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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Vi beklagar att politisk censur förekommer i Sverige" : en retorisk analys av Sverigedemokraternas strategier vid lanseringen av deras valfilm 2010

Söder, Fredrik January 2011 (has links)
I valupptakten hösten 2010 fick Sverigedemokraternas två valfilmer oerhört genomslag i media, och hade inte mindre än en halv miljon visningar på Youtube, på bara några få dagar. Denna här uppsatsen undersöker vilka strategier som ligger bakom ett sådant genomslag i media. Frågeställningen försöker besvara vilka verklighetsbeskrivningar som TV4 respektive Sverigedemokraterna (SD) ger i sitt pressmaterial angående lanseringen av SD:s två valfilmer, och vad de får för effekter. Uppsatsen analyserar nyckelord som används, vilken ram de sätter på situationen och om SD använder sig av anti-etablissemangsstrategin. Den diskuterar också omkring problemformuleringsprivilegiet, det vill säga att den som formulerar frågeställningen alltid äger tolkningsföreträdet till den. Uppsatsens slutsats är att SD:s strategi vid lanseringen av valfilmen var att synliggöra och förstärka avståndet mellan SD och etablissemanget, såväl till politiska partier som till media. SD använde sig av de egna problemformuleringarna massinvandring och censur, som i sin tur skapade egna ramar, till vilka enbart SD hade tolkningsföreträde. SD:s ramar stämmer tydligt överrens med vilka kriterier ett politiskt parti måste ha för att använda sig av anti-etablissemangsstrategin. / In the fall of 2010 during the election, the Swedish Democrats launched two election movies who got a enormous breakthrough in the media. They got over half a million views on Youtube in just a few days. This essay investigates what strategies that lays behind the breakthrough in the Swedish media. The inquiry tries to answer what description of reality that TV4 and the Swedish Democrats leaves in their press material concerning the launch of the Swedish Democrats two election movies and following effects. The essay analyses keywords in these movies, the frame of the situation and if the Swedish Democrats uses the anti-establishment strategy. It also discuss the problem formulation privilege, which means that the person who formulate the inquiry always own the right to interpret the inquiry. The conclusion of the essay is that the Swedish Democrats strategy during the launch of the election movies, was to expose and strengthen the distance between the Swedish Democrats and the establishment. As well as between other political parties and media. The Swedish Democrats formulate their own problem formulation using words as “mass migration” and “censorship”. With these two words they create their own frames that gives the Swedish Democrats the total interpret of the words. The frames that the Swedish Democrats are using, agrees with the criteria of what a political party must contain to use the anti-establishment strategy.

Europeiska unionen i svensk media : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av svensk nyhetspress / The European Union in the Swedish media : A quantitative content analysis of the Swedish news media

Brunelius, Malin January 2011 (has links)
Med utgångspunkt i en kritisk debatt gällande medias bristfälliga bevakning av EU är syftet med studien är att ta reda på hur den Europeiska unionen skildrades i svensk nyhetspress under 2000-talets första decennium. För att studera EU-journalistik tillämpas en kvantitativ innehållsanalys. Med hjälp av ett kodschema registreras variabelvärden för artiklar från 20 slumpmässigt utvalda veckor mellan åren 2001–2010, i tidningarna Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter och Svenska Dagbladet. För att förstå resultaten tas hjälp av ett teoretiskt ramverk med fokus på tidigare forskningsdiskurs samt resonemang kring en marknadsstyrd journalistik och nyhetsvärdering. Genom rubriker och artikelinnehåll identifieras även förekomsten av fördefinierade nyhetsramar i EU-journalistiken: ”Nationellt perspektiv” och ”EU-nyheter utan kontext”.  Totalt registrerades 923 artiklar från de tre tidningarna under given period. Rapporteringens omfattning skiljer sig tydligt mellan åren, 2001 års rapportering står för majoriteten av artikelmängden. Det finns vissa inslag av nyhetsramen ”nationellt perspektiv” i svensk medias EU-bevakning. Nyhetsramen ”EU-nyheter utan kontext” stämmer väl in på materialet. Den marknadsstyrda journalistiken fungerar som en tänkbar förklaring till den bristfälliga EU-bevakningen. Vad som bör eftersträvas i större utsträckning är uppföljning av ämnen som exponeras för media för att läsare på så sätt ska få mer kontinuitet och ökad förståelse för EU:s verksamhet. En framtida undersökning skulle kunna inkludera radio- och tevenyheter eller en undersökning av bevakningen under 1990-talet.

