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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

What Drives Destruction? On the Malleability of Anti-Social Behavior

Müller, Julia, Schwieren, Christiane, Spitzer, Florian 12 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Many recent experimental studies have shown that some subjects destroy other subjects' incomes without receiving any material benefit, and that they even incur costs to do so. In this paper, we study the boundary conditions of this phenomenon, which is referred to as anti-social behavior. We introduce a four-player destruction game, in which we vary the framing and the presence of another activity, running in parallel to the destruction game. We observe a substantial amount of destruction in the baseline condition without the parallel activity, and with a framing in the spirit of previous destruction experiments. Our results indicate that a parallel activity as well as a framing emphasizing joint ownership of the item that can be destroyed reduces destruction almost to zero. We therefore argue that the emergence of anti-social behavior is highly contingent on the contextual environment. / Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Series

Matematikämnet och stadiebytet mellan grundskolan och gymnasieskolan : En enkät- och klassrumsstudie / Mathematics and the transition from lower to upper secondary school : A survey and classroom study

Larson, Niclas January 2014 (has links)
Studiens övergripande syfte var att undersöka matematikutbildningen och matematikämnets roll i samband med stadiebytet från grund- till gymnasieskolan. Studien styrdes av två forskningsfrågor gällande den bild eleverna ger av matematikämnets betydelse för deras val av gymnasieprogram samt vad som karaktäriserar matematikutbildningen i årskurs 9 och gymnasiets årskurs 1. Den första frågan besvarades via en skriftlig enkät till samtliga elever i årskurs 9 i en större kommun och den andra frågan utifrån videoinspelade lektionsobservationer i båda skolstadierna, kompletterat med elevintervjuer. Resultatet visar att faktorer som goda valmöjligheter för framtiden och möjlighet till ett bra arbete var viktiga för programvalet. Cirka 36 % av eleverna angav att matematikämnet inte hade påverkat programvalet, medan 35 % ansåg sig ha påverkats och då oftast i positiv bemärkelse, dock med tydliga skillnader mellan olika program. I jämförelsen av årskurs 9 och årskurs 1 användes begrepp från Bernsteins teori om pedagogisk diskurs samt den antropologiska teorin om det didaktiska. Analysen pekade på stora likheter mellan de båda skolstadierna när det gäller lektionernas struktur och elevernas frihet att välja uppgifter att arbeta med, vilket kan ha bidragit till att stadiebytet inte upplevdes som särskilt dramatiskt. En uttalad skillnad var fler och längre gemensamma genomgångar och ett högre studietempo i gymnasiet. Studien lyfter fram olika aspekter av och kopplingar mellan elevernas gymnasieval och matematikutbildningens karaktär, som bör ha betydelse för såväl studievägledning som för organisation och planering av undervisning. Den osynliga pedagogik som observerades beträffande kunskapskriterier och uppgiftsval är något som behöver synliggöras i den aktuella debatten om skolans matematikutbildning. / The aim of the study was to explore mathematics education and the role of mathematics in the transition from lower to upper secondary school. The study was guided by two research questions about the affection of mathematics while students apply for a study programme at upper secondary school and what characterises mathematics education in last year of lower secondary and first year of upper secondary school. To answer the first question a survey was given to all students in one municipality in their last year of lower secondary school, while the second question was investigated through videotaped lesson observations at both school levels, complemented by student interviews. The outcomes show that future options and occupation were important factors for the choice of study programme. About 36 % of the students claimed they had not been influenced by mathematics in their choice of programme while 35 % expressed they had, mainly in a positive sense although there were differences between the programmes. The analysis of the classroom observations and interviews was supported by concepts from Bernstein’s theory of pedagogic discourse and the anthropological theory of the didactic, and indicated strong similarities between the levels regarding the lesson structure and students’ freedom to select tasks to work on. However, at the upper level front teaching was more frequent as well as extended in time and the students reported an increased study pace. The study highlights several aspects of and connections between students’ choice of programme and characteristics of the mathematics education during the transition, which should be of interest to career choice advisors and the organisation and design of education. Potential problems related to the invisible pedagogy observed regarding knowledge criteria and selection of tasks need to be raised in current debates on school mathematics.

