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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The anti-gender movement in Scandinavia? : A Critical Frame Analysis of the Right-wing Populist Parties in Sweden, Denmark, and Norway

Månsson, Frida January 2024 (has links)
The rise of the anti-gender movement alongside the ascendance of right-wing populism presents a pressing global concern. This thesis delves into the discursive practices of right-wing populist parties in Scandinavia, aiming to elucidate their framings of gender, family, and child safety, and to ascertain any correlation with the global anti-gender movement. Through a comprehensive literature review, previous studies were categorised into three main areas: the nexus between right-wing populism and the anti-gender movement, anti-gender discourse analysis, and discursive strategies of right-wing populist parties. Grounded in constructivism, the study employed framing theory and critical frame analysis as methodological frameworks. Analysis of Scandinavian right-wing populist parties revealed varying framings, with correlations between the anti-gender movement and certain parties' discourses. While the Norwegian Progress Party showed no clear correlation, the Swedish Democrats showed alignment with two anti-gender frames, and the Danish People’s Party with all three. These findings underscore the need for further research in this understudied field, offering insights crucial for addressing the intertwined dynamics of right-wing populism and the anti-gender movement in Scandinavia and beyond.

”DET HANDLAR OM ATT SKILJA PÅ HAMAS OCH DET PALESTINSKA FOLKET.” : En undersökning av tre tidningars gestaltning av konflikten i Gaza efter attacken 7 oktober 2023 / "IT'S ABOUT DIFFERENTIATING BETWEEN HAMAS AND THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE.": : A Survey of Three Newspapers' Portrayal of the Gaza Conflict After the October 7, 2023 Attack

Grundström, Arvid January 2024 (has links)
In a democratic world, newspapers serve the role of one of the biggest and most important contributions about knowledge of events and conflicts. This is why this thesis analyzes how Palestine-Israel conflict is framed in three major Swedish newspapers, Aftonbladet, Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter. Using key search terms 22 editorials have been identified during the month of October 2023 and analyzed using the framing theory to identify differences in their framing. In the analysis it was found that while there were some. Conflicts have for a long time been a focal point of newspapers reporting which is why it has been studied on many occasions. Research suggests that they report on different topics with different amounts of bias, as it has been deemed impossible to completely avoid it, however, differences come in how they decide to frame and discuss these differences. The study concludes that the different newspapers do have different ways of framing the conflict, with each having a strong focus on different parts of it. However, they all share a strong anti-Hamas and anti-suffering angle, no matter the ideology of the paper.

FRÅN KOMIKER TILL KRIGSTIDENS LEDARE : Svensk medias porträttering av Zelenskyj / Comedian to wartime leader: : Framing of Zelensky in Swedish news media outlet

Widmark, Isak January 2024 (has links)
This study examines the framing of Zelenskyj in Swedish news media in the lights of the 2022 rally effect. Thru qualitative text analysis on three of Sweden’s biggest newspapers the aim was to examine if the Ukrainian rally effect has had an impact on Swedish news media outlet. Furthermore, discuss the effects this might have on Swedish politics and foreign policy making. It does so by using framing theory to examine if Swedish news media have framed Zelenskyj in the same manner as the Ukrainian to see if there are discrepancies between the Ukrainian and Swedish framing. This to better understand if Swedish news frames are affected by external circumstances. The study concludes that there are some discrepancies between the Ukrainian public opinion and the Swedish news media outlet. This comes to light in the period 2020-2021 when the Ukrainian public start to lose faith in the president, the Swedish news media frame him as a successful leader that exceeds expectations. This leads to the conclusion that there is a depiction of the Ukrainian rally effect in Swedish news media outlet, but it was not as obvious as the framing before the war was in a positive manner.