Kriget i Afghanistan - ett nödvändigt ont? : En kritisk diskursanalys av New York Times ställningstagande till och framing av kriget i Afghanistan / The war in Afghanistan - a necessary evil? : A critical discourse analysis of The New York Times position on and framing of the war in Afghanistan

Häggmark, Jenny, Jansson, Madeleine January 2011 (has links)
Abstract Title: The war in Afghanistan – a necessary evil? (Kriget i Afghanistan – ett nödvändigt ont? En kritisk diskursanalys av New York Times ställningstagande till och framing av kriget i Afghanistan) Number of pages: 41 (41 including enclosures) Authors: Jenny Häggmark, Madeleine Jansson Tutor: Christian Christensen Course: Media and Communication Studies C Period: Fall term 2011 University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University Purpose/aim: Our main goal with this paper is to examine and describe how The New York Times have framed the war in Afghanistan in their editorials, and how their position on the war is reflected in the editorials. We are also interested in finding out if their position on the war has changed during the ten years of war. Are the New York Times editorials characterized by peace or war journalism? Material/Method: To fulfill our aim with this paper we are going to use a qualitative method of content analyzes, the critical discourse analysis, when we analyze the editorials selected. The material consists of 40 editorials from The New York Times from four different years – 2001, 2004, 2007 and 2011 – ten from each year. We will analyze these editorials using Johan Galtung’s theory of peace and war journalism, along with the theory of framing, using Robert M. Entman’s definition as a base. Main results: Our main results are that The New York Times has changed their position on the war in Afghanistan since it started in 2001. The first two years that we have analyzed, 2001 and 2004, The New York Times were positive towards the war. However, their position on the war has been negative or neutral in the studied editorials from 2007 and 2011. Our results show that The New York Times framed the war in six salient frames – position, peace, war, nation building/democracy in Afghanistan, “us and them”, and criticism against the Bush administration. The editorials from 2001 are characterized as war journalism while the majority of the editorials from the following years are characterized as peace journalism. Key words: War in Afghanistan, framing, peace journalism, war journalism, New York Times, editorials.

Projetos para produção de residências unifamiliares em light steel framing

Vivan, André Luiz 30 June 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:09:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 3701.pdf: 4826071 bytes, checksum: f99af11a4c80ea08b67f201d33ce7f0a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-06-30 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / This work has the aim to propose guidelines for the preparation of designs for production with the construction of single family houses of Light Steel Framing. These guidelines involve considerations about the presentation of designs and assembly sequences on the main elements of a building in Light Steel Framing, promoting higher constructability on projects. Parallel to these guidelines were developed some graphical detail, with respect to the elements discussed, based on the concept of Design for Assembly. For this, have been used the information from the literature review, which deals with concepts such as Concurrent Engineering, Lean Design and Design for Production, and information gathered in structured interviews. The product of this work contributes to the advancement of studies about the design process of Light Steel Framing, besides promoting the use of concepts just discussed or used in Construction. Being a prefabricated building system, Light Steel Framing collaborates with the modernization of the processes involved in small works and facilitates the use of management principles such as Lean Construction and tools such as Design for Assembly. / Este trabalho tem por objetivo principal a proposição de diretrizes para a elaboração de projetos para produção voltados para a construção de habitações unifamiliares de Light Steel Framing. Tais diretrizes envolvem considerações a respeito da apresentação dos projetos e sobre sequências de montagem dos principais elementos de uma edificação em Light Steel Framing, promovendo maior construtibilidade aos projetos. Paralelo a estas diretrizes, foram desenvolvidos alguns detalhes gráficos com relação aos elementos abordados baseados no conceito do Design for Assembly. Para isso, foram utilizadas as informações da revisão bibliográfica, que aborda conceitos como a Engenharia Simultânea, Lean Design e o próprio Projeto para Produção, e as informações coletadas nas entrevistas estruturadas. O produto desta dissertação contribui para o avanço dos estudos a respeito do processo de projeto do Light Steel Framing, além de promover o uso de conceitos pouco abordados ou utilizados na Construção Civil. Sendo um sistema construtivo pré-fabricado, o Light Steel Framing colabora com a modernização dos processos envolvidos em obras de pequeno porte e facilita o emprego de princípios de gestão como da Lean Construction e de ferramentas como o Design for Assembly.

