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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fosterbarnsindustri eller människokärlek : Barn, familjer och utackorderingsbyrån i Stockholm 1890-1925

Sköld, Johanna January 2006 (has links)
Many Swedish children grew up in foster homes at the turn of the twentieth century. Contemporary medical professionals described foster care as an economic business: a foster child industry. The aim of this study is to analyze whether fostering could be seen as a market, which circumstances that gave rise to such market, and what happened to fostering in Stockholm when foster care was regulated in 1890–1925. Generation, gender and class are key concepts for this analysis. The study deals with approximately 400 children and 800 potential foster homes that were in contact with the Out-placement Bureau in Stockholm, run by the city’s Poor Relief Committee. Sources from the bureau is combined with material from Stockholm’s historical database. The thesis addresses questions on how and why children became foster children, what motivated people to be foster parents, how foster parents were selected and how the foster stay turned out from the child’s perspective. The placement of children could be done in various ways at this time in history. Previous research has mainly focused on state and philanthropic institutions which arranged formal foster homes. Individual persons who arranged informal foster homes for their children, have been less visible. It is concluded from this study that many children already lived in foster homes when the poor relief authorities got involved. It is argued that informal fostering was a form of child care used by single working class mothers. A reciprocal system, where children were placed within their mothers’ social network, was common. The Poor Relief was used to uphold this reciprocal system. This system limited the supply of children in need for fostering with strangers. At the same time there was a great demand for non-familiar foster children amongst potential foster parents outside Stockholm. Economic and demographic factors as well as norms, values and morals constituted and regulated the foster child market.

Samhället som förälder : socialtjänstens arbete med familjehemsplacerade barn

Johansson, Anneli January 2004 (has links)
Socialtjänsten har ett ansvar för att se till att familjehemsplacerade barn får en trygg och bra uppväxt. Syftet med uppsatsen är att skapa en förståelse och en ökad kunskap kring hur väl socialtjänsten tar det ansvaret. Enligt tidigare forskning finns en del brister i familjehemsvår-den. För att ge en bild av socialtjänstens uppföljningsarbete med familjehemsplacerade barn har jag använt en kvalitativ intervjumetod och intervjuat familjehemsföräldrar och social-sekreterare kring tolv familjehemsplacerade barn. Några resultat är att socialtjänsten vanligtvis föjer upp placeringarna två gånger om året med hembesök där man pratar med barnet, att man i liten utsträckning använder någon strukturerad metod vid uppföljningen, att socialtjänsten oftast arbetar aktivt med barnets kontakt med de biologiska föräldrarna samt att socialtjänsten oftast har upprättat vårdplaner kring barnen. Det finns många faktorer som påverkar arbetet. Några av dem är barnets behov, tilltro till familje-hemmet, intressekonflikter, socialtjänstens organisation, ekonomiska resurser och personliga egenskaper hos socialsekreterarna. Resultaten har jämförts med tidigare forskning och analyserats utifrån systemteori och rollteo-ri. En slutsats är att det trots förändringar i lagstiftningen, där barnperspektivet blivit starkare, är svårt att förändra socialtjänstsystemet och anta en stark roll som barnets företrädare.

Avslut och utsluss : - ungdomars behov och socialtjänstens insatser när vård i familjehem avslutas

Skantz, Karin, Engström, Björn January 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to highlight the situation for youths leaving foster care and entering adult life. The study examines the services provided by the social service in the Stockholm area when a youth is leaving foster care, and if a recent change in the legislation has had any impact on the operating procedures of the social service. The study includes interviews with youths who recently left foster care, as well as information collected from social service offices through a survey, supplemented by interviews with practicing social workers. All the assembled data have been analyzed using Ecological Systems theory with focus on the child perspective and the term significant others. The study shows that the respondent youth have trouble identifying the formal ending with social services, as well as the support they received or were offered. As assembled from the survey, the few supporting services that are being arranged in connection with leaving care are similar between different social service offices. The general opinion is that they offer the required extra support that the new legislation aims to strengthen. The majority of the social service offices has therefore not changed their existing leaving care procedures. In this process, a lot of responsibility tends to be delegated to the foster homes, and due to insufficient resources social workers feel inadequate in those cases were the youth’s need for help is not met by the former foster home.

