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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

I fyrkens tid : Politisk kultur i två ångermanländska landskommuner / I fyrkens tid : Politisk kultur i två ångermanländska landskommuner

Nydahl, Erik January 2010 (has links)
Abstract   Nydahl, Erik; I fyrkens tid. Politisk kultur i två ångermanländska landskommuner 1860-1930 [Voting by income: The political culture of two Swedish municipalities, 1860–1930] Department of Humanities, Mid Sweden University, SE-871 88 Härnösand, Sweden ISBN: 978-91-86694-05-0, ISSN 1652-893X, Doctoral thesis nr: 100 (2010). Swedish text with a summary in English   This dissertation analyses the development of political culture in two Swedish municipalities between the 1860s and the 1930s – a period during which Swedish society underwent major changes. The purpose is to examine the direct and indirect consequences of an evolving industrial society's economic, social and political structures on political culture at local levels. The following factors are the base of the study. At the start of the 1860s, a long-standing Swedish tradition of local self-government was reinforced through a major reform, the Local Government Ordinance of 1862 (1862 års kommunalförfattningar). From this point, each parish formed its own municipality. The new municipalities were given the right to levy taxes and made responsible for welfare and schools, thereby becoming a prominent arena for the exercise of power at local levels. The municipal reform of 1862 was carried out at a time when Swedish society was transitioning as the industrialisation process accelerated during the latter part of the 1800s. Gradually, the old structure of an agricultural society was cast aside in favour of a new, modern industrial society. Naturally, also the municipalities changed – directly and indirectly. For some municipalities, adjustments were significant; for others, less so. Part of this process was the reformation of voting rights from plutocratic to public and equal. Another part was the reorganisation of municipal government from direct government via municipal meetings to representative government via municipal councils. Two main issues are formulated and answered in the dissertation. The one addresses who or which had the power over local politics and how the situation changed over time. The second addresses in what way municipal representation changed form with the modernisation of the municipalities. The empirical survey comprises a comparative case study between two municipalities in the northern part of Sweden. The one municipality, Ytterlännäs, was early the site for large-scale sawmill industry. The second municipality, Stigsjö, retained its agricultural structure throughout the entire period in question. The comparison makes it possible to analyse the impending industrial society from two different poles. In the 1800s, local politics was considered to be a completely different sort than politics at a national level. The difference was that local politics, referred to as “the municipal”, was seen as non-political and unaffiliated with those conflicts addressed at national levels, referred to as “the political”. The dissertation demonstrates two different models of how modern municipal politics evolved from the municipal meetings of the 1800s. While the starting point was the same in both municipalities, the paths diverged in the early 1870s. In the agricultural municipality of Stigsjö, it was “business as usual”. In the industrial municipality of Ytterlännäs, however, confrontation arose between enterprises and farmers and eventually, a labour movement emerged demanding the right of participation. The dissertation shows that the distinction between “municipal” and “political” was obliterated in the beginning of the 1900s, paving the way for a new concept – municipal politics. This process occurred in a very palpable way in Ytterlännäs but eventually, Stigsjö was forced to conform. The new municipal politics was, so to speak, the final station in both municipalities. In conjunction with party politicisation of local politics, the criteria and seats for the municipal representatives changed. When party affiliation became an important criterion, professional affiliation became less relevant. Party bloc seats replaced the independent seats, and representatives were eventually paid remuneration.     Keywords: Political culture, politics, voting right, municipal politics, industrial society, industrialisation, elected representatives, representation, temperance movement, labour movement, popular movements, political parties, modernisation

Folkrörelserna i välfärdssamhället / Voluntary associations in the welfare society

