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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sveriges grönaste stad? : En studie om grönområdens värde och plats i Göteborg / Sweden's greenest city? : A study of green spaces' value and place in Gothenburg

Abraham, Mimmi, Thyr, Linnea January 2022 (has links)
Grönområden i urbana miljöer bidrar med många centrala funktioner vilka är livsviktiga för både djur och människor, exempelvis biologisk mångfald, ekosystemtjänster och positiva hälsoeffekter. Förekomsten av grönområden och dess funktioner hotas däremot av den snabba globala urbaniseringen som ger upphov till förändrad markanvändning. Enligt Göteborgs Stads lokala miljömål ämnar staden att bli ekologiskt hållbar till år 2030 och detta ska uppnås genom en ökad biologisk mångfald och bevarande av grönområden. Göteborg har blivit utnämnd till Sveriges grönaste stad, men samtidigt har grönområdena minskat mellan åren 1986-2019 och fortsätter att minska på grund av exploatering. Syftet med examensarbetet var därmed att öka kunskapen om vad som ger upphov till att det tas beslut som orsakar reducering av urbana grönområden trots uppsatta mål för bevarande av dessa, vilket var ett eftersatt forskningsområde. För att uppnå syftet användes en induktiv kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet analyserades genom miljöpsykologiska, miljöetiska och policyteorier, nämligen värden, goal-framing theory, värdepluralism och lömska problem. Studien kom fram till att Göteborgs stadsplanering innefattade flera lömska problem och värdekonflikter vilka uttrycktes genom målkonflikter, som tillsammans med starka hedonistiska och egoistiska värden samt vinstdrivande mål hade en negativ inverkan på förekomsten av Göteborgs grönområden. / Green spaces in urban areas contribute with many key functions that are vital for both animals and humans, such as biodiversity, ecosystem services and positive health effects. However, the existence of green spaces and their functions are threatened by the rapid global urbanization that is causing land use changes. According to the City of Gothenburg’s local environmental goals, the city aims to become ecologically sustainable by the year of 2030 through increased biodiversity and nature conservation. Gothenburg has been named as Sweden's greenest city, although the green spaces in Gothenburg have decreased between the years 1986–2019 and will continue to decline due to exploitation. The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis was thus to increase knowledge about what stimulates decisions that cause a reduction of green spaces in Gothenburg despite set conservation goals, which was a neglected research area. To achieve the purpose, an inductive qualitative method was used with semi-structured interviews. The results were analyzed through theories of environmental psychology, environmental ethics and policy, namely values, goal-framing theory, value pluralism and wicked problems. The study concluded that Gothenburg's urban planning included several wicked problems and value conflicts that were expressed through goal conflicts, which negatively affected Gothenburg’s green spaces. Furthermore, strong hedonistic and egoistic values as well as gain goals, also had a negative impact on the existence of Gothenburg's green spaces.

Numeric Conversions Ameliorate the Framing Effect

Sinayev, Aleksandr 11 July 2013 (has links)
No description available.

War on the Media: The News Framing of the Iraqi War in the United States, Europe, and Latin America.

Pestalardo, Maria 06 May 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This study analyzes the framing of the war in Iraq (2003) during the week before and the week after the conflict started according to the media coverage of nine leading newspapers from United States, Europe, and Latin America. Through quantitative content analysis, the researcher answered seven research questions and analyzed the framing, sources, and approaches used by the newspapers in the news coverage of the conflict. The researcher compared the news coverage of each region and found that there were significant differences in the content of the war reporting according to the geographical area of the media. European and Latin American newspapers framed a "bigger and more balanced picture" in covering more sides of the war and quoting diverse sources while American media covered a narrower range of war perspectives and quoted coalition sources in almost all of their news stories and editorials.

Framing the mobility transition: public communication of industry, science, media, and politics in Germany

Drexler, Corinna, Verse, Björn, Hauslbauer, Andrea, Lopez, Julia, Haider, Sajjad 19 March 2024 (has links)
Background Applying the Multi-Level Perspective (MLP) on socio-technical transitions, paired with the interdisciplinary framing approach, this paper investigates how incumbent actors of automobility in Germany framed the issue of a 'transition of mobility and transport' ('Verkehrs/Mobilitätswende') in their public communication in 2020. We first identified representatives of industry, science, policy, and media, since the Verkehrs/Mobilitätswende and its implementation measures are contested among these actors. Employing qualitative content analysis, we then screened 325 public documents according to the elements of the framing approach problem definition, causal interpretation, moral evaluation, and treatment recommendation. Results Findings show that most of the actors frame a transformation of transport and mobility as a necessity. Their arguments encompass environmental and climate-related issues as well as infrastructural problems for bikes and public transport caused by the hegemony of automobility. The actors propose a variety of solutions, primarily focusing on technical innovations for cars or on the expansion of different infrastructures to achieve a modal shift towards sustainable mobility. Conclusion This paper demonstrates that there is no common understanding of the problems and solutions to foster a mobility transition, as the diversity of problems and solutions proposed within the frame elements is high and complicates the prevailing implementation gap of the mobility transition. Therefore, MLP should be conceptually and methodologically bridged with the interdisciplinary framing approach, particularly with regard to the transition of mobility and transport.

