Spelling suggestions: "subject:"expectations."" "subject:"ixpectations.""
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Expectations and experiences of career counselling : an exploration of interpersonal behaviourSchedin, Gunnar January 2007 (has links)
<p>The overall purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyse interpersonal behaviour in career counselling sessions. The importance of the relationship in counselling for the outcome of sessions has been acknowledged in earlier research. How the actual interaction process between client and career counsellor looks like has been sparsely investigated. The present research explores expected, experienced behaviours and self-image of 15 adolescent clients’ and counsellors’ dyads in career counselling. The research was guided by interpersonal theory and the model of structural analysis of social behaviour (SASB) developed by Lorna Smith Benjamin. The research focuses on four different aspect of interpersonal behaviour. First, the significance of different behaviours by the clients and the career counsellors related to session evaluation. Second, the significance of expected and experienced similarity in perceptions of self and other behaviours related to session evaluation. Third, differences of perceived behaviours and possible influence by self-image over the course of sessions and fourth, comparing the influence of positive and negative self-image to expected and experienced behaviours, perceived important events during session and session evaluation session by clients’. Results indicate the importance for clients to become close to the career counsellor in session, while the career counsellors’ encouragement of clients’ independency during sessions showed to be of less importance for the clients’. This pattern imply a difficult balance act for career counsellors between providing a safe and close relationship and promoting independence and exploration for the clients. Further, it was found that career counsellors had difficulties in identifying their own contributions to a positive session evaluation, indicating a problem for the career counsellors’ to make conscious adjustments of behaviours. The degree to which client and career counsellor agreed of their behaviours only mattered for experiences of the career counsellors’ behaviour when related to their evaluation of session. Only minor tendencies of influence by the career counsellors’ self-image of clients’ perceived differences in behaviours were found. Self-image played a significant role in how the clients’ expected and experienced behaviours, perceived important events in session and in their session evaluation. Clients’ with positive self-image showed consistently more positive perceptions on each of the involved variables.</p>
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Modelling Expectations and Trust in Virtual AgentsJohansson, Anja January 2007 (has links)
<p>Computer graphics has long been the foremost area of advancement in both the gaming and the motion picture industry. Nowadays, as computer graphics is getting difficult to advance any further, other areas begin to interest the developers. One of these areas is artificial intelligence. The gaming industry has begun to create far more intelligent virtual characters that no longer are as predictable as they used to be. Mixing character animation with intelligent agents techniques results in a vastly more interesting experience for the gamer as well as for the developer.</p><p>This project focuses on introducing expectational behaviour and trust in intelligent virtual characters. The area is highly interesting as it enables a vastly more complex emotional structure for virtual agents than that of reactive, rational behaviour. Although expectations can indeed be rational, often they are not when it comes to humans. This project studies the effects of expectations on the emotional state of agents and the effect that the emotions have on the reasoning abilities and the action selection mechanism. It also examines how trust influences emotions and vice versa and how trust influences the action selection mechanism.</p><p>One of the requirements of this work is that the computations concerning the triggering of emotions have to be done in real-time. While it is possible to do off-line computations for simulations (such as is often done for the movie industry), it is not what we desire here. It is our goal to create interesting virtual characters that can be interacted with in real-time. Therefore, also expectations and trust must be calculated and managed in real-time.</p>
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Within the Interpretation of Dreams : A Freudian Reading of Nick Hornby’s High FidelityLarsson, Per January 2007 (has links)
