Spelling suggestions: "subject:"everyday life"" "subject:"everyday wife""
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Äldrefattigdom : Ekonomisk utsatthet i yngre ålderspensionärers vardag / Elderly poverty : Economic hardship in young pensioners' everyday livesThelin, Angelika January 2013 (has links)
I Sverige omfattas äldre personer av ett historiskt och internationellt sett generöst offentligt ekonomiskt grundtrygghetssystem. Trots det ökade risken för relativ fattigdom bland unga ålderspensionärer (65 till 74 år) under 2000-talets första decennium. Det nya pensionssystemet, tillsammans med den demografiska och ekonomiska utvecklingen, förväntas bidra till att denna trend fortsätter. Inom ramen för dessa omständigheter undersöker avhandlingen yngre ålderspensionärers relativa ekonomiska utsatthet, vad den får för konsekvenser i deras vardag och hur de hanterar situationen. Särskilt vikt läggs vid hur människors livshistorier inverkar på problematiken. Avhandlingen baseras på 30 intervjuer med ekonomiskt utsatta och 17 intervjuer med ekonomiskt trygga yngre ålderspensionärer. Ekonomisk utsatthet preciseras till att motsvara ekonomiska förutsättningar som återfinns bland yngre ålderspensionärer med bostadstillägg. Ekonomisk trygghet definieras följaktligen som bättre ekonomiska förutsättningar än så. Tidigare forskning förklarar ekonomisk utsatthet i ålderdomen med att socioekonomiska nackdelar samverkar och följer på varandra i en negativ spiral över tid. De ger intryck av att det finns en väg fram till ekonomisk utsatthet i ålderdomen. Denna väg tar sin början i en svår ekonomisk situation i barndomen som sedan förvärras allt eftersom tiden går. I kontrast till det visar denna avhandling på fyra vägar fram till ekonomisk utsatthet i ålderdomen – kontinuitet, sluttning, fall och berg- och dalbana. Tre av dessa inkluderar erfarenheter av relativt goda ekonomiska förutsättningar tidigare under livshistorien. Tidigare forskning visar även att äldre personer som lever med ekonomisk utsatthet har anpassat sina preferenser efter små ekonomiska förutsättningar över tid och därför är nöjda med sina vardagsliv trots ekonomisk utsatthet i ålderdomen. I kontrast till det är målen i vardagen likartade bland ekonomiskt utsatta och ekonomiskt trygga pensionärer i avhandlingen. Ju sämre ekonomiska förutsättningar pensionärerna har, desto mer exkluderas de från möjligheten att nå mål om ett hälsosamt åldrande, oberoende, valfrihet och meningsfullhet. Avhandlingens visa också hur äldre personer hanterar den ekonomiska utsattheten på flera olika sätt – genom att hushålla med resurser, försöka öka inkomsterna, använda tillgångar, acceptera situationen, fokusera på positiva aspekter av vardagslivet och anpassa anspråken efter vad som blivit möjligt att uppnå. Hanteringen framträder företrädesvis som resultatet av yngre ålderspensionärers inlåsning i ekonomisk utsatthet under den resterade förväntade livstiden och inte som resultatet av deras tidigare livshistoria. I avhandlingen diskuteras slutligen hur 40-talisternas eller den så kallade rekordgenerationens ålderspensionering kan komma att påverka den ekonomiska utsatthetens betydelse i ålderdomen. Dessutom lyft standardindexering av den skäliga levnadsnivån för äldre personer samt ytterligare subventioner på utgiftssidan fram som möjliga socialpolitiska insatser mot social exklusion bland yngre ålderspensionärer. / During the first decade of the 21st century in Sweden, inequality and risk rates of poverty have increased among young pensioners (between 65–74 years of age). A new public pension system, combined with demographic and economic developments, is expected to add further to these trends. Following this context, the aim of the present dissertation is to survey and understand patterns of economic hardship and its meaning in young pensioners’ everyday lives. The study design is qualitative and takes “subtle realism” as its philosophical theoretical starting point. Economic hardship represents the economic conditions faced by young pensioners who receive the housing supplement for pensioners. It is examined through a relative perspective on poverty. The empirical data primarily consists of interviews with 30 people who live with economic hardship and 17 people who live with comparatively better economic conditions. The theoretical framework consists of theories of social exclusion, coping and life course. The participants’ life histories show four paths to economic hardship – continuity, slope, fall and roller coaster. The last three have not been explicitly described in research before. In elderly life, young pensioners describe experiences of exclusion from the possibility to achieve healthy aging, independence, freedom of choice and meaningfulness, due to their economic hardship. When combined with psychological illness, social isolation, alcohol misuse, and