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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

I äran att vara kvinna : Genussyn och dess användning inom new age / Selling Femininity : Gender Stereotypes and Their Uses in New Age

Nordeborn, Gustav January 2014 (has links)
New Age has often been described as a religion pertaining to women and studies has shown that women do indeed constitute the vast majority. A reversal of hierarchy between feminine and masculine attributes and values, common in a modern western society, has also been shown to occur. This study looks at how the feminine is visible in written text and pictures depicting people, more specifically in the periodical magazine Free that has a circulation of circa 25,000. The main bulk of the magazine is advertisements, and one reoccurring part is the article Frimodigt where several of the magazine’s advertisers take part in a short interview. Twelve of these interviews have been analyzed, along with depictions of 518 people from three issues. The theoretical framework that has been applied to the outcome of my analysis has been social constructivism, with particular emphasis on the paper Doing gender by the professors of sociology Candace West and Don Zimmerman. My findings indicate that the feminine, indeed, is thought of as very positive and sometimes contrasted with the masculine. This is not, however, reflected in the visual depictions of people since there doesn’t seem to be any difference between how men and women are portrayed. What sets them apart is how often they are portrayed where women, on average, is depicted 70 % of the time. The invocation of feminine traits in Frimodigt shows that gender roles and norms can be used in marketing by attributing these positive traits to the product being marketed. Furthermore, this indicates that the very act of taking part in this material as a believer can be seen as a feminine act that can make women be more feminine, and men to come in contact with, and develop, their feminine side. Another consequence is that New Age might be seen as very attractive to women because of their appraisal of femininity and the fact that the religion seems to be dominated and ruled by women, in stark contrast to more patriarchal religions.

"Skippar prinsessböcker med happy ending" : En kvalitativ studie av genus i fem bilderböcker och fem förskolepedagogers uppfattningar om genus i bilderböcker

Özsoy, Gül-Bahar January 2013 (has links)
The aim of my thesis was to examine if educators need to be critical of what they read to the children from a gender perspective. I examined how picture books depict gender and if the books enhances or breaks perception of gender roles. I also examined educator’s perception of gender and if they think picture books can affect children’s perceptions of gender, but also what educators think about gender equality through picture books. The study is based on analysis of five picture books and interview with five educators. The results of analyzes showed that picture books are stereotyped and enhances perceptions of gender roles. The result of the interviews showed that teachers had different perceptions of gender when they selected picture books, and most of them believed that stereotypes in picture book affect children’s perceptions of gender.   The educators perceptions about equality work though picture books was different, some educators perceive it as just reading unisex picture books while other educators perceive it as reading picture books with girls in main role. My conclusion is that educators need to be critical of what they are reading from a gender perspective because books usually represent gender stereotypes. The educators also need more knowledge about how gender is represented in the picture books and what gender equality means.

Developing, Refining, and Validating a Survey to Measure Stereotypes and Biases that Women Face in Industry

Webb, Erin D. 01 December 2013 (has links)
Almost any woman who has worked in a male dominated industry has faced a gender stereotype or bias of some type. Some of these women have even developed coping mechanisms to counteract these biases and make day-to-day interactions at work tolerable. Gathering information to reveal these stereotypes and biases can pose a distinctive challenge. Many women do not want to reveal the challenges that they have faced in their careers, and the vastness of types of challenges makes asking the correct questions very difficult. Through testing, this study has developed a valid data collection instrument that can be used to gather the varying data. The final instrument yielded 22 items that have strong validity and reliability results.

Caryl Churchill And Gender Roles: Owners, Cloud Nine, Top Girls

Firat, Serap 01 November 2005 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis evaluates Caryl Churchill&#039 / s criticism of culturally defined roles imposed by patriarchy on both sexes in her three plays Owners, Cloud Nine, and Top Girls by referring to Kate Millet&#039 / s defination of aspects of patriarchal ideology in Sexual Poitics, and the thesis contends that gender roles are arbitrary. Churchill&#039 / s attempt to draw attention to patriarchal essentialism is discussed within this framework.

Black-winged angels : theoretical underpinnings

Slatter, Angela Gaye January 2006 (has links)
The creative work, Black-Winged Angels, is a collection of nine re-written fairytales. The collection is divided into three sections: Maiden, Mother, Crone and the three stories in each section explore various aspects of these traditional periods in a woman's life. The tales are re-written, or 're-loaded', to offer alternative views of the tales of childhood, to examine other forces that may be at work inside the stories themselves, and the possible consequences of 'living' those tales differently. The exegesis examines the colonisation and reclamation of a range of fairy tales. It traces the historical shift from oral to literary fairy tale traditions, and the ensuing patriarchal rewriting of those fairytales. The exegesis then considers the writing of Angela Carter and Emma Donoghue (specifically The Bloody Chamber and Kissing the Witch, respectively), in terms of how their work in the fairytale genre has both succeeded in, and failed to, avoid a simple inversion of gender with their revisions of the colonised literary fairytales. The exegetical work has grown, in large part, out of the process of critical reflexivity to which I have subjected my creative work. I chose Angela Carter's and Emma Donoghue's works of revisionist fairytales to act as 'bookends' for my own work; Carter as a starting point for fairytale reclamation and Donoghue as a more recent incarnation of the fairytale revisionist. In reflecting on my own work, I often looked back at what these two authors had done, to guide me in the eternal writers' struggle of what to leave in, what to leave out, and where to take the tale.