Análise do ciclo de vida energético de projeto de habitação de interesse social concebido em light steel framing

Carminatti Júnior, Riberto 08 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:09:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4297.pdf: 4397447 bytes, checksum: e5f98b94d72e389281cbc0c54b112024 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-08 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The construction industry in Brazil has great importance both socially and economically, but generates more than 50% of municipal solid waste and consuming large quantities of raw materials, energy and water. Thus the sector is strategic under the environmental point of view, since small changes in their processes cause the reduction of environmental impacts. To meet the current housing shortage, many building systems are being employed in the country, among which, the Light Steel Framing (LSF), which consists of a rational building system, and industrial productivity. The aim of this study was to simulate the amount of embodied energy original (EEi) of a standard project aimed at social housing using the LSF as a constructive system, applying the concepts of Life Cycle Analysis of Energy (ACVE). To achieve this goal initially was held to review the literature on sustainability, and LSF construction system ACVE. Following the adjustment was made for a project for social housing in structural masonry designed to LSF. From the specifications for materials and components, their respective values of the quantitative EEi and held the simulation of the quantity of EEi considering three scenarios: project conceived in structural masonry concrete block, masonry, structural ceramic blocks and LSF. Comparing the results of three simulations, it was concluded that the project designed masonry structural ceramic blocks showed the lowest absolute value of the EEi in relation to other systems simulated (117.6 GJ and 3.0 GJ / m² ), with the LSF presented an intermediate value (154.3 GJ and 3.9 GJ / m²), but very close to the masonry of ceramic blocks, while designed masonry concrete blocks had a higher value (262 , 0 GJ and 6.6 GJ / m²), largely due to the high value of IAS adopted for the concrete. It is noteworthy that these results should not be extrapolated as EE values were used for materials and components used in these construction systems referenced in the international literature, which indicates the need to build a national database about. / A indústria de construção civil no Brasil possui grande importância tanto social quanto econômica, porém é geradora de mais de 50% dos resíduos sólidos urbanos e consumidora de grande quantidade de matéria-prima, energia e água. Desta forma o setor é estratégico sob o ponto de vista ambiental uma vez que pequenas mudanças em seus processos ocasionam a redução dos impactos ambientais. Para suprir o déficit habitacional atual, vários sistemas construtivos estão sendo empregados no país, dentre os quais, o Light Steel Framing (LSF), que consiste em um sistema construtivo racional, industrializado e com melhor produtividade. O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu na simulação da quantidade de energia embutida inicial (EEi) de um projeto padrão voltado à habitação de interesse social utilizando o LSF como sistema construtivo, aplicando-se os conceitos de Análise de Ciclo de Vida Energético (ACVE). Para atingir este objetivo se realizou inicialmente a revisão bibliográfica sobre sustentabilidade, sistema construtivo LSF e ACVE. Na sequência fez-se a adaptação de um projeto para habitação de interesse social concebido em alvenaria estrutural para o LSF. A partir das especificações dos materiais e componentes, dos seus respectivos valores de EEi e dos quantitativos realizou-se a simulação da quantidade de EEi considerando 3 situações: projeto concebido em alvenaria estrutural de blocos de concreto, alvenaria estrutural de blocos cerâmicos e LSF. Comparando-se os resultados das três simulações realizadas, concluiu-se que o projeto concebido em alvenaria estrutural de blocos cerâmicos foi o que apresentou menor valor de EEi absoluto em relação aos demais sistemas simulados (117,6 GJ e 3,0 GJ/m²), tendo-se o LSF apresentado um valor intermediário (154,3 GJ e 3,9 GJ/m²), porém bem próximo ao da alvenaria de blocos cerâmicos, enquanto que o concebido em alvenaria de blocos de concreto apresentou maior valor (262,0 GJ e 6,6 GJ/m²), muito em função do elevado valor de EEi adotado para o concreto. Ressalta-se que tais resultados não devem ser extrapolados uma vez que foram utilizados valores de EE para os materiais e componentes aplicados nestes sistemas construtivos referenciados em literatura internacional, o que indica a necessidade de se construir uma base de dados nacional a respeito.

