Spelling suggestions: "subject:"funkcijos"" "subject:"punkcijos""
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Asimptotiniai skleidiniai didžiųjų nuokrypių zonose / Asymptotic expansion in the large deviation zoneDeltuvienė, Dovilė 11 January 2005 (has links)
The novelty and originality of the work consists in the fact that in order to obtain asymptotic expansions with optimal values of the remainder terms in the zone of large deviations, along with the cumulant method the classical method of characteristic functions has to be used. In addition, when solving the problems stated in the work, other than the well known results in the problems of limit theorems of the probability theory and mathematical statistics, we have to estimate constants. Technically it is frequently rather a complicated task. The results obtained in the work have good opportunities to be applied in probability theory, mathematical statistics, econometric, etc. That is illustrated in the last section of the work in which theorems of large deviations are proved in the summation of weighted random variables with weights as well as discounted limit theorems.
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Auklėtojos funkcijos, dirbant su labai žymios kompleksinės negalės ugdytiniais, vaikų ir jaunimo pensionate / Functions of an educator working with pupils with strongly noticeable disability in children and youth boarding schoolsIvanauskaitė, Renata 22 June 2005 (has links)
In these latter years a lot of countries try to call people’s attention to education of the disabled. Special attention is paid to education of students with noticeable disability. Pupils with strongly noticeable disability are integrated into special classes of general education as well as educated in education centers, special boarding schools, specialized foster homes or children and youth boarding schools.
An educator plays a very important part in the system of education. The attitude of a headmaster towards their functions is very important still very often opinion of a headmaster and an educator is quite different. It shows the existing problem between educators and headmasters. Nowadays we lack ways of solving this problem. It’s difficult to understand why educators and headmasters try to get round and not to solve this problem.
One of the most important functions of every educator is taking care of individual’s education and maturity. Other functions are very important as well. They are: helping and taking care of pupils health and safety, looking for participants and pedagogical briefing.
The main problem of the research study consists of one component – it is educators’ and headmasters’ attitude towards functions performed by educators. I tried to review activities done by educators teaching students with strongly noticeable disability and specificity of their activities and functions. I also tried to understand the priorities given... [to full text]
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Karių ir ištvermę ugdančių lengvaatlečių širdies ir kraujagyslių funkcijos ypatybės atliekant aerobinius krūvius / Peculiarities of cardiovascular function during the aerobic workloads in solders and well trained endurance runners groupsJuodeškienė, Inga 15 May 2006 (has links)
Lithuanian army physical training mission-is to form a healthy, strong, well physically prepared soldier, ready to fulfil all raised tactical assignments. The aim of this research was to evaluate the endurance of soldiers, developing the cardiovascular function abilities in performing of aerobic loads. Investigation was done in Kaunas city “Vytautas Magnus Keepers” battalion stadium. The request was given and the permission of the battalion commander was received in order to perform the biomedical research. Six athletes elevating high technique endurance participated in this research. The participants voluntarily agreed to perform the testing. All the participants (soldiers and runners) after the individual warming-up, ran a 5km cross-country (the task of the exercise was endurance training: even running in an aerobic zone). During the second research the runners were running a 12km cross-country (the task of the exercise was endurance training: even running in an aerobic zone). Using the heart rate (HR) pulse monitor “Polar-S810” The changes of HR was measured (the instantaneous account of HR and the average (HRmax), an account of the chosen length (each 1000m) and the duration (t) of chosen running length (each 1000m running length). The index of biological load value was counted of those registered indicators. In the third research the participants in LKKA laboratory of Kinesiology performed the search of qualification: the test of Roufier physical load, while... [to full text]
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Sunkias fizines negalias turinčių asmenų dalyvumo sporte prielaidos tarptautinės funkcionavimo ir neįgalumo klasifikacijos (ICF) kontekste / Preconditions of sport participation of physically disabled in the context of international classification of functioning and disability (ICF)Krivičiūtė, Jurga 18 May 2005 (has links)
Background: The research was devoted for solving of one of the main disability problems–low participation of disabled persons in sport activities especially who have severe damaged motor functions.
Aim and goals: To investigate positive preconditions and barriers for participation in sport activities of severe physically disabled analyzing the influence of the level of the impairment of motor functions, environmental and psychological factors of disabled.
