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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rethinking biokinetics: a philosophical critique concerning the roles and responsibilities of practitioners and patients

Greene, Mark A January 2016 (has links)
The specialist responsible for providing prescribed exercise as a form of medicine to the South African population is the biokineticist. Biokinetics is a relatively new profession developed in response to empirical research supporting exercise as medicine. Although the role of the biokineticist is clearly defined by the Health Professions Council of South Africa (HPCSA), there is still confusion concerning this profession and its services. At present, the dominant medicalscientific and capitalist-economic discourses offer a narrowly mechanistic and instrumental understanding of the human body and its treatment, which contributes to this confusion. This dissertation proposes a new point of departure, enriched by historical and philosophical understandings of the human body, from which the biokineticist can begin to redefine him/herself. The study aims to shift biokinetics as a practice away from the reductionist and dehumanising influences of instrumentalist, scientific and neoliberal capitalist-economic discourses, and to restore to biokineticists, and their clients, the ability they need to interact as relatively autonomous individuals. The study draws on the ideas of Michel Foucault, specifically on his notions for ‘discipline’, ‘docility’, and ‘the care of the self’ (1991; 2005), as well as Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari and their ideas of ‘becoming’ and ‘rhizomatic thinking’ (1983; 1987); ultimately presenting a philosophically enriched, holistic representation of the human body. From here recommendations for best practice in contemporary biokinetics are suggested that encourage interactions and connections between the professional and his/her patients, which move beyond the mere physiological interpretations currently dominating health discourse.

Fundamental movement skill proficiency status of girls aged 9-to-12 years from previously disadvantaged communities in Nelson Mandela Bay

Kahts, Samantha Andrea January 2014 (has links)
A lack of fundamental movement skill (FMS) proficiency in children can contribute to decreased physical activity (PA) levels, increased adiposity and poor acquisition of specialised sport specific movement skills. To prevent the latter, the identification of FMS status in early and middle childhood years is needed for targeted and specific interventions. Against the backdrop of physical education being omitted from the South African school curriculum, the presence of a patriarchal society, gender sporting stereotyping, high levels of unemployment and low education levels; the assessment of FMS status is particularly warranted. Aim of Study: The primary aim of this study was to assess the FMS proficiency of girls aged 9-to-12 years from previously disadvantaged communities within Nelson Mandela Bay. Methodology:A descriptive-exploratory-contextual study design, employing quantitative assessment techniques, was utilized. The sample comprised of 227 girls. Convenience sampling was employed. Testing consisted of FMS proficiency tests in the 20m and 40m sprint, standing long jump, throwing for distance, catching, static balance and throwing for accuracy. FMS process scores were assessed with the body component (BC) and Test of Gross Motor Development II (TGMD II) approaches. Anthropometric measurements of the standing and seated height, mass, arm span and leg length were additionally measured. Microsoft Excel® and Statistica® were used for descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. In the case of significant ANOVA results, the Scheffe post hoc test was used for pairwise comparisons. Statistical significance was set at p<.05 and practical significance (Cohen’s d) was set at d>.2. Pearson Correlation Coefficient identified statistical and practical correlations between two variables and chi square was applied to indicate differences in frequency distribution tables. Cramer’s V values were applied to determine practical significance in the case where statistical significant differences were identified between sets of frequency distributions.

Comparação entre exercício aeróbio e respiratório no controle clínico e inflamação pulmonar de pacientes com asma persistente moderada ou grave: ensaio clínico aleatorizado / Comparison between aerobic and breathing exercises on clinical control and airway inflammation of patients with moderate or severe persistent asthma: a randomized trial

