Spelling suggestions: "subject:"feynman"" "subject:"feynmann""
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Feynman integrals and hyperlogarithmsPanzer, Erik 06 March 2015 (has links)
Wir untersuchen Feynman-Integrale in der Darstellung mit Schwinger-Parametern und leiten rekursive Integralgleichungen für masselose 3- und 4-Punkt-Funktionen her. Eigenschaften der analytischen (und dimensionalen) Regularisierung werden zusammengefasst und wir beweisen, dass in der Euklidischen Region jedes Feynman-Integral als eine Linearkombination konvergenter Feynman-Integrale geschrieben werden kann. Dies impliziert, dass man stets eine Basis aus konvergenten Masterintegralen wählen kann und somit divergente Integrale nicht selbst berechnet werden müssen. Weiterhin geben wir eine in sich geschlossene Darstellung der Theorie der Hyperlogarithmen und erklären detailliert die nötigen Algorithmen, um diese für die Berechnung mehrfacher Integrale anzuwenden. Wir definieren eine neue Methode um die Singularitäten solcher Integrale zu bestimmen und stellen ein Computerprogramm vor, welches die Integrationsalgorithmen implementiert. Unser Hauptresultat ist die Konstruktion unendlicher Familien masseloser 3- und 4-Punkt-Funktionen (diese umfassen unter anderem alle Leiter-Box-Graphen und deren Minoren), deren Feynman-Integrale zu allen Ordnungen in der epsilon-Entwicklung durch multiple Polylogarithmen dargestellt werden können. Diese Integrale können mit dem vorgestellten Programm explizit berechnet werden. Die Arbeit enthält interessante Beispiele von expliziten Ergebnissen für Feynman-Integrale mit bis zu 6 Schleifen. Insbesondere präsentieren wir den ersten exakt bestimmten Gegenterm in masseloser phi^4-Theorie, der kein multipler Zetawert ist sondern eine Linearkombination multipler Polylogarithmen, ausgewertet an primitiven sechsten Einheitswurzeln (und geteilt durch die Quadratwurzel aus 3). Zu diesem Zweck beweisen wir ein Paritätsresultat über die Zerlegbarkeit der Real- und Imaginärteile solcher Zahlen in Produkte und Beiträge geringerer Tiefe (depth). / We study Feynman integrals in the representation with Schwinger parameters and derive recursive integral formulas for massless 3- and 4-point functions. Properties of analytic (including dimensional) regularization are summarized and we prove that in the Euclidean region, each Feynman integral can be written as a linear combination of convergent Feynman integrals. This means that one can choose a basis of convergent master integrals and need not evaluate any divergent Feynman graph directly. Secondly we give a self-contained account of hyperlogarithms and explain in detail the algorithms needed for their application to the evaluation of multivariate integrals. We define a new method to track singularities of such integrals and present a computer program that implements the integration method. As our main result, we prove the existence of infinite families of massless 3- and 4-point graphs (including the ladder box graphs with arbitrary loop number and their minors) whose Feynman integrals can be expressed in terms of multiple polylogarithms, to all orders in the epsilon-expansion. These integrals can be computed effectively with the presented program. We include interesting examples of explicit results for Feynman integrals with up to 6 loops. In particular we present the first exactly computed counterterm in massless phi^4 theory which is not a multiple zeta value, but a linear combination of multiple polylogarithms at primitive sixth roots of unity (and divided by the square-root of 3). To this end we derive a parity result on the reducibility of the real- and imaginary parts of such numbers into products and terms of lower depth.
