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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kvinnors representation i nyhetsartiklar om skogsbränderna 2018 / Women's representation in news articles about the 2018 wildfires

Helsing, Clara January 2023 (has links)
This thesis presents a study combined of a quantitative content analysis and a discourse analysis and aims to investigate women’s representation in news articles about the 2018 wildfires. The representation is examined in two ways, to what extent and how women were represented. To structure the examination the theory symbolic annihilation is used. Symbolic annihilation includes three different aspects of women’s representation in media; absence, condemnation and trivialization. Each one of these aspects is scrutinized on whether they occur in the news articles about the 2018 wildfires. The results show that all except one of these aspects is materialized in the news articles. Women are represented to a lesser extent than men and often in gender-based roles, but contrary to the theory they are also represented in traditionally male roles without being condemned for it. Furthermore, this thesis also aims to explain the results of the representation of women in the news articles. To achieve this the theory poststructuralistic feminism is used. More specifically to analyze the results using the theoretical ideas about discourse, subjectivity and gendered power structures. The analyze show that the gendered power structures that exist in our society affects the crisis discourse and therefore also the representation of women in it. Why women were represented in traditionally male roles was explained by subjectivity and the individual’s power to change discourses.

The Female Organization? : A Qualitative Survey Study on Female-Dominated Organizations

Strand, Pauline, Ståhl, Gabriella January 2022 (has links)
Previous research confirms that gender affects organizations and the overall organizational culture. Organizations are heavily gendered and, in most cases, to the disadvantage of women. It has been shown that gender bias within male-dominated organizations creates the queen bee syndrome, characterized by a lack of solidarity and hostile behavior amongst women. Because gender bias exists in all organizations, it is reasonable to believe it also exists in female-dominated organizations. This study examines the queen bee syndrome in female-dominated organizations, analyzing how the characteristics permeate the organizational culture. The study employs a qualitative research method and collects data through qualitative surveys with LiVO members, a Swedish union organization for managers within the health and care sector. The study aims to build on theory regarding the queen bee syndrome and extend knowledge about gendered organizations and female-dominated organizations. This study suggests that signs of the queen bee syndrome, to some extent, permeate the organizational culture in female-dominated organizations. However, the result also reveals that complexity and duality exist. The triggering structures that create the queen bee syndrome need to be addressed rather than the gender composition to counteract queen bee behavior.

Könade organisationer i den sociologiska disciplinen : Joan Ackers arv i sociologisk forskning och utbildning / Gendered organizations in the sociological discipline : Joan Acker's legacy in sociological research and education

Norberg, Vega Louise January 2023 (has links)
This thesis confronts the ongoing issue of marginalization faced by women in sociologicalresearch, spotlighting the enduring influence of Joan Acker. It underscores Acker's crucial rolewithin sociological research, advocating for her work to be integral to sociology's undergraduatecurriculum. The study uses Brauns and Clarke's reflexive thematic analysis method to scrutinizesociological articles published in 2022 and 2023 that reference Acker's 1990 paper. The studyexplores the contemporary applications of Acker's research, the evolution of her "ideal worker"concept within feminist research, and the impact of the researcher's gender on their engagementwith Acker's research. The thesis is underpinned by a feminist sociological framework that rebutsandrocentric views, with an emphasis on contributions from scholars like Smith, Haraway, andHarding. It utilizes Rossiter's concept of the "Matilda effect" to depict the chronic undervaluationof female scientists' contributions. The study concludes that Acker's 1990 article continues to bea pivotal element in feminist organizational sociology between January 2022 to January 2023,specifically in interpreting and comprehending gendered structures in organizations.Additionally, Acker's "ideal worker" concept remains pertinent for highlighting norm systemsthat disadvantage women within organizations. Significantly, it is found that those who activelydelve into Acker's work are predominantly women. It underscores Acker's crucial role withinsociological research, advocating for her work to be integral to sociology's undergraduatecurriculum.

