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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Isänsä surmannut poika - psykiatrinen tutkimus

Säävälä, H. (Hannu) 13 November 2001 (has links)
Abstract This study focuses on a son's violence against his father. It consists of three substudies. The first substudy examines the incidence of patricide in Finland. The incidence was essentially the same in the beginning and in the end of 20th century: 0.07 and 0.06 cases of patricide per 100 000 per year respectively. At the same time the incidence of matricide increased from 0.01 to 0.07 per 100 000 respectively. The proportion of patricide and matricide of all homicides increased due to the decrease of all homicides in Finland during the study period. The incidences of parricides seem to be of the order of other western countries. In the second substudy, all the reports of 107 serious violent offences by a son against his father were extracted from among all the forensic psychiatric examination reports made in Finland in 1973-96. These index cases were compared to 107 control cases of homicide against other people. Various statistically significant differences were found between the groups. The controls had the following characteristics more commonly than the indexes: developmental problems (especially conduct disorders) in childhood, personality disorders, dependence on alcohol or drugs and criminal histories as adults. They were also married and left their childhood home before the crime more commonly than the indexes. The indexes had psychotic diseases and dependence on parents more commonly, but also better educational and professional success. The indexes were more commonly diagnosed as 'without legal responsibility' (33% vs. 12%) and the controls more commonly 'with diminished legal responsibility'. In the third substudy, five major predisposing factors for a son's violence against his father were identified (incidence in parenthesis): A son's dependence on his parents (70%), a son's tendency to violence (65%), psychotic disease of the son (31%), the fathers oppressive and violent behaviour against the son (36%), protection of the mother against the father's violence by the son (21%). One or more of these factors could be involved in any single case. It was found that oedipality could not explain the violence of a son against his father. Distant and aggressive fathering and close and caring mothering can be seen as predisposing factors both to violence against the father and to the claimed general high prevalence of oedipality in our culture. / Tiivistelmä Tämä työ koostuu kolmesta osatutkimuksesta. Ensimmäisessä tutkittiin pojan tekemän patrisidin eli isän surmaamisen esiintyvyyttä Suomessa. Patrisidin esiintyvyys pysyi suunnilleen samana, 0.07 ja 0.06 tapausta 100 000 asukasta kohti vuodessa, 1900-luvun alussa ja lopussa. Sen sijaan matrisidin eli äidin surmaamisen esiintyvyys kasvoi 0.01:stä 0.07:ään tapaukseen 100 000 asukasta kohti vuodessa. Patrisidien ja matrisidien osuus kaikista henkirikoksista Suomessa kasvoi 1900-luvun aikana, koska yleinen henkirikoskuolleisuus aleni kyseisen jakson aikana. Patrisidin ja matrisidin esiintyvyys vastaa muissa länsimaissa havaittuja esiintyvyyslukuja. Työn toisessa osassa tutkittiin mielentutkimuksessa vuosina 1973-96 olleiden 107 isänsä surmanneen tai pahoinpidelleen pojan ja heidän 107 verrokkinsa teon taustalla olleita tekijöitä. Useita tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja havaittiin: verrokit kärsivät indeksejä yleisemmin lapsuudessa kehitysongelmista, etenkin käytöshäiriöistä, ja aikuisena persoonallisuushäiriöistä ja päihderiippuvuudesta sekä tekivät yleisemmin rikoksia. He myös solmivat parisuhteen ja lähtivät kotoa ennen väkivallantekoaan yleisemmin kuin indeksit Indeksit olivat yleisemmin psykoottisia ja riippuvaisia vanhemmistaan, mutta menestyivät paremmin koulussa ja työelämässä kuin verrokit. Indeksit todettiin mielentilatutkimuksessa yleisemmin syyntakeettomiksi kuin verrokit ja verrokit taas yleisemmin alentuneesti syyntakeiseksi kuin indeksit. Tutkimuksen kolmannessa osassa isään kohdistuneelle väkivallalle todettiin viisi keskeistä altistavaa tekijää (tekijöiden esiintyvyys 107 indeksin joukossa suluissa prosentteina): Pojan riippuvuus vanhemmistaan (70%), pojan väkivaltataipumus (65%), pojan psykoottinen sairaus (31%), isän alistava ja väkivaltainen käytös poikaa kohtaan (36%), äidin suojelu isän väkivallalta (21%). Kuhunkin tapaukseen saattoi liittyä samanaikaisesti yksi tai useampia tekijöitä. Oidipaalisuuden ei havaittu olevan keskeinen altistava tekijä pojan väkivallalle isää kohtaan. Etäinen ja väkivaltainen isyys ja suojaava ja huolehtiva äitiys voivat olla altistavia tekijöitä paitsi isään kohdistuvalle väkivallalle myös aiemmissa tutkimuksissa havaitulle oidipaalisuuden yleisyydelle kulttuurissamme.

