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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O gritante silêncio em uma nota de rodapé: gênero nas dissertações e teses sobre PROEJA no Estado do Paraná

Freitas, Lucas Bueno de 17 December 2014 (has links)
CAPES / O presente trabalho objetiva analisar o não dito sobre as questões relativas à gênero nas teses e dissertações produzidas pelo Grupo Interinstitucional Demandas e Potencialidades do PROEJA no Paraná. A metodologia utilizada para o desenvolvimento do estudo foi pesquisa analítica, do tipo bibliográfica, tendo dissertações e teses como objetos de análise. Em um primeiro momento apresentamos um apanhado teórico sobre questões de gênero, educação e trabalho, bases para a pesquisa. Posteriormente realizamos um breve estado da arte sobre EJA e, mais especificamente, PROEJA, entre os anos de 2006 e 2012 no Banco de Teses da Capes. A partir do resultado buscamos dentre esses trabalhos, dissertações e teses que abordem especificamente a temática de gênero. Em seguida realizamos este mesmo processo em âmbito estadual, mais especificamente em trabalhos produzidos no Grupo Interinstitucional Demandas e Potencialidades do PROEJA no Paraná, grupo criado a partir de edital para financiamento vinculado ao MEC/SETEC, foco escolhido para empreender nossa discussão. Após a leitura das 12 dissertações e uma tese selecionamos quatro temáticas comuns às pesquisas para discutirmos junto às teorias de gênero: (a) o ingresso de estudantes no PROEJA, (b) evasão, (c) corpo docente e (d) linguagem utilizada pela pesquisadora e por seus/suas entrevistados/as. Como resultado, apontamos uma grande demanda por pesquisas sobre gênero e EJA, pois na maioria das pesquisas as questões relacionadas à mulher é silenciada e/ou naturalizada, estereótipos construídos sócio-histórico-culturalmente pululam nas dissertações e teses, mas não há discussão ou valorização. / This work aims to analyze the not told about the issues of gender in theses and dissertations produced by the the Interinstitutional Group Demands and Possibilities of PROEJA in Paraná. The methodology used to develop the study was analytical research, bibliographical, and dissertations and theses as objects of analysis. At first we present a theoretical overview of gender issues, education and work, bases for the research. Subsequently we conducted a short state of the art about young and adult education and, more specifically, PROEJA, between the years 2006 and 2012 in the thesis database Capes. From the result we seek from these works, dissertations and theses that specifically address the gender issues. Then we perform the same process at the state level, specifically in works produced in the Interinstitutional Group Demands and Possibilities of PROEJA in Paraná, a group created from issuance to financing linked to the MEC/SETEC, focus chosen to undertake our discussion. After reading the 12 dissertations and the thesis, we selected four themes common in the searches to discuss the gender theories: (a) the admission of students in PROEJA, (b) avoidance, (c) teachers and (d) language used by the researcher and his/her interviewees. As a result, we point out a great demand for research on gender and young and adult education, because most of the researches, issues related to women is silenced and/or naturalized, stereotypes culturally constructed socio-historical-swarming in dissertations and theses, but there is no discussion or recovery.

'Aquele negrão me chamou de leitão' : representações e práticas corporais de embelezamento na educação infantil

