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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Våld i Sverige : Skadefrekvens & riskuppfattning i relation till bakgrundsfaktorer / Violence in Sweden : Injury frequency & risk perception in relation to background factors

Granängen, Christian January 2020 (has links)
Inledning: Varje dag drabbas i genomsnitt 250 personer av fysiskt- och sexuellt våld i Sverige, vilket leder till cirka 90 dödsfall och cirka 2000 allvarligt skadade per år. Våld är något som traditionellt studeras utifrån det kriminologiska forskningsområdet, men som i denna undersökning angrips tvärvetenskapligt med stöd i både den kriminologiska, men framförallt i de epidemiologiska- och riskperceptionella perspektiven. För att konstruera effektiva preventionsunderlag för skador (våld), krävs gedigen kunskap om den målgrupp som insatsen fokuserar. Genom att undersöka en målgrupp som oftast inte är föremål för kriminologisk forskning - studenter i åldern 20-34 år - kan detaljerad och fördjupad kunskap i någon form skapas, vilket utreder eventuella preventionsbehov samt bidrar till ett framtida preventionsunderlag.      Metod: Denna studie har en kvantitativ studiedesign där datainsamlingen utförts med hjälp av ett digitalt enkätformulär. Valet av ett kvantitativt angreppssätt baseras på studiens syfte, vilket är av tvärsnittsdesign och kräver kvantifierbara data. Datainsamlingen utfördes via studentgrupper på Facebook, där sammanlagt fem högskolor och universitet geografiskt fördelat över Sverige ingick. Enkätformuläret bestod av tre avsnitt med totalt 30 frågor. Frågorna gjordes om till variabler och strukturerades i programmet SPSS till ett dataset med diverse omkodningar. Analysen av datamaterialet utfördes dels rent deskriptivt, men även utifrån bivariata korstabellsanalyser med Pearson´s Chi2-test som metod för sambandstestning. De etiska aspekterna i studien har dels följt Karlstads Universitets riktlinjer gällande GDPR, men även Vetenskapsrådets fyra etiska krav. Resultat: Resultatet från de 486 respondenterna tyder på en relativt hög utsatthet för våld i den undersökta populationen studenter i åldern 20-34 år. Män utsätts i större utsträckning av fysiskt våld, medan kvinnor utsätts för sexuellt våld. Det fysiska våld som drabbar kvinnor inträffar oftast inomhus och utövas av en partner/ex-partner, medan männen utsätts utomhus av en okänd utövare. När det gäller riskuppfattning finns en utbredd oro för att drabbas av våld, vilket i många fall hänger samman med tryggheten i bostadsområdet. Otryggheten leder även till förändringar av rutiner och aktiviteter. Kopplat till bakgrundsfaktorer har förtroendet för rättssystemet, narkotika, tobak, egen våldsutövning samt kön och ålder visat sig vara faktorer som spelar in i utsattheten för våld samt i den angivna riskuppfattning rörande att utsättas för våld.   Diskussion: Utsattheten för våld i den undersökta populationen är hög, vilket i kombination med en påtaglig riskuppfattning och oro för att utsättas visar på behovet av ett välunderbyggt preventionsunderlag. Resultatet för den undersökta gruppen stämmer även till vis del väl överens med det som tidigare statistik och forskning har visat. Bakgrundsfaktorer så som narkotikaanvändning, våldsutövning och lågt förtroende är faktorer som ökar utsattheten och leder till större oro att utsättas igen. Analysen tyder på att de som utsätts för fysiskt våld, även tenderar att vara mer utsatta för även sexuellt våld. Det verkar även som om de som utövar våld, i större omfattning själva är utsatta för våld. Det finns också ett samband mellan större oro och utsatthet, samt mellan reell erfarenhet av sexuellt våld och den egna riskuppfattning rörande samma våldstyp. Detta samband finns dock inte för fysiskt våld, vilket eventuellt kan handla om en sorts avtrubbning. Det kan även bero på felkunskap via massmedias något skeva rapportering. / Introduction: Every day an average of 250 people are affected by physical- and sexual violence in Sweden, which leads to about 90 deaths and about 2000 seriously injured per year. Violence is something that is traditionally studied based on the criminological research area, but which in this study is interdisciplinary with support in both the criminological, but especially in the epidemiological and risk perceptual perspectives. To construct effective prevention bases for injuries (violence), solid knowledge of the target group that the intervention focuses on is required. By examining a target group that is not usually the subject of criminological research - students aged 20-34 - can be detailed and in-depth knowledge in some form be created, which investigates possible prevention needs and contributes to a future prevention basis.   Methods: This study has a quantitative study design in which data collection was carried out using a digital questionnaire. The choice of a quantitative approach is based on the purpose of the study, which is of cross-sectional design and requires quantifiable data. The data collection was conducted through student groups on Facebook, which included a total of five universities geographically distributed. The questionnaire consisted of three sections with a total of 30 questions. The questions were converted into variables and structured in the SPSS program into a dataset with various recodes. The analysis of the data material was performed partly purely descriptively but also based on bivariate cross-table analyzes using Pearson's Chi2-test as a method for correlation testing. The ethical aspects of the study have partly followed Karlstad University's guidelines on GDPR, but also the basis of the Swedish Research Council's four ethical requirements.   Results: The results from the 486 respondents indicate a relatively high risk of violence in the studied population of students aged 20-34 years. Men are more frequently subjected to physical violence, while women are subjected to sexual violence. The physical violence that affects women usually occurs indoors and is practised by a partner/ex-partner, while the men are exposed outdoors by an unknown practitioner. When it comes to risk perception, there is widespread concern about being affected by violence, which in many cases is related to the security of the housing area. The insecurity also leads to changes in routines and activities. In connection with background factors, confidence in the justice system, drugs, tobacco, own violence and gender and age are factors that play a role in the exposure to violence and in the stated risk perception of being subjected to violence.   Discussion: The exposure to violence in the population studied is high, which in combination with significant risk perception and concern about being exposed indicates the need for a well-founded prevention basis. The results for the investigated group are also, to a certain extent, well in line with previous statistics and research. Background factors such as drug use, violence, and trust are factors that increase vulnerability and lead to greater concern about being exposed again. The analysis suggests that those who are subjected to physical violence also tend to be more vulnerable to sexual violence as well. It also seems that those who practice violence are themselves subject to violence to a greater extent. There is also a connection between greater anxiety and vulnerability, as well as between real experience of sexual violence and one's risk perception regarding the same type of violence. This connection, however, does not exist for physical violence, which may involve a kind of psychic numbing. This may also be due to the lack of knowledge, via the somewhat skewed reporting of the media.