A comparison of psychosocial and psychiatric features of mentally capable versus mentally incapable individuals referred by the courts for forensic psychiatric observation in relation to an alleged sexual offence

Sokudela, Funeka January 2018 (has links)
This is a mixed research methods study based at the forensic mental health unit of Weskoppies Psychiatric Hospital in Pretoria, Gauteng Province, South Africa. The overarching aim of the study was to help add insights that could indirectly inform the wider discourse on sexual offending in society and to the body of knowledge on the prevention of sexual violence – including in forensic mental health. Qualitative and quantitative methods were applied through concurrent and transformative mixed research methods, premised on the philosophical stance of pragmatism. Records of individuals accused of sexual offences were explored and in-depth interviews with individuals accused of sexual offending and / or other types of charges referred for observation in terms of the Criminal Procedure Act, 51, 1977 (CPA 1977) were conducted. Psychiatric and psychosocial features and general perspectives on sexual offending were explored. Data collection was done from the end of 2014 to the end of 2015. In terms of findings, the record-based component of the study revealed that the majority of those referred were mentally capable, were known to the victims and lived in close proximity to them. Boys and girls, elderly women and socially isolated individuals seemed the most vulnerable irrespective of the mental capacity of the accused at the time of an alleged incident. In-depth interviews revealed scepticism, myths and new locally relevant ways of defining sexual violence. Socio-economic determinants of health seemed to render potential perpetrators of sexual offending vulnerable to violence and included adverse childhood events, poverty, unemployment and inequality. Experiences during and after arrest revealed possible human rights violations of alleged offenders by communities and law enforcement systems. Mental illness worsened stigma even in the hands of law enforcement systems. Central phenomena viz. ‘the perceived oppression of men’ and ‘vulnerability’ of potential victims and potential perpetrators emerged. A tentative theory of ‘vulnerability’, as an explanation and an approach to preventing sexual and other forms of violence in society, is proposed for both victims and potential perpetrators. Public health, socio-ecological frameworks of sexual violence prevention and other explanatory and prevention frameworks on sexual offending seem aligned to the study’s findings. Patriarchy, collective violence inherited from South Africa’s past, social cognitive theory on learning, trauma re-enactment, and other factors seem to play a role. In terms of mixed research contributions, a need for robust ways of studying diverse populations such as South Africa is emerging. Further, an initial stance of studying prevention of sexual violence from a victim-centred advocacy lens, has been transformed to yield accused individuals’ advocacy issues as well. Multi-system prevention approaches involving at-risk potential perpetrators, and not just victims, seem to be the next frontier for research and interventions. The study reveals insights that may contribute to the field of violence prevention. / Thesis (PhD)- University of Pretoria, 2018. / Psychiatry / PhD / Unrestricted

Institut zabezpečovací detence: poslání, cíle a meze nového ochranného opatření / The institute of preventive detention: comission, goals and limitations of the new preventive measure

Koláříková, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
The institute of preventive detention is a new protective measure in our penal law. The theme of this thesis is an analysis of the comission and goals of the new protective measure and focusing on a comparation of theoretical and practical function of this protective measure. The folowing chapters provide the characterization of the preventive detention and its legal framework in the Czech republic. The component part of the thesis is also a description of the preventive detention in a legal framework of other state, concretely Slovakia. At the end of the work there are explicated knowledges obtained during the visit of the Institute for preventive detention Brno. In this chapter not only functional equipment is described but also the compositon of the inmates and employees and their most important competencies. Programms, by which are the medical goals fullfiled are described at the end of the thesis.

