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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

ESG och finansiell prestation under covid-19-pandemin : En kvantitativ studie om svenska företags finansiella prestation under pandemin kopplat till ESG-betyg / ESG and financial performance during the Covid-19 pandemic

Zeidan Mellqvist, Oskar, Sjödin, Elin January 2021 (has links)
Background: Sustainability is a commonly discussed topic that continues to grow and has become more important in investment decisions. The opinions regarding the relationship between sustainability and financial performance are divided, and research in the field indicates different results. ESG has gained greater focus because of the Covid-19 pandemic, and widespread claims that companies and funds with higher ESG score would have greater resilience have emerged. Purpose: The main purpose of this study is to investigate and analyse a possible relationship between ESG score and financial performance for Swedish listed companies during the Covid-19 pandemic. The sub-purpose of the study is to investigate whether sector divisions affect the ESG's significance for financial performance. Method: In this study, a quantitative method with a deductive approach was used. The data material was obtained from Refinitiv Eikon and comprised data from 306 companies. The examined period of the study refers to the year 2020. The statistical models applied were univariate analysis, bivariate analysis, and multiple regression analysis.  Conclusion: The results indicate a negative relationship between ESG and financial performance during the Covid-19 pandemic. There is a spread regarding financial performance between the sectors, but it is not possible to draw concrete conclusions about the sectors' impact. This study contributes to the literature in the field of sustainability and financial performance by analyzing empirical data during the Covid-19 pandemic. / Bakgrund: Hållbarhet är ett aktuellt ämne som fortsätter att växa och får allt mer betydelse vid investeringsbeslut. Det råder delade meningar kring sambandet mellan hållbarhet och finansiell prestation och forskning inom ämnet visar på olika resultat. ESG har fått större fokus till följd av covid-19-pandemin, och utbredda påståenden om att bolag och fonder med högre ESG-betyg skulle ha större motståndskraft har växt fram. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka och analysera eventuella samband mellan ESG-betyg och finansiell prestation för svenska noterade bolag under covid-19-pandemin. Studiens delsyfte är att undersöka om sektorindelning påverkar ESG:s betydelse för finansiell prestation. Metod: I denna studie användes en kvantitativ metod med en deduktiv ansats. Datamaterialet inhämtades från Refinitiv Eikon och omfattade data från 306 bolag. Studiens undersökningsperiod avser år 2020. De statistiska modellerna som tillämpats är univariat analys, bivariat analys och multipel regressionsanalys. Slutsats: Studiens resultat tyder på ett negativt samband mellan ESG och finansiell prestation under covid-19-pandemin. Det förekommer spridning avseende finansiell prestation mellan sektorerna, men det går däremot inte att dra konkreta slutsatser kring sektorernas påverkan. Denna studie bidrar till litteraturen inom området för hållbarhet och finansiell prestation genom analys av empiriska data under covid-19-pandemin.

Hodnocení výkonnosti společnosti s využitím Balanced Scorecard / The Performance Evaluation of the Company using Balanced Scorecard

Krušina, Michal January 2019 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the problems of company performance, its assessment and the following implementation of the Balanced Scorecard model. The theoretical part of the work introduces theoretical knowledge acquired in professional literature followed by other parts of the thesis. The analytical part aims at introducing a chosen company including situational and financial analysis. The final values are used as a basis for the proposal part of the work that focuses on the creation and implementation of the aforementioned BSC model in the analysed company directed at reaching not only a higher performance but also the required strategic objectives.

Posouzení finanční výkonnosti podniku pomocí analýzy časových řad / Assessing of the Financial Situation of a Company Using Time Series

Pech, Jan January 2016 (has links)
Abstract Master’s thesis about „Assessing of the financial situation of a company using time series” focuses on a detailed assessment of the economic situation of the state-owned enterprise DIAMO between years 2005–2014. The theoretical part describes methods and indicators of strategic, financial and statistical analyses, which are in the next chapter sequentially applied on the analysed company. The content of the final chapter introduce proposals of elimination of the risk areas of the state-owned enterprise, while the greatest emphasis will be applied on the issue of rising shares of receivables and liabilities to total assets and ensuring positive economic result in corporate profit. The main object of this master’s thesis is assessing financial efficiency of state-owned enterprise DIAMO, afterward identifying risk areas and introducing possible precautions, which will lead to overall greater economic health of the enterprise itself.

