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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Equivocation in communication between Taiwan and mainland China

Li, Yusheng January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

The added value of SPECT/CT in the evaluation of equivocal skeletal lesions in patients with known malignant disease

Ndlovu, Xolani 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Medical Imaging and Clinical Oncology. Nuclear Medicine))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH SUMMARY: Introduction: Bone scintigraphy is used extensively in evaluating metastatic disease. There are currently no clear recommendations for the use of SPECT/CT in metastatic bone disease. Existing procedural guidelines from the Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) for SPECT/CT do not provide specific indications for use of SPECT/CT in bone scintigraphy, and there are currently no other guidelines for the use of SPECT/CT in bone scintigraphy that the author is aware of. The aim of this study was to investigate the additional value of SPECT/CT, and to identify the clinical indications for which SPECT/CT is most useful in patients with suspected bone metastases. Subjects and Methods: Forty-two patients with equivocal lesions on planar scintigraphy were prospectively recruited and planar imaging, SPECT, and SPECT/CT done on all patients. On reading of SPECT and then SPECT/CT, patients and individual lesions were classified as malignant, benign or equivocal. Radiological studies and available clinical information were also used during reading of scans. Review of clinical information, radiological studies and/or follow-up bone scans were used as gold standard. The results of the SPECT and SPECT/CT were compared in terms of proportion of equivocal findings and accuracy. Results: Forty-two patients with 189 skeletal lesions were examined. There was a diverse variety of primary tumours, although the majority had breast (n=22) or prostate cancer (n=8). Overall, SPECT/CT resulted in a significant reduction in the proportion of equivocal findings on both a patient-wise (p=0.0015) and lesion-wise basis (p<0.0001). The overall accuracy of SPECT/CT was significantly higher than that of SPECT on both a patient-wise (p=0.0026) and lesion-wise basis (p<0.0001). Generally SPECT/CT decreased the proportion of equivocal findings and increased the accuracy independent of the presence of bone pain, type of primary tumour, or skeletal region involved. SPECT/CT did not significantly improve the diagnostic confidence of readers in equivocal lumbar lesions although accuracy was significantly improved in this region. Conclusion: SPECT/CT performs significantly better than SPECT alone for the interpretation of equivocal planar lesions. There is no evidence that the benefit of SPECT/CT is dependent on the type of primary tumour or the presence of bone pain. Where resources are limited, SPECT/CT is indicated only in those patients in whom correct classification of the lesions in question is expected to alter the patient’s management. SPECT/CT images should be interpreted with the aid of a diagnostic radiologist or nuclear medicine physicians should acquire sufficient experience in Computed Tomographic image interpretation in order to optimise diagnostic benefit from SPECT/CT. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Inleiding: Beenflikkergrafie word wyd vir die evaluering van metastatiese siekte gebruik. Daar bestaan tans geen duidelike aanbevelings vir die gebruik van Enkelfotonemissie rekenaartomografie gekombineer met rekenaartomografie (EFERT/RT, Engels SPECT/CT) in metastatiese beensiekte nie. Bestaande riglyne van die Amerikaanse Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM) vir EFERT/RT gee nie spesifieke indikasies vir die gebruik van EFERT/RT in beenflikkergrafie nie, en daar is tans geen ander riglyne waarvan die outeur bewus is nie. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die bykomende waarde van EFERT/RT te ondersoek, en om dié kliniese indikasies waar EFERT/RT in pasiënte met vermoedelike beenmetastases mees nuttig sal wees, te identifiseer. Pasiënte en Metodes: Twee en veertig pasiënte met twyfelagtige letsels op planare skeletflikkergrafie is prospektief geselekteer en planare beelding, EFERT en EFERT/RT is op alle pasiënte gedoen. Tydens beoordeling van EFERT en daarna EFERT/RT beelde is pasiënte en individuele letsels as maligne, benigne of twyfelagtig geklassifiseer. Radiologiese studies en beskikbare kliniese inligting is ook tydens interpretasie van flikkergramme gebruik. Kliniese inligting, radiologiese studies en/of opvolg beenflikkergramme is as goue standaard gebruik. Die resultate van EFERT en EFERT/RT is ten opsigte van die aantal twyfelagtige bevindings en akkuraatheid vergelyk. Resultate: Twee en veertig pasiënte met 189 skeletale letsels is ondersoek. Daar was ‘n verskeidenheid van primêre tumore, maar die meerderheid van pasiënte het borsvi (n=22) of prostaatkanker (n=8) gehad. Die gebruik van EFERT/RT het gelei tot ‘n betekenisvolle afname in die aantal twyfelagtige bevindings, beide op ‘n pasiënt- en ‘n letselbasis (p=0.0015 en p<0.0001 onderskeidelik). Die algehele akkuraatheid van EFERT/RT was betekenisvol hoër as die van EFERT alleen, beide op pasiënt- en op letselbasis (p=0.0026 en p<0.0001 onderskeidelik). Oor die algemeen het EFERT/RT die aantal twyfelagtige letsels verminder en die akkuraatheid verhoog, ongeag die teenwoordigheid van beenpyn, die tipe primêre tumor of die area van die skelet wat betrokke was. In twyfelagtige lumbale letsels het EFERT/RT nie die diagnostiese vertroue van beoordelaars van flikkergramme verhoog nie, alhoewel die akkuraatheid vir hierdie gebied wel betekenisvol toegeneem het. Gevolgtrekking: EFERT/RT vaar betekenisvol beter as EFERT in die beoordeling van twyfelagtige letsels op planare beenflikkergramme. Daar is geen bewys dat die voordeel van EFERT/RT afhanklik is van die tipe primêre tumor of die teenwoordigheid van beenpyn nie. Waar hulpbronne beperk is, is EFERT/RT slegs aangedui in dié pasiënte waar verwag word dat korrekte klassifikasie van die betrokke letsel behandeling sal beïnvloed. EFERT/RT beelde behoort met die hulp van ‘n diagnostiese radioloog beoordeel te word, of kerngeneeskundiges moet genoegsame ondervinding in die interpretasie van rekenaartomografiebeelde hê om die diagnostiese voordeel van EFERT/RT optimaal te kan benut.

