Spelling suggestions: "subject:"foucault, michel - 1926- 1984"" "subject:"foucault, aichel - 1926- 1984""
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Do quadro negro à tela do computador : a produtividade do governamento na constituição do aluno no Curso de Pedagogia a Distância da FACED/UFRGSDalpiaz, Alexandra da Silva Santos January 2009 (has links)
A presente dissertação intitulada Do quadro negro à tela do computador: a produtividade do governamento na constituição do aluno no Curso de Pedagogia a Distância da FACED/UFRGS tem como objetivo apresentar e analisar as estratégias de governamento utilizadas no Curso de Pedagogia a Distância da FACED/UFRGS, responsáveis pela constituição do aluno de um determinado tipo. Descreve e analisa as atividades desenvolvidas com e por um grupo de alunas do 5º semestre do curso, em 2008/2, propostas pela interdisciplina intitulada Seminário Integrador. Apresenta e analisa, também, a proposta do referido seminário para o semestre. Nesta dissertação o estudo do governamento das alunas, termo sugerido por Veiga-Neto (2002, p. 3) no intuito de aproximá-lo do uso feito por Foucault, é considerado como "[...] um conjunto de ações de poder que objetivam conduzir (governar) deliberadamente a própria conduta ou a conduta dos outros [...]", destacando a produtividade de tal estratégia. Tendo em vista que o governamento acontece por meio de tecnologias de dominação e tecnologias do eu, a proposta do Seminário Integrador é vista nesse trabalho, operando como uma tecnologia de dominação e as produções escritas das alunas como tecnologias do eu. A investigação insere-se no campo dos Estudos Culturais em Educação, principalmente nos estudos que se aproximam da perspectiva pós-estruturalista, mais precisamente dos estudos de Foucault. É um estudo de caso feito a partir da análise de documentos. O estudo feito permite afirmar que o curso, através Seminário Integrador, investiu numa heterogeneidade de atividades, entendidas como estratégias de governamento, que buscaram fazer as alunas ao falarem de si, se modificarem como professoras e alunas. Nesse processo de falar de si, por meio da escrita, as alunas foram modificando seus modos de agir, de pensar, de se expressar constituindo-se como alunas desejadas pelo curso, mais autônomas, críticas e comprometidas com a proposta do mesmo. Os dados analisados também possibilitam salientar, que no curso de EAD estudado, os processos de acompanhamento, controle e regulação podem ser vistos como tão ou mais efetivos do que na modalidade presencial. / The present dissertation titled From the blackboard to the computer screen: the productivity of the government in training the student in the Distance Pedagogy Major of FACED/UFRGS aims to present and analyze the strategies of the government utilized in the Distance Pedagogy Major of FACED/UFRGS, responsible for training a determined type of student. It has described and analyzed activities developed with and by a group of female students from the 5th semester of the Major, in 2008/2, proposed by the titled Integrator Seminar. It has presented and analyzed, also, the referred seminar propose for the semester. In this dissertation, the study of the government of students, a term suggested by Veiga-Neto (2002, p.3) with the means of approximating it to the use made by Foucault, has been considered as "a set of power actions that aims to conduct (govern) deliberately the own conduct or the others' conduct", highlighting the productivity from such strategy. In view of the government occurring by the means of technologies of domination and technologies of self, the propose of the Integrator Seminar has been seen, in this work, operating as a technology of domination and students' written productions as technologies of self. The investigation has been inserted in the field of Cultural Studies in Education, mainly in studies that approximate to the post-structuralized perspective, to be more precisely, to Michel Foucault's studies. It is a study of effect-cause occurring from the analysis of documents. The study realized allows to affirm that the Major, through the Integrator Seminar, has invested in the heterogeneity of activities, understood as strategies of government that searched for making the female students talk about themselves, and be transformed as teachers and students. In this process of talking about themselves, through writing, the female students started modifying their way of acting, thinking, and expressing, being trained as students that desired the Major, and becoming more autonomous, critical and compromising with its propose. The data analyzed made also possible to highlight that, to DE, the processes of accompanying, controlling and regulating may be seen as so or more effective than in the modality of presence teaching.