Engberg, Jan January 1986 (has links)
Swedish voluntary associations, folkrörelser have been honoredwith a gilt-edged history, a chronicle in need of criticalnuance. Those mass movements which at the time of thebreakthrough of democracy and the welfare society were bearers ofcivic ideals and visions have changed in character and metcompetition from other organizations. Over the years theorganizational sphere as well as its enviroment have evolved intosomething of a completely different nature.The purpose of this study is to reconstruct the communityfunctions of voluntary associations; and to identify theconditions under which voluntary associations are able to promotedifferent political cultures.The analyses prove that voluntary associations in the welfaresociety occupy community functions located between the extremesof a service and a pressure function. Extrapolated to themacro-level they are on the way to a privatist and pluralistsociety, respectively. Few, if any, organizations maintain forcesthat point in the direction of a civil or state society.Organizations push society onto a path leading towards pluralismand individualism, but what does this imply for the developmentof the whole social formation? A variety of forces maycounterbalance the aspirations of voluntary associations. In thewelfare society key emphasis must be placed on what happens whenorganizations meet the challenge imposed by the volumnious growthof the public sector.The capacity of organizations to change the enviroment isdependent on the scale and thoroughness of public intervention:the more extensive government interventionism, the harder it isfor organizations to leave their imprint on the making of apolitical culture. If, however, the integration of the economic,social, and political arenas was to disintegrate or the arenaswere to become softer in their contours, organization potentialswould grow stronger. Voluntary associations are more reactivethan active in political conditions characterized by integratedarenas and government interventionism; reducing publicintervention is a prerequisite for organizations to be able toreshape the political culture. / digitalisering@umu

Reconsidering membership : a study of individual members' formal affiliation with democratically governed federations

Hvenmark, Johan January 2008 (has links)
Individual membership is a widespread phenomenon in society. However, despite its well-documented empirical presence, there is a lack of knowledge concerning the meaning of that specific relation between members and their organizations.  This study sets out to analyze how top-level leaders and officials in membership-based and democratically governed federations perceive membership. The federations included are: the Swedish Red Cross, the Swedish Teachers’ Union, the Swedish Union of Tenants, the Swedish Co-operative Union, the Swedish Football Association, the Swedish Social Democratic Party, the Mission Covenant Church of Sweden, the Swedish Association of the Visually Impaired, and the International Organization of Good Templars in Sweden. The analysis explores linkages between the interviewees’ perceptions of membership, these federations and their societal context. The study suggests that the federations can be described as hourglass constructs, involving a hybridization of democracy and bureaucracy. These hybrids, and the societal context, are also discussed in relation to the Swedish notion of folkrörelse. A reconsidered model for membership is developed in order to offer a nuanced picture of how the meaning of membership evolves through the continuous interplay between acting agents, culture, and social structure. The analysis reveals that the notion of folkrörelse is deeply embedded in the per­ceptions of membership. Furthermore, membership is an important part of the identity of these organizations, and contributes to the legitimization of their existence. It can be understood as a boundary-defining relation with a gate-keeping function. Moreover, it represents a channel for mobilizing resources, and constitutes a base for specific member roles, such as members as principals and members as customers. The dis­cussion highlights oligarchic tendencies and increased bureaucratization in these federations, as well as a drift towards commercialization, which also seems to propel a gradual commodification of membership. / Diss. Stockholm : Handelshögskolan, 2008

Kirunas stridbara arbetare : Arbetarideal och samhällelig disciplinering vid samhällets framväxt 1900-1939

Wallgren, Birgitta January 2022 (has links)
I denna uppsats undersöks hur arbetarna i Kiruna förhöll sig till det skötsamhetsideal som spreds via folkrörelserna under förra seklets första decennier. Detta görs genom att i primärkällor från arkiv, samt i sekundära källor, studera samspelet mellan arbetarnas praktiker och institutionernas framväxt till exempel folkrörelser, politiska rörelser, samhällsinstitutioner Syftet är att skapa kunskap om hur normer iscensätts inom arbetarkulturen i Kiruna vid framväxten av samhället - hur föreställningar om arbetarideal tar form och förmedlas och relationen mellan platsen och den arbetarkultur som växer fram.  Resultatet visar att i motsats till tidigare forskning om det skötsamhetsideal som folkrörelserna spred bland arbetarna, där värdighet, solidaritet, arbetsdisciplin, affektkontroll och nykterhet framhålls, framstår Kirunas skötsamhetsideal som en blandning, där kvarlevande drag från rallarkulturen blandas med nya framträngande drag med politisk stridbarhet och kulturell bildning, till blandande arbetarideal, som också beskriver de intryck arbetarna ville göra på omgivningen och inför sig själva med sina praktiker: stridbarhet, solidaritet, styrka, uthållighet, slagfärdighet, stolthet, rättrådighet, och kulturell bildning. Nykterhet och affektkontroll finns inte med. Nykterhetsföreningar och religiösa föreningar spelade inte samma centrala roll i Kiruna som i övriga landet.

