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Effects of Th-1 and Th-2 Cytokines and Reactive Oxygen Species on Normal Human Bronchial Epithelial CellsKampf, Caroline January 2001 (has links)
Epithelial damage and shedding of the epithelium are common observations in many airway diseases such as asthma, Sjögren’s syndrome, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and cystic fibrosis. The ability of the cells to attach to each other and/or to the matrix seems to be altered. In the present study, cultured normal human bronchial epithelial cells were used as a model system. The desmosomes and also the focal adhesions were investigated to see if changes in these structural components as well as metabolic alterations could explain the observed shedding of the epithelium. Inflammatory mediators such as tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interferon gamma (IFN-γ), interleukin-1 beta (IL-1β), interleukin-4 (IL-4), interleukin-5 (IL-5), interleukin-13 (IL-13), hypochlorous acid (HOCl) and nitric oxide (NO) are present in increased amounts in inflammation. The Th-1 cytokines, IFN-γ and TNF-α, as well as HOCl and NO affected the number of desmosomes and their ability to attach to each other. Interestingly, the Th-2 cytokines IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13 did not affect the cell-cell adhesion. HOCl and NO also affected the focal adhesions of the cells. Both morphological and functional studies indicated that TNF-α, IFN-γ, HOCl and NO affect the mitochondria. A decreased glucose oxidation rate could result in a decreased production of ATP, which in turn could lead to inhibition of many cellular activities including an impaired ability of the ciliary activity in bronchial epithelial cells and mucus transport. The antioxidant N-acetyl-L-cysteine and the nitric oxide synthase inhibitor N-propyl-L-arginine inhibited these effects of HOCl. This indicates that HOCl can induce damage both by induction of free radicals and also through an increased production of NO. TNF-α and IFN-γ also induced an increased production of NO. Nω-monomethyl-L-arginine reduced the cytokine-induced production of NO. The NO donor DETA NONOate reduced the total protein biosynthesis as well as the DNA content. NO can react with superoxide anions generated by inflammatory cells in the airways to form peroxynitrite ions, which in turn could generate hydroxyl radicals. These toxic ions may contribute to damage of the airway epithelial cells. In conclusion, pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-α, IFN-γ and also the reactive oxygen species HOCl and NO could contribute to airway epithelial shedding by affecting the adhesion properties of the epithelial cells. More generalized morphological and metabolic changes could be other contributing factors, together with the increased production of NO.
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老鷹茶黃酮類成分抗氧化活性及定量測定 / Free radical scavenging activity and quantification of flavonoids in Eagle tea孟瓊 January 2010 (has links)
University of Macau / Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences
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Study of the Electron-Transfer properties of phenolics and their relationship with the biological activity on cancer cellsCarreras Cardona, Anna 04 May 2012 (has links)
During aerobic cell metabolism, molecular oxygen is reduced to water through electron-transfer reactions, and the oxygen not completely reduced is transformed into a set of neutral and free radical molecules with high oxidant ability, generally denominated Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). To regulate the cellular ROS content, organisms are endowed with an efficient endogen antioxidant system.
The physiological ROS levels may be excessively increased by different factors including unbalanced diets, ionizing radiations, and tobacco smoke among others, leading to the oxidative stress, term referred to the imbalance between ROS production and its neutralization by the endogenous antioxidant system. More importantly, in vitro and in vivo studies reveal the relationship between suffering oxidative stress and the development of cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, diabetes, and cancer.
To prevent and treat the oxidative stress and its adverse effects, exogenous, readily oxidizable molecules may help the organism to neutralize ROS into less dangerous species. The phenolic compounds or (poly)phenols, molecules very abundant in our diet (i.e. fruits, vegetables, and beverages such as tea and wine) may be responsible for this antioxidant activity of fruits and vegetables.
Currently, (poly)phenols are regarded as natural antioxidant molecules with outstanding beneficial effects, including anti-aging activity, and the prevention of cancer and diabetes.
The antioxidant activity of (poly)phenols is mainly associated with their radical scavenging activity, action conferred by the transfer of a hydrogen atom or an electron to a free radical, rendering a less reactive molecule. On the other hand, chemical probes and in vitro studies have demonstrated that some highly reacting (poly)phenols are able to generate small quantities of ROS. Phenolic compounds have shown antiproliferative activity which may be caused inter alia by their ability to scavenge or generate toxic radicals.
