Spelling suggestions: "subject:"educology"" "subject:"eucology""
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Ikimokyklinių įstaigų vadovų bendradarbiavimas su pedagogais, kaip demokratinių santykių prielaida / Cooperation of education institution managers with teachers as a recondition of democratic relationPadkauskienė, Irena 08 June 2004 (has links)
The graduation paper Cooperation of preschool education institution managers with teachers as a recondition of democratic relations by Irena Padkauskienė, a student of MA programme at the Department of Social Pedagogy of the Pedagogy and Psychology Faculty of Vilnius Pedagogical University has been written under the guidance of dr.habil.professor Marija Barkauskaitė after the study of pedagogical, psychological and managerial works on the issue concerned and the analysis of questionnaires completed by the pedagogue of pre-school educational institutions.
The main task of perfection in the preschool education institution is to create the culture of communication as an essential condition in purpose to get better results and as a possibility to organize the work more swimmingly. To achieve the fact that the relation of cooperation would dominate in the institution is not an easy task, because the tolerance of the community, care about each other, the positive assessment of us, and the harmony of the community is necessary. It asserts by responsibility and democratically accepted solutions. The dialog, intended for the alternation of preschool education institution, planning activities, looking for its model, is going on permanently. The groups of community members (teams) are created not for the office but for all accepted idea. They seek for the common purpose, solve particular problems and collaborate between each other. In this way all the members become active... [to full text]
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Profesinės mokyklos bendrabučio socialinis-psichologinis klimatas / Social-psychological atmosphere at a hostel of a vosational schoolPečiukienė, Raimonda 08 June 2004 (has links)
The theme of social-psichological atmosphere at a hostel of a vosational school was not discussed much and no doubt is very important.
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Savižudybių prevencijos galimybės mokykloje / Suicide prevention opportunities at schoolKašėtienė, Irma 09 June 2004 (has links)
Das Ziel meiner Magisterarbeit ist die Erscheinung des Selbstmords unter sozial – pädagogischem Aspekt zu ermitteln und die Ansichten der Pädagogen über diese Erscheinung zu erforschen. Außerdem setze ich mir zum Ziel zu erforschen, invieweit die Pädagogen vorbereitet sind, Präventivmaßnahmen zu ergreifen.
Die Hypothese der Untersuchung:
1. Die Pädagogen sind bereit, präventive Maßnahmen gegen Selbstmord zu ergreifen. Aber es fehlt ihnen an Information über die Besonderheiten des Selbstmords und über die Möglichkeiten der Präventivmaßnahmen.
Selbstmord ist eine komplizierte Erscheinung, die in verschiedenen Kulturen, Epochen und bei den Menschen von unterschiedlichen Rassen vorkommt. Diese Erscheinung widerspiegelt sich in zwischenmenschlichen Beziehungen und im seelischen Leben des Menschen. Sie ist als Kraft, die zu einer bestimmten Tat führt, sie ist als eine bestimmte Form des Protests. Selbstmord kann als Disharmonie der inneren Welt erscheinen, die im Augenblick der menschlichen Unsicherheit auf den Tod des Menschen verlangt. Selbstmord kann auch als das Ergebnis der schweren psychischen Krankheit vorkommen. Am häufigsten ist Selbstmord das Ergebnis des langen Prozesses, der manchmal auch das ganze Leben hindurch dauert.
Die Aktualität dieses Problems ist auch in Litauen von besonderer Wichtigkeit. Das bestätigt die Statistik, die davon zeugt, dass jedes Jahr in Litauen etwa 1700 Menschen Selbstmord begehen. Noch mehr, 17000 Menschen versuchen es jedes Jahr, sich... [to full text]
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Isteroidinių paauglių elgesio/ elgsenos koregavimo galimybės / Demonstratyve type of characterMartinaitis, Ainas 09 June 2004 (has links)
This work examines behaviour/manner correction options of hysteroidal type of character. Analyzing behaviour of adolescents possessing hysteroidal (demonstrative) type of character has been observed that this subject has been much examined neither in scientific pedagogical literature nor in pedagogical practice. This phenomenon has been the subject of investigation psychological and psychiatric researches. However, considering both scientific literature and pedagogical practice we have noticed that educators oftentimes have to cope with children possessing different types of character accentuations and thus they are to refer to psychologists and social educators for help.
Object of research: adolescents possessing hysteroidal (demonstrative) type of character aged from 13 to 18
Aim of research: behaviour/manner correction options of hysteroidal type of character
Methods of research:
Exploration and summarizing of the scientific resources concerned the work theme.
Schoolchildren Questionnaire to determine the hysteroidal character type of accentuation
Mathematical statistical summary of collected data, study analysis
Adolescents possessing hysteroidal type of character undergo behaviour problems which can not be eliminated; however, these problems can be adjusted to facilitate individual socialization.
The aim of the research has been to ascertain how hysteroidal adolescents are regarded in peer group, how... [to full text]
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Pradinių klasių mokinių kūrybingumo ugdymas pasakomis / The development of creativity of primary school pupils by fairy-talesBražienė, Nijolė 15 June 2005 (has links)
This summary shows that the positive improvements of creativity are obtained by broadening and deepening the knowledge of fairy tales of primary school pupils in the theoretical and practical level, and by realization of potentialities rendered by teaching means of Lithuanian language for the develpment of divergent thinking and imagination of pupils and nurturance of sense of humour, emotionality and empathy purposefully employing additional educational activities.
