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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Computational and experimental studies on membrane-solute interactions in desalination systems using ion-exchange membranes / Etude théorique et expérimentale des interactions membrane-soluté dans les systèmes de dessalement utilisant des membranes échangeuses d'ions

Fuoco, Alessio 26 January 2015 (has links)
Des études antérieures ont mis en évidence que le transfert de solutés neutres à travers des membranes est influencé par la présence d'ions en solution. Ainsi, la connaissance des interactions multiples à l'échelle nanométrique, entre le polymère, l'eau et les solutés (ions, espèces organiques) constituent un verrou pour l'amélioration des performances des procédés membranaires. Dans cette étude une approche multi-échelle fondamentale est proposée, combinant des outils théoriques et expérimentaux, afin d'obtenir les paramètres microscopiques et macroscopiques caractérisant les interactions étudiées pour différentes compositions ioniques. Plus précisément, il s'agit de comprendre comment les ions affectent le transfert d'un soluté organique. Dans un premier temps, certaines propriétés caractérisant l'hydratation des ions sont calculées et comparées aux flux de diffusions de sucres à travers des membranes de Nanofiltration et échangeuses d'ions obtenus pour différentes compositions ioniques. Dans un deuxième temps, des systèmes constitués d'une membrane échangeuse de cations (CMX) équilibrée avec différents cations ainsi que le glucose hydraté sont modélisés en utilisant une approche combinée Mécanique Quantique/ Mécanique Moléculaire. Cette approche a permis d'étudier la solubilité du sucre dans la matrice polymère ainsi que les interactions polymère-polymère comme l'énergie de cohésion. Enfin, l'influence des ions sur les caractéristiques physiques de la membrane CMX est étudiée en utilisant diverses méthodes expérimentales comme la détermination des angles de contacts et des spectres IR ou la mesure de la température de solidification par DSC. Les propriétés vibrationnelles sont également calculées dans le cadre de la théorie de la fonctionnelle de la densité (DFT). L'ensemble de ces données sont comparées avec les grandeurs de transport afin de valider les mécanismes moléculaires proposés. Ce travail montre que la nature des contre-ions de la membrane modifie l'énergie de cohésion entre les fragments de la membrane. Ainsi, l'énergie de cohésion influe sur la diffusion des composés organiques neutres à travers les membranes. / Previous works have shown that the transfer of neutral solutes through membranes is influenced by the presence of ions in solution. In the framework of process intensification, the knowledge of the molecular mechanisms involved is of fundamental importance to increase and predict the process performances. The aim of this Thesis is to use a combined quantum/molecular computational approach and experimental methodologies to better understand how ions can affect the solute flux. In the first part of the work, some properties of ions in solution are computed and compared with sugar fluxes through membranes for nanofiltration and electrodialysis. In the following, systems composed of Cation-exchange membrane equilibrated by different counter-ion and hydrated glucose are examined by Quantum Mechanics/Molecular Mechanics. This is done mainly to investigate the sugar solubility in the polymer matrix and diffusion related interactions like polymer chain-chain cohesion energy. In the last part, contact angle, differential scanning calorimetry and Infra-Red spectra are measured to characterize the physical properties of the membrane and possible influence of the counter-ion on cation exchange membrane. This work shows that the nature of the counter-ions modifies the cohesion energy between the membrane polymer fragments. In its turn, the cohesion energy affects the diffusion of neutral organic compounds through the membranes.