Methods: For investigation of biosocial functions of self – care and daily living activities we used the modified Kenny test. The original questionnaire was created according to the methodological recommendations of ICF for determination of environmental physical, economical and information factors, psychosocial factors as well as psychological attitudes toward their own health and sport participation of disabled.
Results: The results of the study show that the age, family status, impaired motor functions and economical factors of disabled individuals have not any impact on disability sport participation. The level of education, integrated education, the adaptation of individual transport and living conditions of disabled as well as the higher level of information played the positive role and could be considered as preconditions for disabled to participate in sport activities.
More negative, inadequate to the real situation of motor impairment, psychological self – evaluation of the own health, associated with the high... [to full text]
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Specialiojo pedagogo funkcijos bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje / Functions of special pedagogue in basic schoolTrinkūnienė, Jūratė 15 June 2005 (has links)
The last 15 years have brought a lot of changes to the upbringing of children with the special disorders. Children with insignificant intellectual disorders, also children having specific learning disorders are started to be taught at secondary schools. Until 1991 the biggest part of these children has been taught at special schools for children with intellectual disorders. At present, children who have not been taught at all came to special schools. Children who have been taught at secondary schools now form majority at secondary schools. In this connection, there was a need to have specialized pedagogues at secondary schools. Their functions and duties have been always discussed at media and in scientific conferences. However, the content of work of specialized pedagogues is not very clear.
Object of work - preparedness of specialized pedagogues to work at secondary school.
Problem of work - functions of specialized pedagogues at secondary school.
Aim of work - to find out how the schedule of specialized pedagogues duties meets the expectations of pedagogues of secondary schools and the expectations of the specialized pedagogues.
Goals of work:
1. to study pedagogical and special literature about the content of work
and aims of specialized pedagogue at secondary school.
2. to analyze the content and methods of specialized pedagogue who works at
secondary school.
3. to find out the priorities of work spheres of specialized pedagogue, how it is
perceived by specialized... [to full text]
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Pažintinių funkcijų sutrikimų įtaka sergančiųjų galvos smegenų insultu savarankiškumui / Influence of cognitive functions disorders to the independence of stroke patientsBaltušis, Linas 03 August 2007 (has links)
Galvos smegenų insultas (GSI) yra viena pagrindinių sergamumo, mirtingumo ir neįgalumo priežasčių ne tik pasaulyje, bet ir Lietuvoje (1,2,3). Be to, insultas yra pagrindinė staiga išsivysčiusio neįgalumo priežastis, taip pat demencijos ir viena dažniausių depresijos priežasčių(4).
Tyrimo uždaviniai: įvertinti ligonių segančiųjų GSI savarankiškumą bei pažintines funkcijas; nustatyti amžiaus, lyties, GSI rūšies įtaką savarankiškumo bei pažintinių funkcijų atstatymui; nustatyti ergoterapijos įtaką sergančiųjų GSI atstatyme reabilitacijos eigoje
Tyrimas buvo atliekamas Kauno Medicinos Universiteto Neuroreabilitacijos poskyryje ir Kauno Panemunės senelių namuose. Tiriamąją grupę sudarė 20 pacientų, kurie buvo gydyti Neuroreabilitacijos poskyryje ir kuriems buvo taikyta ir ergoterapija, o 20 pacientų buvo kontrolinė grupė, iš Kauno Panemunės senelių namų.
Reabilitacijos pradžioje ir pabaigoje ligonių funkcinę būklę vertinome: trumpuoju protinės būklės vertinimo testu ir funkcinio nepriklausomumo testu.
Apibendrinus tyrimo rezultatus buvo padarytos šios išvados:
1. Sergančiųjų GSI savarankiškumas, pažintinės funkcijos reabilitacijos pradžioje yra žymiai sutrikę.
2. Reabilitacijos eigoje tiriamosios grupės pacientams po taikytos ergoterapijos tiek protinė tiek funkcinė būklė statistiškai reikšmingai pagerėjo(p<0,0001), o kontrolinės grupės ligoniams statistiškai reikšmingo pokyčio (p>0,05) nenustatėme.
3. Statistiškai patikimai geresnių rezultatų pasiekė moterys (p<0,05) lyginant... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Stroke is one of the main reasons of morbidity, disability and death in the world and in Lithuania too(1,2,3). Besides stroke is the main reason of sudden disability and often is the reason of dementia(4).