restricted mobility, this exclusion becomes more severe. By focusing on favourable aspects of life and adjusting preferences to fit what has been achieved, young pensioners manage to feel satisfaction with their lives despite consequences of economic hardship. In conclusion, it was primarily situational factors earlier in life that explained economic hardship among young pensioners. In contrast, the findings indicate that it is the present and future – not the past – which for the most part shape young pensioners’ coping with economic hardship. This last finding is at odds with previous assumptions. Finally, as consumption becomes increasingly central in young pensioners’ everyday lives in general, the consequences of economic hardship become more striking within the age group. / <p>Ett erratablad medföljer avhandlingen, se separat fulltextdokument.</p>
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La controverse publique au quotidien : le cas d’un organisme de défense des droits LGBT.Gagné, Pascal 10 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire vise à décrire et comprendre comment les controverses publiques se manifestent et s’accomplissent par les pratiques communicationnelles des membres d’un organisme communautaire de défense des droits des personnes gaies, lesbiennes, bisexuelles, transsexuelles et transgenre (LGBT). Après un bref survol historique de la notion de controverse publique et l’étude de son emploi dans les littératures spécialisées (sociologie des sciences, études rhétoriques, sciences de la gestion), je propose d’adopter une vision processuelle de la controverse publique qui la conçoit comme un accomplissement communicationnel. Pour rendre compte de cet accomplissement dans la communication, une ethnographie de quatre mois fut menée au sein d’un organisme communautaire de défense des droits des personnes LGBT. L’analyse effectuée permet d’expliquer en particulier comment des activistes se passionnent pour un enjeu et entreprennent une action politique; elle détaille les problèmes d’alignement qui en résultent et qui nourrissent des controverses publiques variées, telle que la reconnaissance légale et sociale des transsexuels. / This thesis aims to describe and understand how public controversies are manifested and accomplished through the communicative practices of advocates for the rights of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transsexuals and transgenders (LGBT). After a brief historical overview of the concept of public controversy and the study of its use in specialized literatures (sociology of science, rhetorical studies, management science), I propose to adopt a processual view of public controversy conceived as a communicative accomplishment. To account for this communicative accomplishment, a four-month ethnography was conducted in a community-based organization that defends the rights of LGBT people. The analysis helps to explain how activists become passionate about an issue and undertake political action. It details problems of alignment that result from various public controversies, such as legal and social recognition of transsexuals. / Ce mémoire fut financé par le Département de communication de communication de l'Université de Montréal et le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada (CRSH).
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What's the use? : Internet and information behavior in everyday lifeHektor, Anders January 2001 (has links)
A widespread access to computers and the Internet at home signals a change in the "information environment" of everyday life. This thesis deals with how this new situation can be studied and understood. Based on the assumption that Internet should be seen as an informationsystem that is finding its place alongside more familiar information systems in everyday life, the objective is set out to develop a conceptual framework of information behavior in everyday life. The empirical material consists of previous research on informationbehavior (predominantly from the Information Studies field of research), and of qualitative case studies of ten information users in the context of their nonwork everyday lives, collected by means of diaries and interviews. The primary result is a model which offers a viable framework forunderstanding information behavior in everyday life, with the characteristics that: It considers all forms of information behavior; it makes it possible to study information systems in concert that previously have been studied only separately; it goes deeply into the circumstances of everyday life; it offers means to understand the significance of social relations and communities for individual information behavior. The secondary result offers insights into particular user behavior concerning the Internet in relation to other information systems in everyday life.