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Dispositivos, escolas e infantilidade: um estudo foucaultiano em escrileituras / Dispositifs, écoles et infantilisation: une étude foucaultienne en écrilecturesOliveira, Eduardo Alexandre Santos de 04 October 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-10-04 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Dans ses études sur l analytique du pouvoir, le philosophe français Michel Foucault enquête sur la constitution du sujet qui, d après lui, se réalise moyennant l exercice de pouvoir. Cet exercice consiste en actions sur actions concernant certains savoirs considérés vrais et qui justifient le pouvoir qui sculpte les individus soumis à tels exercices. Pouvoir et savoir sont abordés par le penseur sous le concept de dispositifs: ceux-ci agissent comme des stratégies qui configurent les sujets suivant des urgences historiques locales déterminées; ainsi, Foucault recherche cette constitution sous le dispositif de sécurité, disciplinaire et de sexualité qui se présente comme un mixte de discipline et sécurité. Dans ces modalités de dispositifs, ce penseur conçoit d autres qui s y prennent en tant que tactiques faisant marcher ces stratégies, telles que la prison, l armée, l atelier, l hôpital général parmi d autres. Dans les études menées sur les sujets édifiés par les dispositifs tactiques et stratégiques, le philosophe français ne s est pas dédié à une enquête sur l école. Donc, on recherche, dans cette dissertation, la problématique suivante qui se divise en deux parties: la première cherche à savoir dans quelle mesure les écoles fonctionnent en tant que des dispositifs de pouvoir-savoir en ce qui concerne les aspects disciplinaires, de sécurité et de sexualité. On examine ce problème dans les travaux mêmes de Foucault et, aussi, en observant les pratiques de pouvoir-savoir de deux institutions scolaires de l Etat du Paraná, à savoir, les écoles Andre Zênere de la municipalité de Toledo et Hipólyta Nunes, localisée à Guarapuava. On montre que les écoles, avec leurs pratiques, s inscrivent à une stratégie d infantilisation des enfants: ces institutions agissent en tant que des dispositifs qui fabriquent des sujets moyennant le concept d enfance, tout en rendant évident que l enfantin avait été construit historiquement comme étant puéril, faible et dépendant d adultisation. Ainsi, on recherche, à partir des études de Sandra Mara Corazza qui a problématisé l enfance dans le cadre du pouvoir-savoir, en l analysant dans ce qu elle intitule dispositif d infantilité la deuxième partie de ce problème: de quelle manière le dispositif d infantilité est pratiqué dans ces institutions, comment elles entreprennent les corps des enfants et quelle urgence historique telle entreprise prend en considération. On y souligne aussi que les institutions scolaires qui investissent de tels corps dans ce domaine de l enfance n agissent pas seulement quant à cet aspect-ci, car elles rendent possible des perspectives où les enfants peuvent se constituer en tant que des sujets qui ne se limitent pas aux moules des dispositifs quand on observe les pratiques du Projet Escrileituras: um modo de ler-escrever em meio à vida (Ecrilectures: une façon de lire-écrire au cours de la vie) provenant du MEC/CAPES/INEP et intégré au OBEDUC (Observatoire de l Education) surtout, à l institution de Toledo. / Em seus estudos sobre a analítica do poder, o filósofo francês Michel Foucault investiga a constituição do sujeito a qual, segundo ele, ocorre por meio do exercício de poder. Esse exercício consiste em ações sobre ações que se pautam em determinados saberes considerados verdadeiros os quais justificam o poder que esculpe os indivíduos que sofrem tais exercícios. Poder e saber são abordados pelo pensador sob o conceito de dispositivos: esses atuam como estratégias que configuram sujeitos de acordo com determinadas urgências históricas locais; assim, Foucault pesquisa essa constituição sob o dispositivo de segurança, disciplinar e de sexualidade o qual se apresenta como um misto de disciplina e segurança. Nessas modalidades de dispositivos, esse pensador concebe outros que funcionam enquanto táticas, as quais fazem essas estratégias funcionarem