Spelling suggestions: "subject:"epidemi"" "subject:"hidemi""
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Upplevelser av aktivitetsbalans och dess påverkan på stress för studenter under pandemin covid-19 : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / The experiences of occupational balance and its impact on stress for students during the covid-19 pandemic.Svensson, Ida, Bard, Desirée January 2021 (has links)
Titel: Upplevelser av aktivitetsbalans och dess påverkan på stress för studenter under pandemin covid-19. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva hur studenter på en svensk högskola upplever aktivitetsbalans och dess påverkan på stress under pandemin covid-19. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie med 10 svenska informanter där materialet analyserades med en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: I resultatet kom det fram 3 kategorier: Minskade möjligheter i att delta i aktiviteter påverkar aktivitetsbalansen, Strategier för att upprätthålla aktivitetsbalans och Relationen mellan aktivitetsbalans och stress. Resultatet visade upplevelserna av aktivitetsbalans och dess påverkan på stress hos informanterna. Slutsats: Fungerande rutiner och anpassade aktiviteter var av betydelse för upplevd aktivitetsbalans under pandemin covid-19. Upplevelsen av att pandemin påverkat aktivitetsbalans negativt var på grund av bristande rutiner och anpassningar i vardagen. Vid upplevd aktivitetsobalans sågs en verkan på stress men med tidigare erfarenhet av stresshantering kunde det undvikas. / Title: The experiences of occupational balance and its impact on stress for students during the covid-19 pandemic. Aim: The purpose of the study was to describe how students at a Swedish university experience occupational balance and its impact on stress during the pandemic covid-19. Method: A qualitative interview study was used with 10 Swedish participants and the material was analyzed with a qualitative content analysis. Result: The result revealed 3 categories: Reduced opportunities in participating in activities affect the occupational balance, Strategies for maintaining occupational balance and The relationship between occupational balance and stress. The results showed experiences of occupational balance and its impact on between informants Conclusion: Functioning routines and adapted activities were important for the perceived occupational balance during the covid-19 pandemic. The experience that the pandemic had a negative effect on the balance of activities was due to a lack of routines and adaptations in everyday life. In the case of perceived occupational imbalance, an effect on stress was seen, but with previous experience of stress management, it could be avoided.
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Sunnhetskommisjonen i Moss 1860−1883, 1905−1906Årvik, Marianne January 2013 (has links)
Som følge av sunnhetsloven av 1860 ble det opprettet sunnhetskommisjoner i Norges kjøbsteder. I Moss ble det opprettet en slik sunnhetskommisjon. Denne oppgaven omhandler sunnhetskommisjonen i Moss sitt virke i årene mellom 1860 og 1906. Årene mellom 1883 og 1905 er ikke representert da det ikke har vært mulig å finne forhandlingsprotokollene i denne perioden. Dette er en analyse av de initiativ sunnhetskommisjonen i Moss tok for å bedre innbyggernes helse, heve sunnhetsnivået og levestandarden, samt bekjempe epidemiske sykdommer. Oppgaven tar for seg etableringen og oppstartfasen som foregikk i deres første tiår, 1860-tallet. I den tidligste fasen gjorde kommisjonen et solid opplysningsarbeid for å øke kunnskapen til innbyggerne om hvordan de måtte gjøre endringer for å bedre den hygieniske tilstanden. I løpet av den første halvdelen av 1870-årene brukte kommisjonen mye tid på å iverksette tiltak for å bekjempe to kopperepidemier samt at de arbeidet for å forebygge kolera. I den andre halvdelen av 1870-årene og fram til 1906 tok sunnhetskommisjonen initiativ til å arbeide med nye saker. Disse sakene stod i forhold til det som skjedde i samfunnet ellers. I denne perioden foregikk det moderniseringsprosesser og urbaniseringsprosesser der ny industri vokste fram i byene. I tillegg var det en befolkningsøkning. Sunnhetskommisjonen fikk stadig nye ansvarsområder i takt med denne utviklingen og de iverksatte dermed tiltak for å regulere de nye områdene. Kommisjonen tok initiativ til å arbeide med det vi i dag kaller fabrikktilsyn, mattilsyn og barnevern. I kommisjonen ble det valgt inn en statsingeniør i 1873 som fikk stor betydning både for sunnhetskommisjonens virke og for Moss bys utvikling. Han var en sterk pådriver for blant annet byens vannverk, kloakkanlegg og skoler. I tillegg ryddet han opp i byens gater og monterte lykter. Hans engasjement bidro til å bedre den hygieniske tilstanden betraktelig. Denne oppgaven gir et innblikk i en sunnhetskommisjons arbeid for å heve levestandarden, øke sunnhetsnivået og bekjempe sykdommer på lokalt nivå, i Moss.
