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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

English Outside the Classroom : A study of the impact of Extramural English on students' receptive skills / Engelska utanför klassrummet : En studie om hur extramural engelska påverkar elevers språkförståelse

Qvarfordt, Robin January 2019 (has links)
This study sets out to investigate whether and to what extent activities involving Extramural English (EE) have an impact on how students in the sixth and ninth year of the Swedish school-system perform on the national tests of listening and reading comprehension issued by the National Agency for Education. In order to test this, the students participating were asked to fill out a questionnaire asking about their contacts with English outside of the classroom environment and were then administered old national tests of reading and listening comprehension as part of their regular classroom instruction. The data collected was analysed in SPSS in the form of correlation analysis and ANOVA. It was found that EE-activities may indeed impact how well the students perform in tests assessing receptive skills and that certain activities (such as reading, gaming, engaging in oral communication) yielded greater gains than others (such as watching movies and TV-series). In addition to this, the study indicates a difference between how profound of an impact EE-activities have depending on the age of the students, with the older students benefiting more from EE than the younger.

Is Social Media the New Classroom? : A study on the impact of YouTube on language comprehension of Swedish students of English

Ångman Granér, Ellen January 2021 (has links)
In this study, the possible impact YouTube can have on students reading and listening comprehension in English is investigated. In order to identify this possible impact, two main research questions were asked, analysed and answered. The sample group researched in the study consisted of 123 students in the 8th grade at an intermediate school in Sweden. Two surveys, one listening comprehension test and one reading comprehension test, were submitted to the sample group. Based on the results and the discussion, some conclusions could be drawn. Students who spend an average amount of time on YouTube seem to perform at a higher level regarding reading and listening comprehension. However, students who spend a lot of time on YouTube did not perform at the highest level of proficiency, making it difficult to determine with absolute certainty how extensive the correlation between social media and language comprehension is.

Engelska för nyanlända somalisk- och arabisktalande elever : Hur upplever somalisk- och arabisktalande flyktingelever inlärningen av engelska på en högstadieskola i Sverige? En kvalitativ studie med fokus på underkända elever / A qualitative study of Somali- and Arabic-speaking refugee students’ attitudes towards learning English in Sweden, focusing on students with low grades in the subject

Edlund, Rebekka January 2021 (has links)
Swedish schools start teaching English in second grade. Also, many children in Sweden practicea lot of English in their spare time, for example by watching films, or by playing computergames. During the last few years, Sweden has accepted many refugees from countries whereEnglish doesn’t play such a dominant role. By talking to refugee high-school students and theirparents, and asking them about their attitudes towards English as a language and as a subjecttaught in school, this study aims to make it easier for English teachers in Sweden to understandthe perspective of foreign-born students. The study is based on interviews and surveys withSomali- and Arabic-speaking students and parents, conducted in collaboration with Somali- andArabic-speaking translators. This group of students has a completely different starting point thanSwedish students, since they start learning English as a foreign language at the same time as theystart learning Swedish, and have a home language that is from a different language group. Themethod of research used has been focus group interviews with students, individual, structuredinterviews with parents, as well as surveys with students. Results show that students and parentswho participated think it’s important to learn English, that they don’t think it’s a particularlydifficult language, but that they need more time to practice, in school, and in their spare time. / <p>Engelska</p>

Engelskundervisningen på lågstadiet förr och nu : En kvalitativ studie om tre lågstadielärares syn på engelskundervisningens förändring / English for young learners past to present : A qualitative study on three primary school teachers’ view on the change in English teaching

Hana Ashmoni, Mina, Gustafsson, Emma January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med den här studien är att upptäcka hur engelskundervisningen på lågstadiet i Sverige har förändrats enligt tre lärare som har arbetat i grundskolan sedan 16–20 år tillbaka. För att kunna genomföra detta samlades data in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer och kvalitativa textanalyser. Resultatet visar att läroplanen och digitaliseringen har förändrat engelskundervisningen på lågstadiet. Det framgår även att digitaliseringen bidrar till ökad tillgänglighet av undervisningsmaterial på internet, enligt de deltagande lärarna.