To further understand the connection between the redox reactivity of (poly)phenols and their biological actions, studies with more sensitive and selective chemical probes may help to clarify the role of redox reactions in the physiological actions of phenolics and their metabolites.
In this thesis, we have focused on the utilization of two stable radicals synthesized in our laboratory, the tris(2,4,6-trichloro-3,5-dinitropehnyl)methyl (HNTTM) and the tris(2,3,5,6-tetrachloro-4-nitrophenyl)methyl)radical (TNPTM), as chemical probes to determine the electron-transfer activity of dietary (poly)phenols and some metabolites. The different reducing potential of the two stable radicals facilitates the quantitative evaluation of the radical scavenging capacity of each (poly)phenol, as well as the establishment of the most reactive moieties. TNPTM is a useful tool to determine the most reactive (poly)phenols as electron transfer donors, (poly)phenols that cannot be differentiate with any other chemosensor. The results obtained are compared with two well-established methods for the quantification of electron-transfer capacity. The action of these (poly)phenols on cell cultures of a colon cancer cell line is also presented, showing a correlation between those (poly)phenols detected with TNTPM and with those that produce the highest antiproliferative activity. This cell line is particularly relevant because dietary (poly)phenols are in contact with epithelial cells of this kind during their transit along the digestive tract and may exert some preventive action on colon cancer. In addition, a chemoenzymatic strategy to prepare glucuronated metabolites of (-)-epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (EGCG), the most abundant and active (poly)phenol of green tea, was attempted, obtaining the acetylated and methylated precursor of the EGCG-4’’-glucuronide, the most abundant EGCG glucuronide obtained in the human metabolism. The final conjugated, the EGCG-4’’-glucruonide, was obtained albeit with not enough quantity to be purified. / "Estudi de la Transferència Electrònica de compostos fenòlics i la seva relació amb l’activitat biològica en cèl•lules canceroses"
En el metabolisme i respiració dels organismes aeròbics, l’oxigen és utilitzat com a receptor electrònic reduint-se principalment a aigua. Una petita part d’aquest oxigen no és totalment reduint obtenint-se un conjunt d’espècies radicalàries i no radicalàries (ROS). Aquestes espècies en ser altament reactives poden malmetre macromolècules, activitat que està relacionada amb l’aparició de malalties com el síndrome metabòlic i el càncer. Per aquest motiu els organismes han desenvolupat un sistema de regulació de la seva concentració. En determinades situacions, aquest sistema no és suficient i per tant, antioxidants exògens poden ajudar a aquest sistema endògen. Els polifenols molècules abundants en la nostra dieta (fruita i verdures) són els principals candidats, i s’ha demostrat un efecte preventiu i terapèutic en la salut per la seva part.
L’efecte beneficiós exercit pels polifenols pot tenir lloc per dos mecanismes de reacció; per transferència d’hidrogen i per transferència electrònica. Actualment, no hi ha cap mètode prou eficaç que ens permeti determinar la acció del polifenols exercida per transferència electrònica, mecanisme que també habilita als polifenols per a formar ROS. En el nostre laboratori hem sintetitzat dos radicals lliures estables, els radicals tris(2,4,6-tricloro-3,5-dinitrofenil)metil (HNTTM) i el tris(2,3,5,6-tetracloro-4-nitrofenil)metil (TNPTM) com a quimiosensors de transferència electrònica. Aquests radicals ens permeten mesurar la activitat antiradicalària dels polifenols, i el TNPTM ens permet detectar a aquells polifenols amb una reactivitat per transferència electrònica més elevada i que no poden ser diferenciats amb altres mètodes. S’han fet estudis d’antiproliferació per part dels polifenols en cèl•lules de càncer de còlon HT-29 i s’ha demostrat que els polifenols amb més activitat antiproliferativa són els que tenen activitat front al TNPTM. Per tant, el radical TNPTM permet determinar als polifenols amb una elevada reactivitat per a cedir electrons i es suggereix que els mecanismes de transferència electrònica juguen un paper important en els mecanismes d’ antiproliferació en cèl•lules de càncer de còlon HT-29.
S’ha proposat metodologia sintètica per a obtenir els principals glucuronats de l’epigal•locatequin-3-O-gal•lat (EGCG) el més abundant i més actiu dels polifenols del te verd. S’ha obtingut el precursor acetil•lat i metil•lat del glucuronat majoritari de l’EGCG obtingut en el metabolisme humà, l’EGCG-4’’-glucurònid i s’ha obtingut el conjugat final però no amb una quantitat suficient com per a ser aïllat.
