Spelling suggestions: "subject:"farmakologi ocho toxikologie"" "subject:"farmakologi och3 toxikologie""
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Treatment of a mantle cell lymphoma cell line with cannabinoids and cytostatics : - effects on DNA synthesis and ceramide metabolismChabo, Ablahad January 2009 (has links)
Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is an aggressive B-cell malignancy with bad prognosis, which predominates in males with advanced age. However, studies of the endocannabinoid system and how it affects tumour behaviour provides the basis for designing innovative therapeutic strategies that could open new opportunities for treatment of patient with MCL. It has earlier been shown that the cannabinoid receptor ligand (R)-(+)-methanandamide (R-MA) induce cell death in MCL by accumulation of ceramide. Ceramide has a pro-apoptotic effect on the cell but could be metabolized by the enzymes glucosylceramide synthase (GCS) and sphingosine kinase 1 (SphK1) to molecules with pro-proliferative effect. Therefore, treatments with R-MA on Jeko-1 MCL cell line were performed in this study to determine interference in the proliferative behaviour as well as in the gene expression of the enzymes GCS and SphK1. In addition, treatments with chemotherapeutic substances, such as doxorubicin or cytarabine (Ara-C), and combinations of R-MA and chemotherapeutic substance, were performed for the same reason. Results showed that the proliferation behaviour of Jeko cells remained unaffected when treated with R-MA, in contrast to the decreased proliferative effects shown when treated with cytostatics or combinations of R-MA and cytostatics. Furthermore, a tendency for up-regulation of GCS and SphK1 expression was recognized when cells were treated with cytostatics or combination of cytostatics and R-MA, in contrast to cells treated with R-MA alone. Although, R-MA alone had a tendency for a small down-regulation of GCS expression, it contributed to a potential elevation of GCS expression when combined with Ara-C or doxorubicin. It is believed that the effect from upregulated levels of the metabolizing enzymes GCS and SphK1 is balanced by, earlier observed, up-regulations of the ceramide synthesis enzymes.
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Tbc, ett globalt hot : Sjuksköterskans arbete för att främja följsamhet och minska resistensutveckling av mykobakterium tuberkulosis / TB, a global threat : Nurse´s work to promote compliance and reduce resistance development by mycobacterium tuberculosisHellström, Sandra, Nyberg, Frida January 2010 (has links)
Tuberkulos (tbc) är en luftburen droppsmitta orsakad av mykobakterium tuberkulosis. Tbc är den sjukdom som efter AIDS orsakar flest dödsfall, trots att botande behandling finns. Behandlingen är krävande för den tbc-smittade att genomgå och bygger på en kombination av en rad antibiotika som måste intas under minst sex månader. Ett avvikande i behandlingen kan resultera i att mykobakterium tuberkulosis blir resistent mot de ordinerade antibiotika. Följsamhet av långtidsbehandlingar som tbc-behandling graderas till 50 %. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att ur ett globalt perspektiv beskriva hur sjuksköterskan kan påverka följsamhet vid tbc-behandling i syfte att minska resistensutvecklingen av mykobakterium tuberkulosis. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie där 12 vetenskapliga artiklar granskades och analyserades. Resultatet visar tydligt att specifika faktorer påverkar följsamhet och därigenom resistensutvecklingen. Faktorerna innefattar patientundervisning, behandlingsstrategier, omgivningens påverkan och stöd. Undervisningen resulterar i att patienten får ökad förståelse för behandlingen. För att minska stigmatiseringen och det lidande den innebär för den tbc-smittade är även omgivningen i behov av ökad kunskap och information om tbc. Ett flertal studier visar att DOTS-strategin är betydelsefull för ökad följsamhet vid antituberkulos behandling. Litteraturstudien medför ett förslag om att sjuksköterskeprogrammet ska öka fokuseringen på följsamhet vid läkemedelsanvändning. Sjuksköterskan är i behov av att redan under grundutbildningen få kunskap om ansvarsfull antibiotikahantering som leder till en följsamhetsomtanke. / Tuberculosis (TB) is an airborne droplet infection caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis. TB is the disease after AIDS that is most deadly, even though curative treatment exists. The treatment is demanding for the TB-infected to undergo and consists of a combination of a number of antibiotics that must be administered for at least six months. A dissenting in anti-tuberculosis treatment might result in mycobacterium tuberculosis strains that are resistant to antibiotics. As adherence to long-term treatment is graded at a low percentage (50 %) the aim of the literature study was from a global perspective to develop a working-strategy for nurses that promote compliance in TB-treatment in order to reduce resistance development of mycobacterium tuberculosis. The study was conducted as a literature study where 12 research articles were reviewed and analyzed. The results describe specific factors that are essential to compliance. These factors comprise patient education, treatment strategies, social influences and support. As knowledge gives the patient a better understanding for the treatment it provokes compliance. The social environment of the TB-infected patient demands increased knowledge in order to reduce stigma. Several studies show that the DOTS strategy is important for increasing compliance in anti-tuberculosis treatment. The literature study results in a proposal for the nursing program to focus more on compliance in taking medication. The nursing program’s attendants need to gain knowledge about prudent antibiotic treatment that leads to a compliance concern.