Effects of attribute framing and goal framing on vaccination behavior: examination of message content and issue involvement on attitudes, intentions and information seeking

Haydarov, Rustam January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Journalism and Mass Communications / Joye C. Gordon / This experimental research adopts a typology of frames by Levin, Gaeth, and Schneider (1998) and seeks to a) determine what combination of attribute and goal frames produces the strongest effect on vaccination behavior; b) ascertain to what extent personal relevance of vaccination moderates this framing effect; and c) explore how individual pre-existing characteristics, such as recent vaccination history, vaccine risk perception, vaccine dread, and general attitude toward vaccination influence the persuasive power of framed messages. The study, designed as field experiment 2 (+/- attribute frame) x 2 (+/- goal frame) x 2(involvement), recruited 476 adult female participants that were exposed online to four experimental framing manipulations and a control condition. The main effect is consistent with the typology of frames — the combination of the positive attribute and the negative goal frame was the only condition that was significantly more persuasive than the control condition. Participants who had children or were pregnant, for whom vaccination was more relevant and meaningful, have not reacted to message framing differently. However, general pre-existing attitudes towards vaccines, perception of vaccine safety, perception of vaccine efficacy, vaccine dread, and vicarious experience with vaccine side effects, appear to be associated with antecedents of vaccination behavior. Overall, this study has focused on ecological validity,aiming at the applicability of framing theory in the context of health communication.

Kommunikationsstrategien für nachhaltige Energie-Technologien

Schmidt, Adriane 03 February 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Kommunikation der beiden Energie-Technologien Wasserstoff und Offshore-Wind und untersucht, inwieweit konkrete Argumente in der Lage sind, deren Akzeptanz intendiert zu beeinflussen. Um die Wirkung von sowohl positiven als auch negativen Argumenten zu messen, wurde ein repräsentativ angelegtes Experiment durchgeführt. Die Auswahl der dort getesteten Argumente basiert auf zwei Basis-Studien, mit deren Hilfe Argumente identifiziert wurden, welche Akteure aus den Bereichen Wirtschaft, Politik, Forschung, Gesellschaft und Medien in ihrer Kommunikation nutzten: (1) Systematische Dokumentenanalyse von Kommunikationsmaterial und (2) Quantitative Medienanalyse von Nachrichtenmedien für 2009 und 2013. Dabei wurde das Ziel verfolgt, für jedes der fünf Akteurssysteme sowohl häufig (dominante) als auch selten verwendete Argumente (Reframes) aufzuspüren, um die Wirkung beider Argument-Typen zu untersuchen. Die Effekte von Argumenten auf die Akzeptanz wurden sowohl unmittelbar erfasst als auch nach einer Zeitspanne von 3 Wochen, was – durch ein Panel-Design umgesetzt – auch Aussagen über die Wirkungsdauer lieferte. Zudem wurde analysiert, inwieweit der Persuasionsprozess durch bestimmte Moderatoren beeinflusst wird: Emotionalisierung, Competitive Framing, Persönliche Betroffenheit von einer Technologie, Art der Informationsverarbeitung und Zeitpunkt der Urteilsbildung. Die Studie konnte für beide Energie-Technologien eine stärkere Wirkung dominanter Argumente im Vergleich zu Reframes feststellen. Reframes sollten deshalb in der Kommunikation nur dann verwendet werden, wenn das Argument bereits einen gewissen Bekanntheitsgrad erzielt hat. Emotionalisierung wirkte nur bedingt: Insbesondere positive Reframes sowie negative dominante Argumente konnten emotionalisiert die Akzeptanz stärker beeinflussen. Zudem wurde das NIMBY-Konzept relativiert: Besonders von einer Technologie persönlich Betroffene wurden von positiven Argumenten überzeugt – negative Argumente entfalteten ihre Wirkung dagegen eher bei Nicht-Betroffenen. Weiterhin ließen sich die Annahmen der klassischen Zwei-Prozess-Modelle der Informationsverarbeitung entkräften, da auch die in dieser Studie fokussierten inhaltlichen Argumente heuristisch verarbeitet wurden und Wirkung erzielten.

De aningslösa : En innehållsanalys av 20 rikstäckande artiklars rapportering av Instagramkontot @Aningslosainfluencers / @Aningslosainfluencers : - a content analysis of 20 Swedish articles covering the Instagram account Aningslosainfluencers.