Développement d'accumulateurs Li/S / Development of lithium-sulfur batteries

Barchasz, Céline 25 October 2011 (has links)
Ces travaux ont permis d’approfondir les connaissances du mécanisme de déchargepeu conventionnel de l’accumulateur Li/S et de ses limitations. L’ensemble desrésultats a convergé vers une unique conclusion, à savoir que le système Li/S estprincipalement limité par le phénomène de passivation de l’électrode positive en finde décharge. Les polysulfures de lithium à chaines courtes précipitent à la surface del’électrode positive de soufre. Isolants électroniques, ils sont responsables de la perteprogressive de surface active de l’électrode et de la fin prématurée de la décharge.Ainsi, les performances électrochimiques ont pu être significativement améliorées entravaillant sur la morphologie de l’électrode positive, et sur la composition del’électrolyte. En augmentant la surface spécifique de l’électrode, la quantité depolysulfures de lithium qui peut précipiter en fin de décharge est augmentée, et lapassivation totale de l’électrode est retardée. En augmentant la solubilité despolysulfures de lithium dans l’électrolyte, la précipitation des espèces est retardée etla décharge prolongée. Dans cette optique, les solvants de type PEGDME semblentêtre les plus prometteurs à ce jour. Enfin, un mécanisme possible de réduction dusoufre en électrolyte de type éther a pu être proposé. / This work aimed at better understanding the Li/S cell discharge mechanism and itslimiting parameters. A general conclusion was following from these data: the Li/Ssystem is mainly limited by the passivation process of the sulfur positive electrode,occurring at the end of discharge. Insulating lithium polysulfides precipitate on thepositive electrode surface, thus leading to a gradual loss of the electrode activesurface and to the early end of discharge. As a consequence, the electrochemicalperformances can be significantly improved by working either on the positiveelectrode morphology or on the organic electrolyte composition. Increasing thespecific surface of the positive electrode enables to increase the amount ofpolysulfide compounds that can precipitate on the electrode, thus delaying the fullpassivation of the sulfur electrode and the end of discharge. Working on the organicelectrolyte composition enables to increase the polysulfide solubility and to preventthem from quickly precipitating, thus delaying the end of discharge too. To thispurpose, PEGDME solvents seem to be quite promising. Finally, a possiblemechanism for sulfur reduction in ether-based electrolytes could be proposed.

Efeito da espironolactona sobre a função e morfologia renal de ratos hipertensos por infusão crônica de Angiotensina II. / Effect of spironolactone on renal function and morphology of hypertensive rats by Ang. II chronic infusion.

Figueiredo, Claudia Ferreira dos Santos Ruiz 28 May 2012 (has links)
Este estudo tem o objetivo de investigar a participação da espironolactona, um antagonista dos receptores MR, sobre as respostas renais induzidas pela hiperatividade do SRAA. Utilizamos 2 grupos de animais tratados com Ang II ( 15 e 28 dias). Foram avaliados o fluxo plasmático renal (FPR) e Ritmo de filtração glomerular (RFG), eletrólitos no plasma e urina, expressão proteica e morfologia renal. Nossos resultados indicam que, a Ang II (15 e 28 dias), induziu à hipertensão, queda do FPR, RFG, fluxo urinário, e aumentou a fração de filtração (FF), a expressão de NHE3, a área glomerular e alterações morfológicas no túbulo proximal, incluindo perda da borda em escova e morte celular. A espironolactona corrigiu a maioria dos efeitos da Ang II. A Ang II e/ou espironolactona não modificaram a carga excretada de NH4, Na+ ou K+. Os resultados indicam que a hiperatividade do SRAA induz aumento na concentração plasmática de aldosterona, e esta contribui para os efeitos deletérios do SRAA sobre a função e morfologia renal. / This study investigated the effect of spironolactone (MR antagonist) on renal function and morphology in hypertensive rats with chronic Ang II infusion for 15 or 28 days. Blood pressure (BP) was monitored. Renal plasmatic flow (RPF) and glomerular filtration rate (GFR) were determined. Plasmatic levels of renin and aldosterone, urinary excretion of ions, protein expression and renal morphology were analyzed. Our results showed that Ang II used was enough to induce hypertension in both periods. The RPF, GFR and urinary flux decreased. Ang II increased the filtration fraction (FF). Spironolactone impaired all effect of Ang II. The plasma renin and aldosterone levels increased and spironolactone amplified both. Urinary Na+ and K+ did not changed in Ang II and/or spironolactone rats treated. Ang II increased the NHE3 expression, induced proximal tubule injury and cellular apoptosis. Spironolactone impaired the effect of Ang II. In conclusion, spironolactone has a beneficial effect on renal injury induced by hyperactivity of renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system.