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Optimized design recommendation for first pharmacokinetic in vivo experiments for new tuberculosis drugs using pharmacometrics modelling and simulationLeding, Albin January 2021 (has links)
Tuberculosis, the leading cause of death by a single infection disease caused by bacteria, requires long treatments and the bacteria are prone to develop drug resistance. Therefore, new efficient treatment regiments needs developing, which requires new tools for drug development. A major reason for discontinuance of a drug under development is undesired pharmacokinetic properties. Therefore, it is important to have early information of this, preferably the first time the drug is tested in animals. The first in vivo pharmacokinetic experiment is often done in mice and the only information present at this stage are often in vitro values and physicochemical properties. Physiological-based pharmacokinetic modelling can be used to extrapolate from in vitro to in vivo values. From this, the first in vivo pharmacokinetic experiment can be designed, often with the goal of reducing the amount of mice. This goal is one of the three R.s and it is called Reduction. To explore the Reduction of an experiment population pharmacokinetic modelling can be utilized via exploration of the imprecision, bias and probability of an informative experiment to evaluate if a design meets the goal of Reduction. In this report a recommendation of the first in vivo pharmacokinetic experiment is presented. This is based on in vitro values and physicochemical properties that are common in anti-tuberculosis drugs. If the probability of an informative experiment is critical, a terminal sampling of 40 mice is recommended. If imprecision and bias are necessary, zipper sampling of 10 mice is recommended.
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Implementation of a Pharmacokinetic Model to Estimate the Contribution of Infusion Systems to the Delayed Dosing of Morphine in Children / Implementering av en pharmacokinetisk modell för att uppskatta bidraget från infusionspumpssytem till den fördröjda doseringen av morfin hos barnSchaedel, Karin January 2022 (has links)
Infusion pumps administer medications like morphine to pediatric patients in order to manage pain. Drug delivery delays can be the result of flow rate variabilities in the infusion pump system. Due to the risk of over-or underdosing, this could have a high impact on the pediatric population. This study’s aim is to investigate the effect of drug dilution and dosing delays by investigating which factors affect the morphine concentration in the patient. Implementation of a previously developed population pharmacokinetic model was performed in MATLAB. Then combining it with a self-developed model of the infusion pump system, a model which included the infusion pump and the system between the pump and the patient. Simulations were performed to investigate the contributing factors. The results show that dosing delays decrease with an increasing patient’s age. There are larger morphine concentration variations with lower syringe flow rates. A decrease in dosage and a smaller syringe volume result in a shorter time of reaching a steady state concentration. Using the wrong syringe which is not compatible with the machine will lead to an increasing morphine concentration in the patient that does not reach a steady state. A limitation of the study was that no clinical data was used for the simulations. These results are useful for clinicians when making decisions regarding intravenous administration of morphine, potentially leading to fewer medication errors. / Infusionspumpar administrerar läkemedel som morfin till pediatriska patienter för