Internalized Shame as a Moderating Variable for Inhibited Sexual Difficulties in Adult Women Resulting From Childhood Sexual Abuse

Robinson, Kristine 23 May 2006 (has links) (PDF)
An adult female sample of childhood sexual abuse survivors (N=467) were surveyed to determine whether internalized shame moderated the effects of sexual inhibited difficulties. Other variables such as severity, duration, and frequency of sexual abuse, as well as whether physical abuse was also part of their experience, were examined to determine their role in later sexual inhibition. It was predicted that there would be a significant positive relationship between 1) Scores on variables of physical abuse, severity of abuse, frequency of abuse, duration of abuse, identity of the perpetrator and scores on the variable of inhibited sexual difficulties; 2) Scores of internalized shame and scores of inhibited sexual difficulties and 3) Scores on variable of physical abuse, severity of abuse, frequency of abuse, duration of abuse, identity of the perpetrator and scores on the variables of internalized shame. Through Structural Equation Modeling using AMOS, the results indicated a statistically significant positive relationship between severity, frequency and inhibited sexual disturbances but found no direct relationship between physical abuse, the identity of the perpetrator, the duration of the abuse and inhibited sexual disturbances. Results also indicated that shame had a direct positive relationship to inhibited sexual disturbances. The third finding was that physical abuse and severity of abuse had a significant positive relationship with shame which implies that shame is a moderating variable for inhibited sexual disturbances in adult women survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Internalized shame may be an important factor for therapists to consider in helping survivors overcome sexual inhibition as a result of childhood sexual abuse. If a woman develops a shame-prone identity she may be at risk for experiencing inhibition in her sexuality.

The metamorphosis of feelings: Approaching a sensorial visual design based on audible perceptions

Gallardo Yébenes, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
Atmospheres, events, feelings, every sensation has its own music. And the human being has been highly educated to feel the glamour of them through the hearing sense. We know how a terrifying situation sounds like; what would be the musical accompaniment for a warzone scenario or what is the perfect piece for getting into a state of relaxation. Thanks to music design it has been possible to immerse the spectator into a deeper sensorial perception experience. Users close their eyes, and feel. What if we close our ears, and feel? This thesis aims to transport the qualities of sound that produces feelings into people, to visual values communicated by an approach to architectural lighting design into architectural spaces. A music example is chosen according to the intended emotion to be transposed. It is analysed, evaluated and related to a series of theoretical fundamentals based on visual psychology, human experience, multisensorial connections and lighting design. Laws of correlation are stablished and applied to a case study which ends as a theoretical concept design of an architectural lighting design installation. Closing the document, a statement of guidelines for the conversion of subjective emotional qualities perceived from musical examples is stablished and discussed the use of it in architecture.