tais como a prisão, o exército, a oficina, o hospital geral, entre outros. Nos estudos sobre os sujeitos edificados pelos dispositivos táticos e estratégicos, o filósofo francês não dedicou uma pesquisa sobre a escola. Sendo assim, investiga-se, nessa dissertação, a seguinte problemática que se divide em duas partes: a primeira, remete-se em averiguar em que medida as escolas funcionam enquanto dispositivos de poder-saber sob os aspectos disciplinar, de segurança e de sexualidade. Examina-se tal problema nos próprios trabalhos de Foucault e também, em observações de práticas de poder-saber de duas instituições escolares do estado do Paraná, a saber, as escolas Andre Zênere do município de Toledo e Hipólyta Nunes, localizada em Guarapuava. Mostra-se que as escolas, com suas práticas, se inscrevem numa estratégia de infantilização das crianças: essas instituições atuam enquanto dispositivos que fabricam sujeitos por meio do conceito de infância o qual evidencia que o infantil fora historicamente constituído como pueril, fraco, e que depende de adultização. Assim, investiga-se, a partir dos estudos de Sandra Mara Corazza a qual problematizou a infância no âmbito do poder-saber, abordando-a naquilo que intitula dispositivo de infantilidade a segunda parte desse problema: de que modo o dispositivo de infantilidade atua nessas instituições, como investem os corpos das crianças e qual urgência histórica tal empreendimento atende. Aponta-se também que as instituições escolares que investem tais corpos nesse âmbito da infância não atuam somente nesse aspecto, pois possibilitam perspectivas nas quais as crianças podem se constituir enquanto sujeitos que não se restringem aos moldes dos dispositivos quando se observam práticas do Projeto Escrileituras: um modo de ler-escrever em meio à vida proveniente do MEC/CAPES/INEP e integrado ao OBEDUC (Observatório da Educação) sobretudo, na instituição de Toledo.
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Uma cartografia da História da sexualidade: entre Foucault e Deleuze / Une cartographie de l Histoire de la Sexualité: entre Foucault et DeleuzeAnsolin, Anemar Michaell Wanes Moraes 01 August 2014 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2014-08-01 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Les inquiétudes concernant la sexualité nous ont poussés vers l élaboration de cette cartographie. Elle explicite une défense de la diversité articulée à des concepts des philosophies de Foucault et de Deleuze, avec le but de générer un mouvement positif quand on prétend penser en minorités . Tous les deux philosophes valorisent la question de la multiplicité, complément pour toute la construction théorique qu on a visée, articulée à d autres concepts qui ont élucidé encore plus le multiple et qui ont permis l élaboration de cette défense. Notre cartographie est faite en appliquant des concepts deleuzo-guattariens dans l Histoire de la Sexualité créée par Foucault; nous y discourons sur la thèse qui soutient que la sexualité compose un rhizome et que sa compréhension ne se fait pas à travers des connaissances statiques et transcendantes. Pour indiquer cela, nous montrons, à partir de la théorie des lignes de Deleuze et Guattari, le mouvement des vérités produites sur la sexualité abordées dans la riche étude foucaldienne. Tout en transitant parmi les concepts de Pouvoir (Foucault) et de Rhizome (Deleuze et Guattari) nous avons éclairci des proximités entre les théories de ces philosophes qui ont permis de penser un devenir de la sexualité. D autres concepts deleuziens et foucaldiens y sont aussi traités, comme le concept de différence et celui de multiplicité (Deleuze), de même que celui de gouvernementalité (Foucault). Avec eux, nous essayons d articuler une défense de la diversité comme étant une pièce fondamentale pour une vie e une pensée plus créative et moins perplexe avec la sexualité. Nous avons tenté, avec ça, de penser la constitution d un sujet qui mène sa vie de façon plus autonome et, dans ce mouvement, pense sa sexualité dans la sphère de la singularité. Pour que ça puisse être pensé, nous avons agencé à cet apparat conceptuel l idée de soin de soi-même. C est bien cette idée qui a permis de discuter la