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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Suivi de l'évapotranspiration des cultures irriguées du Sud de la Méditerranée par télédétection multi-capteurs et modélisation globale / Monitoring of evapotranspiration over irrigated crops in the South Mediterranean region using multi-sensor remote sensing observations and global modeling

Diarra, Alhousseine 20 December 2017 (has links)
Avec la pression croissante sur les ressources en eau accentuée par la menace des changementsglobaux, l'agriculture irriguée, surtout dans les régions semi-arides, se trouve confrontée à denouvelles exigences. Une gestion optimale des ressources en eau est indispensable dans les périmètresirrigués afin d'éviter à la fois l'irrigation excessive et le stress hydrique dommageable aux cultures.Dans ce contexte, proposer un outil simple, parcimonieux et robuste, facile à mettre en placepermettant de suivre le besoin réel en eau des cultures, à différentes échelles spatio-temporelles,permettrait d’apporter un indicateur tangible quant à l’efficience de l’irrigation dans les périmètresirrigués. Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif d’évaluer et d’adapter plusieurs outils de suivi del’évapotranspiration des cultures irriguées de l’échelle parcellaire à l’échelle régionale par l’utilisationde la télédétection multi-capteurs et multi-résolution. Notre zone d’étude est le bassin versant duTensift au Maroc, objet d’étude du LMI TREMA (Jarlan et al., 2015) et support de l’observatoireTensift. Nous avons identifié 3 outils : un modèle de bilan d’énergie de surface (TSEB ; Norman et al.,1995) piloté par une observation de température radiométrique qui renseigne indirectement sur l’étathydrique de surface ; l’approche à coefficient cultural double de la FAO-56 (Allen et al., 1998) quiprédit l’état hydrique de surface par la résolution d’un bilan hydrique mais nécessite en contre-partiede connaître précisément les apports d’eau, grandeur très incertaine sur les périmètres irrigués àl’échelle parcellaire ; la modélisation globale qui, par opposition aux deux autres, est une approcheautonome ne nécessitant aucun forçage externe. Dans un premier temps, la confrontation dessimulations du modèle TSEB à un ensemble de mesures expérimentales recueillies à l’échelleparcellaire durant 2 saisons agricoles ainsi qu’à l’approche FAO-56 préalablement calibrée sur lesprincipales cultures de notre région d’étude sur la base de travaux antérieurs a permis de montrer que :- le modèle TSEB est très robuste et offre des performances acceptables pour la prédiction del’évapotranspiration (RMSE < 1mm/jour sur 4 sites lors de deux saisons agricoles) ; - les bonnescapacités de cet outil pour la détection de stress hydrique ; - une bonne aptitude également àpartitionner l’évapotranspiration entre évaporation du sol et transpiration de la plante. Dans un 2èmetemps, nous avons évalué les capacités prédictives d’un modèle global que nous avons développé surla base d’une série temporelle d’évapotranspiration observée sur le terrain. La modélisation globale estbasée sur la théorie des systèmes dynamique non-linéaire. Si elle ne possède pas les capacitésexplicatives des modèles mécanistes évoqués ci-dessus, peut être une bonne alternative pour laprévision de l’évapotranspiration. L’analyse de l’horizon de prévisibilité du modèle global que nousavons obtenu montre un intérêt limité pour les agriculteurs ou les gestionnaires puisque cet horizonn’excède pas 3h. Néanmoins, cette approche, très originale dans ce contexte, reste particulièrementséduisante et ouvre plusieurs perspectives. Enfin, nous avons développé un prototype « tout satellite »,basé sur le modèle TSEB et qui utilise uniquement les produits gratuits MODIS et les ré-analysesERA-Interim, pour le suivi spatialisée et à long terme de la consommation en eau des cultures dans lebassin versant du Tensift. Après une évaluation des forçages ERA-Interim, nous avons évalué laperformance du prototype par (1) confrontation des prédictions des composantes du bilan d’énergieaux données expérimentales de l’observation Tensift et (2) confrontation de la consommationmensuelle prédite au niveau des principaux périmètres irrigués de la région aux apports d’eaumensuels fournis par l’office régional qui gère ces périmètres... / With the increasing pressure on water resources accentuated by the climate change threat, irrigated agriculture, especially in semi-arid zone, faced more challenges. Optimal management of water resources is essential in irrigated areas in order to avoid both excessive irrigation and water stress that is harmful to the growth of crops. In this context, proposing a simple, parsimonious and robust, easyto- use tool for monitoring the crop water requirement at different spatial and temporal scales would provide a tangible indicator of irrigation efficiency over irrigated perimeters. This thesis aims to evaluate and adapt several tools for monitoring the evapotranspiration of irrigated crops from the plot scale to the regional scale through the use of multi-sensor and multi-resolution remote sensing observations. Our study area is the Tensift watershed in Morocco, studied by LMI TREMA (Jarlan et al., 2015) and supported by the Tensift observatory. We identified 3 tools: a surface energy balance model (TSEB; Norman et al., 1995) driven by a radiometric temperature observation that provides indirect information on surface water status; the FAO-56 dual crop coefficient approach predicts the hydric status by computing the water balance but requires the know precisely the water input, very difficult to obtain on the plot scale of irrigated perimeters ; global modeling which, as opposed to the first two, is an autonomous approach requiring no external forcing. Firstly, the comparison of the TSEB model simulations with a set of experimental measurements collected on a plot scale during 2 consecutive agricultural seasons and with the results of the calibrated FAO-56 dual crop coefficient approach has shown that : - the TSEB model is very robust and offers acceptable performance for the prediction of evapotranspiration (RMSE <1mm / day during the two agricultural seasons); - a good capabilities of TSEB model for detection water stress; - a good ability also to partition the evapotranspiration between evaporation of the soil and transpiration of the plant. In the second step, we evaluated the predictive capacities of a global model that we developed on the basis of a time series of evapotranspiration observed in the field. Global modeling is based on the theory of the nonlinear dynamic systems theory. If it does not have the explanatory capabilities of the mechanistic models mentioned above, it may be a good alternative for predicting evapotranspiration. The analysis of the horizon of predictability of the global model that we obtained shows a limited interest for the farmers or the managers since this horizon does not exceed 3h. Nevertheless, this approach, very original in this context, remains particularly attractive and opens perspectives. Finally, we have developed a prototype, based on the TSEB model and using only MODIS free products and ERAInterim reanalyses, for monitoring evapotranspiration at Tensift watershed scale and over long periods. After an evaluation of the ERA-Interim products, we evaluated the prototype performance by (1) comparing the predictions of the energy balance components to the experimental data from Tensift observatory and (2) comparing the predicted monthly consumption at the main irrigated perimeters of the region with monthly water supplies provided by the regional office which manages these perimeters. Thus, there is a strong overestimation (almost a factor of 2) of the water consumed compared to the inflow of water, which could be related to the high number of boreholes in the region. This work and the tools developed opens perspectives for piloting and managing agricultural water in semi-arid regions.

