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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Generativ AI och förtroende för kommunal kommunikation : En kvantitativ undersökning av förtroende för kommunalkommunikation med fokus på Elaboration Likelihood Model(ELM)

Eriksson, Sigrid, Frisk, Tobias January 2024 (has links)
Den ständigt utvecklande värld vi lever i har för många klivit in i en ny era, där artificiell intelligens oroar befolkningen med felaktig information, yrken som byter ut mänsklig arbetskraft mot den högt effektiva AI. Än finner vi problematik bakom detta relativt nya verktyget, och den individuella individen saknar förtroende för denna form av teknologi. Denna studie ämnar således att undersöka hur förtroendet för Sundsvalls kommun kan komma att påverkas ifall mottagarna av kommunikationen får veta att kommunikationen är framtagen med hjälp av generativ AI. Genom en kvantitativ enkätundersökning undersöks ställningstaganden och uppfattningen kring AI, vad personer tycker om detta verktyg. Det insamlade materialet består av frågor som berör tre scenarier vi har inkluderat, respondenternas användning av AI, individuellt förtroende för Sundsvalls kommun, demografiska faktorer och till vilken grad de tar till sig kommunikation av kommunen. Regressionsanalysen visar att demografiska faktorer såsom ålder, utbildning, boendesituation,hushållsstorlek och antal barn påverkar tilliten till AI genererademeddelanden olika beroende på scenario.

The Age, Growth, and Food Habits of the Lake Dallas White Bass, Lepibema Chrysops (Rafinesque)

Micks, Don W. 08 1900 (has links)
This study was made to secure certain new information concerning the food habits and growth of the white bass, Lepibema chrysops (Rafinesque), which is quite generally considered a good game and good fish.

A Chemical, Physical, and Biological Investigation of the Total Suspended and Dissolved Substances in Lake Dallas with Emphasis on Sanitation

Eads, Ewin A. 06 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this investigation is to determine the suspended organic matter and the total phosphorus in the waters of Lake Dallas and to evaluate these findings. Since organic matter floating in lakes is largely composed of minute plants, animals, and detritus derived from animals and plants, the fertilizing effect of phosphorus must be considered as an integral part of this problem.

Genom odöda stilar och transformerade masker : Populärkulturell återanvändning av Goyas och Fuselis konst i nyadaptionen av slasherfilmen Terror på Elm Street / Immortal styles and transformed masks

Bjerre, Tobias January 2015 (has links)
Studien undersöker användningen av Goyas etsning När förnuftet sover kommer monstren och Fuselis oljemålning Nattmaran som förekommer i slasherfilmen Terror på Elm Street (2010). Konstverken är placerade i en scen där konstverken bland annat får en självrefererande roll eftersom det som sker i konstverken även sker i filmen. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vad konstverken fyller för funktion i filmen och att undersöka om det finns stilistiska och tematiska likheter mellan konstverken och filmen trots att det skiljer ungefär 200 år mellan dem. De båda konstverken analyseras semiotiskt och filmen analyseras främst utifrån studiens teoretiska perspektiv: intermedialitet, transmediering och intertextualitet.   Resultatet visar att slasherfilmer och skräckfilmer är väldigt flitiga med användandet av intertextuella referenser och självrefererande uttryck men att det är svårt att veta exakt vad konstverken har för betydelse. Tidigare forskning visar att tidig skräckfilm inspirerades av gotiska romaner och romantiska konstverk vilka transmedierades till filmmediet när det var tekniskt möjligt. Mellan konstverken och filmen går det att hitta flera stilmässiga och tematiska likheter som är typiska för det som började framhävas under romantiken. Terror på Elm Street (2010) bär på flera postmoderna drag, bland annat eftersom filmen kombinerar uttryck från det förflutna och berör gränsen för vad som ses som fin- respektive populärkultur. / This study examines Goya’s etching The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters and Fuseli’s The Nightmare and how they are used in the slasher movie A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010). The purpose of this study is to explore the artworks and their role within the movie and examine if it is possible to distinguish stylistic and thematic similarities between the works despite being separated by approximately 200 years. The artworks are analyzed according to a semiotic method, while the movie is analyzed mainly using the study’s theoretical aspects: intermediality, transmediality and intertextuality. The result shows that intertextual references and self-referential expressions are frequently used in slasher movies. However, the specific role which these artworks play in the movie is often hard to decipher. There are several similarities between the artworks and the movie and previous studies shows that early horror movies were influenced by gothic novels and romantic paintings which were transmediated to fit the film medium. The art works used in A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) have the same motifs as part of the film’s story and are also part of a postmodern trend of mixing between so called high culture and popular culture.