Avaliação dos distúrbios ácido-base e eletrolíticos de cães com cetose e cetoacidose diabética / Evaluation of acid-base and electrolyte disturbances in dogs with diabetic ketosis and ketoacidosis

Silva, Ricardo Duarte 31 January 2006 (has links)
A cetoacidose diabética (CAD) é uma das complicações mais graves do diabetes mellitus (DM) em pequenos animais. A CAD é uma emergência médica caracterizada por alterações metabólicas extremas, incluindo hiperglicemia, acidose metabólica, cetonemia, desidratação e perda de eletrólitos. Embora seja um distúrbio comum e de alta mortalidade, os padrões dos distúrbios ácido-base de cães com CAD ainda não foram avaliados objetivamente. Muitas das assunções sobre a CAD em cães são generalizadas com base em dados de pacientes humanos e estudos experimentais em cães. O objetivo do presente estudo foi descrever os distúrbios ácido-base e eletrolíticos de cães com CAD e cetose diabética (CD) e caracterizá-los segundo a freqüência de ocorrência, adequação dos mecanismos de compensação e ocorrência de distúrbios mistos. Foram avaliados 40 cães diabéticos (22 animais recém diagnosticados e 18 cães em tratamento com insulina) atendidos apresentando cetonúria e hiperglicemia (>250 mg/dL). De acordo com critérios clínicos, esses cães foram distribuídos em dois subgrupos: (CAD, n=22 e CD n=18) e foram determinados o pH e a hemogasometria arteriais e eletrólitos plasmáticos (sódio, cloro, potássio, cálcio ionizado) e o magnésio total e o fósforo inorgânico séricos. As alterações do equilíbrio ácido-base foram avaliadas sistematicamente pelo método de Van Slyke-Henderson-Hasselbalch. Os resultados foram comparados com os obtidos a partir de 37 cães clinicamente hígidos. Com relação aos distúrbios ácido-base, a acidose metabólica foi o mais comumente identificado (n = 27). A maior parte dos animais apresentava acidose normoclorêmica. A acidose hiperclorêmica foi observada em sete pacientes. Dos cães com acidose metabólica, 15 apresentavam alcalose respiratória concomitante. A distribuição dos valores de eletrólitos foi diferente entre o grupo de estudo e o controle, com exceção do magnésio. Não houve diferença na distribuição dos valores dos eletrólitos entre os subgrupos, com exceção do potássio plasmático. A hiponatremia e a hipocloremia foram os distúrbios eletrolíticos mais comumente observados nos 40 cães com DM. A hipocalemia ocorreu com maior freqüência no subgrupo CAD e a hipercalemia no subgrupo CD. Os valores do fósforo inorgânico sérico foram semelhantes entre os subgrupos de estudo. A hiperfosfatemia foi comum em ambos os subgrupos e nenhum paciente apresentou hipofosfatemia. A hipermagnesemia foi observada em sete pacientes com CAD e em apenas um com CD. A maior parte dos pacientes tinha hipocalcemia por ocasião do atendimento inicial. Distúrbios ácido-base mistos, principalmente a acidose metabólica normoclorêmica associada a alcalose respiratória são comuns em cães com cetose ou cetoacidose diabética, assim como distúrbios eletrolíticos como hiponatremia, a hipocloremia e hipocalemia e hiperfosfatemia. / Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is one of the most serious complications of diabetes mellitus (DM) in small animals. DKA is a medical emergency characterized by extreme metabolic abnormalities, including hyperglycemia, metabolic acidosis, ketonemia, dehydration, and electrolyte losses. Despite it is a common disorder and with high mortality, the patterns of the acid-base disturbances in dogs with DKA were not evaluated objectively. Many of the assumptions about DKA in dogs are derived from studies in human beings and experimental studies in dogs. The objective of the present study was to describe the acid-base and electrolytic disturbances in dogs with DKA and diabetic ketosis (DK) according to their frequency, adequacy of the compensatory mechanisms e occurrence of mixed disturbances. Forty dogs with DM (22 with new onset diabetes and 18 insulin-treated dogs) with ketonuria and hyperglycemia (> 250 mg/dL) were enrolled. On the basis of clinical criteria, the dogs were assigned to one of two subgroups: (DKA, n=22 e DK n =18). Arterial blood gases and plasma electrolytes (sodium, chloride, potassium and, ionized calcium), and serum total magnesium and inorganic phosphorus were determined in all dogs. The acid base abnormalities were evaluated systematically by the Van Slyke-Henderson-Hasselbalch method and the results compared to those obtained from 37 healthy dogs (control group). Metabolic acidosis was the most common acid-base disorder identified (n = 27) and most of the dogs had normochloremic acidosis. Hyperchloremic acidosis was observed in seven patients. Fifteen of the dogs with metabolic acidosis had coexisting respiratory alkalosis. The distribuition of the electrolytes values was different between the study group and the control group, with the exception of serum magnesium. The distribution of the electrolytes values was similar between the subgroups, with the exception of plasma potassium. Hyponatremia and hypochloremia were the most common observed electrolyte abnormalities showed in dogs with DK or DKA. Hypokalemia occurred more frequently in dogs with DKA and hyperkalemia in dogs with DK. Serum inorganic phosphorus values were similar between the subgroups. Hyperphosphatemia was a common finding and hypophosphatemia was not observed. Hypermagnesemia was detected in seven patients with DKA and in only one with DK. Most of the dogs were hypocalcemic on admission. Mixed acid-base disorders, mainly metabolic normochloremic acidosis with coexisting respiratory alkalosis are common in dogs with diabetic ketosis or ketoacidosis and electrolytic disturbances, mostly hyponatremia, hypochloremia, hypokalemia, and hyperphosphatemia, were also common.