Sexuellt våld eller våldsamt sex? : En kvalitativ studie om hur barnmorskor och kuratorer på ungdomsmottagningar upplever fenomenet med unga tjejer som får skador efter samtyckt sex

Bessouda, Monia, Kotorcic, Jasmina January 2022 (has links)
I medier har det larmats om att allt fler unga tjejer som besöker ungdomsmottagningar uppvisar skador efter samtyckt samlag. Studiens syfte var att undersöka fenomenet genom att besvara två frågeställningar om hur ungdomsmottagningar arbetar med unga tjejer (13–25 år) som misstänks ha- eller uppvisar skador till följd av samtyckt sex, samt vilka orsaker de tillskriver skadorna. Detta gjordes genom en kvalitativ ansats utifrån semistrukturerade intervjuer med sex yrkesverksamma på olika ungdomsmottagningar i Sverige. Intervjuerna analyserades genom tematisk analys. Resultatet visade på att skador kan uppstå till följd av fysiologiska besvär som förvärras av penetrerande sex eller av bristande förberedelser inför samlag. Däremot framhävde resultatet gråzoner i ungas samtyckesutövning såsom att ungas samtycke kan undermineras av bristande kommunikation, psykisk ohälsa eller av att sex används i självdestruktivt syfte. Sexualiserade medier och pornografi kan också socialisera unga i skeva föreställningar om sex, och könade sexuella manus kan utgöra en påtvingande drivkraft på unga tjejer att samtycka till samlag. Respondenterna arbetar med fenomenet (1) förebyggande och normativt genom kunskapsspridning, (2) individanpassat med fysiska undersökningar, samtalsstöd och remittering till specialistvård, samt (3) sonderande för att fånga upp sexuellt utsatta ungdomar. Studiens slutsatser är att fenomenets omfattning är svår att avgöra, likaså att urskilja skadornas orsaker som kan grunda sig i samverkan mellan individuella riskfaktorer och strukturella eller normativa samhällsbetingelser. / In the media it has been brought to attention that more and more young girls that visit youth clinics show injuries after having consensual intercourse. The purpose of the study was to investigate the phenomenon by answering two questions relating to how youth clinics work with young girls (13-25 yrs) who are suspected of having or showing injuries after consensual sex, and what causes they attribute these injuries. This was done through a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews with six professionals who work at various youth clinics in Sweden. The interviews were analyzed through thematic analysis. The results showed that physiological disorders can be exacerbated by penetrating sex or by lack of preparation before intercourse. On the other hand, the result emphasized gray areas in young people's practice of consent, such as that young people's consent can be undermined by lack of communication, mental illness or by sex being used self-destructively. Sexualized media and pornography can also socialize young people in skewed notions of sex and gendered sexual scripts can be a coercive force for young girls to consent to intercourse. The respondents work with the phenomenon (1) preventively and normatively through the dissemination of knowledge, (2) individually adapted through physical examinations, counselling and referral to specialist care, and (3) probing to reveal sexually vulnerable young people. The study's conclusions are that the extent of the phenomenon is difficult to determine, as well as to distinguish the causes of the injuries that seem to be based on the interaction between individual risk factors and structural or normative societal conditions.

Praise Notes: A Gender Study

Berger, Jennifer 13 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Praise has been found to be an effective promoter of positive school and classroom environments and is used commonly by school adults to promote positive behavior among students. Praise can be given using many different methods; the method studied in this research project was praise notes. As part of a school-wide Positive Behavior Support program, faculty and staff from an elementary school were encouraged to write praise notes to students, identifying targeted positive behaviors. Over a 2-year time period, 2,839 notes were collected, examined for the content of the praise, and further examined according to recipient's gender. This study of praise notes was completed to determine if school adults provided more praise notes or different types of praise to male and female students. The findings showed that the school adults at the research setting were gender fair in the praise that they gave. They did not praise one gender more than would be expected, given the population; however, males were praised more than females in two areas: responsibility and cleaning. It appears from this population that school adults may have praised students for non-typical gender behaviors in order to promote positive behavior in their classrooms and school.

