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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Padrões alimentares, participação em programas sociais e demais fatores associados à insegurança alimentar e nutricional de adolescentes de escolas públicas do município de Piracicaba, São Paulo / Food patterns, participation in social programs and other factors related to food insecurity among adolescents enrolled in public schools of Piracicaba

Silvia Maria Voci 21 September 2011 (has links)
Objetivo. Verificar a existência de associações entre a insegurança alimentar e nutricional e padrões alimentares, a participação em programas sociais, dentre outros fatores em adolescentes de escolas públicas de Piracicaba (SP). Métodos. Este estudo foi conduzido em amostra probabilística de 488 escolares da 5ª série do ensino fundamental da rede pública de Piracicaba. Foram coletadas informações demográficas, antropométricas, bioquímicas e de pressão arterial, sobre a adesão à alimentação escolar, e de consumo alimentar a partir de Questionário de Frequência Alimentar Simplificado para Adolescentes (QFASA). Também foram obtidas informações sobre situações de insegurança alimentar e nutricional (IAN), participação em programas de transferência de renda e informações socioeconômicas. Foram realizadas análises descritivas, testes de Qui-quadrado de Pearson, t de Student e U de Mann Whitney. Padrões alimentares foram definidos a partir de Análise de Componentes Principais. A análise de regressão logística avaliou a influência de múltiplas variáveis na presença de IAN (variável dependente dicotômica). O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética da Faculdade de Saúde Pública. Resultados. De 308 escolares da amostra final, 54,5 por cento eram meninas. Mais de 40 por cento dos lares de escolares entrevistados apresentaram algum nível de IAN. Observaram-se elevadas proporções de adesão à alimentação escolar (70 por cento ) e de excesso de peso (39 por cento ). O principal padrão alimentar observado contou com maior participação de doces, massas, carnes, salgados, pães, frutas e hortaliças. Conclusão. A insegurança alimentar e nutricional determinou a participação no Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar e em programas de transferência de renda. Quando se observa um adolescente que pratica o padrão alimentar descrito, que reconhece a importância da alimentação escolar para o desenvolvimento físico e que cujo domicílio tem mais pessoas ocupadas, a probabilidade de tratar-se de um indivíduo que está em situação de IAN é menor. / Objective . To verify possible associations between food insecurity and food patterns, participation in social programs and other factors among adolescents enrolled in public schools of Piracicaba (SP). Methods . This study was conducted in a representative sample of 488 students enrolled in the fifth grade of public schools of Piracicaba. Data about demographic, anthropometric, biochemical, blood pressure, school feeding and food intake information were collected using computerized questionnaires and a Food Frequency Questionnaire Simplified for Adolescents (QFASA). Information about food insecurity, socioeconomic characteristics, and participation in Conditional Cash Transfer Programs were also obtained. Descriptive analysis, Chi-squared test to categorical variables, and t-Student and Mann-Whitney U test in order to compare means between groups were performed. Food patterns were predicted from food intake data, using the Principal Component Analysis method. These food patterns were transformed in variables and were used in logistic regression analysis. Food insecurity was the dependent variable. The study was approved by the Ethical Committee of the School of Public Health. Results. Out of the total 308 scholars of the final sample, 55 per cent were girls. More than 40 per cent of adolescents households presented some level of food insecurity. High proportions of students who consumed the school feeding (70 per cent ) and that were overweight (39 per cent ) were observed. The main dietary pattern observed was composed of higher participation of sweets, pasta, meats, pastries breads, fruits and vegetables. Conclusion. Food and nutrition insecurity (FNI) in scholars enrolled in public schools of Piracicaba determined their participation in the National School Feeding Program and in the Conditional Cash Transfer Programs. A teenager who practices the described eating pattern, who recognizes the importance of the school feeding for the physical development and whose home has more people employed, is less likely to be in a FNI status.