La comunicación y el desarrollo rural sostenible

Acunzo, Mario 10 April 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Alimentación y nutrición. Fundamentos y nuevos criterios [Capítulo 1]

Blanco de Alvarado-Ortiz, Teresa January 1900 (has links)
En Alimentación y Nutrición, teresa Blanco de Alvarado-Ortiz comparte con sus lectores un enfoque global de la nutrición y de la alimentación, ambos aspectos de vital importancia para alcanzar una mejor calidad de vida. Así, inicia la obra con una revisión histórica; luego expone la complejidad química de los alimentos y profundiza en cada nutriente que lo compone. Además, muestra los diferentes grupos en los cuales se clasifican los alimentos y enfatiza la importancia de la dieta diaria como fuente de energía. Incluso detalla nuevos enfoques de la nutrición a base de cambios en los requerimientos nutricionales, a lo largo de muchos años, en informes difundidos por diversos organismos internacionales. Por último, expone las variaciones de los requerimientos nutricionales según las diversas etapas de la vida y las situaciones de malnutrición en sus dos extremos: la desnutrición y la malnutrición por exceso. A este contenido integral se une el aporte de una diagramación didáctica con ilustraciones funcionales. Por ello, este libro constituye una perfecta continuación a la importante obra de Teresa Blanco de Alvarado-Ortiz.