constitution d un sujet avec une sexualité autonome, en la pensant dans le jeu d une esthétique de l existence. Notre élaboration théorique va à la rencontre, d une certaine manière, avec quelques mesures politiques brésiliennes, celles qui essaient de fixer des vérités sur la sexualité dans un contexte hétéronormatif, qui ignorent un regard positif autour de la diversité, en essayant de modeler une société utopique constituée dans l hégémonie hétérosexuelle, en dévalorisant la diversité comme une possibilité de perception de la vie. Ce qui m a mené à la recherche de ce thème-là a été la non acceptation de discours qui prétendent modeler la sexualité sur des patrons de références, discours que nous appelons dans la dissertation d homogènes/hégémoniques. Homogènes car ils prétendent assurer la permanence d une forme spécifique de visualisation de la sexualité qui ont des prétentions d hégémonie, donc hégémoniques. Le contact avec les uvres de Foucault et de Deleuze nous a donné la chance, d un côté, d apercevoir comme les discours de vérités sur la sexualité peuvent être pensés hors de la logique homogène/hégémonique, et, de l autre, affirmer la positivité de la différence, tout en permettant la production d un discours favorable à la diversité. / As inquietações a respeito da sexualidade nos moveram para a elaboração desta cartografia. Ela explicita uma defesa da diversidade articulada a conceitos das filosofias de Foucault e de Deleuze, com o intuito de gerar um movimento positivo quando se pretende pensar em minorias . Ambos os filósofos valorizaram a questão da multiplicidade, complemento para toda a construção teórica que se pretendeu, articulada a outros conceitos que elucidaram ainda mais o múltiplo e permitiram a elaboração desta defesa. Nossa cartografia é feita aplicando conceitos deleuzeguattarianos na História da Sexualidade criada por Foucault; nela, discorremos sobre a tese de que a sexualidade compõe um rizoma e seu entendimento não se dá por conhecimentos estáticos e transcendentes. Para evidenciar isso, mostramos, a partir da teoria das linhas de Deleuze e de Guattari, o movimento das verdades produzidas sobre a sexualidade abordadas no rico estudo foucaultiano. Transitando entre os conceitos de Poder (Foucault) e de Rizoma (Deleuze e Guattari), elucidamos proximidades entre as teorias desses filósofos que possibilitaram pensar um devir da sexualidade. Outros conceitos deleuzianos e foucaultianos também são abordados, como o conceito de diferença e o de multiplicidade (Deleuze), assim como o de governamentalidade (Foucault). Com eles, tentamos articular uma defesa da diversidade como sendo peça fundamental para uma vida e um pensamento mais criativo e menos perplexo com a sexualidade. Tentamos, com isso, pensar a constituição de um sujeito que leva sua vida de forma mais autônoma e, nesse movimento, que pense sua sexualidade na esfera da singularidade. Para que isso possa ser pensado, agenciamos a esse aparato conceitual a ideia de cuidado de si. É essa ideia que possibilitou discutir a constituição de um sujeito com uma sexualidade autônoma, pensando-a no jogo da estética da existência. Nossa elaboração teórica vai de encontro, em certa medida, à política brasileira, àquela que tenta se concretizar por meio de um pensamento heteronormativo, que ignora um olhar positivo em torno da diversidade, tentando moldar uma sociedade utópica constituída de uma só identidade, desvalorizando a diversidade como possibilidade de produção de vida. O que levou a propor e a executar a pesquisa desse tema foi a não aceitação de discursos que pretendem moldar a sexualidade dentro de padrões de referências, discursos que, na dissertação, estão identificados como homogêneos/hegemônicos. Homogêneos porque pretendem assegurar a permanência de uma forma específica de visualização da sexualidade que têm pretensões de hegemonia, por isso hegemônicos. O contato com as obras de Foucault e de Deleuze oportunizou, de um lado, perceber como os discursos de verdades sobre a sexualidade podem ser pensados fora da lógica homogênea/hegemônica e de um padrão de referência; de outro, afirmar a positividade da diferença, possibilitando a produção de um discurso favorável para com a diversidade.