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Laser flash photolysis studies of halogen atom reactions of atmospheric interestLaine, Patrick L. 24 October 2011 (has links)
The Earth's atmosphere is a large photochemical reactor consisting primarily of N2 (~78%) and O2 (~21%) with Ar and water vapor being the next most abundant constituents. All of the remaining gases in the atmosphere are referred to as 'trace gases', and they play a critical role in understanding climate change, urban air quality, ozone production and depletion, and in determining the overall 'health' of the atmosphere. These trace components are present in our atmosphere with mixing ratios, i.e., mole fractions, ranging from sub parts per trillion to several hundred parts per million. One class of trace constituents that play a critical role in atmospheric chemistry are free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive, often initiating the oxidation of natural and anthropogenic atmospheric species, thereby often controlling the fate and lifetimes of these species. The research comprising this dissertation focuses on laboratory studies of the kinetics and mechanisms of free radical (atomic halogen) reactions that can impact the levels of important trace atmospheric species. In the studies reported herein, laser flash photolysis (LFP) was coupled with time resolved atomic resonance fluorescence (RF) spectroscopic detection of Cl or Br atoms to investigate halogen atom chemistry. The research addresses three groups of reactions: Cl atom reactions with alkyl bromides, Cl and Br-initiated oxidations of small (C2-C6) alkenes, and Cl reactions with CH3SCH3 (DMS, dimethylsulfide) and CH3SeCH3 (DMSe, dimethylselenide).
The alkyl bromide reactions were experimentally unique in that we were able to deduce kinetics of the Cl atom reaction with bromoethane, n-bromopropane, and 1,2-dibromoethane by monitoring the appearance of the Br product by LFP-RF. The Br is formed via elimination that occurs essentially instantaneously following β-H abstraction by the Cl atom. All three of the bromoalkanes investigated are emitted into the atmosphere primarily from anthropogenic sources and all three have been identified by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) as very short-lived (lifetime less than 6 months) source gases with significant ozone depletion potentials (ODPs). Additionally, the bromoalkanes mentioned above have been of interest as model compounds for larger partially halogenated organics found in the atmosphere, and they have been considered as potential replacement compounds for chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that have been banned as a result of the Montreal Protocol. Brominated very short-lived compounds are thought to contribute 20-25% of total stratospheric bromine. Thus, there is considerable interest in understanding the atmospheric chemistry of even the most short-lived organic bromine compounds. Temporal profiles of Br atoms provided important kinetic and mechanistic insight for the reactions over a wide range of temperature and pressure. Temperature-dependent rate coefficients are determined for the alkyl bromides of interest for the first time, and the potential importance of the Cl reaction as an atmospheric degradation pathway for each alkyl bromide is qualitatively assessed.
The studies of halogen atom reactions with alkenes focused on formation of weakly-bound adducts where kinetics of adduct formation and dissociation as well as non-adduct forming channels were evaluated. The elementary steps in the Br initiated oxidation of the alkenes 2-methyl-1,3-butadiene (isoprene), 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene (tetramethylethylene, TME), and 1,3-butadiene have been investigated. The experimental kinetic database for these reactions is quite sparse. The kinetic results reported herein, suggests that Br reaction with the above olefins is much faster than previously thought. Analysis of the temperature dependence of the "approach to equilibrium" kinetic data in conjunction with electronic structure calculations allows for determination of enthalpy and entropy changes associated with each addition reaction. Where possible, both forward addition and reverse dissociation channels as well as H-abstraction pathways were characterized. The enthalpy change associated with the addition reaction to give the Br−isoprene and Br−1,3-butadiene adducts has been determined for the first time and the bond dissociation enthalpy obtained for the Br−TME adduct is in reasonable agreement with the only other previously reported value. It should be noted that in the case of isoprene and 1,3-butadiene, there are multiple possible adducts that could be formed. In order to help clarify which adducts are more or less likely to be formed, we rely on electronic structure calculations (see Chapter 5) to aid in our overall understanding of the adduct forming channels. Furthermore, for the Br reactions with the three alkenes above, atomic Br kinetics have been monitored directly both in the absence and in the presence of O2 which allowed, for the first time, determination of rate coefficients for the elementary steps in the overall complex mechanism including determination of the Br−olefin + O2 rate coefficient.