<p>“To be, or not to be” surely constitutes a strange walk on the tight rope between delusion and reality, and apparently, Robert Fleming is a man with immense problems. Who is Ziggy Stardust, and who is Stephen Dedalus? Is it relevant to claim that there is more of David Bowie’s true personality inside Ziggy than of, for instance Charles Dickens’ great expectations within Pip? By examining Nick Hornby’s novel High Fidelity and it’s main character from a Freudian perspective using Freud’s theories and ideas of the oedipal concept, this is basically a plain attempt in search for a better psychological knowledge and understanding of the musical world of illusion, which finally ends up in a serious effort to interpret the true and inner meanings of Rob’s dreams and personality.</p>
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Styvföräldraskapet : – Ett föräldraskap bland fleraWesterdahl, Maria January 2006 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study is to perform a description of how parents experience their life in a stepfamily and to examine how the parents experience the involvement from their new partner in the children’s upbringing. The issues are: (i) which expectations do the parent has on their new partner in the role as stepparent to the child, (ii) how active does the parent experience their new partners’ step parenting concerning the stepchild and (iii) how does the parent expect the new family to take shape? A qualitative study has been done through interviews. The participants were sex biological parents, of which four were fathers and two mothers. The theoretical approach and design of this study is science of stepfamilies and of the role of stepparent. This study shows that the expectations the parents have on the stepparents’ involvement in the parenting and how actively the new partner is in the role as stepparent to the children is contradictive. The experience is that the stepparents should act as parents, but not in all matters. The parents thought that the stepparents were inactive in their parenting because they do not do activities alone with the stepchildren and active because of their concerns in the everyday care. The conclusion is that a great deal of insecurity lies in the expectations of how to act as a stepparent and although the purpose with the stepfamily is to imitate the nuclear family this is not possible in reality.</p> / <p>Syftet med denna studie är att genomföra en deskriptiv studie om föräldrars erfarenheter av att leva i en styvfamilj samt undersöka hur ursprungsföräldern uppfattar den nya partnerns involvering i styvbarnens uppfostran. Frågeställningarna är: (i) vilka förväntningar har föräldern på sin nya partner i rollen som barnets styvförälder, (ii) hur aktivt anser föräldern att den nya partnern utövar sitt styvföräldraskap i förhållande till styvbarnet och (iii) hur anser föräldern att den nya familjen bör utformas? Metodvalet är kvalitativt och datainsamling har skett med hjälp av intervjuer. Undersökningspopulationen bestod av sex biologiska föräldrar, varav fyra pappor och två mammor. Vägledande för denna studies teoretiska tolkningsram och design har varit forskning om styvfamiljen samt om rollen som styvförälder. Studien visar att föräldrarnas förväntningar på styvförälderns involveringsgrad i föräldraskapet och synen på hur aktivt styvföräldern utövar styvföräldraskapet är motsägelsefullt. Föräldrarna anser att styvföräldrarnas uppgift är att agera som föräldrar, med förbehållet att det finns frågor där ansvaret bör överlåtas till föräldrarna. Föräldrarna menade att styvföräldrarna var passiva i sitt styvföräldraskap genom bristande aktiviteter ihop med styvbarnen, samtidigt som de var aktiva i styvföräldraskapet genom involvering i styvbarnens vardagsomsorg. Slutsatsen av denna studie är att det finns hög grad av osäkerhet i hur en bra styvförälder bör agera i rollen som styvförälder och trots att målet med styvfamiljen är att efterlikna kärnfamiljen är detta inte praktiskt möjligt.</p>
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Kärlek - en helt normal osannolikhet : en sociologisk samhällsteoretisk studie om skillnader mellan det förmoderna och moderna samhällets syn på intim- och familjerelationerHofmann, Anna, Larsson, Maria January 2006 (has links)
<p>Syftet med vår uppsats är att ur ett sociologiskt samhällsteoretiskt perspektiv, ge både oss själva och läsaren en ökad förståelse för och synliggöra flickor från vissa etniska grupper och deras intim- och familjerelationer i Sverige. För att kunna förstå flickornas eventuella problem och konflikter i familjen tar vi hjälp av Niklas Luhmanns systemteori och hans analys av intima relationer och familjen i det moderna samhället. De frågeställningar som besvaras är:</p><p>• Vilka skillnader mellan det förmoderna och moderna samhällets syn på intim- och familjerelationer ställs flickorna i vårt material inför?</p><p>• Hur kan dessa skillnader tolkas och förstås utifrån Luhmanns systemteoretiska analys av den moderna familjen?</p><p>Vår studie är ett teoretiskt arbete och grundar sig på litteraturstudier. För att kunna besvara våra frågeställningar har vi inspirerats av och löst anknutit oss till en abduktiv metod. Undersökningen tar sin utgångspunkt dels i en nyligen gjord studie av Åsa Andersson, Inte samma lika (2003), och dels i den internationellt erkände sociologen Niklas Luhmanns systemteori och hans analys av intima relationer och familjen.