Le développement de la performance ESG (Environnementale, Sociale et de Gouvernance) dans les PME libanaises : résultats de quatre études de cas / The development of ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) performance in Lebanese SMEs : results of four case studies

Khawaja, Danie 25 November 2019 (has links)
L’étude du développement de la performance ESG dans les PME libanaises prouve son importance dans le fait que ces entreprises cherchent des solutions durables pour faire face aux différentes crises politiques et leurs répercussions non négligeables sur l’économie du pays. Notre recherche s’est engagée de souligner à l’aide d’une étude qualitative exploratoire sur quatre PME libanaises, si ces entreprises sont sensibilisées aux critères ESG de la performance en particulier voir le rôle du dirigeant, des parties prenantes et de l’adoption des normes ESG dans la promotion des pratiques responsables pour une meilleure performance globale durable. Les PME libanaises constituent des terrains souvent néophytes en RSE. Leurs défis principaux sont notamment l’amélioration de leur performance économique et financière et surtout leur survie. L’engagement ESG des PME libanaises est justifié par les convictions du dirigeant et ses valeurs, l’amélioration de la performance économique et financière et parfois l’adoption des normes ESG. Des freins sont à signaler notamment le manque des ressources financières dû principalement aux crises économiques et politiques. / The study of the development of ESG performance in Lebanese SMEs proves its importance in the fact that these companies are looking for sustainable solutions to deal with the different political crises and their significant repercussions on the country’s economy. Our research is committed to highlight via a qualitative exploratory study of four Lebanese SMEs if these companies are aware of the ESG performance criteria, underline the role of managers, stakeholders, and the adoption of ESG standards in promoting responsible practices. Lebanese SMEs are often neophytes’ grounds for CSR. Their main challenges include improving their economic and financial performance and especially their survival. The ESG commitment of Lebanese SMEs is mainly justified by the manager’s beliefs and values, the improvement of economic and financial performance and sometimes by the adoption of ESG standards. There are many brakes especially the lack of financial resources mainly due to economic and political crisis.

CSR och företagsvärde : En kvantitativ studie som mäter om det råder ett samband mellan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) och företagsvärde, utefter mätningar med Corporate Financial Performance (CFP)

Ohanian, Daniel, Sultan, Josef January 2022 (has links)
Sustainable business has become highly sought after today by stakeholders, which explains the importance of CSR for companies. Companies are required to work sustainably in order to legitimize themselves both in the market and society. This can be done by fulfilling and satisfying the economic, environmental and sustainable, as well as the social frameworks that exist in business society. Despite CSR's central role in companies, researchers have differentiated meanings on whether CSR initiatives really improve corporate profitability in terms of financial performance, and whether it has a positive relationship with corporate value. Regarding this, the report examines CSR's relationship to CFP and company value, through the profitability measures ROA and ROE, as well as the valuation measures market value and P/E ratio. A quantitative method has been applied to examine the companies published on Dagens Industri's sustainability index for the year 2021. Dagens Industri's list includes the largest listed companies in the GICS categories on the Swedish stock market exchange. The study uses regression analysis as a choice of statistical analysis method to examine the variables relationships. From the regressions, a small part of the result showed a weak negative relationship between CSR and ROA. The regressions otherwise mainly showed a non-significant relationship between CSR and a company's profitability and value. The variables do not have a significant relationship with each other, and a neutral relationship between them can thus be demonstrated. The existing research gap is therefore still ambiguous, hence the room for further future studies in the field.

CEO Compensation and the Relationship with Company Growth : An Analysis of Swedish Listed OMX Stockholm Companies

Nordlund, Albin, Pettersson Sango, Mathias January 2022 (has links)
As time progresses and compensation increases for CEOs, the need for information will be required to debate whether it is rational for CEOs to receive more pay in various forms. According to agency theory, CEOs have an intrinsic need to act in their self-interests, while the shareholder requires value creation and implements various safeguards to ensure that the CEOs do what they are expected to do. Therefore, corporate governance, which is a part of corporations' mechanisms, could be an act to minimise agency costs while forming the CEOs' compensation and controlling the work with various measures. Financial performance methods themselves, such as comparing revenue between years to control CEOs' work, are indeed essential to see if these could influence the CEOs' agenda.  There have been previous studies regarding CEO compensation and company growth. However, there is a lack of research made in Sweden, especially for listed companies on OMX Stockholm. This research found a relationship between CEO compensation and firm growth. Nonetheless, previous research has shown contradicting results. This thesis performed a panel data regression that includes 354 unique firms that formed the OMX Stockholm PI, an index on Nasdaq. The firms have been observed for seven years, creating a data set with approximately 2,500 observations.