Also included in this group of reactions is the chlorine reaction with isoprene. In addition to the well-known fact that isoprene is emitted into the atmosphere from vegetation, a potentially significant marine source of isoprene has received considerable attention. Chlorine has long been thought to exist primarily in marine environments, however, recent findings also suggest a significant Cl production rate in the middle of the continental United States. There are numerous room temperature kinetic studies for the Cl + isoprene reaction in the literature, however, there is only one temperature dependent study reported. Current recommended 298 K rate coefficients for isoprene reactions suggest the Cl reaction is ~ 4x faster than the analogous OH reaction. If indeed this is the case, the Cl reaction could play a non-neglibible role in isoprene oxidation in atmospheric locales where Cl concentrations are relatively high. In addition, the C−Cl bond strength in Cl−C5H8 is obtained from direct measurements of the forward and reversible addition rate coefficients. Our results are compared with the literature data, and the potential importance of Cl-initiated oxidation as an atmospheric sink for isoprene is assessed.
The final group of reactions investigated involves reactions of Cl with DMS and DMSe. DMS and DMSe are the most prevalent sulfur and selenium compounds emitted to the atmosphere from the oceans. The oxidation of DMS has been studied extensively due to the interest in the possible role of DMS oxidation in the formation of sulfate aerosols, however, DMSe oxidation processes have hardly been studied at all. And, DMSe oxidation products are likely to be less volatile than the analogous DMS species. Selenium is an essential nutrient for many plants and animals; however, there is a fine line between enough and excess selenium which can be toxic. Most studies suggest that atmospheric deposition is an important source of Se contamination, and it is therefore critical to evaluate the source emissions and fate of Se in the atmosphere. Since the majority of atmospheric Se exists in the form of DMSe, determination of the kinetics and oxidation mechanisms of DMSe will go a long way towards understanding the global biogeochemical cycle of Se.
Both reversible addition and H-abstraction pathways have been characterized, and the first experimental determination of bond strength of the gas-phase DMS−Cl and DMSe−Cl adducts have been obtained.
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Oxidation of ascorbate by protein radicals in simple systems and in cellsLiu, Chia-chi January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (PhD) -- Macquarie University, Division of Environmental and Life Sciences, Dept. of Chemistry and Biomolecular Sciences, 2007. / Bibliography: leaves 295-322. / Generation of peroxide groups in proteins exposed to a wide variety of reactive oxygen species (ROS) requires an initial formation of protein carbon-centred or peroxyl free radicals, which can be reduced to hydroperoxides. Both protein radicals and protein hydroperoxides are capable of oxidizing important biomolecules and thus initiate biological damage. In this study, we investigated the inhibition of protein hydroperoxide formation by ascorbate and GSH in gamma-irradiated HL-60 cells.--We used HL-60 cells as a model for general protection of living organisms by ascorbate (Asc) and glutathione (GSH) from the deleterious effects of protein hydroperoxides generated by radicals produced by gamma radiation. Measurement by HPLC indicated that incubation of HL-60 cells with Asc in the presence of ascorbate oxidase resulted in the accumulation of intracellular Asc. The intracellular Asc levels were lowered by irradiation, demonstrating intracellular consumption of Asc by the radiation-generated radicals. Exposure of HL-60 cells to increasing gamma irradiation doses resulted in increasing accumulation of protein peroxides in the cells. This was measured by the FOX assay. A significant decrease in intracellular protein hydroperoxides was noted when the cells were treated with ascorbic acid before irradiation. A dose-dependent protective effect of Asc was observed. Asc loading also provided strong protection from radiation-generated protein hydroperoxides independently of the composition of the external medium, showing that only the radicals formed within the cells were effective in oxidizing the cell proteins. Similarly, protein peroxidation was inhibited in cells with enhanced levels of GSH and increased when the intracellular GSH concentration was reduced. These findings indicate that ascorbate and GSH are important antioxidants in protecting cells from oxidative stress associated with the generation of protein hydroperoxide. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / xxix, 322 leaves ill
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Neuronal dysfunction and degeneration in Alzheimer's disease and brain traumaPayette, Daniel January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Oklahoma. / Includes bibliographical references.