Aspectos clínicos e nutricionais de mulheres na pós-menopausa com doença arterial coronária / Clinical and nutritional aspects of postmenopausal women with coronary artery disease

Aparecida de Oliveira 25 June 2003 (has links)
Objetivo: Avaliar os aspectos clínicos e nutricionais de mulheres na pósmenopausa com doença arterial coronária (DAC). Metodologia: Estudo transversal retrospectivo. Obtiveram-se dados do prontuário médico de 217 mulheres, na ocasião da primeira consulta no Ambulatório de Nutrição do InCor-HCFMUSP, referentes à idade, índice de massa corpórea, presença de diabetes melito (DM), hipertensão arterial sistêmica (HAS), uso de drogas hipolipemiantes, perfil lipêmico (colesterol e frações) e consumo alimentar habitual. Para os dados dietéticos utilizou-se impresso próprio. Resultados: A idade média observada foi 60,98 ± 9,23 anos com prevalência de obesidade de 56%. A presença de DM, HAS e uso de drogas hipolipemiantes foi observada em 46%, 80% e 73%, respectivamente. Quanto ao perfil lipêmico, 44% apresentavam altos níveis plasmáticos de colesterol. Em relação ao consumo alimentar, 59% consumiam gorduras acima do limite superior aceitável e 95% apresentavam consumo deficiente de fibras alimentares. Conclusões: As inadequações observadas podem refletir no surgimento de fatores de risco para DAC e, apesar de já ter desenvolvido a doença, esta população ainda cultiva os fatores que o levaram a ela. Faz-se necessária a ação multidisciplinar em Programas de Saúde da Mulher, abrangendo aspectos preventivos relacionados a DAC para, assim, melhorar a qualidade de vida nesta população. / Objective: To assess clinical and nutritional aspects of postmenopausal women with coronary arterial disease (CAD). Methodology: Retrospective cross-sectional study. It was taken data of the clinicai handbook of 217 women, in first interview at Heart Institute (InCor) - HCFMUSP. The variables studied were: age, body mass index, diagnoses to diabetes mellitus (DM), hypertension (Hy), using of lipid-Iowering drugs, blood lipids (cholesterol and fractions) and food intake. It was used a specific tool for dietary data. Results: The mean age was 60,98±9,23 years old with high prevalence of obesity (56%). DM, Hy and using of lipid-lowering drugs were observed in 46%, 80% and 73%, respectively. About blood lipids, 44% presented high serum cholesterol levels. About food intake, 59% had intake fats up to acceptable superior limit and 95% presented low dietary fiber intake. Conclusions: This inadequates data can reflect in the sprouting of factors of risk for DAC and despite already has developed the illness this population still cultivates the factors that had taken it. It is necessary the action of a multidiscipline team in Health Programs for Women, to involve preventive aspects related to the DAC and to improve the quality of life of this population.

Capacidade alimentar como parâmetro auxiliar do estado nutricional em pacientes com câncer do trato gastrointestinal