Gender and Extramural English : A Study Investigating Gender-Related Linguistic Features of Hedges, Minimal Responses, and Interruptions in the Possible Extramural English Activity of Watching a Reality TV-Show

Hilton, Elizabeth January 2022 (has links)
The present study aims to examine the linguistic features of hedges, minimal responses and interruptions used by the female and male participants in the possible extramural activity of the reality-TV show Love is Blind. The term Extramural English (EE) refers to English that students are exposed to outside the classroom. According to previous research, Swedish teenagers watch a considerable amount of TV, which is a potential EE activity. By possible exposure to EE activities, such as watching TV, learners might gain pragmatic competence that might result in them improving their communicative abilities in the English language. Furthermore, the Swedish school openly strives for gender equality and, therefore, this study investigates the gender characteristics of linguistic features that are categorized as often employed by either females or males. The methodology of the study includes transcribing, counting the linguistic features, color coding and analyzing the findings in relation to previous research. Regarding speech distribution, results show that the male participants speak 5.1 percentage units more than female participants. Furthermore, female participants use hedges 33.4 percentage units more often than the male participants and minimal responses 24 percentage units more often. Additionally, the male participants interrupt 25 percentage units more often than the female participants.

De digitala spelens inverkan på Foreign Language Anxiety och språkinlärning : lärarperspektiv och pedagogiska strategier / The Impact of Digital Games on Foreign Language Anxiety and Language Learning : Teacher Perspectives and Pedagogical Strategies

Abed, Ahmed, Hollender, Frans January 2024 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks mellanstadielärares uppfattningar kring Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) vid inlärning av engelska hos elever i årskurs 4-6. Dessutom undersöks effekterna i elevers spelvanor relaterat till FLA och språkfärdigheter, samt lärarnas föreslagna strategier för att hantera och minska FLA. Studien stödjer sig på teoretiska ramverk från James Paul Gee (2003) om lärande genom digitala spel och Horwitz, Horwitz och Copes (1986) forskning om FLA, och använder en fenomenologisk ansats för att djupdyka i dessa teman. Genom intervjuer med sex engelsklärare i mellanstadiet syftar arbetet till att utforska tre frågeställningar. Dessa inkluderar lärarnas uppfattningar av elevers FLA i engelskundervisningen, lärarnas syn på hur elevers spelvanor kan relatera till deras FLA och språkfärdigheter, samt vilka pedagogiska strategier lärare bedömer som mest effektiva för att minska FLA. Vid undersökningen om hur lärare uppfattar elevernas FLA framkommer problematiken kring elevers talrädsla i klassrummet, vilket kan bero på flera anledningar. Det kan röra sig om rädsla för att bli bedömd av klasskamrater, samt en brist på tillit till den egna förmågan. En annan bidragande faktor till förekomsten av FLA är de stora kontrasterna i elevernas engelskkunskaper, vilket förklaras av deras individuella intressen utanför skolan. Lärarnas utsagor beskriver att elever som ägnar sig åt en stor mängd extramural engelska (EE), har ett så stort försprång att de andra eleverna inte vågar prestera i klassrummet.  Resultaten från studien indikerar att lärarnas syn på digitala spel varierar, med insikter som pekar på både möjligheter och utmaningar i att integrera dessa spel i språkundervisningen. En minoritet identifierar kommersiella digitala spel som en möjlighet att engagera elever och minska FLA, medan majoriteten uttrycker oro för spelens relevans och effektivitet. Detta understryker en komplexitet i hur digitala spel kan integreras i undervisningen, där lärarnas erfarenheter och uppfattningar spelar en stor roll i hur de närmar sig användningen av spel som ett pedagogiskt verktyg. Diskussionen kring pedagogiska strategier för att implementera digitala spel i undervisningen framhäver också ett behov av fortbildning för lärare.  Lärarna uppfattar att digitala spel kan ha både positiva och negativa effekter på elevers språkinlärning, där ett ökat ordförråd och språklig säkerhet i muntliga aktiviteter utgör de positiva aspekterna. Negativa aspekter som framkommer är att elever lär sig ett spelspecifikt språk som inte gynnar deras skolgång, och att deras intensiva engagemang i kommersiella digitala spel på engelska leder till en känsla av att skolans engelskundervisning mister sitt värde. Vad beträffar hantering och minskning av FLA betonar lärarna betydelsen av att skapa en trygg och inkluderande lärmiljö, där grupparbeten används för att effektivt främja engagemang och ett ökat självförtroende.