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Caractérisation et modélisation de la production des radicaux libres oxygénés par la chimie de Fenton dans un milieu mimétique de la viande / Characterization and modeling of oxygenated free radicals production by Fenton chemistry in a meat mimetics mediumOueslati, Khaled 16 February 2017 (has links)
La maitrise de la qualité des produits carnés transformés (conservés, marinés, cuits, salés, digérés...) nécessite une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes responsables des phénomènes oxydatifs et des lois cinétiques qui les régissent. Au cours des processus oxydatifs, la phase d’initiation des oxydations est capitale. Cette phase se caractérise par la vitesse à laquelle l’oxygène et le peroxyde d’hydrogène réagissent avec le fer dont la viande est plus ou moins riche selon l’espèce. Les radicaux libres, principalement superoxyde (O2°-) et hydroxyle (OH°) conduisent à l’oxydation des lipides et des protéines de la viande. Ce travail s’appuie en alternance sur des expérimentations avec un milieu modèle bien contrôlé et des sondes spécifiques permettant de caractériser la production radicalaire, et sur des simulations de calculs avec un modèle stœchio-cinétique basé sur un ensemble de réactions élémentaires et de réactions bilans permettant d’évaluer l’incidence i) de chacun des paramètres du système réactionnel (constante réactionnelle k, énergie d’activation Ea, réactivité du fer P) ii) de la concentration en réactants (Fer, H2O2, chlorure et antioxydants iii) des conditions environnementales (température, pH et force ionique) sur les cinétiques de production des radicaux libres. Les résultats expérimentaux montrent : (1) un effet synergique des oxydants et de la température sur les oxydations (2) une incidence importante des contres ions et du pH sur les complexes du fer et les niveaux d’oxydation (3) un important effet de la nature des oxydants et des antioxydants sur l'oxydation. Les constantes de vitesse controversées et les énergies d'activation de certaines réactions ainsi que les coefficients de réactivité du fer ont été ajustés localement un par un. Les prédictions du modèle stoechio-cinétique reproduisent des tendances expérimentales, exceptés pour des concentrations élevées en réactants, pour des températures extrêmes et certains antioxydants. Une optimisation globale des valeurs des k, des Ea et de la réactivité du fer pourrait améliorer les résultats prédictifs. / Control of meat quality during meat processes (storage, cooking, curing, digestion) requires a better understanding of the mechanisms responsible of the oxidative phenomena and of the kinetic laws that govern them. The initiation stage of oxidation is crucial and characterized by the rate of reaction of oxygen and hydrogen peroxide with iron; this latter compound is more or less rich depending on muscles, animals and species. Superoxide radical (O2°- ) and hydroxyl radical (OH°) are produced and initiate the cascade of reactions implicated in protein and lipid oxidations. To investigate the impact of the physicochemical parameters on the free radicals production our trials were carried out with a mimetic model of meat using two specific probes (nitroblue tetrazolium and terephthalate) and a stoichio-kinetic mathematical model composed of interactive chemical reactions. This approach enables to measure many production kinetics of O2°- and OH° and to assess unknown kinetic parameters (rate constant and activation energy and iron reactivity) by comparison of calculations to measurements. The experimental results show: (1) a synergistic effect of oxidants and temperature on oxidations (2) a significant effect of counter ions and pH on iron complexes and oxidation levels (3) a significant effect of oxidants and antioxidants on oxidation. Controversial rate constants and activation energies of some reactions as well as iron reactivity coefficients were adjusted. The predictions of the stoechio-kinetic model reproduce experimental trends except for high reactants concentrations, for extreme temperatures and for some antioxidants. A global optimization of k, Ea and iron reactivities values could improve predictive results.