”Bra jobbat working mama!” : En studie i hur genus, föräldraskap och karriär reproduceras och konstrueras på Instagram / "Good job working mom!" : A study of how gender, parenting and careers replicates and reconstructs on Instagram

Kaseste, Malin, Levén, Alice January 2018 (has links)
Instagram grundades 2010 och är idag ett av de mest populära sociala medierna med över 800 miljoner användare. Instagramanvändare publicerar över 95 miljoner bilder om dagen, alla poster gör intryck och avtryck på användarnas liv då media är en stor del i konstruktionen av verkligheten.Vår kvalitativa studie har sin grund i den kritiska diskursanalysen, världen får sin mening genom språket och språket skapar en bild av verkligheten genom de sociala praktikerna. I studien har vi undersökt Instagram och hur genus, föräldraskap och karriär reproduceras och konstrueras. I studien har två Instagram konton undersökts, Isabella Löwengrip (@isabellalowengrip) och Rachel Brathen (@yoga_girl) som är entreprenörer och föräldrar. Genom en multimodal textanalys har vi undersökt deras bilder, bildtexter och kommentarer från följarna utifrån genusteorin.Resultatet har visat att de båda kontona reproducerar och konstruerar genus. Både Löwengrip och Brathen ler ofta på bilderna vilket är ett typiskt kvinnligt drag. Brathenär mer stereotypisk med en mycket “moderlig” framtoning medan Löwengrip är merprofessionell i sin framtoning, en roll som ofta tillskrivs män. Följarna har en del i konstruktionen och reproduktionen av genus. De ifrågasätter de val som Löwengrip och Brathens gör som mammor och entreprenörer. Följarna konstruerar också genus då de blir glada över Löwengrips och Brathens framgångar, genom att, precis som män gjort i årtionden, hålla varandra om ryggen, hjälpa och stötta varandra. / Instagram was founded in 2010 and is now one of the most popular social media platforms with over 800 million users worldwide; Instagram users are publishing over 95 million posts every day thereby influencing the daily lives of each other, as the media contributes to users navigating in the world as well as taking part in the constructing of our reality. Our qualitative approach depart from critical discourse analysis, according to which the world gets its meaning from the language and the language helps to construct reality through social practices. In this study we have analysed the topic of gender roles by looking at how Instagram is helping to constructing and changing images of gender roles, careers and parenthood. Our main task in this study is to analyse two Instagram entrepreneurs who are constructing and changing gender roles regarding career and parenting; Isabella Löwengrip (@isabellalowengrip) and Rachel Brathen (@yoga_girl) are our two selected Instagram entrepreneurs. We have conducted a qualitative multimodal text analysis of these two accounts and comments from followers between 1 - 31 March 2018 and the results show that these two account both produce and reproduce gender roles. Brathen and Löwengrip have both created social media platforms and businesses and are still contributing to the reproduction of gender roles, but both are also producing new roles through their choice of words and pictures on their social media platform. Both accounts portray a typical female behaviour as where they are smiling and giving the followers a chance to study them without demanding their attention. However, Brathen is more stereotypical with a very “motherly” approach while Löwengrip has more of a businesslike professional in her approach to her Instagram account which could be seen as a more masculine role. The followers take part in reproducing a female role when they ask questions about Brathen and Löwengrip ́s choice as mothers and career women, but they are also creating a new way of looking at a working mum when they, like men, are helping and cheering each other to success.

"Kom igen nu, Rebecca!" : En innehållsanalys om genus inom idrott med fokus på Discoverys bevakning av Olympiska spelens ishockey 2018 / Come on, Rebecca! : A content analysis of Discovery Swedens coverage of the olympic Games 2018, in a gender perspective, with focus on the ice hockey-tournaments

Asp, Marcus, Karlsson, Måns Karlsson January 2018 (has links)
I World Economic Forums årliga världsranking återfanns Sverige på plats nummer fem i jämställdhetsfrågan. Detta tydliggör samt legitimerar att Sverige är ett land som onekligen prioriterar frågan väldigt högt. Men trots det faktum, kvarstår det fortfarande tydligt att arbetet fortskrider långsamt samt att politiska visioner inte har full makt över huruvida arbetets utveckling går. Den här uppsatsen handlar sedermera om att granska jämställdheten som rådde mellan män och kvinnor under olympiska spelen i Pyeongchang 2018 med ett fokus på idrotten ishockey. Ishockey som i allra högsta grad är en mansdominerad sport och skapar en stor sannolikhet för mycket relevant material. Men framförallt en tydlig bild om hur män och kvinnor behandlas olika. Både inom sporten såsom ekonomiskt, men också medialt. Detta med mål av att granska hur den rådande diskur / Sweden was in World Economic Forums yearly world ranking found as fifth in terms of equality between the genders. This makes it clear and legitimate to say that Sweden is a country, that undeniably prioritizes the topic very highly. But it is also clear that the progress in terms of equality is developing very slowly and that political visions do not have all the power over the the movement. This assignment will illustrate the equality between men and women in the olympic games of Pyongchang 2018 with a focus on ice hockey. Ice hockey, a sport that is dominated by men, will with a high probability illustrate the diffrences between the genders. Not only the diffrences in terms of economic conditions, but also in terms of medial coverage. The vision for this assignment is therefore to illusrate the current discourse within Ice hockey and to create a better understand of the things that needs to be done, in order to create a more equal arena.