Outcomes of forensic psychiatric observation among alleged sexual offenders referred to Thabamoopo Hospital, Limpopo

Ngwenya, Thembani Advocate January 2022 (has links)
Thesis (M. Medicine (Psychiatry)) -- University of Limpopo, 2022 / BACKGROUND: The challenge of sexual offence crimes against women and children is notably increasing worldwide with an accompanying impact on the mental and physical well-being of the victims and society, in general. Despite the impact, sexual offenders remain a complex group, not well studied in forensic psychiatry settings globally. Previous studies identify psychosocial factors and mental illness associated with sexual offending. Adequate care, treatment and rehabilitation of sexual offenders are crucial to reduce the impact of sexual offence and re-offending. AIMS: To determine the demographic variations, clinical factors, and observation outcomes in terms of diagnosis, fitness to stand trial, and criminal responsibility among the alleged sexual offenders referred to Thabamoopo Hospital. OBJECTIVES: To determine the prevalence of mental disorders among alleged sexual offenders, to determine the number of offenders fit or unfit to stand trial and who are criminal or not criminally responsible, to determine factors associated with vulnerability to sexual offending behaviour. METHOD: This study is based on a review of clinical records and files and psychiatrists' observation reports of all alleged sexual offenders referred by the courts for forensic psychiatric observation between the period January 2015 to December 2018 at Thabamoopo Hospital. RESULTS: The sample consists of 94 participants, only one female; all were black Africans. The majority were in middle adulthood, unemployed, of a lower level of education and not married. All participants had been charged with rape. A large number of the alleged sexual offenders were diagnosed with mental conditions. The most common diagnoses were Intellectual disability disorders, psychotic disorders and substance-related disorders. More than half of the sample was fit to stand trial and criminally responsible. CONCLUSION: More than half of the participants charged with rape were found fit to stand trial and to be criminally responsible. A significant number were diagnosed with mental illness. The outcomes of being unfit to stand trial and not being criminally responsible were common among mentally ill sexual offenders. The results signify that this group of offenders needs adequate psychiatric care, treatment and rehabilitation in order to reduce sexual offending and re-offending due to the impact of mental illness.

Trajectoires de soins de santé et de services sociaux avant un verdict de non-responsabilité criminelle : quelles implications pour l'organisation des services?