Barreiro, Taiane Dias January 2017 (has links)
Redução da ingestão alimentar, inapetência e disfagia são sintomas que comprometem o estado nutricional de pacientes oncológicos. Apesar destes sintomas serem relevantes para a magnitude do problema do câncer que acomete o trato gastrointestinal (TGI), eles têm sido avaliados isoladamente ou em combinação com outros fatores para compor parte de questionários de qualidade de vida, ferramentas de risco e estado nutricional. Dessa forma, verificou-se a necessidade de criar e validar uma ferramenta específica que analise esses aspectos conjuntamente como parâmetro de “capacidade” alimentar em pacientes com câncer do TGI e servir como parâmetro auxiliar no diagnóstico do estado nutricional. Este é um estudo piloto, transversal, prospectivo, no qual 41 pacientes de ambos os sexos (20 do sexo feminino e 21 do sexo masculino), maiores de 18 anos de idade, com média de idade de 59 anos, com neoplasias malignas do TGI superior (esôfago, estômago, pâncreas, vesícula biliar e fígado) e inferior (cólon, reto), atendidos no Serviço de Cirurgia do Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre (HCPA), foram avaliados utilizando-se um novo escore para capacidade alimentar, o Score of “Eat-ability” (SEA) comparando-se à ASG-PPP, antropometria e métodos laboratoriais.Entre os pacientes avaliados, 11 (26,8%) tinham capacidade alimentar plena (SEA=0);3(7,3%) moderada (SEA=1) e 27 (65,9%) crítica (SEA ≥2). Houve diferença significativa entre capacidade alimentar, quando comparados TGI superior e inferior(p=0,05). Os pontos de corte do SEA (1 e ≥2) determinados pela curva ROC em relação à ASG-PPP (B e C), demonstrou sensibilidade de 80% (IC95%:0,48-0,95) e especificidade de 80% (IC95%:0,63-0,91); com área abaixo da curva(AUC) ROCde 0,79 (IC95%:0,64-0,95; p=0,006). Pacientes com SEA ≥2 apresentaram maior percentual de perda ponderal aos 3 (p=0,001) e 6 meses (p<0,001), quando comparados aos pacientes com escore SEA 0 e 1. A incidência de óbitos foi superior tanto no grupo de pacientes gravemente desnutridos (84,2%), quando analisados pela ASG-PPP, quanto no grupo com capacidade alimentar crítica no SEA (76,9%);(ambos p=0,01). A avaliação conjunta da ingestão alimentar, disfagia e apetite parece permitir classificar indivíduos com capacidade alimentar comprometida, que significativamente repercute no estado nutricional e no risco de óbito de pacientes com tumores do TGI. / Decreased food intake, inappetence and dysphagia are symptoms that compromise the nutritional status of cancer patients. Although these symptoms are relevant to the magnitude of the cancer problem that affects the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), they have been assessed separately or in combination with other factors to form part of quality of life questionnaires, risk assessment tools and nutritional status. Therefore, it was verified the need to create and validate a specific instrument that can identify "food capacity" in patients with cancer of the GITand to help as an ancillary parameter in the assessment of the nutritional status. This is a cross-sectional prospective study in which 41 patients of both sexes (20 females and 21 males), over 18 years, with a mean age of 59 years, with malignant neoplasms of the upper (esophagus, stomach, pancreas, gallbladder and liver) and lower GIT (colon, rectum), attended at the Department of Surgery, Hospital de Clínicas of Porto Alegre, University Attached (HCPA), were evaluated using a new proposed approach – The Score of “Eat-ability” (SEA) as compared to PG-SGA, anthropometry and laboratory profile. Of the patients evaluated, 11(26.8%) had full food capacity (SEA = 0); 3 (7.3%) moderate (SEA 1) and 27 (65.9%) poor (SEA ≥2). Significant difference was found between food capacity, when comparing upper and lower GIT (p = 0.05). By ROC curves SEA 1 and ≥2 in relation to ASG-PPP (B and C) showed an 80% (95%CI: 0.48-0.95) sensibility as well as an 80% specificity (95%CI: 0.63-0.91); with area under curve (AUC) of 0.79 (95%CI: 0.64-0.95; p=0.006). Patients with SEA ≥2 had a significantly weight loss within 3 (p=0.001) and 6 months (p<0.001) when compared to patients with SEA 0 and 1. Mortality was higher among severely unnourished (84.2%) patients by PG-SGA or critical food capacity by SEA (76.9%);(both p=0.01). The combined evaluation of food intake, dysphagia and appetite allows a reliable classification of individuals with compromised food capacity significantly affecting nutritional status and consequently in the risk of death of patients with TGI tumors.

Comportamentos associados ao excesso de peso em adolescentes do município de São Paulo / Overweight and associated behaviors among adolescents in city of São Paulo, Brazil.