Karen Brandão Evaristo 04 February 2016 (has links)
A asma é uma doença inflamatória crônica das vias aéreas caracterizada por obstrução reversível, inflamação e hiperresponsividade a diversos estímulos. O exercício, seja ele de caráter aeróbio ou respiratório, é muito utilizado no tratamento de pacientes asmáticos, porém, pouco se sabe sobre os benefícios desses exercícios no processo inflamatório e no manejo clínico dessa doença. Objetivo: Comparar o efeito do exercício aeróbio e respiratório no controle clínico, inflamação pulmonar e capacidade funcional de pacientes com asma persistente moderada ou grave. Métodos: Foram estudados 50 adultos asmáticos divididos aleatoriamente em dois grupos: aeróbio (GA; n=28) e respiratório (GR; n=22). O tratamento foi realizado em 2 sessões semanais, durante 3 meses, totalizando 24 sessões com duração de 40 minutos cada uma, sendo que o GA praticou exercício aeróbio em esteira ergométrica e o GR praticou exercícios respiratórios baseados na técnica de Yoga. Ambos os grupos participaram de um programa educacional constituído de 2 aulas antes do início das intervenções. Antes e após as intervenções foram avaliados: o controle clínico (Asthma Control Questionnaire - ACQ, Asthma Control Test - ACT e diário de sintomas), a inflamação pulmonar (celularidade no escarro e fração exalada de óxido nítrico - FeNO), a capacidade funcional (Incremental shuttle walking test) e a função pulmonar (espirometria). Foi utilizado o teste Komolgorov-Smirnov para verificar a normalidade dos dados e a análise de variância (ANOVA) de dois fatores com medidas repetidas, associado ao post hoc de Holm Sidak para comparar as diferenças entre e intra-grupos. Resultados: Houve melhora do controle clínico avaliado pelo ACQ apenas no GA (p < 0,05), assim como a diminuição na porcentagem de eosinófilos no escarro (p < 0,05) e o aumento nos dias livres de sintomas (p < 0,05). Ambos os grupos melhoraram o controle clínico avaliado pelo ACT e a capacidade funcional (p < 0,05). Conclusão: Esses resultados sugerem que ambos os exercícios proporcionam benefícios para pacientes com asma persistente moderada e grave, porém, o exercício aeróbio resultou em mais benefícios clínicos / Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the airway characterized by reversible obstruction, inflammation and hyperresponsiveness of various stimuli. Aerobic or breathing exercise, have been used on treatment of asthmatic patients, however, little is known about the benefits of these exercises in clinical management and inflammatory process of the disease. Objective: To compare the effect of aerobic and breathing exercise in clinical control, airway inflammation and functional capacity of patients with moderate or severe persistent asthma. Methods: 50 asthmatic adults were randomly divided into two groups: aerobic (AG; n = 28) and breathing group (BG, n = 22). The treatment was composed of two weekly sessions, during three months, totaling 24 sessions with duration of 40 minutes each. AG practiced aerobic exercise in a treadmill, while BG practiced breathing exercises based on Yoga technique. Both groups participated of an education program that consists of two classes before the interventions. Before and after the interventions were evaluated: clinical control (Asthma Control Questionnaire - ACQ, Asthma Control Test - ACT, and symptoms diary), airway inflammation (cellularity in sputum and fraction exhaled nitric oxide - FeNO), functional capacity (incremental shuttle walking test) and lung function (spirometry). It was used Komolgorov-Smirnov test to verify the normality of the data and analysis of variance two way with repeated measures (ANOVA), associated to post hoc of Holm Sidak to analize differences between and within groups. Results: There was improvement of clinical control evaluated by ACQ only in AG (p < 0.05), as a decrease in eosinophil percentage in sputum (p < 0.05) and an increase in free days of symptoms (p < 0,05). Both groups improved clinical control evaluated by ACT and functional capacity (p < 0.05). Conclusion: These data suggest that both exercises provide benefits to patients with moderate or severe persistent asthma, however, the aerobic exercise resulted in more clinical benefits

Análise eletromiográfica de três exercícios de core do Mat Pilates e suas implicações para a dor lombar crônica inespecífica / Electromyography analysis of Mat Pilates core exercises and its implications for chronic nonspecific low back pain