smärtlindring. Fördröjning av läkemedelstillförsel kan vara resultatet av flödeshastighetsvariationer i infusionspumpsystemet. På grund av risken för över- eller underdosering kan detta ha en stor inverkan på den pediatriska populationen. Denna studies syfte är att undersöka effekten av läkemedels- utspädning och -fördröjning genom att undersöka vilka faktorer som påverkar koncentrationen av morfin i patienten. Implementering av en tidigare utvecklad populationsfarmakokinetisk modell gjordes i MATLAB . För att sedan kombinera den med en egenutvecklad modell av infusionspumpsystemet, en modell som inkluderade infusionspumpen och systemet mellan pumpen och patienten. Simuleringar utfördes för att undersöka de bidragande faktorerna. Resultaten visar att doseringsfördröjningar minskar med patientens stigande ålder. Det finns större koncentrationsvariationer med lägre sprutflödeshastig- heter. En minskning av dosen och en mindre sprutvolym resulterar i en kortare tid för att uppnå en steady state-koncentration. Användning av fel spruta som inte är kompatibel med maskinen kommer att leda till en ökad morfinkon- centration hos patienten som inte når ett stabilt tillstånd. En begränsning med studien var att inga klinisk data användes för simuleringarna. Dessa resultat är användbara för läkare när de fattar beslut om intravenös administrering av morfin, vilket potentiellt kan leda till färre medicineringsfel.
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ProTargetMiner one step further : Deep comparative proteomics of Dying vs. Surviving cancer cells treated with anticancer compoundsLundin, Albin January 2022 (has links)
Cancer is a leading cause of mortality worldwide, responsible for nearly one in six deaths. Thus, there is a need for a greater understanding of cancer for the development of novel therapeutics. This master thesis project aims to compare the proteome signatures between dying and surviving cancer cells treated with diverse anticancer drugs. The first aim is to investigate if drug targets behave similarly and have the same sign (up- or down-regulation) in dying versus surviving cells. The second aim is to validate that combining the dying cancer cell’s proteome with the surviving cell’s can help improve drug target rankings for anticancer treatments. The third aim is to identify proteins and pathways involved in life and death decisions by comparing dying and surviving states in response to the anticancer drugs in different cell lines. First, we demonstrate that drug target behaviour in dying versus surviving cells is almost identical for nine diverse anticancer compounds with a correlation of 0.93. To identify drug targets, orthogonal partial least squares-discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) modelling was performed to contrast the proteome signature of one anticancer drug against all other drugs and rank the proteins based on the magnitude of the model’s predictive component. There were occasions when the dying cells gave better rankings than the surviving ones. In some cases, the best target rankings were obtained when combining the data from both surviving and dying cells. To identify proteins and pathways involved in life and death decisions, OPLS-DA modelling contrasting the two states was performed, and heatmaps and scatterplots of dying and surviving log2 fold changes were made. As a result, several pathways involved in cell survival and cell death were identified. In addition, at least six proteins consistently differentially regulated between the surviving and dying cells were identified. Such proteins can be considered as putative survival (resistance) or sensitivity biomarkers and serve as potential drug targets for the development of novel anticancer agents.
