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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Das „Kreuz der Lumpen“ und ein offener Steinkasten auf dem Dach der Kathedrale von Santiago de Compostela

Horst, Ronny 06 September 2019 (has links)
Die Kathedrale von Santiago de Compostela im Nordwesten der Iberischen Halbinsel gehört zu den am dichtesten beforschten Bauwerken der Kunstgeschichte. Hier sind auch die zahlreichen Beiträge hervorzuheben, welche der Jubilar selbst im Laufe der vergangenen Jahre verfasste.

Rita för betyg - koppling mellan figurer och resultat

Hammer, Johan, Stenqvist, Björn January 2018 (has links)
I denna studie har vi undersökt om det föreligger en korrelation mellan elevers resultat i skolan och diverse kvaliteter på figurer de konstruerar då de löser matematiska problem. Underlaget till studien har varit 207 elevlösningar till uppgifter på nationella prov i Matematik 2c, då eleverna är runt 16-17 år gamla. Vi har påvisat, med begränsat socio-ekonomiskt underlag, att sannolikheten för slumpmässiga relationer mellan resultat och figurkvaliteter är låg. Vi har även påvisat att korrelationen är positiv, alltså att konst-ruerade figurer med hög kvalitet är kopplade till höga resultat. Det verkar också som att elever som använder sig av figurer presterar högre än elever som inte gör det. I relation till många andra studier är vår studie relativt väl underbyggd gällande statistiskt underlag. Dock är detta en av de punkter vi ser att framtida studier bör ta vid: utöka underlaget ytterligare både till antal men framförallt till socioekonomisk och geografisk utbredning. Vidare ser vi också att andra sorters matematiska problem studeras och inte endast problemlösning som undersökts här. / In this study we investigated whether there exists a correlation between pupils' results in school and qualities of figures they design when solving mathematical problems. The basis for the study has been 207 student solutions from national tests in Mathematics 2c, when students were around 16-17 years old. We have shown, with limited socio-economic coverage, that likelihood of random relationships between results and figure qualities is low. We have also shown that correlation is positive, i.e. constructed figures with high quality are linked to high results. It also seems that students using figures perform higher than students that do not. In relation to many other studies, our study has a relatively well-supported statistically basis. However, we suggest that future studies should expand the basis by numbers and increase the socio-economic and geographical coverage. Furthermore, we encourage studies of other types of mathematical problems not just problem solving as was investigated here.

Automatic annotation of similes in literary texts / Annotation automatique des comparaisons figuratives dans les textes littéraires

Mpouli Njanga Seh, Suzanne Patience 03 October 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse aborde le problème de la détection automatique des comparaisons figuratives dans des textes littéraires en prose écrits en français ou en anglais et propose un canevas pour décrire ces comparaisons d’un point de vue stylistique. Une comparaison figurative correspond ici à toute structure syntaxique qui met en parallèle au moins deux entités, déroge au principe de compositionnalité et crée une image mentale dans l’esprit de ceux à qui elle est destinée.Trois éléments principaux distinguent notre approche des travaux précédents : son ancrage dans les théories linguistiques et cognitives sur les comparaisons littérales et figuratives, sa capacité à gérer des marqueurs appartenant à différentes catégories grammaticales et sa flexibilité qui lui permet d’envisager différents scénarios syntaxiques. De fait, nous proposons une méthode comprenant trois modules complémentaires : - un module syntaxique qui utilise des dépendances syntaxiques et des règles manuelles pour identifier les comparaisons potentielles ainsi que leurs composantes ;- un module sémantique qui mesure la saillance des motifs détectés et la similarité sémantique des termes comparés en se basant sur une base de données préétablie ;- et un module d’annotation qui fournit entre autres des informations sur le type de comparaison (idiomatique, sensorielle…) et sur les catégories sémantiques employées.Pour finir, au vu des données recueillies au cours des deux campagnes d’annotation que nous avons menées, il paraît clair que la détection automatique des comparaisons figuratives doit tenir compte de plusieurs facteurs parmi lesquels la saillance, la catégorisation et la syntaxe de la phrase. / This thesis tackles the problem of the automatic recognition of similes in literary texts written in English or in French and proposes a framework to describe them from a stylistic perspective. For the purpose of this study, a simile has been defined as a syntactic structure that draws a parallel between at least two entities, lacks compositionality and is able to create an image in the receiver’s mind.Three main points differentiate the proposed approach from existing ones: it is strongly influenced by cognitive and linguistic theories on similes and comparisons, it takes into consideration a wide range of markers and it can adapt to diverse syntactic scenarios. Concretely speaking, it relies on three interconnected modules: - a syntactic module, which extracts potential simile candidates and identifies their components using grammatical roles and a set of handcrafted rules, - a semantic module which separates creative similes from both idiomatic similes and literal comparisons based on the salience of the ground and semantic similarity computed from data automatically retrieved from machine-readable dictionaries;- and an annotation module which makes use of the XML format and gives among others information on the type of comparisons (idiomatic, perceptual…) and on the semantic categories used.Finally, the two annotation tasks we designed show that the automatic detection of figuration in similes must take into consideration.Finally, the two annotation tasks we designed show that the automatic detection of figuration in similes must take into consideration a series of features among which salience, categorisation and the sentence syntax.

