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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of webcam-basedmotion mini-games with a focuson whole-body interaction andskeletal tracking / Utveckling av webbkamerabaserade rörelseminispel med fokuspå helkroppsinteraktion och skelettspårning

Lerssongkram, Techit January 2022 (has links)
"Sitting is the new smoking" and is one of the major causes of human health problems today. Swedes train the most in the world but are also among those who work  mostsedentary. Proper movement while taking 1 minute of active short breaks helps to preventfurther health problems. Cameras can detect body movements and this information can beused to do motion analysis and skeletal estimation. Furthermore, this can be used to create games that can use this detected movement and force the user to be more active whiledoing something fun.This thesis is about designing and implementing two mini-games in Godot for particular body movements using MediaPipe. Game designers for the mini-games use heuristicsfor motion-based control in games presented by Hara and Ovaska. This thesis focuses ondeveloping game control using motion control for the mini-games. The game controls areevaluated by calculating the sensitivity of how well the controls work for the games.

Gamifying Attack Path Reporting : Preliminary design of an educational cyber security game

Misnik, Anna, Zakko, Shafeek January 2022 (has links)
With rapid digitalization and technical growth, the IT systems that we are using are becoming extremely complicated and intertwined. This created as a result, more challenging security problems that get complicated alongside the systems, and the need for advanced solutions to prevent the exploitation of systems vulnerabilities. Cloud computing services are one of the infrastructures in most need for complex security systems for mitigating and preventing possible threats. Education in cyber security field is obligated to maintain continuous innovation and advancement to meet the market needs of cyber security specialists. The options available today for educating about cyber security are mostly part of the traditional teaching approaches. To supplement the cyber security field with more educational solutions, our project studies the pattern of attack graphs and maps them to design a simple 2D video game level that presents an educational hacking game and evaluates the different design aspects and their matching for the prespecified requirement. The outcome of the project is a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) in the form of a testable demo level of the game. The produced MVP connects cyber security aspects within cloud computing to its own objects. The game’s graphical and level design had the biggest focus in the project, functionality was not largely implemented. The MVP is to be developed further in future work to implement a full functioning design. / IT-system som används blir extremt komplicerade och sammanflätade på grund av snabb digitalisering och teknisk tillväx. Detta orsakade mer utmanande säkerhetsproblem och därför behov av avancerade lösningar för att förhindra exploatering av systemsårbarheter blir mer aktuellt. Molntjänster är en av de infrastrukturer med det största behovet av komplexa säkerhetssystem för att mildra och förebygga möjliga hot. Utbildning inom cybersäkerhetsområdet är skyldig att upprätthålla kontinuerliga innovationer och framsteg för att möta marknadens behov för cybersäkerhetsspecialister. För att förse cybersäkerhetsområdet med fler pedagogiska lösningar, studerar vårt projekt mönster för attackgrafer och kartlägger dem. Resultatet blir ett enkel 2D-videospel presenterat i form av ett pedagogiskt hackingspel som utvärderar de olika designaspekterna och deras matchning med det förspecificerade kravet. Resultatet av projektet är en Minsta Lönsamma Produkt (MLP), nämligen ett körbart demo av potentiella spelet. Den producerade MLP:n kopplar cybersäkerhetsaspekter inom molntjänster till sina objekter. Spelets grafiskdesign och banadesign hade det största fokuset i projektet, funktionaliteten var inte till stor del implementerad. MVP:n borde utvecklas vidare i framtida arbeten i syfte att implementera en fullständig körbar design för produkten.

En intervjustudie om speldesign och spelarbeteende / An interview study on game design and gaming behaviors