Folkrörelser och nätverk : sociala, informativa och tekniska / Voluntary organizations and networks : social, informative and technological

Persson, Jakob January 2003 (has links)
Det här projektet omfattar utvecklingen och designen av en webbplats och en webbcommunity för organisationen Nätverket Vileda samt implementationen av ett content management system för att underhålla webbplatsen. Jag reflekterar också kring Nätverket Vileda och nätverket som ett socialt fenomen men även som en kommunikationskanal för organisationer och hur detta har förändrats och utvecklats genom de senaste hundra åren. / This project covers the development and design of a website, with a content management system for site maintenance, and a web community for the Vileda Network organization. It also includes my thoughts and ideas on Vileda Network as a voluntary association and the role of the network, both as a social phenomenon but also as a channel for communication and how it has changed and evolved throughout the past century. / Phone: +46702722512 Address: Jakob Persson, Rörgatan 18B, SE85239 Sundsvall, SWEDEN Email: jakob.persson@iname.com Website: http://www.jakob-persson.com

Företagsamhet föder framgång : Yrkeskarriärer och sociala nätverk bland företagarna i Sundsvall 1850-1900

Svanberg, Mikael January 1999 (has links)
The present dissertation deals with the factors influencing the professional careers of mer-chants and craftsmen working in the Swedish town of Sundsvall between 1850 and 1900. The most important hypotheses are: To what degree did social origins influence an entre-preneur's opportunities for running his business? How many of the children of these busi-nessmen assumed and maintained their parents' social status upon attaining adulthood? What significance did the entrepreneur's spouse have for his business activities? To what degree were his economic activities influenced by joining local voluntary associations? By combining data culled from the parish registers of the Swedish Lutheran Church, the poll tax registers and the primary source material for national trade statistics, the author has been able to identify the individuals who worked as entrepreneurs in Sundsvall during the period under investigation, what they paid in business income tax each year, the profes-sional titles they possessed and the places in which they and their relatives resided during their lifetimes. The results show that the majority of the most successful younger entrepreneurs active in the town before the introduction of freedom of trade in Sweden in the year 1864 were mostly immigrants from other parts of the country, who had furthermore come from rela-tively modest backgrounds. However, the social and geographic origins of these entrepre-neur's wives has proven to be of central significance to the success of the business, in in-stances where she had been raised in a business family from Sundsvall. The professional skill of the entrepreneur together with his wife's familiarity with the town, in all likelihood also combined with her inherited cultural capital, contributed to creating a demand from the local populace for the goods or services sold by the company / <p>Distrubution: Institutionen för idé- och samhällsstudier, Umeå universitet,, 901 87 Umeå, 090-786 50 00</p>

En droppe av musik : under 1920-talet i Svenska kyrkan

Ungh, Malin January 2002 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats analyserar de psalmer som användes i Svenska kyrkan under 1920-talet. Utgångspunkten tas i 1921 års psalmbokstillägg. Psalmtexterna analyseras utifrån den sammhälleliga kontexten. Framförallt 4 kategorier diskuteras: gemenskap, protest, mål och mening och till sist frihet.</p><p>Musik har haft betydelse för människor på många olika sätt och har det fortfarande. En viktig uppgift har kompositörerna till musiken och författarena till texterna. Vad musiken och texten sedan betyder är upp till var och en att bedöma, dock kan man alltid undersöka och analysera texternas betydelse och innehåll från olika angreppssätt och ett av dem är så som jag gått till väga och hoppas att det med tiden kommer att utvecklas.</p><p>En önskan är att fler människor intresserar sig för detta område och försöker se det ur olika vinklar och angriper det från olika håll. En annan önskan är att någon tar vid där detta arbete slutar och går vidare, fördjupar och utvecklar det jag påbörjat. Jag hoppas att man kan ägnar mer tid och forskning åt det här området, ty jag är övertygad om att det kommer att ha betydelse i framtiden på så sätt att det skulle kunna förklara Svenska kyrkans inflytande på människor genom musik och text.</p>