Modes of processing influencing errors in reading comprehension.

Rogers, Shawn Catherine 12 November 2010 (has links)
Learner’s processing styles may play a vital role in their approach to learning, more specifically; the ability to make inferences plays an important role in all areas of language and learning and may contribute to difficulties learners are experiencing at school. It is therefore that the research was directed at investigating a possible relationship between the left hemispheric analytical and right hemispheric holistic processing styles and the types of errors inferential versus literal, made in reading comprehension tasks. The hemispheric processing styles were operationalised as the approach taken to the Rey- Osterreith Complex Figure (ROCF) and the types of errors made on the Stanford Diagnostic Reading Test (SDRT) across two levels of educational development. The sample consisted of grade 4 and grade 10 model C learners from the same schooling district. The data obtained from both assessments were subjected to correlation analyses, chi squared tests, analyses of variances (ANOVAs) and logistic regressions. Finally the results and associative conclusions indicated that there were only modest positive relationships between the predominant hemispheric processing styles and the error types on reading comprehension tasks and the demographics of the learners were the main contributors and accounted for the results discovered in the study as opposed to general hemispheric processing. Thus there is a need to understand the unique dynamics within the country and to explore alternatives to teaching practices to account for the variations evident in the classrooms.

Konståkning en definition av ”blod,svett och tårar”. : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om konståkares upplevelser och erfarenheter av kroppsuppfattning

Levinsson Sjögren, Gabriella January 2023 (has links)
Konståkningen är en del av något som kallas estetisk idrott. Det är en sport som kan vara väldigt påfrestande för atleten vilket kan resultera i antingen en bra kroppsuppfattning eller en dålig. På grund av detta blev syftet med studien att undersöka konståkares erfarenheter och upplevelser av kroppsuppfattning. Som teoretiskt ramverk användes en modell som består av olika faktorer som förklarar en individs kroppsuppfattning. Studien är gjord med hjälp av en kvalitativ design och semistrukturerade intervjuer. Deltagarna i studien var elva stycken konståkare som var i åldrarna 18-26 (M=20,8, SD= 2,4). Konståkarna som deltog åker antingen i landslaget i synchro eller på elitnivå samt på en högre nivå inom singelåkningen och satsar mot toppen. När intervjuerna var gjorda utfördes en tematisk analys med small q för att få fram ett tydligt resultat. Här skapades tre olika huvudteman med en deduktiv ansats; konståkarnas egna tankar om kroppsuppfattning, konståkarnas upplevelse kring tävling och träning samt påverkan hos konståkarna genom deras sociala förhållanden. Efter dessa skapade åtta subteman med en induktiv ansats. Resultatet påpekar att det är viktigt för en konståkare att ha ett bra socialt stöd för att kunna undvika en dålig kroppsuppfattning. Det visar också på att det är viktigt att kunna planera sitt liv för att enklare kunna hantera sin egen kropp. Resultatet som studien tagit fram kan ge hjälp till både tränare, familj och folk runt omkring individen att kunna se om individen har en dålig kroppsuppfattning eller inte. Diskussionen i studien skrevs med hjälp av resultatet samt det teoretiska ramverket. / Figure skating is part of something called aesthetic sports. It is a sport that can be very stressful for the athlete which can result in either a good body image or a bad one. Because of this, the purpose of the study was to investigate figure skaters' experiences and experiences of body image. As a theoretical framework, a model was used that consists of various factors that explain an individual's body image. The study is done using a qualitative design and semi-structured interviews. The participants in the study were eleven figure skaters who were aged 18-26 (M=20,8, SD= 2,4). The figure skaters who participated are either in the national team in synchro or at elite level as well as at a higher level in single skating and aim for the top. When the interviews were done, a thematic analysis was performed with small q to obtain a clear result. Here, three different main themes were created with a deductive approach; the figure skaters' own thoughts about body image, the figure skaters' experience of competition and training as well as the influence of the figure skaters through their social relationships. After these, eight subthemes were created with an inductive approach. The result points out that it is important for a figure skater to have good social support in order to avoid a bad body image. It also shows that it is important to be able to plan your life in order to manage your own body more easily. The results produced by the study can help both trainers, family, and people around the individual to see if the individual has a bad body image or not. The discussion in the study was written using the results and the theoretical framework.