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"Folk äro också rädda för den smygande sjukdomen [...]" : en studie om spanska sjukans förlopp i Karlskoga kommun år 1918. / "People are also afraid of the insidious disease […]" : A study on the spanish flu in Karlskoga municipality during the yearof 1918.Westin, Tim January 2020 (has links)
The swedish local history research on the spanish flu is relatively scarce. The research that is available today seems to be largely centered around accounts for morbidity and mortality as a result of the epidemic. This however, has also been an important part of the research, to provide a demographic depiction of the mortality. Another important element in the present study has also been to account for the authorities' actions during the epidemic, something that is largely lacking in research. In light of the prevailing Corona epidemic and the lack of local historical research on the course of the Spanish flu in Sweden, the present study has aimed to examine the course of the epidemic in the undersigned home municipality of Karlskoga, during the epidemic in 1918. With the use of the death and funeral books of the Karlskoga parish, old issues of the newspaper ”Karlskoga Tidning” and the Health Care Board's statistics and protocols, the undersigned has, through this case study, tried to provide a quantitative aswell as a qualitative depiction of the epidemic year. The study evince that at least 43 people died in the municipality, the majority of whom were men under 40 years old. It also turned out that the workers' areas in Bofors were home to 36% of those who died during the epidemic months, no other area in the municipality had such high mortality rate. The study also indicates that the authorities in Karlskoga considered the epidemic to be of great danger. Hence, they seemed to have used the available information channels at the time, as to prevent the spread of infection. In this research it is noteworthy that as of today, a hundred years later, similar approaches are used to limit the spread of infection.
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Den asiatiska influensan 1957 : En jämförande undersökning mellan två dagstidningarKitti Lundholm, Daniel January 2022 (has links)
At the end of February 1957, the WHO announced that a highly contagious flu epidemic was raging in China, where hundreds of thousands of people had fallen ill. This flu then spreads with furious speed over the rest of the world and becomes known as the Asian flu. The main purpose of the essay is to use a qualitative content analysis to investigate and compare how the Asian flu pandemic was portrayed in the Swedish newspapers Norrskensflamman and Dagens Nyheter at its outbreak in 1957. The reason why these two newspapers have been chosen is due to their differences in quantity, political tendency and their geographical locations. Both dailies have also been available digitally. Based on own investigations in the thesis, as well as research on previous epidemics that have affected Sweden, three themes have been identified; panic, vaccines and societal change. These are a starting point for seeking answers to what the portrayal looks like, what differences there are between the newspapers and whether Norrbotten is affected in a different way compared to the rest of Sweden. The articles on the Asian flu that have been investigated have been located in the two newspapers and compared in relation to each other. The essay shows both similarities and differences in the newspapers' reporting of the Asian flu, where the most prominent are the panic aspects. Together, both newspapers report a much lower death toll from the flu than the actual one, but differ in how much responsibility they take to prevent public panic, for example through word choice. Their early reporting on the work with vaccines also helps to calm and convey that the situation is under control. On the other hand, the content of the articles changes quickly when it is clear that the infection is raging in Sweden. Information in the newspapers regarding societal changes is sparse and there are few indications that they are permanent.There are no clear indications that Norrbotten was hit much harder by the Asian flu than the rest of Sweden, quite the opposite.
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Simulation of airborne transmission of infection in a confined space using an agent-based modelLützow, Joel, Mikiver, Cecilia January 2020 (has links)
As the world observes a new pandemic with COVID-19, it is clear that pathogens can spread rapidly and without recognition of borders. Outbreaks will continue to occur, and so the diseases’ transmission method must be thoroughly understood in order to minimize their impact. Some infections, such as influenza, tuberculosis and measles are known to be spread through droplets in the air. In a confined space the concentration can grow as more droplets are released. This study examined a simulated confined space modelled as a hospital waiting area, where people who could have underlying conditions congregate and mix with potentially infectious individuals. It further investigated the impact of the volume of the waiting area, the number of people in the room, the placement of them as well as their weight. The simulation is an agent-based model (ABM), a computational model with the purpose of analysing a system through the actions and cumulative consequences of autonomous agents. The presented ABM features embodied agents with differing body weights that can move, breathe and cough in a ventilated room. An investigation into current epidemiological models lead to the hypothesis that one may be implemented as a corresponding ABM, where it could possibly also be improved upon. In this paper, it is shown that all parameters of the Gammaitoni and Nucci model can be taken into account in an ABM via the MASON library. In addition, proof is produced to suggest that some flaws of the epidemiological model can be mended in the ABM. It is demonstrated that the constructed model can account for proximity between susceptible people and infectors, an expressed limitation of the original model. / När världen observerar en ny pandemi, COVID-19, är det tydligt att patogener kan spridas fort och utan hänsyn till landsgränser. Utbrott kommer att fortsätta ske och därför måste sjukdomarnas överföringsmetod förstås, så att deras påverkan kan minimeras. Det är känt att vissa infektioner, såsom influensa, tuberkulos och mässling kan spridas via droppkärnor i luften. I ett begränsat utrymme kan koncentrationen växa när fler droppar tillförs. Denna studie utvärderar ett simulerat begränsat utrymme modellerat som ett väntrum på ett sjukhus, där människor som kan ha underliggande sjukdomar samlas och beblandar sig med potentiellt smittsamma individer. Inverkan av volymen av väntrummet, antalet personer i rummet, var de var placerade i rummet samt deras vikt undersöktes också. Simuleringen är en agent-baserad modell (ABM), en beräkningsmodell med syftet att analysera ett system genom handlingarna och kumulativa konsekvenserna av självstyrande agenter. Personer med olika kroppsvikt som kan röra sig, andas och hosta i ett ventilerat rum simuleras i denna ABM. Efterforskning av aktuella epidemiologiska modeller leder till hypotesen att en sådan skulle kunna implementeras som en motsvarande ABM, där den möjligtvis också kan förbättras. I denna rapport kommer det att uppvisas att alla parametrar av Gammaitonioch Nucci-modellen kan tas hänsyn till i en ABM via MASON biblioteket. Därtill produceras bevis som pekar på att vissa brister i den epidemiologiska modellen kan hämmas i denna ABM. Det demonstreras att den konstruerade modellen kan beakta distansen mellan mottagliga personer och smittsamma, vilket är en känd begränsning i originalmodellen.