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Adrenoleucodistrofia ligada ao cromossomo x e estresse oxidativo : papel do transplante de células hematopoiéticas e da interleucina 6Rockenbach, Francieli Juliana January 2012 (has links)
Objetivos. Avaliar o papel do transplante de células hematopoiéticas (TCH) e da interleucina 6 (IL – 6) sobre vários parâmetros de estresse oxidativo em pacientes com Adrenoleucodistrofia ligada ao cromossomo X (X-ALD). Métodos. A concentração de malondialdeído (MDA), o conteúdo de carbolinas e sulfidrilas e a concentração de ácido hexacosanóico (C26:0) foram quantificados no plasma de pacientes X-ALD antes e após serem submetidos ao TCH. E, a concentração de MDA, a formação de carbonilas e a concentração de IL-6 foram quantificados em plasma e o conteúdo de glutationa reduzida (GSH) foi quantificado em eritrócitos de pacientes X-ALD com fenótipos cerebral infantil (cALD) ou assintomáticos no momento diagnóstico. Resultados. Observamos um aumento significativo na concentração de MDA em plasma de pacientes X-ALD antes e após o TCH em comparação ao grupo controle e uma redução significativa nesses valores após o transplante em comparação aos anteriores ao procedimento. Verificamos uma redução significativa no conteúdo de sulfidrilas no plasma de pacientes X-ALD antes do TCH em comparação ao grupo controle e um aumento significativo desses níveis após o TCH. Não observamos diferenças significativas no conteúdo de carbonilas no plasma de X-ALD antes e após o TCH, em comparação aos controles, apesar de observarmos uma redução significativa nesta determinação nos pacientes após o transplante em relação a antes do TCH. Os pacientes X-ALD apresentam níveis plasmáticos de C26:0 significativamente aumentados antes do TCH em comparação aos controles e, após o TCH, as concentrações de C26:0 foram reduzidas. Observamos uma correlação negativa significativa entre a medida do conteúdo de sulfidrilas e os níveis plasmáticos de C26:0 de indivíduos X-ALD antes do TCH. Também evidenciamos elevados níveis de MDA e da formação de carbonilas no plasma de pacientes cALD e assintomáticos em comparação ao grupo controle. Ainda, observamos redução significativa do conteúdo de GSH nos dois grupos testados comparados aos controles. A quantificação de IL-6 foi significativamente maior nos pacientes cALD, o que não foi observado nos pacientes assintomáticos, apesar destes mostrarem uma tendência de aumento da concentração de IL-6. Conclusões. Os resultados obtidos a partir do plasma de pacientes X-ALD antes e após o TCH demonstram que esta terapia, quando bem indicada e bem sucedida, tem alta efetividade em reduzir a concentração plasmática de C26:0 e é eficaz em reduzir a peroxidação lipídica e o dano oxidativo às proteínas nos pacientes X-ALD. Ainda, é possível relacionar o acúmulo de C26:0 e o dano oxidativo na patogênese da X-ALD. Nossos dados permitem sugerir que a lipoperoxidação e o dano oxidativo às proteínas possam de alguma forma estar envolvidos na fisiopatologia da X-ALD. Além disso, podemos presumir que, nos pacientes X-ALD assintomáticos estudados, o dano oxidativo e os aspectos inflamatórios desempenham papéis importantes na evolução e nas futuras manifestações do fenótipo neuronal. Também podemos supor que a administração de antioxidantes deve ser considerada como uma terapia adjuvante potencial para os pacientes assintomáticos e sintomáticos afetados pela X-ALD, inclusive para aqueles submetidos ao TCH. / Objective. We aimed to evaluate the role of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) and interleukin 6 (IL – 6) on various parameters of oxidative stress in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) patients. Methods. Malondialdehyde (MDA), sulfhydryl, carbonyl and hexacosanoic acid (C26:0) levels were measured in plasma from X-ALD patients before and after HSCT. And, MDA, carbonyl and IL-6 levels were measured in plasma and reduced glutathione (GSH) content was measured in erythrocytes from X-ALD patients with different phenotype (asymptomatic and childhood cerebral (CCER patients) at diagnosis moment. Results. We observed increased levels of MDA in plasma from X-ALD before and after HSCT compared to control group, but there was a significant reduction in MDA values after transplantation compared to levels found before the procedure. We verified a significant decrease in sulfhydryl content in plasma of X-ALD patients before HSCT compared with the control group and we also verified a significant increase in the levels of sulfhydryl content after HSCT. No significant differences were observed in carbonyl content in plasma of X-ALD before and after HSCT, compared to controls. However, we observed a significant reduction of plasma carbonyl content from X-ALD patients after HSCT compared to before HSCT. X-ALD patients presented a significant increase of C26:0 plasma level before HSCT when compared to controls and an important reduction of C26:0 plasma concentration in X-ALD patients after HSCT when compared to before HSCT C26:0 levels. We observed an inverse significant correlation between sulfhydryl content and plasma C26:0 levels of X-ALD individuals before HSCT. We also evidenced high levels of MDA and carbonyl formation in plasma from CCER and asymptomatic patients compared to controls. Still, we observed a significant decrease of GSH content in both groups tested compared to controls. The quantification of IL-6 is significantly higher in CCER patients, which is not observed in asymptomatic patients, despite these patients show a tendency of increased concentration of IL-6. Conclusions. The results obtained from plasma of X-ALD patients before and after HSCT demonstrate that this therapy, when well indicated and successful, has high effectiveness in reducing C26:0 plasma and is effective in reducing lipid peroxidation and oxidative damage to proteins in X-ALD patients. Still, it is possible to relate the accumulation of C26:0 and oxidative damage in the pathogenesis of X-ALD. Our data also suggest that lipid peroxidation and protein damage may somehow be involved in the pathophysiology of X-ALD. Moreover, we can assume that in our asymptomatic X-ALD patients, oxidative damage and inflammatory issues seem to play an important role in the evolution and future manifestations of neuronal phenotype. We can also assume that the administration of antioxidants should be considered as a potential adjuvant therapy for asymptomatic and symptomatic patients affected by X-ALD, including those that are submitted to HSCT.