Influence of Mission, Audience, and Policy Context on Issue Framing: A Case Study of Mobilization Against Hydraulic Fracturing in the Marcellus Shale

Zafar, Rezwana 01 January 2016 (has links)
The case of mobilization against hydraulic fracturing by interest groups provided an opportunity to examine the influence of three factors (mission, audience, and policy context) on diagnostic, prognostic, and motivational framing. A comparative analysis was conducted of the mobilization activities of five national environmental organizations with a local presence in the Pennsylvania and New York Marcellus Shale regions. The organizations varied with respect to organizational mission, the audiences they were targeting (urban and rural), and the policy context in which they worked (pro and anti-hydraulic fracturing). Data came from eleven semi-structured in-depth interviews with organization personnel, and from the organizations' websites and published documents. The results of this research show how the organizations use diagnostic, prognostic, and motivational framing to mobilize citizens against hydraulic fracturing. They illustrate the influence of organizational mission, audience (urban versus rural), and policy context in how the groups take on these framing tasks. Overall, the findings provide insights into the variation in frames and framing that can occur at the organizational level inside a movement. They illustrate the explanatory value of investigating multiple factors as they affect diagnostic, prognostic, and motivational framing.

L'agenda-setting et le framing des blogues

Hillman Beauchesne, Olivier January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Cadrage et mise à l'agenda du projet de privatisation d'une partie du parc national du Mont-Orford

Montpetit, Nicolas January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


Malarkey, Robert Dennis 01 January 2008 (has links)
Public budgeting has become a central artifact of American government – the principal means for establishing and implementing policy. Modern public budgeting was introduced in the early Twentieth Century as an adaptation of objects of revenue and expenditure budgeting used in commercial businesses. Since then - over a hundred years - a series of budget reform movements have sought to overcome a major drawback to this model: the lack of a direct link between revenues and expenditures and any measure of the quality or quantity of public benefits derived from budget allocations. While a number of major budget reforms have come and gone (or came and stayed), that provided additional information on government activities linked to allocations, little research has been done to assess whether this new information has actually been used in the legislative budget decision making process, and if so, whether it influenced final budget decisions. Framing theory holds that information about a problem presented in different ways will be perceived as a different problem by decision-makers. Using framing theory as a theoretical basis, a laboratory experiment was conducted, where groups using budgets differently framed budget documents deliberated over an identical budget scenario. It was found that the nature of the debate did vary based on type of framed budget, but that the final allocations were not significantly different.This document was prepared using Microsoft WORD 2003

Race Talk in Neoliberal Higher Ed: “Diversity” Curriculum at a Large Urban University in the U.S. Mid-Atlantic

Pryor, Olivia D 01 January 2016 (has links)
The contemporary United States is at a crossroads with race: some believe achieving political equality rests in the ability to wilfully ignore race, while others assess colorblindness is a racial frame that only serves to prolong and irritate inequalities. Higher ed institutions have become involved in this conversation due to critiques of higher ed devaluing racial minorities both in the curriculum and in hiring practices. As a response, higher ed has promised to restructure their institution with diversity and PoC in mind. This research study seeks to understand if higher ed has maintained this promise. Twelve participants were qualitatively interviewed to assess their satisfaction with higher ed and the curriculum as it pertains to race. It was found that students were generally heavily critical of their education, particularly in the “diversity” claims made by the school. Their narratives additionally highlight the importance of sociological spaces within a neoliberal university.

Fenomén zdravotního postižení a jeho obraz v tištěných médiích / Phenomenon of disability and its image in the print media

Opočenská, Lenka January 2014 (has links)
TITLE: Phenomenon of disability and its image in the print media AUTHOR: Lenka Opočenská DEPARTMENT: Department of Special Education SUPERVISOR: Mgr. Lenka Felcmanová ABSTRACT: The thesis "The phenomenon of disability and its image in the print media" aims to find out how periodicals framed chosen topic of disabilities in one year. The theoretical part of the thesis deals with the typology of models of disability and the definition of disability from different perspectives. The third chapter provides an overview of how the media shape the attitudes of society. The research section concentrates on how the media has framed newspaper articles and whether terminology changes were reflected in the media. KEYWORDS: Disability, models of disability, attitudes, framing, print media

L’hyperbate nominale en latin : construction, typologie, raison de texte / Nominal hyperbaton in Latin : its building, typology, text building strategy