</p><p>För att kunna få en sociologisk samhällsteoretisk förståelse för och kunna placera in familjen i det moderna samhällets kontext presenterar vi de delar av Luhmanns teori och begreppsapparat som vi ansåg relevanta för ämnet. Det gör vi för att kunna förstå hur familjen fungerar i det moderna samhället.</p><p>Sammanfattningsvis kan vi konstatera att de skillnader i synen på intim- och familjerelationer som flickorna har att förhålla sig till finns i såväl den offentliga som den privata sfären. Skillnaderna är flera under respektive sfär men de mest framträdande skillnaderna handlar om moral och förnuft där familjen och den egna etniska gruppen använder mekanismer som skam och skuld för att reducera en ökad kontingens och komplexitet som råder i det moderna samhället. Utifrån flickornas beskrivningar kan vi förstå att deras förväntningar i hög grad skiljer sig från föräldrarnas såväl i valet av äktenskapspartner, hemarbete, mer frihet och ökad jämställdhet i form av utbildning och ekonomiskt oberoende. Utifrån en systemteoretisk synvinkel kan vi även se skillnader på såväl generell som specifik nivå, förändringar av intima relationer kan alltså kopplas till samhällsutvecklingen och dess semantiska koder knutna till familjen som system.</p>
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Hur kan det pedagogiska och det sociala klimatet förklara skolors förutsättningar för framtida effektivitetsutveckling? : En jämförande studie av två kommunala högstadieskolorOlsson, Pär January 2007 (has links)
<p>Pupil achievement and behaviour in schools was earlier seen as given by socioeconomic and biological factors. But since the late 1970s the school effectiveness research has come to give school factors a much greater role for pupils’ attainments. Research has shown that schools´ pedagogical and social climate, which is to be seen as a complex product of deeply felt values and norms held by school principals and teachers and developed through practical actions, can explain variations in effectiveness between schools. Effectiveness is here to be seen as a higher mean cognitive and non cognitive student outcome than is expected with regard to initial attainment or family background. In this context all schools can be effective.</p><p>The purpose of this dissertation is to study the pedagogical and the social climate in two secondary schools in order to answer the question of how the climate can describe their conditions for future evolvement in effectiveness. The method of data collection is qualitative enquiries and has been conducted through interviews with principals, teachers and pupils. Our two schools are based in the same council and have a similar intake of pupils. The results derived from the study show that one school has a better pedagogical and social climate than the other which at the same time gives it greater conditions for future effectiveness.</p>
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Förväntad och upplevd kunskap : En enkätstudie bland elever på Hotell- och Restaurangprogrammet / Expected and perceived knowledge : A study among students at the upper secondary school Hotel- and Restaurant programIngletto, Salvatore January 2009 (has links)
<p> The purpose with my study was primarily to illuminate the students' expectations on gained knowledge during their studies at the upper secondary school Hotel- and Restaurant program, and to what extent these expectations were fulfilled. Secondarily, the purpose was to compare the students' expected and perceived knowledge with the program goals set by the Swedish government and the knowledge requirements expressed in a pilot study made by the Education council of the Hotel and restaurant business (UHR, 2007).I chose a quantative approach and I used an anonymous group enquiry among students at the Hotel- and Restaurant program at two different upper secondary schools to carry out my study.Tendencies in the result suggested that the students at the Hotel- and Restaurant program expected high knowledge level within the competence areas of Guest reception and communication, Cleaning and hygiene, Cooking of cold and hot dishes and Waiting. The expectations were not big within the areas Computers and Internet and Business economics and management.Fulfillment of expected knowledge tended to be high within the areas where the expectations were big. It might therefore be a good investment for schools to work on the student expectations to increase motivation within the low expectation areas.A confrontation of the tendencies in the result with the program goals and the competence requirements expressed in the UHR study, suggested that the upper secondary Hotel- and Restaurant education might focus some more the areas of Guest reception and communication, Beverages and Organization of banquets. Business economics and management should be given much more weight.