The Zoogeography of Marine Tardigrada

Kaczmarek, Lukasz, Bartels, Paul J., Roszkowska, Milena, Nelson, Diane R. 01 January 2015 (has links)
This monograph describes the global records of marine water bears (Phylum Tardigrada). We provide a comprehensive list of marine tardigrades recorded from around the world, providing an up-to-date taxonomy and a complete bibliography accompanied by geographic co-ordinates, habitat, substrate and biogeographic comments. A link is provided to an on-line interactive map where all occurrences for each species are shown. In total we list 197 taxa and their 2240 records from 39 oceans and seas and 18 Major Fishing Areas (FAO). It is hoped this work will serve as a reference point and background for further zoogeographic and taxonomic studies on marine tardigrades.

A Food Secure World: Is the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organisation in a position to provide this Global Public Good?

Longbottom, Carol Jane January 2015 (has links)
The challenges faced by the global food and agriculture system in the twenty-first century are unlikely to be resolved through the implementation of neoliberal policies, most notably promoting market liberalisation, privatisation and financialisation. Many of these policies have also supported industrial agriculture, which has led to the production of many global public bads, such as significant greenhouse gas emissions and water pollution. However, industrial agriculture is not the only method of food production: sustainable agriculture is better placed to provide a wide range of global public goods (GPGs), including environmental protection and rural livelihood development, in addition to sufficient nutritious food. Therefore, there should be a move towards promoting sustainable agriculture with a focus on eradicating hunger and improving food security. The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) can play a crucial role in ensuring agriculture provides the GPGs required. FAO also produces a number of GPGs through its three main roles; measurement, convening and norms and standards setting. This thesis asks if FAO is in a position to provide a food secure world. It also asks if the organisation is in a stronger position to provide the GPGs required following its extensive recent reform. Finally, it asks if a shift in emphasis towards the provision of GPGs will offer an alternative to neoliberalism.

VARS2 Depletion Leads to Activation of the Integrated Stress Response and Disruptions in Mitochondrial Fatty Acid Oxidation

Kayvanpour, Elham, Wisdom, Michael, Lackner, Maximilian K., Sedaghat-Hamedani, Farbod, Boeckel, Jes-Niels, Müller, Marion, Eghbalian, Rose, Dudek, Jan, Doroudgar, Shirin, Maack, Christoph, Frey, Norbert, Meder, Benjamin 09 February 2024 (has links)
Mutations in mitochondrial aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (mtARSs) have been reported in patients with mitochondriopathies: most commonly encephalopathy, but also cardiomyopathy. Through a GWAS, we showed possible associations between mitochondrial valyl-tRNA synthetase (VARS2) dysregulations and non-ischemic cardiomyopathy. We aimed to investigate the possible consequences of VARS2 depletion in zebrafish and cultured HEK293A cells. Transient VARS2 loss-offunction was induced in zebrafish embryos using Morpholinos. The enzymatic activity of VARS2 was measured in VARS2-depleted cells via northern blot. Heterozygous VARS2 knockout was established in HEK293A cells using CRISPR/Cas9 technology. BN-PAGE and SDS-PAGE were used to investigate electron transport chain (ETC) complexes, and the oxygen consumption rate and extracellular acidification rate were measured using a Seahorse XFe96 Analyzer. The activation of the integrated stress response (ISR) and possible disruptions in mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation (FAO) were explored using RT-qPCR and western blot. Zebrafish embryos with transient VARS2 loss-of-function showed features of heart failure as well as indications of CNS and skeletal muscle involvements. The enzymatic activity of VARS2 was significantly reduced in VARS2-depleted cells. Heterozygous VARS2-knockout cells showed a rearrangement of ETC complexes in favor of complexes III2, III2 + IV, and supercomplexes without significant respiratory chain deficiencies. These cells also showed the enhanced activation of the ISR, as indicated by increased eIF-2 phosphorylation and a significant increase in the transcript levels of ATF4, ATF5, and DDIT3 (CHOP), as well as disruptions in FAO. The activation of the ISR and disruptions in mitochondrial FAO may underlie the adaptive changes in VARS2-depleted cells.