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Around the Screen : Computer activities in children’s everyday lives / Omkring skärmen : Barns datoraktiviteter i vardagenAarsand, Pål André January 2007 (has links)
The present ethnography documents computer activities in everyday life. The data consist of video recordings, interviews and field notes, documenting (i) 16 students in a seventh grade class in a computer room and other school settings and (ii) 22 children, interacting with siblings, friends and parents in home settings. The thesis is inspired by discourse analytical as well as ethnographic approaches, including notions from Goffman (1974, 1981), e.g. those of activity frame and participation framework, which are applied and discussed. The thesis consists of four empirical studies. The first study focuses on students’ illegitimate use, from the school’s point of view, of online chatting in a classroom situation. It is shown that the distinction offline/online is not a static one, rather it is made relevant as part of switches between activity frames, indicating the problems of applying Goffman’s (1981) notions of sideplay, byplay and crossplay to analyses of interactions in which several activity frames are present, rather than one main activity. Moreover, it is shown that online identities, in terms of what is here called tags, that is, visual-textual nicknames, are related to offline phenomena, including local identities as well as contemporary aesthetics. The second study focuses on placement of game consoles as part of family life politics. It is shown that game consoles were mainly located in communal places in the homes. The distinction private/communal was also actualized in the participants’ negotiations about access to game consoles as well as negotiations about what to play, when, and for how long. It is shown that two strategies were used, inclusion and exclusion, for appropriating communal places for computer game activities. The third study focuses on a digital divide in terms of a generational divide with respect to ascribed computer competence, documenting how the children and adults positioned each other as people ‘in the know’ (the children) versus people in apprentice-like positions (the adults). It is shown that this generation gap was deployed as a resource in social interaction by both the children and the adults. The forth study focuses on gaming in family life, showing that gaming was recurrently marked by response cries (Goffman, 1981) and other forms of blurted talk. These forms of communication worked as parts of the architecture of intersubjectivity in gaming (cf. Heritage, 1984), indexing the distinction virtual/‘real’. It is shown how response cries, sound making, singing along and animated talk extended the virtual in that elements of the game became parts of the children’s social interaction around the screen, forming something of an action aesthetic, a type of performative action for securing and displaying joint involvement and collaboration. As a whole, the present studies show how the distinctions master/apprentice, public/private, virtual/real and subject/object are indexicalized and negotiated in computer activities.
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Aspergern, det är jag : En intervjustudie om att leva med Asperger syndrom / Aspie, that’s me! : Personal experiences of living with Asperger syndromeLarsson Abbad, Gunvor January 2007 (has links)
The overall purpose of this interview-study is to increase the knowledge and understanding of persons with Asperger syndrome. For each participant has common and unique aspects been described. The ambition has been to illuminate their perspective of their situation in life and develop the understanding of their quality of life. The participants’ experiences of their diagnosis, and its consequences in their life has been studied. Several aspects of their everyday life have been reported, i.e. schooling, occupational problems, spare time and interests. The results show that the participants may experience their life as hard, as seemingly uncomplicated chores prove to be exhausting. Not fitting with the norms they believe other people in society have, is one aspect of experienced difference. The diagnostic process has proved to be an important event in the life of the participants. It has been described as a way of taking control over one’s life. Their experienced difference may be acceptable to them, if it is in the form of an Asperger diagnosis. Experiences of chock, denial and ambivalence after receiving their Asperger diagnosis were also reported. However, all participants have accepted their diagnosis. The participants’ biologically different way of being has given them consequences. Both psychological and social consequences have been illustrated, as well as interpersonal and societal. Disability research theory (Danermark, 2005; Rönnberg & Melinder, 2007) and Bronfenbrenner’s ecological systems theory (1979) have been used to illustrate the outcome of a diagnosis like Asperger syndrome. The study shows the