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Papel da recaptação e de metabólitos da dopamina na discinesia orofacial induzida por neurolépticos em ratos / Role of dopamine uptake and their metabolites in the orofacial dyskinesia induced by neuroleptics in ratsFachinetto, Roselei 12 May 2008 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Fluphenazine-induced orofacial dyskinesia (OD) is a putative animal model of tardive dyskinesia (TD) whose pathophysiology has been related to an increase in
dopamine hypersensitivity and oxidative stress. Data from literature have shown that patients with TD present a decrease in dopamine transporter (DAT) expression. In a
previously study, we have demonstrated that experimental animals presenting high intensity of vacuous chewing movements (VCM) induced by chronic treatment with haloperidol also presented a reduced dopamine uptake into striatum. Considering that one way to regulate DAT is through redox modulation, the first objective of the present study to determine if the chronic treatment with fluphenazine could induce an increase in oxidative stress index in brain regions (striatum and substantia nigra) and an alteration in levels of dopamine uptake in the striatum of rats treated acute and chronically with fluphenazine (Article 1). The fluphenazine treatment produced VCMs in the majority of the treated rats (87% after 24 weeks). Concomitant treatment with diphenyl diselenide decreased the prevalence of VCMs to 50%. Additionally, we separated the rats that developed (+VCM) or did not develop (-VCM) VCMs. We did not find any statistical differences among the groups when oxidative stress parameters were evaluated. Chronic fluphenazine treatment significantly decreased dopamine uptake. Concomitant treatment with diphenyl diselenide was not able to prevent this decrease in those rats that developed VCMs. Another objective of this work was to evaluate the role of dopamine (DA) and other monoamines and their metabolites on
acute and chronic of OD induced by fluphenazine in rats (manuscript in preparation 1). The vacuous chewing movements (VCMs) or the levels of monoamines and its metabolites were quantified after 3 (acute) or 24 (chronic) weeks after beginning of treatment. The fluphenazine treatment produced VCMs in part of treated rats (50% after 3 weeks and about 85% after 24 weeks). There were not significant differences between the groups in monoamines levels neither in their metabolites in the striatum under acute fluphenazine treatment in +VCMs rats. However, we observed a trend to increase the levels of the DA metabolites, HVA (p=0.05) and DOPAC (p=0.06), after chronic treatment with
fluphenazine. Our data suggest that an increase in DA metabolism could contribute to the maintenance of VCMs in rats. Moreover, development of VCMs seems not to be dependent of DA metabolism. Moreover, the use of diphenyl disselenide seems to be a promissory pharmacological therapy in the reduction of OD prevalence. / A discinesia orofacial (DO) induzida por flufenazina consiste num modelo de discinesia tardia (DT) cuja patofisiologia tem sido relacionada à hipersensibilidade dopaminérgica e ao estresse oxidativo. Dados da literatura demonstraram que pacientes com DT apresentam reduzida expressão do transportador de dopamina (TDA). Em um estudo prévio, nós demonstramos que animais experimentais que apresentam alta
intensidade de movimentos de mascar no vazio (MMV) induzidos por tratamento crônico com haloperidol também apresentaram uma redução na captação de dopamina (DA) no
estriado. Tendo em vista que uma das maneiras de reduzir a atividade dos TDA é via modulação redox, um primeiro objetivo deste estudo foi determinar se o tratamento crônico
com flufenazina poderia induzir um aumento nos índices de estresse oxidativo em regiões cerebrais (estriado e substantia nigra) e quais os efeitos deste tratamento nos níveis de
captação de DA no estriado de ratos tratados aguda e cronicamente com flufenazina (Artigo 1). O tratamento com flufenazina produziu MMV na maioria dos ratos tratados (87% após 24 semanas). O tratamento concomitante com disseleneto de difenila diminuiu a prevalência dos MMV para 50%. Além disso, separamos os animais que desenvolveram