The goals of the research was: to evaluate independence of stroke patients and cognitive functions; to estimate what influence do age, gender and stroke type for independence and cognitive functions recovery; to identify the influence of occupational therapy in rehabilitation for stroke patients.
The research was performed in department of Neurorehabilitation of Kaunas Medicine University and in Kaunas Panemunės old people house. The impact group were twenty patients from the department of Neurorehabilitation. The control group were from Kaunas Panemunės old people house . For impact group occupational therapy was included.
The state of patients were estimated with MMSE and FIM, at the start of rehabilitation and in the end of rehabilitation.
Several conclusions were made in summary of results of his study:
1. The independency of stroke patients and cognitive functions was widly disordered, at the start of rehabilitation.
2. After rehabilitation mental status were statistically significant better (p<0,0001) .for impact group and for control group there were no statistically significant change (p>0,05).
3. Statistically significant better results achieved women(p<0,05) than men, age, stroke type didn’t had significant influence for patients independence .
4. Patients... [to full text]
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Kabučių funkcijos ir motyvacija periodinėje spaudoje / Inverted commas functions and motivation in periodicalVyšniauskaitė, Renata 29 June 2009 (has links)
Kabutės – dar menkai tetyrinėtas skyrybos ženklas, keliantis sunkumų ne tik autoriams ar redaktoriams, bet ir skaitytojams. Kabučių šiandienėje spaudoje yra išties daug, tad kyla klausimas, ar jos visuomet vartojamos pagrįstai. Taigi šiuo darbu buvo siekiama aptarti kabučių funkcijas ir, jomis remiantis, nustatyti kabučių vartojimo pagrįstumą Lietuvos dienraščiuose, išeivijos spaudoje ir mokslo populiarinamuosiuose žurnaluose. Be to, siekta statistiškai nustatyti, ar skiriasi Lietuvos ir išeivijos spaudos bei mokslo populiarinamojo postilio žurnalų nemotyvuotas kabučių vartojimas ir ar tam turi įtakos funkcinis stilius.
Kabutėmis motyvuotai skiriama tiesioginė kalba, citatos ir jų atmainos, pavadinimai ir nenorminė leksika. Pačiam autoriui siūloma rinktis, ar skirti kabutėmis okazionalizmus, eufeminę leksiką, ironiją, ar ne. Nagrinėtoje spaudoje nemotyvuotai kabutėmis skiriami ne tik perkeltinės reikšmės žodžiai, kurių reikšmė kaip perkeltinė yra užfiksuota žodyne, frazeologizmai, posakiai, įvairūs tropai (metaforos, metonimijos, personifikacijos), su įvedamaisiais žodžiais rašomi bendrinei kalbai teiktini žodžiai, pravardės, bet net ir uzualinę reikšmę turintys žodžiai, įvairūs simboliai.
Daugiausia nepagrįstai kabutes vartoja išeivijos laikraštis „Amerikos lietuvis“, o mažiausiai nemotyvuotai pavartotų kabučių rasta žurnale „Gamta“. Išaiškėjo, kad vis dėlto vartojamų kabučių motyvacija nuo funkcinio stiliaus nepriklauso, nes mokslo populiarinamojo postilio žurnale „Mokslas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Inverted commas are punctuation marks that have been subject to little research and cause difficulties not only for authors and editors, but also for readers. The use of inverted commas in today’s press is really abundant, therefore raising the question as to whether their use is always reasonable. This work aims to discuss the functions of inverted commas and on this basis to identify the validity of the use of inverted commas in the dailies of Lithuania, the press of Lithuanian immigrants abroad, and magazines in popular scientific sub-style. In addition, it was sought to identify statistically whether there was any difference in the unjustified use of inverted commas between the Lithuanian press and magazines in popular scientific sub-style and those in the Lithuanian language abroad and whether functional style has any impact on this.