Leclair, Marichelle 04 1900 (has links)
Au Canada et ailleurs dans le monde, le système judiciaire occupe une place de plus en plus importante dans la prise en charge des personnes vivant avec un trouble mental grave. Le rôle du système judiciaire comme levier d'accès aux soins est particulièrement évident dans le cas des personnes déclarées non criminellement responsables pour cause de troubles mentaux (NCR). La vaste majorité des personnes déclarées non criminellement responsables pour cause de troubles mentaux (NCRTM), formant la clientèle principale des services psycho-légaux, était déjà connue des services de santé mentale. Cela questionne la présente capacité du réseau à répondre aux comportements perturbateurs et fait ressortir la possibilité de prévenir le potentiel passage à l’acte et la trajectoire judiciaire subséquence. La présente thèse de doctorat utilise des données administratives provenant des secteurs de la santé, de la justice et de la sécurité publique pour plus de 1 000 personnes qui ont reçu un verdict de non-responsabilité criminelle au Québec. Ces données sont complétées par des entrevues qualitatives avec des parties prenantes. Ensemble, l’analyse de ce corpus de données permettent de mettre en lumière les barrières à l'accès aux soins et les interruptions de services que subissent, dans leur parcours de soins, les personnes atteintes de troubles mentaux sévères et ayant des comportements perçus comme perturbateurs ou dangereux qui les rendent susceptibles d’être judiciarisés. Le premier article décrit les tendances d’utilisation de services de santé et des réclamations de médicaments sur ordonnances dans l’année précédant une infraction qui a entraîné un verdict de NRCTM. Les résultats indiquent que – bien que des résultats antérieurs montrent que plus de 70 % des personnes NCRTM avaient déjà été en contact avec des services pour des raisons de santé mentale – moins de la moitié des personnes déclarées NCRTM avaient bénéficié d’une réelle prise en charge médicale avant l’incident. Les résultats montrent également qu’une personne sur cinq avait commis l’infraction moins d'une semaine après le contact de santé mentale le plus récent. Parmi celles qui avaient au moins une prescription pour un antipsychotique, près de la moitié ne prenaient pas d’antipsychotique au moment de l’infraction. Le deuxième article identifie les facteurs individuels et contextuels facilitants et ceux faisant obstacles à l’accès aux services de santé mentale dans la période avant le délit. Les considérations géographiques jouent un grand rôle dans la possibilité d’accéder et de recevoir les services de santé mentale spécialisés – au-delà des facteurs individuels liés aux besoins. De plus, vivre avec des proches diminue de moitié la probabilité d’aller chercher des services de santé mentale et diminue l’intensité de l’utilisation de services de santé mentale spécialisés, même en tenant compte et ajustant les modèles pour les besoins. Finalement, le troisième article repose sur l’analyse d’entretiens individuels et de groupes d’entretiens focalisés avec 16 personnes ayant de l’expérience vécue (pairs aidants, proches aidants), des praticiens et des administrateurs. Les résultats mettent en évidence comment les expériences passées de stigmatisation, de traumatisme, d'inefficacité et de discrimination au sein d'un système hospitalo-centrique influencent la capacité des utilisateurs de services et des proches aidants à chercher et à s'engager dans les soins. Les mécanismes d'accès existants en période crise, tels que l'intervention policière et les services d'urgence, sont des options inacceptables pour les utilisateurs de services et leurs aidants familiaux et sont donc souvent considérés comme des derniers recours. Par conséquent, les utilisateurs de services entrent dans le système de santé avec des besoins complexes qui sont difficiles à traiter avec les connaissances cliniques actuelles et qui résultent bien souvent en des mesures coercitives plutôt qu’axées sur le rétablissement. Les résultats peuvent être interprétés à la lumière de la stigmatisation structurelle, qui fait référence aux politiques et pratiques institutionnelles qui ont un impact négatif sur les opportunités des personnes atteintes de maladies mentales. Dans le cas présent, la stigmatisation structurelle réduit l'accès aux soins en raison d'une allocation de ressources inadéquate, d'un manque de collaboration intersectorielle et d'intégration des soins, d'attitudes et de pratiques négatives des praticiens de la santé, et d'une surutilisation d'approches coercitives. Nous proposons des stratégies pour réduire les barrières à l’accès liées au système et aux prestataires de soins. / In Canada and elsewhere, the justice system is playing an increasingly important role in the care of individuals with severe mental illness. The role of the justice system as a lever for accessing care is particularly evident in the case of individuals found not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder (NCR). The vast majority of individuals found NCR, who make up the majority of forensic mental health service users, were already known to mental health services. This raises questions about the current capacity of the mental health system to respond to disruptive behaviors and highlights the potential for preventing future justice involvement. This doctoral thesis uses administrative data from the health, justice, and public security sectors for over 1,000 individuals who received a verdict of NCR in Québec. These data are complemented by qualitative interviews with stakeholders. Together, the analysis of this data corpus highlights the barriers to accessing care and service interruptions that individuals with severe mental illness and behaviors perceived as disruptive or dangerous encounter in their care pathway, leading to the risk of judicial involvement. The first article describes trajectories in health services use and prescription drug claims in the year preceding an offense that led to a NCR verdict. The results indicate that, although previous research has shown that over 70% of NCR individuals had already been in contact with mental health services, less than half of NCR individuals had received no consistent care prior to the offense. The results also show that one in five individuals committed the offense less than a week after their most recent mental health contact. Among those who had at least one prescription for an antipsychotic, nearly half were not taking an antipsychotic at the time of the offense. The second article identifies individual and contextual factors that facilitate or hinder access to mental health services in the period prior to the offense. Geographic considerations play a major role in the possibility of accessing and receiving specialized mental health services, beyond individual factors related to needs. Additionally, living with family members decreases the likelihood of seeking mental health services by half and decreases the intensity of specialized mental health service use, even after adjusting for models based on needs. Finally, the third article is based on the analysis of individual interviews and focus groups with 16 individuals with lived experience (peer support workers, family caregivers), practitioners, and administrators. The results highlight how past experiences of stigma, trauma, inefficiency, and discrimination within a hospital-centric system influence the ability of service users and family caregivers to seek and engage with care. Existing access mechanisms during crisis periods, such as police intervention and emergency services, are unacceptable options for service users and their family caregivers and are often considered as a last resort. As a result, service users enter the healthcare system with complex needs that are difficult to address with current clinical knowledge and often result in coercive measures rather than recovery-oriented care. The results can be interpreted in light of structural stigma, which refers to institutional policies and practices that negatively impact the opportunities of people with mental illness. In this case, structural stigma reduces access to care through inadequate allocation of resources, lack of intersectoral collaboration and care integration, negative attitudes and practices of healthcare practitioners, and overreliance on coercive approaches. We propose strategies to reduce system-level and provider-level barriers to access.