Tecnologia construtiva de fachada em chapas delgadas estruturadas em light steel framing. / Light stell external wall system.

Silvia Scalzo Cardoso 20 January 2016 (has links)
Aumento da produtividade, melhorias na qualidade dos produtos, redução de custos e de impactos ambientais são essenciais para a capacidade competitiva das empresas. A execução da fachada faz parte do caminho crítico da obra, por ser um subsistema que associa as funções de fechamento, acabamento, iluminação e ventilação e ainda por incorporar sistemas prediais; apresenta, por isso também, um alto custo direto em relação aos outros subsistemas do edifício. A tecnologia construtiva de fachadas em chapas delgadas com estrutura em Light Steel Framing (LSF) é uma alternativa viável para aumentar a produtividade e reduzir os prazos de obra, com qualidade e desempenho, e pode trazer benefícios em relação a atividades intensas em mão de obra como é o caso da alvenaria de vedação e de seus revestimentos. O presente trabalho tem por objetivo sistematizar e analisar o conhecimento relativo a essa tecnologia construtiva de fachada. O método adotado compreende revisão bibliográfica. Como contribuição, o trabalho reúne um conjunto organizado de informações sobre os principais sistemas disponíveis no mercado contemplando: a caracterização do sistema de fachada, de suas camadas e dos perfis leves de aço e a sistematização das principais avaliações técnicas de sistemas existentes em outros países, reunindo normas técnicas de produtos e de execução. Acredita-se que a reunião e organização das informações, antes dispersas em diversas referências, têm potencial para subsidiar o meio técnico para tomada de decisão quanto ao uso adequado da nova tecnologia. / Increase productivity, improve product quality and reducing costs and environmental impact are essential for a competitive business. One of the critical paths of construction projects is the execution of the façade, a subsystem that associates multiple functions as sealing, finishing, lighting and ventilation feature and may incorporate other building systems. As another characteristic of these properties, a façade possess an important direct cost in relation to other subsystems. The building technology of light steel external wall system is a viable alternative, as it holds a potential to increase productivity, reduce construction deadline and bring benefits in regards to the labor heavy nature of masonry and mortar cladding. This research aims to organize the knowledge on the building technology of light steel external wall facade. The research method comprises a technical literature review. As a result, this study combines an organized ensemble of information about characterization of the light steel external wall system, its layers and steel profile. The work also performs an analysis of technical evaluations of existing systems in other countries, gathering technical standards of products and assembling techniques. The information here presented may serve as reference to the technical community by compiling and organizing information available in various and dispersed references.