Life History Allocation of Energy to Growth and Reproduction in Gizzard Shad, Dorosoma cepedianum, in North Central Texas

Fagan, Joseph A. 12 1900 (has links)
Life history allocation of energy to growth and reproduction was determined for female gizzard shad. Absolute caloric energy allocated to eggs increased with age. The relative amount of production energy directed to reproduction increased with age up to 5 years and then decreased. Seasonal variation in lipids was studied. Quantitative changes occurred in ovarian lipids during the reproductive cycle. Carcass lipids varied seasonally. Age of sexual maturity was 3 years. Delayed maturity is attributed to high allocation of energy to growth enabling shad to outgrow intense competition and predation in pre-reproductive ages; there is little competition and predation in reproductive shad. Growth rates and condition factors indicated constant availability of food seasonally.


李宛容 Unknown Date (has links)
追求顧客滿意對任何一家公司來說都是重要的,畢竟一家公司若沒有顧客,公司就不會有利潤,公司一旦沒有利潤,公司也無生存的機會。如果當產品或服務能夠滿足顧客在消費之前的期望時,顧客滿意度就會提昇,不過,當顧客的這次消費的滿意度提昇後,通常顧客會抱著更大的期望來做下一次的消費,所以公司要滿足顧客下一次的期望,將會付出比這回還要多的成本與心力。若希望不斷的追求顧客滿意,可能公司要不斷地增加成本與心力來達成,這應該不是公司所樂見的。  那麼如果能在顧客期望不提昇之下追求顧客滿意,應該是許多公司更希望追求的。因此,在本研究中,希望藉由大哥大系統廠商來作為研究標的,利用歸因理論中所談的的三構面「區別性」、「一致性」、「共同性」,來檢視公司是否可以找出一種方式,使顧客的滿意度提昇,但顧客期望不要提昇。  研究結果發現,如果公司利用「區別性」所設計的活動,會使顧客滿意度提昇,但是顧客期望不提昇;利用「一致性」所設計的活動,會使顧客滿意與期望皆提昇;利用「共同性」所設計的活動,會使顧客滿意與期望皆未提昇。所以,本研究結果建議公司可多利用「區別性」之特色來設計活動,以利在顧客期望不提昇之下追求顧客滿意。  另外,本研究還接著利用探索性研究的方式,以ELM理論為基礎,檢視「產品知識」的高低是否會影響上述三種情況,不過對於「產品知識」採的是事後分組,所以結果是,不論產品知識高或低,對上述三種情境都不會有顯著的干擾效果,這是值得後續研究加強之處。

A nigthmare on Elm street et Wes Craven's new nightmare de Wes Craven : spécularité et métahorreur

Weber-Houde, Aude January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire vise à démontrer de quelle manière les procédés spéculaires présents dans deux films du réalisateur américain Wes Craven, A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) et Wes Craven 's New Nightmare (1994), révèlent et transgressent les conventions génériques du fantastique, de l'horreur et du slasher film. À ce jour, le travail réflexif de Craven demeure peu étudié par la critique. Bien que plusieurs travaux consacrés aux fictions d'épouvante se soient penchés sur l'oeuvre de ce cinéaste, rares sont ceux qui mentionnent l'importance du motif spéculaire. Or, l'apport de Craven s'étend au-delà de la simple réutilisation des codes de l'horreur; le réalisateur bouleverse les conventions du genre. Par le biais de l'onirisme, le film A Nightmare on Elm Street exploite la qualité réflexive du dispositif cinématographique. Le processus « fictionnalisant » du rêve imitant celui du cinéma, le film propose, au moyen des cauchemars de ses personnages, une réflexion sur la nature des images présentées à l'écran. Ce premier film se trouve enchâssé dans un second, Wes Craven's New Nightmare, dans lequel Craven brise les cadres convenus de la fiction d'horreur et démultiplie les univers diégétiques. Le réalisateur y opère un fantastique horrifiant qui rend explicitement compte de la dichotomie illusion/réalité inhérente au genre, ainsi que de l'incontournable question des frontières et de leur inquiétante perméabilité. Par le truchement de ses diverses manifestations spéculaires, Wes Craven 's New Nightmare met en scène les thèmes chers au cinéma d'épouvante, mais propose en outre une critique iconoclaste de ce genre cinématographique. Notre analyse se base principalement sur une hypothèse énoncée dans l'ouvrage fondateur Le récit spéculaire. Essai sur la mise en abyme, de Lucien Dallenbach, selon laquelle la mise en abyme constitue un code herméneutique à petite échelle permettant l'interprétation de l'oeuvre qui la contient. Nous proposons une étude des divers jeux de miroir -tant esthétiques que narratifs -imbriqués dans ces films, afin d'expliquer de quelle manière ceux-ci déterminent une relecture des codes du cinéma d'horreur, mais également comment ils confrontent le spectateur à sa propre image. Ultimement, nous cherchons à prouver que la mise en abyme, par ses qualités frontalières, constitue une figure fantastique significative ainsi qu'un outil puissant pour la création d'effets horrifiques. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : A Nightmare on Elm Street, Wes Craven's new nightmare, Wes Craven, Cinéma, Horreur, Spécularité, Mise en abyme.