Feeding Inequalities: Food Aid and Food Insecurity in Post-Earthquake Haiti

Kral, Courtney E. 10 June 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Communication for Development at the United Nations : A Theory-Guided Case Study of Development Communication and C4D Usage Within the UN

Eventhén, Leakim January 2024 (has links)
This thesis constitutes a theory-guided case study of development communication and communication for development usage within different agencies at the United Nations. The study initially presents theories on development communication and communication for development, as interpreted, explained, and defined by researchers within the field. Then, the thesis applies the theories on development communication and communication for development to cases within the United Nations. The cases included in the study are; the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nation’s Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The results of the study demonstrate that; UNICEF utilizes development communication and communication for development in a manner that is in line with the definitions laid forth by Quebral as well as Fraser and Restrepo-Estrada. There is a connection between the way UNESCO uses development communication and communication for development and the theories put forth by Fraser and Restrepo-Estrada as well as Waisbord. The theories of Quebral and Waisbord are applicable to the work carried out by the UNDP. And lastly, the way in which FAO utilizes communication for development is in line with the definitions laid forth by Quebral as well as Fraser and Restrepo-Estrada.

Globalização e hegemonia nas relações internacionais: o caso da Via Campesina por uma perspectiva gramsciana / Globalization and hegemony in International Relations: the case of La Vía Campesina by a gramscian perspective

