Spelling suggestions: "subject:"good industries"" "subject:"good 1ndustries""
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Les déterminants de l'adoption de la traçabilité par les entreprises de conditionnement de dattes en Tunisie / The determiners of the adoption of traceability by the companies of date conditioning in TunisiaKaraa, Meriam 02 July 2010 (has links)
La traçabilité est considérée comme une réponse à l’état d’incertitude lié principalement aux crises alimentaires de la fin du XXème siècle. Avec la mise en application de la réglementation européenne n°178/2002 le 1er janvier 2005, tous les acteurs de la chaîne alimentaire doivent être mobilisés afin d’apporter le maximum de garantie et d’assurance aux consommateurs finaux, que cela soit en termes de qualité et en termes de sécurité. Pour le cas de la filière des dattes tunisienne, la traçabilité -en tant que démarche de management stratégique- apparaît comme une innovation managériale qui se situe toujours en phase d’adoption. Notre travail de recherche s’inscrit dans ce cadre. L’objectif est d’identifier les déterminants de l’adoption d’une démarche de traçabilité dans le cadre spécifique des entreprises de conditionnement de dattes en Tunisie. Nous présentons une modélisation en ce sens, en proposant d’associer la théorie des parties prenantes à celle de la diffusion et de l’adoption d’une innovation de Rogers (1962, 2003). Nous discutons les trois propositions génériques de recherche émises, en se fondant sur une analyse qualitative auprès des conditionneurs de dattes considérés comme « pionniers » en matière de traçabilité tunisienne.Les résultats de la recherche aboutissent à l’élaboration d’un ensemble de déterminants de l’adoption de la traçabilité dans le cadre du maillon conditionneurs de la filière des dattes en Tunisie. Il s’agit des caractéristiques de la traçabilité, des caractéristiques de l’organisation et, des caractéristiques de l’environnement tels que précisés dans notre modèle, auquel il convient d’ajouter un quatrième élément issus de l’analyse des entretiens et qui concerne les facteurs transversaux. / The traceability is considered as an answer to the state of uncertainty due mainly to the foodcrises of the end of the XXth century. With the application of the European regulationsn°178/2002 on January 1st, 2005, all the actors of the food chain must be mobilized to bring the maximum of guarantee and insurance to the final consumers, in terms of quality and safety. In the case of the Tunisian date sector, the traceability - as an approach of strategic management- appears like a managerial innovation which always comes within the phase of adoption.Our research comes within the scope of this framework. The aim of this research is to identify the determiners of the adoption of an approach of traceability with the example of the companies of date conditioning in Tunisia. So we present a modelling by suggesting associating the theory of the stakeholders to the theory of diffusion and adoption of the innovation.We discuss three generic propositions of research put forward by basing on a qualitative analysis with conditioning date companies considered as "pioneers" in tunisian traceability.The results of this research end up in the elaboration of a set of determiners of the adoption of the traceability with in the conditioning date companies’ link in Tunisia. It represents the characteristics of the traceability, the characteristics of the organization and, the characteristics of the environment such as specified in our model, to which it is advisable to add the fourth element stemming from the analysis of the interviews and which concerns the transversal factors.
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Etude du vieillissement des membranes dans le domaine de l’agroalimentaire : production d’eau potable et filtration du laitRegula, Camille 25 June 2013 (has links)
Quel que soit le domaine d'application, les membranes doivent fréquemment subir des procédures de nettoyage et/ou de désinfection afin d'éliminer le colmatage qui découle de la filtration. Ces nettoyages sont responsables d'une accélération du vieillissement des matériaux qui impacte directement les performances techniques et économiques des procédés membranaires. La pérennité de ces derniers passe par l'identification des principaux facteurs responsables du vieillissement et par la compréhension des mécanismes qui le régissent. Le vieillissement statique de membranes d'ultrafiltration spiralée en polyethersulfone et fibres creuses en polysulfone respectivement utilisées pour la filtration du lait et pour la production d'eau potable a été étudié. Ce vieillissement a été mis en place selon la méthodologie des plans d'expériences qui a permis l'étude simultanée de la concentration, de la température et du temps de contact membrane/détergents et ce, pour différents détergents formulés couramment utilisés sur les sites de production (alcalin, acide, enzymatiques, oxydant chloré et oxydant non chloré). Les résultats ont permis de modéliser statistiquement les modifications membranaires induites par chaque détergent. Ces modifications ont été suivies aussi bien à l'échelle microscopique que macroscopique afin d'appréhender le phénomène de vieillissement dans sa globalité : propriétés de transport, propriétés mécaniques, propriétés de surface, ainsi que les modifications de la composition chimique du polymère constitutif de la membrane. Des préconisations d'utilisation des différents produits sont proposées : véritable carnet de bord les industriels. / In Food Industries, using membrane processes, contact with cleaning chemicals is believed to play an important role in membrane ageing. In this thesis, polysulfone hollow fibers and polyethersulfone spiral wound membranes were used to simulate the industrial cleaning in static conditions. Ageing of the membrane was mimicked by immersing samples in solutions containing commercial detergents with various concentrations, temperatures and soaking times defined by experimental designs. In an innovative way in the chemical membranes ageing research, an approach based on methodological tools has been realized for different formulated detergents (alkaline, acidic, enzymatic, oxidant and biocide). The main interest is to achieve a relevant ageing pattern without using an accelerated ageing protocol which has been proved to be not relevant. Results allow modeling macroscopic ageing involved by each detergent. Those modifications have been studied as well at the macroscopic scale as at the microscopic scale in order to put membrane ageing in a global perspective: flux, mechanical properties, surface properties, polymer modifications. Specifications of using can be advised according to membranes and products which represent a real oversight handbook about membrane cleaning for industrial users.