Extramural engelska : I skolan och på fritiden / Extramural English : In- and out-of-class

Kleman, Malin January 2017 (has links)
Under det senaste decenniet har barns och ungas tillgång till olika digitala medier ökat. De flesta elever möter det engelska språket varje dag på något sätt och de är inte bara konsumenter av språket utan de producerar också engelska i olika aktiviteter på fritiden. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilket utrymme elevernas extramurala engelska får inom ramen för skolans engelskundervisning och i vilken utsträckning eleverna har användning av engelskan de lär sig i skolans undervisning i sina fritidsaktiviteter. Extramural engelska är ett begrepp som innefattar all den engelska som eleverna kommer i kontakt med utanför skolan. Studien omfattar tre lärare och nio elever i årskurs 4-6 från tre olika kommuner i Jönköpings län. Studien har en fenomenografiskt inspirerad ansats och materialinsamlingen har gjorts genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visar att lärarna arbetat mer eller mindre med en inkludering av elevernas extramurala engelska i engelskundervisningen. Något som var gemensamt för samtliga intervjuade lärare var att de såg en signifikant skillnad i språkliga förmågor mellan de elever som spelade mycket onlinespel och de elever som inte gjorde det. Flertalet av de intervjuade eleverna ansåg sig på ett eller annat sätt ha användning av den engelska de lär sig i skolan på sin fritid. En slutsats som dras är att det är viktigt att undervisande lärare sätter sig in i var, i vilken form och på vilket sätt eleverna möter engelska i sin fritid för att kunna inkludera det i undervisningen i engelska. / Over the past decade, children and adolescents have had an increased access to digital media. Most students get exposed to the English language in some way every day and they are not just consumers, they are also producers of English when they are engaged in different activities in their spare time. The aim of the study is to look into how extramural English is included in English school curriculum and to what extent students have use for the English they learn at school in their spare time activities. Extramural English includes all the English that students come into contact with outside of school. Three teachers and nine students, all from Jönköping county, are included in this study. The students are in grades 4-6. The study has a fenomenographically inspired approach and semi-structured intervjuews have been used to collect the data. The result reveals that the teachers have been working more or less with including the students’ extramural English in school. All teachers that participated in the interviews mentioned that they saw a significant difference in the students’ linguistic abilities between the ones who played a great number of online games and the students who did not. Most of the interviewed students felt in one way or another that they had use for the English they learn at school in their spare time. A conclusion drawn from the results of this study is that it is important for teachers to determine where, in what form and in what way students come into contact with English in their spare time in order to include it in the English school curriculum.

Untersuchungen zum extramuralen Praktikum zur Schlachttier- und Fleischuntersuchung in der veterinärmedizinischen Ausbildung / Investigations on the extramural practical training of ante- and post-mortem inspection in German veterinary education

