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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

For Richer or For Poorer: How Financial Resources Affect Women’s Mate-Value

Fisher, Alexandra 04 January 2016 (has links)
Research on mate preferences suggests that men value physical attractiveness and youthfulness most in potential partners, whereas women value status and resources most in a potential partner (Buss, 1989). These differences in mate preferences have implications for the value men and women place on these characteristics (e.g. attractiveness and resources) in potential mates. A man’s attractiveness and financial resources both contribute positively to his mate-value, (Sprecher, 1989; Townsend & Levy, 1990). A woman’s attractiveness also contributes to her mate-value (Sprecher, 1989; Townsend & Levy, 1990), but the value of her resources is less clear. I expected that men’s evaluation of a woman’s financial resources would be dependent on her level of attractiveness. I hypothesized that a woman’s financial resources would add to her mate-value when she was highly attractive, but detract from her mate-value when she was typically attractive. In Study 1, a woman of varying attractiveness (typical vs. high) approached men on campus and delivered a speech that conveyed her future income (low vs. high). Men’s reported desire to join her focus group was used as measure of their impressions of her mate-value. Study 2 directly assesses participant’s romantic interest in targets of varying income (low vs. high) and attractiveness (typical vs. high) using a controlled laboratory method where both men and women evaluated a profile of a potential romantic partner. The results of both studies supported my hypotheses. This research provides insight into the complicated nature of a woman’s financial resources as part of her overall mate-value. / Graduate / 2019-06-30

"José casou com Maroca e Antônio casou-se com Fina" : relações de gênero e violência e afetivo-sexual no Sul do Brasil (RS, 1889-1930)

Barbosa, Carla Adriana da Silva January 2015 (has links)
O enfoque desta pesquisa são as relações afetivo-sexuais na região da Fronteira do Rio Grande do Sul no período republicano (1889-1930); território amplamente identificado no imaginário popular com a violência, imagem esta que foi objeto de pesquisa de diversas obras de nossa historiografia. Entretanto, pouco destes estudos se valeram das reflexões sobre este tema e suas ligações com as identidades de gênero. Esta opção temática deve-se pela longevidade das práticas de vivência entre homens e mulheres unidos por laços afetivo-sexuais – procedimento estes ainda presentes em nossa contemporaneidade. Examinando estas relações através da crítica histórica, pretedeu-se encontrar os vetores pelos quais as dinâmicas sociais amplas são perpassadas. Ao nos focarmos nestes vínculos, objetivou-se ampliar o debate das múltiplas formas de manifestações sociais através de registros criminais, observando as permanências de hierarquias, contingências, conflitos e assimilações. / The focus of this research are the emotional-sexual relationships in the frontier of Rio Grande do Sulduring the Republican period (1889-1930),a territory widely identified with violence in the local’s common sense - an image that has been a research subject of several inquiriesby our historiography. However, few of these studies made use ofinsights of the gender theory in remark of this object, and fewer stillfocused in the private and public aspects of violence may influence these practices. This thematic option is due to the longevity of the living practices between men and women united by emotional-sexual ties - ways of living still present in our times. Examining gender relations in historical analysis, we now have at our disposal one of the important vectors by which social relations are pervaded. By focusing on these links, we aimed to broaden the debate the multiple forms of social manifestations expressed through criminal records, noting the permanence of hierarchies, contingencies, conflicts and assimilation.

Vikingatida krigargravar, en studie av Birka, Heath Wood och Nord-Trøndelag : Indikationer på kvinnliga krigare i gravar från vikingatiden? / Viking Age warrior graves, a study of Birka, Heath Wood and Nord-Trøndelag : Indications of female warriors in graves from the Viking Age?

Nordvall, Emilia January 2018 (has links)
Female warriors from the Viking Age is a subject that has been debated and interpreted in many different ways. The modern view on the binary gender roles is one of the reasons why it has been hard for archaeologists to interpret the female warrior graves. The graves are often interpreted in other ways then that the weapons in the graves would belong to the female individuals. Archaeologists rather explain the graves existence because of other reasons than that the female individuals would have been warriors. The issue of the study is whether the female warrior graves from the Viking Age differ from a female gender role, or if the warrior role possibly could be a part of a female gender? Also, why are there so few female warrior graves? The study will be based around three graves, Bj 581 from Birka in Sweden, Mound 50 from Heath Wood in England and T20248 from Nord-Trøndelag in Norway. The analysis and discussion are based on a gender perspective, new ideas will be added to the discussion based on age, gender roles, gender expression and social status. The results may indicate that female gender rolls might be changeable depending on the female individual’s social status, age and life stage.