Popan, Marin 20 September 2012 (has links)
Dans sa première partie, cette thèse se propose d’éclairer la portée du terme d’hyperbate chez rhéteurs et grammairiens romains. L’examen montre que ce concept est utilisé dans deux sens distincts : d’abord, l’hyperbate au sens restreint qui n’inclut que l’anastrophe, et la transiectio – disjonction d’un syntagme, en particulier d’un syntagme nominal. Ensuite, l’hyperbate au sens large est utilisée par les grammairiens romains pour désigner cinq espèces qui concernent l’inversion de l’ordre des mots. Chez Julien de Tolède, on rencontre l’emploi du terme d’« hyperbate » aussi pour désigner de longues parenthèses interposées. La première partie du chapitre II de la thèse propose une brève présentation des réflexions sur l’hyperbate dans la tradition philologique et linguistique. Traditionnellement, l’hyperbate est présentée comme une figure de style ; les études modernes se concentre sur l’hyperbate représentant un moyen pragmatique de « mise en relief ». La deuxième partie du chapitre II a pour l’objectif de présenter l’encadrement et le champ médian (séquence de mots insérés) décrits par la linguistique allemande. Le chapitre III propose une étude typologie des mots insérés dans le champ médian et de l’ordre dans lequel ils sont linéarisés. L’étude est fondée sur un corpus de syntagmes nominaux disjoints comportant un génitif et un nom, relevés en particulier chez César, chez Cicéron et dans l’Histoire Auguste. Le champ médian peut être représenté par des mots et des groupes de mots variés, dont le nombre va d’un mot jusqu’à trois ou plus. Les résultats sont résumés dans des tableaux synoptiques. / This dissertation, devoted to hyperbaton in Latin, is divided into three chapters. The aim of chapter I is to examine the concept of hyperbaton used by Roman rhetoricians grammarians. It shows that this term is used in two distinct ways. Firstly, hyperbaton in the narrow sense covers anastrophe and transiectio, i.e. a discontinuous phrase, especially a discontinuous noun phrase. Secondly, Roman grammarians conceive hyperbaton in a broad sense for designating five types of inversion of word order. Furthermore, Julian of Toledo adds a type of “long hyperbaton”, i.e. long inserted parentheses. The first part of chapter II provides an overview of reflections about hyperbaton in philological and linguistic literature. Hyperbaton is traditionally regarded as a stylistic figure; however, Modern studies on this topic focus on pragmatic implication of the use of discontinuous phrases. The second part of chapter II presents the concept of framing and median field (sequence of inserted words), developed by German linguistics. Chapter III provides a typology of words inserted into a discontinuous noun phrase formed by a genitive and its head noun. Attention is paid to the order in which inserted elements are linearised. The research is based on a corpus of discontinuous noun phrases collected mainly in Caesar, Cicero, and Historia Augusta. The median field can be formed by various words or groups of words. Examples of median fields with two, three, and more words and their ordering are presented in synoptic tables.

Contribution à l'étude des dérogations en procédure pénale : pour une approche cohérente et encadrée des procédures pénales dérogatoires / Contribution to the study of criminal derogatory procedures

Thomas-Taillandier, Delphine 03 October 2012 (has links)
La conceptualisation des procédures pénales dérogatoires n'est pas chose aisée, si bien que c'est sous un angle à la fois constitutionnel et conventionnel qu'il semble intéressant d'appréhender les critères délimitant naturellement ces procédures particulièrement attentatoires aux droits fondamentaux. Partant de ces approches constitutionnelle, conventionnelle et législative, on parvient ainsi à mieux percevoir les difficultés rencontrées par les autorités policières et judiciaires lorsqu'il s'agit de mettre en oeuvre ces techniques spéciales d'investigation. En effet, si la diversité de ces procédures complexifie leur utilisation, elle risque par conséquent d'encourager une utilisation abusive de celles-ci pour favoriser la recherche de la vérité au détriment des droits de l'homme et des libertés fondamentales de tout un chacun. C'est pourquoi il est nécessaire de repenser la place et l'encadrement des procédures pénales dérogatoires dans les textes fondamentaux pour parvenir à la mise en oeuvre d'une pratique efficace mais avant tout respectueuse des droits de l'homme et des libertés individuelles. Dans la présente étude, les procédures pénales dérogatoires font donc l'objet d'une pensée volontairement modératrice en quête d'un juste milieu entre la liberté et la sécurité, éternelle problématique qui anime depuis son origine la procédure pénale et que le législateur a parfois du mal à résoudre / Conceptualizing derogatory criminal procedures is no easy task, so it is under an angle both constitutional and conventional that it seems interesting to apprehend criteria defining these procedures that particularly violate fundamental rights. From these approaches constitutional, legislative and conventional, it succeeds in better perceive difficulties encountered by police and judicial authorities when it comes to implement these special investigation techniques. While the diversity of these procedures complex their use, it may therefore encourage a misuse of these to foster pursuit of truth at the expense of human rights and fundamental freedoms of everyone. Therefore there is a need reconsider the place and the framing of criminal procedures in the fundamental derogatory texts to achieve the implementation of effective practice and above all respectful of human rights and individual freedoms. In this study, derogatory criminal procedures are therefore subject to a voluntarily restraining thought seeking a balance between freedom and security, eternal question that has raised criminal procedure from its origin and that the legislature may difficult to solve

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