Den duktiga flickan : En sociologisk kvantitativ undersökning

Persson, Sara, Goletic, Leila January 2018 (has links)
Detta examensarbete ämnar belysa “duktig flicka”- fenomenet som kommit att bli ett omtalat begrepp som är baserat på den nya moderna samhällsstrukturen. Den nya samhällsstrukturen handlar om att kvinnor förväntas kunna satsa på karriären samtidigt som de fortfarande kopplas till huvudansvaret för hemarbete. Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva förekomsten av “duktiga flickor” bland studerande kvinnor på Karlstads universitet. Vi vill fördjupa oss i begreppet “duktig flicka” och förklara hur kvinnor kan kopplas till de egenskaper som ​ associeras med begreppet. Studien grundar sig på en kvantitativ undersökningsmetod där 60 kvinnor på Karlstads universitet har deltagit i studien. Resultatet visar att majoriteten av kvinnorna kan kopplas till “duktiga flicka”-fenomenet och dess egenskaper. / This master thesis aims to highlight the "good girl" - phenomenon that has become a featured term based on a new modern social structure. The new social structure is about women expected to focus on making a career while still being linked to the main responsibility for homework. The purpose of this study is to describe the presence of "good girls" among student women at Karlstad University. We want to immerse ourselves in the term "good girl" and explain how women can be linked to the attributes associated with the concept. The study is based on a quantitative survey in which 60 women at Karlstad University participated in the study. The result shows that the majority of women can be linked to the "good girl" phenomenon and its characteristics.

Idealized Gendered Behaviors in The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins

Hartvik, Heidi January 2018 (has links)
Suzanne Collin’s trilogy The Hunger Games has become an international bestseller, and tells the story about Katniss Everdeen, a young citizen of District 12 in Panem. The object of this essay is to demonstrate that nurturing, being a warrior and pursuing beauty are the most idealized behaviors in The Hunger Games trilogy. By analyzing these behaviors from a gender perspective, based on the standpoint of Western society, I demonstrate how nurturing and pursuing beauty are feminine behaviors, and being a warrior is a masculine behavior. Furthermore, I outline how the characters’ behavior reflects their upbringings or the circumstances they are in. I conclude by considering what the popularity of Collins’s series indicates about contemporary perceptions of these behaviors, that are traditionally deemed as feminine or masculine in Western society. The result of the analysis indicates that the characters are being rewarded for both feminine and masculine behaviors. However, the characters showing a combination of both feminine and masculine traits gain more than the characters that possess either feminine or masculine qualities only. The contemporary views on femininity and masculinity are changing in Western society, and The Hunger Games trilogy gives us an indication about today’s view on the gendered behaviors in this essay.

"José casou com Maroca e Antônio casou-se com Fina" : relações de gênero e violência e afetivo-sexual no Sul do Brasil (RS, 1889-1930)

Barbosa, Carla Adriana da Silva January 2015 (has links)
O enfoque desta pesquisa são as relações afetivo-sexuais na região da Fronteira do Rio Grande do Sul no período republicano (1889-1930); território amplamente identificado no imaginário popular com a violência, imagem esta que foi objeto de pesquisa de diversas obras de nossa historiografia. Entretanto, pouco destes estudos se valeram das reflexões sobre este tema e suas ligações com as identidades de gênero. Esta opção temática deve-se pela longevidade das práticas de vivência entre homens e mulheres unidos por laços afetivo-sexuais – procedimento estes ainda presentes em nossa contemporaneidade. Examinando estas relações através da crítica histórica, pretedeu-se encontrar os vetores pelos quais as dinâmicas sociais amplas são perpassadas. Ao nos focarmos nestes vínculos, objetivou-se ampliar o debate das múltiplas formas de manifestações sociais através de registros criminais, observando as permanências de hierarquias, contingências, conflitos e assimilações. / The focus of this research are the emotional-sexual relationships in the frontier of Rio Grande do Sulduring the Republican period (1889-1930),a territory widely identified with violence in the local’s common sense - an image that has been a research subject of several inquiriesby our historiography. However, few of these studies made use ofinsights of the gender theory in remark of this object, and fewer stillfocused in the private and public aspects of violence may influence these practices. This thematic option is due to the longevity of the living practices between men and women united by emotional-sexual ties - ways of living still present in our times. Examining gender relations in historical analysis, we now have at our disposal one of the important vectors by which social relations are pervaded. By focusing on these links, we aimed to broaden the debate the multiple forms of social manifestations expressed through criminal records, noting the permanence of hierarchies, contingencies, conflicts and assimilation.

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