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Topics on backward stochastic differential equations : theoretical and practical aspectsLionnet, Arnaud January 2013 (has links)
This doctoral thesis is concerned with some theoretical and practical questions related to backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs) and more specifically their connection with some parabolic partial differential equations (PDEs). The thesis is made of three parts. In the first part, we study the probabilistic representation for a class of multidimensional PDEs with quadratic nonlinearities of a special form. We obtain a representation formula for the PDE solution in terms of the solutions to a Lipschitz BSDE. We then use this representation to obtain an estimate on the gradient of the PDE solutions by probabilistic means. In the course of our analysis, we are led to prove some results for the associated multidimensional quadratic BSDEs, namely an existence result and a partial uniqueness result. In the second part, we study the well-posedness of a very general quadratic reflected BSDE driven by a continuous martingale. We obtain the comparison theorem, the special comparison theorem for reflected BSDEs (which allows to compare the increasing processes of two solutions), the uniqueness and existence of solutions, as well as a stability result. The comparison theorem (from which uniqueness follows) and the special comparison theorem are obtained through natural techniques and minimal assumptions. The existence is based on a perturbative procedure, and holds for a driver whis is Lipschitz, or slightly-superlinear, or monotone with arbitrary growth in y. Finally, we obtain a stability result, which gives in particular a local Lipschitz estimate in BMO for the martingale part of the solution. In the third and last part, we study the time-discretization of BSDEs having nonlinearities that are monotone but with polynomial growth in the primary variable. We show that in that case, the explicit Euler scheme is likely to diverge, while the implicit scheme converges. In fact, by studying the family of θ-schemes, which are mixed explicit-implicit, θ characterizing the degree of implicitness, we find that the scheme converges when the implicit component is dominant (θ ≥ 1/2 ). We then propose a tamed explicit scheme, which converges. We show that the implicit-dominant schemes with θ > 1/2 and our tamed explicit scheme converge with order 1/2 , while the trapezoidal scheme (θ = 1/2) converges with order 7/4.
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Reggeons in pQCDGriffiths, Scott January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Parton-parton scattering at two-loopsYeomans, Maria Elena Tejeda January 2001 (has links)
We present an algorithm for the calculation of scalar and tensor one- and two-loop integrals that contribute to the virtual corrections of 2 →2 partonic scattering. First, the tensor integrals are related to scalar integrals that contain an irreducible propagator-like structure in the numerator. Then, we use Integration by Parts and Lorentz Invariance recurrence relations to build a general system of equations that enables the reduction of any scalar integral (with and without structure in the numerator) to a basis set of master integrals. Their expansions in e = 2-D/2 have already been calculated and we present a summary of the techniques that have been used to this end, as well as a compilation of the expansions we need in the different physical regions. We then apply this algorithm to the direct evaluation of the Feynman diagrams contributing to the O(α4/8) one- and two-loop matrix-elements for massless like and unlike quark-quark, quark-gluon and gluon-gluon scattering. The analytic expressions we provide are regularised in Convensional Dimensional Regularisation and renormalised in the MS scheme. Finally, we show that the structure of the infrared divergences agrees with that predicted by the application of Catani's formalism to the analysis of each partonic scattering process. The results presented in this thesis provide the complete calculation of the one- and two-loop matrix-elements for 2 2 processes needed for the next-to-next-to-leading order contribution to inclusive jet production at hadron colliders.
