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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Úrazovosti u hráčů florbalu s dřívější zkušeností s ledním hokejem / Accident rate at floorball players with previous experience with ice hockey

Veselý, Vojtěch January 2015 (has links)
Title: Accident rate at floorball players with previous experience with ice hockey. Objectives: To determine whether there is an increased rate of injuries of ankle joint at floorball players with previous experience with ice hockey than at floorball players without this experience. To evaluate the impact of the operation of ice hockey, the sport with permanently fixed foot in the skate, at followed up playing of floorball at the top level. Methology: For the purposes of this thesis was compiled multiple-standard questionnaire - questionnaire form. The research sample consisted of 100 probands - the first group of 25 probands top floorball players who have played at least 5 years of ice hockey at the highest level, the second group 25 floorball extra-league players, third group of 25 professional ice hockey players. Last fourth group consisted of 25 probands athletes meeting the conditions of at least 3 times a week training and 1 championship match - non focus on ice hockey and floorball. The resulting data were first analyzed and clearly captured in tables in Microsoft Office Word 2003. Then were analyzed only data relating to the ankle joint injuries in floorball players using statistical methods to confirm the hypothesis - method of association - association coefficient, Chi-square test....

Srovnání image značky Salming v ČR a Dánsku / Comparison Image of Brand Salming in Czech Republic and Denmark

Bouša, David January 2012 (has links)
Title: Comparison brand image of Salming in Czech Republic and Denmark Objectives: The main objective of this thesis is to compare the image of the brand Salming in Czech Republic and Denmark, on the basis of the general floorball public perception that floorball brand in those countries. Another objective of the thesis is to present proposals and recommendations, that should lead to improved brand image Salming. Methods: For the purpose of this thesis was made marketing research. There was obtained the necessary data through written interviewing method, by questionnaire form. Then was data, from Czech Repulic and Denmark obtained, compared by method of comparison. Results: Was found that the brand Salming is established and known floorball brand in Czech and Danish market of floorball equipment. There is good brand awareness between general floorball public in both countries. But the brand's position in Denmark is not so strong like in Czech Republic. The result of the thesis are the draft recommendations to improve the image of Salming. Keywords: brand, image of brand, strategic management, marketing research, floorball

Srovnání úrovně pohybových schopností ve sportovních hrách u hráčů staršího školního věku / A comparison of the level of physical abilities of older school age players in the sport games

Palatínus, Antonín January 2019 (has links)
Title: A comparison of the level of physical abilities of older school age players in the sport games Objectives: This thesis is aiming to find out different levels of motor skills among childen of older school age in several sport disciplines. The goal of this project is to compare those skills amongst selected games and the norm of the test battery Methods: The reaserch was conducted by form of testing according to the test battery uniffited test 6-60, Which consisted of ones height and body weight and tests to find out the levels of motor skills. Results: While comparing the result of floorball ice hockey and basketball the players of ice hockey achieved the best performance values, which won in 3 of 4 measured categories. Comparing the results of the whole reaserch file with the uniffit normes probandi achieved avereged to above averege values, only 11 % were bellow average Keywords: physical abilities, unifittest 6-60, sport games, floorball, ice hockey, basketball

Att vara minoritet i en mansdominerad idrottskultur : En kvalitativ studie om innebandytränares perspektiv på kvinnors underrepresentation inom svensk innebandy / Being minority in a male-dominant sports culture : A qualitative study of floorball coaches perspective on the underrepresentation of women in Swedish floorball

Lindroth, Alexander, Östlund, Maija January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att få en bättre förståelse och bredare kunskap om problematiken runt kvinnors underrepresentation som tränare inom svensk innebandy. Inom idrotten är ledarskap ett mansdominerat område och världen över hamnar kvinnor i en minoritetsposition. Studien belyser problemet utifrån en sociokulturell teori med fokus på att förstå de sociala strukturer som format en idrottskultur som är manligt kodad. För att få en fördjupad förståelse har det teoretiska ramverket kombinerats med ett genus- och organisationsperspektiv. Det avgränsade syftet med studien var att genom innebandytränares uppfattningar analysera vad i idrottskulturen och genusstrukturen som har betydelse för att det är fler män än kvinnor som är tränare inom innebandy, samt via innebandytränares uppfattningar undersöka potentiella förändringar som kan vidtas för att öka antalet kvinnor som innebandytränare. Studiens resultat baseras på data skapat genom fyra fokusgrupper med totalt 13 huvudtränare inom innebandy, där både kvinnor och mäns perspektiv på och erfarenheter av problemet inkluderades. Studiens resultat visar bland annat på svårigheter för kvinnor att kliva fram och respekteras som innebandytränare och att kvinnor får ett annorlunda bemötande jämfört med manliga kollegor. Ytterligare ett centralt resultat från studien är behovet av förebilder för barn och ungdomar för att förändra synen på kvinnor i tränarpositioner. Vi kan med stöd från studiens resultat och analys säga att idrottskulturen inom svensk innebandy består av traditionell genusstruktur som skapar mindre möjligheter för kvinnor att bli och vara tränare inom innebandy.