Sundstedt, Lovisa January 2019 (has links)
Våren 2019 hände något med flygdebatten i Sverige. Granskningen av influencers och företags flygresor började stå i centrum för kritiken mot ett ”överdrivet flygande” och dessa personer målades upp som centralfigurer i flygandets miljöförstöring. Något som bidrog till denna debatt var uppkomsten av ett Instagramkonto med namnet Aningslösa Influencers. Denna uppsats ämnar undersöka framställningen av Aningslösa Influencers genom 20 artiklar från utvalda tidningars rapportering (Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet). Uppsatsen försöker även ta reda på vilka andra ämnen som varit i centrum och lyfts i debatten. Artiklarna studeras genom en innehållsanalys med en tidsavgränsning från 1 januari till 31 mars 2019. Med teoretiska utgångspunkter i Framing, Nyhetsvärderig och Social Norms-Theory kodas artiklarna utifrån frågor utformade från uppsatsens frågeställningar. Resultatet visar att Instagramkontot Aningslösa Influencers har framställts neutralt eller balanserat i majoriteten av de artiklar som studerats. När positiva eller negativa vinklingar förekommit, har det förekommit i samma utsträckning. De ämnen som lyfts och fått uppmärksamhet i debatten är flygskam, Influencers, skuld och skam, läsarens ansvarstagande, opinionsbildning och klimathotet till följd av flygandet. / In spring 2019 the flight debate suddenly got a lot of attention in Sweden. Influencers and companies were starting to become the centre of attention for the critic regarding climate change due to excessive flying. One reason behind this was the appearance of an Instagram account called ”Aningslösa Influencers”. This paper explores how a selection of Swedish newspapers (Aftonbladet, Expressen, Dagens Nyheter, Svenska Dagbladet) frames the Instagram account. This paper also aims to find out what other topics has gotten attention in the debate. A selection of 20 articles are studied from 1 January 2019 to 31 March 2019 using a content analysis. The theoretical frameworks for the study includes Framing, News values and Social-Norms Theory. The result shows that the majority of the articles presented a balanced reporting of the Instagram account Aningslösa Influencers. If positive or negative reporting were presented, it was presented in the same extent. The result also shows that the topics that got the most attention was influencers, air shame, guilt and shame, the readers responsibility, public opinion, and the threat due to flying.

O processo de decisão em ambiente contábil sob a ótica da Teoria dos Prospectos / Decision-making environment in accounting from the perspective of the prospects theory

Patrycia Scavello Barreto Pinto 05 March 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Na busca por entender de que forma profissionais de contabilidade estão analisando e repassando informações, o objetivo geral do trabalho é mostrar o processo de decisão em ambiente contábil sob a ótica da Teoria dos Prospectos, buscando demostrar que as decisões, são baseadas principalmente em julgamentos, contribuindo para consciência das imperfeições dos julgamentos e decisões. O objetivo específico é testar de que forma os efeitos Framing, e Certeza podem moldar uma tomada de decisão dentro do ambiente contábil. Sendo uma pesquisa descritiva, aplicou-se questionário estruturado e não disfarçado à profissionais da área de Contabilidade. O questionário foi dividido em dois tipos (I e II), dividindo assim o campo dos ganhos e das perdas. Procurou-se através da análise do resultado dos questionários evidenciar o impactos dos efeitos nesses profissionais. Dentre o resultado, pode-se constatar que de maneira geral as questões que envolvem certeza no campo dos ganhos são as mais procuradas entre os respondentes. É possível identificar a presença do Efeito Framing. Em relação ao gênero, é possível identificar maior impacto do Efeito Framing nos homens que nas mulheres. Os Efeitos Certeza e Pseudocerteza se fazem presentes em ambos os gêneros o que demostra certa cautela frente a tomada de decisão. Através desse estudo buscou-se auxiliar os decisores na tarefa de repensar seus atuais processos de tomada de decisão, por meio da conscientização de que são dotados de uma racionalidade limitada e que seus julgamentos são passivos de desvios. / In seeking to understand how accounting professionals are analyzing and transmitting information, the aim of this work is to show the decision-making in accounting environment from the perspective of Prospect Theory, seeking to demonstrate that decisions are based primarily on judgments, contributing to awareness of the imperfections of the judgments and decisions. The specific objective is to test how the effects Framing, and Certainty can shape decision-making within the accounting environment. As a descriptive study, we applied a structured questionnaire and did not disguise the accounting professionals. The questionnaire was divided into two types (I, II), thus dividing the field of gains and losses. Was sought by examining the results of the questionnaires show the impact of these effects professionals. Among the results, one can see that in general the issues involved in the field of sure gains are the most sought after among the respondents. You can identify the presence of Framing Effects. Regarding gender, it is possible to identify the greatest impact Framing Effect in men than in women. The Effect Certainty are present in both sexes which demonstrates caution before making a decision. Through this study we sought to assist decision makers in the task of rethinking their current decision-making processes, through the awareness that they are endowed with a bounded rationality and that their judgments are passive deflections.

