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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An audience focused approach to framing climate-change communication in agriculture

Wandersee, Cassie January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Communications and Agricultural Education / Lauri M. Baker / The purpose of this study was to explore the frames and messages, issue salience, and communication preferences agricultural producers in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas use and accept related to climate change and the impacts of a changing climate. It was of additional interest to explore the climate-change beliefs and preferred agricultural media sources for climate and climate change information. Specific research objectives to guide the study were RO1: describe the level of issue salience agricultural producers have related to climate change; RO2: investigate frames and messages agricultural producers prefer in reference to the scientifically designated phenomena of climate change and impacts; and RO3: identify the agricultural media and information channels agricultural producers use for climate change. Based on findings in previous research, one hypothesis was developed: H1: agricultural producers in the Southern Plains Regional Climate Hub area will be located within the audience segment groups of the concerned and the cautious as identified in the Six America’s (2012) study. An Internet survey was distributed to producers in Kansas, which was open from March 3 to March 14, 2016, with 158 responses to the survey. Agenda-Setting Theory served as the basis for the study including the tenants of issue salience and framing in relation to climate change. The study found that the majority (n = 158, 64.92%) of producers believed that climate change was occurring, however, the causes were still contested. The study identified that higher levels of risk perception and education level were linked to belief in anthropogenic climate change (ACC). Primarily, the study found that loss framing was most effective in communicating the impacts of climate change. Terminology and distance framing were less important in message framing. Regional and university publications were cited most frequently by producers as sources of climate and climate-change information and overall use of agricultural media publications was linked to higher levels of belief in ACC. Users of business reports and TV had the highest mean climate-change belief; non-users had the lowest. Audience segments aligned with cautious and concerned Six America’s (2013) audience segment group, which indicated a shift towards accepting climate change among agricultural producers.

Framing the 2014 Indonesian Presidential Candidates in Newspapers and on Twitter

Hermawan, Ary January 2016 (has links)
The 2014 Indonesian presidential election was the first election in the world's largest Muslim democracy where social media played an important role. Social media outlets, such as Facebook and Twitter, became a public forum where Indonesians debated about and framed the presidential candidates - Prabowo Subianto and Joko Widodo - in what was said to be the closest and most polarizing election in the nation's history. A content analysis of two partisan newspapers, two independent newspapers, and tweets showed that both legacy media and social media focused on the personality frame when describing the candidates. In legacy media the second most prevalent frame was experience, while on Twitter it was integrity. Religion remained an important factor in the election, as reflected in both media platforms, while ethnicity was considered less important. Social media became an integral part of Indonesia's nascent democracy, with the public examining the candidates' leadership qualities and integrity on Twitter. The independent newspapers were not neutral in covering the candidates, thus making social media even more relevant as a relatively free and impartial marketplace of ideas during the election. This study discusses how legacy media - both partisan and independent - and social media portrayed the candidates, where and why these platforms differed, and what it means for the future of journalism in Indonesia.

Granatkastningarna i Malmö : En kvalitativ studie kring mediernas gestaltning av medborgare, polis och politiker vid en extraordinär kriminalhändelse

Almlöf, Gabriel January 2016 (has links)
This study does research on the Swedish media's portraying of an extraordinary crime event in Sweden - the grenades in Malmö 2015. The study focuses on how the media portrays three major participants in the media image: the public, the politicians and the police. The question examined was: How does the media portray the public and the authorities during the grenades in Malmö 2015? I made a framing analysis of 30 news articles from the summer of 2015. The result showed that the public received the role as the victim, where the media image emphasizes on fear from the public. The police received two different images - the safe image where the media emphasizes on the work the police does on preventing crime. The other image was the critical image, where the media emphasized on how the public criticized the police success rate during these incidents. The politicians received a neutral image, where a small amount of critic was portrayed. The results of the analysis diverged from previous studies and theories in the field when it came to the police and the politicians.