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The Noncommutative Standard Model : Construction Beyond Leading Order in Theta and Collider Phenomenology / Das Nichtkommutative StandardmodellKonstruktion jenseits der führenden Ordnung in Theta und Phänomenologie an TeilchenbeschleunigernAlboteanu, Ana Maria January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Trotz seiner präzisen Übereinstimmung mit dem Experiment ist die Gültigkeit des Standardmodells (SM) der Elementarteilchenphysik bislang nur bis zu einer Energieskala von einigen hundert GeV gesichert. Abgesehen davon erweist sich schon das Einbinden der Gravitation in einer einheitlichen Beschreibung aller fundamentalen Wechselwirkungen als ein durch gewöhnliche Quantenfeldtheorie nicht zu lösendes Problem. Das Interesse an Quantenfeldtheorien auf einer nichtkommutativen Raumzeit wurde durch deren Vorhersage als niederenergetischer Limes von Stringtheorien erweckt. Unabhängig davon, kann die Nichtlokalität einer solchen Theorie den Rahmen zur Einbeziehung der Gravitation in eine vereinheitlichende Theorie liefern. Die Hoffnung besteht, dass die Energieskala Lambda_NC, ab der solche Effekte sichtbar werden können und für die es einerlei theoretischen Vorhersagen gibt, schon bei der nächsten Generation von Beschleunigern erreicht wird. Auf dieser Annahme beruht auch die vorliegende Arbeit, im Rahmen deren eine mögliche Realisierung von Quantenfeldtheorien auf nichtkommutativer Raumzeit auf ihre phänomenologischen Konsequenzen hin untersucht wurde. Diese Arbeit ist durch fehlende LHC (Large Hadron Collider) Studien für nichkommutative Quantenfeldtheorien motiviert. Im ersten Teil des Vorhabens wurde der hadronische Prozess pp-> Z gamma -> l+l- gamma am LHC sowie die Elektron-Positron Paarvernichtung in ein Z-Boson und ein Photon am ILC (International Linear Collider) auf nichtkommutative Signale hin untersucht. Die phänomenlogischen Untersuchungen wurden im Rahmen dieses Modells in erster Ordnung des nichtkommutativen Parameters Theta durchgeführt. Eine nichtkommutative Raumzeit führt zur Brechung der Rotationsinvarianz bezüglich der Strahlrichtung der einlaufenden Teilchen. Im differentiellen Wirkungsquerschnitt für Streuprozesse äussert sich dieses als eine azimuthale Abhängigkeit, die weder im SM noch in anderen Modellen jenseits des SM auftritt. Diese klare, f\"ur nichtkommutative Theorien typische Signatur kann benutzt werden, um nichtkommutative Modelle von anderen Modellen, die neue Physik beschreiben, zu unterscheiden. Auch hat es sich erwiesen, dass die azimuthale Abhängigkeit des Wirkungsquerschnittes am besten daf\"ur geeignet ist, um die Sensitivität des LHC und des ILC auf der nichtkommutativen Skala $\Lnc$ zu bestimmen. Im phänomenologischen Teil der Arbeit wurde herausgefunden, dass Messungen am LHC für den Prozess pp-> Z gamma-> l+l- gamma nur in bestimmten Fällen auf nichtkommutative Effekte sensitiv sind. Für diese Fälle wurde für die nichtkommutative Energieskala Lambda_NC eine Grenze von Lambda_NC > 1.2 TeV bestimmt. Diese ist um eine Größenordnung höher als die Grenzen, die von bisherigen Beschleunigerexperimenten hergeleitet wurden. Bei einem zukünftigen Linearbeschleuniger, dem ILC, wird die Grenze auf Lambda_NC im Prozess e^+e^- -> Z gamma -> l^+ l^- gamma wesentlich erhöht (bis zu 6 TeV). Abgesehen davon ist dem ILC gerade der für den LHC kaum zugängliche Parameterbereich der nichtkommutativen Theorie erschlossen, was die Komplementarität der beiden Beschleunigerexperimente hinsichtlich der nichtkommutativen Parameter zeigt. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit entwickelte sich aus der Notwendigkeit heraus, den Gültigkeitsbereich der Theorie zu höheren Energien hin zu erweitern. Dafür haben wir den neutralen Sektor des nichtkommutativen SM um die nächste Ordnung in Theta ergänzt. Es stellte sich wider Erwarten heraus, dass die Theorie dabei um einige freie Parameter erweitert werden muss. Die zusätzlichen Parameter sind durch die homogenen Lösungen der Eichäquivalenzbedingungen gegeben, welche Ambiguit\"aten der Seiberg-Witten Abbildungen darstellen. Die allgemeine Erwartung war, dass die Ambiguitäten Feldredefinitionen entsprechen und daher in den Streumatrixelementen verschwinden m\"ussen. In dieser Arbeit wurde jedoch gezeigt, dass dies ab der zweiten Ordnung in Theta nicht der Fall ist und dass die Nichteindeutigkeit der Seiberg-Witten Abbildungen sich durchaus in Observablen niederschlägt. Die Vermutung besteht, dass jede neue Ordnung in Theta neue Parameter in die Theorie einführt. Wie weit und in welche Richtung die Theorie auf nichtkommutativer Raumzeit entwickelt werden muss, kann jedoch nur das Experiment entscheiden. / Despite its precise agreement with the experiment, the validity of the standard model (SM) of elementary particle physics is ensured only up