Patienters upplevelse av preoperativ information gällande luftvägshantering samt postoperativa halsbesvär : En intervjustudie / Patient’s experiences of pre-operative information regarding air way management and post-operative throat inconvenience : An interview study

Sörberg, Martin January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Information är en viktig del i anestesisjuksköterskans möte med patienten. Information som verktyg, syftar till en bättre omvårdnad och patientsäkerhet. Vid en sövning kontrolleras patienters luftväg och andning varvid halsont och heshet kan upplevas postoperativt. Postoperativt halsont och heshet är vanligt och drabbar flertalet patienter. Att ge preoperativ information om luftvägshantering samt eventuella postoperativa halsbesvär kan därför vara av betydelse för patienters välbefinnande. Syfte: Att undersöka patienters upplevelser av preoperativ information gällande luftvägshantering samt postoperativa halsbesvär. Metod: Kvalitativ intervjustudie. 8 semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes på patienter som opererats i generell anestesi. Resultat: Intervjuerna resulterade i tre olika kategorier med respektive underkategorier. Känslor inför operation; i en stressad situation kände patienterna förtroende och tillit samt att lugn och trygghet ingavs. Vikten av att avväga informationsmängd; vissa upplevde för mycket information, andra för lite och det är viktigt med individanpassad information efter vad respektive patient vill veta. Informationssätt; hur, när och var information ges, påverkar patienterna, kontinuerlig och kortfattad information med möjlighet att få ställa frågor upplevs positivt. Slutsats: Patienter är olika och reagerar olika på informationsmängd samt informationssätt. Det är därför viktigt att anpassa informationsmängden och ge individanpassad information format efter patienten. Att få ingående information om luftvägsförfarande upplevs av vissa som obehagligt. Information om postoperativa halsbesvär lugnar. / Background: Information is an important part of the nurse anesthetist’s encounterwith the patient. Information as a tool, aims for a better care and safety for the patient. During an anesthesia, the patients airway and breathing is controlled, wherein sore throat and hoarsness can occur post operative. Post operative sore throat and hoarsness are common and affect many patients. Giving preoperative information regarding airway management and probable postoperative sore throat inconvenience, can be of importance of the patients well-being. Objectives: To analyze patients experiences of preoperative information regarding airway management and postoperative throat inconvenience. Methods: Qualitative interviews study. 8 semi structured interviews, were conducted on patients who had been operated in general anesthesia. Results: The interviews resulted in three different categories with respectively sub categories. Feelings before surgery; in a stressful situation the patients felt confidence and trust, and also that calm and safety were submitted. The importance of estimating amount of information; some experienced too much information, others too little and that it is important with personalized information, fitted for what each and other patient wants to know. Means of information; where, when and how the information is given, affects the patients. Continious and concised information, with opportunity to ask questions, is experienced as positive. Conclusions: Patients are different and reacts different on the amount of information and means of information. It is therefor important to adjust the amount of information and to give personalized information suited for each and other patient. Given thorough information about airway management is experienced by some patients as unpleasant. Given information about postoperative throat inconvenience soothes.Keywords preoperative information; airway management; postoperative throatinconvenience; feelings; amount of information; means of information.