Camargo, Adriane de Sousa 28 November 2013 (has links)
Diferentemente das abordagens estadocêntricas clássicas que valorizam processos decisórios top-down, os recentes estudos sobre a atuação da sociedade civil internacional têm desempenhado importante papel nos enfoques que valorizam as dinâmicas de cooperação bottom-up. Dentre elas, a abordagem gramsciana parte da perspectiva de que a sociedade civil internacional é portadora de projetos hegemônicos alternativos, sendo o lócus onde se concentrariam as forças potencialmente transformadoras da ordem estabelecida. Assim, ao partir da perspectiva gramsciana, o analista depara-se com o potencial que a sociedade civil possui de transformação da realidade. Nela encontram-se os movimentos sociais que, através de sua atuação nas arenas internacionais de negociação, buscam resistir à hegemonia da globalização neoliberal. Dessa maneira, por meio de sua atuação em escala global, os movimentos sociais de resistência procuram expandir sua esfera de consenso em relação a seus projetos alternativos de desenvolvimento. Nesse sentido, este trabalho objetiva demonstrar como se dá a abordagem dos movimentos sociais de resistência nas Relações Internacionais a partir de sua introdução na categoria analítica de \"contra-hegemonia\", tendo por referencial teórico alguns dos conceitos de Gramsci e a tradução destes conceitos para a área das Relações Internacionais realizada por Robert Cox. Dentre os movimentos sociais de resistência que atuam em escala global, encontra-se a Via Campesina. Atuando junto à Organização das Nações Unidas para Agricultura e Alimentação (FAO), a Via Campesina tem projetado um discurso alternativo, consubstanciado pelo conceito de Soberania Alimentar, ao discurso capitalista enredado nas políticas agrícolas internacionais. Assim, objetiva-se apresentar alguns resultados da análise dessa interação, enfocando a problemática da modificação genética dos recursos fitogenéticos e o contraponto estabelecido pela Via Campesina à concepção de Segurança Alimentar sustentada pela FAO. Tendo em vista que a ação política internacional dos movimentos sociais vem sendo objeto de consideração da literatura científica de Relações Internacionais, o propósito é desenvolver uma leitura interdisciplinar do assunto, de modo a problematizar quais as possibilidades e limitações da área de Relações Internacionais em analisar o tema. Para tanto, privilegia-se esta análise a partir da perspectiva da Teoria Crítica, buscando abordar como a sociedade civil, traduzida de termos gramscianos, possui a capacidade de influenciar a hierarquia da política internacional intergovernamental por meio de sua atuação transnacional direcionada ao questionamento da manutenção e reprodução da ordem social capitalista. / Unlike the classical state-centric approaches which value top-down decision-making processes, recent studies about the performance of international civil society have played an important role on the approaches that value bottom-up cooperation dynamics. Among them, the Gramscian approach departs from the perspective that international civil society is the bearer of alternative hegemonic projects, being the locus where potential forces that can change the established order are concentrated. Thus, from the Gramscian perspective, the analyst faces the potential that civil society has to transform the reality. Included in this concept, are social movements that, through its action in the international negotiation arenas, seek to resist to the hegemony of the neoliberal globalization. There for, through its action on a global scale, the resistance social movements seek to expand their sphere of consensus regarding their alternative projects of development. In this sense, this paper aims to demonstrate how is the approach of the resistance social movements in International Relations by their introduction in the analytical category of \"counter-hegemony\", and by taking some of the Gramsci\'s theoretical concepts and its translation to the field of International Relations executed by Robert Cox. Among the resistance social movements that act on a global scale, it is located La Vía Campesina. Acting within Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), La Vía Campesina has designed an alternative discourse, embodied by the concept of Food Sovereignty, to the capitalist discourse existent in international agriculture policies. Thus, it is aimed to present some results of the analysis of this interaction, focusing on the genetic modification of plant genetic resources issue and on the counterpoint provided by La Vía Campesina to actual concept of Food Security supported by FAO. Given that the international political action of the resistance social movements has been subject of consideration of the scientific literature in International Relations, the purpose is to develop an interdisciplinary reading of the thematic, in order to discuss the possibilities and limitations of International Relations in analyzing the theme. Therefore, the focus is the analysis from the Critical Theory perspective, seeking to address how civil society, translated from Gramscian terms, has the capacity to influence the international intergovernmental political hierarchy through its transnational activity driven to questioning the maintenance and reproduction of the capitalist social order.

Fields of Gold : The Bioenergy Debate in International Organizations / Fält av guld : Debatten om bioenergi i internationella organisationer