Ivye Leite dos Reis Pereira 16 December 2014 (has links)
Devido a grande prevalência de lombalgia não-especifica, esse estudo buscou conhecer melhor sobre o uso do método Pilates no tratamento desta doença. Os objetivos foram descrever e comparar o padrão eletromiográfico da musculatura do core durante exercícios intermediários do Mat Pilates em pessoas saudáveis e com lombalgia não-específica, bem como relatar as diferenças entre os exercícios e a sequência de progressão de cada exercício para fins terapêuticos. A amostra foi composta por 32 pessoas (13 com lombalgia crônica não-específica e 19 saudáveis) com idade entre 18-45 anos e sem contato prévio com o Pilates. Os músculos multífido, oblíquo externo, oblíquo interno e reto abdominal foram avaliados eletromiograficamente e exercícios clássicos do repertório foram escolhidos (Single leg stretch, Criss-cross e Dead bug). Utilizou-se um eletromiógrafo de superfície de 8-canais, wireless, sincronizado com a variação angular de quadril e os dados coletados em 2 kHz. Analisamos (a) Root mean square (RMS) normalizado pela contração voluntaria máxima, (b) pico do envoltório normalizado pela contração voluntaria máxima; (c) tempo do pico de ativação e (d) co-contração entre a musculatura flexora e extensora (reto abdominal / oblíquo externo / oblíquo interno X multífido). Foram realizadas ANOVAs para medidas repetidas para comparar os exercícios entre si quanto as variáveis RMS e pico de ativação. E, ANOVAs 2 fatores para se comparar os grupos e exercícios para as variáveis tempo de pico de ativação e co-contração. Como resultados, obtivemos que o exercício criss-cross apresentou maiores valores de RMS para os flexores de tronco - reto abdominal, oblíquo externo e interno - quando comparado com os outros exercícios. Os maiores picos de ativação foram dos músculos oblíquo interno e externo no exercício Criss-cross, seguidos do Single leg stretch e do Dead bug, os quais se apresentaram mais similares entre si. O tempo do pico de ativação do reto abdominal e oblíquo externo mostraram-se mais adiantados para o Dead bug e Single leg stretch, enquanto que para o Criss-cross, foram mais atrasados em ambos os grupos. Tanto controles quanto lombálgicos apresentaram maiores índices de cocontração no exercício Dead bug e Single leg stretch, sendo que o Criss-cross apresenta o menor índice deles, com exceção da razão entre obliquo externo e multífido nos controles. Os grupos estudados foram semelhantes entre si em todos os exercícios em relação à co-contração, mas o tempo de pico do reto abdominal e do oblíquo externo dos lombálgicos apresentaram-se mais adiantados que os controles. Podemos concluir que os exercícios foram diferentes quanto a seu padrão de recrutamento do core mesmo tendo a mesma classificação dentro do método - intermediários- e que em termos de progressão clínica para o tratamento de lombalgia crônica, deveríamos iniciar com os exercícios menos desafiadores (Dead bug, Single leg stretch) e somente então evoluir para exercícios mais complexos que demandem de maior estabilização lombo-pélvica (Criss-cross). O método Pilates permitiu a ativação da musculatura estabilizadora lombo-pélvica mesmo em uma primeira sessão, tanto com indivíduos saudáveis quanto lombálgicos, podendo ser portanto indicado nos casos de reabilitação de indivíduos com lombalgia crônica não específica desde que com progressão adequada / Due to the high prevalence of non-specific low back pain, this study meant to learn more about the best use of the Pilates method in rehabilitation. The aims of the study were to describe and compare the core muscles electromyographic pattern during intermediate Mat Pilates exercises in healthy people and with low back pain. In addition, to report the differences between the exercise and the sequence of progression of each exercise for therapeutic purposes. The sample consisted of 32 people (13 with chronic non-specific low back pain and 19 healthy) aged between 18 and 45 years with no prior contact with Pilates. An electromyography analysis were done assessing the multifidus, external oblique, internal oblique and rectus abdominis muscles and exercises of the classical repertoire were chosen (Single leg stretch, Criss-cross and Dead bug). It was used a surface 8-channel electromyograph, wireless, synchronized with the hip angular variation and the data were acquired at 2 kHz. It were analysed: (a) Root mean square (RMS) normalized by maximum voluntary contraction, (b) peak of the linear envelope normalized by maximum voluntary contraction; (c) time of peak activation and (d) co-contraction of the flexor and extensor muscles (rectus abdominis / external oblique / internal oblique X multifidus). ANOVAs for repeated measures were performed to compare between exercises using the variables RMS and peak activation. Moreover, two-way ANOVAs compared groups and exercises for the variables time of peak activation and co-contraction. We observed that the criss-cross exercise had higher RMS values for the trunk flexors - rectus abdominis, external oblique and internal oblique - when compared to other exercises. The highest peaks of activation were observed for the internal and external oblique muscles in Criss-cross exercise, followed by the Single leg stretch and the Dead bug, which presented similar behaviour to each other. The time of peak activation of the external oblique and rectus abdominis showed up anticipated for the Dead bug and Single leg stretch, while for the Crisscross, delayed in both groups. Both groups had higher co-contraction rates in the Dead bug and Single leg stretch exercises, and the Criss-cross had the lowest indexes, with the exception of the ratio of external oblique and multifidus in control group. Both groups were similar in all exercises for co-contraction, but the low back pain group presented earlier time of peak of rectus abdominis and external oblique of than controls. We conclude that the exercises were different as their recruitment pattern, even with the same classification in the Pilates method - as intermediate exercises - and in terms of treatment progression of chronic low back pain, we may start with the least challenging exercises (Dead bug, Single leg stretch) and only then progress to more complex exercises that require greater lumbopelvic stabilization (Criss-cross). The Pilates method allowed the activation of the lumbopelvic stabilizing muscles even in a first session for both groups, and may therefore be indicated in cases of chronic nonspecific low back pain rehabilitation with proper progression