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Le renouveau des carrières organisationnelles : une approche prospective des ancres de carrière dans les industries alimentaires / The renewal of organizational careers : a foresight approach to career anchors in the food industriesKeuleyan, Remi 11 October 2019 (has links)
Le contexte actuel du marché du travail déstabilise la société salariale et, avec la disparition de la relation d’emploi à long terme, les salariés sont contraints d’élaborer des stratégies de carrière pour se protéger de nouveaux risques sociaux. Cependant, les entreprises des industries alimentaires rencontrent des difficultés pour recruter et fidéliser les salariés essentiels à leur développement. Par conséquent, il semble que la carrière organisationnelle continue de servir les intérêts stratégiques des entreprises. Dans cette recherche, nous nous interrogeons sur le devenir des carrières : « Comment évolue la carrière organisationnelle dans les industries alimentaires ? ». Nos objectifs sont d’une part, de répondre à un problème concret de gestion des carrières dans les industries alimentaires en France et d’autre part, d’enrichir les connaissances actuelles en matière d’orientation professionnelle qui semblent insuffisantes au regard des phénomènes observés sur le marché du travail. En outre, nous nous intéressons à toutes les catégories socioprofessionnelles, et notamment la population ouvrière qui semble largement oubliée des recherches sur la gestion des carrières. De façon à anticiper ces évolutions, nous élaborons une méthodologie appropriée en combinant la théorie des ancres de carrière avec la méthode de prospective de métiers. Cette nouvelle méthode, que nous appelons la « prospective des carrières », repose sur l’analyse de cent quarante études empiriques, cinquante-huit entretiens semi-directifs, cent quatre-vingt-trois questionnaires autoadministrés, un focus groupe et un webinaire. Nos principaux résultats concernent la co-construction de cinq scénarios prospectifs des carrières, l’identification de trente-quatre orientations de carrière possibles et l’opérationnalisation du concept de prospective de soi. / The present labour market destabilize the labour society and, with the disappearance of the long-terme employment relationship, employees are forced to develop career strategies to protect themselves from new social risks. However, companies in the food industry are facing difficulties in recruiting and retaining employees needed for their development. Therefore, it appears that the organizational career continues to serve the strategic interests of the companies. In this research, we wonder about the future of careers: “How is the organizational career evolving in the food industries?”. Our objectives are, on one side, to respond to a concrete career management problem in the food industry in France and, on the other side, to extend the current knowledge of vocational guidance that seem insufficient in the light of phenoma observed in the labor market. In addition, we are interested in all socioprofesionnal categories, and in particular the working-class population, which seems largely forgotten in career management research. In order to ancitipate these evolutions, we develop an appropriate methodology by combining the theory of career anchors with the jobs prospective method. The new method, which we call “career foresight”, is based on the analysis of one hundred and forty empirical studies, fifty-eight semi-structured interviews, one hundred and eighty-three self-administered questionnaires, a focus group and a webinar. Our main results concern the co-construction of five prospective career scenarios, the identification of thirty-four possible career orientations and the operationalization of the self-prospective concept.