Framing the War : an analysis on the Swedish Armed Forces framing of Russian military actions in Ukraine

Fernström, Ian January 2023 (has links)
This thesis studies the development of framing used by the Swedish Armed Forces to portray Russian military actions in Ukraine. Framing implies that the way information is framed, or presented, can influence how people perceive and interpret information. The research problem identifies the lack of empirical understanding of how the Swedish Armed Forces frames actors in wars, as a part of military strategy. Through open-end questions, a framing analysis is conducted on two cases of Russian military actions in Ukraine, the annexation of Crimea in 2014, and the invasion of Ukraine in 2022. This will be done by analyzing statements from the Swedish Armed Forces as well as the Swedish Government. The analysis shows that the Swedish Armed Forces framing has changed from a purely diagnostic frame that identifies the actions but with little additional understanding of its meaning for international security and Sweden directly, to a combination of diagnostic and prognostic frame to achieve consensus mobilization with regards to Sweden’s new political direction, as well as its own capacities and the need of further international cooperation and alliance. As this thesis answers the question of how frame changed, future research might study why it changed and what effects it might have.

Between the Private and a Public Place : Lived experiences in contemporary Elfdalian Revitalisation

Lundell, Johan January 2023 (has links)
Many of the languages in the world are currently dying at an alarming rate. One of these languagesis Eldalian. It is a small language spoken by about 2,500 people in the village of Älvdalen in theDalarna county of Sweden. Despite shrinking numbers, attitudes towards the language remain highand people are increasingly identifying themselves with the language.Through qualitative datacollection and by using the analytical frameworks of framing as well as place-making to examinethe issues, this thesis details the relationship between the language and its speakers with a focus onthe speakers. Based on the ethnographic accounts and the subsequent analysis, this thesis pointstowards how the change in attitudes regarding the language during the 20th century led to adecrease in the presence of the language is viewed as the main reason why the language is where itis today; with Swedish having replaced the language in most public settings. To change this, therevitalisation movement strives to increase the value of the language by “framing” it in variouscontexts, arguing for its existence, and enriching its usage through values that can be found indifferent contexts. Furthermore, this leads to an engagement with the place-making of Älvdalen bywhich the language is “imbued” into the place through signs and the content production of thosewho live village; increasing its presence by placing it firmly in the Älvdalen setting. Hence,Elfdalian is currently situated in the middle between the “private” to “public”.

Ramars inflytande på allmänna inställningartill kärnkraft : En experimentell studie som undersöker effekterna från ensidigt inramadinformation på den svenska allmänhetens attityder till kärnkraft

Eriksson, Emil January 2022 (has links)
Inramade politiska frågor är något de flesta medborgare frekvent exponeras för när observerareller deltar i den offentliga diskursen. I Sverige är kärnkraftsfrågan en viktig politisk frågasom präglas av flera olika inramade narrativ. I denna studie undersökes hur fyra olika vanligtförekommande kärnkrafts-inramningar påverkar svenskars attityder till Sveriges nutida ochframtida användning av kärnenergi i energiförsörjningen. Detta genomfördes via ettsurveyexperiment (n=202). Inga påtagliga effekter från ram-exponering på attityder tillkärnkraft kunde observeras för någon ram. De flesta svenska medborgarna tycks ha ganskafasta övertygelser i kärnkrafts-frågan, och låter ej sina attityder förändras med lätthet.Vänster-högerideologi identifierades som en mycket avgörande faktor i hur svenskarna ställersig i denna politiska fråga, och mycket övertygande fenomen torde krävas för att dessa skallförändra inställningarna, åtminstone på kort sikt. / Framed political issues are something most citizens are frequently exposed to when observingor participating in the public discourse. In Sweden, the nuclear power issue is an importantpolitical issue that is characterized by several different framed narratives. This study examineshow four different commonly occurring nuclear power frames affect Swedes’ attitudes towardSweden’s current and future use of nuclear energy in its energy supply. This was investigatedvia a survey experiment (n=202). No significant effect from frame-exposure to attitudestoward nuclear energy could be observed for any frame. Most Swedish citizens seems to havefairly stable beliefs in this issue, and do not let their attitudes get influences with ease. Leftrightideology was identified a decisive factor in Swedes attitudes toward this issue, and avery convincing phenomena is required to change these attitudes, at least in the short term.