Brand loyalty to arts festivals : case of KKNK / Su-Marie Lemmer

Lemmer, Su-Marie January 2011 (has links)
The primary purpose of this study was to determine the status of brand loyalty to art festivals with reference to Klein Karoo national Arts Festival (KKNK). This was achieved by firstly analysing and discussing the role of branding in tourism marketing. Secondly, a literature study was conducted to analyse the concept brand loyalty. Thirdly, the results of the empirical research were discussed and finally the conclusions were drawn from the research and recommendations were made with regard to visitors’ loyalty to the KKNK. Literature indicated that when marketing a tourism product or service it involves a complex bundle of value, which is intangible, inseparable, variable and perishable. Therefore the tourist’s experience with the product is important to keep in mind. Every tourist counts in the tourism industry therefore knowledge related to the needs and wants of the tourists. This can be determined by market research that is designed to collect, analyse, interpret and report information. The marketer can use this information to create a marketing mix, however, in the tourism and hospitality industry the four P’s (price, promotion, product, place) are extended with more P’s, namely people, physical environment, processes, packaging, participation, productservice mix, presentation mix and communication mix. The tourism product or festival should be positioned in the minds of the tourists and this cannot be achieved without branding the product. The brand name is used to identify and differentiate the product from its competitors. It also creates meaning for the tourist and establishes a competitive position in the minds of the tourist. Brand loyalty should be an important marketing goal of the tourism product because it reduces a brand’s vulnerability to competitors’ action and create a committed relationship with the tourists that insure lifelong visiting behaviour among tourists or positive word-of-mouth recommendations. Brand loyalty is build on six levels which can also be utilised to determine the visitors loyalty towards the brand and to assist the marketer on focussing on areas which should be improved to achieve a higher level of loyalty. The aim of the marketer should be to achieve the highest level of brand loyalty namely Resonance. For the purpose of this study the visitors’ profile and the current status of brand loyalty, were measured by means of a questionnaire and the objective of the questionnaire was to determine how loyal the visitors were to the KKNK. The questionnaires were distributed among the visitors at the KKNK in Oudtshoorn, in April 2009. Availability sampling was used to collect the data based on the fact that the respondents were conveniently available on the festival grounds and at show venues and willing to complete the questionnaires. A total of 422 questionnaires were completed during the festival. The factor analysis determined that Brand Feelings were the loyalty level that was rated the highest by the respondents to the KKNK. Therefore it was determined that the visitors’ loyalty to KKNK is currently at the fifth loyalty level and will have the most influence on the visitors when deciding to visit or recommend the KKNK. This is expected for a festival that is 15 years old however, the organisers of the KKNK can continue to improve the visitors loyalty until they reach the sixth and highest, loyalty level. This study contributes to the limited available literature on brand loyalty to arts festivals. / Thesis (M.Com. (Tourism))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Känslostormar : Emotionellt lärande vid museer / Storm of Emotions : Affective learning at museums

Andersson, Jimmy January 2016 (has links)
The emotional part of a museum experience is being debated and there is research pointing towards the affective part of learning. The purpose of this study is to examine how museum pedagogues reason about the usage of affective learning in their work and to investigate whether they consider affective pedagogy is a part of their work or not. Furthermore how they consider themselves working, or not working, with feelings in their pedagogy. A key factor in this study has been to work interdisciplinary with both museum pedagogy and social science with theoretical perspectives of feelings such as happiness, sadness, anger, disgust and fear, and with theories such as Feelings & materiality and Pedagogy of Feeling. Methodologically a qualitative interview study museum pedagogues have been used together with observation of four Swedish state- and country museums. In this thesis it is shown that the interviewed museum pedagogues indeed have acknowledged the fact that the museum is an affective place, but the interviewed had different way of make use of feelings. They all agree on the fact that feelings can support the learning process, and that all the different feelings have their own effect on learning. Also that the museum pedagogues have some influence on the feeling that the exhibitions are to emit, which could be used in the pedagogues favor if the exhibition consists of hard and problematic feelings. However, in contrast to this it seems that few of the museum pedagogues discuss the affective influence of a upcoming exhibition or program, or evaluate a project in what feeling the visitors experienced during the visit. This is a two years master’s thesis in Archive, Library and Museum studies.

Relationships Between Student Alienation in the Secondary School and Student Attitudes Toward Selected Factors in the School Environment: An Exploratory Correlational Study

