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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Media frames of artificial intelligence : A comparative study between USA and China

Wartiainen, Michelle January 2020 (has links)
This thesis studies the frequency in which certain views regarding artificial intelligence appear in American and Chinese newspapers. Given the general lack of studies focusing on media frames in the world’s two leading AI superpowers, this thesis contributes to the research on how AI is covered, and how it might relate to the international context. By examining survey data and previous literature, key frames are identified which can be assumed to affect the public’s perception of artificial intelligence. The analytical tool was used in a small-scale quantitative content analysis of 96 newspaper articles. If brief, the results show that the most frequent views of artificial intelligence is expressed in geopolitical, economic, and cultural terms. American newspapers have a higher mention of frames relating to ethics, discrimination and accountability. Furthermore, the results indicate that AI industry products are not as commonly mentioned as previous research have shown. Few articles mentioned artificial intelligence from a dystopian or utopian standpoint. The findings suggest that the reporting about artificial intelligence is not as focused on the AI technologies, but rather how AI as an adopted concept will be a tool, used for national strategies, and hence relevant to include when conducting future studies on artificial intelligence in media.

Kommunikationsstrategien für nachhaltige Energie-Technologien: Beeinflussung der Akzeptanz von Wasserstoff und Offshore-Wind

Schmidt, Adriane 28 January 2016 (has links)
Die Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Kommunikation der beiden Energie-Technologien Wasserstoff und Offshore-Wind und untersucht, inwieweit konkrete Argumente in der Lage sind, deren Akzeptanz intendiert zu beeinflussen. Um die Wirkung von sowohl positiven als auch negativen Argumenten zu messen, wurde ein repräsentativ angelegtes Experiment durchgeführt. Die Auswahl der dort getesteten Argumente basiert auf zwei Basis-Studien, mit deren Hilfe Argumente identifiziert wurden, welche Akteure aus den Bereichen Wirtschaft, Politik, Forschung, Gesellschaft und Medien in ihrer Kommunikation nutzten: (1) Systematische Dokumentenanalyse von Kommunikationsmaterial und (2) Quantitative Medienanalyse von Nachrichtenmedien für 2009 und 2013. Dabei wurde das Ziel verfolgt, für jedes der fünf Akteurssysteme sowohl häufig (dominante) als auch selten verwendete Argumente (Reframes) aufzuspüren, um die Wirkung beider Argument-Typen zu untersuchen. Die Effekte von Argumenten auf die Akzeptanz wurden sowohl unmittelbar erfasst als auch nach einer Zeitspanne von 3 Wochen, was – durch ein Panel-Design umgesetzt – auch Aussagen über die Wirkungsdauer lieferte. Zudem wurde analysiert, inwieweit der Persuasionsprozess durch bestimmte Moderatoren beeinflusst wird: Emotionalisierung, Competitive Framing, Persönliche Betroffenheit von einer Technologie, Art der Informationsverarbeitung und Zeitpunkt der Urteilsbildung. Die Studie konnte für beide Energie-Technologien eine stärkere Wirkung dominanter Argumente im Vergleich zu Reframes feststellen. Reframes sollten deshalb in der Kommunikation nur dann verwendet werden, wenn das Argument bereits einen gewissen Bekanntheitsgrad erzielt hat. Emotionalisierung wirkte nur bedingt: Insbesondere positive Reframes sowie negative dominante Argumente konnten emotionalisiert die Akzeptanz stärker beeinflussen. Zudem wurde das NIMBY-Konzept relativiert: Besonders von einer Technologie persönlich Betroffene wurden von positiven Argumenten überzeugt – negative Argumente entfalteten ihre Wirkung dagegen eher bei Nicht-Betroffenen. Weiterhin ließen sich die Annahmen der klassischen Zwei-Prozess-Modelle der Informationsverarbeitung entkräften, da auch die in dieser Studie fokussierten inhaltlichen Argumente heuristisch verarbeitet wurden und Wirkung erzielten.

Donald Trumps definition av COVID-19 via Twitter : En studie som undersöker hur Donald Trump definierar en pandemi på Twitter.