participants’ experiences of their different way of being. / Den här avhandlingen är en intervjustudie, med det övergripande syftet att öka kunskapen om individer med Asperger syndrom. Gemensamma och unika synsätt hos varje deltagare med diagnosen Asperger syndrom har undersökts. Ambitionen har varit att fånga deras perspektiv på sin livssituation och utveckla förståelsen för deras syn på livskvalitet. Avhandlingen har undersökt hur deltagarna uppfattar sitt funktionshinder och hur diagnosen har påverkat deras liv. Deltagarna har beskrivit sina vardagsliv utifrån flera infallsvinklar, där skolgång, försörjningsmöjligheter, sysselsättning och fritid har skildrats. Resultaten visar att flera beskriver sin vardag som arbetsam, exempelvis kan ett till synes enkelt moment upplevas som ansträngande. Att inte passa in i de normer som de uppfattar att andra i samhället har är en aspekt av upplevt annorlundaskap. Diagnostiseringen har i visat sig vara en betydelsefull händelse i deltagarnas liv. Den har beskrivits som ett sätt att ta kontroll över sin livssituation. Genom att få diagnosen blir avvikelsen legitim. Deltagarna beskriver den som ett acceptabelt sätt att skilja sig från mängden. Det finns även skildringar av chock, förnekande och ambivalens när de har fått diagnosen om sitt funktionshinder. Samtliga av studiens deltagare säger sig dock acceptera sin aspergerdiagnos. Deras annorlunda sätt att vara biologiskt har visat sig ge konsekvenser i hela deras livsvärld. Både psykologiska och sociala konsekvenser har illustrerats, liksom interpersonella och samhälleliga. Handikappvetenskaplig- och ekologisk systemteori har använts för att visa på vidden av de konsekvenser som Asperger syndrom kan ge. Studien visar på deltagarnas upplevelser av sitt annorlunda sätt att vara.
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Testimonios de un pasado imperfecto: vida cotidiana de mujeres bajo dictadura en Valparaíso y Viña del Mar, Chile 1980-1987Tusing, Cari January 2014 (has links)
Este proyecto de investigación se caracteriza como estudio histórico-etnográfica basado en estudios de casos de la vida cotidiana de nueve mujeres en Valparaíso y Viña del Mar durante la dictadura chilena, analizando el testimonio de los efectos del régimen autoritario en la vida cotidiana de estas mujeres chilenas entre 1980 y 1987. La metodología se radica firmemente en el método etnográfico con entrevistas semi-abiertas y el análisis del discurso de los relatos. En la metáfora de la arpillera (un tapiz anónimo cosido en lona ensamblado a partir de piezas de tela que muestra escenas de la vida cotidiana o protesta la dictadura de Pinochet), trozos y pedazos de experiencia se juntan en el encima de la lona de la historia para dar forma al testimonio de vida la vida cotidiana. Este proyecto se centra en tres aspectos diferentes de la relación entre el Estado autoritario y la vida cotidiana: las técnicas de gobernabilidad (macro), narraciones de silencio y miedo (micro) y trayectorias narrados (espacial), el último inspirado por el ensayo Halbwachs en caminar por la ciudad. Para cerrar, la relevancia del estudio se destaca por el intento de comprender el efecto de un estado autoritario en el sujeto femenino y las respuestas y adaptaciones que las mujeres chilenas adoptaron en la vida privada y pública mediada por la violencia y el miedo bajo dictadura. La dialéctica del acontecimiento y la rutina de la vida cotidiana bajo la dictadura se unen en las memorias narradas, mediada por el presente vivido, lo cual permite una reflexión sobre la cuestión de la alteridad en la sociedad chilena. / The research project is characterized as a historical-ethnographic study based on case studies of the everyday lives of nine women in Valparaíso and Viña del Mar during the Chilean dictatorship, analyzing testimony of the effects of the authoritarian regime on the everyday life of Chilean women between 1980 and 1987. The methodology is firmly rooted in the ethnographic method with semi-open interviews and discourse analysis of the narratives. In the metaphor of the arpillera (an anonymous tapestry sewn on canvas constructed out of pieces of cloth showing scenes of everyday life or protesting the Pinochet dictatorship), scraps and pieces of experience are sewn onto the canvas context of history to shape the testimony of lived everyday life. This project focuses on three different aspects of the relationship between authoritarian state and everyday life: techniques of governmentality (macro), narratives of silence and fear (micro), and narrated trajectories (spatial) inspired by Halbwachs’ essay on walking the city. To close, the study’s relevance is highlighted by the intent to understand the effect of an authoritarian state on the female subject and the responses and adaptations that Chilean women adopted in private and public life shaped by violence and fear. The dialectics of event and routine of everyday life under dictatorship are thus stitched together in memory, mediated by the women’s lived present, facilitating a closing reflection about alterity in Chilean society.