Kan barnets bästa tillgodoses genom släktingplacering? : En forskningsöversikt

Hultberg, Susanna, Jonsson, Susanne January 2006 (has links)
Denna studie är en forskningsöversikt med syfte att undersöka hur barnets bästa i form av identitetsskapande, familjerelationer och etnicitet tillgodoses vid familjehemsplacering i släktinghem. Frågeställningar för att besvara syftet var; vad visar forskningen beträffande barns behov av stabilitet i relationer och identitetsutveckling vid släktingplacering? Utifrån detta tittar vi även på de etniska aspekterna, eftersom lagen är tydlig med att barn med annat etniskt ursprung, helst ska placeras inom släkten. Till tidigare forskning har vi använt oss av fem forskningsöversikter skrivna inom området släktingplaceringar. Teoretiska utgångspunkter i studien är familjerelationer och identitet. Materialet till studien har samlats in främst via sökmotorer på Internet. Urvalskriterier var relationer till biologiska föräldrar, närhet till ursprungsmiljön, beskrivning av barnens situation i placeringen och etnicitet. Kravet på de studier vi undersökte, var att de skulle ha varit publicerade i någon vetenskaplig tidskrift. Urvalet, som bestod av tio studier, sammanställdes i en tabell i resultatredovisningen. Därefter delades resultatet upp i teman utifrån frågeställningar från syftet. Resultatet analyserades utifrån den tidigare forskningen och teoretiska utgångspunkter. En begränsning i studien var det knapphändiga underlaget av tidigare studier och framför allt svensk forskning om släktingplaceringar utifrån barnets behov. Denna studie visar att det är stor etnisk skillnad mellan vilka barn som placeras i släktinghem och att barn ofta mår bättre av att placeras i släktinghem, både identitetsmässigt och relationsmässigt. Det finns dock en del motsägande fakta, som menar att det ibland är sämre med släktingplaceringar, utifrån barnets behov. / CAN IT BE IN THE INTEREST OF CHILDREN TO BE PLACED IN KINSHIP CARE? A LITERATURE REVIEW This study has a purpose to see how the interest in children can be provided for in terms of identity, family relations and ethnicity in kin ship care. The questions we had, to be able to answer the purpose were: What does the research show about children’s need of stability in relations and identity development in kin ship care? On the basis of this we also include the ethnic aspects because the Swedish law are very clear that children with another ethnic origin should be in kin ship care. We have used five literature reviews about the kin ship subject area in our previous research chapter. Theories used in this study were family relations and identity. The material for the study has been collected by search engines on Internet. The selection criterions were relations to biological parents, the nearness to origin environment, and description of the children’s situation in kin ship and ethnicity. The requirements of the selected studies were that they should have been published in some scientific periodical. The selections of the ten studies were compiled in a table in our result account. After that the results were divided in themes on the basis of the questions from the purpose. The results were analysed on the basis of the previous research and the theories. The limitations in this study were the briefly basis in earlier studies and in the first place the Swedish research of children’s well being in kin ship care. This study shows that it is a large ethnic difference between children in kin ship care. It also shows that children often feels better when they are placed in kin ship care, both identically and in relations. There is a contradictory fact that shows that kin ship care not are in the interest for the children and their needs.

Ett gott hem? : Barnavårdsnämndens praktik i Växjö 1926-1935

Bergman, Ann-Sofie January 2007 (has links)
<p>Denna rapport handlar om fosterbarnsvård under perioden 1926–1935, då många barn bodde i fosterhem i Sverige. Vid studiens startpunkt hade en ny lag om samhällets barnavård införts där det ingick bestämmelser om kontroll över fosterbarnens vård. Vem som helst fick inte ta hand om fosterbarn, därför skulle fosterhems och fosterföräldrars lämplighet utredas och barnens vård i hemmen kontrolleras. I rapporten ges en inblick i hur lämplighetsfrågan och fosterhemstillsynen hanterades i en lokal praktik vid barnavårdsnämnden i Växjö.</p><p>Ann-Sofie Bergman är socionom och fil. mag. i historia. Detta är hennes licentiatavhandling i socialt arbete.</p> / <p>This study is about foster family care in Sweden during a period at the beginning of the twentieth century, when many children were placed in foster homes. Because of the law regulating society’s children care (lag om samhällets barnavård) which came into force in 1926, children’s welfare boards (barnavårdsnämnder) were raised in the municipalities of Sweden. These boards got the responsibility for the supervising of foster care and for placing children with suitable foster parents. Then what was meant by foster parents being suitable? In this study the children’s welfare boards documented suitability tests of foster parents and foster homes are being analysed in a local context. It’s primarily language and argumentation which are being focused upon in this analysis. The local study has been located to Växjö during the period of 1926 to 1935.</p><p>The result of the study shows that the foster children often were placed in foster homes in the local surroundings. The children’s welfare board preferred to place children with married couples who were living in the countryside without children of their own. Furthermore it was considered necessary that there was a woman in the foster home who took care of the children and the home. The foster parents’ care of the children was inspected by the board. How the foster parents took care of the children was essential, and the material conditions were important in this context, but also feelings and the relationship between the children and the adults. Problems in the foster homes which drew the attention of the board could be lack of good enough material conditions, illness or unsuitable lodgers. But the opinions about what was proper or improper could differ – children, parents and foster parents sometimes thought differently about this than the board did. When deciding upon this issue there could be negotiations or disputes taking place between the involved. Conclusively, this study has pointed out the significance of economy at the suitability tests carried out on the foster homes. If the foster parents did not receive any economic compensation for the foster child, the demands on the suitability of a foster home could be lower.</p>