Paradigmen in der Politik: zwischen Kontinuität und Wandel : zum Verhältnis von parlamentarischem Diskurs und staatlicher Steuerung in der Ausländerpolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (1981-2005) / Political paradigms: between continuity and change : parliamentary discourse and governmental regulation in the field of immigration and integration policy in Germany between 1981 and 2005

Lubawinski, Markus January 2012 (has links)
Seit Mitte 1950er Jahre hatten Bundesregierungen immer wieder betont, dass die Bundesrepublik „kein „Einwanderungsland“ sei. Das Bekenntnis der Rot-Grünen Koalition zum „Einwanderungsland“ und die Reformen im Bereich des Staatsbürgerschaftsrechts (1999), des Arbeitsrechts (2000) und der Zuwanderung (2004) markierte daher für viele Experten einen Paradigmawandel in der deutschen Immigrations- und Integrationspolitik. Dieser Wandel ist nie systematisch untersucht worden. Für den Zeitraum von 1981 bis 2005 geht die Arbeit auf der Basis einer stichwortbasierten Inhaltsanalyse und eines Gesetzgebungsindexes deshalb den Fragen nach, (1) inwieweit sich Veränderungen in der politischen Zuwanderungsdiskussion in Deutschland am Beispiel des Deutschen Bundestags nachweisen lassen (Diskursebene), (2) inwiefern die gesetzliche Steuerung und Regulierung von Immigration und Integration in dieser Periode von Liberalisierungstendenzen gekennzeichnet war (Policyebene), und (3) in welchem Verhältnis Diskurs und Policy zueinander stehen. Politische, ökonomische und gesellschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen werden dabei berücksichtigt. Theoretisch basiert die Arbeit auf den Annahmen der Punctuated Equilibrium Theory, die etwas ausführlicher dargestellt und mit den Konzepten Paradigma, Frame und Policywandel verbunden wird. / The paper deals with parliamentary discourse and public policy in the realm of immigration and integration in the Federal Republic of Germany between 1981 and 2005. All federal governments until the late 1990s had publically denied that Germany was a “country of immigration”. After the coalition under Chancellor Gerhard Schröder took office in 1998 this traditional “anti-immigrant” rhetoric seemed to change and reforms of long held policy strongholds in the areas of citizenship, work, immigration and integration were initiated. Some experts interpreted these changes as a fundamental policy “paradigm shift”. The paper sets out to examine this diagnosis as it has never been systematically tested. At the theoretical level, the author links the Punctuated Equilibrium Approach with related concepts of paradigms, frames and policy change. Methodologically, he combines a keyword-based content analysis for analyzing parliamentary debates on “foreigners” with an index approach that helps tracing liberalization tendencies in federal policies on immigration and integration over time.

