Spelling suggestions: "subject:"expectations."" "subject:"ixpectations.""
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Förväntat resultat (outcome expectations) av regelbunden fysisk aktivitet hos äldre.Benitez, Marcus, Frantzén, Love January 2011 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka det förväntade resultatet (outcome expectations) vad gäller fysiska, själv-värderande och sociala förväntningar av regelbunden träning hos äldre fysiskt aktiva respektive fysiskt inaktiva och även jämföra de båda grupperna och se om skillnad förelåg. Metod: 32 stycken deltagare inkluderades i studien genom bekvämlighetsurval för att representera populationen äldre (>65 år) friska individer. Deltagarna fick fylla i en enkät gällande motionsvanor senaste 12 månaderna och delades sedan in i grupperna regelbundet fysiskt aktiva respektive inaktiva beroende på vad de svarat i enkäten. Deltagarnas förväntningar på resultatet av regelbunden fysisk aktivitet mättes sedan med en enkät kallad Multidimensional Outcome Expectations for Exercise Scale (MOEES) som undersöker fysiska, själv-värderande och sociala förväntningar. Resultat: De regelbundet fysiskt aktiva hade högre resultatförväntningar på regelbunden fysisk aktivitet gällande fysiska förväntningar. Ingen signifikant skillnad mellan grupperna kunde ses gällande själv-värderande och sociala förväntningar. Konklusion: Äldre som regelbundet är fysiskt aktiva har högre fysiska förväntningar på fysisk aktivitet än äldre inaktiva. Fler studier som undersöker och jämför det förväntade resultatet gällande fysiska, själv-värderande och sociala förväntningar av fysiskt aktivitet mellan äldre aktiva och inaktiva behövs för att styrka sambanden mellan att vara fysiskt aktiv och vad äldre förväntar sig att få ut av det. / Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine outcome expectations in terms of physical, self-evaluative and social expectations of regular physical activity/exercise in physically active or physically inactive older adults, and compare the two groups and see if any difference existed.Method: The participants were 32 conveniently selected individuals, representing the population elderly (> 65 years) and healthy individuals who are regularly physically active or inactive. The participants answered a questionnarie regarding their level of physical activity during the last 12 months which divided them into two groups, physically active or physically inactive. The Multidimensional Outcome Expectations for Exercise Scale (MOEES) questionnaire was then used to measure the participant´s level of outcome expectations of regular physical activity/exercise. Results: The regularly physically active participants had higher scores on MOEES, in terms of physical expectations than participants who were physically inactive. No significant difference where seen between the two when comparing the total score of MOEES and the subgroups self-evaluative, and social expectations for regular physical activity/exercise. Conclusion: This study showed that there in older adults, is a relation between being physically active and having higher physical outcome expectations of physical activity/exercise. Further studies which examines outcome expectations in terms of physical, self-evaluative and social expectations of regular physical activity/exercise, in physically active or physically inactive older adults is warranted.
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Allmänhetens kunskap om och förväntningar på ambulanssjukvårdenWall, Jeffrey, Blomberg, Lina January 2011 (has links)
Ambulanssjukvården har på kort tid utvecklats från att vara en transportorganisation till en avancerad del av sjukvården. Utvecklingen av ambulanssjukvården innefattar den medicintekniska utrustningen, behandling, omvårdnad och personalens kompetens. Samtidigt har antalet utförda ambulansuppdrag ökat det senaste årtiondet. Vad som ofta beskrivs som ett problem är felanvändning och överutnyttjande av ambulanser. Detta försvårar möjligheterna till god och säker vård. Därför har syftet med denna studie varit att lyfta fram allmänhetens kunskaper om ambulanssjukvården och dess organisation och kompetens samt vilka förväntningar allmänheten har på ambulanssjukvården. Studien genomfördes som en enkätundersökning bestående av åtta slutna frågor. Studiedeltagarna rekryterades på olika allmänna platser i Uppsala län. Totalt deltog 70 personer i studien. Åldersspannet var 19 – 75 år. Resultatet visar att allmänheten har dåliga kunskaper om ambulanssjukvårdens organisation och kompetens. Förväntningarna på ambulanssjukvården är däremot höga. Slutsatsen är att behovet av ökad och bättre information till allmänheten om ambulanssjukvården och dess organisation är stort för att allmänhetens förväntningar ska stämma bättre överens med verkligheten. / Over a very short period of time, the emergency medical service system and its organization has evolved from being mainly about transportation into an integrated part of advanced medical care. The evolution of the emergency medical service system involves both medical care, treatment, nursing and the competence of the staff. The number of performed ambulancemissions has simultaneously increased during the last decade. Misuse and overuse of the ambulance service is often described as a problem. This complicates the possibilities for good and safe medical care. The purpose of this study was to show what knowledge the lay public have about the competence and the organization of the emergency medical service system and what the lay public expectations about it are. The study was made using a questionnaire which consisted of eight closed questions. The participants where recruited from public areas at different places around Uppsala county. There where a total of 70 persons that participated in the study. The age span was 19 – 75 years old. The result shows that the lay public have poor knowledge of the organization and the competence of the emergency medical service system. On the other hand, the expectations is high. This study indicates that there is a need for more and better information to the lay public about the emergency medical service system so that the expectations is more in line with the reality.