Superkvinnorna : En semiotisk innehållsanalys av Andra Avenyn och Bonusfamiljen ur ett genusperspektiv / Superwomen : A semiotic analysis of Andra Avenyn and Bonusfamiljen from a gender perspective

Croona, Beatrice, Hägglöf, Hedvig January 2018 (has links)
Målet med denna studie är att med hjälp av en semiotisk innehållsanalys av två svenska tv-serier skapa medvetenhet kring genusutvecklingen. Detta genom att undersöka hur kvinnor framställs i tv-serierna Andra Avenyn och Bonusfamiljen. Framställningen av två kvinnliga huvudkaraktärer från vardera serie granskas i avseende på könsroller, stereotyper och normer för att besvara frågan om och hur framställningen skiljer serierna åt. Studien syftar även på att besvara om Bonusfamiljen är normbrytande i jämförelse med Andra Avenyn, detta med tanke på deras olika produktionsår. Frågorna besvaras genom analys av utvalda scener. Dessa granskas utifrån en denotativ och en konnotativ nivå. Som stöd till analysen har även ett analysschema utformats. Detta baseras på två teman: ”interaktioner” och ”personlighet”. Det teoretiska ramverk som används innefattar genusteori och feministisk teori.  Resultatet visar att karaktärerna är skapta med stor medvetenhet kring genus och feminism. Kvinnorna är självständiga och starka och återspeglar således ”den moderna kvinnan”. En av de kvinnliga huvudkaraktärerna i Bonusfamiljen speglar dock en mer könsstereotyp bild i jämförelse med karaktärerna i Andra Avenyn. Gemensamt för serierna är att de bryter könsmaktsordningen. / The goal with this qualitative semiotic analysis is to enlighten awareness regarding gender development. This, by examining how women are pictured in two Swedish tv series, Andra Avenyn and Bonusfamiljen. Two female main characters from each series are examined in terms of gender roles, stereotypes and norms in order to see if and how the female role differs between the series. The study also aims to answer whether Bonusfamiljen is normative or not in comparison to Andra Avenyn. This, in consideration to their different production years. The questions are answered through analysis of selected scenes. These are examined based on a denotative and a congenational level. In support to the analysis, a schedule has been developed. This is based on two themes: "interactions" and "personality". The theoretical framework used in this study includes gender and feminist theory.  The result shows that the characters are created with great awareness regarding gender and feminism. The women are independent and strong and thus reflect the "modern woman". However, one of the female main characters in Bonusfamiljen reflects a more gender stereotypical image compared to the characters in Andra Avenyn. Although, both series show a more modern look on gender roles.

Att motverka tradionella könsroller i den fria leken : - Fyra förskollärares resonemang , erfarenheter och känslor om att motverka traditionella könsroller i den fria leken i förskolan / To counteract traditional gender roles in the free play : - Four preschool teachers reasoning, experiences and feelings of working towards  counteract traditional gender roles in the free play in preschool

Persson, Stina January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att öka kunskapen om förskollärares erfarenheter, känslor och resonemang om arbetet med att motverka traditionella könsroller i den fria leken i förskolan.  Metoden som valdes var kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra förskollärare. Resultatet visar att förskollärarna såg på den fria leken som att den skall ske på barnens initiativ men att det är av stor vikt att pedagogerna är närvarande. De betonade vikten av att vara nära dels för att stötta vid konflikter men även för att utmana och stötta barnen i den fria leken, utan att för den delen styra leken. Förskollärarna lyfte även att det är av vikt att ha ett förhållningsätt som inte bidrar till att skapa traditionella könsroller och att det är viktigt att bli medveten och reflektera över sitt förhållningsätt. De betonade vikten av att reflektera över den fysiska miljön och vilket material som finns i förskolan och hur de kan motverka att traditionella könsroller skapas. Förskollärarna är alla överens om att de inte vill kategorisera barnen utefter deras kön utan istället se varje barn som en enskild individ och att barnets livsvärld påverkar hur de uppfattar sina könsroller / The aim of this study is to increase the knowledge on how preschool teachers experience, feels and reasons of how traditional gender roles in the free play in preschool is counteracted. The chosen method was qualitative semi-structured interviews with four preschool teachers. The results showed that the preschool teachers felt that the children's play should be controlled mostly by the children but the preschool teachers should be close to the children to help children solve conflicts and support and challenge their knowledge. The preschool teachers also talk about the way they approach the children can contribute to create traditional gender roles and that it is important to be aware of how they approach boys and girls. They underlined that it is useful to think about how the physical environment and the material can contribute to contract or encourage traditional gender roles and they all agree that they don't want to categorize children if they are a girl or a boy and that they prefer to see the children as personalities. The preschool teachers also talked about that the world around the children contributed their  perception of gender roles.