Investigating the Domain of Geometric Inductive Reasoning Problems: A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis

Wang, Kairong 26 April 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Matrix inductive reasoning has been a popular research topic due to its claimed relationship with the general factor of intelligence. In this research, four subabilities were identified: working memory, rule induction, rule application, and figure detection. This quantitative study examined the relationship between these four subabilites and students' general ability to solve Matrix Reasoning problems. Using tests developed for this research to measure the identified subabilities, the data were collected from 334 Chinese students aged from 12 to 15. Structural equation modeling method was used to analyze the collected data and to evaluate the hypothesized models. Results from the analysis showed that a valid model existed to represent the construct of matrix inductive reasoning. Except for figural detection ability, the other three subabilities had significant direct effects on matrix inductive reasoning ability. Readers should interpret from this result with caution due to the unsatisfactory reliability of the Figure Detection scores. To improve the validity of the interpretation, a new model without the latent variable of figure detection was reexamined. In this analysis, significant relationships still existed from the three subablities to matrix inductive reasoning ability. The strongest relationship existed from working memory ability to matrix reasoning ability, with a standardized coefficient of .52. Effects from rule induction and rule application ability to matrix reasoning dropped to .36 and .34 respectively. These results suggested the important role of working memory on solving inductive reasoning problems. In addition, a significant and substantial indirect path was found that lead from working memory to rule induction to rule application to matrix reasoning. The indirect path indicated that a process existed when students solved Matrix Reasoning tasks.

The Relevance and Effectiveness of Four Book of Mormon Prophets and their Teachings

Perry, David Earl 01 January 1974 (has links) (PDF)
This study sought answers to two major questions regarding the Book of Mormon prophets: first, did a prophet's unique personality cause him to be significantly qualified and effective in coping with the problems of his ministry; and second, were a prophet's teachings directly relevant to his problems, assisting him to be effective in fulfilling his assignments. Six minor hypotheses were used to gather data regarding the four representative prophets chosen: Lehi, Nephi, Alma the Younger, and Mormon. The teachings studied were limited to those which reached the ears of a prophet's contemporaries, and were further limited to those which were clearly emphasized in at least one verse. The minor hypotheses yielded abundant and clear evidence showing that in all but one problem (one in Lehi's life) the prophets were qualified and effective in meeting their problems. The evidence also demonstrated that all of the teachings which were studied were directly relevant and supportive in solving the given problems.