官方消息來源之模糊傳播研究-以馬英九總統受CNN訪談內容為例 / Equivocal communication of the official news sources:A discourse analysis of CNN’s interview with President Ma Ying-jeou

劉伶伶, Liu Ling-ling Unknown Date (has links)
長期以來,有關新聞訪問中的模糊語言實際運用並無具體化分析成果,本研究藉由現任總統馬英九接受國際媒體CNN專訪之研究,以論述分析法逐一分析問句及答句,具體歸納出了模糊語言之運用方式。 本研究在文獻回顧章節透過面子威脅、雙避衝突及組織框架等理論來探討官方消息來源如何使用模糊語言,再以論述分析法逐一探討提問者問句與受訪者答句間之對應情形,並納入語境因素,試圖尋找出官方消息來源常見之模糊語言形式。 本研究結果顯示,國內官方消息來源在衝突性提問中確實經常引用模糊語言作為回應媒體提問之方式,不論國內或是國外消息來源均偏愛採取「製造政策重點」之模糊語言方式回應,國內官方消息來源尤其青睞採取「製造政策重點」中之「提出新的論點」、「自我肯定」及「未來作法及期待」等項目,主要是基因於模糊語言類型的運用具有「看似言之有物」、「轉移焦點」、「離開情境」、「不冷場」及「較不容易出錯」等優點,至於負面效應則是引發媒體的「追問」,但由於問答劇本之設定及訪問時間等有利因素,消息來源之模糊語言並無礙於專訪之進行。 / This study focuses on the concept of equivocal communication, especially on the effect of equivocal language and source credibility, ininterviews between the press and its official sources. An unedited version of CNN interview with President Ma Ying-jeou on April 30, 2011, was used in this study in order to find out how equivocal language, if any, was involved. After going through the literature of face-threatening theory, avoidance- avoidance conflict and frame analysis, this research centers on two levels: first, how the officials choose/manipulate the wording of answers in interviews; and second, what the syntax differences are between questions and answers. The results of the study show that official sources, when facing harsh questions, usually turn to equivocal language and intend to induce avoidance towards certain questions. The technique that an official frequently adopted is “making political points,” i.e., to divert attention by “presenting policies,” “talking up one’s own side,” and “making pie in the sky.” The negative effects of equivocal language, therefore, are mainly resulted from the fact that it might trigger more aggressive follow-up questions from the press. Nevertheless, officials still maintain an upper hand over the pres in the wake of Q&A time restraints and the constant stress to beat deadline.