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Traineedeltagaresupplevelser av arbetsrelaterad motivation och lojalitet / Trainee participants' perceptions of work-related motivation and loyaltyDurk Boustedt, Katarina, Wiksell, Helena January 2012 (has links)
Förett företags konkurrenskraft och överlevnad är det idag av stor vikt att ha enfungerande rekrytering och kompetensförsörjning som matchar företagets behovmed individens. Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att undersökaupplevelser av arbetsrelaterad motivation och lojalitet vad det gällerdeltagande i ett Traineeprogram. Två fokusgruppintervjuer med fem deltagarefrån år 2011 och fem deltagare från 2012 ligger till grund för studien. Dataanalyserades med kvalitativ tematisk dataanalys och huvudresultatet visademycket positiva upplevelser av motivation och lojalitet. Resultatet visade attdeltagarna upplevde att de fått en god inblick i hela organisationen och därmedutvecklat bättre förståelse, engagemang och tillit. Det till följd av attföretaget sett till individernas behov, förväntningar och personliga utvecklingvia traineeprogrammet. En slutsats var att organisationen kan stärka individensmotivation och lojalitet genom att arbeta med kommunikation, ledarens roll samtorganisationsklimatet. / It is very important for a company's competitiveness and survival to have an effective recruitment and skills that match business needs with the individual´s. The purpose of this qualitative study was to examine the experiences of work-related motivation and loyalty in terms of participation in a trainee program. Two focus group interviews with five participants from 2011 and five participants from 2012 formed the basis for the study. Data were analyzed using qualitative thematic data analysis. The main results showed a very positive experience in terms of motivation and loyalty. Participants felt that they had a good insight into the entire organization and thus developed a better understanding, commitment and trust, as a result of that the company had recognized individuals' needs, expectations and personal development via the trainee program. One conclusion was that the business can support the individual's motivation and loyalty by working with communication, leader role and the organizational climate.
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Adaptive beliefs and the volatility of asset pricesGaunersdorfer, Andrea January 2000 (has links) (PDF)
I present a simple model of an evolutionary financial market with heterogeneous agents, based on the concept of adaptive belief systems introduced by Brock and Hommes (1997a). Agents choose between different forecast rules based on past performance, resulting in an evolutionary dynamics across predictor choice coupled to the equilibrium dynamics. The model generates endogenous price fluctuations with similar statistical properties as those observed in real return data, such as fat tails and volatility clustering. These similarities are demonstrated for data from the British, German, and Austrian stock market. (author's abstract) / Series: Working Papers SFB "Adaptive Information Systems and Modelling in Economics and Management Science"
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Development and preliminary validation of measures to assess mother's self-regulatory efficacy and outcome expectations to transport preschool aged children to structured physical activitiesBloomquist, Candace D. 20 December 2010 (has links)
Structured physical activity (SPA) is one type of physical activity in which preschool aged children participate (e.g., soccer programs). Given that SPA often occurs at community-based locations, such as at a field or hockey rink, primary caregivers, who are often times mothers, must transport their preschool aged children to the scheduled SPA. Although studies have examined social cognitions important to individuals participation in their own scheduled physical activity, no study to date has focused on the social cognitions of mothers that may be related to the transportation of their preschool aged children to SPA. The purpose of this two-study dissertation was to use self-efficacy theory to develop and examine the reliability and validity evidence of measures to assess mothers social cognitions (i.e., self-regulatory efficacy to overcome barriers and to schedule/plan; outcome expectations including likelihood and value) that may be related to transporting their children to SPA. A literature review, focus group elicitation with nine participants (Mean age = 35.25 years; SD = 3.57), and feedback from three expert judges and 10 participants were used to develop items for each of the measures in Study 1. The reliability of the measures was then investigated in Study 1 using data from 31 participants (Mean age= 33.50 years; SD = 5.79) to examine initial internal consistency and then 64 participants (Mean age= 32.87 years; SD = 4.48) to further examine internal consistency and temporal stability. Findings revealed some evidence for the content and construct validity, internal consistency, and temporal stability of the measures. To continue the construct validation of the measures, it was important to continue