(+MMV) ou não desenvolveram (-MMV) MMV. Não encontramos nenhuma diferença estatística entre os grupos quando comparados parâmetros de estresse oxidativo. O
tratamento crônico, mas não agudo, com flufenazina diminuiu significativamente a captação de DA nos animais que apresentaram MMV. O tratamento concomitante com
disseleneto de difenila não foi capaz de prevenir esta redução naqueles ratos que desenvolveram MMV. Um outro objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a participação da DA, de outras monoaminas e de seus metabólitos no modelo agudo e crônico de DO induzida por flufenazina em ratos (manuscrito em preparação 1). O tratamento com flufenazina produziu MMV na maioria dos animais tratados (50% após 3 semanas e cerca de 85% após 24 semanas. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa entre os grupos controle e
tratado com flufenazina agudamente com relação aos níveis de monoaminas e seus metabólitos no estriado de ratos apresentando MMV+. Observamos uma tendência a um
aumento nos níveis dos metabólitos da DA, HVA (p=0.05) e DOPAC (p=0.06), após tratamento crônico com flufenazina. Em conjunto, estes resultados indicam que a redução
no transporte de DA pode ser um possível mecanismo relacionado à manutenção da DO crônica em ratos. O metabolismo da DA parece ter participação na manutenção da DO, mas não no desenvolvimento. Além disso, o uso do disseleneto de difenila parece ser terapia farmacológica promissora para a redução da prevalência da DO.
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Etude et valorisation industrielle d'halophytes du littoral breton : biodiversité chimique et biologique / Study and industrial promotion of halophytes from the Brittany coast : chemical and biological biodiversityBréant, Lise 17 January 2012 (has links)
Quatre espèces halophyles, Silene maritima, Carpobrotus edulis, Senecio cineraria et Limonium latifolium, ont fait l’objet d’études phytochimiques en procédant par fractionnement bioguidé. Nous avons ainsi identifié une trentaine de métabolites bioactifs, capables de limiter la production d’espèces réactives de l’oxygène qui interviennent dans le stress radicalaire et/ou inflammatoire et/ou de favoriser la lipolyse adipocytaire. La visualisation de l’impact du biotope sur le métabolome de Silene maritima nous a permis d’identifier des marqueurs jouant un rôle important dans la capacité adaptative de cette halophyte sous l’effet de stress environnementaux. L’analyse de profils métaboliques montre clairement qu’un même individu, récolté à des moments différents et/ou dans des biotopes différents, possède une composition phytochimique variable. Afin de tester l’effet d’éliciteurs sur la capacité biosynthétique de suspensions cellulaires de Silene maritima, nous avons eu recours à la biotechnologie végétale. Nous avons également développé des conditions de culture in vitro permettant l’initiation de cals à partir d’une halophyte protégée, Crambe maritima. Ces cals pourront in fine servir à initier des suspensions cellulaires, valorisables industriellement. / Four halophile species, Silene maritima, Carpobrotus edulis, Senecio cineraria and Limonium latifolium have been studied phytochemically by bioguided fractionation. This work led to the discovery of thirty biologically active compounds able to reduce the production of reactive oxygen species that occur during inflammatory and/or radical stress, and to promote the adipocytary lipolysis. The visualization of the biotope’s impact on the halophyte Silene maritima metabolome helped us to identify markers playing an important role in the adaptative capacity of plants under environmental stress. Analysis of metabolite profiles clearly shows that the same individual harvested at a different moment and/or from a different biotope possesses an extremely variable chemical composition. In order to test elicitor effect, we used plant biotechnology. Finally, we were able to develop in vitro culture conditions permitting initiation of callus from the protected halophile Crambe maritima. The obtained callus could serve to initiate cell suspension, which is suitable for industrial purposes.
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