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Michel Foucault e a demarcação dos limites da verdade / Michel Foucault and the demarcation of the boundaries of truthBezeruska, Jussara Tossin Martins 23 June 2009 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2009-06-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This work aims to study the foucaultian question about the truth and the delimitation of its frontiers. At first it addressed the problem of the meaning of Archaeology under the philosophy of Foucault. Are then exposed some considerations about its basic features and is examining the problem of its location between the theories and methodologies. Then, it addresses the points where the archeaology is different from the ideas and histories of science and it is a reflection on some of its central objectives. Finally, we describe, detail and place one of its main objects is the wording. In the following chapter is to analyze the most important points of the history of madness in order to understand, in midst of this work, the conceptual and methodological applications characterized by Foucault in Archaeology of knowledge. In a third time looks to the words and things and there is this work the study done by Foucault on the birth of human sciences. Studies are some examples used by the philosopher, emphasizing the points made about the configurations and characteristics of natural history - as representative of traditional knowledge - and biology - as representative of modern knowledge, with emphasis on the moment when the knowledge of natural history disappears giving rise to knowledge of biology. Aimed to make clearer the paths used by Foucault in his research that allowed the emergence of a new form of relationship with the truth, is to understand the options and the development of methodological concepts which frame the proposed approach to archaeological Foucault. / O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo da questão foucaultiana a respeito da verdade e da delimitação de suas fronteiras. Em um primeiro momento é abordada a problemática do significado do termo Arqueologia no âmbito da filosofia de Foucault. Em seguida são expostas algumas considerações sobre suas características fundamentais e é feita a análise do problema de sua localização entre as teorias e metodologias. Seguidamente, aborda-se os pontos em que a arqueologia se diferencia das histórias das idéias e das ciências e faz-se a reflexão sobre alguns de seus objetivos centrais. Finalmente, procura-se caracterizar, detalhar e situar um de seus objetos principais que é o enunciado. No capítulo seguinte faz-se a análise dos pontos mais importantes de História da loucura a fim de perceber, nos meandros desta obra, as aplicações metodológicas e conceituais caracterizadas por Foucault em Arqueologia do saber. Em um terceiro momento analisa-se As palavras e as coisas e destaca-se desta obra o estudo feito por Foucault a respeito do nascimento das ciências humanas. Estuda-se alguns exemplos utilizados pelo filósofo, evidenciando as considerações feitas sobre as configurações e as características da história natural como representativa dos saberes clássicos e da biologia como representativa dos saberes modernos, dando-se ênfase ao momento em que o saber da história natural desaparece dando lugar ao saber da biologia. Objetiva-se tornar mais claros os caminhos adotados por Foucault em suas pesquisas que possibilitaram o surgimento de uma forma nova de relação com a verdade, visando-se o entendimento das opções metodológicas e do desenvolvimento dos conceitos que estruturam a proposta de abordagem arqueológica de Foucault.
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Constructing the intellectually disabled person as a subject of education: a discourse analysis using Q-methodologyMcKenzie, Judith Anne January 2009 (has links)
The education of intellectually disabled (ID) people is constructed within mass education systems as a problem requiring specialised intervention, separation from “normal” school contexts and the application of professional expertise. A social model of disability resists these practices from a human rights perspective and underpins an inclusive education approach. In this study, a post-structuralist disability studies theoretical framework, drawing particularly on the work of Foucault, was used to examine discourses that construct the intellectually disabled person as a subject of education. The study was conducted in Buffalo City, South Africa at a time when an inclusive education policy is being implemented in the country. The research questions were: What discourses are deployed in the representation and educational practices of those identified as ID? What are the effects of these discourses in constructing the ID subject and associated educational practice? The study utilises Q-methodology, a factor analytic method that yields whole patterns of responses for analysis. A process of sorting selected statements along the dimension of agree to disagree was completed by three groups of participants, namely adults with ID, parents of people with ID and professionals working with ID. Discourses of representation and of educational practice were identified through statistical and interpretive analysis, following the discourse analysis school of Q-methodology. The findings of this study reveal the operation of power in a medico-psychological gaze that makes ID visible and supervises disability expertise within education. Representations of ID suffused with religious notions support the exercise of pastoral power by disability experts. Human rights discourses in education can marginalise ID people if applied uncritically. Fixed notions of impairment constrain an intellectually disabled subject who is vulnerable and incompetent. This study argues instead for a theory of (poss)ability, underpinned by an understanding of the situational and shared nature of competence and a fluid conception of impairment. Human rights should be supplemented by an ethics of care and belonging in the community (ubuntu). A research agenda supporting this effort would examine the ways in which ID people work on themselves as subjects (subjectivisation) and explore the potential for resistance in this process.