Caroline Caus Dalabona 27 February 2008 (has links)
Introdução - O estudo dos fatores comportamentais associados ao estado nutricional na adolescência é relevante para a análise da tendência de aumento do excesso de peso observada nas últimas décadas entre os adolescentes do Brasil. Objetivo - Estimar a prevalência de excesso de peso e os principais comportamentos associados ao excesso de peso entre adolescentes da rede escolar do município de São Paulo/SP. Métodos - Foram estudados 759 adolescentes matriculados nas redes pública e privada do Distrito de Pinheiros do Município de São Paulo. Foram coletados dados de peso, altura, consumo alimentar e atividade física. O excesso de peso foi classificado segundo valores Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC) recomendados pela IOTF. A análise da associação entre excesso de peso e características do consumo alimentar ou da atividade física foi estratificada por sexo e rede escolar. Resultados - A prevalência de excesso de peso foi de 25,2% (homens 27,3%; mulheres 23,8%). O excesso de peso se mostrou positivamente associado à prática de dieta e inversamente associado ao consumo de alimentos não-saudáveis na rede escolar e ao consumo de alimentos saudáveis em escolas privadas. Não houve associação entre excesso de peso e omitir/substituir refeições ou praticar atividade física dentro ou fora do colégio. Conclusões - Prevalências elevadas de excesso de peso foram encontradas entre os adolescentes estudados. Há necessidade de novos estudos para dimensionar o problema na rede escolar do Município de São Paulo e de ações para promover comportamentos ativos e saudáveis no grupo social analisado. / Introdution - The study of risk behaviors in nutrition is important to understanding the trend of overweight observed in the last decades among Brazilian adolescents. Objective - To analyze the prevalence and main behaviors associated with overweight among students from 10 to 19 years in São Paulo. Methods - The sample included 759 adolescents enrolled in public and privates schools in the district of Pinheiros in São Paulo. Stature, weight, food intake, and physical activity were gathered. Overweight was defined according to international BMI cutoff values. Differences in overweight prevalence among public or private schools, patterns of food intake and patterns of physical activity were tested. Results - The prevalence of overweight in the sample was 25.2%, 27.4% for boys and 23.9% for girls. Overweight was positively associated diet use and negatively associated unhealthy foods intake in public and private schools and healthy food intake in private schools. There was no association among overweight and omitting/replacing meals and physical activity at school or outdoor. Conclusions - High prevalence of overweight was found among group studied. Further studies to assess nutritional status at school in City of São Paulo and actions to promote active and healthy behaviors are needed.

Neural Response to Food Cues After Moderate and Vigorous Exercise in Women: A Randomized Crossover Trial

Anderson, Jillesa 01 March 2016 (has links)
PURPOSE: This study examined the effect of different intensities of acute exercise on attention allocation to visual food cues, postexercise energy intake, and subjective measures of hunger in women. METHODS: This crossover study utilized treatment conditions that were randomized and counter-balanced. Fifty-two adult women, 18-29 years, were compared under three separate conditions: no exercise, 45 min of moderate-intensity exercise at 3.9 METs and 22.5 min of vigorous-intensity exercise at 7.8 METs. To measure attention allocation to visual food cues, participants were shown a passive viewing task consisting of a continual stream of pictures of food (high and low calorie) and nonfood stimuli while brain activity was monitored using an EEG. The late positive potential (LPP) component of the scalp-recorded event-related potential (ERP) was used for data analysis. Postexercise food intake was measured during an ad libitum snack offered at the end of each condition. Subjective ratings of appetite were measured before and immediately after each condition using a visual analog scale (VAS). RESULTS: No significant differences for LPP were found for the condition (no exercise, moderate exercise or vigorous exercise) by picture type (high calorie, low calorie or nonfood) interaction (P = 0.184). Total kcal intake did not differ among the different exercise conditions (P = 0.19). However, even though energy intake did not differ among exercise conditions, low-energy-dense foods were consumed at higher rates compared to high-energy-dense foods after the vigorous (P = 0.0005) and moderate exercise conditions (P = 0.02) compared to the nonexercise condition. Findings from the VAS indicate the moderate exercise session resulted in significantly higher ratings of hunger when compared to the nonexercise (P = 0.04) and vigorous exercise sessions (P = 0.0046). There was also a significant condition (no exercise, moderate exercise or vigorous exercise) by period (pre- or postexercise) interaction found in postexercise ratings of hunger (P = 0.018). The moderate exercise condition reported higher levels of hunger after exercise (P = 0.0002). In addition, findings from the VAS also indicated energy for the moderate exercise condition increased postexercise (P = 0.006) and was higher than either the nonexercise (P = 0.011) or the vigorous exercise conditions (P = 0.017). CONCLUSION: The results of this study demonstrate that an acute bout of moderate exercise may increase subjective hunger and overall energy without increasing the neural response to visual food cues or postexercise energy intake. Furthermore, it also shows that an acute bout of vigorous exercise did not alter neural response to visual food cues, hunger or energy intake postexercise.