Influência do crédito e do efeito framing nos preços de referência

Takiguchi, Cleverson Shindi January 2010 (has links)
Submitted by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2013-10-25T18:05:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert_31ago_2010 _Cleverson_.pdf: 474989 bytes, checksum: fc7c4a876917d9bfebc1be6559068332 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2013-10-25T18:05:18Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert_31ago_2010 _Cleverson_.pdf: 474989 bytes, checksum: fc7c4a876917d9bfebc1be6559068332 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2013-10-25T18:05:29Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert_31ago_2010 _Cleverson_.pdf: 474989 bytes, checksum: fc7c4a876917d9bfebc1be6559068332 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-10-25T18:05:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissert_31ago_2010 _Cleverson_.pdf: 474989 bytes, checksum: fc7c4a876917d9bfebc1be6559068332 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Muitos trabalhos estrangeiros e alguns trabalhos brasileiros indicam que os consumidores têm um preço de referência em sua mente ao analisar o preço de um bem em particular, sendo este processo interno, externo ou ambos. Verifica-se também que o modo como as situações no momento da compra são apresentados (efeito framing) também influencia o processo decisório. Estes fenômenos têm sido explicados por estudos comportamentais e de constructos psicológicos. Este trabalho tem como objetivo explorar o efeito do crédito (em particular as compras parceladas) e do efeito framing nos preços de referência. O motivador deste estudo foi o grande volume de linhas de crédito que tem sido oferecido no mercado brasileiro. A maior parcela dos respondentes (41%) pertence a classe C que representa maior fatia de renda nacional e correponde a cerca de 103 milhões de pessoas (dados de agosto de 2010) e tende a evoluir para 56% da população (113 milhões até 2014). O método de pesquisa usado foi o experimental com manipulação por instrução. Pode-se confirmar a hipótese de que o preço de referência pode apresentar uma variação onde a sensação de perda é reduzida ao ser transferida para o longo prazo ou simplesmente anulada pela satisfação imediata de posse do bem. Não se pode confirmar hipótese de que o crédito pode influenciar a formação de preços de referência. Contudo, pode-se explorar o tema e fornecer bases para motivar pesquisas futuras a respeito. / Several studies performed abroad and some brazilian ones indicate that customers have a reference price in mind when evaluating the price of one particular good, which can be whether internal, external or both. Besides, it can be noticed the way that the situations are presented (framing effect) have influence in the decision making process. These phenomena have been explained by behavioral studies as well as with psychologic constructs. The objective of this study is to explore the effect of the credit and the framing effect in the reference price. The motivation of this study is the great volume of credit that has been offered in the brazilian market. The majority of the people who answered the research (41%) belongs the C class that represents the largest portion of income in the national scenario and corrensponds to about 103 million of people (information of August/2010) and tends to grow to up to 56% of the population (113 million up 2010). The method of research used was experimental with manipulation thru instruction. It could be confirmed the hypothesis that the reference price can suffer a variation where the sensation of loss is reduced or transferred to the long term or simply cancelled by the immediate satisfaction of ownership of the good. It could not be confirmed the hypothesis that the credit can influence the reference price. However, the theme could be explored and offer a basis for future researches about the subject.

Pratiques de lobbying des ONG au Burkina Faso : une évaluation des stratégies / Lobbying practices of NGOs in Burkina Faso : an evaluation of their strategies

Dadjo, Crépin Hilaire 08 September 2016 (has links)
D’origine anglo-saxonne, le lobbying, en tant que stratégie d’influence du décideur politique ou des politiques publiques est une pratique connue dans le monde entier. Le Burkina Faso, en Afrique de l’Ouest, ne fait pas exception à la règle. On observe en effet des organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) utiliser les techniques du lobbying pour promouvoir des causes nobles, à savoir la bonne gouvernance socio-politique, la lutte contre la corruption, l’accès gratuit des personnes vivant avec le VIH aux médicaments essentiels génériques et la promotion de l’hygiène/assainissement aux populations rurales défavorisées. Mais comment les actions de communication sont-elles mises en place ? Et comment peut-on les observer et les analyser du point de vue des Sciences de l’information et de la Communication, en général, et de la Communication des organisations, en particulier ? Notre méthode d’investigation est qualitative et inscrite dans une approche constructiviste. Un guide d’entretien semi-directif nous a aidé à interroger quatre groupes d’ONG, chaque groupe étant composé de quatre structures, soit 16 entretiens au total conduits. L’analyse thématique appliquée au contenu des entretiens, confrontée à d’autres sources d’information comme les articles de presse, nous confirme plusieurs choses. D’une part, il apparaît que les médias sont utilisés comme médiateurs entre Organisations de la société civile – auxquelles les ONG sont rattachées – et groupe des gouvernants. D’autre part, l’étude révèle que la maîtrise de l’information est capitale dans l’exercice de l’influence politique et que la mise en réseau (ou la construction de relations) avec des alliés joue en faveur des structures engagées dans les actions. Ensuite, il ressort le fait que le pouvoir en place, qui n’est pas totalement démocratique, est sensible à la fois aux stratégies de négociation et de confrontation avec les opérateurs de la société civile. Enfin, notre travail laisse voir que les événements focalisant l’attention publique sont des accélérateurs des processus de régulation sociale et politique. / Lobbying, which originates from an anglo-saxon culture, is nowadays widely known as influential efforts oriented towards policy makers and public policies. Burkina Faso, in West Africa, does not depart from this general rule. In effect, one can observe Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) using lobbying techniques to promote great causes including, for instance, good governance in the social-political area, the fight against corruption, the free access to antiretroviral drugs to people living with HIV/AIDS, the promotion of hygiene and sanitation services to disadvantaged rural populations. But how exactly are communications actions put in place? And how can one observe and analyze them from the standpoint of the “Sciences de l’Information et de la Communication” (Public Relations) in general, and the organizational communication, in particular? Our investigation method is qualitative based and constructivist. A semi-structured interview guide has helped collect data from 4 groups of NGOs, each composed of 4 entities, which makes a total of 16 people interviewed. The thematic analysis of the content of all interviews, faced with other sources of information including the media clippings, gave us confirmation of many things. First, we learnt that the media are being used as mediators between Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) – to which NGOs are attached – and the governing body. Secondly, it appears that the control of information is critical to exerting political influence and that networking (or coalition building) with allied people or organizations is also instrumental. Another finding shows that the regime in place, which is not totally democratic, (at the time the study was performed), is open to both negotiation and confrontation strategies with CSOs. Lastly, our study shows that “focusing events” on public opinion are accelerators of social and political regulation process.