Organosiloxane-Boron Based Liquid Electrolytes for Application in Lithium-Air Batteries

Alzharani, Ahmed A 14 December 2018 (has links)
The synthesis of 2,4,6,8-Tetramethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4H), and Poly(methylhydrosiloxane) (PMHS) average molecular weight 1700-3200 g/mol, were functionalized with different repeat units of methoxy polyethylene glycol (PEG) (n = 8,12,17). These compounds act as polymer electrolytes with a backbone of siloxane and they were prepared via hydro-silylation reaction to be functionalized with different molecular weights of Ally-PEG. The compounds were confirmed by FT-IR, 1H-NMR and 13C NMR spectroscopy. A hydro-silylation reaction between the functionalized AllyPEG of different molecular weights produced four compounds with a low glass transition temperature that could improve comb like polymer electrolytes conductivity by reducing crystalline phase of PEO. Another way to increase the percentage of the amorphous phase of PEO is to blend it with other polymers. The blending method is considered to be an important method to improve the ionic conductivities and dimensional stability of polymer electrolytes. The main advantages of the blend systems are the simplicity of preparation and the ease to control the physical properties. A high molecular weight of poly 2- vinyl pyridine (Mw=200,000) was added to improve the dimensional stability. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) thermal analysis shows that all the blend systems will exhibit an increase in the glass transition temperature by increasing the salt content. The other novel synthesis of polymer electrolytes are triglyme borane and borosilicate. They were synthesized via hydro-boration. These compounds were characterized and confirmed by FT-IR, 1H-NMR 13C NMR spectroscopy. The ionic conductivity of both systems, pure and blend, of different compositions were determined at four temperatures i.e. 25°C, 40°C, 55°C and 70°C. A maximum ionic conductivity value of the siloxane blend is 9.1x10-4 S cm-1 and the pure triglyme borane is 2.14x10-3 S cm-1 at ambient temperature. The ratios of ethylene oxide to lithium salt of siloxane blend and pure triglyme borane were 10:1 and 35:1 respectively. These ratios were the highest conductivity obtained in all the electrolyte systems. The ionic conductivity increases with increasing temperature and salt content to reach optimum concentration. This behavior results in ionic transport, which is supported by the segmental motion of the polymer matrix host.