Guizzo, Bianca Salazar January 2011 (has links)
Na sociedade brasileira atual, questões relacionadas à aparência e à imagem do corpo são reconhecidas como elementos centrais nos processos de constituição de identidades desde a infância. Esta tese tem como questão central de pesquisa discutir em que medida as representações de beleza e de feiura compreendidas pelas crianças de uma turma de Educação Infantil pertencente a uma escola pública do município de Esteio/RS afetam a forma como as meninas lidam/investem com/nos seus corpos, delineando assim suas feminilidades. Os principais objetivos desta investigação são: 1) apresentar como determinadas representações de gênero, raça/cor, classe social e geração, construídas e reiteradas diariamente por meio das mais diversas pedagogias culturais e visuais, ecoam e circulam, como verdades quase que absolutas, no ambiente educacional infantil; 2) a partir dessas representações propagadas em diferentes meios culturais e sociais na contemporaneidade, mostrar como as meninas dessa turma investem em certas práticas corporais para serem consideradas belas. Levando em conta tais objetivos, foram apresentadas algumas situações desenvolvidas no cotidiano escolar da referida turma, para que as crianças pudessem expressar suas concepções a respeito do tema. Os resultados mostraram que as meninas, bem como os meninos, se preocupam com suas aparências e tais preocupações provavelmente são construídas a partir das representações e imagens aos quais elas/es têm acesso através de diversos meios. Em função da intensa presença de representações e imagens, meninas, em especial, são encorajadas a investir em seus corpos, o que colabora na constituição de suas identidades. Elas, muitas vezes, almejam ter corpos perfeitos e investem em práticas para esconderem seus “defeitos” e se parecerem com celebridades que admiram. Entretanto, tais práticas não foram aqui analisadas como “naturais” ao comportamento feminino, mas como parte de uma construção histórica, social e cultural. Para o desenvolvimento das análises foram utilizadas as contribuições dos Estudos de Gênero, dos Estudos Culturais e dos Estudos de Cultura Visual, especialmente aqueles que se aproximam da perspectiva pós-estruturalista de análise. Tais campos de estudos mostram-se produtivos na medida em que julgam que nossas identidades são forjadas e constituídas continuamente dentro de determinadas culturas, pela disputa constante de poder. Além disso, fornecem ferramentas para a análise de artefatos e acontecimentos que permeiam as arenas culturais e educacionais e que possuem grande relevância na produção das identidades infantis. / In contemporary Brazilian society, questions of appearance and body image are recognized as central elements in the construction processes of children‟s identities. This thesis aims to discuss to what extent the representations of beauty and ugliness understood by children of an early childhood education class, from a public school in the municipality of Esteio/RS, affect the way girls deal with and invest in their bodies, and thus outline their femininities. The main focuses of this research are: 1) to present how certain representations of gender, race/color, social class and generation, built and repeated daily through a variety of cultural and visual pedagogies , reflect and circulate as almost absolute truths in the children's educational environment; 2) to show how the girls in this group get involved with certain bodily practices to be considered beautiful from representations spread among different cultural and social media in contemporaneity, Taking into account such objectives, some situations developed in the school everyday life were presented so that the children could express their ideas about the theme. The results showed that girls and boys are worried about their appearances and such concerns probably are constructed from images and representations to which they have access through various means. Due to the intense presence of representations and images, girls in particular are encouraged to invest in their bodies, which contribute in the formation of their identities. They often want to have perfect bodies and engage in practices to hide their "flaws" and resemble celebrities they admire. However, such practices were not analyzed here as a “natural" female behavior, but as part of a system of historical, social and cultural relations. For the development of such analyses, the contributions of Gender Studies, Cultural Studies and Visual Culture Studies were used, particularly those associated with the post-structuralism approaches. Such fields of study are productive to the extent that they believe that our identities are continually forged and incorporated within certain cultures by a constant struggle over power. In addition, they provide tools for the analysis of artifacts and events, which permeate the cultural and educational arenas and are relevant to the production of children's identities.

Desenvolvimento rural e gênero: a participação das mulheres na organização de um movimento social o caso da Crabi PR. / Rural development and modal to women participation in organizing a social movement - The Crabi case - Paraná