The Effect of the Estimate of Resting Metabolic Rate on the Correlation Between Energy Expenditure as Estimated Using Self-Reports of Physical Activity and Food Intake Records in Older Adults

Hurd, Judy 01 May 1998 (has links)
This study measured total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) in adults at least 50 years of age. The goal was to determine the effect of the estimate of resting metabolic rate (RMR) on the relationship between energy expenditure estimates made using (a) self-reports of physical activity and (b) food intake records. The objectives were to determine if (a) RMR estimates based on body composition, body weight, and the 111 metabolic cart were strongly related to each other, and (b) TDEE estimates based on a 7- day physical activity diary and a 7-day food intake record were more strongly related to each other when an RMR was used that was based on body composition, body weight, or the met cart. This was a three-phase study. In phases I and II, the Pearson r was computed for all combinations of methods . If r > .80, the most practical method for field use was used in the next phase. Phase I: Estimated body composition using bioimpedance (BIA), skinfold (SKF), and girth. Phase II: Measured RMR using a met cart and three equations. Phase III: Computed TDEE using the self-reports. The Pearson r was computed to determine which methods of estimating RMR resulted in the strongest relationships. Forty-four older adults participated. Phase I: r = .88 for SKF, girth; r = .64 for SKF, BIA. Phase II: rs ranged from .47 to .59 between the met cart-RMR and all the other methods; rs ranged from .84 to .98 for the remaining methods. Phase III: r = .41 between the two estimates of TDEE that used a body weight -RMR; r = .59 between estimates using a met cart-RMR; and r = .58 between estimates using a body composition-RMR. Even though r = .59 and r = .58 are similar, the average individual difference between the two estimates for each participant was smaller for the metabolic cart- RMR (372 calories /day) than for the body composition-RMR (1,045 calories /day), which suggests that body composition is not as useful as a met cart when estimating TDEE for older adults . When estimating clients' daily calorie needs, health professionals ought to consider using a met cart to estimate RMR and TDEE instead of other methods .


Kaitlyn E Gilland (7816811) 13 November 2019 (has links)
<div><div><div><p>Increased meal size on a western diet is a major contributor to development and maintenance of obesity. This also leads to decreased sensitivity to the satiating effects of the western diet. Excitation of cells during consumption of a meal in the caudal two-thirds of the nucleus solitary tract (cNTS) in the brainstem are thought to produce satiation and inhibit feeding. Currently, it is unknown how excitation of these cells inhibits feeding. A major obstacle has been the inability to selectively manipulate these cells without affecting intermixed cells that mediate other autonomic functions. We propose a novel approach using inducible, activity-dependent chemogenetics or optogenetics to test whether artificial excitation of cells in the caudal two-thirds of the nucleus solitary tract (cNTS) activated during satiation can reduce food intake and could contribute to preventing or reversing obesity in humans.</p><p>We tested four different mouse models with potential for answering this question: double transgenic mice with cFos-tTA & Tet-O-hM3Dq genes, a single transgenic cFos-tTA mouse with a virally delivered hM3Dq gene injected into the cNTS, a double transgenic mice with the TRAP2- tdTomato genes and double transgenic mice with c-Fos-tTA and ChEF genes. Evidence suggested that clozapine-N-oxide might activate satiation-related cells in the absence of the hM3Dq receptor and this should be taken into consideration for future experiments. All four models had promising aspects for studying feeding as well as serious limitations. These limitations will need to be considered when deciding to use any of these models to study any feeding behaviors, especially satiation.</p></div></div></div>