Vad är ett skyddat rum? : En studie om upplevd trygghet i offentliga rum / What is a protected space? : A study on perceived security in public spaces

Kokkalis, Elena, Gustavsson, Josephine January 2020 (has links)
Otryggheten i Sverige har ökat markant under de senaste åren. Bara i Stockholm har den i helhet ökat med 2 % från 2014 till 2017. Den gruppen som är mest utsatt för otrygghet är kvinnor, hela 36% av kvinnorna i Sverige är oroliga över att utsättas för brott. Det framgår som en självklarhet i studien att kvinnor behöver kunna känna sig fria i det offentliga rummet. Anledningen till varför just kvinnor är begränsade i rörelsemönster är på grund av oron över att utsättas för brott. Det finns en tydlig skillnad mellan upplevd risk och faktisk risk. Problematiken uppstår när den upplevda risken stoppar människor från att vistas i det offentliga rummet. Stadsplanerarens ansvar är att möjliggöra så många möten och aktiviteter som möjligt på ett sånt sätt så att ingen individ ska behöva avstå från att gå ut på grund av oro. Det går inte att kontrollera vilka människor som vistas i alla stadsrum, men genom fysisk planering kan staden utformas för att motverka brott och öka tryggheten. Den här studien redovisar flera välbeprövade metoder för att förebygga brott genom digitala metoder såsom kameraövervakning och portkoder. Arbetets fokusområde handlar dock mer om vad en planerare kan göra utifrån den fysiska utformningen för att förhindra brott och främja tryggheten. Standardiserade åtgärder som belysning och god skötsel visade sig vara framstående trygghetsbidragande faktorer. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur människor upplever trygghet i det offentliga rummet. Sedan kommer faktorerna som bidrar till trygghet respektive otrygghet kartläggas och användas som underlag för att definiera vad ett skyddat rum är och ge förslag på hur det kan konstrueras. I studien görs en enkätundersökning med 105 kvinnor som bor i Stockholmsområdet samt tre intervjuer. Enkäten och intervjuerna används som underlag och kompletteras med en litteraturstudie. Slutsatsen som dras av denna studie är att ett skyddat rum är är en blandning av social och fysisk trygghet. Det skyddade rummet är en plats där du kan känna dig trygg, möta andra människor, känna gemenskap, tillhörighet och inkluderande samt inte känna oro och titta dig bakom axeln för att inte hamna i en oönskad situation. Studien har visat att ett skyddat rum inte går att skapa genom stadsplanering eftersom att människors beteende inte går att planera, förutse eller styra. Det som istället är möjligt att genomföra med stadsplanering är skapa förutsättningar för trygghet. / Insecurity in Sweden has recently increased significantly. In Stockholm, the overall increase amounts 2% from 2014 to 2017. The group most exposed to insecurity is women, up to 36% of women in Sweden are worried about being exposed to crime. In this study it goes without saying that women need to be able to feel free in the public space. The reason why women are limited in mobility is the concern of being exposed to crime. There is a clear difference between perceived risk and actual risk. The problem arises when the perceived risk stops people from staying in the public space. The city planner's responsibility is to enable as many meetings and activities as possible in such a way that no individual should have to avoid leaving home due to concern. Since it is not possible to control which people are staying in public spaces, through urban planning public spaces can help prevent crime. This study presents several tested methods for preventing crime with digital methods such as camera surveillance and gate codes. However, the focus of this study is focused on what an urban planner can do based on environmental design to prevent crime and promote security. Standardized measures such as lighting and maintenance proved to be prominent contributors to safety. The purpose of the study is to investigate how people experience security in public spaces. Then, the factors that contribute to security and safety will be identified and used as a basis for defining what a protected spaced is as well as give suggestions on how it can be constructed. In the study, a survey is held with 105 women living in the Stockholm area and three interviews. The survey and interviews are used as a basis and is completed by a literature study. The conclusion drawn from this study is that a protected space is a mixture of social and physical security. The protected space is a place where you can feel safe, meet other people, feel included, community and belonging, not be anxious and look behind your shoulder to not end up in an unwanted situation. The study has shown that a protected space cannot be created through urban planning because people's behavior cannot be planned, anticipated or controlled. What is instead possible to implement with urban planning is measures to create the possibilities of security.