Maurer, Patric 14 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Einleitung Der amtliche Tierarzt nimmt im europäischen Recht eine Schlüsselposition für den gesundheitlichen Verbraucherschutz und den Tierschutz von Schlachttieren ein. Zu Beginn der amtlichen fleisch-hygienischen Tätigkeit ist eine 200-stündige Pflichtassistenz vorgeschrieben. Gleichwohl wurde vor dem Hintergrund dieser verantwortungsvollen Tätigkeit die Wichtigkeit einer praktischen Ausbildung in der Schlachttier- und Fleischuntersuchung während des Veterinärmedizinstudiums sowohl rechtlich als auch durch verschiedene Organisationen hervorgehoben. In der Studienordnung nimmt das sogenannte „Schlachthofpraktikum“ mit 100 Stunden etwa ein Viertel der lebensmittelhygienischen Ausbildungszeit ein. Obligatorische Ziele dieses Lehrformats sind das Üben der amtlichen Ante- und Post-Mortem-Untersuchung bei den Tierarten Rind und Schwein, sowie das Informieren über die tierschutzgerechte Behandlung der Schlachttiere. In der Fachliteratur finden sich erste modellhafte, gleichwohl keine umfassenden Untersuchungen zum „Schlachthofpraktikum“ in Deutschland. Ziel der Untersuchung Daher widmet sich diese Dissertation einer tiefergehenden Untersuchung der praktischen Ausbildung in der Schlachttier- und Fleischuntersuchung. Hierbei sollten die studentischen Lernerfahrungen sowie die Meinungsbilder von Studierenden und amtlichen Tierärzten evaluiert und ausgewählte Situationen am Praktikumsschlachtbetrieb erhoben werden. Material und Methoden Im Rahmen einer Querschnittsstudie wurden zwei schriftliche, standardisierte Methoden (Evaluierung gemäß der Deutschen Veterinärmedizinischen Gesellschaft und eigene Erhebung) bei Leipziger Veterinärmedizinstudierenden der Abschlussjahrgänge 2008-2014 angewandt. Die Evaluierung umfasste eine Checkliste sowie je einen Bewertungsbogen für den Studierenden und den amtlichen Tierarzt. Die Erhebung kam aufgrund von Weiterentwicklungen in drei Versionen zur Anwendung. Ergebnisse Bei der Evaluierung gaben die 705 Studierenden an, zu 82,1 % (n=579) einen und zu 17,9 % (n=126) mehrere Praktikumsbetriebe besucht zu haben. Dabei wurden einige Betriebe mit zunehmender Häufigkeit benannt. Über 95,7 % (n=675) der Studierenden bestätigten die obligatorischen Praktikums-inhalte (Schlachttieruntersuchung: 95,7 %; n=674 / Fleischuntersuchung: 96,7 %; n=682 / Tierschutz-aspekte: 95,7 %; n=675). Die Fleischuntersuchung im Verdachtsfall markierten etwa drei Viertel der Teilnehmer (Rind: 69,4 %; n=489 / Schwein: 76,7 %; n=541). Viele Studierende gaben darüber hinaus weitere Themen an, wie bspw. Hygiene und Schlachttechnologie. Ein Abschlussgespräch notierten 79,4 % (n=559) der Praktikanten. Das Meinungsbild der Studierenden und amtlichen Tierärzte bzgl. des Praktikums fiel größtenteils positiv aus. 54,7 % (n=242) der amtlichen Tierärzte nahmen zudem an, die Studierenden für eine spätere fleischhygienische Tätigkeit motiviert zu haben; dem gegenüber gaben dies nur 31,1 % (n=138) der Studierenden an. Ausgewählte Situationen am Schlachtbetrieb wurden mithilfe der Erhebungen dokumentiert. Die Durchführung der Schlachttieruntersuchung beim Rind bzw. Schwein wurde in 97,6 % (n=249) resp. 96,1 % (n=269) Erhebungen notiert. Die rechtskonforme Fleischuntersuchung am bovinen bzw. porcinen Magen-Darm-Trakt wurde zu 7,5 % (n=18) resp. 6,7 % (n=17) beschrieben. Die Leberlymphknoten beim Schwein wurden laut 8,2 % (n=30) der Erhebungen vorschriftsgemäß untersucht. In 64,8 % (n=406) der Erhebungen wurden – zumeist mehrere – Tierschutzprobleme angegeben. Als Reaktion auf die Tierschutzprobleme wurden in 86,0 % (n=296) der Erhebungen Typ 2 und Typ 3 amtliche Maßnahmen dokumentiert. Schlussfolgerungen Die Konzentrierung der Praktikanten auf ausgewählte Schlachtbetriebe kann auf den bundesweiten Rückgang an geeigneten Praktikumsstätten infolge von Betriebsschließungen und Tierarten-spezialisierungen zurückgeführt werden. Für eine erleichterte Organisation des Praktikums ist daher (i) eine rechtlich fixierte Zutrittsberechtigung für veterinärmedizinische Praktikanten im Schlacht-betrieb und (ii) eine Reduktion der Praktikumsanforderungen von zwei auf eine Pflichttierart wichtig. Trotz dieser organisatorischen Schwierigkeiten hat sich das Praktikum aufgrund der vielfältigen Inhalte als wichtiges Ausbildungsformat bestätigt. Gleichwohl wurde die Vermittlung der obligatorischen Inhalte nicht von allen Teilnehmern angegeben, was eine Nichterfüllung der Studienvorgaben darstellt. Wie die Erhebung zeigte, kann dies durch eine mangelnde oder fehlerhafte Demonstration im Schlachtbetrieb begründet werden. Aus fachlicher und didaktischer Sicht ist der Anteil an Studierenden ohne Angabe der erweiterten Fleischuntersuchung im Verdachtsfall (23-30 %) besonders kritisch zu werten. Zum einen muss der amtliche Tierarzt nach europäischem Recht die erweiterte Fleischuntersuchung selbstständig durchführen, weswegen das praktische Erlernen essentiell wichtig ist. Zum anderen erfolgt diese Untersuchung am Ausschleusband, wodurch der ökonomische Druck auf die Tierärzte entfällt und ausreichend Übungszeit ohne Störung des Routinebetriebs gegeben ist. Die häufig dokumentierten Tierschutzprobleme können den Studierenden die Wichtigkeit der amtlichen Überwachung und der eigenen Tätigkeit während des Praktikums verdeutlichen. Abschließend zeigen die