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Linking Systems Models of Pharmacology with Behavioural Models of Adherence : A Feasibility Study / Länkande av farmakologiska modeller med beteendemodeller för medicinsk åtlydnad : En undersökning av genomförbarhetJenner, Simon, Amphan, Dennis January 2020 (has links)
Pharmacokinetic (PK)- and pharmacodynamic (PD) modeling are useful tools whenassessing treatment effect. A patient’s adherence can potentially be rate-limiting, since it isthe first process in a chain of processes that determines treatment effect. Therefore agreater system taking into consideration PKPD as well as adherence models couldpotentially unlock a greater system understanding. This study focuses on investigating thefeasibility of combining models concerning adherence, PK and PD. An extensive mapping of previously made work on the topics of PKPD model developmentand adherence models concerning type 2 diabetes was conducted. Results concluded thatthere are gaps in research regarding adequate adherence-scoring methods that easily can belinked to dosing regimens. Furthermore, there is lacking research regarding feedback fromexposure-response to adherence. A simple model was implemented to provide a proposedlinkage inhowthe connection could be made between adherence and a PKPD-model.Sensitivity analysis showed that the adherence scoring used (Summary of DiabetesSelf-Care Activities measure, SDSCA) had a moderate correlation to the final response onfasting plasma glucose (Spearman ρ=−0.478∗∗∗). This result suggests that adherenceshould be considered as a relatively important factor to weave in to systems models ofpharmacology and future research should be made on further developing modelsimplementing both social factors, such as adherence, as well as pharmacologic response. Apossible way could be linking dose regimen to adherence scoring. / Farmakokinetiska (PK)- och farmakodynamiska (PD) modeller är användbara verktyg vid utvärdering av effekten av en behandlingsplan. Patientens åtlydnad tilll läkemedelsordinationen kan potentiellt vara en begränsande faktor för behandlingsprocessen. Att utveckla större system som täcker farmakologiska- samt åtlydnadsmodeller skulle potentiellt kunna vara en väg till en förhöjd förståelse angående farmakologiska system. Denna studie fokuserar på att undersöka genomförbarheten av att koppla samman modeller angående farmakokinetik, farmakodynamik samt åtlydnadsmodeller. En omfattande kartläggning av tidigare utfört arbete angående utvecklingen av PKPD-modeller och åtlydnadsmodeller som utgick fr ̊an typ 2 diabetes utfördes. Resultatet av studien visade en avsaknad av forskning gällande definieringen och kvantifieringen avhur man mäter åtlydnad för simuleringssyften. Ytterligare saknades det forskning rörande system med återkoppling från farmakologiska segment av ett system tillbaka till åtlydnadsdelarna. En enkel modell implementerades som ett förslag till hur en potentiell sammankoppling skulle kunna utföras. En känslighetsanalys utfördes och visade att poängskattningen för åtlydnad, SDSCA (Summary of Diabetes Self-Care Activities), hade en måttlig korrelation (Spearman ρ=−0.478∗∗∗) till den slutgiltiga koncentrationen av glukos i plasma. Detta resultat innebär att åtlydnad har en koppling till förbättrandet av hyperglykemi och bör därför inte exkluderas vid framtida utveckling av modeller för farmakologi. En länk skulle kunna vara kopplingen mellan ”åtlydnads-poäng” och doseringsregim.
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Effect of methylphenidate treatment as an intervention for children diagnosed with ASD showing ADHD symptoms : Systematic ReviewBjörgvinsdóttir, Erna January 2023 (has links)
Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), previously known as Pervasive Development Disorder (PDD) is a developmental disorder present from early childhood. Children diagnosed with ASD commonly exhibit symptoms of ADHD resulting in increased severity of symptoms and impairment of functioning. This group of children is frequently treated with methylphenidate which has been recommended by some but criticised by others. This systematic review aims to explore the effect of methylphenidate treatment on symptoms of ASD, functioning and adverse effects Six articles were extracted from five different databases (Medline, Psych INFO, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science) and chosen based on a pre-determined inclusion and exclusion criteria. The results show that MPH treatment may be successful as an intervention for some children with ASD showing ADHD symptoms while other children are very susceptible to adverse effects with some being unable to tolerate the treatment. The chosen studies provided limited acknowledgement of the effect on functioning making it an important focus for future research. It is important that professionals are aware of the negative effects MPH might cause to ensure a positive outcome and well-being for children with this disorder. There is a need for further understanding of the connection between ASD and ADHD with additional exploration of possible moderators such as IQ, dose size and level of functioning.