to examine the reliability evidence of the measures and other aspects of validity, including concurrent and predictive validity. In Study 2, data from 93 participants (Mean age= 34.88 years; SD = 5.04) were used to examine evidence of the criterion-related validity (i.e., concurrent and predictive) of the developed measures. Results revealed convergence of the measures that assessed similar constructs (i.e., self-regulatory efficacy to schedule/plan and to overcome barriers; outcome expectations: likelihood and value). However, evidence of the divergence of the self-regulatory efficacy measures from the outcome expectation measures was less consistent. Results also revealed that the self-regulatory efficacy beliefs and outcome expectations measures were not significant, independent predictors of transportation to SPA. These predictive validity findings as well as the divergence findings may have been due to the type of mothers who participated in the study (i.e., highly experienced in transporting children to SPA). Findings from the present series of studies suggest a need for continued exploration of the measures, including research with a more diverse sample. Collecting further reliability and validity evidence of these measures to compare it with the evidence from the present studies would contribute to the ongoing construct validation of these measures.
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Patientens behov och förväntningar i mötet med distriktssköterskan i hemsjukvården. / The patient´s needs and expectations of the encounter with the district nurse in home care.Ljungholm, Linda January 2012 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Första gången två personer möts är de främlingar för varandra. Möten innebär samspel mellan de människor som berörs. Mötet styrs av erfarenheter, förväntningar och tolkningar av situationen. Genom att bekräfta, acceptera och vara tillmötesgående närmar sig parterna varandra vilket kan leda till öppenhet och bättre kontakt. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att beskriva patienternas behov och förväntningar i mötet med distriktssköterskan i hemsjukvården. Metod: Studien utfördes med en kvalitativ ansats. Åtta patienter med hemsjukvård intervjuades enskilt i sina hem. Narrativ intervju användes. Materialet analyserades sedan utifrån Lundman och Graneheims kvalitativa innehållsanalys. Resultat: Två teman framkom, Att få känna sig som en värdefull människa på sina egna villkor samt Att få medicinsk vård av en kompetent distriktssköterska. Patienternas behov och förväntningarna i mötet med distriktssköterskan i hemsjukvården är att få hjälp med att behålla sin identitet och sin värdighet som människa. Patienterna vill att distriktssköterskan ska se patienten som en person med känslor och tankar och ta dessa på allvar. Patienterna behöver känna sig sedda och bekräftade, få känna sig som någon inte bara en i mängden. När patienten känner sig sedd och bekräftad skapas förtroende och trygghet. Patienterna har behov av att distriktssköterskan har förmågan att känna till sin egen kompetens och brister. Detta leder till ett förtroende och respekt för distriktssköterskan. Slutsats: Slutsatsen är att man inte kan möta människor efter en speciell mall. Varje möte måste ske individuellt med fokus på den enskilda individens behov och förväntningar. Behovet att få känna sig som en värdefull människa på sina egna villkor är viktigare än att få medicinska insatser gjorda. / Abstract Background: The first time two people meet, they are strangers to each other. Encounters involve interaction between the people involved. The encounter is determined by the experiences, expectations and interpretations of the situation. By confirming, accepting and being courteous to each other there can be transparency and better contacts. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe patients' needs and expectations of the encounter with the district nurse in home care. Method: The study was conducted by using a qualitative approach. Eight patients with home health care were interviewed individually in their homes. Narrative interviews were used for the encounters. The material was then analyzed by applying Lundman and Granheim method for qualitative content analysis. Result: Two themes emerged. The patients feeling of being treated like a valuable human being on their own terms and To get medical care of a qualified district nurse. The patients' needs and expectations of the encounters with a district nurse in home health care are to help them preserve their identity and their dignity as human beings. Patients want the district nurse to recognize the patient as a person with feelings and thoughts and to be taken seriously. Patients need to feel seen and acknowledged, to feel that they are not just one of many. When the patient feels seen and confirmed there is confidence and security. Conclusion: The conclusion is that one cannot meet people using one specific template. Each encounter must be unique with focus on the individual's needs and expectations. The need to feel like a valuable human being, met on their own terms is perceived as being more important than having their medical needs attended.