Makoski-lombardi, Sheila Priscila 24 March 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-10T18:33:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Sheila M Lombardi.pdf: 375421 bytes, checksum: f57801b2e5e873c35c443c273875c923 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-03-24 / This paper aims to understand contributing measurements of women participation in organizing and managing a social movement - Crabi - to alter gender relation, traditionally existed in the field as well as gender segregation at work, family structure, and in main production activity definition taken as plural activities. Thus, this paper exams Cabri's social movement construction process as well as "women's center" that also represents a social movement, since women reach for support in the center to better understand their position in society as well as in the family. Through the evaluation of such process, we attempted to analyze work relevance, on the eye of the gender, and understand how relations are perceived in the Crabi movement. Thus, this paper is based on new social movement theories, among them the feminist movement and gender relation problematic, inserting these notions into the notion of family agricultural production and plural activity to understand the factors that lead to the development of this phenomenon. From this study, research results show that women participation in the social movement contributes positively in the social and economical structure of the studied families. / Este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender em que medida a participação das mulheres na organização e direção de um movimento social Crabi contribui para a alteração das relações de gênero, tradicionalmente existentes no campo, bem como na divisão sexual do trabalho, na estrutura familiar e na definição das atividades principais de produção tidas como pluriativas. Neste sentido, o trabalho busca examinar o processo de construção do movimento social da Crabi, bem como do núcleo de mulheres que se constitui também num movimento social, uma vez que as mulheres buscam no núcleo um suporte para entenderem melhor sua posição tanto na família como também na sociedade. E, ao examinar tal processo, buscou-se também analisar a relevância do trabalho, sob a ótica de gênero, e entender como as relações são percebidas no movimento da Crabi. Para tanto, este trabalho parte do embasamento teórico acerca dos novos movimentos sociais, dentre eles o movimento feminista e a problematização sobre as relações de gênero, buscando inserir estas noções na noção de agricultura familiar e pluriatividade para poder entender os fatores que levam ao fenômeno do desenvolvimento. A partir deste estudo, os resultados da pesquisa apontaram que, a participação das mulheres no movimento social contribui positivamente na estrutura econômica e social das famílias analisadas.

Das erste Paar und die postmoderne Studie zur ursprünglichen Beziehung und Abhängigkeit der Geschlechter in der Lebenswelt der Gegenwart

Bee, Jacqueline 29 February 2008 (has links)
Text in German / Am Beginn der Menschheit steht das von Gott erschaffene Paar, in der Postmo­ derne ist es das aufgeklarte, autonome Individuum. Eine Diskrepanz zwischen ursprunglicher Schopfungsintention und der postmodernen Lebenswelt wird deutlich. Denn Mann und Frau wurden auf eine ganzheitliche Lebensgemein­ schaft hin erschaffen, die nicht nur den trinitarischen Gott widerspiegeln soli, sondem fur einen gelingenden Lebensvollzug urn die konstitutive Notwendigkeit der Gebundenheit des GeschOpfes an seinen Schopfer weiss. Das Bewusst­ sein, dass der Mensch nur in dieser existentiellen Verankerung zum wahren Mann- oder Frausein befahigt wird, ist in der aufgeklarten Postmoderne, primar durch deren zentrales Merkmal, der Absolutsetzung von Freiheit, abhanden ge­ kommen. Erschwerend kommt die Ablehnung der (ontologischen) Sundhaftig­ keit hinzu, was nicht nur das Heilsgeschehen per se obsolet werden lasst,son­ dern zugleich die Wiederherstellung der Beziehung zu Gott als Quelle allen Le­ bens a priori verunmoglicht. Damit verschliesst sich das postmoderne Indivi­ duum aber gleichzeitig die Meglichkeit zur Annaherung an die Schopfungs­ intention von Beziehung und Abhangigkeit der Geschlechter durch die in Jesus erlangte,endgultige Oberwindung der Sunde und deren Konsequenzen. Das Wissen urn die Intention Gottes mit Mann und Frau ist deshalb so entscheidend, weil vom Vorhandensein eines schopfungsbedingt angelegten anthropologischen Grundskriptes ausgegangen wird, welches die Beziehung und Abhangigkeit der Geschlechter entscheidend pragt.1 Das Geschlechterver­ haltnis ist also nicht beliebig und Folgen los veranderbar, resp. den sozio-kul­ turellen Vorgaben und Erwartungen anpassbar, eben weil dessen Kern unver­ anderbar ist. Dem steht jedoch das postmoderne Verstandnis gegenuber, wel­ ches die Geschlechteridentitat des evolvierten Primaten als reine sozio-kulturel­ le Konstruktion und damit als beliebig modellier- und veranderbar versteht. Ge­ nau in dieser Diskrepanz zwischen unaufhebbarem anthropologischem Grund­ skript einerseits und der vermeintlich ganzlichen Beliebigkeit des Geschlechter­ verhaltnisses andererseits liegt ein zentraler Grund fOr die Heute stark Problem belasteten Ehen. At the beginning of humanity we find man and woman as a couple created by God; in post-modern society, however, this place is taken by the enlightened individual. The discrepancy is evident. Man and woman were created for a lifelong marriage which was not only to reflect the triune creator but which was anchored in the dependence on the creator as a constitutive necessity for building a solid, successful and lifelong marriage. This awareness of the fundamental necessity of God as the creator of man has been lost in post-modern society. Instead we find the claim for absolute freedom, linked to the negation of the ontological sinfulness of man. It is obvious that such negation makes the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ by which sin is finally overcome superfluous, rending the re-establishement of the relationship between God and man impossible. But it is by this grounding in God the creator and redeemer alone that man and woman will unterstand marriage in its originally intended depth and fullness. The present study has resulted in discerning a fundamental, God-given anthropological script which defines both relation and dependence of man and woman; this implies that these fundamental elements cannot be deliberately transformed and/or adapted to various socio-cultural norms and expectations. However, the post-modern understanding of gender presents itself in clear opposition to this creational view. Nowadays, gender identity is seen solely as a socio-cultural structure and therefore subject to unlimited changes and modifications. In this study, one main reason for the instability of marriages in postmodern society has been discerned in the discrepancy between the permanent anthropological basic script and the apparent variability of the relation and dependence between man and woman. The negation of God the creator and redeemer proves to be of equal importance, as it is only through and in him that the basic script for marriage can be realized in its originally intended allembracing dimension. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)