Kuchler, Magdalena January 2012 (has links)
The concept of producing energy from biomass has, for the last two decades, occupied attention of policy-makers, private industries, researchers and civil societies around the world. The highly contested and contingent character of the biofuel production, its entanglement in the nexus of three problematic issues of energy, climate and agriculture, as well as its injection into the current socioeconomic arrangements, is what makes it timely to analyse. The thesis sheds light on the state of international debate on bioenergy by looking at deliberations of three major global institutions: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), International Energy Agency (IEA) and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The primary aim is to trace and analyse how the concept of bioenergy is conceptualized and contextualized in assessments, reports, policy papers and other documents issued by FAO, IEA and IPCC in the 1990-2010 period. The secondary aim of the thesis, based on results derived from the primary objective, is set to problematize and reflect upon currently dominating socioeconomic arrangements that the concept of biomass-derived energy is inserted into. The research questions are organized around four distinctively contentious issues in the debate: biofuel production in developing countries, the food vs. fuel dilemma, bioenergy as a win-win-win solution and the future role of the second-generation bioenergy technology. The research questions are operationalized by applying four theoretical perspectives: the world-economy, Michel Foucault’s genealogy, discourse theory of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe, and Fredric Jameson’s critical approach. The institutional debate illustrates that, while bioenergy appears to be an easy, plausible and thus attractive patch able to temporarily fix societal challenges of energy insecurity, climate change and agricultural crisis without changing much in the socioeconomic structure, its implementation exposes internal discrepancies of the hegemonic capitalist system. Whether bioenergy could actually function as a feasible win-win-win solution is of secondary importance. It is its economic feasibility expressed in the pressure on cost-effectiveness that matters the most but, at the same time, causes serious internal discrepancies in conceptualizations pursued by the organizations. The results point to two main conclusions. On the one hand, bioenergy is inevitably entrapped by the rules and arrangements of the hegemonic system that, in turn, cause internal contradictions. On the other hand, the institutional debate attempts to stabilize the shaky conceptualization of bioenergy, so that it can appear consistent and plausible, even if the possibility of reaching the closure of meaning fades away, with more conflicts on the rise. Furthermore, the results also show that the three international organizations exhibit uniform patterns of argumentations and the way they similarly discuss biomass-derived energy illustrates the objective to stabilize the meaning and adjust the concept of bioenergy to the hegemonic system. / Under de senaste två decennierna har idén om att producera energi av biomassa rönt stor uppmärksamhet bland forskare, företagare, beslutsfattare och i samhället i övrigt. De förhållandevis många kontroverser och alternativ som är förbundna med produktion av biobränslen, deras koppling till de tre problemområdena energi, klimat och jordbruk, samt deras etablering inom samtida geopolitiska, socioekonomiska och miljömässiga sammanhang, gör dem till en aktuell fråga att analysera. Avhandlingen belyser den internationella debatten genom att fokusera överväganden och ståndpunkter inom tre globala institutioner: FN:s mat- och jordbruksorgan (FAO), Internationella Energiorganet (IEA) och FN:s klimatpanel (IPCC). Huvudsyftet är spåra och analysera hur begreppet bioenergi formas och kontextualiseras i bedömningsrapporter och policydokument producerade av FAO, IEA och IPCC under perioden 1990-2010. Ett ytterligare syfte är att problematisera och reflektera över de socioekonomiska förhållanden som bioenergibegreppet ingår i. Forskningsfrågorna är formulerade utifrån fyra kontroversiella områden i debatten: biobränsleproduktion i utvecklingsländer, dilemmat mat kontra biobränsle, bioenergi som en ”win-win-win-lösning” och den framtida roll som tillskrivs andra generationens bioteknologi. Forskningsfrågorna operationaliseras genom att var och en knyts till ett av fyra teoretiska perspektiv: världssystemteori, Michel Foucaults genealogi, Ernesto Laclaus och Chantal Mouffes diskursteori respektive Fredric Jamesons kritiska ansats. I debatten framställs ofta bioenergi som ett enkelt och rimligt alternativ med kapacitet att tillfälligt lösa samhälleliga utmaningar som energi-osäkerhet, klimatförändringar och jordbrukskrisen, dock utan att den socioekonomiska strukturen ändras nämnvärt. Analysen visar emellertid att begreppsliggörandet istället påvisar interna diskrepanser i det hegemoniska, kapitalistiska systemet. Huruvida bioenergi verkligen kan fungera som en sådan ”win-win-win”- lösning framstår som sekundärt i dessa texter. Det är kostnadseffektiviteten som har störst betydelse, men samtidigt skapar man här allvarliga begreppsliga diskrepanser inom organisationerna. Utfallet av analysen pekar på två huvudslutsatser. Å ena sidan är bioenergin oundvikligen låst av det hegemoniska systemets struktur och de motsägelser som det rymmer. Å andra sidan tycks debatten inom organisationerna söka efter en stabilisering av det instabila begreppsliggörandet av bioenergin så att den framstår som konsistent och möjlig. Vidare visar analysen också att de tre organisationerna har liknande argumentationsmönster, och det likartade sätt på vilket de diskuterar energi från biomassa illustrerar en stabilisering av mening inom diskursen där bioenergibegreppet anpassas till det hegemoniska systemet.

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