</p> / <p> Syftet med min undersökning var primärt att belysa elevernas förväntningar på vilken kunskap utbildningen på Hotell- och Restaurangprogrammet skulle ge dem och i hur stor grad de förväntningarna uppfylldes. Sekundärt syfte var att jämföra elevernas förväntade och upplevda kunskaper med Skolverkets programmål samt med de kompetenskrav som uttrycktes i en pilotstudie (UHR, 2007) som Utbildningsrådet för Hotell- och Restauranger har utfört om företagens behov av kompetens hos nyutexaminerade från Hotell- och Restaurangprogrammet. Jag valde en kvantitativ studieansats och använde en anonym gruppenkät bland elever på Hotell- och Restaurangprogrammet på två olika gymnasieskolor för att genomföra undersökningen. Tendenser i resultatet visade att eleverna på Hotell- och Restaurangprogrammet förväntade sig mest kunskaper inom områdena Bemötande och gästkommunikation, Rengöring och hygien, Matlagning i kall- och varmkök samt Servering. Eleverna förväntade sig inte mycket kunskap inom Datorkunskap och Internet samt Företagande och ekonomi. Uppfyllelsen av förväntningarna på kunskap tenderade att vara hög där förväntningarna var stora. Därför skulle det kanske vara värt för skolan att arbeta med att påverka elevernas förväntningar i positiv riktning och på så sätt höja motivationen inom områden med låga förväntningar. Konfrontation mellan tendenserna i undersökningsresultatet och Skolverkets programmål samt branschens kompetenskrav, indikerade att utbildningen skulle kunna fokusera något mer på kunskapsområdet Bemötande och gästkommunikation, Drycker och Organisering av festmåltider. Området Företagande och ekonomi borde få betydligt större vikt.</p>
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Patienters förväntningar på vården vid en smärtmottagning / Patients’ expectations regarding the care at an outpatient pain clinicCarlsson, Emma, Hallbeck, Rebecka January 2010 (has links)
<p><p><strong>Syfte:</strong> Syftet med denna studie är att bland patienter med långvarig smärta, som är remitterade till en smärtmottagning, undersöka förväntningar avseende det första besöket, i vilken utsträckning patienterna anser att dessa uppfylldes samt att undersöka vilka förväntningar patienterna har på den fortsatta vården och kontakten med Smärtmottagningen. <strong>Metod:</strong> En empirisk studie med kvalitativ deduktiv ansats. Datainsamling skedde genom att tio personer intervjuades på Smärtmottagningen efter deras första besök. Materialet bearbetades med manifest innehållsanalys.<strong> Resultat:</strong> Patienter vid Smärtmottagningen hade i olika stor utsträckning förväntningar inför det första besöket och den fortsatta vården. Patienterna ansåg i varierande utsträckning att deras förväntningar på det första besöket hade uppfyllts, dock uttryckte alla patienter att minst någon förväntning uppfyllts. Gällande den fortsatta vården förväntade sig patienterna bland annat smärtlindring, stöd samt att upprätta en kontakt med Smärtmottagningen. <strong>Slutsats:</strong> Patienter vid en smärtmottagning har förväntningar på vården och att känna till dessa kan underlätta mötet med patienten för sjukvårdspersonalen. Föreliggande studie ger en inblick i tio patienters förväntningar och huruvida de blivit uppfyllda och tyder på att det är av värde att fråga patienter om deras förväntningar. Detta är något som smärtmottagningar kan överväga att implementera i vården.</p></p> / <p><p><strong>Aim:</strong> The aim of this study was to investigate expectations on the first appointment among patients with chronic pain referred to an outpatient pain clinic. The aim was also to investigate to which extent the expectations on the first appointment were fulfilled and to investigate the patients’ expectations on the continuing care and contact with the outpatient pain clinic.<strong> Method: </strong>An empirical study with qualitative design was used. The data was collected through interviews with ten patients after their first appointment at the clinic. Data was processed using manifest content analysis.<strong> Result:</strong> The patients had expectations in various extents prior to their first appointment and on the further care. The patients thought that their expectations were fulfilled to various extent, however all patients expressed that at least one expectation had been fulfilled. Regarding the continuing care the patients expected, among other things, to receive functioning pain treatment and support as well as to establish a contact with the outpatient pain clinic.<strong> Conclusion:</strong> Patients have expectations and awareness of these among the medical staff might facilitate the meeting between the medical staff and the patient. This study provides an insight in ten patients’ expectations and to which extent they have been fulfilled. The study also suggests that it would be of value to ask patients about their expectations, which outpatient pain clinics can consider implementing.</p></p>
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Hope and Despair : Philosophy of life, expectations and optimism in cancer patients and their spousesWinterling, Jeanette January 2007 (has links)