MacQuigg, Georganna 05 1900 (has links)
The problem of this study was to identify relationships which might exist between variables measuring alienation feelings in high school students and variables measuring attitudes exhibited by those students toward the school environment. Mackey's Adolescent Alienation Scale was used to obtain student scores on three dimensions of alienation—Personal Incapacity, Cultural Estrangement, and Guidelessness. The Minnesota School Attitude Survey (MSAS) was used to obtain scores on attitudes toward factors in the school environment: School Curriculum, Self at School, Others at School, Support Received at School, Pressure at School, and Personal Development at School. Pearson Product moment correlations were computed for each dimension of alienation and the attitude clusters. Correlations were computed for each of nine statistical subgroups which comprised the sample group of 294 students— ninth-, tenth-, eleventh-, and twelfth-grade subgroups, male and female subgroups, and Anglo, Black, and Hispanic subgroups. Students in the population for the study were enrolled in a traditionally-organized, comprehensive curriculum, racially-integrated urban high school in a large-city public school district. Findings revealed that the single most influential environmental factor related to student alienation in this study was a feeling of pressure in the school setting. Pressure was related directly both to feelings of Personal Incapacity and to feelings of Guidelessness. Also, the greater students' feelings of Personal Incapacity, the less pleasant (more unpleasant) they felt their experiences were with the curriculum, themselves, and others at school. Alienation in the sense of Cultural Estrangement was related strongly and inversely to personal growth and development experiences at school. Feelings of Guidelessness were associated inversely with both students' attitudes of pleasantness/unpleasantness and their attitudes of importance/unimportance toward the school curriculum, themselves, and others at school. It is recommended that studies be conducted to determine specific learning activities, school experiences, and organizational processes which can reduce effectively students' feelings of alienation in the school setting.

Attention Style and Appreciation: The Differences between Gratitude and Indebtedness

Mathews, Maureen A. 01 January 2007 (has links)
Gratitude and indebtedness are construed as separate constructs in recent research.It is hypothesized by this thesis that self-focused attention affects feelings of gratitude and indebtedness. Focusing less attention on the self, thus turning attention resources outward, may allow for the experience of gratitude, whereas focusing inward may create feelings of indebtedness. Two studies examined how focusing one's attention inward may be related to indebtedness, whereas being focused outward may be related to gratitude. A correlational study showed that people who self-focus tend to feel more indebtedness and less gratitude. An experiment was designed to show that manipulating social anxiety, a specific type of self-focused attention, would increase feelings of indebtedness and decrease feelings of gratitude. However, no significant differences of indebtedness or gratitude were found between the experimental condition and control condition.

Regards portés par des soldats français sur des soldats allemands pendant la Grande Guerre / French soldiers’ views on German soldiers during the First World War

Geslin, Anne 17 May 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse retrace les sentiments de soldats français et d’anciens combattants de la Grande Guerre en regard des soldats allemands. Elle se fonde sur des sources orales – témoignages oraux et vidéos –, manuscrites – correspondance, dossiers du contrôle postal –, imprimées – journaux des tranchées, presse nationale, régionale, notices communales, témoignages publiés. L’objectif est de classifier, graduer et évaluer la présence ou non de haine sur un échantillon représentatif des corps, métiers, grades, statuts, origines sociales et géographiques dans l’armée française.Les thématiques abordées inscrivent cette recherche à la confluence de deux champs historiographiques, celui de l’histoire culturelle et de l’histoire militaire, ainsi qu’à l’interface de la psychologie sociale.Il s’agit tout d’abord de présenter la part de l’assimilation culturelle notamment via la presse et la satire, d’étudier l’influence supposée ou réelle de l’éducation scolaire et familiale, sur l’état d’esprit des mobilisés et appelés au moment du départ à la guerre. Ensuite, au travers du conflit, les sentiments des soldats à l’égard de l’ennemi, empreints de fiel et d’animosité au moment des attaques, des prises de prisonniers, de la connaissance des exactions, peuvent se mouvoir par un processus d’identification, de prise en considération ou même de respect pour celui qui partage le même quotidien, et fluctuer tout au long de la belligérance. Ce caractère évolutif peut dénoter une certaine ambigüité et reflète surtout la part d’incertitude, inhérente à l’appréciation des sentiments humains. / This thesis traces back the feelings of French soldiers and First World War veterans towards German soldiers. It is based on oral sources- oral testimonies and videos-, handwritten sources - mail, postal censorship files – and printed sources – trench diaries, national and regional press, municipal records, published testimonies.The aim is to classify, rank, and evaluate the existence of Hate on a representative cohort of corps, occupations, positions, status, social and geographical backgrounds within the French Army.The tackled themes set at the confluence of two distinct historiographic fields, cultural History and military History, are in the meantime interfacing with social psychology.First, the work presents the part of cultural assimilation, mainly via press and satire. It studies the real or assumed influence of schooling or family education on the state of mind of the mobilised men or the conscripts at the time of war departure.Then, throughout the conflict, the feelings towards the Enemy, sometimes appalled and reviled during the attacks, the capture of prisoners, the awareness of exactions, are possibly changing by an identification process, a growing consideration or even respect towards the one who shares the same everyday life, and thus fluctuate all along the war.That evolution may reveal some ambiguity and particularly reflect the part of uncertainty inherent to any human feelings appreciation.