to a scale of several hundred GeV so far. Even more, the inclusion of gravity into an unifying theory poses a problem which cannot be solved by ordinary quantum field theory (QFT). String theory, which is the most popular ansatz for a unified theory, predicts QFT on noncommutative space-time as a low energy limit. Nevertheless, independently of the motivation given by string theory, the nonlocality inherent to noncommutative QFT opens up the possibility for the inclusion of gravity. There are no theoretical predictions for the energy scale Lambda_NC at which noncommutative effects arise and it can be assumed to lie in the TeV range, which is the energy range probed by the next generation of colliders. Within this work we study the phenomenological consequences of a possible realization of QFT on noncommutative space-time relying on this assumption. The motivation for this thesis was given by the gap in the range of phenomenological studies of noncommutative effects in collider experiments, due to the absence in the literature of Large Hadron Collider (LHC) studies regarding noncommutative QFTs. In the first part we thus performed a phenomenological analysis of the hadronic process pp -> Z gamma -> l^+l^- gamma at the LHC and of electron-positron pair annihilation into a Z boson and a photon at the International Linear Collider (ILC). The noncommutative extension of the SM considered within this work relies on two building blocks: the Moyal-Weyl star-product of functions on ordinary space-time and the Seiberg-Witten maps. The latter relate the ordinary fields and parameters to their noncommutative counterparts such that ordinary gauge transformations induce noncommutative gauge transformations. This requirement is expressed by a set of inhomogeneous differential equations (the gauge equivalence equations) which are solved by the Seiberg-Witten maps order by order in the noncommutative parameter Theta. Thus, by means of the Moyal-Weyl star-product and the Seiberg-Witten maps a noncommutative extension of the SM as an effective theory as expansion in powers of Theta can be achieved, providing the framework of our phenomenological studies. A consequence of the noncommutativity of space-time is the violation of rotational invariance with respect to the beam axis. This effect shows up in the azimuthal dependence of cross sections, which is absent in the SM as well as in other models beyond the SM. Thus, the azimuthal dependence of the cross section is a typical signature of noncommutativity and can be used in order to discriminate it against other new physics effects. We have found this dependence to be best suited for deriving the sensitivity bounds on the noncommutative scale Lambda_NC. By studying pp -> Z gamma -> l^+l^- gamma to first order in the noncommutative parameter Theta, we show in the first part of this work that measurements at the LHC are sensitive to noncommutative effects only in certain cases, giving bounds on the noncommutative scale of Lambda_NC > 1.2 TeV. Our result improved the bounds present in the literature coming from past and present collider experiments by one order of magnitude. In order to explore the whole parameter range of the noncommutativity, ILC studies are required. By means of e^+e^- -> Z gamma -> l^+l^- gamma to first order in Theta we have shown that ILC measurements are complementary to LHC measurements of the noncommutative parameters. In addition, the bounds on Lambda_NC derived from the ILC are significantly higher and reach Lambda_NC > 6 TeV. The second part of this work arose from the necessity to enlarge the range of validity of our model towards higher energies. Thus, we expand the neutral current sector of the noncommutative SM to second order in $\theta$. We found that, against the general expectation, the theory must be enlarged by additional parameters. The new parameters enter the theory as ambiguities of the Seiberg-Witten maps. The latter are not uniquely determined and differ by homogeneous solutions of the gauge equivalence equations. The expectation was that the ambiguities correspond to field redefinitions and therefore should vanish in scattering matrix elements. However, we proved that this is not the case, and the ambiguities do affect physical observables. Our conjecture is, that every order in Theta will introduce new parameters to the theory. However, only the experiment can decide to what extent efforts with still higher orders in Theta are reasonable and will also give directions for the development of theoretical models of noncommutative QFTs.