The reduction of the diabetic syndrome in the C57Bl/KsJ (db/db) diabetic mouse by diet-restriction and exercise

Rudrich, Horst R. 01 January 1985 (has links)
No description available.

Compliance behavior in physical therapy home programs

Rosario, Douglas Paul 01 January 1998 (has links)
No description available.

Upplevelser kring gruppträning enligt patienter med en cancersjukdom : Kvalitativ intervjustudie med patienter under pågående/efter avslutad cancerrelaterad behandling.

Blomgren, Ada, Maryashin, Kristian January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Idag erbjuder sjukhus i Sverige gruppträning som rehabilitering för cancerpatienter i syfte att minska eventuella behandlingsframkallade biverkningar. Träning kan bromsa sjukdomsförlopp, förhindra spridning av sjukdomen och minska sjukdomsrelaterad ångest och oro. Det anses vara en brist på evidens gällande cancerpatienters upplevelser kring träning i grupp som rehabiliteringsform.   Syfte: Syftet är att undersöka hur patienter med cancersjukdom upplever gruppträning, under eller efter cancerrelaterad behandling.    Metod: I en kvalitativ intervjustudie med en induktiv ansats inkluderades sex kvinnliga intervjupersoner. Det utfördes sex semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna utfördes på patienter som tidigare har genomgått en hel gruppträningsperiod handledd av en fysioterapeut. Materialet analyserades enligt kvalitativ innehållsanalys.     Resultat: Intervjuernas innehåll delades upp i 8 underkategorier och 4 huvudkategorier. Huvudkategorierna bestod av Motivation att träna, Träningsmiljö, Hinder för träning och Upplevda positiva effekter efter avslutad träning   Slutsats: Resultatet av studien visar vikten av det sociala stödet och att det upplevdes spela en nyckelroll för intervjupersonernas trygghet och förståelse. Positiva effekter upplevdes av träningen i sig, såsom bättre styrka, kondition och högre energinivå. Författarparet identifierade att informationsbrist, brist på energi och negativa tankar kunde upplevas som centrala negativa faktorer som i sin tur kunde påverkat motivationen att träna. / Background: Hospitals in Sweden offers group exercise as a possibility for rehabilitation to patients with cancer to aim the possible side effects cancer treatment may induce. Exercise may delay, or stop, proliferation of the disease and may even reduce cancer related depression and anxiety. It is considered that it lacks evidence describing the experiences cancer patients have after using exercise as rehabilitation form.   Aim: The purpose is to investigate how patients with cancer experience group exercise, during or after completed cancer treatment.   Method: In a qualitative interview study with an inductive approach six female interview persons were included. Six semi-structured interviews were performed. The authors interviewed patients who completed a whole group exercise-period supervised by a physical therapist. The results were then analysed using a qualitative content analysis.   Result: The interview results was divided into 8 sub-categories and 4 main categories. The main categories were Exercise motivation, Exercise environment, Exercise obstacles and Experienced positive effects after completed exercise.   Conclusion: The results shows that the importance of the social environment plays a key role according to the experience of support and understanding. It was also described that physical effects from the exercise itself was present. The individuals felt both stronger and experienced having a higher energy level. The authors did identify that lack of information, lack of energy and negative thoughts were described as obstacles, these obstacles were the main negative factors that could lower the individual’s motivation towards the exercise.