Vårdpersonalens hälsofrämjande arbete inom rättspsykiatrisk vård : En kvalitativ fokusgruppstudie / Health promotion work by nursing staff in forensic psychiatric care : A qualitative focus group study

Söderberg, Markus, Johansson, Pär January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: I Sverige vårdas patienter som är dömda till rättspsykiatrisk vård och den begränsade vårdmiljön inom rättspsykiatrin kan ha en negativ effekt på patienternas hälsa. Patienterna har förutom psykiatrisk problematik även ökad dödlighet, risk för somatisk sjukdom och fetma jämfört med övriga befolkningen. Patienterna gör ofta mindre hälsosamma val. Vårdpersonalen ställs ofta inför svårigheter med att utföra sitt vårdande uppdrag och att stärka patienternas hälsoprocesser samtidigt som de ska förhålla sig till säkerhet och patienternas tvångsvård. En ökad förståelse för vårdpersonalens hälsofrämjande arbete behövs för att stärka det hälsofrämjande omvårdnadsarbetet inom rättspsykiatrisk vård. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa hur vårdpersonal uppfattar och erfar hälsofrämjande arbete inom rättspsykiatrisk vård samt främjande och hämmande faktorer för detta arbete. Metod: En kvalitativ metod med induktiv ansats gjordes med fokusgrupper som metod för datainsamling. Två fokusgruppsintervjuer genomfördes. Deltagarna bestod av elva vårdpersonal. Fokusgruppintervjuerna analyserades genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys enligt Graneheim och Lundman.Resultat: Tio underkategorier bildade tre huvudkategorier. En stödjande vårdmiljö, En god vårdrelation och ett tålmodigt arbete samt Att inte alltid kunna hjälpa. Slutligen bildades ett övergripande tema: Ett outtröttligt arbete och engagemang trots hinder och utmaningar.Slutsats: Vårdpersonalens hälsofrämjande arbete sker med hjälp av stöd till fysisk aktivitet, meningsfull aktivitet samt ger kostråd. Detta är av särskild vikt då patienterna ofta har sämre hälsa. Genom att patienterna får välja hälsofrämjande aktivitet förstärks deras empowerment. Nyckeln för att kunna arbeta hälsofrämjande i en begränsad vårdmiljö är att skapa goda vårdrelationer. Vårdpersonal kan själva behöva stöd i att hantera att patienterna trots personalens arbete väljer att göra andra val. / Background: In Sweden, forensic psychiatric patients, undergo treatment in confined environments that may adversely affect their health. In addition to psychiatric issues, patients have increased mortality, a heightened risk of somatic illness, and obesity compared to the general population. Patients often make less health-conscious choices. Nursing staff often confront difficulties in carrying out their caregiving mandates and reinforcing the health processes of patients, simultaneously navigating the imperative of ensuring safety and adhering to compulsory psychiatric care. An increased understanding of the health-promoting endeavours of healthcare professionals is required to fortify health-promotion initiatives within forensic psychiatric care.Aim: The aim of the study was to illuminate how nursing staff perceive and experience health-promoting work within forensic psychiatric care, as well as identifying facilitating and inhibiting factors for this work.Method: A qualitative inductive method used focus groups with eleven healthcare professionals. Interviews analysed qualitatively following Graneheim and Lundman´s method.Results: Ten subcategories formed three main categories: A supportive care environment, A good care relationship and patient-centered approach, and The challenge of not always being able to help. These main categories formed an overarching theme: Relentless work and commitment despite obstacles and challenges. Conclusion: Nursing staff promote health through support to physical activity, meaningful activity and dietary advice. This is crucial for compromised patient health. Empowering patients to choose health-promoting activities is key. Positive care relationships are crucial; inadequate knowledge in forensic psychiatry hinders healthpromotion work. Personnel might need support in handling patients, because despitehard work patients still make other choices.