Johansson, Emelia January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad det är som får spelarna att stanna kvar i spelet under en spelsession. Spelmarknaden kan delas upp i två typer av spel, antingen Open World-spel där användaren fritt kan ströva omkring i en virtuell värld och ges en betydande frihet i att välja hur denne skall nå sina mål eller linjära spel där användaren styrs av start och slutscener. Det är mycket vanligt i designen av den andra varianten (linjära spel) att användaren själv, aktivt väljer att starta nästa omgång. För att begränsa omfattning på denna studie har studien gjorts på linjära spel där användaren aktivt väljer att påbörja en ny omgång och exempel på speltyper som ofta inkluderas i linjära spel är MOBA, Battle Royal eller Första Personskjutare. Detta beslut har gjorts för att kunna jämföra resultatet med andra studier om binge-beteende. Binge är ett begrepp många inte har hört idag men som det talas allt mer om. Begreppet används ofta för att beskriva konsumenter som sträcktittar på TV-serier men har även börjat appliceras på flera aktiviteter då man gör något överdrivet under en period.  För att svara på frågeställningen ”Vilka faktorer uppmuntrar användaren till ett bingebeteende?” Har jag valt att se på problemet från två olika vinklar och delat upp detta i två arbetsfrågor ”Vilka externa faktorer utanför spelets design påverkar användaren?” och ”Vilka implementerade funktioner påverkar användaren?” Resultatet från intervjustudien visar att den sociala miljön som datorspel erbjuder, men som också skapas av användaren själv genom att man bygger en social umgängeskrets i spelmiljön påverkar användaren att fortsätta spela. Under intervjuerna gav intervjupersonerna exempel på att om man blir ombedd att spela en omgång till av kompisarna eller att man har så roligt tillsammans att man inte vill avbryta så leder det till att man fortsätter spela trots att kan från början inte har planerat det.    Studien visade även på en stor betydelse av den implementerade designimplementationen grinding, förmågan att genom att spela längre låsa upp nya saker, gå upp i level eller klättra i ett rankat tävlingssystem.  En slutsats efter denna intervjustudie är att det finns bingebeteende i relation med datorspel, exakt i vilken form och till vilken grad det uppkommer beror på hur man definierar binge. Det går även påvisa att grinding och den sociala aspekten i spelen bidrar i hög grad till att spelsessionerna blir längre än vad personerna först planerade. / The purpose of this study is to investigate what causes the players to remain in the game during a game session. The gaming market can be divided into two types of games, either Open World games where the user can freely roam in a virtual world and is given considerable freedom in choosing how to achieve their goals or linear games where the user is guided by start and end scenes. It is very common in the design of the second type (linear games) that the user himself, actively chooses to start the next round. To limit the scope of this study has the study has been focused on linear games where the user actively chooses to start a new round and examples of game types that are often included in linear games are MOBA, Battle Royal or First-Person Shooter. This decision has been made to compare the results with other studies on binge behavior. Binge is a concept many have not heard about today but as it is more and more common. The term is often used to describe consumers who is watching an excessive amount of TV series but has also started to apply to several activities when doing something exaggerated during a period. To answer the question "What factors encourage the user’s binge behavior?" Have I chosen to look at the problem from two different angles and divided this into two work issues "What external factors outside the game's design affect the user?" And "What implemented functions affect the user?" The result of the interview study shows that the social environment that computer games offers, but which is also created by the user himself by building a social circle in the gaming environment, affects the user to continue playing. During the interviews, the interviewees gave for example that you have so much fun playing together that you do not want to interrupt, this will lead to them continuing to play. The study also showed a great importance of the design implementation grinding, the ability to, by playing longer, unlocking new things, increasing in levels or climbing in a ranked system. One conclusion after this interview study is that there is a binge behavior in relation to computer games, exactly in what form and to what degree it occurs depends on how one defines binge. It is also possible to demonstrate that grinding and the social aspect of the games greatly contribute to the fact that the gaming sessions are longer than the people first planned

The Hidden Secrets of Historical Artistry

Musser, Jennifer B 01 January 2021 (has links)
When I began developing the video game concept for my thesis, I realized that I was one of the kids that grew up in a society where video games took prevalence over historical artistry. I, however, was unaware of the hidden secrets that resided in the art and how much they contribute to the video games I enjoy playing today. This thesis aims to provide the younger generations with an engaging and stimulating way to experience historical artistry, more specifically the Italian Renaissance, without having to consult a history book. I aim to provide enough detail on multiple aspects of the movement to bring it to life in the classroom via any video game platform. Students need to develop an awareness of the benefits our digital culture gained over the centuries from the Italian Renaissance; therefore, I aspire to provide present-day children and teenagers with the ability to learn about the movement by doing one of the things they love most: playing video games. Although the art is most intriguing in its natural form, one must stay up to date with the changing times and provide the next generation with the artistic knowledge on which they might rely in their future career.