“Sitter sex i väggen, då finns det inget att diskutera” : en studie om betyg och bedömning av den praktiska färdigheten i ämnet specialidrott på sex av Sveriges innebandygymnasier / “If you shoot six in the wall, there is nothing to discuss” : A study about assessment and rating of the practical skills in floorball at the Elite Sports Programs in the Swedish Upper Secondary School

Hargesson, Markus, Ljungholm, Tobias January 2013 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar Syftet har varit är att öka kunskapen om lärares bedömning av elevers praktiska färdighet i innebandy på den nationella idrottsutbildningen (NIU). Vidare syftar studien till att jämföra lärarnas bedömning med kursplanens kunskapskrav. Vilka färdigheter är det som de intervjuade lärarna bedömer hos eleverna? Hur bedömer de intervjuade lärarna elevernas färdigheter? Hur erfar de intervjuade lärarna arbetet med bedömning och betygsättning? Metod Med hänsyn till studiens kvalitativa ansats valdes intervju som metod. Studien avgränsar sig till de lärare som undervisar innebandy som specialidrott. Urvalet gjordes med hänsyn till geografisk spridning. I studien deltog sex lärare från sex olika skolor i landet.Som teoretisk ansats användes en mätteori där verklighetsmängden, lärarnas uttryckta bedömningar, jämfördes mot symbolmängden, kursplanens uttryckta bedömningar. I analysen av lärarnas bedömning användes ”Performance analysis” som utgångspunkt. Resultat Resultatet visade att lärarna bedömde eleverna i teknik, tekniskt användande, taktik, rörelse, och beteende utifrån modellen ”Performance Analysis” samt fysisk förmåga och elevernas utveckling över tid. Bedömningarna skedde på olika sätt, men med en tyngdpunkt på den subjektiva bedömningen. Lärarna erfar betygsprocessen som utmanande och att riktlinjerna för bedömning är otydliga i styrdokumenten. Slutsats Lärarna är väl lämpade för att genomföra bedömningar på goda grunder utifrån forskning om idrottsliga prestationer. Deras erfarenhet tillsammans med de bedömningar de som de gör, ger en god grund för en prestationsbedömning. Det saknas dock tydliga riktlinjer från Skolverket och Svenska Innebandyförbundet om vilka färdigheter som ska bedömas och hur bedömningarna ska ligga till grund för betygsättningen. Detta innebär att bedömningen ser annorlunda ut från skola till skola och på det följer en betygssättning som riskerar att inte vara likvärdig. / Aim The aim of this study has been to investigate how teachers assess students practical skills in floorball at the Elite Sports Programs in the Swedish Upper Secondary School. Furthermore, the study aims to compare teachers assessment with the standards of attainment formulated by The Swedish National Agency for Education (SNAE) What skills do the interviewed teachers assess? How do the interviewed teachers assess the student’s skills? How do the interviewed teacher experience the work with assessment? Method With regards to the study's qualitative approach interview was chosen as method. The study delimits itself to the teachers who teach floorball as special sports. The selection was made taking into account the geographical spread and six teachers from six different schools participated in the study. As a theoretical approach, a measure theory were used where true amount, the teachers expressed assessments, compared to the symbol rate, the curriculum expressed judgments. The analysis of teachers' assessment used the model of "Performance analysis" as departure point. Results The results show that teachers assessed students in technique, technical use, tactics, movement and behavior based on the model, "Performance Analysis", as well as physical ability and pupils development over time. The assessment differed and there was an emphasis on a subjective assessment. Teachers experienced the grading process as challenging and fuzzy regarding the guidelines from the SNAE. Conclusion Teachers are well capable of assessing. Their basis for assessment is in accordance with research of athletic performance. There are no clear guidelines from SNAE or the Swedish Floorball Federation regarding the skills that should be assessed and furthermore how the assessment should form the basis for grading. This means that the assessment differs from school to school, with the risk that the grading is based on different grounds.

Att vara innebandyspelare : En kvalitativ studie om skapandet av identitet och självbild genom deltagande i handikappidrott hos idrottare med intellektuellt funktionshinder

Gullander, Sandra, Larsson, Zandra January 2013 (has links)
Denna studie har skrivits för att skapa en förståelse för vad deltagande i handikappidrott betyder för skapandet av identitet och självbild påverkas hos personer med intellektuellt funktionshinder. Att genom idrott lära sig vem jag är och vad jag kan. Ett ämne som är viktigt att belysa i en samhällsgrupp som ofta känner sig orättvist bedömda av andra. Det är även en samhällsgrupp som är eftersatt inom den kvalitativa forskningen och idrottspedagogiken. För att studera detta användes deltagande observationer och intervjuer. Likheter och olikheter jämfördes i empirin och utifrån det skapades olika teman på resultaten. Resultaten presenterar ett skapande av en gruppidentitet och en individuell identitet hos idrottarna. Ett skapande där olika villkor i idrottsmiljön har betydelse. Villkor som har betydelse för skapandet av en stark identitet och stark självbild men också tvärtom. Studien kan ge en bild av de villkor i idrottsmiljön som bidrar till en svagare identitet och självbild så att det problemet kan lösas inom laget. / This study has been written to create an understanding of what participation in disability sport means for the creating of identity and self-image among people with intellectual disabilities. Through sport learn who I am and what I can. A subject that is important to illustrate in a social group that often feels unfairly judged by others. It`s also a social group that is neglected in qualitative research and sports education. To study this we used participating observation and interviews. Similarities and differences were compared in our empirical data. Based on our findings we created different themes for the results. The results present an establishment of a group identity and individual identity among the athletes. An establishment where the different conditions in the sport environment are significant. Conditions that is important for the creation of a strong identity and a strong self-image, but also the opposite. The study can provide a picture of the conditions in the sport environment that contribute to a weaker identity and self-image so that the problem can be solved within the team.