En droppe av musik : under 1920-talet i Svenska kyrkan

Ungh, Malin January 2002 (has links)
Denna uppsats analyserar de psalmer som användes i Svenska kyrkan under 1920-talet. Utgångspunkten tas i 1921 års psalmbokstillägg. Psalmtexterna analyseras utifrån den sammhälleliga kontexten. Framförallt 4 kategorier diskuteras: gemenskap, protest, mål och mening och till sist frihet. Musik har haft betydelse för människor på många olika sätt och har det fortfarande. En viktig uppgift har kompositörerna till musiken och författarena till texterna. Vad musiken och texten sedan betyder är upp till var och en att bedöma, dock kan man alltid undersöka och analysera texternas betydelse och innehåll från olika angreppssätt och ett av dem är så som jag gått till väga och hoppas att det med tiden kommer att utvecklas. En önskan är att fler människor intresserar sig för detta område och försöker se det ur olika vinklar och angriper det från olika håll. En annan önskan är att någon tar vid där detta arbete slutar och går vidare, fördjupar och utvecklar det jag påbörjat. Jag hoppas att man kan ägnar mer tid och forskning åt det här området, ty jag är övertygad om att det kommer att ha betydelse i framtiden på så sätt att det skulle kunna förklara Svenska kyrkans inflytande på människor genom musik och text.

Föreningsengagemang och politiskt deltagande – en tvetydig historia : En studie av Högsby och Växjö kommunfullmäktige

Bothén, Samuel January 2010 (has links)
Abstract The political parties in Sweden are losing members. This is seen as a problem because the political parties are the base and the recruiting ground for members to decision-making bodies. Social movements are seen as a place where people with a modest background could express their opinions and also learn the political process. These movements have also lost members during the last decades and this could seriously affect the representation of lower social groups among the decision-makers. This essay emanates from Robert D. Putnam’s theory of the importance of a strong civil society and social capital for democracy and a fair social representation in governing bodies. The goal with this essay was to examine if people with background in social-movements was over-represented in decision-making bodies and if their experiences from those organization had been important for them in their role in decision-making bodies. The conclusion was that there was no over-representation of people with background in social movements compared to Sweden in general. Experiences from earlier engagement in social movements seem to have been more important for the group with low socioeconomic status but this connection cannot be said to be general. Keywords: social capital, civil society, social movements, socioeconomic status

Den Svenska Folkrörelsekulturen : En deskriptiv studie om folkrörelsers organisationskultur under påverkan av kulturpolitiken