Das erste Paar und die postmoderne Studie zur ursprünglichen Beziehung und Abhängigkeit der Geschlechter in der Lebenswelt der Gegenwart

Bee, Jacqueline 29 February 2008 (has links)
Text in German / Am Beginn der Menschheit steht das von Gott erschaffene Paar, in der Postmo­ derne ist es das aufgeklarte, autonome Individuum. Eine Diskrepanz zwischen ursprunglicher Schopfungsintention und der postmodernen Lebenswelt wird deutlich. Denn Mann und Frau wurden auf eine ganzheitliche Lebensgemein­ schaft hin erschaffen, die nicht nur den trinitarischen Gott widerspiegeln soli, sondem fur einen gelingenden Lebensvollzug urn die konstitutive Notwendigkeit der Gebundenheit des GeschOpfes an seinen Schopfer weiss. Das Bewusst­ sein, dass der Mensch nur in dieser existentiellen Verankerung zum wahren Mann- oder Frausein befahigt wird, ist in der aufgeklarten Postmoderne, primar durch deren zentrales Merkmal, der Absolutsetzung von Freiheit, abhanden ge­ kommen. Erschwerend kommt die Ablehnung der (ontologischen) Sundhaftig­ keit hinzu, was nicht nur das Heilsgeschehen per se obsolet werden lasst,son­ dern zugleich die Wiederherstellung der Beziehung zu Gott als Quelle allen Le­ bens a priori verunmoglicht. Damit verschliesst sich das postmoderne Indivi­ duum aber gleichzeitig die Meglichkeit zur Annaherung an die Schopfungs­ intention von Beziehung und Abhangigkeit der Geschlechter durch die in Jesus erlangte,endgultige Oberwindung der Sunde und deren Konsequenzen. Das Wissen urn die Intention Gottes mit Mann und Frau ist deshalb so entscheidend, weil vom Vorhandensein eines schopfungsbedingt angelegten anthropologischen Grundskriptes ausgegangen wird, welches die Beziehung und Abhangigkeit der Geschlechter entscheidend pragt.1 Das Geschlechterver­ haltnis ist also nicht beliebig und Folgen los veranderbar, resp. den sozio-kul­ turellen Vorgaben und Erwartungen anpassbar, eben weil dessen Kern unver­ anderbar ist. Dem steht jedoch das postmoderne Verstandnis gegenuber, wel­ ches die Geschlechteridentitat des evolvierten Primaten als reine sozio-kulturel­ le Konstruktion und damit als beliebig modellier- und veranderbar versteht. Ge­ nau in dieser Diskrepanz zwischen unaufhebbarem anthropologischem Grund­ skript einerseits und der vermeintlich ganzlichen Beliebigkeit des Geschlechter­ verhaltnisses andererseits liegt ein zentraler Grund fOr die Heute stark Problem belasteten Ehen. At the beginning of humanity we find man and woman as a couple created by God; in post-modern society, however, this place is taken by the enlightened individual. The discrepancy is evident. Man and woman were created for a lifelong marriage which was not only to reflect the triune creator but which was anchored in the dependence on the creator as a constitutive necessity for building a solid, successful and lifelong marriage. This awareness of the fundamental necessity of God as the creator of man has been lost in post-modern society. Instead we find the claim for absolute freedom, linked to the negation of the ontological sinfulness of man. It is obvious that such negation makes the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ by which sin is finally overcome superfluous, rending the re-establishement of the relationship between God and man impossible. But it is by this grounding in God the creator and redeemer alone that man and woman will unterstand marriage in its originally intended depth and fullness. The present study has resulted in discerning a fundamental, God-given anthropological script which defines both relation and dependence of man and woman; this implies that these fundamental elements cannot be deliberately transformed and/or adapted to various socio-cultural norms and expectations. However, the post-modern understanding of gender presents itself in clear opposition to this creational view. Nowadays, gender identity is seen solely as a socio-cultural structure and therefore subject to unlimited changes and modifications. In this study, one main reason for the instability of marriages in postmodern society has been discerned in the discrepancy between the permanent anthropological basic script and the apparent variability of the relation and dependence between man and woman. The negation of God the creator and redeemer proves to be of equal importance, as it is only through and in him that the basic script for marriage can be realized in its originally intended allembracing dimension. / Systematic Theology and Theological Ethics / D. Th. (Systematic Theology)