Bergstedt, Sophie, Bäcklin Neijnes, Cajsalisa January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine Donald Trump's political communication regarding COVID-19 on Twitter during the time period 01-01-2020 to 30-09-2020. This study is motivated by the importance of analyzing Trump's power of definition regarding the situation surrounding the national crisis caused by COVID-19. The research questions include aspects of identifying frequent problem definitions, who is responsible for various crisis and whether Trump is motivating it, all provided through Trump’s tweets during the time period of the study.  The theoretical framework is constructed based on Entman (1993) as well as Matthes and Kohring (2008) to fulfill the purpose of the study and answer the research questions. The method is based on quantitative content analysis with qualitative elements. The method provided the ability to focus on the most frequent themes and topics. The analytical categories that have been used are: problem identification, problem definition, treatment recommendation, distribution of responsibility and whether it is motivated or not.  Findings of the most frequent societal crises were: Health crisis, Invisible Enemy-crisis and Information-crisis. Based on these three frames were identified: China is responsible for causing a Health crisis in the USA, China is responsible for causing the Invisible enemy-crisis in the USA and The spreading of disinformation by certain actors is harmful for the USA. With support of previous research of Donald Trump's political communication and usage of Twitter, this study highlights the importance of critically analyzing Trump, belonging to the political elite, how he uses his power to define COVID-19.

Medias bild av gängkriminella mordoffer : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys gällande dagspressens framställning av mordoffer med kopplingar till kriminella nätverk / Media portrayal of gang criminal murder victims : A qualitative content analysis ofnewspaper’s portrayal of murder victims with connections to criminal gangs

Gustafsson, Hannah, Laxström, Åsa January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur svensk dagsmedia framställer mordoffer som har kopplingar till kriminella nätverk och analysera hur den framställningen skiljer sig från hur andra, utomstående mordoffer drabbade av gängrelaterat våld beskrivs. Studien genomfördesi form av en kvalitativ innehållsanalys där 26 nyhetsartiklar från Aftonbladet och Expressen analyserades. Resultatet av studien visade att media främst framställer gängkriminella mordoffer på ett negativt sätt genom att lyfta fram de kriminella delarna av offrets liv, till exempel de brott som mordoffret begått och vilka kopplingar mordoffret hade till andra kriminella. Detta skiljer sig från framställningen av utomstående, oskyldigt drabbade mordoffer där media istället främst beskriver hur mordoffret var som person och framhäver de positiva sakerna med offrets liv / The purpose of this study has been to investigate how Swedish news media portray murdervictims who have connections to criminal networks and to analyze how that representation differs from how other, "innocent" victims of murder exposed to gang-related violence are described. The study analyzed 26 news articles from the Swedish newspapers Aftonbladet and Expressen by using a qualitative content analysis. The results of the study showed that the media mainly present criminal murder victims in a negative way by highlighting the criminal parts of the victim's life, such as the crimes they committed and what connections they had to other criminals. This differs from the portrayal of innocent murder victims where media mainly focuses on how the murder victim was percieved as a person and highlights the positive things about the victim's life.

The U.S. Capitol and the German Reichstag Building under Attack: A Qualitative Study on Visual Framing and Photojournalism in U.S. and German Online News Media.

Bornberg, Luisa 24 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Skjutvapenvåldet – Är Sverige i kris och vem hålls ansvarig? : Det politiska spelet i debatten om skjutningarna och dödsskjutningarna inom gängkriminella miljöer mellan regeringen och oppositionen

Jacoub, Mikaela January 2022 (has links)
In Sweden, there is an intense and politicized debate about the phenomenon of firearm-related violence by criminal gangs, especially among Sweden's parliamentary parties. The purpose of the following study is to explain how a phenomenon is constructed and managed politically by the government and the opposition. The focus will be on how framing and accountability are exerted concerning gang-related shootings in Swedish politics. The theory that will be used to analyze the political game is Boin, ‘t Hart and McConnell's theoretical framework about framing and crisis exploitation. The study shows that even though different frameworks are used, there is an existing consensus among the political parties Socialdemokraterna, Moderaterna and Vänsterpartiet that firearm-related violence by criminal gangs is considered a crisis in Swedish politics. It is evident that the government chooses to deny responsibility while the opposition focus on blaming the government. It was therefore concluded that the outcome of the political game regarding firearm-related violence by criminal gangs will be a ‘blame showdown’, where the political implications are difficult to apprehend.