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Dominanser : En utveckling av den realistiska livsformsteorinAxelsson, Jonas January 2009 (has links)
The present dissertation develops a specific theory about everyday life called realist life mode theory. This theory is based on critical realism and consists of "work", "love" and "life mode" as central concepts. The background of the theory is the Danish life mode analysis developed by Thomas Højrup in the 1980:s. The aim of the study is to develop the central clusters of concepts in the realist life mode theory - i. e. "work", "love", "life mode" in a theoretical way. These concepts are seen as clusters since other related concepts are developed in connection to the concepts mentioned above. In connection to work I also discuss the concepts of "labour power", "labour receptor", and "work form"; in relation to love, "love power", "love receptor" and "love form" are discussed. And "life mode" is connected with the concept of "everyday life" in a more exact way than before. The argument of this study is that realist life mode theory is about two fundamental types of dominance - personal dominance and structural dominance. "Personal dominance" is used synonymously with "ownership". "Structural dominance" is dominance between non-personal, non-conscious entities. Life mode theory is a theory about ownership surrounded by structural dominances both beneath the owning person (sub-personally), and above (socially). Personal dominance - ownership - is produced via two human and societal processes - work and love. Work is defined as doing and occuring in the sphere of necessity. In work there especially are possibilities for ownership of the material surroundings. Love is defined as doing and occuring in the sphere of freedom. In love humans produce each other as self-owned persons through transaction of love power. Both work and love has great emancipatory potentials, and this theme is discussed in the present study. But, unfortunately, really existing work and love practices are to a great extent exploitative. Labour power is exploited in capitalism, and love power in patriarchy. When it comes to structural dominance, this study focuses on the following dominances: The dominance of labour receptor over labour power in men´s working life; the dominance of love power over love receptor in women´s love life. The dominance of work over love in men´s everyday life; the dominance of love over work in women´s everyday life. And on a more social level we find the following dominances: in the male life modes the work form dominates the love form. In female life modes the love form dominates the work form. And finally, in society as a whole male life modes have dominance over female life modes. When the dominance between social structures is analyzed, a distinction is made between "dominance form" and "the substance of dominance".
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Bridging the divide between resource management and everyday life: smart metering, comfort and cleanlinessStrengers, Yolande Amy-Adeline, Yolande.strengers@rmit.edu.au January 2010 (has links)
Smart metering residential demand management programs, such as consumption feedback, variable pricing regimes and the remote control of appliances, are being used to respond to the resource management problems of peak electricity demand, climate change and water shortages. Like other demand management programs, these strategies fail to account for (and respond to) the reasons why people consume resources in their homes, namely to carry out everyday practices such as bathing, laundering, heating and cooling. In particular, comfort and cleanliness practices together constitute most of Australia's potable water consumption in urban centres, and represent most of household energy consumption. In addition, new household cooling practices involving air-conditioning appliances are the major contributor to the nation's rising peak electricity demand, which overloads the electricity system on hot days, costing consumers millions of dollars each year. The oversight of comf ort and cleanliness practices in smart metering demand management programs is concerning because these practices are continuing to shift and change, often in more resource-consuming directions, potentially negating the resource savings achieved through demand management programs. This thesis aims to bridge the problematic divide between the policies and strategies of demand managers, and the day-to-day practices which constitute everyday life. Using the empirical 'hook' of smart metering demand management programs and the everyday practices of comfort and cleanliness, this thesis develops a practice-based conceptual framework to study, understand and analyse these practices and the ways in which smart metering demand management programs reconfigure or further entrench them. A series of qualitative methods were employed in studying 65 households across four research groups, focusing specifically on the household practices of heating, cooling, bathing, laundering, toilet flushing and house cleaning. In addition, 27 interviews were conducted with smart metering industry stakeholders involved or implicated in delivering demand management strategies. Together, these lines of inquiry are used to analyse householders' existing and changing comfort and cleanliness practices, the role of several smart metering demand management strategies in reconfiguring these practices, and potential avenues and opportunities for further practice change in less resource-intensive directions. In particular, this thesis highlights the inherent contradictions and problems in accounting for everyday practices within the dominant demand management paradigm, and offers an alternative paradigm termed the co-management of everyday practices. The thesis concludes by briefly identifying the ways in which smart metering could potentially constrain or catalyse a transition towards this new paradigm.