Untersuchungsergebnisse die Notwendigkeit einer verstärkten Kommunikation zwischen den Ausbildenden der Hochschulen und der zuständigen Behörden für eine optimale Nutzung des Lehrformates „Schlachthofpraktikum“. / Introduction Within the European law, the official veterinarian plays a key role in protecting public health and animal welfare. Before starting to work as a veterinarian in the area of meat hygiene, a 200-hour mandatory training has to be completed. Nevertheless, the importance of a practical training in ante- and post-mortem inspection during veterinary studies was highlighted both by law and by different organisations. The German Federal Licensure Act for Veterinarians requires a so-called "abattoir internship" of 100 hours which represents a quarter of the complete food hygienic time quota. Mandatory contents are training the ante- and post-mortem inspection of cattle and pigs, as well as informing about the treatment of slaughter animals. In the literature, there are exemplary, however, no comprehensive studies on the "abattoir internship" in Germany. Aim of the study This thesis investigates the extramural practical training of ante- and post-mortem meat inspection. Particular emphasis is put on the evaluation of students’ learning experiences as well as the opinions of students and official veterinarians. Furthermore, particular circumstances of the abattoir are examined. Materials and Methods In a cross-sectional study, two written, standardized methods (an evaluation according to the German Veterinary Medical Society and an in-house survey) were conducted amongst veterinary students of the University of Leipzig who graduated between 2008 and 2014. The evaluation included a checklist and each an opinion poll for students and official veterinarians. Due to improvements, three versions of the survey were used. Results The evaluation stated that 82.1 % (n=579) of the 705 participating students visited one and 17.9 % (n=126) several abattoirs for their practical training. Some abattoirs were named more frequently. About 95.7 % (n=675) of the students confirmed the mandatory internship contents (ante-mortem inspection: 95.7 %; n=674 / post-mortem inspection: 96.7 %; n=682 / animal welfare aspects: 95.7 %; n 675). About three quarters of the participants highlighted the extended meat inspection in suspected cases (cattle: 69.4 %; n=489 / pig: 76.7 %; n=541). Many students also mentioned additional topics, such as hygiene and slaughter technology. 79.4 % (n=559) of the trainees recorded a final interview. The opinions of both students and official veterinarians regarding the extramural practical training were largely positive. 54.7 % (n=242) of the official veterinarians claimed to have motivated students for postgraduate meat hygiene activities; only 31.1 % (n=138) of the students indicated this too. Particular situations at the abattoir were documented in the surveys. 97.6 % (n=249), respectively 96.1 % (n=269) of the surveys mentioned that the ante-mortem inspection of cattle or pigs was carried out. The legally compliant meat inspection of the bovine or porcine gastrointestinal tract was described in 7.5 % (n=18) respectively 6.7 % (n=17) of the cases. The liver lymph nodes in pigs were duly examined in 8.2 % (n=30) of the surveys. In 64.8 % (n=406) cases – usually several – animal welfare problems were indicated. In 86.0 % (n=296) of the type-2- and type-3-surveys, it was reported that official measures were taken against these problems. Conclusions The concentration of trainees on selected abattoirs can be explained by the nationwide decline in suitable placement sites due to abattoir closures and animal species specializations. To facilitate the organisation of the extramural practical training, it is important (i) to legally regulate an access authorization for veterinary trainees at the abattoirs and (ii) to reduce the placement requirements from two to one duty species. Despite these organisational difficulties, the many varied contents have confirmed that this internship plays an important role as a training format in the training of veterinary students. However, not all participants specified the treatment of each mandatory content, which means that in these cases, the study requirements were not fulfilled. As the survey showed, this can be justified by a lack of or incorrect demonstration at the abattoir. From a professional and didactic point of view, the proportion of students who did not specify the extended post-mortem inspection in suspected cases (23-30%) must be evaluated critically. On the one hand, the official veterinarian must autonomously perform the extended meat inspection in accordance with the European law. Therefore, the practical training is of essential importance. On the other hand, this inspection is carried out on a second slaughter line, which reduces the economic pressure on the veterinarians and offers sufficient practice time without disturbing the routine operation. The frequently documented animal welfare problems can show students the importance of official supervision and their own value as trainees. Finally, the results highlight the need for an enhanced communication between the trainers of the universities and of the competent authorities in order to achieve the optimal use of the teaching format "abattoir internship".