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Samspelets betydelse : En kvalitativ studie om föräldrars upplevelser efter föräldrautbilningen KometKilpi, Alexandra January 2012 (has links)
Parenting is increasingly seen as a profession which requires training and support with the purpose of creating improved interaction. A central question appears to be how the concept of interaction is defined. The aim of this study is to examine how training programs, trainers and parents perceive this concept, whether they define it the same way and whether trainers succeed in reaching parents with the message of what it actually is that will improve in the area of interaction. The study uses a phenomenological approach and a qualitative method. The research subject is the parental training program Komet, a manual-based education program for parents. The goal of the program is to offer families training in methods that have strong scientific support in order to reduce conflicts and to improve the relation and interaction between children and parents. One important result of the study is that parents and trainers viewed the concept of interaction from different perspectives. While the trainers described the interactions based on the parents’ attitudes towards the child, the parents focused on the child’s behavior. This resulted in difficulty for the parents to recognize other changes than changes in behavior.
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Från förskola till förskoleklass : Förväntningar mellan föräldrar pedagoger och barnRask Gradin, Maria January 2012 (has links)
Title: From preschool to preschool in school – Expectations between parents, teachers and children Author: Maria Rask Gradin Mentor: Niclas Järvklo Term: Spring 2012 Abstract The aim of this study is to draw attention to the expectations between parents, children and teachers at preschools and teachers in the preschool in the school at the transition to preschool in the school. I also want to know how the mission is defined, and how it is met. Two preschools and two preschool in the school are the focus of my investigation. I interviewed teachers and parents, sent surveys to parents, observed children playing school and interviewed children about their thoughts and expectations for the preschool in the school there. The survey results show that all parties, except perhaps the children who did not express an opinion thereon, wants better cooperation between the preschool and school. All teachers expect children to be independent when they start preschool in school. The various examination subjects expectations were in fairly good agreement with each other. When the cooperation is not working desirable between preschool and preschool in the school, it is difficult to convey everyone's expectations and thus difficult to meet them, therefore, greater cooperation is desirable. In summary, the preschools and preschools in the schools in this study needs to develop greater cooperation to make it easier for the children in the transition between the preschool and the school. / Syftet med undersökningen är att uppmärksamma de förväntningar som råder mellan föräldrar, barn och pedagoger på förskolor samt pedagoger i förskoleklassen vid övergång till förskoleklass i skolan. Jag vill också veta hur uppdraget definieras, och hur det uppfylls. Två förskolor och två förskoleklasser är i centrum för min undersökning. Där har jag intervjuat pedagoger och föräldrar, skickat enkätundersökningar till föräldrar, observerat barn som leker skola och intervjuat barn kring deras tankar och förväntningar inför förskoleklassen. Undersökningsresultatet visar att alla parter, utom möjligtvis barnen som inte uttryckte sig om detta, önskar ett bättre samarbete mellan förskola och skola. Alla pedagoger förväntar sig att barnen är självständiga när de börjar i förskoleklassen. De olika undersökningspersonernas förväntningar stämde ganska bra överens med varandra. Då samarbetet inte fungerar önskvärt mellan förskola och förskoleklass är det svårt att förmedla allas förväntningar och därmed svårt att möta dem, därför är ett ökat samarbete önskvärt. Sammanfattningsvis behöver de förskolor och skolor jag har med i min undersökning öka sitt samarbete för att underlätta för barnen i övergången mellan förskola och förskoleklass.