Träning med smärta, viss smärta eller smärtfritt vid rehabilitering av Akillestendinopati i mellanportionen? : En systematisk litteraturöversikt / Training with pain, some pain, or pain free when rehabilitating midportion Achilles tendinopathy? : A systematic review

Håkansson, Simon January 2021 (has links)
Olika träningsprogram används vid rehabilitering av Akillestendinopati och skiljer sig åt avseende frekvens, intensitet, typ av träning och hur patienter skall förhålla sig till smärta när de tränar. Vilken nivå av smärta som är mest effektiv vid träning är ej tidigare utforskat. Syftet med denna litteraturöversikt är därför att jämföra träningsprogram som skall utföras med smärta med program som tillåter viss smärta samt med program som skall utföras smärtfritt vid rehabilitering av Akillestendinopati i senans mellanportion. Litteraturöversikten utfördes systematiskt och följde riktlinjerna enligt PRISMA. Studier från PubMed och Web of Science inkluderades. Endast studiedeltagare med Akillestendinopati i senans mellanportion som utförde träningsterapi som behandling och utvärderades med VISA-A inkluderades. Risk för bias bedömdes enligt Rob 2 tool för RCT-studier och ROBINS-1 tool för CCT-studier. En narrativ syntes användes som analysmetod och evidensgraderingen utfördes med GRADE. Åtta studier inkluderades i litteraturöversikten och samtliga av dessa innehöll träningsprogram som skulle utföras med smärta. Två studier involverade träningsprogram som tillät viss typ av smärta och ingen studie involverade träning som skulle utföras smärtfritt. Träningsterapi oavsett typ av träningsprogram visade sig vara associerat med förbättrade VISA-A värden och det går ej att avgöra vilken av dessa träningsprogram som är mest effektiv. Den här litteraturöversikten pekar mot att träning med smärta, som gäller vid Alfredsons standardprogram från 1998, är effektivt och har bäst evidens av de träningsprogram som presenteras i litteraturöversikten. Fler högkvalitativa interventionsstudier behövs för att öka evidensen för att träna utan krav på smärta vid Akillestendinopati i mellanportionen. / Different loading programs are used when rehabilitating Achilles tendinopathy varying regarding frequency, intensity, type of training and how to approach pain. The level of pain which is most effective in training, when rehabilitating Achilles tendinopathy, has not yet been explored. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to compare loading programs when inducing pain is a criterion with loading programs allowing some pain and with loading programs inducing no pain when rehabilitating midportion Achilles tendinopathy. The review was conducted systematically and followed the guidelines presented by PRISMA. Studies from PubMed and Web of Science were included. Only participants with midportion Achilles tendinopathy that rehabilitated with a loading program and were evaluated with VISA-A were included. Risk of bias was evaluated with the Rob 2 tool for RCT-studies and with ROBINS-1 tool for CCT-studies. A narrative synthesis was conducted, and the level of evidence was set with GRADE. Eight studies were included and all of them involved training with pain. Two studies included loading programs that allowed some pain and no study included training without pain. All loading programs included are associated with improved VISA-A scores and none are more superior than the others. This review shows that training with pain, as in Alfredsons eccentric loading program from 1998, is effective and has the best level of evidence of the different loading programs presented in this review. More high-quality studies are needed to increase the evidence for training when pain is not a criterion in midportion Achilles tendinopathy.

