuncture. Mostly special social services are proposed in stationary social services centers. But one of the aims of social security is decentralization. What does it mean? Special social services need ti be overtaken by the town municipality, to establish ambulatory social sevices. By the way, people of any social group do not longer feel social disjuncture. One of the way to make social services ambulatory – to offer them at client‘s home. Anyway, nowdays social services at all and special social sevices are proposed at stationary institutions to much to match up with ambulatory institutions. Government is not always able to help it‘s people, so it has to be interested to stimulate institutions that are not established by government, but are proposing special social services. Government has to be interested ti prompt buisinessmen to offer their services, in social sphere. In Alytus town for... [to full text]

Profesinis orientavimas - viena iš sėkmingos socializacijos prielaidų / Vocational orientation service as one of presumption for successful socialization

Grinytė, Lina 01 July 2006 (has links)
Research object: parents attitudes towards vocational orientation service in the secondary school. Research aim: to discover parents attitudes towards vocational orientation service in the secondary school. Research objectives: • To define how parents who have 8th – 12th grades children are informed about vocational information sources and services lent in secondary school; • To find out expression of parents attitudes towards vocational orientation services at school; • To educe parents opinion about effectiveness of vocational orientation service at school. Research methods: • Quantitative research (questionnaire) • Statistical data analysis Conclusions: Parents’ awareness about vocational orientation services at school is not sufficient. It is a lack between supply and demand of vocational orientation services. Only half of 61 established vocational information places are allocated at schools and parents are not enough informed about such services at school. The most part of respondents have adequate understanding about vocational orientation aim, quality and timeliness. In most respondents view vocational orientation activities at school are not efficient and fall short of children requirements. According to the research data there are not enough vocational orientation activities for children and parents at school. Respondents emphasize that the most proper time to start intensive vocational orientation is 9th grade when children need to choose their study... [to full text]

Improvizavimas – aukštesniųjų klasių mokinių teatrinio ugdymosi motyvacijos veiksnys / Improvisation – the senior pupils theatrical development motivation factor

Mauruševičiūtė, Kristina 02 July 2006 (has links)
The senior pupils development motivation is affected by speciality and education that pupils are going to achieve in the future. If pupil is attracted by activity that requires creative initiative or by needs to express themselves in any field of life, that choice will stimulate his creative activity further. In other case it is very likely that need for creative self-expression is damned to disappear. The inferiority complexes that appeared in teen ages, very high self-criticism, diffidence also affects theatrical development motivation in a negative way. In the proceeding, the scientific issue raised – how improvisation can be employed to stimulate the senior pupils theatrical development motivation. For the issue resolution, the K. Johnstone author improvisation method and V. Spolin theatrical games methods are involved. The investigation subject is stimulation of senior pupils theatrical development motivation by means of improvisation. The proceedings object is to reveal effect of improvisation for senior pupils theatrical development motivation. The literature analysis confirmed that pupil gets motivated only when teaching satisfies his or her confidence, respect, self-expression, cognitive and functional treat needs. It has been defined that K. Johnstone and V. Spolin author improvisation methods due to their playing nature, satisfy functional treat needs. The literature analysis confirmed that employing these methods would make pupils immune from destructive impact of... [to full text]

Buvusių bedarbių adaptacija naujoje darbovietėje / Adaptation for emploier in new job

Muravska, Sabina 03 July 2006 (has links)
About adaptations speed and level of employee is saluted on theG ground of subjective and objective indicators. Objective indicators the evidence indicators of worker activity in work (follow–task quality of work normative and obtainable tasks, speed of qualification raise, and assimilation of innovations). Subjective indicators of social adaptation intension and reluctance of employee to continue work in particular company (potential alternation of frames), level of his fulfilment employment. The objective indicators of adaptation characterize real condition in job range, while subjective argument ate about feelings in this sphere. The existence of an organization depends not only on the work system and material interaction of its elements, but also on how the members of the organization act among themselves. The result of successful adaptation is high fulfilment of production task, work appreciation and forming of positive point of view of the situation in the group. Nona adaptation leads to social disorganization and change of personnel. Some suggestions to the managers of the organizations were made: to care of the health of employees and to show it; to introduce employees to the goals, rules and values of organization and to clear up why they are so important; to give more autonomy in the employees task performance; to listen to every person in a company to make him feel himself the part of organization; to stimulate the employees initiative in their job.

Mokyklos vadovo ir socialinio pedagogo bendradarbiavimo ypatumai / Besonderheiten des Umgangs und der Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Schulleiter und dem Sozialpädagogen

Bobinienė, Laima 04 July 2006 (has links)
Das Untersuchungsobjekt dieser Arbeit ist Besonderheiten des Umgangs und der Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Schulleiter und dem Sozialpädagogen an einer Bildungsinstitution. Das Untersuchungsproblem: Die vorherrschenden Beziehungen zwischen dem Schulleiter und dem Sozialpädagogen sind ausreichend gut und optimal. Das Problem ist die Definition der Stellung des Sozialpädagogen in einer Schulgemeinschaft sowie die Fülle und Unbestimmtheit der Funktionen, die der Sozialpädagoge auszuführen hat. Arbeitshypothesen: Die Sozialpädagogen, öfter als Leiter von Bildungseinrichtungen, schreiben sich verschiedene Funktionen ihrem Posten zu. Die Sozialpädagogen meiden es, mit Schülereltern Kontakt zu pflegen, wobei der Grund dafür eine negative Einstellung gegenüber dem Sozialpädagogen ist. Das Hauptproblem bei der Arbeit des Sozialpädagogen ist der der Arbeitsbelastung nicht entsprechende Lohn. Untersuchungsaufgaben: • Bewertung der Kompetenz des Sozialpädagogen, seiner Werteinstellungen, der Sicht auf das Kind und seine Umgebung. • Erforschung von vorhandenen Beziehungen zwischen dem Schulleiter und dem Sozialpädagogen. • Erforschung von Faktoren, die die Beziehungen zwischen dem Sozialpädagogen und dem Schulleiter beeinflussen. • Bewertung von Möglichkeiten der Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem Sozialpädagogen und der Schule. • Erarbeitung von Empfehlungen für eine nachhaltige Verbesserung der Beziehungen zwischen der Schule und dem Sozialpädagogen. Nach der Untersuchung hat es sich... [to full text]