Digital aktivism ur ett multiplattformsperspektiv : En kvalitativ studie om det parallella användandet av sociala medieplattformar

Perdahl, Anna Unknown Date (has links)
Digital activism means using information systems to pursue political issues. Previous research on digital activism tends to focus on one platform at a time, which has been criticized due to the silo-effect it can lead to. Despite the critique a lack of scientific studies have been identified regarding a multi-platform approach to digital activism. Therefore the purpose of this study was to examine how multiple platforms are used by a single social movement organization when engaging in digital activism. A qualitative study was conducted by gathering and analysing content published during the course of one month from the accounts belonging to Black Lives Matter Sweden on the social media platforms Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. The study applies a multi-platform perspective as well as a sociological framing theory to study how multiple platforms are used by examining how content is being presented across the different platforms.  The results of this study indicate the use of primary and secondary platforms where content is presented differently. Furthermore, the findings show that the secondary platform acts like a net, builds relationships as well as refers bystanders to the primary platform. Although digital activism does not necessarily require a lot of financial resources, the results of this study shows that there may be a greater need for resources in the form of manpower and time to conduct digital activism on multiple platforms simultaneously. / Digital aktivism innebär användandet av informationssystem för att driva politiska frågor. Tidigare studier av digital aktivism har fokuserat på en plattform i taget, något som har kritiserats för den silo-effekt det kan innebära. Trots detta finns en brist på forskning gällande hur en organisation använder multipla plattformar för att bedriva digital aktivism. Syftet med denna studie var därför att utöka förståelsen för hur multipla plattformar används av en organisation i arbetet med digital aktivism. En kvalitativ studie utfördes genom att samla in och analysera inlägg publicerade under en månads tid från konton tillhörande Black Lives Matter Sweden på de sociala medieplattformarna Facebook, Instagram och Twitter. Studien tillämpar ett multiplattformsperspektiv i kombination med ett framingramverk som teoretisk lins för att utvärdera hur multipla plattformar används genom att studera hur innehåll presenteras på de olika plattformarna.  Resultatet indikerade förekomsten av primära och sekundära plattformar som användes för att presentera och hantera ämnen på olika sätt. Vidare visar resultatet att den sekundära plattformen agerar fångstnät, bygger relationer och slussa åskådare vidare till den primära plattformen. Trots att digital aktivism inte nödvändigtvis kräver finansiella resurser så visar denna studie att det kan finnas ett större behov av resurser i form av arbetskraft och tid för att bedriva digital aktivism på multipla plattformar samtidigt.

Psykologiska fallgropar i rådgivningsprocessen : En kvalitativ studie om anchoring och framing ur ett rådgivarperspektiv / Biases in the financial advisory process : A qualitative study regarding anchoring and framing from an advisor perspective

Karlsson, Kasper, Wahlström, Maria January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Finansiellt beslutsfattande är en central del i den finansiella rådgivningen gentemot privatpersoner och det gemensamma branschorganet SwedSec har uppmärksammat psykologiska fallgropars roll i den finansiella rådgivningen. Den finansiella rådgivarens roll är att, bland annat, hjälpa sina kunder hantera de psykologiska fallgropar de kan råka ut för vid investeringar. Därför finns incitament att undersöka hur rådgivare i rådgivningsprocessen hanterar den eventuella förekomsten av anchoring och framing, samt hur väl de känner till dem. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka finansiella rådgivares kännedom kring anchoring och framing, samt hur de upplever och hanterar fenomenen som en del av rådgivningsprocessen gentemot privatpersoner med ett placerbart kapital under 2 miljoner kronor. Vidare syftar studien till att analysera hur dessa psykologiska fallgropar kan tydas i den finansiella rådgivningsprocessen. Metod: Studien har genomförts med en kvalitativ metod för att uppfylla studiens syfte. Datainsamlingen har bestått av nio semi-strukturerade djupintervjuer med SwedSeclicensierade finansiella rådgivare. Vidare har en abduktiv ansats antagits, för att kunna bidra med en intressant analys kring det studerade ämnet samt nå en slutsats. Slutsats: Studien finner att rådgivarnas kännedom är låg kring behavioral finance i allmänhet och anchoring och framing i synnerhet, även om förekomsten av de psykologiska fallgroparna uppmärksammats i studien. Trots låg kännedom har ungefär hälften av respondenterna utvecklat medvetna strategier för att hantera anchoring och framing. Hos de rådgivare som inte utvecklat medvetna strategier finner studien stöd för en omedveten hantering. Vidare kan studien inte ge stöd för att anchoring och framing utgör ett problem i rådgivningsprocessen gentemot privatpersoner med ett placerbart kapital under 2 miljoner kronor. / Background: Financial decision making is a central part of the financial advisory process for individuals, and the organization SwedSec has acknowledged the role of biases in the advisory process. The role of the financial advisor is, amongst other things, to protect their customers from biases in investments. Therefore, it is of interest to examine how well the advisors manage any presence of anchoring and framing, and the advisor's knowledge of them. Aim: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the financial advisor's knowledge regarding anchoring as well as framing, and how they handle these factors as part of the advisory process towards clients with funds of no more than 2 million SEK. Furthermore, the thesis aims to analyze how these biases can take shape in the advisory process. Method: The thesis has, to fulfill its purpose, used a qualitative method. Empirical data has been gathered through nine semi-structured interviews with SwedSec-licensed financial advisors. Furthermore, the thesis has taken on an abductive approach, to contribute with an interesting analysis of the subject and to reach a conclusion. Conclusion: The thesis finds that the financial advisor's knowledge about behavioral finance in general, along with anchoring and framing in particular, is low. The thesis, however, supports these biases existence in the advisory process. Regardless of the lack of knowledge, about half of the respondents have developed aware methods to handle the biases. The thesis shows that the advisors without aware methods handle the biases unconsciously. Furthermore, the thesis cannot support that anchoring and framing constitutes a problem in the advisory process towards clients with funds under 2 million SEK.