Exercise practices, dietary habits and medication usage among persons with Type-I diabetes

Paul, Yvonne 24 October 2005 (has links)
The aim of this study was to gain insight into the exercise practices, in conjunction with dietary habits and medication routine of insulin dependent diabetics. The study design adopted for the study was that of descriptive and analytical survey. The gathering of data was conducted over a period of seven months using a questionnaire as a data collection instrument, which was administered to 200 insulin dependent diabetics utilizing the outpatient facilities at 12 hospitals in Kwa-Zulu Natal. In determining the respondent's attitude towards exercise, the significant (p<0.001) overall majority (85%) had a positive attitude towards exercise. In probing the perceived efficacy of exercise as a therapeutic modality, a significant (p<0.001) majority (93%) of the respondents stated that exercise/sport is beneficial to a diabetic. Of the overall sample, the significant (p<0.001) majority (68%) of respondents were active participants in exercise (exercisers) versus 32% who were not active (non-exercisers). The profile of the exercisers indicated that the significant (p<0.001) majority participated in exercise of an aerobic type at frequency of 4 or more times per week, at an intensity eliciting an approximate heart rate of between 110 to 130 beats per minute corresponding with an RPE of 11 to 13, for a duration of 20 to 45 minutes. A significant (p<0.001) overall majority (98%) stated that a good diet is an important factor when trying to achieve near normoglycemia. In probing the respondent's knowledge as to what group certain types of food belong to, an overall significant (p<0.001) majority (82%) was accurate in this regard, while significantly (p<0.1) more exercisers (84%) were aware of correct food grouping than non-exercisers (67%). In probing their knowledge of the normal range of blood glucose levels, an overall significant (p<0.001) number of respondents (66%) stated a correct response, while exercisers (67%) were significantly (p<0.1) more knowledgeable than non-exercisers (52%) in this regard. The significant (p<0.001) majority of respondents injected themselves three and more times a day (54%), before meals (71%), in the thigh (35%) and abdominal areas (48%), as opposed to the gluteal area (10%) and the arm (8%). The mean overall dosage of long-acting insulin (12.2 units) and short-acting insulin (10.5 units) for lunch was significantly lower (p<0.1) than for breakfast and supper, however there was no significant difference (p>0.1) between the breakfast and supper dosages. The same pattern was observed for non-exercisers and exercisers. The respondent's knowledge of good diabetic management goals reflected that a significant (p<0.001) overall majority (83%) were aware that diet, insulin and exercise are all important constituents in obtaining good diabetic management, while significantly (p<0.1) more exercisers (84%) than non-exercisers (71%) were aware of this. A significant (p<0.001) majority (83%) of non-exercises stated that they were willing to participate in exercise, but cited time constraints and physical discomfort, inter-alia, as antecedents to non-participation. In conclusion, the results indicated that the provision of educational support for insulin dependent diabetics to overcome the perceived barriers to exercise would increase participation, enhance appropriate exercise prescription and compliance to this important aspect of the diabetic regimen. / Dissertation (MA (Human Movement Science))--University of Pretoria, 2002. / Biokinetics, Sport and Leisure Sciences / unrestricted

Mentors in motion : a physical activity intervention for obese adolescents

Markin, Carrie. January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

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