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Compartmental Models in Social DynamicsGraf Brolund, Alice January 2021 (has links)
The dynamics of many aspects of social behaviour, such as spread of fads and fashion, collective action, group decision-making, homophily and disagreement, have been captured by mathematical models. The power of these models is that they can provide novel insight into the emergent dynamics of groups, e.g. 'epidemics' of memes, tipping points for collective action, wisdom of crowds and leadership by small numbers of individuals, segregation and polarisation. A current weakness in the scientific models is their sheer number. 'New' models are continually 'discovered' by physicists, engineers and mathematicians. The models are analysed mathematically, but very seldom provide predictions that can be tested empirically. In this work, we provide a framework of simple models, based on Lotka's original idea of using chemical reactions to describe social interactions. We show how to formulate models for social epidemics, social recovery, cycles, collective action, group decision-making, segregation and polarisation, which we argue encompass the majority of social dynamics models. We present an open-access tool, written in Python, for specifying social interactions, studying them in terms of mass action, and creating spatial simulations of model dynamics. We argue that the models in this article provide a baseline of empirically testable predictions arising from social dynamics, and that before creating new and more complicated versions of the same idea, researchers should explain how their model differs substantially from our baseline models. / Matematiska modeller kan hjälpa oss att förstå många typer av sociala fenomen, som ryktesspridning, spridning av memes, gruppbeslut, segregation och radikalisering. Det finns idag otaliga modeller för sociala beteenden hos människor och djur, och fler presenteras kontinuerligt. Det stora antalet modeller försvårar navigering inom forskningsfältet, och många av modellerna är dessutom komplicerade och svåra att verifiera genom experiment. I detta arbete föreslås ett ramverk av grundläggande modeller, som var och en modellerar en aspekt av socialt beteende; det gäller sociala epidemier, cykler, gemensamt handlande, gruppbeslut, segregation och polarisering. Vi menar att dessa modeller utgör majoriteten av de verifierbara aspekter av socialt beteende som studeras, och att de bör behandlas som en utgångspunkt när en ny modell ska introduceras. Vilka av mekanismerna från utgångspunkten finns representerade i modellen? Skiljer den sig ens nämnvärt från utgångspunkten? Genom att ha en god förståelse för grundmodellerna, och genom att förklara på vilket sätt en ny modell skiljer sig från dem, kan forskare undvika att presentera modeller som i praktiken är mer komplicerade varianter av sådana som redan finns. I detta arbete visar vi hur dessa grundläggande modeller kan formuleras och studeras. Modellerna bygger på enkla regler om vad som händer när individer i en befolkning möter varandra. Till exempel, om en person som har vetskap om ett rykte träffar någon som inte har det, kan ryktet spridas vidare. Därför har antaganden om vilka personer som kan träffa varandra stor påverkan på de resultat som modellerna ger. I detta arbete studeras varje modell med två olika metoder: i den ena har alla personer i befolkningen samma sannolikhet att träffa varandra, i den andra representeras befolkningen av ett rutnät, där varje plats motsvarar en individ. I den senare har alltså varje person ett begränsat antal grannar att interagera med. Vilken av dessa två metoder man väljer har stor betydelse för vilka beteenden modellerna förutspår. Som ett komplement till detta arbete presenteras ett verktyg i form av ett Python-program som utför analysen av modellerna. Detta kan användas för att undersöka grundmodellerna som presenteras i detta arbete, men också för att formulera och analysera nya modeller på samma sätt. På det viset kan nya modeller enkelt jämföras mot grundmodellerna. Verktyget är användbart både som introduktion för de som är nya inom social dynamik, men också för de forskare som som vill ta fram nya modeller och föra forskningsfältet vidare.
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