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<em>η'</em> Decay to π<sup>+</sup>π<sup>-</sup>π<sup>+</sup>π<sup>−</sup>Jafari, Ehsan 01 January 2018 (has links)
With the use of chiral theory of mesons [1], [2] we evaluate the decay rate of η′ → π+π−π+π−. Our theoretical study of this problem is different from the previous theo- retical study [3] and our predicted result is in a good agreement with the experiment. In this chiral theory we evaluate Feynman diagrams up to one loop and the decay rate is calculated with the use of triangle and box diagrams. The ρ0 meson includes in both type of diagrams as a resonance state. Divergent integrals in the loop calculations are regularized with the use of n-dimensional ’t Hooft-Veltman regularization technique. At the last step to obtain the decay rate, the phase space integral has been calculated.
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Étude théorique et numérique des équations différentielles stochastiques rétrogradesRichou, Adrien 30 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Dans un premier temps, nous étudions une nouvelle classe d'équations différentielles stochastiques rétrogrades (notées EDSRs) qui sont reliées à des conditions de Neumann semi-linéaires relatives à des phénomènes ergodiques. La particularité de ces problèmes est que la constante ergodique apparaît dans la condition au bord. Nous étudions l'existence et l'unicité de solutions pour de telles EDSRs ergodiques ainsi que le lien avec les équations aux dérivées partielles et nous appliquons ces résultats à des problèmes de contrôle ergodique optimal. Dans une deuxième partie nous généralisons des travaux de P. Briand et Y. Hu publiés en 2008. Ces derniers ont prouvé un résultat d'unicité pour les solutions d'EDSRs quadratiques de générateur convexe et de condition terminale non bornée ayant tous leurs moments exponentiels finis. Nous prouvons que ce résultat d'unicité reste vrai pour des solutions qui admettent uniquement certains moments exponentiels finis, ces moments étant reliés de manière naturelle à ceux présents dans le théorème d'existence. Nous améliorons aussi la formule de Feynman-Kac non linéaire prouvée par P. Briand et Y. Hu. Enfin, nous nous intéressons à la résolution numérique d'EDSRs quadratiques markoviennes dont la condition terminale est bornée. Nous estimons dans un premier temps des bornes déterministes sur le processus Z. Nous donnons ensuite un nouveau schéma de discrétisation en temps dont la particularité est que la grille de discrétisation est non uniforme. Enfin nous obtenons une vitesse de convergence pour ce schéma. Par ailleurs, quelques simulations numériques permettent d'étudier l'efficacité de notre nouveau schéma dans un cadre pratique.
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Diagrammes et CatégoriesJedrzejewski, Franck 01 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
En commentant certains résultats des sciences physiques ou mathématiques, plus particulièrement de la seconde moitié du XXe siècle, on cherche à comprendre l'importance philosophique du concept de diagramme, qui est au cœur de la théorie mathématique des catégories, des topoi et des esquisses. Partant du constat que les diagrammes et catégories contraignent à des options ontologiques, on propose pour étudier leur disposition conjointe de suivre quatre concepts fondamentaux qui forment le quadrilatère épistémique (la virtualité, la fonctorialité, l'universalité et la dualité). Le virtuel est nécessaire parce qu'une table n'existe pas de la même manière que le bleu du ciel qui n'a pas de réalité matérielle. La fonctorialité et le lemme de Yoneda imposent de reconsidérer le statut de l'objet. Le théorème de Diaconescu illustre l'idée que la logique immanente d'un lieu est déterminée par le topologique, que la logique n'a pas l'importance qu'on lui accorde parfois. L'universalité et la dualité déplace la notion de vérité qui n'est plus une simple valuation, mais une vérité-foudre, une vérité-événement qui fonctionne par adéquation et résonance de pans entiers de connaissance et non plus par inférence logique. Le diagramme devient le lieu de cette vérité qui passe par le geste. Dès lors, il devient possible de croiser ontologie et topologie en une onto-(po)-logie (ou une ontologie toposique) qui ne soit pas en contraction avec les philosophies de l'immanence. L'univocité de l'Être ne s'oppose pas à l'approche catégorielle. Plus encore : la prégnance des formes duales incite à penser l'hypothèse que l'Un est le dual de l'Être.