En bild säger mer än tusen ord : En kvalitativ framinganalys av svensk kontra turkisk press gestaltning av omständigheterna kring terrordådet mot Charlie Hebdo / A picture is worth a thousand words : A qualitative framing analysis of Swedish versus Turkish press portrayal of the circumstances surrounding the terror attack against Charlie Hebdo

Ekstam, Marie, Karlsson, Charlotta January 2015 (has links)
January 7, 2015, the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, which among other things has published satirical images of the Prophet Muhammad, became a victim of a terror attack where 12 people lost their lives. This horrible act was performed to avenge Islam and the Prophet Muhammad, something that aroused reactions all over the world. In the media a debate began whether to re-publish the drawings that might have caused the attack or not. Despite the fact that freedom of expression has an important role in the society there were different opinions on the matter.   The aim of this study is to identify how the swedish newspapers Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter and the turkish newspapers Today’s Zaman and Hürryiet Daily News framed the circumstances around the terror attack against Charlie Hebdo. By applying a framing analysis on 40 columns with various authors, 20 from each country, we could discern five dominant frames within the texts: Je suis Charlie, why publish/not publish caricatures, motives behind the attack, impacts of the attack and solutions. Our theoretical basis of the study include the concepts of freedom of expression, cultural differences and framing. The results showed similarities as well as differences between the turkish and the swedish journalists ways of framing the circumstances around the attack. In each frame we have identified what the authors consider to be the main issue, the underlying cause and suggestions on how to solve the problem. Here we saw patterns between the different frames, where many of the subjects were demonstrated in several frames.

Byggmästarna : En flerfallstudie av två fotbollstränares målstyrning utifrån ett retoriskt perspektiv

Ek, Mattias, Lundgren, Per January 2014 (has links)
Bakgrund: ”Målstyrning tydliggör ställda krav, medger en riktig och effektiv resursanvändning, ger ett bättre verksamhetsresultat, ger alla anställda möjlighet att påverka sitt eget arbete, ger större ansvar åt den enskilde, skapar utrymme för anställdas kreativitet, initiativförmåga och delaktighet, höjer trivseln och förbättrar arbetsmiljön” (Svensson, 1993:21). Att döma av Svenssons ord framstår målstyrning som lösningen på företagsvärldens alla problem. Fairhurst (1996:11) som skriver om nyretorikens framing (inramning), drar i sin forskning slutsatsen att retorisk medvetenhet ökar sannolikheten för att nå mål. Men hur går det till i praktiken? Syfte: Vi vill med denna studie öka förståelsen för ledares styrning mot uppställda mål utifrån ett retoriskt perspektiv. Vår ingång för att skapa den här förståelsen är en flerfallstudie där vi följer två fotbollstränares medvetna och omedvetna framing i deras praktiska arbete, på match såväl träning. Metod: Kvalitativ flerfallstudie, med insamlad empiri utifrån icke-deltagande observationer samt semi-strukturerade intervjuer med spelare, tränare och ordföranden i två klubbar: Östers IF (Superettan) och Moheda IF (division 3). Slutsats: Ur ett nyretoriskt perspektiv försöker våra tränare se på världen utifrån sina spelares ögon och anpassar sin framing därefter. Prigoda undviker till exempel termen ”hänga kvar” (i division 3) och Björknesjö talar om att de ”bygger” (som i en process), eftersom båda är väl medvetna om vilka signaler de sänder ut. Ingen av dem är dock helt konsekventa i sin framing, vilket kan få oönskade effekter på sikt. / Background: Research of management by objectives (MBO) tells us of many different causes in failed goal-settings. MacLeod (2012:70) writes that goals need to be reasonable and Latham (2004:127) emphasizes the importance of goal-commitment. Fairhurst (1996:11) concludes that conscious framing can assist the leader in increasing the likelihood of achieving goals. But how does it work in practice? Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding of how leaders are working toward goals, from a rhetorical perspective. Method: We have conducted observations and interviews with players and officials in two Swedish football clubs: Östers IF (Superettan) and Moheda IF (division 3).  Conclusion: The coaches consciously choose words in goal setting according to how they are interpreted by the players. Prigoda is framing by avoiding terms like ”hang in” (to remain in their league) and Björknesjö primes himself and the players that they are still ”building” (as in a process). Both leaders are however inconsistent in their framing, which in the long term could lead to unwanted effects.

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