Gênero na engenharia: o corpo docente em Curitiba/PR

Salvador, Sileide France Turan 17 November 2011 (has links)
Este estudo caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa sobre cursos de Engenhria. A hipótese apresentada neste estudo é de que pela maioria dos docentes dos curso de engenharia na cidade de Curitiba ser composta por homens e a minoria por mulheres há um perfil característico nas relações de gênero entre docentes, alunas e alunos dos cursos de engenharia analisados. O objetivo central da pesquisa foi analisar as questões de gênero no corpo docente de cursos de engenharia. Foram estudados os seguintes aspectos: (I) a identificação de como ocorre a distribuição quantitativa por sexo no corpo docente dos cursos de engenharia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná (PUC/PR), da Universidade Tuiuti do Paraná (UTP), da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR) e da Universidade Federal do Paraná (UFPR); (II) a interpretação das questões de gênero entre professoras e professores do curso de Engenharia Industrial Madeireira da UFPR e do curso de Engenharia da Computação da UTFPR; (III) a percepção destas professoras e professores a respeito de suas alunas e alunos do curso, sob a ótica de gênero. Neste estudo foi adotada a metodologia de pesquisa qualitativa, classificada em duas etapas, uma quantitativa e outra qualitativa. A coleta de dados de campo deste estudo foi feita mediante entrevistas semi-estruturadas aplicadas a 5 professoras e 11 professores dos cursos acima citados. Ao final deste estudo foi possível constatar que foi essencial para a compreensão desse lento processo de democratização do ensino de engenharia o conhecimento sobre os desdobramentos históricos e conceituais, apresentados neste trabalho, os diálogos entre conceitos e autores sobre relações de gênero, a história da mulher e do gênero, a tecnologia, a ciência, a universidade e a engenharia no ocidente e no Brasil. Este estudo também possibilitou o acompanhamento das marcantes transformações que alteraram as estruturas sociais, resultando na reconstrução do dimensionamento dos espaços públicos e privados, fundamentais para a constatação de que a engenharia mantém-se predominantemente masculina, mas que há uma presença cada vez maior das mulheres na docência dos cursos de engenharia. / This study is characterized as a research on engineering courses. The hypothesis presented in this study is that as the majority of professors of Engineering courses in the city of Curitiba are composed of men and the minority is composed of women, there is a characteristic profille on gender relations among male and female professors, male and female pupils in the courses of engineering analyzed. The main objective of the research was to analyze gender issues in the teaching of engineering courses, we studied the following aspects: (I) to identify the quantitative distribution of gender in the teaching of engineering courses at the Catholic University of Paraná (PUC/PR), Tuiuti University of Paraná (UTP), Technological University Federal do Paraná (UTFPR) and the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR), (II) the interpretation of gender issues among professors (women and men) of the Industrial Engineering Wood Course of UFPR and the Computational Engineering Course of UTFPR (III) analysis the perception of these professors about their pupils (men and women), from the gender perspective. In this study, we adopetd the qualitative research methodology, which is classified into two stages, one quantitative and another qualitative. The field research of this study was done by means of semi-structured interviews applied to 5 women professors and 11 men professors of the courses mentioned above. At the end of this study, the observations determined that it was essential to understand this slow democratization process of engineering education to percept the knowledge about the historical and conceptual developments presented in this work, the dialogues among authors and concepts about gender relations, women's history and gender, technology, science and engineering university in the occident and in Brazil. This study made possible to follow up changes that have altered the social structures, resulting in the reconstruction from the design of public and private spaces to realize that engineering remains a male-domination space, but there is an increasing presence of women on the teaching work of engineering courses.