Vem ansvarar för klimatkrisen? En studie om hur svenska nyhetstidningar gestaltar olika aktörers ansvar för klimatkrisen

Morner, Filippa January 2019 (has links)
Den här studien undersöker nyhetstidningarnas del i kontexten för hur ansvar för klimatkrisen formas i det svenska samhället. Detta görs genom att studera hur två av de största nyhetstidningarna i Sverige, Dagens Nyheter och Aftonbladet, framställer olika aktörers ansvar för klimatkrisen i sina nyhetsartiklar. Det är relevant att studera nyhetstidningarnas ansvarsbeläggning för klimatkrisen då tidigare forskning har visat att nyhetsmedier kan påverka både uppfattningen om ämnen i samhället samt attityder och beteenden i relation till de ämnena. Studiens avsikt är därför att bidra till förståelse för hur nyhetstidningarnas ansvarsbeläggning av klimatkrisen kan påverka uppfattningen om ansvar och således hanteringen av klimatkrisen i samhället. Materialet analyseras utifrån gestaltningsteorin och miljökommunikationsforskningens syn på miljökommunikation som formande av miljön. Resultatet visar på att artiklarna till störst del ansvarsbelägger politiska aktörer, att företags ansvar förskjuts till politiska aktörer eller fördelas mellan politiska aktörer där företagen då får minst ansvar, samt att individers ansvar knappt gestaltas. Slutsatsen är att nyhetstidningarna inte ansvarsbelägger väsentliga aktörer i klimatkrisen lika mycket, vilket kan ses som problematiskt då klimatforskning menar att alla aktörer i samhället måste agera. / This study examines the part that Swedish newspapers play in the context of constructing responsibility for the climate crisis in Swedish society. This is done by studying how two of the biggest newspapers in Sweden, Dagens Nyheter and Aftonbladet, portray different actors’ responsibilities in the climate crisis in their news articles. It is of high relevance to study newspapers’ distribution of responsibility since previous research has shown that news media can affect both the perception of events and topics in society, as well as attitudes and behaviours in regards to those events and topics. Therefore, this study aims to contribute to a better understanding of how the newspapers’ distribution of responsibility can affect the perception of responsibility as well as the management of the climate crisis in the Swedish society. The material is analyzed through the theory of framing and the environmental communication research’s view that communication about the environment shapes the perception and therefore the form of the environment. The result shows that news articles mainly give responsibility to political actors, that companies’ responsibility is pushed over to political actors or placed between both companies and political actors where companies get the lesser responsibility, and that individuals are given a minimal amount of responsibility. The main conclusion is that the newspapers do not distribute responsibility evenly among the essential actors, which can be seen as problematic since climate research mean that all actors in society must act to solve the climate crisis.

Individuální rozdíly v citlivosti na efekty rámování / Individual Differences in Susceptibility to Framing Effects

Vintr, Jáchym January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the topic of individual differences in susceptibility to framing effects. While some people respond sensitively to changes in the wording of decision problems, other people remain consistent in their decision-making regardless of a problem formulation. The goal of this thesis is to describe the current state of research evidence about these differences. The thesis first introduces main theoretical concepts of framing effect, focusing particularly on Prospect Theory, Dual-Process Theory and Fuzzy-Trace Theory. The thesis also elaborates on a framing effect typology, describes the main moderators of the effect, and summarizes the most important meta-analyses and replication studies. In the next part, the thesis introduces the main empirically described predictors of resistance to framing among cognitive styles, cognitive abilities, numeracy, personality dispositions and developmental factors. In the empirical part of the thesis, a pre- registered quantitative online study on a convenience sample from a Czech adult population (N = 584) was conducted with the goal of testing whether numeracy predicts resistance to framing above and beyond fluid intelligence, need for cognition and faith in intuition. For the purpose of the study, adapted two-factor Resistance to Framing scale and...

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