Vem är det egentligen som bestämmer? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om maktförhållanden vid samverkan mellan socialtjänst och rättspsykiatri / Who is actually in charge? : A qualitative interview study about the relations of power in collaboration between social services and forensic psychiatry

Rydberg, Erik, Macrì, Micaela January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka socialsekreterares och hälso- och sjukvårdskuratorers upplevelser av samverkan mellan rättspsykiatri och socialtjänst vid utslussning av rättspsykiatriska klienter, sett ur ett maktperspektiv. Studiens empiri grundar sig på åtta semi-strukturerade intervjuer, fyra med varje yrkesgrupp, som sedan analyserats med hjälp av en tematisk analys. Studiens slutsats visar på att samverkan mellan socialtjänst och rättspsykiatri påverkas av organisatoriska, ekonomiska och mellanmänskliga faktorer som är svåra att påverka. Studien bekräftar även tidigare samverkansforskning som visar på svårigheter i samverkan när aktörer har olika förutsättningar, uppdrag och mål. Slutsatserna i denna studie leder oss till att förstå intervjupersonernas upplevelser av samverkan mellan rättspsykiatri och socialtjänst. Dessa går att förstås genom: värdet av kompromisser, förståelsen för varandras villkor och behov, upplevelsen av bristande mandat, maktlöshet samt rollförvirring. / The aim of this study is to examine social workers and health care counsellors experiences of cooperation between forensic psychiatry and social services during discharge of forensic psychiatric clients, seen from a power perspective. The study's empiricism is based on eight semi-structured interviews, four with each professional group, which were analyzed using a thematic analysis. The study's conclusions show that collaboration between social services and forensic psychiatry is affected by organizational, financial and inter personal factors that are difficult to affect. The study confirms previous collaboration research that shows difficulties in collaboration when actors have different conditions, assignments and goals. The conclusions of this study lead us to understand that the interviewees experiences of collaboration between forensic psychiatry and social services can be understood through: the value of compromise, the understanding of each other's conditions and needs, the experience of a lack of mandate, powerlessness and role confusion.

Avaliação da magnitude do transtorno de estresse em vítimas de sequestro / Evaluation of the magnitude of the stress disorder caused by the trauma of kiddnapping

Santos, Eduardo Ferreira 10 November 2006 (has links)
Considerando que estamos vivendo em São Paulo e em todos os Estados do Brasil, um brutal estado de insegurança pública, vemos o crime de seqüestro (tanto na sua modalidade clássica de manter a vítima em cativeiro por período de tempo variável até o pagamento de resgate, quanto à modalidade conhecida como \"seqüestro-relâmpago\", no qual a vítima fica em poder dos criminosos por poucas horas, enquanto eles agem sobre caixas eletrônicos de bancos e as ameaçam de várias maneiras) atingir um grande número de pessoas com conseqüências graves para o desempenho de suas funções existenciais pós-seqüestro. Este trabalho mostra, através de Entrevistas Estruturadas e Escalas de Avaliação, que o grau de magnitude do Transtorno de Estresse Pós-Traumático que acomete vítimas de ambos os tipos de seqüestro atinge picos suficientemente elevados e que devem receber maior atenção tanto em nível de Saúde Pública quanto Segurança Pública. / Considering that we are living in Sao Paulo and all others States of Brazil, a brutal state of public unsafeness, we see the kidnapping crime (not only in its classical modality of keeping the victim in captivity for a variable period of time until the rescue payment, but also in the modality known as \"lightning-kidnapping\", in which the victim remains under the criminal´ s arrest for few hours, while they act on cash machines and threaten the victims) reaching a great number of people with serious consequences for the performance of their post-sequestration existential functions. This work shows that the magnitude level of the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder that attacks kidnapping victims reaches sufficiently high peaks, that must receive more attention, not only in terms of Public Health but also Public Security.

