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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Staubabscheider in häuslichen Feuerungen

Lenz, Volker, Ulbricht, Tobias 04 May 2021 (has links)
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, Biomasse, insbesondere Holz, ist im deutschen Wärmemarkt der mit großem Abstand wichtigste erneuerbare Energieträger. Insbesondere häusliche Holzfeuerungen erfreuen sich einer hohen Beliebtheit. Regionale Wertschöpfung und weitgehende CO2-Neutralität sind die positiven Seiten dieser Entwicklung. Dem gegenüber stehen, insbesondere bei Altanlagen, erhöhte Emissionen von Feinstaub und anderen gasförmigen Schadstoffen. Damit durch den zwingend notwendigen Ausbau der erneuerbaren Energien keine neuen Umweltbelastungen entstehen, wurden in den letzten Jahren die gesetzlichen Grenzwerte für die wichtigsten Schadstoffe stufenweise verringert. Viele moderne Feuerungen sind in der Lage, diese ohne weitere Maßnahmen einzuhalten. In einigen Marktsegmenten können jedoch Feinstaubabscheider eine interessante Möglichkeit darstellen, die geforderten Grenzwerte sicher einzuhalten. Darüber hinaus bieten sich Staubabscheider an, freiwillig einen größeren Beitrag zur Feinstaubemissionsreduktion zu leisten.

Die Deutsche Bundesbank in neuer Gestalt - Zur Vierten Novellierung des Bundesbankgesetzes

Gramlich, Ludwig 30 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Die Vierte Novellierung des Bundesbankgesetzes im Jahr 1992 zielte in erster Linie auf eine Bereinigung der temporären Sondersituation der Zentralbankorganisation in den "Neuen Bundesländern", brachte aber darüber hinaus eine Verschlankung der Strukturen der Bundesbank und einige weitere materielle Änderungen des Bundesbankgesetzes. Der Beitrag gibt zugleich eine erste Einschätzung des Anpassungsbedarfs bei Errichtung der im Maastricht-Vertrag vorgesehenen Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion.

Community based Question Answer Detection

Muthmann, Klemens 02 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Each day, millions of people ask questions and search for answers on the World Wide Web. Due to this, the Internet has grown to a world wide database of questions and answers, accessible to almost everyone. Since this database is so huge, it is hard to find out whether a question has been answered or even asked before. As a consequence, users are asking the same questions again and again, producing a vicious circle of new content which hides the important information. One platform for questions and answers are Web forums, also known as discussion boards. They present discussions as item streams where each item contains the contribution of one author. These contributions contain questions and answers in human readable form. People use search engines to search for information on such platforms. However, current search engines are neither optimized to highlight individual questions and answers nor to show which questions are asked often and which ones are already answered. In order to close this gap, this thesis introduces the \\emph{Effingo} system. The Effingo system is intended to extract forums from around the Web and find question and answer items. It also needs to link equal questions and aggregate associated answers. That way it is possible to find out whether a question has been asked before and whether it has already been answered. Based on these information it is possible to derive the most urgent questions from the system, to determine which ones are new and which ones are discussed and answered frequently. As a result, users are prevented from creating useless discussions, thus reducing the server load and information overload for further searches. The first research area explored by this thesis is forum data extraction. The results from this area are intended be used to create a database of forum posts as large as possible. Furthermore, it uses question-answer detection in order to find out which forum items are questions and which ones are answers and, finally, topic detection to aggregate questions on the same topic as well as discover duplicate answers. These areas are either extended by Effingo, using forum specific features such as the user graph, forum item relations and forum link structure, or adapted as a means to cope with the specific problems created by user generated content. Such problems arise from poorly written and very short texts as well as from hidden or distributed information.