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Etude de l’effet antibactérien de surfaces traitées à l'aide de composés du titane et de leur applicabilité dans les industries agroalimentaires / Study of the antibacterial effect of surfaces treated with titanium compounds and their applicability in the agro-food industriesBarthomeuf, Marion 26 October 2017 (has links)
Les biofilms en industries agroalimentaires (IAA) représentent un problème récurrent aux conséquences économiques et de sécurité sanitaire. Le développement de surfaces photoactives aux propriétés antibactériennes pourrait faciliter leur élimination. Une solution serait de déposer une couche mince de dioxyde de titane (TiO2) sur des matériaux rencontrés dans les IAA. Les objectifs de cette thèse ont donc été d’optimiser des couches minces de TiO2 aux propriétés antibactériennes et d’étudier les mécanismes impliqués dans la photocatalyse. Les dépôts sont réalisés par pulvérisation cathodique radiofréquence dans différentes conditions (température, PO2, durée), d’abord sur substrat de verre puis sur acier inoxydable 316La caractérisation des couches minces par microscopie à balayage, diffraction des rayons X, a montré des différences dues au changement de substrat. Les différentes optimisations ont conduit à l’obtention de couches minces possédant une activité photocatalytique et des propriétés antibactériennes sur des souches représentatives de la flore retrouvée dans les IAA de la filière « viande » : L. monocytogenes, Y. enterocolitica et P. fragi. Des diminutions de la population bactérienne entre 1,5Log et 3Log ont été observées. La production d’espèces réactives de l’oxygène (H2O2, ¿OH, O2-¿) a été étudiée par des méthodes spectrocolorimétriques. L’H2O2 à la surface de la couche mince serait converti en ¿OH. L’étude des mécanismes de réponse de L. monocytogenes face à la photocatalyse des couches minces a été initiée par une approche transcriptomique, en suivant l’exp / Biofilms in food industries represent a recurrent problem with economic and health safety implications. The development of photoactive surfaces with antibacterial properties could facilitate their elimination. One solution would be to deposit a thin layer of titanium dioxide (TiO2) on conventional materials used in food plants. The objectives of this thesis were the optimization of thin films of TiO2 with antibacterial properties and to study the mechanisms involved in photocatalysis. Deposits were made by radio-frequency sputtering under different conditions (temperature, oxygen partial pressure, duration), first on a glass substrate and then on 316 stainless steel. Characterization of thin layers by scanning microscopy, diffraction of X-ray, showed differences due to substrate changeTiO2 thin layers obtained either on glass or stainless steel showed photocatalytic and antibacterial properties on representative strains of the flora found in the meat industry: Listeria monocytogenes, Yersinia enterocolitica and Pseudomonas fragi. Decreases in the bacterial population between 1.5Log and 3Log were observed. The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) was studied by spectrocolorimetric methods. It seems that H2O2 on the surface is converted in another ROS, ¿OH. Finally, the study of the bacterial response mechanisms to photocatalysis, especially for L. monocytogenes, was initiated by a transcriptomic approach by following the expression of genes involved in the response to oxidative stress. However, the method used requires an optimization in order to be used for the bac
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O perfil das indústrias de alimentos do estado de Sergipe : relevância da produção e seu impacto no território localSilva, Anderson Rosa da 28 April 2016 (has links)
The industrial sector is an activity of great contribution for the local economic development. Given this reality, the present research structured, with the aim to trace and to diagnose the profile of food industries in the state of Sergipe, through the observance of the degree of development, innovation and its economic impact in the local territory. The collected data extracted of made available information online, through the website of each industry and searched institution, beyond a bibliographical revision in periodic articles, books and that approach the explored subject. The evolution of the food industries contextualized in the course of time, as well as the evolution in the consumption of the products industrialized for society.Taking in consideration the impact of the innovation and Law 10,973 (Law of the Innovation), of 02.12.2004, discussed the importance and relevance of the innovation and the enterprising spirit for the development of a company or industry, and how much the management of the Copyright provides the progress of the company, through the protection of the innovations, making possible to increase the competitiveness of the company and to ahead obtain strategic advantages of the market. From this discussion, the profile of food industries in the sergipano territory traced, identifying the scene current based of the production and lines of products of main industries. It was accomplish in such a way mapping of Food Industries, how much the mapping of the Institutions of Higher education, in the perspective to make a correlation, proving the contribution of the IES in the training of hand of qualified work for industries. The amount of products of searched industries