Toroidal phasing of resonant magnetic perturbation effect on edge pedestal transport in the DIII-D tokamak

Wilks, Theresa M. 04 February 2013 (has links)
Resonant Magnetic Perturbation (RMP) fields produced by external control coils are considered a viable option for the suppression of Edge Localized Modes (ELMs) in present and future tokamaks. Repeated reversals of the toroidal phase of the I-coil magnetic field in RMP shot 147170 on DIII-D has generated uniquely different edge pedestal profiles, implying different edge transport phenomena. The causes, trends, and implications of RMP toroidal phase reversal on edge transport is analyzed by comparing various parameters at 0 and 60 degree toroidal phases, with an I-coil mode number of n=3. An analysis of diffusive and non-diffusive transport effects of these magnetic perturbations it the plasma edge pedestal for this RMP shot is characterized by interpreting the ion and electron heat diffusivities, angular momentum transport frequencies, ion diffusion coefficients, and pinch velocities for both phases.

The Use of the Elaboration Likelihood Model and Attitude Change in Personality Disorder Patients

Kaplan, Jillian 01 January 2018 (has links)
Previous research has studied the relationship between the use of the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) and various personality traits when individuals are presented with persuasive information. This study aims to examine attitude change toward treatment in personality disorder (PD) patients using the ELM. It is predicted that patients of BPD, SPD, and OCPD will be more likely to use the central route of processing, while patients of NPD will be more likely to use the peripheral route of processing when evaluating persuasive information due the personality traits characteristic of the respective disorders. Selected patients of the four PDs of interest will be randomly assigned to read a positive persuasive appeal containing information more likely to be persuasive to an individual using the central route of processing or, conversely, the peripheral route of persuasion. Differences in treatment attitudes before and after reading each appeal will be compared in a 2x4 Factorial ANOVA design. Understanding individual differences in information processing and attitude change toward treatment depending on personality disorder could potentially allow for mental health professionals to consider these tendencies when encouraging treatment for individual personality disorder patients.

An explorative study of consumers' attitudes towards generic medications

Tolken, Reinhard 05 November 2012 (has links)
Objective: To explore consumer attitudes towards generic medication. Methods: A quantitative method was used in this explorative study to assess consumer attitudes towards generic medication. A survey design was utilized. A questionnaire was devised that comprised four sections which assessed attitudes towards generic medication. A Living Standards Measure (LSM) assessed socio-economic status. Convenience sampling resulted in the recruitment of 266 respondents. Statistical analysis of the data included non-parametric (Chi-square and correlation analysis) and parametric statistics (factor analysis, MANOVA and regression analysis). Results: More than half the respondents (54.8%) report preference for original medication over generic medication. A large percentage believes there is a place for generic medication (88.9%). The majority (95%) indicate they would purchase generic medication if it proves to be just as effective as the original product. More respondents (91.2%) trust physician over pharmacist recommendations to purchase generics. More than half the respondents (57.9%) would purchase generic medication if recommended by friends but they trust their family members more (68.6%). The findings indicate that respondents generally hold favourable attitudes towards the efficacy of generic medication despite the fact that slightly more than half prefer original medication. Respondents indicate that pricing and branding influence their attitudes towards generic medication. Chi-square analyses indicated that more men would choose original medication and more women would choose generic medication. Age differences revealed that the older consumer is more likely to choose generic medication. White respondents indicated a preference for generic medication, while Black respondents indicated that they prefer original medication. Middle-class (LSM 5-8) and middle-upper class (LSM 9) respondents prefer generic medication, while upper class (LSM 10) respondents prefer original medication. The correlation analysis found no significant relationship between medical aid status and original or generic medication choice. A principle component factor analysis produced nine factors based on the items in the questionnaire, with only eight factors being subjected to further testing. These eight factors were subjected to a MANOVA and tested against gender and race with no significant differences found between men and women and between Black and White respondents. These eight factors were also subjected to further testing by means of regression analysis where it was found that three of the eight factors were statistically significant. These three factors can be productively explored in future research. Implications: This explorative study focused on consumer attitudes towards generic medication, however, it was identified that the consumer valued their physician’s recommendation for type of medication. For future studies, it would be beneficial to explore medical personnel (physician and pharmacist) attitudes towards generic medication as these individuals play an important role in product choice. Copyright / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Psychology / unrestricted

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