SUSTAINABLE INVESTMENTS IMPACT ON FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE : A Panel Data Analysis of the Relationship Between ESG Factors and Financial Performance

Forsgren, Filip, Öström, Marcus January 2022 (has links)
Sustainability is a broad concept where sustainability factors have become more fundamental during the recent years. However, the importance of these factors has not been as central when explaining stock returns. Thus, we perform this study with the aim to investigate the relationship between sustainability factors and financial performance. Specifically, by investigating the relationship between environmental, social and governance (ESG) variables and risk premiums. This is evaluated during the period 2014 to 2021, based on stocks included in the MSCI ACWI index. The explanatory variables are used as different levels of sustainability factors, where they reach from ESG scores at the top, down to raw data points at the bottom. To investigate this relation, Panel regression is used, which is a common method when analyzing data including both time series and cross-sectional data. Further, we evaluate if the dependencies vary across sectors, different market performance periods, time periods, and geographical regions. The results obtained show a clear general trend, that sustainability factors have had a positive impact on financial performance. However, this result diverges depending on sectors, time periods, regions, and market performance. Further, we see an increasingly positive effect from sustainability factors over time, and differences arise when analyzing individual sectors. To sum up, from results, we can not conclude that highly ranked companies, in the shape of ESG scores, have yielded higher risk premiums over the observed period.  Based on that the relation has diverged during different time periods, which implies that further outcomes become more unreliable. The relationship between sustainability factors and financial performance is not the same in all sectors, which opposes the general result. We recommend that investors should be aware when investing sustainably because sectors and time periods have a great impact on potential outcomes. / Hållbarhet är ett väldigt brett begrepp, där flertalet hållbarhetsfaktorer under senaste åren har fått en större betydelse inom finans. Hållbarhetsfaktorer är dock oftast inte lika centralt när det kommer till att förklara avkastning. Därför genomförs denna studie för att undersöka relationen mellan hållbarhetfaktorer och finansiell prestationsförmåga, mer specifikt genom att undersöka sambandet mellan ESG variabler och riskpremier, vilket undersöks under perioden 2014 till 2021 på företag som är inkluderade i MSCI ACWI index. Som förklarande variabler används olika nivåer av hållbarhetsfaktorer, där skalan sträcker sig från sammanvägda poäng högst upp till rådatapunkter längst ner. För att undersöka denna relation används Panel regression, vilket är vanligt förekommande i studier som undersöker data som innehåller både tidsserier samt tvärsektioner, vilket även kallas för Panel data. Vidare undersöker även studien ifall detta samband varierar beroende på sektorer, geografiska regioner, tidsperioder och olika marknadsfaser. De erhållna resultaten visar en tydlig generell linje, att hållbarhetsfaktorer har haft en positiv påverkan på finansiell prestanda. Dock uppstår divergenser beroende på vilken tidsperiod, region och marknadsprestanda och sektor som analyseras. Resultatet påvisar att den positiva effekten från hållbarhetsfaktorer ökar över tiden, samt att den uppstår tydliga skillnader beroende på vilken sektor som analyseras. Slutligen, från resultatet, kan vi inte dra slutsatsen att högt rankade företag, i form av ESG scores, har generellt generat högre riskpremier under den observerade tidsperioden. Detta baserat på att hållbarhetsfaktorers påverkan har divergerat över den observerade tidsperioden, vilket betyder att framtida utfall blir mer oberäkneliga. Samtidigt är relationen mellan hållbarhetsfaktorer och finansiell prestanda inte den samma över sektorer, vilket går emot det generella resultatet. Vi rekommenderar därför investerare att vara varsamma vid investeringar baserade på hållbarhetsfaktorer, där sektorer och tidsperioder har centrala roller i potentiella utfall.