Community based Question Answer Detection

Muthmann, Klemens 10 January 2014 (has links)
Each day, millions of people ask questions and search for answers on the World Wide Web. Due to this, the Internet has grown to a world wide database of questions and answers, accessible to almost everyone. Since this database is so huge, it is hard to find out whether a question has been answered or even asked before. As a consequence, users are asking the same questions again and again, producing a vicious circle of new content which hides the important information. One platform for questions and answers are Web forums, also known as discussion boards. They present discussions as item streams where each item contains the contribution of one author. These contributions contain questions and answers in human readable form. People use search engines to search for information on such platforms. However, current search engines are neither optimized to highlight individual questions and answers nor to show which questions are asked often and which ones are already answered. In order to close this gap, this thesis introduces the \\emph{Effingo} system. The Effingo system is intended to extract forums from around the Web and find question and answer items. It also needs to link equal questions and aggregate associated answers. That way it is possible to find out whether a question has been asked before and whether it has already been answered. Based on these information it is possible to derive the most urgent questions from the system, to determine which ones are new and which ones are discussed and answered frequently. As a result, users are prevented from creating useless discussions, thus reducing the server load and information overload for further searches. The first research area explored by this thesis is forum data extraction. The results from this area are intended be used to create a database of forum posts as large as possible. Furthermore, it uses question-answer detection in order to find out which forum items are questions and which ones are answers and, finally, topic detection to aggregate questions on the same topic as well as discover duplicate answers. These areas are either extended by Effingo, using forum specific features such as the user graph, forum item relations and forum link structure, or adapted as a means to cope with the specific problems created by user generated content. Such problems arise from poorly written and very short texts as well as from hidden or distributed information.

Ergebnisse auf Knopfdruck? Das Digitale Archiv des ITS – Erfahrungen und Überlegungen.

Bienert, René, Groh, Christian 09 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Elliot N. Dorff and Jonathan K. Crane (eds.): The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Ethics and Morality

Kohler, George Y. 13 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Die Taiwan-Frage im Kontext der US-Strategie für Ostasien-Pazifik nach dem Ende des Ost-West-Konfliktes

Lee, Yuh-Feng 11 December 2003 (has links)
Die Taiwan-Frage war ein Dauerproblem der internationalen Politik im Zeitalter des Kalten Krieges. Auch nach dem Ende des Ost-West-Konflikts ist die Taiwan-Frage immer noch ein gefährlicher Konfliktherd in Ostasien und das schwierigste Problem in den Beziehungen zwischen China und den USA. Die Taiwan-Frage ist deshalb ein ausgesprochen wichtiges Thema in der US-Strategie für Ostasien-Pazifik nach dem Ende des Ost-West-Konfliktes. Der Aufstieg Chinas wird die Taiwan-Frage in Zukunft unumgänglich wieder aufwerfen und könnte irgendwann einmal eine direkte Konfrontation zwischen China und den USA heraufbeschwören. In Hinblick darauf, dass das Modell des Dreiecks Washington-Taipeh-Beijing besonders gut für die strategische Analyse der Interaktion innerhalb diesen Beziehungsdreiecks ist, will die vorliegende Arbeit auf der systemischen Ebene das Modell des "Taiwan-Straßen-Dreiecks" auch anwenden, um die Taiwan-Frage aus der strategischen Perspektive zu untersuchen. Die vorliegende Untersuchung will auf den Zeitraum von 1990-2000. Dazu sind eine eingehende Darstellung und Analyse der strategischen Strukturen der Taiwan-Frage ebenso notwendig wie eine Auseinandersetzung mit theoretischen Ansätzen und deren Untersuchung in Hinblick auf die ostasiatisch-pazifische Strategie der Vereinigten Staaten. Durch theoretische Untersuchung und empirische Analyse soll diese Forschungsarbeit ein in der politischen Praxis operationalisierbares Modell der strategischen Interaktion in der Taiwan-Frage entwickeln, von dem aus die optimale strategische Option für Taiwan gewählt und somit Lösungsmöglichkeiten diskutiert werden können. / The Taiwan issue was a constant problem for international politics during the Cold War era and it has remained a dangerous source of conflict in East Asia ever since. It is the most complicated aspect of Sino-American relations. Therefore the Taiwan issue has been a decisive factor in US East Asian strategy. China s rise to power will inevitably raise the issue again in the future and this could one day lead to direct confrontation between China and the USA. So it follows that the term, strategic triangle, which was used to describe the relationship between Washington, Moscow and Beijing has now also been applied to the interconnections between Washington, Taipei and Beijing. Seeing that the above-mentioned triangular model is extremely useful for a strategic analysis of the interactions within this group, the study presented here attempts to use the model of the "Taiwan Strait Triangle" to examine the Taiwan issue in the changing international system from a strategic perspective. The study presented here concentrates on the time period between 1990 and 2000. Its fundamental prerequisites are a thorough presentation and analysis of the strategic structures pertinent to the Taiwan issue, as well as a discussion of the theories that have been considered and applied in US strategy for East Asia and the Pacific. Moreover, there is great need for further thorough examination of the developments in the Taiwan issue and the strategic configuration in the East Asian and Pacific region in terms of the fundamentally changed strategic circumstances brought about by the changes in the global system after the end of the East - West conflict.