Schwanebeck, Wieland 25 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Unter dem Begriff des Poststrukturalismus wird eine disparate, auf den Axiomen des Strukturalismus aufbauende und diese zugleich überwindende Strömung verstanden, die sowohl innerhalb der Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften als auch in interdisziplinär organisierten Feldern wie den Gender Studies von großer Tragweite ist. Geteilt wird die Auffassung, dass kulturelle Phänomene allgemein sprachlich strukturiert sind. Seine Tendenz, unter die Oberfläche vermeintlich stabiler, monolithischer Strukturen zu schauen, qualifiziert den Poststrukturalismus für eine Anwendung auf genderwissenschaftliche Kategorien wie Weiblichkeit und Männlichkeit, deren Bedeutung nicht aus sich selbst erwächst, sondern die als Signifikate innerhalb eines (phallokratischen) Systems zu denken sind.


Schwanebeck, Wieland 25 April 2017 (has links)
Unter dem Begriff des Poststrukturalismus wird eine disparate, auf den Axiomen des Strukturalismus aufbauende und diese zugleich überwindende Strömung verstanden, die sowohl innerhalb der Sozial- und Kulturwissenschaften als auch in interdisziplinär organisierten Feldern wie den Gender Studies von großer Tragweite ist. Geteilt wird die Auffassung, dass kulturelle Phänomene allgemein sprachlich strukturiert sind. Seine Tendenz, unter die Oberfläche vermeintlich stabiler, monolithischer Strukturen zu schauen, qualifiziert den Poststrukturalismus für eine Anwendung auf genderwissenschaftliche Kategorien wie Weiblichkeit und Männlichkeit, deren Bedeutung nicht aus sich selbst erwächst, sondern die als Signifikate innerhalb eines (phallokratischen) Systems zu denken sind.

Paar / Paarbeziehung

Wimbauer, Christine, Motakef, Mona 13 April 2018 (has links)
Paare und Paarbeziehungen sind – in westlichen, paarnormativen Gesellschaften – eine hegemoniale Lebensform. (Heterosexuelle) Paare (re-)produzieren in ihren Interaktionen und Aushandlungen – ihrem doing couple und doing inequality – nicht nur Geschlecht (im Sinne von Gender), sondern wesentlich auch gesellschaftliche Ungleichheiten. Paarbeziehungen sind daher ein wichtiges Untersuchungsfeld der Geschlechterforschung; die Paarbeziehung wird hierbei als eigenständige Analyseeinheit betrachtet. Paare werden in der (soziologischen) Geschlechterforschung aber auch auf die Frage hin untersucht, ob sich mit dem Brüchigwerden des männlichen Ernährermodells im globalen Norden ein Wandel der Paar- und Liebesleitbilder abzeichnet und sich u.a. auch dadurch Ungleichheiten im Geschlechterverhältnis verändern, verringern oder neue entstehen.

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