Desempenho, mortalidade e escore fecal de bezerros aleitados com diferentes dietas líquidas e terapias de reidratação quando acometidos por diarreias / Performance, mortality and fecal score of suckled calves with different liquid diets and rehydration therapies when affected by diarrhea

Miqueo, Evangelina 12 April 2016 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da utilização de sucedâneo lácteo com alto conteúdo proteico de origem vegetal no desempenho e saúde de bezerros, e avaliar métodos de reidratação para o tratamento de diarreias. No primeiro estudo foram utilizados 33 bezerros da raça Holandês distribuídos nos tratamentos: 1) Alto volume e baixa proteína (AV/BP): 8 litros, 21,4% PB; 2) Alto volume e alta proteína (AV/AP): 8 litros, 23,7% PB e 3) Baixo volume e alta proteína (BV/AP): 6 litros, 23,7% PB. Os bezerros foram alojados em abrigos individuais, com livre acesso a água e concentrado. Não houve efeito dos tratamentos para o desempenho animal (P>0,05). Os tratamentos AV/BP e AV/AP resultaram em maior consumo de sucedâneo (P<0,05), mas não afetaram o consumo de concentrado nem o consumo total (P>0,05). O escore fecal foi maior (P>0,05) para animais nos tratamentos AV/AP e BV/AP. Os animais nos tratamentos AV/BP permaneceram maior número de dias em diarreia (P<0,05), em comparação aqueles aleitados com BV/AP, os quais tiveram menos dias com vida (P<0,05). A concentração de lactato foi maior (P<0,05) para animais nos tratamentos AV/BP e AV/AP enquanto a concentração de proteína total foi maior (P<0,05) nos tratamentos AV/BP e BV/AP. Sucedâneos com elevado conteúdo de proteína de origem vegetal afetam negativamente o desempenho de bezerros podendo levar o animal a morte. No segundo estudo foram comparados três soluções de hidratação oral quanto a sua eficiência em repor eletrólitos e água, além de manter o desempenho de bezerros. Foram utilizados 42 bezerros mestiços Holandês-Jersey, distribuídos nos tratamentos: 1) Soro comum, 2) Glutellac&reg; e 3) Soro comum + Aminogut&reg;. Os animais foram aleitados com 4 L/d de sucedâneo lácteo até a oitava semana de vida quando foram desaleitados de forma abrupta. As terapias de reidratação foram oferecidas quando os animais apresentavam escore fecal >= 3 na escala de 1 a 5. Não houve efeito das terapias de reidratação no desempenho nem em metabólitos sanguíneos (P>0,05). O consumo voluntário de água foi maior para os animais reidratados com Glutellac&reg;, mas o consumo total maior para os animais reidratados com Soro comum. As concentrações de HCO3 e Na+ foram maiores para os animais no tratamento Glutellac&reg; (P=0,088 e P=0,073 respectivamente), sendo a concentração de glicose também afetada pelo protocolo de hidratação (P<0,05). A concentração de HCO3 aumentou do primeiro para o segundo dia, a de K+ e glicose diminuíram do primeiro para o segundo dia, enquanto que o Beecf teve um comportamento variável segundo a terapia de reidratação utilizada. Houve efeito da interação tratamento x dia de avaliação apenas para a concentração de BUN (P<0,05). O pH, a concentração de Na+ e Beecf foram maiores em animais mais velhos, enquanto K+, hematócrito e hemoglobina, foram menores (P<0,05). O consumo voluntário de água foi maior em animais reidratados com Glutellac&reg;, o que junto com a simplicidade de uso, representam as principais vantagens deste método de reidratação. / The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of milk replacer with high inclusion of vegetable protein in regard to performance and health of dairy calves, and evaluate rehydration methods for the treatment of diarrhea. In the first study 33 Holstein calvesdistributed in the treatments: 1) High volume and low protein (HV/LP): 8L/d, 21.4% CP; 2) High volume and high protein (HV/HP): 8L/d, 23.7% CP and 3) low volume and high protein (LV/HP): 6L/d, 23.7% CP. The calves were housed in individual shelters, with free access to water and starter concentrate. There was no effect of the treatments for animal performance (P>0.05). The treatments HV/LP and HV/HP resulted in higher milk replacer intake (P<0.05), but did not affect concentrate intake, neither the total dry matter intake (P>0.05). The fecal score was higher (P>0.05) for animals in treatments HV/HP and LV/HP. The animals in the treatments HV/LP remained more days in diarrhea (P<0.05), compared to LV/HP animals, which had fewer days with life (P<0.05). Lactate concentration was higher (P<0.05) for animals in treatments HV/LP and HV/HP while the concentration of total protein was higher (P<0.05) in treatments HV/LP and LV/HP. The use of milk replacer with high contents of vegetal protein, negatively affects the performance of calves and could lead to animals´ death. In the second study, three oral rehydration protocols were compared in regard to their efficiency in replace electrolytes and water, and in the maintenance of calves performance. Forty-two crossbred calves were used Holstein-Jersey, distributed in the treatments: 1) Common electrolytes oral solution, 2) Glutellac&reg; and 3) Common electrolytes oral solution + Aminogut&reg;. Calves were feed with 4 L/d of milk replacer until the eighth week of life when they were abruptly weaned. The rehydration therapy were offered when the animals presented fecal score >= 3 in a scale of 1 to 5. There was no effect of rehydration therapies for the variables related to animal\'s performance neither for blood metabolites (P>0.05). Voluntary water intake was greater for the animals that were rehydrated with Glutellac&reg;, however total intake was higher for animals rehydrated with a common electrolytes oral solution. HCO3 and Na+ concentration were higher for the animals in the treatment Glutellac&reg; (P=0.088 and p=0.073, respectively) being the glucose concentration also affected by protocol of rehydration (P<0.05). The HCO3 was increased from the first to the second day, the K+ and glucose reduced from the first to the second day, while the Beecf was variable according to rehydration therapy used. There was a significant interaction treatment x day only for the concentration of BUN (P<0.05). pH, concentration of Na+ and Beecf, were higher for older animals, while K+, hematocrit and hemoglobin, were lower (P<0.05). The voluntary water intake was significantly greater in animals rehydrated with Glutellac&reg;, which together with simplicity of use, form the main advantages of this rehydrating.