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Revisionskvalité : hur kan "hög" revisionskvalité förklaras utifrån dess olika intressenters perspektiv? / Audit quality : how can "high" audit quality be explained according to its various stakeholders perspective?Skog, Peter, Theodorsson, Emily January 2012 (has links)
De senaste åren har vikten av en trovärdig finansiell rapportering av hög revisionskvalité lyfts fram. En högre kvalité säkerställs genom att besluta om gemensamma regler och principer för revisionsbyråer. Intresset av revisionen är olika och således finns olika syn på syftet med revisionen och vad den bör innehålla. Tolkningsskillnaderna gör att hög revisionskvalité upplevs olika. Syftet med vår undersökning är att förklara ”hög” revisionskvalité utifrån revisorers och revisionens olika intressenters perspektiv samt att identifiera eventuella skillnader mellan revisorernas och dessa intressenters syn. En kvantitativ ansats har använts och utifrån teorin har sex hypoteser skapats. Hypoteserna undersöker om det finns skillnader mellan revisorer och revisionens intressenter om vad hög revisionskvalité är. Genom en webbenkät fick respondenterna bedöma i vilken utsträckning 28 variabler leder till högre revisionskvalité. Med undersökningen har vi funnit bevis för att det finns skillnader i uppfattningen om hur hög revisionskvalité uppnås mellan revisorer och intressenterna. Skillnader uppmättes för följande kategorier; revisorns oberoende, revisorns egenskaper, en god kommunikation och extern kontroll. Vi har också kunnat urskilja enskilt viktiga kvalitetsvariabler. Eftersom författarna av denna uppsats inte har funnit någon tidigare studie som tittat på skillnader mellan revisorerna och studiens tre utvalda intressentgrupper i vad som leder till hög revisionskvalité, kan resultatet hjälpa till att sprida ljus över detta område. Resultatet kan också vara användbart för att se hur revisorerna och intressenterna ska närma sig varandra för att uppnå en trovärdigare revision. / In recent years, the importance of a credible financial report of high quality, have been highlighted. A high audit quality is ensured by the adoption of common rules and principles for accounting firms. The interest of the audit is different and therefore are there different views on the purpose and what the audit should contain. Interpreting differences allows high quality to be perceived different. The aim of our study is to explain the “high” audit quality by auditors and audit stakeholders’ perspectives and to identify any differences between the auditors and those stakeholders’ views. A quantitative approach has been used and based on the theory has six hypotheses been created. The hypotheses investigate whether there are differences between auditors and audit stakeholders on what the high level of audit quality is. Through a web survey, respondents were assessing the extent to which 28 variables leads to higher audit quality. In our study we found evidence that there are differences in perceptions of the high level of audit quality is achieved between the auditors and stakeholders. Differences were measured for the following categories: auditor independence, auditor characteristics, good communication and external control. We have also been able to distinguish individual key quality variables. Since the authors of this paper haven’t found any previous study that looked at the differences between the auditors and this study’s three selected stakeholder groups in what leads to high audit quality, the result may help to give light on this area. The results can also be useful to see how auditors and stakeholders should approach each over to achieve a credible audit.
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Concentration ability in Ethiopian classrooms : a study of salutogenic factors and how they affect children’s ability focusing in lessonsRamstrand Efraim, Birgitta January 2010 (has links)
This is an ethnographic study, highlighting protecting factors for children‘s ability to focus. Schools must do its very best for children, increasing their possibilities to concentrate, since this has a significant impact on both school performance and social interaction. Schools have limited resources. Can knowledge and experience from a developing country give useful and interesting input? Are there health factors for this group of pupils in an African school? The purpose of this research is to study children’s attention abilities and investigate supporting factors for pupil’s possibilities to concentrate as well as to determine the usefulness of these experiences in a Swedish school. In this study I found five salutogenic factors, which seemed to have a positive impact on children‘s ability to concentrate: Having possibilities to study makes a big difference if you are living in Ethiopia, so the importance of expectation is one of the factors. Expectations, from both society and families encouraged the pupils to do their best. Children are seen close to each other in bare classrooms. One can see them helping each other to focus during lessons. Cooperation and fellowship seemed to provide security and happiness, and thus, in turn increased the children‘s possibilities to pay attention and absorb knowledge. Learning at appropriate level in a collective learning process possibly helped pupils with problems in the area of attention/ concentrate. In addition to these environmental, salutogenic factors figured the use of a drug.In countries around the Horn of Africa is use of the herb ―khat‖ common. Some of the children self-medicate themselves to increase their concentration ability.
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