Investigating the Determinants of Disaster Recovery Technology Investment Choice in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Afshar, Faranak 07 September 2014 (has links)
Due to the importance of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as drivers of economic growth, it is essential to explore the security issues impacting SMEs' success and failure. One of the main security risks that could significantly impair the operability of the organizations is the permanent loss of data due to man-made and/or natural disasters and interruptions. Research has shown that SMEs are not taking disaster preparedness for their computer and networking systems as seriously as they should. This dissertation is an attempt to explain the process of a risky choice, specifically the decision maker's choice of not investing in disaster recovery technologies (DRT) to protect the firm. This study applied a revised model of determinants of risky decision-making behavior suggested by Sitkin and Weingart (1995) to a context of DRT investment in the real world. The model was empirically tested using survey data collected from a list of technology investment decision makers of SMEs located in the northeastern United States. Analysis and results of the collected survey data suggest the revised model can be applied to the real world context. The executive's characteristics, experience, and traits such as positive outcome history, risk propensity, risk perception, and decision framing influence the decision to invest in data protective technologies in SMEs. Specifically, the results of the analysis indicated that risk propensity is affected by outcome history and risk perception is affected by decision framing. In addition, risk propensity affected risk perception and risk perception affected the choice of DRT investment. Furthermore, decision framing had moderate effect on DRT investment

An Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Contract Frame and Discretion in Performance Evaluation on Effort

Ewing, Robert 01 January 2016 (has links)
The design of incentive compensation plans is critical to a company’s success. This study develops and validates a theoretical model to examine how incentive contract framing affects effort. This study uses an experiment to observe the effect of the manipulation of incentive contract frame and the presence or absence of principal discretion in performance evaluation on effort. The results of the experiment show that when principal discretion in performance evaluation is absent, penalty contracts induce greater effort than bonus contracts. The results of the experiment also demonstrate that the interaction of principal discretion in performance evaluation and contract frame influences how agents view the perceived fairness of their incentive contract. Specifically, principal discretion in performance evaluation increases perceived fairness under a penalty contract but not under a bonus contract. This study also extends prior research by documenting that perceived fairness explains how incentive contract frame affects trust and effort.

Riksdagspartiers konstruktioner av flyktingfrågan : En kritisk diskursanalys med fokus på säkerhet i relation till flyktingmottagande

Markgren, Sarah January 2015 (has links)
Sweden has traditionally been portrayed as a tolerant and generous country in terms of its migration policy. In conjunction with the increased flow of refugees in 2015 this image of Sweden has slowly but surely come to be questioned. Swedish political parties have raised concerns over the increased number of asylum seekers, and stressed the social, political and economic implications it may have for the Swedish society. This essay examines how Swedish political parties frame the refugee issue, and how these frames can be understood from a security lens. The following questions have been examined; How do Swedish parlamentary parties frame the refugee issue? To what extent is the refugee issue securitized in the Swedish context? What consequences can securitization of the refugee issue have for Swedish citizens’ attitudes to the welcoming of refugees? Two complementary methods are used to analyze the material. In the first step, Faircloughs critical discourse analysis uncover Swedish parliamentary parties frames of the refugee issue. In the second step, the securitization theory is applied in order to relate these refugee portrayals to security. Four central refugee discourses are identified in the material, following are; solidarity, responsibility, identity and expenditures. The essay argues that the refugee issue tends to be framed as a security threat of parties on the right wing of the political spectrum. Parties such as the Moderate Party and the Sweden Democrats have securitized the refugee issue. These parties frame the issue in terms of expenditures and identity, which follow a security rhetoric. The remaining parties show a great concern on the issue, but put emphasis on solidarity and responsibility. Successful securitization has thus not taken place among these parties.

Bara män! Bara män! Bara massor utav män! : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys om könsfördelning och gestaltning inom sport i Sundsvalls Tidning och Aftonbladet.

Westin, Camilla, Mathiesen, Lina January 2016 (has links)
Det mest sedda sportprogrammet år 2014 var herrarnas final i fotbolls-VM som hade 2,8 miljoner tv-tittare (MMS, 2014). Inte långt därefter, återfinns finalen i herrarnas OS-ishockey, som sågs av 2,3 miljoner tittare (a.a.) Med detta i beaktande kan vi konstatera att sport och framför allt ishockey och fotboll är väldigt populärt i Sverige. Problemet vi ser med nyhetsrapporteringen idag är att det kan upplevas som att medierna i rapporteringen av sport till stor del fokuserar på herrsport och manliga huvudpersoner. Syftet med vår studie är att undersöka hur sporterna ishockey och fotboll, med särskilt fokus på könsskillnader, gestaltades i Sportbladet och Sundsvalls Tidning under 2012/2013. För att svara på vårt syfte och frågeställningar har vi gjort en kvantitativ innehållsanalys, där vi har undersökt nämnda medier och med hjälp av ett kodschema kodat de analysenheter vi använt oss av, vilket har varit artiklar som handlar om fotboll och ishockey. Resultatet visar på att de undersökta medierna främst rapporterar om män, samt att det rapporterades mer om fotboll än ishockey. Det resultatet också visade var att majoriteten av artiklarna var positivt vinklade.