Transformation of Form

Furniss, Brandon F. 21 April 2009 (has links)
No description available.

När strävan efter samsyn blir en kamp : Meningsskapande och meningsgivande i mångtydiga sammanhang / Clashing meanings : Sensemaking and sensegiving in equivocal contexts

Andersson Högberg, Lena January 2010 (has links)
När personer och grupper med olika bakgrund och erfarenheter möts för att sam-arbeta förutsätts ofta att samsyn kring målen med verksamheten är en förutsätt-ning för koordinerad handling. Forskningen har dock inte kunnat visa empiriskt i vilken utsträckning samsyn är viktigt för att åstadkomma samhandling. I förelig-gande avhandling presenteras en studie som undersöker hur gemensam mening formas i sammanhang präglade av heterogenitet respektive mångtydighet samt hur koordinerad handling uppstår under sådana förutsättningar. Som empirisk grund för att kunna besvara frågeställningarna studeras FöretagsNära med stöd i me-ningsskapandeperspektiv. FöretagsNära är en ny verksamhet organiserad som ett projekt i samverkan mellan Norrköpings kommun och Arbetsförmedlingen i Norr-köping. Syftet med satsningen är att föra samman näringslivsutvecklande och ar-betsmarknadsinriktade insatser och bidra till fler arbetstillfällen i Norrköping. Ba-serat på en longitudinell fältstudie berättas om meningsskiljaktigheter och strävan efter samsyn. Den longitudinella ansatsen gör det möjligt att se utvecklingen av och komplexiteten i formandet av samsyn och samhandling. Skildringen av Före-tagsNära visar att meningsskapandet i processen tar sig olika uttryck. I fråga om syftet med FöretagsNära uppstår en kamp om meningen. Studien visar hur samsyn och samhandling relaterar till varandra på mer komplexa sätt än tidigare forskning föreslagit. Det finns ingen entydig relation mellan gemensam mening och koordi-nerad handling. Studiens resultat har både teoretisk relevans och stor praktisk be-tydelse. / When people and groups with different backgrounds and experience are brought together to cooperate, a prerequisite for coordinated action is often a shared per-spective, i.e. that they have a mutual understanding with regard to the aims of their work. However, previous research has not been able to conclude empirically whether a shared perspective is essential for bringing about joint action or not. This dissertation is the result of a study inquiring into the connection between co-incident meaning and coordinated action in situations characterised by heteroge-neity and equivocality. How does coordinated action originate in such circum-stances? The empirical case of the study is “FöretagsNära” (“Close to Companies” in English), a collaboration project between the municipality of Norrköping and the local branch of the state employment agency. The purpose of the venture is to coordinate the efforts of measures aimed at trade and industry development with labour market measures, in order to contribute to a decrease of the unemployment rate in the city of Norrköping. Based on a longitudinal field study, a narrative of clashing meanings, and a striving for mutual perspectives unfolds. The longitudi-nal approach supports an understanding of how joint action unfolds and the com-plexity involved in developing a shared perspective. The description of Företags-Nära shows that the creation of meaning in the process takes on different expressions, and a battle of meaning arises about the matter of the purpose of FöretagsNära. The connection between a shared perspective and joint action is more complex than previous research has suggested. There is no unequivocal connection between coincident meaning and coordinated action. The results of the thesis are of both theoretical relevance and practical importance.