and the material used for confection of the packages, given raised that they more make possible the comparative degree and the comment of developed industries. Finally, through System FIRJAN, in 2013, it identified to the amount of professionals of the area of Engineering of Foods and courses similar that act in the places where it has concentration of industries, which ahead showed a low index of an important number of industries. With regard to the area of Engineering of Production, Quality, Security and similar courses, the number of professionals is satisfactory. The similar area of Chemical Engineering and courses presents the biggest number of professionals, presenting a good index; therefore, this area is of utmost importance for the attainment of healthy products and good quality. Finally, the state of Sergipe provides of a good number of food industries, of innovatory and competitive products in the market, being that some industries known abroad due to the quality and capacity of exporting their products. / O setor industrial é uma atividade de grande contribuição para o desenvolvimento econômico local. Diante dessa relevância, foi estruturada a presente pesquisa, com o objetivo de traçar e diagnosticar o perfil das indústrias alimentícias no estado de Sergipe, através da observância do grau de desenvolvimento, inovação e seu impacto econômico no território local. Os dados coletados foram extraídos de informações disponibilizadas online, através do website de cada indústria e instituição pesquisada, além de uma revisão bibliográfica em artigos, livros e periódicos que abordam o tema explorado. Foi contextualizada a evolução da indústria de alimentos ao decorrer do tempo, como também a evolução no consumo dos produtos industrializados pela sociedade. Levando em consideração o impacto da inovação e a Lei 10.973(Lei da Inovação), de 02.12.2004, foi abordada a importância e relevância da inovação e o espírito empreendedor para o desenvolvimento de uma empresa ou indústria, e o quanto a gestão da Propriedade Intelectual proporciona o progresso da empresa, através da proteção das inovações, possibilitando aumentar a competitividade da empresa e obter vantagens estratégicas diante do mercado. A partir dessa discussão foi traçado o perfil das indústrias alimentícias no território sergipano, identificando o cenário atual, com base na produção e linhas de produtos das principais indústrias. Foi realizado tanto o mapeamento das Indústrias de Alimentos, quanto o mapeamento das Instituições de Ensino Superior, na perspectiva de fazer uma correlação, comprovando a contribuição das IES na formação de mão de obra qualificada para as indústrias. Foi levantado o quantitativo de produtos das indústrias pesquisadas e o material utilizado para confecção das embalagens, dados que possibilitaram o comparativo e a observação das indústrias mais desenvolvidas. Por fim, através do Sistema FIRJAN, em 2013, foi identificado o quantitativo de profissionais da área de Engenharia de Alimentos e cursos afins, que atuam nas localidades onde há concentração das indústrias, o qual mostrou um baixo índice diante de um número relevante de indústrias. Com relação à área de Engenharia de Produção, Qualidade, Segurança e cursos afins, o número de profissionais é satisfatório. A área de Engenharia Química e cursos afins apresenta o maior número de profissionais, apresentando um bom índice, pois esta área é de suma importância para a obtenção de produtos saudáveis e de boa qualidade. Enfim, o estado de Sergipe conta com um bom número de indústrias do seguimento de alimentos, com produtos inovadores e competitivos no mercado, sendo que algumas indústrias são conhecidas no exterior devido à qualidade e capacidade de exportar seus produtos.
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Lean Thinking Simulation Model to Improve the Service Performance in Fast FoodSandoval, Diana, Palomares, Manuela, Rojas, Jose, Mendoza, Pablo, Raymundo, Carlos 01 January 2021 (has links)
El texto completo de este trabajo no está disponible en el Repositorio Académico UPC por restricciones de la casa editorial donde ha sido publicado. / The fast food industry, specifically the service department, has experienced sustainable economic growth and has evolved in the application of substantial methods, however, it has presented a slowdown due to deficient operation level provided in the customer service area. A large number of customers do not make the purchase owing to a series of unmet trends that face the consumer behaviour which leads to significant economic losses and inefficient service. They have therefore focused their efforts on finding impulse mechanisms through allowing them to migrate to less costly processes and/or to achieve better utilisation of available resources without success. This research inquires into the effectiveness of the Lean Thinking Simulation (LTS) model, which consists in the development of a set of methodological phases and the adaptation of the technological support termed as Digital Change to improve the performance of customer service in Peruvian fast food. The main result of this practical study was defined by a Dashboard in real-time, and as a first approximation of the model, a 17.03% improvement can be shown in the performance of customer service on the fast food selected. / Revisión por pares