Barn under samhällets vingar : Den sociala barnavården i Kalmar, Arby och Dörby under åren 1926–1931 och 1946–1951 / Children beneath the wings of society : Social child welfare in Kalmar, Arby and Dörby during the years 1926–1931 and 1946–1951

Wickman Tiller, Angelica January 2024 (has links)
This study aims to examine aspects related to children who were taken into custody by the Child Welfare Council in the city of Kalmar, as well as the countryside communities of Dörby and Arby, during the years 1926-1931 and 1946-1951. The study highlights the social vulnerability that followed and the circumstances in which the children and parents found themselves in, which influenced their placement. It investigates the work of the Child Welfare Council, as well as the individuals or groups who reported and/or cared for the children. By analysing the board meetings held by the Child Welfare Council, a picture of how the changes in foster care in Kalmar, Dörby and Arby has developed will take place. The study has shown that these locations followed the general development in Sweden during the 20th century.

Interventioner som avser att förbättra placerade barns skolprestationer : En kunskapsöversikt

Forsman, Hilma January 2011 (has links)
The educational underachievement of children in foster care has been known for a long time. This study aimed to compile and analyze the current knowledge about interventions, intended to improve foster children’s school achievements. The method used was a systematically undertaken narrative review. Despite a comprehensive searching strategy, only ten relevant studies were found, indicating that little has been done to improve the educational outcomes for children in public care. The result shows that eight out of the ten interventions were effective in some way. Literacy appeared to be improved with fairly modest efforts, whilst improvements in numeracy, seemed to need more directed interventions. Among the success factors were providing books, tuition or structured individualized support and involving carers, school and foster care agencies in the process. An implication for the future is that foster children’s poor academic achievements can be improved with focused support. Also there’s a definite need for more intervention studies.

”De är vana att dela med sig av oss” : Biologiska barns delaktighet i familjehemsprocessen

Rosell, Carin, Zachrisson, Maidy, Fagerlund, Madeleine January 2006 (has links)
<p>Sammanfattning</p><p>Syftet med studien var att belysa hur familjehemsföräldrar uppfattar sina biologiska barns behov av stöd från socialtjänsten i familjehemsprocessen. De frågeställningar som legat till grund för studien är vilket stöd familjernas egna barn blir erbjudna från socialtjänsten och vilken form av stöd föräldrarna önskar för de egna barnen. Vidare på vilket sätt de egna barnen i ett familjehem är delaktiga i familjehemsprocessen.</p><p>Metoden som använts i studien är kvalitativ. Via information från familjehemsföräldrar har de biologiska barnens behov av stöd från socialtjänsten undersökts. Det skedde genom att intervjua fem familjehem som hade haft hemmaboende egna barn, under en period av minst tre till fem år, samtidigt som en fosterbarnsplacering. För att kunna besvara uppsatsens frågeställningar studerades tidigare forskning som till viss del belyser hur de biologiska barnen upplever sin situation.</p><p>Studiens teoretiska tolkningsram är förutom tidigare forskning också systemteori som visar på hur man i familjesystemets relationer påverkar varandra, samt utvecklingsteori som belyser barns behov och utveckling i olika åldrar.</p><p>Resultaten som framkommit i studien visar att de biologiska barnen bör synliggöras på ett tydligare sätt genom hela familjehemsprocessen. Vidare bör socialtjänsten se de biologiska barnen som en del av familjehemmet och erbjuda dem samma stöd, handledning och information som föräldrarna erbjuds.</p> / <p>“They are used to share us with others” - Biological children’s participation in the foster care process</p><p>Abstract</p><p>The purpose of this study was to enlighten how foster parents consider their biological children’s need of support from the Social services in the foster care process. The questions on which the study is based has been “Which support is actually offered from the Social services?” and “What form of support do the foster parents wish for their biological children?” Also “In which ways are the biological children part of the foster care process?”</p><p>The method used in the study is qualitative. Through information gathered from foster care parents, the biological children’s need of support has been examined. One of the criteria was that the five interviewed foster care homes had had biological children living at home, during a period of at least three to five years, coinciding with a foster care placement.</p><p>In order to answer the questions, raised for the study, previous research has been examined, which enlightens the situation of biological children in foster care families.</p><p>The studies theoretical frame of interpretation is, besides previous research, also system theory which shows how you, within the family systems relations affect each other, and development theory which enlightens children needs and development during various ages.</p><p>Results from the study shows the importance of making the biological children more visible during the entire foster care process.</p><p>Furthermore the Social service should see the biological course as part of the foster home, and offer them the same amount of support, guidance and information offered to the parents.</p>