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Form and Function: Seeing, Knowing, and Reasoning with Diagrams in the Practice of ScienceGross, Ari Bakst 09 January 2014 (has links)
In virtue of what do scientific diagrams acquire their epistemic legitimacy? Which factors serve to validate schematic visual representations, rendering them useful and accepted components of scientific practice?
This thesis addresses the epistemic legitimacy of scientific diagrams by investigating a variety of diagrams whose referents are “invisible”, that is, whose targets either cannot be seen, lack physical form, or have no material analogue. In focusing on such images, we shall gain insight into the factors that shape the forms that practicing scientists give to their diagrams and shed light on contemporary issues in the philosophy of scientific models and representations.
In this work, common factors underscoring the epistemic legitimacy of scientific diagrams are identified through three in-depth historical case studies. First, we consider several diagrammatic approaches to visualizing chemical structure that emerged around the 1860s, especially the competing approaches of August Kekulé and Alexander Crum Brown, and investigate the factors that led to the enduring success of Crum Brown’s visual representations and the corresponding abandonment of Kekulé’s. Second, we examine a spectrum of stereochemical diagrams and material models produced from the 1870s to the early 20th century, particularly those produced by J. H. van ‘t Hoff, and consider the factors that determined the forms given to representations of three-dimensional structures of chemical compounds. Third, we explore the diagrammatic approaches taken by physicist Richard Feynman in his mid-20th century lectures on quantum electrodynamics, paying close attention to his diagrams’ stylistic commonalities and dissimilarities as well as their ability to mediate between various aspects of the practice of physics.
Finally, this thesis concludes by considering several common factors regarding the epistemic legitimacy of scientific diagrams that can be identified in these case studies, including the importance of a bijective relationship between scientists’ understanding of their diagrams and of their diagrams’ referents, the utility of diagrams for productively reasoning about their referents, and ability of certain diagrams to reduce scientists’ cognitive burden, especially through visual similarities. These factors serve to unite divergent approaches to the philosophy of scientific models and representation and reorient contemporary debates concerning representation towards an integrated historical-philosophical methodology.
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Form and Function: Seeing, Knowing, and Reasoning with Diagrams in the Practice of ScienceGross, Ari Bakst 09 January 2014 (has links)
In virtue of what do scientific diagrams acquire their epistemic legitimacy? Which factors serve to validate schematic visual representations, rendering them useful and accepted components of scientific practice?
This thesis addresses the epistemic legitimacy of scientific diagrams by investigating a variety of diagrams whose referents are “invisible”, that is, whose targets either cannot be seen, lack physical form, or have no material analogue. In focusing on such images, we shall gain insight into the factors that shape the forms that practicing scientists give to their diagrams and shed light on contemporary issues in the philosophy of scientific models and representations.
In this work, common factors underscoring the epistemic legitimacy of scientific diagrams are identified through three in-depth historical case studies. First, we consider several diagrammatic approaches to visualizing chemical structure that emerged around the 1860s, especially the competing approaches of August Kekulé and Alexander Crum Brown, and investigate the factors that led to the enduring success of Crum Brown’s visual representations and the corresponding abandonment of Kekulé’s. Second, we examine a spectrum of stereochemical diagrams and material models produced from the 1870s to the early 20th century, particularly those produced by J. H. van ‘t Hoff, and consider the factors that determined the forms given to representations of three-dimensional structures of chemical compounds. Third, we explore the diagrammatic approaches taken by physicist Richard Feynman in his mid-20th century lectures on quantum electrodynamics, paying close attention to his diagrams’ stylistic commonalities and dissimilarities as well as their ability to mediate between various aspects of the practice of physics.
Finally, this thesis concludes by considering several common factors regarding the epistemic legitimacy of scientific diagrams that can be identified in these case studies, including the importance of a bijective relationship between scientists’ understanding of their diagrams and of their diagrams’ referents, the utility of diagrams for productively reasoning about their referents, and ability of certain diagrams to reduce scientists’ cognitive burden, especially through visual similarities. These factors serve to unite divergent approaches to the philosophy of scientific models and representation and reorient contemporary debates concerning representation towards an integrated historical-philosophical methodology.
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