Rosa är en tjejfärg : En kvalitativ studie om konstruerande/ görande av kön i förskolebarns och pedagogers interaktioner

Hussien, Rana, Wykocka, Zaneta January 2017 (has links)
The purpose with this study has been to study constructions of traditional gender norms and gender roles that appear during interactions between the children as well as between the children and the teachers in preschool. The study is based on two central questions, which are: How to construct and repeat traditional gender differences and stereotype expectations in the pedagogues' speech, actions and interactions with the children, as well as how to construct and repeat traditional gender differences and stereotype expectations in the children's speech, actions and interactions with each other. Observation is the main research method for this study. We have made observations in two different preschools. One is a municipal preschool located in an ethnically diverse area and the other is privately owned and located in a more ethnically homogeneous area. To analyze and get a deeper understanding of the collective material and the knowledge gathered from the observations, the socio-cultural perspective and the social constructivist perspective as well as central concepts around gender, masculinity and norms have been used. Previous research in this field has been used to put the study into perspective and discuss the results. The results of this study show that traditional gender differences are maintained and strengthened, but also counteracted and transformed in the interaction of children and teachers and in the interaction of children with each other at these two preschools. This happens in both children's and teachers' actions, ways to talk and use the language with different gendered words, but also in children's relation to the materials and environment in preschool. The results show it is more acceptable that girls tend to counteract and transform traditional gender differences than boys. The teachers counteract and transform traditional gender differences more with girls than with boys. The study shows that it is most often girls who counteract and transform traditional gender differences in preschool. The masculine is not always over the feminine in all situations. Hegemony and dominance are created in special situations. In some situations, the feminine is over the masculine. Role-playing is a situation that can be seen as a girls`arena, where the girls have the power and dominance over the boys.


Campbell, Alyssa M. 01 January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to empirically examine the extent to which rape myth acceptance (RMA) varies according to four key contextual factors—race, the victim–perpetrator relationship, resistance strategies, and the decision to report—among those embedded within college and military cultures. Although sexual assault in a university context has been thoroughly investigated, it is typically in comparison to the general population that may not share the same high-risk elements that promote the environment for sexual assault. Therefore, comparisons of college, military, and a general population were sampled to better understand the attitudes that maintain RMA in these high risk environments. Consistent with previous research aimed at understanding attitudes associated with RMA (Carroll et al., 2016; McMahon, 2010), findings from this study indicated that although individuals hold relatively low RMA overall, individuals tend to endorse other rape myths that blame the victim and exonerate the perpetrator. Specifically, race, resistance strategies, and the decision to report all influenced how likely individuals were to attribute some blame to the victim in the vignette.

Gender Differences in Response to Sales Promotion / Rozdíly mezi pohlavími jako reakce na prodejní pobídky

Solilyak, Maryna January 2015 (has links)
Today, more and more similar products in one product line appear on store shelves, and buying decisions have become more complicated for the consumer. Despite this, producers have a clear vision that one of the most effective tools that can be used to distinguish their products is sales promotion. Nevertheless, every customer is unique, and the responses to sales promotion tools differ as well. The reason for sales promotion campaigns success depends on the depth of understanding of consumer behaviour. In order to create a successful communication campaign, marketers should be aware in the best ways of reaching the desired consumers. In this work we will take a look at the gender differences in consumer behaviour. In particular, we would like to see different responses toward men and women toward sales promotion campaigns.

Analýza vnímání genderových rolí / Analysis of perception of gender roles

Šuhajová, Irena January 2013 (has links)
Masters thesis "Analysis of perception of gender roles" describes opinions of current society on status of men and women. The objective of the diploma thesis is to gain information about how people perceive gender roles and gender stereotypes. It is very important to discover whether today society still follow gender stereotypes. The theoretical part focuses on description of gender history from period of industry revolution to the present. Furthermore, it defines and deeply describes gender roles and stereotypes and indicates results of several researches that focused on gender issue. The empirical part analyses results of questionnaire survey which was discovering perception of gender roles on a conscious level of human. Second part of the empirical analysis, unstructured interviews and projective techniques, such as test of unfinished sentences and implicit association test, which examined perspectives on this issue in relation to subconsciousness. The conclusion evaluates and compares results of each method used in this paper and deduces verdicts specifically attitudes of current society.

Effect of gender role, valence, income, and occupational status of males

Desroachers, Stephen 01 January 1992 (has links)
Trait and success variables--EPAQ traits--Male stimulus persons (SP's)--Romantic liking scale--Friendship liking scale.

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