An investigation of the methods for estimating usual dietary intake distributions : a thesis presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Applied Statistics at Massey University, Albany, New Zealand

Stoyanov, Stefan Kremenov January 2008 (has links)
The estimation of the distribution of usual intake of nutrients is important for developing nutrition policies as well as for etiological research and educational purposes. In most nutrition surveys only a small number of repeated intake observations per individual are collected. Of main interest is the longterm usual intake which is defined as long-term daily average intake of a dietary component. However, dietary intake on a single day is a poor estimate of the individual’s long-term usual intake. Furthermore, the distribution of individual intake means is also a poor estimator of the distribution of usual intake since usually there is large within-individual compared to between-individual variability in the dietary intake data. Hence, the variance of the mean intakes is larger than the variance of the usual intake distribution. Essentially, the estimation of the distribution of long-term intake is equivalent to the estimation of a distribution of a random variable observed with measurement error. Some of the methods for estimating the distributions of usual dietary intake are reviewed in detail and applied to nutrient intake data in order to evaluate their properties. The results indicate that there are a number of robust methods which could be used to derive the distribution of long-term dietary intake. The methods share a common framework but differ in terms of complexity and assumptions about the properties of the dietary consumption data. Hence, the choice of the most appropriate method depends on the specific characteristics of the data, research purposes as well as availability of analytical tools and statistical expertise.

The Effects of Acute Sodium Ingestion on Food and Water Intakes, Subjective Appetite, Thirst and Glycemic Response in Healthy Young Men

Nunez, Maria Fernanda 15 December 2011 (has links)
High dietary sodium intake is hypothesized to increase food intake (FI), fluid intake and glycemic response. Two short-term randomized repeated-measures studies measured the effects of acute sodium intake on FI, water intake (WI), subjective appetite (SA), thirst, and blood glucose (BG) in young men. Sodium additions were 740 and 1480 mg to a solid food (beans) in Experiment 1; and 500, 1000, 1500 and 2000 mg to a beverage (tomato juice) in Experiment 2. FI and WI were measured at ad libitum pizza meals 120 and 30 min later, respectively. SA, thirst and BG were measured at intervals before and after pizza. Compared with controls, treatments with added-sodium had no effect on dependent measures. In conclusion, acute intake of sodium in a solid or liquid matrix does not increase subjective ratings of appetite or thirst, ad libitum food or water intakes, or blood glucose in healthy young adults.

Effect of Yellow Pea Protein and Fibre on Short-term Food Intake, Subjective Appetite and Glycemic Response in Healthy Young Men

Smith, Christopher 26 March 2012 (has links)
In order to elucidate the component(s) of yellow peas responsible for their health benefits, the effects of 10 or 20 g of isolated yellow pea protein (P10 and P20) or fibre (F10 and F20) on food intake (FI) at an ad libitum pizza meal served at 30 min (experiment 1) or 120 min (experiment 2), blood glucose (BG) and appetite in young healthy males (20-30 y) were investigated. In experiment 1, P20 suppressed FI compared to all other treatments and lowered cumulative FI (pizza meal kcal + treatment kcal) compared to F10. Protein treatments suppressed pre-meal (0-30 min) BG compared to control, whereas only P20 suppressed post-meal (50-120 min) BG. In experiment 2, there was no effect of treatment on any outcome measures. Thus, protein is the component responsible for the short-term effects of yellow peas on glycaemia and FI, but its second-meal effects diminish by 2 hours post-consumption.

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