Společenská odpovědnost firem: strategická výhoda a vliv na finanční výkonnost : case study z České republiky / Corporate social responsibility: strategic advantage and relationship with financial performance Case study from the Czech republic

Müllerová, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
The corporate social responsibility is a voluntary concept of firm's embrace of responsibility for the impact of its activities on the environment and society. The corporate social responsibility is the brand and guarantee that firm runs its activities not only within the law and ethical standards, but goes far beyond the law and moral values. Firm demonstrates its social responsibility through engagement in social issues, substitute for the state in support of underprivileged or disadvantaged groups, but also develop activities which have positive impacts on the environment, advocate and meet ethical business principles, take care of their employees, to distance themselves of corruption and bribery, etc. This thesis deals with the objective introduction of corporate social responsibility concept from its origin to contemporary approaches. The thesis introduces related theories which contributed to corporate social responsibility as well. In addition, this thesis familiarizes with the open question of relationship between corporate social responsibility (performance) and firm's financial performance and presents the important empirical research in this area. Results of analysis, done in this thesis, indicate a slight negative relationship between corporate social responsibility (independent...

How does the European stock market react to sustainability? : An empirical analysis of the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Index

Moberg, Victor, Molin Eriksson, Karin January 2021 (has links)
Background: The increase in development and welfare that has been achieved in recent decades has led to a deterioration of the planet. Increased awareness on this matter has led to a concern to become more sustainable, both on an individual level and firm level. The concept of sustainable development integrates consideration to economic growth, protection of the environment, and social justice. Firms have sustainability regulations they must follow to be allowed to operate, but when they go beyond their economic interests it is referred to as corporate social responsibility (CSR). Certain indexes select which firms to include based on their CSR performance. In this way, firms can use CSR to build a reputation. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to investigate if inclusion in or exclusion from Dow Jones Sustainability Europe (DJSEUR) index has a significant effect on a firm’s stock price. The sub-purpose of this study is to investigate if different sector characteristics significantly impact the investors’ response to inclusion and exclusion. The study is conducted on firms in the European region. Methods: The event study methodology was used to examine abnormal returns associated with inclusion in and exclusion from a sustainability stock index. Further, a linear regression was developed to distinguish if sector affiliation affects the reactions of investors when firms are included or excluded from the index. This study uses stock data for firms over a period of time from 2014-2019. Results: The results suggest no significant increase in CAAR from being included in the index. However, exclusion from the index significantly affected CAAR negatively on the day of the announcement. Five sectors experienced a significantly different CAAR from the event of exclusion from the index. Only the result from one sector indicated to be significantly affected by the event of inclusion in the index. Conclusions: Our results provide evidence that being removed from the DJSEUR results in a decrease in a firm’s share price, suggesting that the European stock market penalizes firms for not obtaining a sufficiently high level of CSR. But investors do not financially reward firms for inclusion in the DJSEUR index. Implying that investors in the European stock market expect firms to implement CSR but do not reward them financially. Therefore, managers need to satisfy the pressure from various stakeholders, including shareholders, while trying to maximize stock value. / Bakgrund: Ökningen av utveckling och välfärd som uppnåtts under det senaste decenniet har lett till nedbrytning av planeten. Medvetenhet om problemet har lett till ökad angelägenhet för att agera mer hållbart, både på individnivå och företagsnivå. Konceptet av hållbar utveckling integrerar ekonomisk tillväxt, skydd av planeten och sociala rättigheter. Företag måste uppfylla vissa krav inom hållbarhet för att vara verksamma. Om de gör mer än vad som krävs benämns det som företags sociala ansvar, eller corporate social responsibility (CSR) i engelska termer. Det finns speciella index som selekterar företag baserat på deras prestationer inom CSR. På det sättet kan företag använda sig av CSR för att påverka sitt rykte.  Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka huruvida inkludering i eller exkludering från Dow Jones Sustainability Europe (DJSEUR) index har en significant påverkan på företags aktiepriser. Det sekundära syftet är att undersöka om olika sektorer, samt karaktärsdrag, har en signifikant påverkan på investerares respons till inkludering och exkludering. Studien inkluderar företag inom Europaregionen. Metod: Metodiken för en eventstudie användes för att beräkna abnormala avkastningar associerade med inkludering i eller exkludering från ett hållbarhetsindex. En linjär regression tillämpades för att skilja på om sektortillhörighet påverkade investerarnas reaktioner på när företag inkluderades i eller exkluderades från indexet. Studien använder aktiedata för företag från tidsperioden 2014-2019.  Resultat: Resultaten tyder på att inkluderingar från indexet inte signifikant ökar CAAR. Exkluderingar från indexet påverkade dock CAAR negativt på dagen för tillkännagivandet. För exkluderingar redovisade resultatet att fem sektorer har en signifikant skillnad i CAAR, men enbart en sektor för inkluderingar.  Slutsatser: Våra resultat visar att exkludering från DJSEUR minskar företagets aktiekurs, vilket tyder på att den europeiska aktiemarknaden straffar företag för att de inte bibehåller en tillräckligt hög nivå av CSR. Men investerare belönar inte företag för att inkluderas i DJSEUR indexet. Vilket innebär att investerare på den europeiska aktiemarknaden förväntar sig att företag implementerar CSR men belönar dem inte finansiellt. Därför tvingas managers tillfredsställa trycket från olika intressenter, inklusive aktieägare, samtidigt som de försöker maximera aktiens värde.