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Investigating Amyloid β toxicity in Drosophila melanogasterJonson, Maria January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis Drosophila melanogaster (the fruit fly) has been used as a model organism to study the aggregation and toxic properties of the human amyloid β (Aβ) peptide involved in the onset of Alzheimer's disease (AD). AD is one of many misfolding diseases where the important event of a protein to adopt its’ specific three-dimensional structure has failed, leading to aggregation and formation of characteristic amyloid fibrils. AD has a complex pathology and probably reflects a variety of related molecular and cellular abnormalities, however, the most apparent common denominator so far is abnormal Amyloid-β precursor protein (APP) processing, resulting in a pool of various Aβ-peptides. In AD, the Aβ peptide misfolds, aggregates and forms amyloid plaques in the brain of patients, resulting in progressive neurodegeneration that eventually leads to death. By expressing the human Aβ protein in the fly, we have studied the mechanisms and toxicity of the aggregation in detail and how different cell types in the fly are affected. We have also used this model to investigate the effect of potential drugs that can have a positive impact on disease progression. In the first and second work in this thesis, we have, in a systematic way, proved that the length of the Aβ-peptide is essential for its toxicity and propensity to aggregate. If the peptide expressed ends at amino acid 42 it is extremely toxic to the fly nervous system. However, this toxicity can be completely abolished by expressing a variant that is shorter than 42 amino acids (1-37 to 1-41 aa), or be significantly reduced by expressing a longer variant (1-43 aa). Toxicity can be partly mitigated in trans by co-expressing the 1-42 variant with a 1-38 variant. This supports the theory that the disease progression could be inhibited if the formation of Aβ 1-42 is decreased. In the third work we demonstrate that amyloid aggregates can be found in various cell types of Drosophila, however, the toxicity seem to be selective to neurons. Our results indicate that the aggregates of glial expressing flies have a more mature structure, which appear to be less toxic. This also suggests that glial cells might spread Aβ aggregates without being harmed. The last work in this thesis investigates how curcumin (turmeric) can affect Aβ aggregation and toxicity. Curcumin appears to shift the equilibrium between the less stable aggregates and mature fibers toward the final stage resulting in an improved lifespan for treated flies. In summary, this thesis demonstrates that the toxicity of Aβ in Drosophila is highly dependent on the Aβ variant expressed, the structure of the protein aggregates and which cell type that expresses the protein. We have also shed light on the potential of using Drosophila when it comes to examining possible therapeutic substances as a tool for drug discovery.
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Molecular Mechanisms of Reward and AversionKlawonn, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Various molecular pathways in the brain shape our understanding of good and bad, as well as our motivation to seek and avoid such stimuli. This work evolves around how systemic inflammation causes aversion; and why general unpleasant states such as sickness, stress, pain and nausea are encoded by our brain as undesirable; and contrary to these questions, how drugs of abuse can subjugate the motivational neurocircuitry of the brain. A common feature of these various disease states is involvement of the motivational neurocircuitry - from mesolimbic to striatonigral pathways. Having an intact motivational system is what helps us evade negative outcomes and approach natural positive reinforcers, which is essential for our survival. During disease-states the motivational neurocircuitry may be overthrown by the molecular mechanisms that originally were meant to aid us. In study I, to investigate how inflammation is perceived as aversive, we used a behavioral test based on Pavlovian place conditioning with the aversive inflammatory stimulus E. coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Using a combination of cell-type specific gene deletions, pharmacology, and chemogenetics, we uncovered that systemic inflammation triggered aversion by MyD88-dependent activation of the brain endothelium followed by COX1-mediated cerebral prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) synthesis. Moreover, we showed that inflammation-induced PGE2 targeted EP1 receptors on striatal dopamine D1 receptor–expressing neurons and that this signaling sequence induced aversion through GABA-mediated inhibition of dopaminergic cells. Finally, inflammation-induced aversion was not an indirect consequence of fever or anorexia but constituted an independent inflammatory symptom triggered by a unique molecular mechanism. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that PGE2-mediated modulation of the dopaminergic circuitry is a key mechanism underlying inflammation-induced aversion. In study II, we investigate the role of peripheral IFN-γ in LPS induced conditioned place aversion by employing a strategy based on global and cell-type specific gene deletions, combined with measures of gene-expression. LPS induced IFN-ɣ expression in the blood, and deletion of IFN-ɣ or its receptor prevented conditioned place aversion (CPA) to LPS. LPS increased the expression of chemokine Cxcl10 in the striatum of normal mice. This induction was absent in mice lacking IFN-ɣ receptors or Myd88 in blood brain barrier endothelial cells. Furthermore, inflammation-induced aversion was blocked in mice lacking Cxcl10 or its receptor Cxcr3. Finally, mice with a selective deletion of the IFN-ɣ receptor in brain endothelial cells did not develop inflammation-induced aversion. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that circulating IFN-ɣ binding to receptors on brain endothelial cells which induces Cxcl10, is a central link in the signaling chain eliciting inflammation-induced aversion. In study III, we explored the role of melanocortin 4 receptors (MC4Rs) in aversive processing using genetically modified mice in CPA to various stimuli. In normal mice, robust aversions were induced by systemic inflammation, nausea, pain and kappa opioid receptor-induced dysphoria. In sharp contrast, mice lacking MC4Rs displayed preference towards most of the aversive stimuli, but were indifferent to pain. The unusual flip from aversion to reward in mice lacking MC4Rs was dopamine-dependent and associated with a change from decreased to increased activity of the dopamine system. The responses to aversive stimuli were normalized when MC4Rs were re-expressed on dopamine D1 receptor-expressing cells or in the striatum of mice otherwise lacking MC4Rs. Furthermore, activation of arcuate nucleus proopiomelanocortin neurons projecting to the ventral striatum increased the activity of striatal neurons in a MC4R-dependent manner and elicited aversion. Our findings demonstrate that melanocortin signaling through striatal MC4Rs is critical for assigning negative motivational valence to harmful stimuli. The neurotransmitter acetylcholine has been implied in reward learning and drug addiction. However, the role of cholinergic receptor subtypes in such processes remains elusive. In study IV we investigated the function of muscarinic M4Rs on dopamine D1R expressing neurons and acetylcholinergic neurons, using transgenic mice in various reward-enforced behaviors and in a “waiting”-impulsivity test. Mice lacking M4-receptors from D1-receptor expressing neurons exhibited an escalated reward seeking phenotype towards cocaine and natural reward, in Pavlovian conditioning and an operant self-administration task, respectively. In addition, the M4-D1RCre mice showed impaired waiting impulsivity in the 5-choice-serial-reaction-time-task. On the contrary, mice without M4Rs in acetylcholinergic neurons were unable to learn positive reinforcement to natural reward and cocaine, in an operant runway paradigm and in Pavlovian conditioning. Immediate early gene expression mirrored the behavioral findings arising from M4R-D1R knockout, as cocaine induced cFos and FosB was significantly increased in the forebrain of M4-D1RCre mice, whereas it remained normal in the M4R-ChatCre mice. Our study illustrates that muscarinic M4Rs on specific neural populations, either cholinergic or D1R-expressing, are pivotal for learning processes related to both natural reward and drugs of abuse, with opposing functionality.
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Characterisation of anandamide uptake in resting and activated murine cellsFredriksson Sundbom, Marcus January 2015 (has links)
Modifying the metabolism of the body’s own endocannabinoids is a novel approach for analgesia. Two key catabolic enzymes are fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) and inflammation-inducible cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2). The cellular uptake of the key endocannabinoid anandamide (AEA) has been found to be regulated by its FAAH-catalysed intracellular degradation, but COX-2 has not been investigated in this respect. We aimed to find out whether or not COX-2 in an in vitro inflammation setting would be able to gate AEA uptake. To achieve this, C6 cells and Raw 264.7 cells were stimulated with LPS/INF-γ and lysates then analyzed by immunoblot in order to verify COX-2 expression. AEA cellular uptake was quantified using a radioassay with [3H]-AEA. It was found that COX-2 was not inducible in C6 cells using the LPS/INF-γ conditions studied, while it was inducible in Raw 264.7 cells. AEA uptake in the COX-2-induced Raw 264.7 cells was not reduced by inhibitors of this enzyme. FAAH appeared to be down-regulated in the stimulated Raw 264.7 cells, and this was reflected in an overall lower AEA uptake. Our interpretation of the data points to FAAH as gating AEA uptake. Additional experiments are required to validate our findings by verifying significance.
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