Phénoménologie et éthique des valeurs selon Husserl / Husserl’s phenomenology and ethics of values

Le Quitte, Samuel 29 November 2013 (has links)
La philosophie de Husserl est guidée par la volonté d'atteindre une connaissance objective du monde. La description de l'expérience de la conscience qu'elle propose porte en effet d'abord sur l'expérience des vécus par lesquels nous prenons connaissance du monde et sur les différences qu'il existe entre une connaissance authentique et une simple présomption, une croyance ou une illusion. Mais cette priorité de la connaissance objective dans l'ordre de la méthode ne doit pas occulter l'antériorité, dans l'ordre réel, de l'expérience non-conceptuelle et inobjective des biens. En effet, le monde se donne à nous d'abord comme un monde de biens et comme la manifestation sensible de certaines valeurs. Nous voyons de beaux objets, nous trouvons l'espace utile ou pratique, nous sommes attirés par un bruit, gênés par une lumière, etc. Comment concilier ces deux exigences, celle de la méthode et celle de l'expérience ? Cette question porte sur les conditions de possibilité de la phénoménologie elle-même, puisque cette méthode, pour intégrer le nouveau genre de problèmes que posent les valeurs, dans l'ordre esthétique ou éthique, doit s'amender en permanence. Les valeurs touchent en effet aux limites de la description des actes objectivants, car elles relèvent d'une dimension qui n'est pas assimilable à celle de la nature objective des choses. Les valeurs éthiques, plus précisément, touchent aux limites de l'exigence phénoménologique de l'unité de la raison et du strict parallélisme entre les différents types d'actes correspondant aux divers registres de l'expérience (théorique, axiologique et pratique). Ainsi, l'injustice ou la vertu ne se donnent pas à la manière dont se donnent les choses dans la perception sensible et ne sauraient faire l'objet d'une « constitution intentionnelle » depuis les prestations subjectives. Le sens d'une valeur ne dépasse-t-il pas toujours et par principe les possibilités constitutives du sujet ? En d'autres termes, peut-on penser les valeurs éthiques comme des « analoga » des propriétés empiriques des objets, dont il faudrait rendre compte et qu'il faudrait parvenir à connaître de manière objective, ou bien n'y a-t-il pas là un ordre qui échappe à la description, voire au rêve husserlien d'une science de tous les phénomènes et d'une description pure de tous les types d'expérience ? Pour répondre à cette question, nous procédons en deux temps. Le premier s'interroge sur les conditions de possibilité d'une théorie des valeurs élaborée au fil de la méthode phénoménologique, c'est-à-dire au moyen d'un double réquisit – analogique et transcendantal. Le second montre comment la compréhension du sens des valeurs éthiques implique des glissements et des réélaborations de cette méthode qui ont pour fonction de révéler, à la racine des actes d'évaluation et de volition qui se rapportent aux valeurs, la vie et l'œuvre du sujet éthique. / Husserl's philosophy is an attempt to obtain objective knowledge on the world, which offers a description of the cognitive consciousness, in order to distinguish a presumptive or an illusory belief and an authentic knowledge. However, such a methodological precedence of the objective knowledge should not hide the actual priority of a non-objective and pre-predicative experience of the world. Indeed, the world first appears to us as a practical and valuable world. We can see beautiful objects, useful tools, pleasant landscapes. One is drawn by a sound or disturbed by a light. How are these two points of view to be reconciled? May we conciliate the methodological priority of theoretical consciousness and the empirical precedence of values and goods? This question deals with the possibility of phenomenology itself, because this philosophical method has to transform itself in order to take into account the idiosyncratic kinds of problems that raise the experience of values. Values reach the limits of the “objectifying consciousness's” possibilities. Because they do not belong to the realm of nature, values are not one of the empirical properties of things. More precisely, ethical values query the need of unity in Reason and the need of a strict parallelism between different intentional acts. May injustice or virtue appear as do so colours or shapes in the sensible world? Can these values be intentionally constituted? Does the meaning of values ever exceed the constitutive capabilities in the subject? In order to answer these questions, two fields shall be developed. The first one questions the possibility of a value theory, which is brought by the phenomenological method, that is to say, through a demand of analogy and a demand of transcendental constitution. The second one indicates how the understanding of ethical values implies some shifting and new elaborations in the methodology itself, in order to show, behind the rationality of emotional and volitional acts, the life and work of the ethical subject.

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