Causal representation of patient illness for electrolyte and acid-base diagnosis

Patil, Ramesh S January 1982 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 1982. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ENGINEERING / Bibliography: leaves 150-158. / by Ramesh Shrikrishna Patil. / Ph.D.

Reator eletroqu¡mico de bancada para remoção de íons de metais a partir de efluentes industriais / Removing Metal Ions from Industrial Effluents

Borin, Antonio Carlos 09 September 1986 (has links)
Foi projetado e construído um reator eletroquímico de bancada com a finalidade de simular a purificação de efluente industrial contendo íon metálico. As condições levadas em conta no projeto e nos testes de avaliação do reator eram baseadas em dados operacionais reais da indústria. Assim, tratou-se soluções contendo 15.900 ppm de Cu2+ (0,25 M), uma concentração típica de efluentes de cobre, procurando-se chegar o mais perto possível do valor permitido pela CETESB, ou seja 1 ppm (15,7 &#181;M). Foram empregados como eletrodos quatro placas de grafite comercial de 600 X 150 X 10 mm, uma bomba centrífuga de vazão igual a 0,3 L.s-1 para circulação do eletrólito, e fontes de corrente com saída de 0 a 20 A totais. Como foi constatado que os grafites encontráveis no mercado nacional apresentam comportamento bem diverso, realizou-se um estudo do desempenho de materiais de procedência diferentes, em escala de laboratório. Os eletrodos de grafite foram dispostos, guardando entre si um espaçamento de 5 mm, sobre placas de vidro, ligados, eletricamente, no sistema bipolar. Todas as paredes do reator foram feitas de vidro para que se pudesse observar o seu interior durante e após a operação. De cada vez foram tratados 10 litros de solução contendo o íon metálico, e acidulado na base de 10% em H2S04 (v/v), sendo que o eletrólito era reciclado na célula durante um tempo da ordem de 20 horas. Numa comparação das concentrações calculadas, para diversos tempos, e os dados experimentais reais revela certa discrepância. Tal discrepância parece aceitável nesse tipo de operação. Assim, as concentrações de cobre observadas são, quase sempre, superiores às calculadas. Entretanto, os dois valores convergem à medida que decorre o tempo de eletrólise. Por exemplo, após 15 horas de eletrólise, com uma corrente de operação igual a 20 A, deveria reduzir a concentração de 15.900 ppm para 7,2 ppm, quando o valor observado experimentalmente foi de 9 ppm. Obteve-se, assim, uma conversão de 99%, que como revelaram os estudos, parece ser o valor máximo atingível com o reator construido. Embora essa conversão seja considerada excelente, não parece viável atingir os valores da CETESB apenas numa única operação de eletrólise, e no futuro operações complementares deverão ser procuradas. O cobre recuperado apresenta um custo alto comparativamente com o preço de mercado, permanecendo, como principal vantagem do processo, o benefício ecológico. / An electrochemical reactor, with the aim of recovering metallic ions from waste water, was designed, built and evaluated in laboratory scale. The working conditions concerning to the ion concentrations were based in real operational data. Thus, solutions containing 15,900 ppm Cu2+ ions (0.25 M) were electrolysed with the purpose of obtain a final concentration as near as possible to the limiting value which is allowed by CETESB (Companhia de Tecnologia de Saneamento Ambiental), i.e., 1 ppm (15.7 &#181;M). Four commercial graphite plates (600 X 150 X 10 mm), of different origins,were employed as electrodes. A centrifugal pump with capacity equal to 0.3 L.s-1 was used to circulate the electrolyte through the reactor. The electric current was supplied by sources with a maximum output of 20 A. The performance of the different graphite, which are available at the Brazilian market was studied further by means of