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Skirtingo meistriškumo rankininkų agresijos raiška lyties aspektu / Manifestation of aggression among different sex handball players of various performanceDavydaitienė, Ingrida 20 May 2005 (has links)
Violence in sport happening during sporting fight as well as out of play, is becoming a serious social problem, most often sporting activity is criticised exactly through the excessive manifestation of aggression. There are rather controversial attitudes of scientists towards manifestation of men and women aggression presented. That prompted to do a research analysing possibility of manifestation of aggression among different sex handball players of various performance (n=119) and have established interrelation of various forms of aggression. Having analysed manifestation of aggression in the aspect of sex, it was found that women are eager to express hostile aggression more than men. Summarising manifestation of aggression in the aspect of performance, the form of instrumental aggression is more expressed in high peak performance women handball players, and a feature of jealousy and tendency to hostile aggression is more peculiar to low peak performance women. Upon establishing coherence of various aggression forms among high peak performance handball players, it was founded that with increasing possibility of manifestation of instrumental aggression, a possibility of verbal aggression was also increasing. Instrumental aggression of low peak performance handball players – both men and women - is more related to defensive aggression.
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Mokinio muzikinės kompetencijos ypatybės ketvirtaisiais grojimo akordeonu metais / Musical competence's features of the fourth year accordion playersTreščenko, Oksana 25 May 2005 (has links)
In this work "Musical competence's features of the fourth year accordion players" is analyzed the features of the musical competency. The subject of research is a musical competence's feature. The purpose of work is to rate musical competence's features of the fourth year accordion players.
The object of musical education is musical culture of person, his artistic, intellectual, moral quality and spiritual wealth. This attitude forms adequate theoretical basics, maximizes pedagogical responsibility for the quality of education content, realization logistics, cultural development. So the objects of musical education, system of assignments, practical activity must be regularized accordingly.
Musical education must comprehensively influence culture; improve not only qualification, but competence too. This leverage is thinkable when details of competence are actualized all in one. The quality, complexion, influence of music subject are educed in this context.
In the first chapter of this work is surveyed musical competence's pedagogical conception, features, construing pattern. Model amplifies the undivided propagation of musical expression and cognition; accentuate personal qualification, musical activity and socio-cultural activity as the musical competence's criterion aspects.
In the second chapter, appealing given musical competence's conception, accentuated features, criterion system, were fixed musical educating features (repertoire, nations music, pedagogical literature)... [to full text]
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Parengiamųjų krepšinio žaidimų įtaka VII klasės mokiniams, mokantis krepšinio veiksmų per pamokas / The influence of preparatory basketball games on VII from pupils while learning basketball movements during classesŠalkauskytė, Valerija 30 May 2005 (has links)
The aim of the research is to explore the influence of preliminary basketball games that are played during basketball lessons to the seventh form students, learning basketball motions by the methodology that is oriented to this age adolescents. 89 seventh form students from Telšiai Krantas Secondary School participated in the educational experiment that was enacted from January till April 2004. The following research methods were applied: the theoretical analysis of the existing material on the subject, educational experiment, poll in the written form, testing of physical training, educational observation and mathematical statistics. The applied program of physical education was evaluated approvingly by the most of E1 group. The results of the basketball motions were most improved by the boys and girls of the group E1. During the period of the experiment the viewpoint of different groups and sexes to the basketball lessons has changed, however more positive direction to E1 group.
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Profesionalų, dirbančių laikinuose vaikų globos namuose, nuostatos į realų ir siektiną socialinio darbo su socialinės rizikos šeima modelį / Einstellungen der in den vorläufigen Kinderheimen arbeitenden Fachleute zum Modell der realen und der zu bestrebten Sozialarbeit mit der Familie des sozialen RisikosTautkutė, Agnė 03 June 2005 (has links)
In der Magisterarbeit werden die Einstellungen der Spezialisten, die in den vorläufigen Kinderheimen tätig sind, zu dem realen und zu dem zu bestrebten Modell der sozialen Arbeit mit der Familie des sozialen Risikos untersucht. Forschungsobjekt. Einstellungen der in den vorläufigen Kinderheimen arbeitenden Fachleute zum Modell der realen und der zu bestrebten Sozialarbeit mit der Familie des sozialen Risikos. Forschungshypothese. Es ist möglich, dass nicht alle Strukturkomponente des Modells der zu bestrebten Sozialarbeit mit der Familie des sozialen Risikos in der realen Sozialarbeit verwirklicht werden.
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Mokslus vaikas / Ability ChildBaltmiškienė, Rita 06 June 2005 (has links)
When looking into pedagogic process which is based on teaching and learning, it is not difficult to perceive that some children understand and master new material quickly while the others lag behind them. The latter need additional explanation of new things, repetition in order to absorb and memorize them.
It is no secret that a teaching paradigm for a behindhand child deprives the teacher of the possibility to give more attention to a child having learning abilities.
As far as I have noticed, the conception of a child having learning abilities which has recently appeared in psychological and pedagogic literature has not been explicated and given reasoned explanation yet. Everything is presented on the level of definitions and conceptions. This concept is even less used in education reality.
Thus a student who is eager to learn, learns much, has a learning strategy of his/her own and always achieves good results is considered a child having learning abilities.
No research which would help to solve problems how to teach children having learning abilities in primary classes has been done in Lithuania so far. The tendency to carry out researches on gifted children still prevails. But the number of students having learning abilities is not large.
Thus when we speak about teaching students who have learning abilities, we speak about teaching a minority distinguished according to the level of intellectual powers. Children having learning abilities constitute a comparatively small... [to full text]
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