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Disjunctures within conventional knowledge of black male homosexual identity in contemporary South AfricaLi, Xinling January 2010 (has links)
This thesis provides a sociological understanding of how conventional knowledge of sexuality negates the identity formation of black gay men in contemporary South Africa. It investigates the coming out experiences of six black gay men in order to reveal the disjunctures between being black and being gay. The theoretical formation of disjuncture is pursued through examining a number of sociological, historical, psychoanalytical, and feminist approaches to identity, sexuality, and society; featuring specifically the theories of George Herbert Mead, Michel Foucault, and Judith Butler. The chosen research paradigm is symbolic interactionism, postulating both „pragmatist‟ and „empiricist‟ trends that lead to both interactionist and structuralist forms of argumentation. The interactionist approach to sexuality is central to the deconstruction of sexual conventions. It involves conceptualising modern sexuality in the landscapes of African colonial history and the global gay and lesbian movement. The prescribed literature on homosexuality is thus reviewed in conjunction with the South African gay and lesbian struggle, so as to spawn themes and perspectives for conducting life story interviews. The use of the life story interview favours the participants‟ own view of the studied phenomenon, yet aims to depict the structural influence on homosexual identification. Following the qualitative research tradition, the data analysis is based on the interpretation of narratives. It illustrates interpersonal relationships and microscopic experiences that lead to the self-acceptance and self-actualisation of homosexuality. Within these processes, various disjunctures that exist between the cultural sanction of lifestyle and individual choice, between parents and children, between religious belief and personal desires, and between gender identity and sexual orientation are disclosed. The findings are associated with the historical transformation of masculinity in South Africa, sex role performance, and the heterosexualisation of desire. The solution to the proposed research problem is discussed through concepts of socialisation and gender conformity.
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A Foucauldian analysis of discourses shaping perspectives, responses, and experiences on the accessibility, availability and distribution of condoms in some school communities in Kavango RegionNgalangi, Naftal Sakaria January 2016 (has links)
Condom use is promoted as an effective method for prevention and contraception for people who practice or are at risk of practicing high-risk sexual behaviors. According to the UNAIDS (2009) report, condoms are the only resource available to prevent the sexual spread of the HI-Virus; and with regard to family planning, the same report proposes that condoms expand the choices, have no medical side effects, and thus provide dual protection against pregnancy and disease. However, in Africa as elsewhere in the world, condom use has been fiercely debated. The debates on the accessibility, availability and distribution of condoms in schools are not new nor are they uncontested. In Namibia, the HIV and AIDS policy in education does not explain how, when and by whom condoms should be made available to learners. This leaves it to schools to decide on how (and whether) to make condoms available to learners. As a result, individual school‘s choices not only vary, but are mediated by different factors that are not always in the best interest of learners who, as the foregoing discussion suggests, continue to participate in behaviour that, amongst other things, puts them at risk of HIV infection and falling pregnant. Relying on Foucault‘s theory of discourses, this study investigated the dominant discourses that shape learner, teacher, parent religious and traditional leader and traditional healer perspectives, responses, and experiences with regard to the accessibility, availability, and distribution of condoms in school. The study was conducted in nine schools in Kavango Region in Namibia using a mixed methods approach. The study used triangulation in the data collection process through the use of questionnaires where 792 learners participated in this component, and focus group discussions and individual interviews targeting four groups namely, learners, teachers, parents and religious leaders, traditional leaders and traditional healers. The quantitative data were analyzed using the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS), and findings from the focus group discussions and individual interviews were analyzed identifying themes and patterns and then organizing them into coherent categories with sub-categories. The study revealed that the majority of adult participants opposed the idea of making condoms available in schools; advocating abstinence instead. This was despite evidence on the prevalence of sexual activity amongst youth in the community. Reasons had to do with various competing and hierarchized discourses operating to shape participant beliefs, perspectives, and responses in a highly regulated and surveilled social and cultural context. Put differently, the dominant discourses invoked a particular sexual subject; authorized and legitimated who invoked such a subject; who was and was not allowed to speak on sexual matters; as well as how sexual matters were brought into the public space of schools. Such authorization and legitimation regulated the discursive space in which discussions on sexual health, safe sex, and resources such as condoms were permitted; with negative consequences for the sexual well-being of youth in Kavango Region. The study also highlighted the tension between freedom, choice, and rights, showing how complex in fact is decision to make condoms available in school. On the one hand, teenagers positioned themselves as capable subjects who had the right to exercise choice over their sexual lives. Requesting parent consent was thus viewed as a violation of this right to choose. Such a position displayed authority and agency by learners that was pitted against views amongst adults in this study that positioned youth as having no agency. In their view, youth (a) were still children and thus innocent and pure, (b) ought to abstain, and (c) were difficult to control given the modern context. Adults believed that early sexual involvement by learners did not result from lack of vigilance and control on their part, but rather from exposure to modern social mores. The study concluded that (a) schools remain difficult spaces not only for mediating discussions of sex and sexuality, but also for providing resources to mitigate sexual risk amongst leaners, (b) in highly regulated societies, dominant religious discourses are produced and reproduced in and through existing institutions such as family, church, and schools; highlighting how these serve to normalize beliefs and perspectives, (c) the dominant discourses shaping communities in which schools find themselves remain inconsistent with school discourses that are shaped by modernist conceptions of childhood and youth, and (b) adult choices to sanction and obstruct schools from making condoms available (and in the case of teachers, not accessible and distributable) put the very children at risk that they propose to be protecting.