Sexual Harassment: A Gender-Neutral Problem? : A policy study on fifteen university documents in the United States

George, Nicole January 2023 (has links)
This thesis employs the use of Carol Bacchi's "What's the problem represented to be?"(WPR) approach and sets out to analyze the articulation of sexual harassment in fifteenexisting and current US academia policies. The analysis was completed within the broaderframework of gender theories including radical feminism and intersectionality, examininghow patriarchal systems can or cannot influence the development and application of policydocuments within the context of gender and law. This thesis explores the real and impactfulimplications of policy interventions and scrutinizes the position of sexual harassment being agender-neutral issue and not a gendered one.

Bound to Gendered Norms? : A critical discourse analysis of the portrayal of former Swedish Prime Ministers in news media

Ekström, Carolina January 2022 (has links)
Sweden is considered prominent in gender equality issues. Despite that, Sweden was the last of the Nordic countries to have a female prime minister, and previous studies demonstrate that gender stereotypes remain. The aim of this thesis is to critically analyze how the former Prime Ministers – Magdalena Andersson, Stefan Löfven and Fredrik Reinfeldt – have been portrayed in Swedish newspapers from a gendered perspective. For the aim of the thesis were a gendered theoretical framework developed. A critical discourse analysis was conducted through a methodological framework developed based on Fairclough's three-dimensional model. The results demonstrate how all three of the former Prime Ministers are related to male norms in the portrayal of them in the newspaper articles. However, it differs between the former Prime Ministers in how the male attributes are ascribed to them and if the attributes are considered positive or negative. Through these findings, it is concluded that the portrayal of Andersson does not follow the pattern shown by previous research of negatively portraying the politician from a stereotypical female perspective.

"Vi ser bara individer" : -En kvalitativ studie kring konstruktion av kön och omsorg i förskolan / ” We only see individuals” : - A qualitative study of the construction of gender and care in preschool

Olvedal, Moa, Fridberg, Sanna January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how male and female educators treat boys and girls in care situations to gain knowledge about whether different demands are asked of children depending on gender. This also relates to the question of how girls and boys are constructed in the treatment and what consequences this may have for their room for maneuver in care situations. Furthermore, the study also intends to investigate how female and male educators relate to both the concept of care, the actual care and how they view the role of care in preschool. By using methods such as interviews and observations of educators in different care-related situations, we have investigated how they view their own care for girls and boys, and what it looks like in practice. In addition, we have tried to get a grip on the importance of care in preschool today, in relation to learning. We have our theoretical starting point in feminist poststructuralism, which together with previous research on female and male educators in preschool and the concept of care has helped us understand our results. The results of our study show that there are many similarities in the reasoning about the role of care in preschool, how you want to meet each child according to its individuality, but despite this, the children provide different types of care based on their gender. We have been able to see that educators think that care is often the most important thing for the children in preschool, but that they rarely talk about care as a prerequisite for children’s wellbeing, development and learning towards society.

Gendered Division of Housework in Greece : A feminist analysis of a time use survey

Vogiatzi, Anastasia January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the gendered housework division in Greece based on research questions about participation by gender, chore types, and factors like age, education, and employment's influence, as well as uncovering related dynamics and trends. A quantitative analysis is employed using Greece's single time use survey conducted in 2013, which reveals substantial gender inequalities in housework division. Women dedicate nearly three times more than men daily to housework, even when employed in paid jobs. Age-wise, the gender gap persists, increasing with age. Core household tasks such as cooking, house cleaning, and laundry are dominated by women, while men spend more time on activities like gardening and repairs. Comparisons with European data highlight similar trends. A need for new surveys and gender norms exploration for policy change is evident.

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