Avaliação da magnitude do transtorno de estresse em vítimas de sequestro / Evaluation of the magnitude of the stress disorder caused by the trauma of kiddnapping

Eduardo Ferreira Santos 10 November 2006 (has links)
Considerando que estamos vivendo em São Paulo e em todos os Estados do Brasil, um brutal estado de insegurança pública, vemos o crime de seqüestro (tanto na sua modalidade clássica de manter a vítima em cativeiro por período de tempo variável até o pagamento de resgate, quanto à modalidade conhecida como \"seqüestro-relâmpago\", no qual a vítima fica em poder dos criminosos por poucas horas, enquanto eles agem sobre caixas eletrônicos de bancos e as ameaçam de várias maneiras) atingir um grande número de pessoas com conseqüências graves para o desempenho de suas funções existenciais pós-seqüestro. Este trabalho mostra, através de Entrevistas Estruturadas e Escalas de Avaliação, que o grau de magnitude do Transtorno de Estresse Pós-Traumático que acomete vítimas de ambos os tipos de seqüestro atinge picos suficientemente elevados e que devem receber maior atenção tanto em nível de Saúde Pública quanto Segurança Pública. / Considering that we are living in Sao Paulo and all others States of Brazil, a brutal state of public unsafeness, we see the kidnapping crime (not only in its classical modality of keeping the victim in captivity for a variable period of time until the rescue payment, but also in the modality known as \"lightning-kidnapping\", in which the victim remains under the criminal´ s arrest for few hours, while they act on cash machines and threaten the victims) reaching a great number of people with serious consequences for the performance of their post-sequestration existential functions. This work shows that the magnitude level of the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder that attacks kidnapping victims reaches sufficiently high peaks, that must receive more attention, not only in terms of Public Health but also Public Security.

Non responsabilité criminelle pour cause de troubles mentaux : comparaison des pratiques de supervision des Commissions d’examen aux peines prononcées dans le système pénal

Martin, Sandrine 08 1900 (has links)
Depuis les années 1990, un nombre grandissant d’accusés sont déclarés non criminellement responsables pour cause de troubles mentaux au Canada (NCRTM). Si certains craignent que ce verdict représente une échappatoire à la punition et libère des individus dangereux en collectivité, d’autres s’interrogent à savoir si cette défense n’occasionnerait pas plus de contrôle qu’une peine dans le système pénal traditionnel. Certains questionnent également la capacité des Commissions d’examen à prendre des décisions qui s’écartent de la rationalité du système punitif. Objectif : Cette étude a pour but de comparer la supervision imposée aux accusés NCRTM à celle des accusés coupables et responsables (CR). Cette comparaison cherche à observer les particularités des trajectoires (durées de supervision et de détention et présence de détention dans le suivi) de ces populations, dans trois provinces canadiennes (Québec, Ontario, Colombie-Britannique) entre 2000 et 2008. Deux sources de données ont été utilisées, soit celle du National Trajectory Project of Individuals Found Not Criminally Responsible on Account of Mental Disorder in Canada pour les accusés NCRTM et celle de l’Enquête sur les tribunaux de juridiction criminelle de Statistiques Canada pour ceux déclarés CR. Résultats : Les résultats des régressions de Cox et logistiques indiquent que les accusés NCRTM sont près de trois fois et quatre fois moins susceptibles d’être libérés rapidement de supervision et de détention et sont cinq fois plus susceptibles d’être détenus que les accusés CR. Des différences importantes sont présentes dans les pratiques des provinces, mais de manière significativement plus importante chez les accusés NCRTM. / Since the 1990’s, the number of individuals found not criminally responsible on account of mental disorder has increased in Canada. However, the NCRMD verdict remains controversial. While some fear that the verdict is a loophole and releases dangerous individuals in the community, others suggest that this defense could cause more control than a sentence in the criminal justice system. Some also question the ability of Review Boards to leave aside the punitive rationale in the decision-making process. Objective: This study examines the supervison practices imposed to NCRMD accused by comparing them with those applied to offenders found guilty and responsible (GR). This comparison aims to highlight the specificities these two populations’ trajectories (length of supervision, length of detention and presence of detention in follow-up), in three Canadian provinces (Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia) between 2000 and 2008. Two datasets were used. The first comprises individuals found NCRMD (n = 1794) and comes from the National Trajectory Project of Individuals Found Not Criminally Responsible on Account of Mental Disorder in Canada. The second comprises GR offenders (n = 320,919) and comes from Statistics Canada's Criminal Court Survey. Results: The Cox and logistic regressions results show that NCRMD individuals are almost three times and four times likely to be released from legal supervision and detention respectively compared to GR offenders, and are five times more likely to be detained during follow-up. Provincial differences were also observed, theses disparities being significantly greater among NCRMD individuals.

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