”De är vana att dela med sig av oss” : Biologiska barns delaktighet i familjehemsprocessen

Rosell, Carin, Zachrisson, Maidy, Fagerlund, Madeleine January 2006 (has links)
Sammanfattning Syftet med studien var att belysa hur familjehemsföräldrar uppfattar sina biologiska barns behov av stöd från socialtjänsten i familjehemsprocessen. De frågeställningar som legat till grund för studien är vilket stöd familjernas egna barn blir erbjudna från socialtjänsten och vilken form av stöd föräldrarna önskar för de egna barnen. Vidare på vilket sätt de egna barnen i ett familjehem är delaktiga i familjehemsprocessen. Metoden som använts i studien är kvalitativ. Via information från familjehemsföräldrar har de biologiska barnens behov av stöd från socialtjänsten undersökts. Det skedde genom att intervjua fem familjehem som hade haft hemmaboende egna barn, under en period av minst tre till fem år, samtidigt som en fosterbarnsplacering. För att kunna besvara uppsatsens frågeställningar studerades tidigare forskning som till viss del belyser hur de biologiska barnen upplever sin situation. Studiens teoretiska tolkningsram är förutom tidigare forskning också systemteori som visar på hur man i familjesystemets relationer påverkar varandra, samt utvecklingsteori som belyser barns behov och utveckling i olika åldrar. Resultaten som framkommit i studien visar att de biologiska barnen bör synliggöras på ett tydligare sätt genom hela familjehemsprocessen. Vidare bör socialtjänsten se de biologiska barnen som en del av familjehemmet och erbjuda dem samma stöd, handledning och information som föräldrarna erbjuds. / “They are used to share us with others” - Biological children’s participation in the foster care process Abstract The purpose of this study was to enlighten how foster parents consider their biological children’s need of support from the Social services in the foster care process. The questions on which the study is based has been “Which support is actually offered from the Social services?” and “What form of support do the foster parents wish for their biological children?” Also “In which ways are the biological children part of the foster care process?” The method used in the study is qualitative. Through information gathered from foster care parents, the biological children’s need of support has been examined. One of the criteria was that the five interviewed foster care homes had had biological children living at home, during a period of at least three to five years, coinciding with a foster care placement. In order to answer the questions, raised for the study, previous research has been examined, which enlightens the situation of biological children in foster care families. The studies theoretical frame of interpretation is, besides previous research, also system theory which shows how you, within the family systems relations affect each other, and development theory which enlightens children needs and development during various ages. Results from the study shows the importance of making the biological children more visible during the entire foster care process. Furthermore the Social service should see the biological course as part of the foster home, and offer them the same amount of support, guidance and information offered to the parents.

Den förlorade barndomen : - en studie av sex tidigare fosterbarns upplevelser av vanvård vid placering i samhällsvård

Bergfors, Gisela, Cernvall, Anna January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to describe and analyze how former foster children experienced foster care which have been filled with maltreatment and neglect and how this has influenced their adult life when it comes to health, education and relationships. We also wanted to study how the former foster children coped with their placement. Furthermore we wanted to study whether there has been any turningpoints during their growth. Finally we wanted to describe how the former foster children experienced the authorities control. To make the purpose of this study complete we chose to use qualitative interviews with six former foster children as our research method. When we analyzed the results we used developmentalpsychopathology, sense of coherence and earlier research. Our results shows that former foster children who have been maltreated and neglected in foster care have health problems, both mental and physical, they enter adolescence with low education and they have problems with close relationships. Our results also shows that former foster children who have been in foster care for a longer timer tend to have lower Sense of coherence. Furthermore our study shows that our interviewees are satisfied with their lives today.

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