Sutrikusio intelekto jaunuolių meninės raiškos plėtotė kaip socializacijos optimizavimo galimybė / Social self-expression of teenagers with mental disorder and optimization of the socialization process

Zakarkienė, Sonata 04 July 2006 (has links)
The contemporary society has set certain standards or norms defining what a human being should be and how he should behave. Other individuals, especially with some kind of incapacity, often become unacceptable or even unnecessary. Such an attitude towards an incapacitated person must be undisputedly changed. “The role of art in spreading cognitive powers of the intellect is recognized as one of the most important factors in development of the individual” (Matonis, 2000, :18-19). A research has been conducted attempting to assess a potential for self-expression of teenagers with mental disorder and optimization of the socialization process (while them taking part in a social and art project). The research in the social and art project “Katedra” involved 10 young persons with mental disorder and 5 professional artists. Also by means of filling in a questionnaire 123 assessors – spectators representing the viewpoint of the society on the results of the project, i.e. a performance with participation of disabled and healthy artists, were interviewed. The research revealed changes in the attitude of the society towards people with intellectual problems and showed growing possibilities of social optimization for the disabled persons. It was also concluded that participation in art projects helps young disabled people easier integrate into the society and offers them equal chances to play a role in the life of the society. The analysis of the arrangements indicated that the disabled... [to full text]

Penkerių – šešerių metų vaikų dainavimo įgūdžių ugdymas / Singing skills education of five-six year old children

Remeikienė, Raimonda 09 August 2006 (has links)
In this work five – six year old children’s singing skills education is analysed. Work with preschoolers has moved to show interest in a musical education problem. Today preschool children’s musical education is becoming especially relevant, it gives an opportunity to unravel child’s musical gift and develop competencies. An individual singing skill development programme has been prepared and it is theoretically reasoned and experimentally proved. Recommendations for artictic education teachers have been prepared. Five – six year old children’s singing skills education pedagogigal presumption has been reasoned theoretically and practically. As a reasearch object five – six year olds’ singing skills have been chosen. With this research I have tried to analyse children��s musical abilities, which determine singing education, unfold pedagogical presumptions of their education. I have analysed Lithuanian and foreign scientific and methodological literature about children’s singing skills education; I have diagnosed five – six year olds’ musical abilities, necessary for singing skills development; ways of pedagogical influence, which encourages singing skills development, have been revealed; singing skills alteration possibilities have been reasoned experimentally. The research hypothesis of this work – five – six year old children’s skills will successfully develop if an educator, choosing the repertoir, considers child’s individual and group’s diapason; singing skill... [to full text]

Bendrojo lavinimo vidurinės mokyklos darbo su agresyviais paaugliais tobulinimas / Fortbildung Arbeit der Schule mit aggressiven Halbwuchsige

Bernadickaitė, Lina 07 June 2004 (has links)
Analyse pädagogischer, psychologischer, methodischer Literatur zeigte: Veränderungen der Schule bewegen die Pädagoge Bedingungen und Umstände ändern, nach neuen Arten und Möglichkeiten, die die Probleme lösen könnten, suchen, Struktur der Arbeit mit aggressiven Halbwüchsige vervollkommnen. Wichtige Bedingung die Arbeit zu vervollkommnen ist die Verleihung verschiedener Hilfe um aggressives Benehmen der Halbwüchsige zu korregieren, Verstärkung der Integration in aktives, sinnvolles Leben. Die Aggression ist Merkmal, das komplizierten sozialen Weg der Halbwüchsige zeigt. Auf diesem Weg wartet auf die Halbwüchsige Entfernung der Gesellschaft. Verallgemeinerung Angaben der Forschung bestimmte: Pädagoge, Leiter, Psychologe, soziale Pädagoge begreifen, dass das Betragen der Halbwüchsige nicht nur von Person sondern auch von Umgebung abhängig ist. Die Ursprünge des aggressiven Betragen und Feindseligkeit des Halbwüchsiges sind in den verschiedenen Situationen. Meisten Situationen sind aggressives Betragen der Mitglieder der Familie oder der Nächsten, schädliche Gewohnheiten (16,3%), Einfluss der Gleichaltrige (15,4%). Pädagoge anwenden demokratischen (28,1%), familiären (16,6%) Stil um freundschaftliche Beziehungen mit aggressiven Halbwüchsige zu unterhalten. Aber Ziel des Betragenes der Halbwüchsige ist am meisten die Rache (29,7 %) und Kraft (29,5 %). Um Konflikte zu lösen anwenden Pädagoge den Weg der Vereinbarung (29,8%), auch benutzen sie die Meidung (25,1%), wenn sie... [to full text]

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