Shakespeare et la voix / Voice in Shakespeare's plays

Folest, Estelle 23 October 2009 (has links)
Dans l’œuvre dramatique de Shakespeare, la voix a le pouvoir de séduire et de faire naître le désir, d’atteindre l’âme comme les émotions et d’y insuffler un mouvement, d’ordonner et d’harmoniser les rapports entre les hommes, ou encore d’agresser, de blesser, de maudire, voire de tuer. La belle acoustique du Théâtre, du Globe ou des Blackfriars, permettait à la voix de résonner en se mêlant à des effets musicaux et à des bruits pour former des paysages sonores qu’il s’agit d’entendre et de déchiffrer. / In Shakespeare’s plays, the voice is an agent of seduction and desire as well as a source of inspiration which animates the soul, moves the heart and arouses emotions. It has the power to civilize men and form harmonious bonds between them, but it may also be a weapon used to curse and kill. At theatres such as the Globe and the Blackfriars which were designed to produce the best acoustic conditions, the actor’s voice resounded and blended with a multiplicity of musical effects and noises to compose soundscapes that the audience was meant to hear and decipher.

L'occupation immobilière : étude de droit privé / Estate occupancy : a private law study

Pezzella, Virginie 12 December 2012 (has links)
En droit privé, l’occupation s’entend, en principe, d’un mode d’acquisition originaire de la propriété des choses mobilières dépourvues de maître : c’est ainsi qu’elle a fait une entrée discrète dans le Code civil en 1804. Toutefois, depuis cette date, l’occupation a acquis une toute autre signification. Le législateur et le juge recourent aujourd’hui à cette notion pour désigner différents modes de jouissance de l’immeuble d’autrui. Il est question de conventions d’occupation précaire, d’occupation privative d’un bien indivis, d’occupant maintenu dans les lieux en suite d’un bail commercial ou d’habitation, d’occupant bénéficiaire d’une réquisition de logement, ou encore d’occupant sans droit ni titre. La notion d’occupation immobilière semble donc avoir acquis une place remarquable en droit privé. L’objet de cette étude est précisément de déterminer le rôle qu’elle tient en droit positif, dans ce domaine. Dans un premier temps, cette thèse réalise l’étude des diverses hypothèses dans lesquelles le terme « occupation » est utilisé pour désigner un fait d’emprise exercé sur l’immeuble d’autrui, que ce soit avec ou sans titre ; elle révèle également des situations officieuses d’occupation, telles que le mécanisme de la reconduction tacite applicable en matière de bail. Dans un second temps, est proposée une théorie générale de l’occupation immobilière en droit privé. L’occupation immobilière apparaît comme un fait d’emprise jouant un double rôle en droit positif : elle peut être simplement la traduction matérielle de l’exercice d’un droit d’usage préalablement reconnu à celui qui va devenir occupant, mais également l’élément permettant à ce dernier d’acquérir un tel droit ou, au moins, de le faire présumer. Reposant notamment sur diverses conditions d’efficacité, telles que la bonne foi ou l’univocité, elle présente alors un certain nombre de similitudes avec la possession, mais les deux notions ne sauraient pourtant être confondues. Au final, cette étude permet de mettre en lumière un nouveau fait créateur de droit, qui trouve sa place aux côtés de la possession et qui démontre une évolution de la propriété privée vers une « propriété pragmatique », soucieuse de s’adapter à des besoins divers, clairement reconnus par le droit positif. / In Private Law, occupancy (French “occupation”) is, in principle, understood as an original method of acquiring property of ownerless movable things: this is how it made a discreet entrance in the Civil Code in 1804. Since then, however, occupancy has acquired a whole new meaning. Today, both the legislator and the judge turn to this concept to describe different means of enjoying the property of others. It relates to precarious occupancy agreements, private occupancy of jointly owned property, tenant kept in the premises after the end of its commercial or residential lease, occupant beneficing an housing requisition, disseisor, or occupant without right or title. The notion of estate occupancy seems to have acquired a prominent position in Private Law. Hence, the purpose of this study is precisely to determine the role it holds in positive law in this area. First, this work aims at studying the various situations in which the term "occupancy” is used to designate the situation where a factual stranglehold is exercised over others’ property, whether with or without title. It also reveals informal occupancy situations, such as leases’ tacit renewal mechanism. Secondly, a general theory of occupancy in Private Law is proposed. Estate occupancy appears like a factual situation of stranglehold (“fait d’emprise”). It plays a dual role in positive law: it may simply be the substantive translation of the exercise of a right to use, previously recognized to whom will become the occupant, and, in the same time, the element allowing him to acquire such a right, or at least, assuming he does. Notably based on various effectiveness conditions, such as good faith or clarity, occupancy shows similarities with the notion of adverse possession, although in French law the two concepts should not be confused. Finally, this study shed light on a new fact giving rise to a right, which finds its place alongside the adverse possession and demonstrates an evolution from the private property to a "pragmatic property" caring to adapt to the various needs recognized by the Law.