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The aim of this thesis is to explore the elements of power-knowledge in two SF novels written amid the Space Race during the Cold War era. While the dominant interest of both Stanislaw Lem’s Solaris and Arthur C. Clarke’s Rendezvous with Rama generally revolves around the implications of human interactions with an alien presence, my focus is primarily on the power structures that propel those interactions: questioning the intentions of scientific pursuits and analyzing the effects of Foucauldian power relations on the human individual. I do this by applying Foucault’s theories of the duality of the subject and his work on biopolitics. What is gleaned is not only a study of the interests of power, but an emphasis on the intersectional restrictions of power and cognition. / Includes bibliography. / Thesis (M.A.)--Florida Atlantic University, 2020. / FAU Electronic Theses and Dissertations Collection
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The Problem of Organization: A Study of Michel Foucault’s Conception of Systemic PowerGarruzzo, Anthony January 2025 (has links)
This dissertation addresses a challenge facing Michel Foucault’s conception of systemic power, a challenge I call ‘the problem of organization.’ Foucault argues that power is exercised through systems (‘dispositifs’) that are made up of various elements, such as institutions, procedures, techniques, and discourses, that co-operate in the execution of strategies of mastery and control.
However, this view gives rise to a question: What accounts for the organization in purpose and function exhibited by systems of power, such as the criminal justice system or the public health apparatus, if the strategies they put into operation are not consciously arranged or centrally coordinated by any specific person or group?
I argue that Foucault answers this challenge by conceiving such systems as technological, drawing on accounts of technology found in the work of Georges Canguilhem, Martin Heidegger, and Friedrich Nietzsche. Foucault holds that this organization emerges not in accordance with a conscious plan, as in a conspiracy, nor through an evolutionary process, as in an organism, but instead, like in a technology, through the decentralized coordination made possible by the production and circulation of knowledge.
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Reconstructing truth in modern society: John Paul II and the fallibility of NietzscheWelter, Brian 30 November 2007 (has links)
This thesis examines the intellectual environment in which Pope John Paul II's thought
operates, especially as it pertains to his writings on the truth. The pontiff's thinking faces open
hostility toward Christianity, as exemplified by Friedrich Nietzsche and Michel Foucault. The
pope's theology pays attention and builds links to modern thought through its positive
engagement with phenomenology and personalism, as well as through its opposition to
materialism. Despite these connections, this theology fails to fit well with (post)modern
thinking, as it takes a wider view of things in two ways: (1) By offering a spiritual sense of
things, it goes beyond thought and takes into account supernatural sources of knowledge,
sources which are both a one-time event (the Resurrection of Jesus Christ) and part of the
ongoing journey of the Christian community; (2) By boldly referring to traditional, outmoded
language, as with the words obedience and humility, with the same level of reverence and
fullness of their sense as they were used before the secular-feminist era condemned these
virtues. The strange and unique qualities of John Paul II's thinking issues from these two
practices. It also arises from his bold ability to engage with modern thought without becoming
defensive and without hiding behind the Bible or Catholic piety, though he uses both of these
John Paul II offers a clear alternative to the chaos and confusion of post-Enlightenment
thought, in both his thought's style and substance. The Holy Father's words cause us to reflect
more deeply than those of modern or postmodern thinkers, and call us away from the
relativism of Richard Rorty, Foucault, and so many others. The pope's thought succeeds in
part because he takes a much wider vista of things, in that he digs more deeply into Western
and Christian thought and that he enters this heritage as an inheritor rather than as a skeptical
scientist-researcher as in Foucault's case. The pope's thought also succeeds because he assigns
spiritual meaning to this journey of Christian and world people. In this sense, his thought is
also radically inclusive. / Systematic Theology & Theological Ethics / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)
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