Vytvoření a ověření zásobníku florbalových cvičení pro 1. stupeň ZŠ / Create and verify the set floorball exercises for primary school children

HUBENÁ, Irena January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis was to create a set of floorball exercises for the primary school, which will then be tested in practice. It was an experiment with two groups of pupils. The first test had taken place three months before practicing floorball exercises and after that the second test was carried out. Research carried out has shown that the three-month training floorball activities contributed positively to the results of both groups. In the slalom test, the Chickens group has improved more from 16,9 to 14,8 and the Cocks group from 9 seconds to 8,3 seconds. In the relay test the Chickens group has scored more significant improvement again from 36,6 seconds to 29,8 seconds and the Cocks group from 30,2 seconds to 28,9 seconds. In the test of shooting accuracy has improved both groups, the Chickens group from 4,9 goals to 6,8 goals and the Cocks group from 5,5 goals to 7,5 goals. The contribution of this work is a set of exercises that teachers and coaches can use in practice.

Ekonomika mistrovství světa ve florbale 2008 / Economics of 2008 Men‘s World Floorball Championships

Richter, Martin January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with the 2008 Men's World Floorball Championships, held in the Czech Republic. It describes and evaluates various aspects of World Championships economics, compares organizers' targets with the actual results and highlights the most important factors of success of the event along with the biggest deficiencies in event's organization. The objective of this work is to create a document that will serve as an aid to future organizers to hold a successful international sporting event such as Men's World Floorball Championships.

Řízení podnikové informatiky v podmínkách činnosti sportovního svazu / Management of business informatics in particular sport union

Jirovský, Jan January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the area of management of business informatics at the Floorball Union. It is a very specific type of organization with a mixed organization structure and decision-making processes divided between elected bodies and the employee structure of the organiza-tion, where the area of business informatics is, due to the mission and goals of the organiza-tion, rather at the periphery of the interest of the management of this sports association. It is so despite the fact that the floorball union has developed and runs its own information system FIS. Based on the knowledge and experience acquired in the theoretical part, the thesis aims at assessing the current model of management of business informatics, defining its biggest shortcomings and proposing adjustments to this model. Within the assessment of the management model, the thesis further evaluates the benefits of the implementation of the infor-mation system FIS, with the aim of evidencing the rightness of the decision to develop and implement the system, both from the point of view of non-financial benefits, as well as financial impacts and possibilities of further development and growth of the organization. The theoretical part of the thesis contains a description of the structure, goals and mission of the sports association, and attention is then devoted to the selected models, frameworks and approaches to management of business informatics and measuring its benefits. The practical part is devoted to an analysis of the current state of management of business informatics, and it includes a description of all its resources and relations, as well as a definition of its biggest shortcomings. Based on the findings, I have proposed a centralization of the management model including proposals of specific measures that will eliminate the discovered shortcom-ings to maximum extent. Compared to standards, the model of management of business in-formatics has been in some areas adjusted according to the needs, requirements and characteristics of the organization for which it is being designed. Another significant part of the practical part of the thesis contains evidence regarding the benefits of the implementation of the information system FIS. It is this part in particular, along with the creation of a new model of company information system management for the Czech Floorball Union, that I consider the most significant contribution of my diploma thesis.

Posouzení významu strečinku u hráček florbalu a jeho dopad na zkrácené svaly / Assesmddent the importance of stretching in florball players and its impact on muscle shortening

Kubátová, Adéla January 2021 (has links)
Title: Assessing the importance of stretching among women floorball players and its impact on shortened muscles Objectives: The main goal of the diploma thesis was to determine the functional state of the muscular system and the rate of shortened muscles in a selected group of women in the age range from 18 to 34 years old in the floorball club Banes Florbal Soběslav playing the 1st woman's league. Based on the examination, a set of specific stretching exercises was created and subsequently their effect was verified. The partial goal was to find out the level of stretching before and after the training unit or match using an online questionnaire for players playing in the 1st woman's league. Methods: The diploma thesis was processed as an experimental study. The research involved 16 probands who have been actively involved in floorball for at least 5 years. The research group was equally divided into experimental and contol groups. To obtain the data, a standardized test of shortened muscles according to Janda and palpation examination of trigger points were used. Entrance and exit tests of both groups were performed at intervals of 3 months. During this period the experimental group completed an intervention program. There was no intervention in the control group. An online questionnaire sent via...

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