La sauvagerie de Thomas Hobbes: Amérique, colonie et Premiers Peuples chez le « fondateur » de la « science » politique moderne

G. Poirier, Guillaume 21 December 2023 (has links)
Partant du contexte colonial canadien, la thèse souhaite déterminer la fonction de la figure du « sauvage américain » chez Thomas Hobbes. La thèse est ainsi divisée en deux parties. La première porte sur l'évolution du couple « sauvagerie et civilité » depuis l'Antiquité jusqu'à la modernité. On y fait un survol étymologique, discursif et mythologique en guise de contextualisation. Et on parcourt également le thème chez des auteurs allant de More et Machiavel à Bodin et Grotius, en passant par Vitoria, Las Casas, Sepúlveda, Botero, La Boétie et Montaigne. La seconde partie porte sur la figure proprement hobbesienne du « sauvage ». On y trouve le premier inventaire exhaustif de ses occurrences dans l'œuvre de Hobbes. L'étude tente ainsi de faire sens du caractère fondamentalement ambigu de cette figure, et ce, selon les axes épistémologique et politique. Sur le plan du savoir, la figure est confinée dans une agnotopie où elle est à la fois ignorante et ignorée. Sur le plan du pouvoir, elle est une figure à la fois purement apolitique et l'image du « petit gouvernement de famille » dont nous parle le Léviathan. Dans cette ambiguïté, qui est aussi celle de l'état de nature, on reconnait chez Hobbes l'effacement des structures politiques autochtones que décrivent clairement les récits coloniaux. Et on découvre aussi l'effacement du pouvoir de la mère qui est tenu sous silence dans la théorie du contrat, ce qui suggère, peut-être, un désir de contourner le problème des structures matrilinéaires. La conclusion synthétise ces ambiguïtés en faisant du « sauvage » hobbesien une figure liminaire jouant un rôle clé dans le récit de l'État souverain. On peut en effet reconnaitre dans ce récit un rituel discursif de passage où le sujet doit revêtir le déguisement du « sauvage » afin de produire la « civilité » du sujet moderne européen. Ce serait là la part sauvage qui se cache dans la doctrine de l'État moderne.

What’s the matter with M? : One young asylum seeker’s fall from grace, in Sweden between 2015 - 2022

Grapengiesser, Gustaf January 2023 (has links)
M arrived in Sweden as a hopeful and aspiring adolescent minor in 2015. By 2022, he instead finds himself living on the streets as a drug addict, homeless, with his residency permit rejected and his asylum application declined. This thesis analyzes his situation through a theory of Performativity and Affect, foremost leaning on Judith Butler, Lauren Berlant, and Sara Ahmed. It scrutinizes the role of the imagined Refugee Figure that M came to represent. It is produced through a set of interviews while following Lee Ann Fujii’s method of Relational Interviewing. While the role for M is being outlawed to the exterior of Global Politics, without the ability to appear, he is consequently never valued as a matter of consideration. May other routes have been possible? The Refugee Figure is here contrasted to alternative figurative identities, such as the builder or even the desperado, that more naturally are associated with an ability to act and to be seen. Ultimately, the thesis reads precarious mobility as an expression of political will, agency, and a voice with one’s feet.

Facing Forward: Frontality and Dynamics of Seeing in the Archaic Period

Bulger, Monica Kathleen January 2023 (has links)
Figures who turn their heads frontally and gaze outwards from Archaic Greek artworks look back at the viewer and destabilize the typical relationship between viewing subject and viewed object. These frontal characters were especially effective for viewers who encountered them during the Archaic period, when the profile perspective was conventional and vision was understood to be a tactile sense. Frontal-facing figures have often been interpreted as carrying protective power or having the ability to threaten the viewer with their attention. While some frontal figures are intimidating, frontality and the represented gazes it engenders do not provoke a single, universal reaction. Instead, these images’ interactions with ancient viewers were shaped by the type of frontal figure represented, the figure’s representational context, and the real context in which the figure was originally encountered. This dissertation takes a contextual approach to the study of Archaic frontal figures to arrive at a more nuanced understanding of their functions and effects. The frontal figures that are represented on vases made between 700 and 480 BCE are comprehensively examined. Frontal-facing characters that decorated temples in the same period are also considered. By inspecting each individual type of frontal figure in turn, we can better comprehend the differing responses the figures elicit, which include humor and horror in addition to terror. This project also examines how frontality was employed by innovative vase painters to create images that directly engage viewers and shape their viewing experiences. While a few figures were conventionally frontal in the Archaic period, the majority were represented frontally only by the most experimental artisans who were eager to surprise their viewers and distinguish their work from that of their colleagues. This investigation of Archaic frontality in multiple media demonstrates the power of the perspective in its original context and the inventiveness of the craftsmen who used it.

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