An annotated translation of the manuscript Irshad Al-MuqallidinʾInda Ikhtilaf Al-Mujtahidin (Advice to the laity when the juristconsults differ) by Abu Muhammad Al-Shaykh Sidiya Baba Ibn Al-Shaykh Al-Shinqiti Al-Itisha- I (D. 1921/1342) and a synopsis and commentary of its dominant themes

Gamieldien, Mogamad Faaik 06 1900 (has links)
Text in English and Arabic / In pre-colonial Africa, the Southwestern Sahara which includes Mauritania, Mali and Senegal belonged to what was then referred to as the Sudan and extended from the Atlantic seaboard to the Red Sea. The advent of Islam and the Arabic language to West Africa in the 11th century heralded an intellectual marathon whose literary output still fascinates us today. At a time when Europe was emerging from the dark ages and Africa was for most Europeans a terra incognita, indigenous African scholars were composing treatises as diverse as mathematics, agriculture and the Islamic sciences. A twentieth century Mauritanian, Arabic monograph, Irshād al- Muqallidīn ʿinda ikhtilāf al-Mujtahidīn1, written circa 1910/1332, by a yet unknown Mauritanian jurist of the Mālikī School, Bāba bin al-Shaykh Sīdī al- Shinqīṭī al-Ntishā-ī (d.1920/1342), a member of the muchacclaimed Shinqīṭī fraternity of scholars, is a fine example of African literary accomplishment. This manuscript hereinafter referred to as the Irshād, is written within the legal framework of Islamic jurisprudence (usūl al-fiqh). A science that relies for the most part on the intellectual and interpretive competence of the independent jurist, or mujtahid, in the application of the methodologies employed in the extraction of legal norms from the primary sources of the sharīʿah. The subject matter of the Irshād deals with the question of juristic differences. Juristic differences invariably arise when a mujtahid exercises his academic freedom to clarify or resolve conundrums in the law and to postulate legal norms. Other independent jurists (mujtahidūn) may posit different legal norms because of the exercise of their individual interpretive skills. These differences, when they are deemed juristically irreconcilable, are called ikhtilāfāt (pl. of ikhtilāf). The author of the Irshād explores a corollary of the ikhtilāf narrative and posits the hypothesis that there ought not to be ikhtilāf in the sharīʿah. The proposed research will comprise an annotated translation of the monograph followed by a synopsis and commentary on its dominant themes. / Religious Studies and Arabic / D. Litt. et Phil. (Islamic Studies)

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