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O Verão quente de 45-ou um contributo para que os descendentes de Memex não façam Fatman e Little Boy parecerem crianças bem comportadasRosa, João Manuel de Sousa Nunes da Costa January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Educação nas redes: professores em cotidianos de produções televisivas / Education in networks: teachers in everyday television productionsRosa Helena de Mendonça 04 February 2014 (has links)
O que fazem profissionais de educação numa produção televisiva? Nesta pesquisa, por meio de 'conversas' com praticantespensantes que atuam em produção de TV, e no uso de outros documentos (programas editados, argumentos, textos e roteiros), busco responder a essa pergunta e compreender as redes de conhecimentos e significações relativas aos espaçostempos de ação desses profissionais, entendidos como entre-lugares de educação e comunicação. A pesquisa, na perspectiva dos estudos com os cotidianos, se articula ao GRPESQ Currículo, redes educativas e imagens, do Laboratório Educação e Imagem/ProPEd/UERJ, e busca apoio em conversas/narrativas com/de professores que trabalharam/trabalham em televisão em especial, no programa Salto para o Futuro integrando a equipe de educação da TV Escola (MEC), ou atuando como consultores de séries temáticas. Sobre o assunto, também foram ouvidos responsáveis pela assessoria pedagógica dos canais Encuentro e Pakapaka, na Argentina, em doutorado-sanduíche, com o apoio da Capes. Como fundamentação teórica, além de pesquisas com os cotidianos, a partir de textos de Michel de Certeau, de Nilda Alves e de Inês Barbosa de Oliveira, dos quais emergem algumas das noções que permeiam essa investigação, ressalto a contribuição de autores da sociologia, como Pierre Bourdieu e Boaventura de Sousa Santos e, ainda, de represe ntantes dos chamados estudos culturais, entre eles Jesús Martín-Barbero, Nestor Canclini, Stuart Hall, Homi Bhabha entre outros. A questão do outro, da alteridade, que permeia a tese, em sua tessitura com narrativas e imagens, busca inspiração também nos escritos e em conversas com Carlos Skliar e nos textos de Jorge Larrosa. As conclusões possíveis destacam a importância das ações desses profissionais (professores) nesses espaçostempos televisivos. / What do professionals in education do in a television production? This research is an attempt to answer this question not only through conversations with the practitioners engaged in television production but also through sources such as edited programmes, arguments , texts and scripts. In doing so, I intend to understand the net of knowledge and meanings related to the so called space-times of action (here understood as an in-between place belonging to both education and communication fields) of these professionals. This work, under the perspective of everyday life studies, is aligned with the research group entitled Curriculum, educational networks and images, from the Education and Image Laboratory of the post graduation program in Education (ProPEd) of the University of Rio de Janeiro State (UERJ). It concentrates in talks with and narratives of educators who worked and have been working either as members of TV Escola which belongs to the Ministry of Education (MEC) or consultants of a particular educational television program entitled Salto para o Futuro. The ones responsible for the pedagogical consultancy of the channels Encuentro and Pakapaka from Argentina have also been interviewed thanks to a doctorate program supported by Capes. The theoretical framework is based on the writings of Michel de Certeau, Nilda Alves and Ines Barbosa de Oliveira; besides them, the contributions of the sociological thinkers Pierre Bourdieu and Boaventura de Souza Santos as well as some representatives of cultural studies such as Jesús Martín Barbero, Nestor Canclini, Stuart Hall, Homi Bhabha, among others, have also been used. Issues about the other and alterity have found inspiration in Carlos Skliar and Jorge Larrosas texts. The possible conclusions made highlight the relevance of the actions of these professionals (teachers) in this space-time television environment
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