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UMA ABORDAGEM SURVEY PARA MAPEAMENTO DO USO DE FERRAMENTAS DE TECNOLOGIA DA INFORMAÇÃO NOS PROCESSOS LOGÍSTICOS EM INDÚSTRIAS ALIMENTÍCIAS GOIANAS DE MÉDIO PORTE / A survey approach for mapping the use of information technology tools in logistic processes in midsize food industries from the state of Goiás, Brazil.Morais, Elódia Teodoro Valadão de 08 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-10T10:40:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2012-03-08 / Technological advances, especially in the area of information technology (IT), make
possible the dissemination of information in real time, providing logistic managers a
broader scope, based on related information, which is extremely important for the
success of the companies. This study aims to identify and map the use of IT tools in
logistic processes in midsize food industries from the state of Goiás, regarding the
management of the supply chain. The first part of this study consists of an exploratory
literature research as well as the presentation of the food industries panorama. The
second part presents the survey research with the data collection, analysis and
interpretation. The use of information technology, focused on the supply chain visibility,
with the development of the virtual information flux of goods from their origin to final
consumers, may guarantee to the supply chain companies the development of
competitive advantages. The results obtained in this research allowed a better
overview of the positioning of the surveyed companies in the supply chain in which they
are included. The results also showed that the surveyed midsize food companies form
the state of Goiás do not use many of the technologies applied to logistics, already
available and consolidated in the market. They also showed that these companies do
not use IT in their integration with the links of the supply chain, limiting their own
development. / Os avanços tecnológicos, principalmente na área da tecnologia da informação (TI),
possibilitam a disseminação em tempo real da informação, fornecendo aos gestores
logísticos um escopo mais amplo, com base nas informações correlatas, o que é de
extrema importância para o sucesso das empresas. Este trabalho tem por objetivo,
portanto, identificar e mapear o uso de ferramentas de TI nos processos logísticos em
indústrias alimentícias goianas de médio porte no que se refere ao gerenciamento da
cadeia de suprimentos. A primeira parte deste estudo é composta por uma pesquisa
exploratória bibliográfica, bem como, a apresentação do panorama de indústrias de
alimentícias. Na segunda parte, é apresentada a pesquisa survey, com a coleta,
análise e interpretação dos dados. O uso da tecnologia da informação na busca da
visibilidade da cadeia produtiva, com o desenvolvimento do fluxo virtual de
informações dos produtos desde sua origem até o consumidor final, pode garantir às
empresas de uma cadeia de suprimentos, o desenvolvimento de vantagens
competitivas. Os resultados obtidos com a pesquisa possibilitaram uma melhor
visualização do posicionamento das empresas pesquisadas dentro da cadeia de
abastecimento em que se encontram inseridas. Os resultados demonstraram também
que as empresas alimentícias goianas de médio porte pesquisadas não utilizam boa
parte das tecnologias aplicada a logísticas, disponíveis e já consolidadas no mercado,
como também evidenciou que não utilizam a TI na sua integração com os elos da
cadeia de suprimentos, limitando o seu desenvolvimento.
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Contribution de la fonction achats dans le processus d'innovation des industries agro-alimentaires / Analysis of the contribution of purchasing department into the innovation process : the case of the food industriesViale, Laurence 01 June 2018 (has links)
Dans un contexte où l'injonction d’innover atteint son paroxysme, les différentes fonctions de l’entreprise sont à la recherche de processus susceptibles de renforcer leur capacité d’innovation. Notre recherche a pour objectif d’apporter un éclairage sur l’implication et la contribution de la fonction Achats dans le processus d’innovation des entreprises Agro-Alimentaires en construisant, d’une part, une typologie des acheteurs et en identifiant, d’autre part, certains facteurs organisationnels déterminants du succès de l'implication de cette fonction. Sur la base de nos résultats, l’implication réussie de la fonction Achats dans le processus d’innovation n’est pas l’affaire d’une performance particulière des facteurs inter-organisationnels mais plutôt le fruit d’une performance équilibrée sur un ensemble de composantes comme l’alignement des services et organisations en interne et externe, les compétences métacognitives des acheteurs, l’implication dans l’idéation, ainsi que l’attractivité interne et externe. / At the heart of the company's strategy for a long time, and compounded by globalisation, innovation is becoming increasingly collaborative, open to external organisations such as suppliers who can play a prominent role in innovations (product or service design, organisational or technical). As Purchasing is the internal/external interface, this function may have an impact on the companies' ability to innovate. Beyond the suppliers' contribution, and within the other departments, the purpose of this thesis is to help clarify and characterise innovation by the Purchasing department, a multi-faceted notion, as well as identify the endogenous and exogenous factors conducive to innovation.
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