Design and Development of a Digital Game-Based Learning Module on Transportation

Cress, Bradley D. 31 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Theatre and the video game: beauty and the beast

Whitlock, Katherine Lynne 21 June 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Making it Fun: Uncovering a Design Research Model for Educational Board Game Design

Evensen, Erik A. 11 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Lifesigns: Successful Storytelling in Open-World Games

Perkins, Kyle Eric 03 December 2010 (has links)
No description available.

COVID-19 case study: The effects of distance education on the game design practices of students at Uppsala University in 2022

Lyu, Diwei, Schmoll, Kiana Geno January 2022 (has links)
As a result of the global pandemic COVID-19, Bachelor’s game design education at Uppsala University was moved to an online space. Multiple literary sources give insights into as to how students were affected by the pandemic, however, little research specifically explaining the connection between game design students and game production in online environments could be found to inform this study. The purpose of this paper is to elaborate on the effects remote work has on students’ game production and to explore how these factors connect to the fields of Scrum, flow, as well as burnout. For the purpose of researching this, eight semi-structured interviews have been conducted with third-year game design students who previously had experience with both online and on-campus education and the resulting data was then further examined in the form of a thematic analysis. Overall it was found that the remote environment enabled students to become more independent and increased their work efficiency. However, any aspects related to social factors such as communication, collaboration, as well as other social interaction were perceived negatively by the students. Furthermore, the general online environment as well as students’ motivation and energy levels were found to not significantly impact game production in any particularly positive or negative way. / Som ett resultat av den globala pandemin COVID-19, flyttades kandidatutbildningen i speldesign vid Uppsala Universitet till online. Flera litterära källor ger insikter om hur elever påverkas av pandemin, men lite forskning som specifikt förklarar sambandet mellan speldesign studenter och spelproduktion i online miljöer kunde hittas som inledning till denna studie. Syftet med den här artikeln är att utveckla effekterna av distansarbete på elevernas spelproduktion och att utforska hur dessa faktorer ansluter till områdena Scrum, arbetsflöde och utbrändhet. I syfte att undersöka detta har åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med tredje års speldesign studenter som tidigare haft erfarenhet av både online- och campusutbildning och den resulterande datan undersöktes sedan ytterligare i form av en tematisk analys. Generellt visade det sig att den avlägsna miljön gjorde det möjligt för eleverna att bli mer självständiga och ökade deras arbetseffektivitet. Alla aspekter relaterade till sociala faktorer som samarbete, kommunikation samt annan social interaktion uppfattades dock negativt av eleverna. Dessutom visade det sig att den allmänna online miljön, såväl som elevernas motivation och energinivåer inte nämnvärt påverka spel produktionen på något särskilt positivt eller negativt sätt.

Designing Video Games to Crowdsource Linguistic Annotations

Bonetti, Federico 19 May 2022 (has links)
This PhD thesis explores gamification strategies concerning video games for crowdsourcing, in particular for linguistic annotation. First, a categorization of the current approaches is proposed. In doing so, a new framework is provided to analyse and understand different game design strategies and their impact on linguistic annotation tasks. Two artefacts are developed to test and validate the framework: Spacewords, a 2D space shooter game, and High School Superhero, a 3D role-playing game. In particular, research questions and hypotheses concerning so-called orthogonal mechanics are tested, which are defined by previous research as game mechanics that although being similar to those found in commercial games, can hinder the annotation process by adding a layer of challenge and unpredictability. The artefacts are employed for three tasks: synonymy, linguistic acceptability and abusive language annotation. It is found that some challenging game-like features slightly improves Precision measure in certain circumstances. Experiments also suggest that motivation to play may be improved by in-game resources or collectible elements. Finally, in High School Superhero a mismatch is observed between the judgements given by linguists and players. The approach adopted in this work is intended to pave the way to a more insightful use of gaming elements inspired by entertainment games in the context of games with a purpose for linguistic annotation.

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