News Coverage of Housing Matters: Examining Housing Crises During the Great Recession and the Covid-19 Pandemic

Sharonda D Woodford (16676292) 03 August 2023 (has links)
<p>Housing is an issue that affects all individuals in society. People have firsthand experiences with housing daily. Housing is also a macro issue that is affected by and has implications for the nation’s economy and public policy. Despite the centrality of housing for individuals <i>and</i> society, few scholars have examined media coverage of housing issues and housing policy. This gap is especially problematic when considering the critical role of the housing market collapse in the 2008 Great Recession, the landmark housing policies instituted during the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, and the media's potential to shape perceptions of housing policy and the economy. In this study, I use content analysis to examine the media agenda-setting and framing of housing and housing policies from 2005 to 2010 and 2020 in the <i>New York Times</i>. I investigate whether housing is framed in episodic or thematic ways and how housing media frames changed in response to the economic collapse and the pandemic. I also examine the context of media agenda-setting using housing topics. Lastly, I pay particular attention to whether housing media frames and housing topics are racialized. The data for this project was collected from the <i>New York Times</i> between 2005 - 2010 and 2020. The search terms used to identify relevant news articles were housing policy, subprime, affordable housing, foreclosure, homeownership, and eviction. The articles identified are all from the front page of the <i>New York Times</i>.</p>

Offer och förövare : En retorisk analys av hur offer och förövare gestaltas i nyhetsmedia / Victims and perpetrators : A rhetorical analysis of how victims and perpetrators are portrayed in news media

Söder, Filippa January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to create knowledge about how Swedish news media report on gang-related shootings, in particular how victims and perpetrators are portrayed, to discuss how media reports can affect readers´perseptions. In order to answer the purpose of the study, framing and a modified pentad analysis were used. The study is a text interpretation with a hermeneutic approach, which allows an interpretation of the analysis result. The conclusion of the study shows that victims and perpetrators are portrayed in a generalized way. Several frames have been identified that indicate that thee are stereotypical conceptions about both how a person who is involved in a shooting is as a person and where this person lives. In turn, the study shows that this portrayal of the actors can have an impact on how readers of the news media perceive the events and their actors. It appears that there are differences in how victims are portrayed depending on whether the victim has a previous criminal record or not. The possible impact that arises is mainly that the actors in the events are dehumanized by the readers if the person has been punished before, and that this in turn leads to people in society starting to value people´s lives differently. The life of a gang criminal dose not appear in the articles to be as valuable as a person who does not have a previous criminal record.

Representing the underlying causes of racial disparities in covid-19 mortality rates in Sweden : A critical analysis of how the underlying causes of racial disparities in covid-19 mortality rates is represented by the Swedish Public Health Agency

Younis, Sara January 2021 (has links)
The disproportionate burden of covid-19 pandemic on racialized groups in developed countries has made socio-political and socio-economic inequalities even more apparent. This thesis utilizes critical race thoery (CRT), framing theory and the ”What’s the ’problem’ represented to be?”-approach to conduct a critical analysis of how the representation of the underlying causes of racial disparities in covid-19 mortality framed by the Swedish Public Health Agency. The published report on migrants and covid-19 ”Migrants and COVID-19 – Confirmed cases, ICU-cases and mortality from 13 March 2020 to 15 February 2021 among foreign-born in Sweden” is analyzed through qualitative content analysis. In the report, the Swedish Public Health Agency analyzes underlying causes to differences of covid-19 outcome based on country of birth, which suggests that the population born in other countries is affected by the covid-19 more than the population born in Sweden. The content analysis of the official document on foreign-borns and covid-19 mortality, released by the Swedish Public Health agency, suggests that the agency has represented the underlying causes of racial disparities in covid-19 mortality in Sweden with a socio-economic inequality frame, and from a CRT perspective, the representation is guided by colorblind ideology that does not problematize the role of racism in the society. The knowledge produced in this thesis aims to contribute to the field of CRT studies in Sweden with empirical knowledge about problematization of the covid-19 pandemic outcomes in Sweden

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