The justified use of inverted commas includes direct speech, quotes and variations of quotes, names, and substandard lexis. The author may make a free choice of whether to use inverted commas in the cases of euphemisms, irony, and rarely used words. Research of the press shows that inverted commas are unjustifiably used not only for words that are used in a figurative sense and have the figurative meaning recorded in the dictionary, phraseological units, sayings, various tropes (metaphors, metonymies, and personifications), newly introduced words together with the suggested versions for standard usage, and surnames, but also for words with... [to full text]
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Netiesiškai normalizuotų minimumų asimptotiniai tyrimai / Asymptotic analysis of non-linearly normalized minimaPetrovienė, Jovita 07 September 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe atliekami stochastinių minimumų asimptotiniai tyrimai. Įrodomos minimumų ribinės teoremos tuo atveju, kai tiesinis normalizavimas neduoda neišsigimusių ribinių skirstinių, tokiu atveju taikau netiesinį minimumų normalizavimą. Konkretaus skirstinio atveju randamos netiesinės normalizavimo funkcijos, kurių pagalba yra gaunami minimumų klasikiniai ribiniai skirstiniai. Įrodoma Perkėlimo teorema netiesiniam normalizavimui. Darbo tikslai: • ištirti netiesinio normalizavimo reikalingumą; • išanalizuoti netiesinio normalizavimo galimybes minimumų schemoje. Darbo uždaviniai: • parinkti netiesinio normalizavimo funkciją konkretaus skirstinio atveju; • gauti ribinius klasikinius skirstinius, kai minimumai normalizuojami netiesiškai; • įvertinti konvergavimo greitį ribinėse teoremose; • atlikti aproksimavimo paklaidų kompiuterinę analizę. / This paper is the asymptotic analysis of stochastic minima. Proofs of minima limit theorems are provided for cases, when linear normalization does not give non-degenerate limit distributions. In this cases, non-linear minima normalization is used. For a specific distribution, non-linear normalization functions are calculated, which are then used to get classic limit distributions for minima. Objectives: • Examine the necessity of non-linear normalization; • Analyze the possibilities for non-linear normalization in minimum pattern. Tasks: • Choose non-linear normalization function for a specific distribution; • Get classic limit distributions, where minima are normalized non-linearly; • Investigate the rate of convergence within the limit theorems; • Perform computer-based analysis of approximation errors.
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Pasakotojo funkcijos Sigito Parulskio romane „Murmanti siena“ / The Narrator‘s Functions in the Novel “Murmanti siena” by Sigitas ParulskisJakutienė, Ramunė 03 September 2010 (has links)
Pasakojamasis diskursas siejamas su Gerard‘u Genette‘u, jo naratologiniai tyrinėjimai aštuntajame dešimtmetyje padarė didelį posūkį literatūrologijos moksle. Iš esmės keičiamas mąstymas apie pasakojimą. Todėl svarbiausia ne tai, kas papasakota, o tai, kaip pasakojama. Ši problema labai mažai, tiksliau visiškai netyrinėta, todėl nusprendėme darbo temą pasirinkti būtent tokią „Pasakotojo funkcijos Sigito Parulskio romane „Murmanti siena“.
Darbo objektas – pasakotojos funkcijos, jų kaita romane. Pasakotojas išryškėja kaip adresantas, vertybių saugotojas, veiksmo skatintojas ir vertintojas, kuris tam tikrą momentą įgauna atitinkamą galėjimą, kompetenciją atlikti vieną ar kitą veiksmą. Naratorius atlieka ne vien pasakotojo funkciją, kuri yra privaloma, bet tuo pat metu ir kitokias. Pirmoji, svarbiausioji, funkcija vadinama naratyvine, kitos keturios(ideologinė, liudijimo, komunikacinė, valdymo), jomis pasakotojas pasitelkia tik tam tikrais atvejais.
Šiuo darbu siekiame atskleisti, kaip keičiasi pasakotojo funkcijos romane, parodyti, kaip jomis naudojasi, pagrįsti tokį elgesį. Pasitelkdamas vieną ar kitą pasakotojo funkciją, naratorius pateikia kuriamos tikrovės įvykius. Tai atlieka sąmoningai, organizuotai, pagal situacija liudija, vertina, komentuoja.
Išanalizavę visą tekstą, galime teigti, jog naratorius plačiąją prasme, nėra tik stebėtojas ar įvykių fiksuotojas, jis adekvačiai reaguoja į pateikiamą diskursą, personažus, modeliuoja jų veiklą ir pats yra ne ką menkesnė figūra... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The narrative discourse is related to Gerard Genette. In the eighth decade his narratological researches made a significant turnabout in the science of literary criticism. The thinking about the narration is basically changed. That is why the most important thing is not what is told but how it is told. This problem has been little investigated, to be more precise, it has not been investigated at all. That is why we decided to choose the following topic of the work: “The Narrator‘s Functions in the Novel “Murmanti siena” by Sigitas Parulskis”.