potentiodynamic experiments, using electrodes with areas of few square millimeters. The reactor was built with glass to make possible visual observations of the inside. Two adjacent electrodes were separated by 5 mm. At each experiment 10 liters of solution containing the metallic ion and 10% H2S04 (v/v) were electrolysed for about 20 hours. The calculated values and the experimental ones, for different electrolysis times, show some deviation. This deviation, however, seems to be reasonable in that kind of experiments. Calculated and experimental values converge to the same limit with time. For example, after 15 hours electrolysis with an operating current of 20 A, the initial concentration, 15,900 ppm, is reduced to 9 ppm, when the calculated value is 7,2 ppm. Thus, a 99% conversion is attained. This is apparently, the limiting value which is attainable with the reactor. Although, this conversion value may be considered very good, it does not seems possible to obtain the limiting value, imposed by CETESS, with a one-step electrochemical operation. The cost of the recovered copper is high compared with the market price. Therefore, the main benefice of process is the ecological one.

NÃveis de sÃdio e cloro para codornas italianas destinadas à produÃÃo de carne / Levels of Italian sodium and chlorine for codornas destined the meat production

DÃbora Linhares Raquel 27 March 2009 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Dois experimentos foram conduzidos para determinar os melhores nÃveis nutricionais de sÃdio e cloro para codornas italianas destinadas à produÃÃo de carne (1 a 49 dias de idade). Em cada experimento, 384 codornas com um dia de idade foram distribuÃdas em um delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com seis tratamentos e oito repetiÃÃes de oito aves por unidade experimental. Os nÃveis de sÃdio e de cloro avaliados foram: 0,07; 0,12; 0,17; 0,22; 0,27 e 0,32%. Observou-se efeito quadrÃtico dos nÃveis de sÃdio sobre o consumo de raÃÃo, ganho de peso e sobre os rendimentos de carcaÃa e coxa+sobrecoxa, com nÃveis Ãtimos de 0,257%, 0,216%, 0,207% e 0,191%, respectivamente. O aumento do sÃdio na raÃÃo promoveu prejuÃzo linear na conversÃo alimentar e aumento na ingestÃo de Ãgua. Entretanto, a umidade das excretas e o rendimento de peito nÃo foram afetados significativamente pelos nÃveis de sÃdio. Para o cloro, nÃo foram observados efeitos significativos dos nÃveis de cloro das raÃÃes sobre todos os parÃmetros avaliados. Considerando os resultados, pode-se recomendar que as raÃÃes para codornas italianas destinadas à produÃÃo de carne, na fase de 1 a 49 dias, sejam formuladas com 0,22% de sÃdio e nÃveis de cloro entre 0,07% a 0,32% / Two experiments were conducted to determine the best sodium and chlorine nutritional levels to Italian quails for meat production (aged 1 to 49 days). In each trial, 384 one-day quails were distributed in a completely randomized design with six treatments and eight replications of eight birds of experimental unit. The levels of sodium and chlorine evaluated were: 0,07; 0,12; 0,17; 0,22; 0,27 and 0,32%. It was observed a quadratic effect of the sodium levels on feed intake, weight gain and yields of carcass and thigh plus drumstick, with optimal levels of 0,257%, 0,216%, 0,207% and 0,191% respectively. The increase in sodium level in the diet produced a linear decrease in feed conversion and an in increase in water intake. However, the excreta moisture and breast yield were not significantly affected by the sodium levels. As for chlorine, we did not observe any significant effects of the chlorine levels in the diets on all the parameters evaluated. From the results, we can recommend that the diets for Italian quails bred for meat production, in the phase from 1 to 49 days, are formulated with 0,22% of sodium level and chlorine levels from 0,07% to 0,32%