História dos estudos do meio: um estudo sobre as práticas extramuros da escola em São Paulo / History of environmental studies: a study of schools extramural practices in São Paulo

Lopes, Danilo Eiji 29 August 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem o objetivo de contribuir e somar às pesquisas na área de ensino de História. Para tanto, propõe-se a apresentar atividades extramuros da escola e refletir sobre elas, sobretudo no que diz respeito a estudos do meio atrelados à disciplina e realizados em circunstâncias escolares na cidade de São Paulo, além de contextualizar suas diferentes intencionalidades, metodologias e relações com parâmetros e orientações curriculares vigentes. Em um segundo momento, a pesquisa propõe um olhar qualitativo sobre tais atividades por meio de experiências de trabalhos de campo em escolas da rede pública e particular de educação básica, com o intuito de visualizar reverberações de práticas passadas no presente e de situá-las e debatêlas em relação a perspectivas maiores concernentes ao ensino, como currículo, protagonismo docente, metodologia de ensino, o processo de mercantilização da educação e sua resistência / This study aims to contribute and add to researches in the field of History Teaching. For this purpose, it proposes to present and reflect about activities that are conducted outside the classroom, especially environmental studies linked to the discipline, performed in school circumstances in São Paulo, and to contextualize their different intentionalities, methodologies and relationships with current curriculum guidelines and parameters. In a second step, the research invites taking a qualitative look at those activities by the way of experiences in the field that took place in public and private basic education schools. The aim is to understand how past practices influenced current practices, and debate them in larger perspectives of education, such as curriculum, protagonism in teaching, teaching methodology, the practice of mercantilism in education and its resistance

Perceptions of extramural English and English in the classroom: Swedish upper secondary students’ writing, reading, listening and speaking skills

Söderqvist, Fredrik January 2018 (has links)
This study examines, through the use of a quantitative questionnaire, to what extent Swedish upper secondary students are involved in receptive and productive extramural English activities and what their perceptions are of learning English inside and outside of school. Extramural English (EE) is a term referring to the English students encounter outside school as extra means ‘outside’ and mural means ‘walls’. This study also investigates if the students perceive that the extramural English activities facilitate their classroom learning of English, and more specifically in relation to the language proficiencies reading, listening, writing and speaking. The results showed that the students reported being involved in mostly receptive EE activities as the most common activities they reported being involved in daily were related to listening and reading. The listening activities involved watching English-language TV-programs, TV-series and movies with and without Swedish subtitles and reading English texts. 98% of the students perceived that they do learn English outside of school while 68.6% of the students perceived that the English that they learned outside school facilitated classroom learning. The language proficiency the students perceived they developed most outside school was listening as 39% reported they "developed very much". The majority of students also reported to be more comfortable speaking and writing in English outside of school, and 57% indicated that they have learned most of their English knowledge outside of the school environment.

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