Den skolstrejkande flickansom blev världsberömdklimataktivist : En kvalitativ och kvantitativ innehållsanalys av hur Greta Thunberg gestaltats i svensk dags och kvällspress / The girl who became a world famous climate activist : A qualitative and quantitative analysis of the framing of Greta Thunberg in Swedish newspapers

Ström, Julia, Daneshmand-Mehr, Ella January 2020 (has links)
Since Greta Thunberg started her environmental school strike in August 2018 she has become a world famous activist and has been portrayed in news media everywhere. The aim of this bachelor study has been to examine how Greta Thunberg has been portrayed in the Swedish news media through examining two daily press newspapers and two evening press newspapers. This resulted in analyzing articles in Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter and Svenska Dagbladet. By using a qualitative and a quantitative content analysis we investigated three different events connected to Greta Thunberg through published articles. During 2018 the event that started her journey, which is the school strike, was selected as one of these happenings. During 2019 we chose her UN- speech in New York, and for the last event her speech at the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting in Davos was chosen. By choosing these specific events we could build a perception of what the media's portrayal of Greta Thunberg has been like during these three years. Therefore this study also aimed to answer the following research questions: - How has Greta Thunberg been portrayed in the daily press and the evening press? - Has the portrayal of Greta Thunberg changed over time? In this study we used the Framing Theory and also the protest paradigms as guidelines and we also applied von Zabern & Tulloch (2020) and Bergmann & Ossewaardes (2020) different frames. This study then led to an identification of a new framing of Greta Thunberg which we named “Speaking without speaking”, mostly consisting of what politicians and celebrities are saying about Greta Thunberg in the press. We also found that by examining these specific events that Greta Thunberg has been portrayed in different ways. Therefore we could also conclude that the framings and portrayals of Greta Thunberg changed throughout time. This means that she went from being portrayed as a young girl skipping school for the climate, to a world famous environmental activist and finally becoming a trustworthy leader. Therefore our study shows that Greta Thunberg was being undermined due to her young age in the ibeginning, but as her status grew the media changed their portrayal of her into the role model that she has become today.

Obraz východoukrajinského konfliktu ve vybraných místních médiích / Framing of conflict in Eastern Ukraine in local media

Štěpán, Petr January 2017 (has links)
The thesis analyses framing of news in four local on-line media of Donetsk Oblast in Eastern Ukraine. Two of the analysed on-line news websites (Novosti Donbassa and Mariupolskie Novosti) are based in Ukraine-controlled part of Donetsk Oblast, the two other (DAN and Gorlovka.Today) are located in so-called Donetsk People's Republic established by pro- Russian rebels. The thesis focuses on news reporting of two major events of the Conflict in Eastern Ukraine which occurred in 2015: The battle of the city of Debaltseve and the preparations of local elections in so-called people's republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. The analysis is based on Robert N. Entman's definition of framing analysis which consists of searching for keywords, phrases and other tools which build the frame.

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