Development of a Solid Electrolyte for Hydrogen Production

Gaikwad, Kiran Sampat 01 November 2004 (has links)
Electrolytic cells convert chemical energy directly into electrical energy cleanly and efficiently. An integral component of a fuel cell and an electrolytic cell is the electrolyte, a material that conducts ions. Liquid electrolytes can be aqueous as in the phosphoric acid and alkaline fuel cells, or molten, as in the molten carbonate fuel cells. A solid electrolyte is preferable because it allows sturdier, more efficient and corrosion resistant systems to be built. The main objective of this work is to develop a solid electrolyte for hydrogen production by electrolysis of hydrogen sulfide. Barium Hydrogen Phosphate, Barium Dihydrogen Phosphate, Cesium Hydrogen Carbonate, and Ammonium Iodide received brief attention but Cesium Hydrogen Sulfate was the primary candidate considered. Initial investigation has verified that Cesium Hydrogen Sulfate undergoes an impressive first-order phase transition at approximately 140°C at which the proton conductivity increases by almost four orders of magnitude. An electrochemical cell was designed and developed by Erik Todd for the production of hydrogen. Hydrogen sulfide can electrolyzed into hydrogen and sulfur in an electrochemical cell. Sulfur is in a low viscosity molten state at a temperature of 150°C. A cell with cesium hydrogen sulfate electrolyte canoperate at this temperature where liquid sulfur and gaseous hydrogen can move out of the cell as they are formed. Consequently, the electrolyte must possess a high conductivity at this temperature to facilitate the migration of hydrogen ions to the negative electrode through the electrolyte. Cesium Hydrogen Sulfate is known to act as an insulator at room temperature and a protonic conductor at 140°C. Hence it comes as an obvious choice as an electrolyte in a hydrogen sulfide electrochemical cell. The structural and chemical properties of Cesium Hydrogen Sulfate were investigated. • The CsHSO4 electrolyte was prepared by the reaction of cesium carbonate and cesium sulfate with sulfuric acid respectively. • A punch, die and base were designed and fabricated to 0.5" and 2.0" diameter pellets for that purpose. • X-ray diffraction was performed on the 0.5" diameter pellets to identify and characterize the polycrystalline phases of the solid acid electrolyte. • Differential Scanning Calorimetry was performed so as to ascertain the phase transition temperature. • The temperature at which the phase transition occurs was further confirmed by impedance measurements. A test setup was built in order to perform impedance measurements. An experiment to measure the impedance of a 0.5" diameter pellet of silver iodide was performed in order to test the validity of the setup. • An infrared analysis was performed on the prepared sample CsHSO4 in order to identify the bond environment of the electrolyte. • Differential scanning calorimetry was performed with Barium Hydrogen Phosphate, Barium Dihydrogen Phosphate, Cesium Hydrogen Carbonate and Ammonium Iodide to identify their phase transition temperatures. • A successful electrolysis of steam experiment was carried out using the CsHSO4 electrolyte to evaluate its performance. • Finally, the CsHSO4 electrolyte was tested in the hydrogen sulfide electrochemical cell for the production of hydrogen and sulfur.

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