Debating Poverty - Christian and Non-Christian Perspectives on the Social Question in Britain, 1880 - 1914 / Die Debatte um die Soziale Frage in Großbritannien 1880 - 1914. Christliche und Nicht-Christliche Perspektiven

Maser, Angelika 04 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

Die Deutsche Bundesbank in neuer Gestalt - Zur Vierten Novellierung des Bundesbankgesetzes

Gramlich, Ludwig 30 January 2009 (has links)
Die Vierte Novellierung des Bundesbankgesetzes im Jahr 1992 zielte in erster Linie auf eine Bereinigung der temporären Sondersituation der Zentralbankorganisation in den "Neuen Bundesländern", brachte aber darüber hinaus eine Verschlankung der Strukturen der Bundesbank und einige weitere materielle Änderungen des Bundesbankgesetzes. Der Beitrag gibt zugleich eine erste Einschätzung des Anpassungsbedarfs bei Errichtung der im Maastricht-Vertrag vorgesehenen Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion.

In/visible Colonization: On Infrastructure, surveillance and destruction in northern Kurdistan

Akin, Kamuran 09 June 2023 (has links)
Ev tez li ser teknîka desthilatdariya dewleta Tirk a kolonyalîst li Bakurê Kurdistanê ye. Herêmên kurdî yên li welêt bi dehsalan di bin ala ewlekariya dewletê de rastî rewşa awarte ya demdirêj tên. Li ser pêkanînên wekî çêkirina bendavên hîdroelektrîkê (HES), şewatên daristana yên sîstematîk ên bi piştgiriya dewletê û avakirina baregehên leşkerî /nûqteyên kontrolê yên bi ewlekariya bilind (Kalekol), ez nîşan didim ku mînaka taybet a kolonyalîzmê li Bakurê Kurdistanê çawa nijadperestiya sazûmanî, kontrolkirina nifûsê û wêrankirina ekolojîk bi awayên tevlihev bi kar tîne. Ji ber vê yekê, ev lêkolîn bi giranî li ser pêvajoya kolonîzekirina mekan a li erdnîgariya Kurd disekine. / Diese Dissertation befasst sich mit den türkischen Kolonialtechniken der Gouvernementalität in und über Nordkurdistan. Unter dem Deckmantel der Staatssicherheit sind die kurdischen Gebiete des Landes seit Jahrzehnten einer ausgeweiteten Notstandsregelung ausgesetzt. Anhand von Praktiken wie dem Bau von Wasserkraftwerken (HPP), systematischen und staatlich geförderten Waldbränden und dem Bau von militärischen Hochsicherheitshauptquartieren/Kontrollpunkten (Kalekol) zeige ich auf, wie spezifischen Beispiele der Kolonialität in Nordkurdistan auf komplexe Weise institutionellen Rassismus, Bevölkerungskontrolle und ökologische Zerstörung miteinander verbinden. Daher konzentriert sich diese Studie hauptsächlich auf den räumlichen Kolonisierungsprozess in der kurdischen Geografie. / This dissertation concerns Turkish colonial techniques of governmentality in and over northern Kurdistan. Under the banner of state security, Kurdish areas in the country have been subjected to extended emergency rule for decades. Drawing on practices such as the construction of hydroelectric dams (HPP), systematic state sponsored wildfires and the building of high security military checkpoints (Kalekol), I show how the specific examples of coloniality in northern Kurdistan harness in intricate ways institutional racism, population control and ecological destruction. Therefore, this study mainly focuses on the spatial colonization process of Kurdish geography.

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