<p>The general aim was to explore philosophy of life, expectations and optimism in patients and spouses in two different cancer situations, and to determine whether these aspects had relevance for psychological distress and quality of life. The first situation was being newly diagnosed with advanced cancer. Data on philosophy of life, optimism and psychological distress were gathered on one occasion (I). In addition, changes in life were described using a qualitative approach in a sub-sample (II). The second situation was having completed curative cancer treatment. Data on expectations for the recovery period, optimism, psychological distress and quality of life were gathered on three occasions (III). Moreover, expectations and how these turned out were described using a qualitative approach in a sub-sample (IV). The results show that being diagnosed with an advanced cancer influenced aspects of patients’ and spouses’ philosophy of life, including that existential questions were common and were related to higher psychological distress (I). All experienced substantial mental changes in life, often also physical, practical and sometimes positive changes. Patients more often seemed to accept their situation and prepared themselves for death, whereas spouses had more difficulties in handling the situation (II). Patients who had completed curative treatment generally had higher expectations for the recovery period than did their spouses, and patients expectations were fulfilled to a lesser degree, however, this generally had little importance for psychological distress or quality of life (III). Patients’ expectation for their recovery period was generally that they would get well. For those whose recovery period had been tough, expectations were often unfulfilled, but they were often satisfied with their current life anyway owing to positive changes (IV). Being optimistic was the most beneficial for decreased psychological distress in both samples, as well as for better quality of life in the recovery group (I, III).</p>
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Expectations, Uncertainty, and Monetary PolicyKjellberg, David January 2007 (has links)
<p>Essay 1 - To evaluate measures of expectations I examine and compare some of the most common methods for capturing expectations: the futures method which utilizes financial market prices, the VAR forecast method, and the survey method. I study average expectations on the Federal funds rate target, and the main findings can be summarized as follows: i) the survey measure and the futures measure are highly correlated; the correlation coefficient is 0.81 which indicates that the measures capture the same phenomenon, ii) the survey measure consistently overestimates the realized changes in the interest rate, iii) the VAR forecast method shows little resemblance with the other methods.</p><p>Essay 2 - This paper takes a critical look at available proxies of uncertainty. Two questions are addressed: (i) How do we evaluate these proxies given that subjective uncertainty is inherently unobservable? (ii) Is there such a thing as a general macroeconomic uncertainty? Using correlations, some narrative evidence and a factor analysis, we find that disagreement and stock market volatility proxies seem to be valid measures of uncertainty whereas probability forecast measures are not. This result is reinforced when we use our proxies in standard macroeconomic applications where uncertainty is supposed to be of importance. Uncertainty is positively correlated with the absolute value of the GDP-gap.</p><p>Essay 3 - The co-movements of exchange rates and interest rates as the economy responds to shocks is a potential source of deviations from uncovered interest rate parity. This paper investigates whether an open economy macro model with endogenous monetary policy is capable of explaining the exchange rate risk premium puzzle. When the central bank is engaged in interest rate smoothing, a negative relationship between exchange rate changes and interest differentials emerge for realistic parameter values without assuming an extremely large and variable risk premium as done in previous studies.</p><p>Essay 4 - This paper shows how market expectations as a function of the forecasting horizon can be constructed and used to analyse issues like how far in advance monetary policy actions are anticipated and how the market’s understanding of monetary policy has developed over time. On average about half of a monetary policy action is anticipated one month before a policy meeting. The share of fully anticipated FOMC policy decisions increase from less than 10% at the two-month horizon, to about 70% at the one-day horizon. The market ability to predict policy has improved substantially after 1999 as the fraction of fully anticipated meetings has quadrupled at the monthly horizon. This improvement can be described as an effect of increased central bank transparency.</p>
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