The subject of the work is the narrator’s functions, their change in the novel. The narrator is revealed as an addresser, a preserver of values. He encourages and evaluates the action as well as he gets the appropriate ability, competence to perform one or another action. The narrator performs not only the narrator’s function which is compulsory but at the same time he performs other functions. The first and the most important function is called narrative, the other four functions are called ideological, communicative, operating and the function of witness. The narrator invokes them in some sort of cases.
The aim of the work is to reveal how the narrator’s functions change in the novel, to show how they are used, to motivate such a behaviour. Invoking one or another function of the narrator, he presents events of the reality which is being created. This is performed in a deliberate, organized way, according to the situation the... [to full text]
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Senyvo amžiaus žmonių kognityvinės funkcijos sąsajose su pasitenkinimu gyvenimu / Relationship between cognitive function and satisfaction with life in elderlyRupeikaitė, Dovilė 03 June 2013 (has links)
Tikslas - įvertinti subjektyvių ir objektyvių kognityvinių funkcijų sąsajas su pasitenkinimu gyvenimu ir kompensacinių technikų naudojimu senyvame amžiuje.
Tyrime dalyvavo 97 tiriamieji vyresni nei 63 metai. Tyrime dalyvavusių respondentų amžiaus vidurkis buvo 74,54 (stnd. n. 8,9). Dauguma tiriamųjų buvo moterys 65% (N=63), likusieji 35% (N=34) buvo vyrai.
Tiriamojo buvo prašoma atsakyti į klausimus, susijusius su jo atmintimi, dėmesio koncentracija, apskritai pažintinėmis funkcijomis, naudojant CFQ metodiką. Pastaroji vertinimo metodika yra skirta įvertinti subjektyviai suvokiamas savo pažintines funkcijas. Naudojant Diener E. (1985) skalę, tiriamiesiems buvo užduodami penki klausimai, apie jų jaučiamą pasitenkinimą gyvenimu. Naudojant penkių žodžių testą ir Krepelino metodiką, buvo įvertinama tiriamųjų ilgalaikė ir trumpalaikė atmintis ir dėmesio išsekimas. Siekiant objektyviomis metodikomis įvertinti tiriamųjų bendrą pažintinių funkcijų lygį buvo naudojamas 6CIT klausimynas. Taip pat tiriamieji atsakė į papildomus klausimus apie išsilavinimą, šeimyninę padėti, sveikatą, kompensacinių technikų naudojimą.
Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad tiriamųjų pažintinės funkcijos silpnėja su amžiumi. Seno amžiaus tiriamieji pasižymi silpnesnėmis pažintinėmis funkcijomis, nei senyvo amžiaus tiriamieji. Aukštesnio išsilavinimo tiriamųjų pažintinių funkcijų rodikliai buvo aukštesni, nei kito išsilavinimo tiriamųjų. Kita vertus, tiriamųjų pasitenkinimas gyvenimu nėra susijęs su jų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this study was to assess relationship between subjective and objective cognitive functions and satisfaction with life and using compensatory techniques in elderly.
The subjects of the study were 97 men and women, elderly than 63 years old. Mean of the age was 74,54 ± 8,9. Mostly of the subjects were women (65%, N=63) and 35% (N=34) were men.
There were individual talk with everyone subject of the study. The subjects had asked to answer in questions about their memory, attention, generally cognitive functions. CFQ was used for to assess subjective cognitive failures. Using Diener E. (1985) scale, subjetcs had to answer five questions about their satisfaction with life. Five – word test and Kreapaeaelin methodic were used to assess subject’s short – term memory, long – term memory and attention. 6CIT methodic was used to assess subject’s generally cognitive functions. Also there were questions about education, marital status, health and using compansatory techniques.
The results of this study show that there are statistically significant differences between age cognitive functions. Cognitive functions are better in Young-Old age then in Old-old age. Also there are differences between education. But there are no statistically significant differences between cognitive functions, education, age, using compensatory techniques and satisfaction with life. But results show that satisfaction with life is relates with relations with family, also with long term memory and... [to full text]
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