CNN vs. RT: Comparative Analysis of Media Coverage of a Malaysian Airlines Aircraft MH17 Shooting Down within the Framework of Propaganda

Olga, Lopatynska January 2015 (has links)
To explore strategic narratives of the U.S. and Russia is a motivation for this research. The study investigates whether there is a return to the Cold War rhetoric between the West and Russia, or if the discourse has taken a new form. A primary goal is to examine if media originating from the two countries spread propaganda, but mainly to detect what kind of propaganda it is. The research compares types of propaganda techniques that are most commonly applied by RT and CNN, and discusses results in a context of the Cold War propaganda prominent themes. This has been done by comparing how the two media outlets were reporting on a crash of a Malaysian Airlines aircraft in eastern Ukraine on July 17th 2014. A method of a framing analysis has been applied for a material from both channels for a period of four months. The results indicate that a number of propaganda techniques are used by both RT and CNN. Moreover, channels’ discourse is antagonistic, while strategic narratives of the U.S. and Russia nowadays have similarities and differences comparing to the Cold War times. Further research should look at other genres, events and topics reported by the two media.

Kriget inom ramarna : En studie om hur Libyenkriget framställts i nyhetsmedierna DN, Rapport och Ekot

Mächs, Mattias, Nilsson, Kajsa January 2013 (has links)
Detta är en kombinerad kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie om hur Libyenkriget framställts i tre svenska nyhetsmedier: DN, Rapport och Ekot. Dessa tre medier har valts för att ge en så heltäckande bild som möjligt av den svenska nyhetsrapporteringen kring kriget och de inblandade aktörerna under åren 2010, 2011 och 2012. I den kvantitativa delen har 171 analysenheter kodats och i den kvalitativa delen har 6 analysenheter närstuderats. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkter är gestaltningsteori (framing) samt indexing. Kodschemat som använts vid den kvantitativa undersökningen består av 14 variabler. För att identifiera tolkningsramar i det undersökta materialet har några variabler utvecklats utifrån Entmans samt Pan och Kosickis begreppsapparater för framinganalys. Andra variabler har inspirerats av tidigare studier om krig och journalistik samt utvecklats med syftet att belysa eventuella indexing-effekter. Den kvalitativa undersökningen har baserats på Lakoffs teorier om hur krig i medierna ofta tolkas utifrån metaforen ”kriget som en saga”, samt på Pan och Kosickis metoder för innehållsanalys. Resultaten visar på att rebellernas och västerländska elitkällors problembeskrivning av konflikten beretts störst utrymme i rapporteringen. Khaddafi har under kriget skildrats som en grym diktator, civilbefolkningen som offer och rebellerna samt Nato som hjältar. Det svenska  deltagandet i Natoinsatsen har skildrats på ett odelat positivt sätt i vårt analyserade urval. Bilden av Khaddafi har förändrats, från att vara mer neutral innan kriget till att bli mer ensidigt negativ under och efter kriget.

Dynamic in-store decision making

Sheehan, Daniel E. 27 May 2016 (has links)
Much of our current understanding of how consumers shop for goods and services is based on cross-sectional analyses of end-of-trip variables (e.g., basket composition, total spending) that has largely assumed purchase behavior is constant over the course of a shopping trip, however research has begun to demonstrate how an initial purchase can influence a subsequent purchase decision. This suggests shopping behavior may not only vary throughout a shopping trip, but rather is specifically influenced by when a purchase decision occurs within a shopping trip. I build on this foundation through two essays that show how and why a consumer’s in-store purchasing behavior is influenced by both the decisions they have made and the decisions they anticipate to make later. The first essay demonstrates that a consumer’s relative spending— the price of an item, relative to the prices of the other items in the same product category—evolves nonlinearly over a single shopping trip, and this pattern is distinct for budget and nonbudget shoppers. The second essay examines whether and how encountering promotions in-store, but temporally in advance of the promoted product influences a consumer’s redemption decision. These findings suggest that shoppers’ decisions evolve of a single shopping trip as a function of the decisions and evaluations the have made earlier in the shopping trip, as well the decisions they still have left to make. In each essay, implications for researchers and practitioners are presented and opportunities for future research are discussed.

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