Family involvement in firm and its implications for firm performance : dividend behavior and foreign holdings / Le capital familial et ses implications sur la performance : la politique des dividendes et les avoirs étrangers

Sener Tournus, Pinar 31 March 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse, en portant une attention particulière sur les entreprises familiales turques et par l'utilisation d'une approche fondée sur la théorie de l'agence, a pour objectif de mettre en lumière les implications du capital familial sur la performance, la distribution de dividendes et les avoirs étrangers. Elle étudie premièrement en s'appuyant sur une méta-analyse, la relation entre l'impact net du capital familial sur la performance de l'entreprise et l'effet de modérateurs sur cette relation. Ensuite, elle examine si, en Turquie, le capital familial comble ou profite des lacunes institutionnelles et étudie comment les entreprises familiales diminuent les préoccupations relatives à l'expropriation des actionnaires minoritaires. Enfin, elle explore comment dans le cas turc, les investisseurs étrangers perçoivent le capital familial et les pratiques de gouvernance appliquées par les entreprises familiales pour éliminer les préoccupations de ces investisseurs concernant l'expropriation de leurs droits. Les principaux résultats de cette thèse démontrent que l'impact du capital familial sur la performance des entreprises est positif mais faible. Le niveau de développement des institutions formelles du pays dans lequel les entreprises familiales opèrent, modère la relation entre le capital familial et la performance des entreprises. En Turquie, un niveau modéré de détention du capital par la famille est bénéfique car la performance comptable atteint un pic à ce niveau de détention et les investisseurs valorisent un tel niveau de détention du capital par la famille. En outre, lorsque les familles détiennent un niveau substantiel de droits de vote et participent activement au management de l'entreprise, le versement de dividendes se réduit et la gouvernance familiale profite des lacunes institutionnelles pour exproprier les autres actionnaires de leurs droits. Enfin, en Turquie, le recours effectif par les entreprises familiales à des pratiques de gouvernance diminue les inquiétudes des investisseurs étrangers concernant l'opportunisme de la famille. / Using insights mainly from agency theory, this dissertation intends to shed light on performance, dividend payout and foreign holdings' implications of family involvement in firm with an emphasis on Turkish family firms. The dissertation first investigates the net effect of family involvement on firm performance and the effect of moderators on that relationship by conducting a meta-analysis. It then shifts the focus on Turkey to examine whether family governance fills or abuses institutional gaps and look into how family firms alleviate concerns of expropriation of minority shareholders. Finally, it investigates how foreign investors perceive family involvement in firm and firm-level governance practices of family firms to mitigate investors' expropriation concerns in Turkey. The main findings of this dissertation show that the impact of family participation on firm performance is positive but modest. The development level of formal institutions in countries in which family firms operate moderates the relationship between family involvement and firm performance. In Turkey, moderate levels of family involvement in ownership are beneficial since accounting profitability reaches a peak at these levels and foreign investors value these levels of family participation in firm. On the other hand, when families have substantial voting rights and actively participate in management, dividend payouts reduce and family governance abuses institutional voids by expropriating other shareholders. Additionally, the effective use of firm-level governance practices by family firms mitigates foreign investors' concerns about family opportunism in Turkey.

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