Malekzadeh, Setareh, Nouraei, Bahram January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att kartlägga organisationskultur inom folkrörelseorganisationer samt att undersöka dess eventuella förändringar under påverkan av kulturpolitiken. Denna studie tillämpar Geert Hofstedes teorier som behandlar olika nivåer och dimensioner av organisationskultur. Studien behandlar värderingar, ritualer, hjältar och symboler inom varje organisation i fråga i ett sammanhang av organisatoriska praktiker som meningsbärande kulturella uttryck. Studien har genomförts med ett kvalitativt angreppssätt där semistrukturerade intervjuer utförts med hjälp av ett bekvämlighetsrvalsstrategi. Datainsamlingen har genomförts genom personliga intervjuer med fyra medarbetare på två folkrörelseorganisationer i Stockholm d.v.s. ABF och Riksteatern. De valda Organisationerna är verksamma inom olika verksamhetsområde och respondenterna har jobbat i varierande positioner och har fleråriga arbetserfarenheter. Intervjuerna spelades in efter beviljat tillstånd och säkerställandet av respondenternas anonymitet. En innehållsanalys genomfördes efter transkribering av inspelat material i form av citat och egna tolkningar. Studien behandlar också en del sekundärdata i form av historisk information om folkrörelsernas samhälleliga rötter och utvecklingsprocess. Studien visar en ständigt pågående omorganiseringsprocess inom folkrörelseorganisationer vilket orsakat signifikanta förändringar inom folkrörelsernas organisationskultur. Konflikten mellan folkrörelsernas ideella logiker och kulturpolitikens kvalitetslogik uppträder i organisationskulturen på olika sätt. ABF:s kärnvärderingar nämligen hjälpsamhet, jämlikhet och högt arbetsengagemang anses vara mindre aktuella idag. Hjälpsamhet och jämlikhet ligger också till grund för Riksteaterns demokratiseringsverksamhet och anses fortfarande vara aktuella i organisationen. När det gäller ABF har vi funnit att organisationen har utvecklat en professionell och icke-normativ organisationskultur med stränga kontrollmekanismer och stor fokus på arbetsutförande och processansvar i ett slut organisationssystem. Stränga kontrollmekanismer anses vara ett resultat av kulturpolitikens krav på ökad internkontroll och kvalitetssäkring. Studien visar att Riksteatern har utvecklat en komplex mångsidig organisationskultur som finns i två sammanhängande lager. En lokal, personalinriktad och normativ arbetskrets som omger sig med professionella, resultatinriktade och pragmatiska medarbetare. Detta leder till en normativ organisationskultur som erbjuder pragmatiska lösningar i syfte att kunna leva upp till kulturdepartementets krav på hög kvalitet, resurseffektivitet och antalet besökare. Det finns en tendens mot professionalism och pragmatism inom båda organisationerna. Detta kan bero på att båda organisationerna är ekonomiskt beroende av statliga bidrag och därför ska leva upp till kulturpolitikens kvalitetskrav. Detta ledde också till svagt normativt engagemang och ett slags samhällelig passivitet. Vi har också funnit att betoningen på kvantitativ utvärdering inte är en fungerande strategi för utvärdering av ideell kulturverksamhet. Istället har detta orsakat paradoxala uppdrag och identitetsförvirring inom organisationerna enligt våra respondenter. / The purpose of this paper is to provide a systematic description of the organizational culture in social movement organizations in Sweden and also to investigate its possible changes under the impact of cultural policy. The following study has been done using Geert Hofstede’s theories on different levels and dimensions of organizational culture. The study explores the organizational values, rituals, heroes and symbols in the context of organizational practices to be examined as meaningful cultural representations. This study has been done based on qualitative research method using semi-structured interviews and convenience sampling strategy for data collection. The data has been collected through personal interviews with four employees from two social movement organizations in Stockholm and from different areas of practice; The Swedish National Touring Theatre (Riksteatern) and The Workers’ Educational Association (ABF). The respondents have been working in variety of positions and have many years of experience. The interviews have been recorded as audio files after granting permission and ensuring the respondents’ anonymity to be preserved. A content analysis has been done following the transcription of the recorded material in the form of quotes and interpretations. Secondary data has been also used in the form of historical information regarding the origins of Swedish social movements and their development process. Our study shows that there is a constantly ongoing reorganization process in the Swedish social movements which has caused significant changes in the social movements’ organizational culture. The conflict between the logic of the social movements and the quality-oriented logic of the Swedish cultural policy emerges in the organizational culture in different ways. ABF’s core values such as benevolence, equality and high work engagement are considered to be less relevant in the current organizational culture. Benevolence and equality are also the core values of Riksteatern and are still considered to be relevant in the current organizational culture. When it comes to ABF, we have found that the organization has developed a professional and pragmatic organizational culture with strict control mechanisms and huge focus on task performance and processes in a closed-system organization. The strict control mechanisms are considered to be the result of the Swedish cultural policy’s requirements regarding internal control and quality assurance. The study shows that Riksteatern has developed a complex multidimensional organizational culture which exists in two interrelated layers. A local, employee-oriented and normative work circle surrounded by professional, result-oriented and pragmatic coworkers. This leads to a normative organizational culture which offers pragmatic solutions in order to be able to meet the ministry of culture’s requirements regarding high quality, resource efficiency and visitor numbers. There’s a tendency towards professionalism and pragmatism in both organizations. This might depend on the fact that both organizations are economically dependent to public funds and therefore are required to meet the cultural policy’s quality requirements. This leads also to a low normative engagement and societal passivity. We have also found that the emphasis on the quantitative evaluation ad revision is not an effective strategy to evaluate nonprofit cultural organization. Instead, this strategy has caused paradoxical missions and confusion regarding organizational identity, according to our respondents.

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