Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gotland"" "subject:"potland""
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Ensamgravar och gravfält : olika begravningsmönster under romersk järnålder på Gotland / Solitary Graves and Grave Fields : different burial patterns during Roman Iron Age on GotlandStenström, Karin January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to make a comparison between solitary graves and graves in grave fields from the Roman Iron Age on Gotland, Sweden. Differences in burial customs, morphology, dating, gender, age, grave-goods and social status are compared between 19 solitary graves and graves in three different grave fields in different parts of Gotland. An attempt is made to explain these differences and to discuss which functions the solitary graves had. Discussions about whether it is possible to distinguish social status and gender with the help of grave-goods are also made in connection to the determination of status and sex.
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Gotlandspressen och de grå lapparna : Statens Informationsstyrelses övervakning av de gotländska dagstidningarna under andra världskrigetÖberg, Gunnar January 2011 (has links)
Under andra världskriget vidtogs i Sverige ett antal åtgärder som gick på tvärs mot den traditionella svenska pressfriheten. Ett inslag i denna politik var inrättandet av Statens Informationsstyrelse, SIS, med uppgift att bland annat leda och övervaka den svenska pressen. Informationsstyrelsen har i efterhand blivit mest känd för de så kallade ”grå lapparna”, förtroliga meddelanden till tidningarnas redaktörer om vad som inte fick publiceras. Under kriget utkom på Gotland tre dagstidningar. Gotlänningen som ägdes av bondeförbundsintressen, konservativa Gotlands Allehanda vars huvudägare C E Ekman även var tysk konsul och tidningen har betraktats som mycket pronazistisk samt socialdemokratiska Gotlands Folkblad som framställts som ytterst anti-nazistisk. Utifrån SIS arkiv beskrivs SIS styrning av tidningarna genom de grå lapparna och påpekanden av överträdelser. Vidare har undersökts om SIS vidtog några åtgärder mot de gotländska tidningarna och om det i så fall var Gotlands Folkblads påstådda antinazism och/eller Gotlands Allehandas påstådda tyskvänlighet som SIS reagerade på. Resultatet visar att de allra mest som SIS reagerade på i de gotländska tidningarna var rena nyhetsartiklar. Inte i något enda fall klandrade SIS någon kommenterande artikel. / During World War II a number of actions were taken contrary to the traditional Swedish freedom of the press. One of these actions was the establishment of “Statens Informationsstyrelse”, SIS, the Gouvernment Board of Information. SIS hade rhe task of managing and monitoring the Swedish press. It has subsequenly become known for the so-callade “grey notes”, cinfidential message to newspaper editors about what was not allowed to be published. There were three newspapers in Gotlands during World War II. “Gotlänningen” represented the farmer´s party. The right-wing Gotlands Allehanda, whose principal shareholder C E Ekman was also the German consul, was often portrayed as very pro-nazi. The social demofratic “Gotlands Folkblad” was, on the other hand, potrayed as anti-nazi. Based on the SIS archive, a review has been done about how SIS controlled the newspaperes and ruled through the greynotes and reprimands in case of transgressions. Furthermore an analysis has been done on the different reprimands SIS took aginst the Gotland newspapers and if the reprimands were taken in response to the alleged anti-nazism of Gotlands Folkblad or the allegeds pro-nazism of Gotlands Allehanda. The result show thar the vast majority of the articles SIS responded to in the Gotland newspapers were pure news articles. In no single case did SIS respond to a commentary article.
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Petrophysical and GeophysicalAnalysis of Ordovician Limestone Mounds for the Purpose of Hydrocarbon Reservoir Exploration : Petrofysisk och geofysisk analys av Ordoviciska kalkstensstrukturer för hydrokarbonprospekteringSöderberg, Felix January 2015 (has links)
Gripen Oil & Gas have extended their prospecting license on Gotland to the north end of the island to search for potential hydrocarbon reservoirs. Earlier prospecting has shown that limestone mound structures from Ordovicium have high potential as hydrocarbon reservoirs due to their antiformal shape and the petrophysical properties of the limestone.This study focuses on the petrophysical properties of the intramound lithofacies of the Ordovician mound structures. Analyses are made to determine the density, porosity and ultrasonic velocity of ten drill core samples (both in dry and water-filled state) from different places on Gotland and these factors are compared to see how they affect one another. Seismic reflection data gathered by OPAB (provided by SGU) is also used to locate potential mound structures in northern Gotland.The results show a clear connection between the density and porosity. Increasing porosities also decreases the ultrasonic velocities of the rocks. The saturated samples show higher velocities for the compressional waves than in the dry samples, but the shear wave velocity is similar in both dry and saturated rocks. Acoustic impedance is used to link the petrophysical analysis to the geophysical data by explaining why one reflector can be seen more clearly than others in a seismic section. Using the seismic sections, five possible mounds are found on northern Gotland. Good correlations are found in the petrophysical analyses, but the porosity of the rock does not seem to be the deciding factor in choosing a reservoir. There is no association between a rock’s measured porosity and its potential extraction volume, clearly shown by the low porosity measured in the Risungs drill cores compared to how much volume of oil that has been extracted. Instead, one should look closer at the seismic sections to find mounds with a high degree of fracturing. None of the mounds seen in the seismic sections show any apparent fracturing, and more seismic surveys should be made before deciding where to drill.
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Små vågformade bildstenar: lika men ändå så olika. Nya perspektiv på järnålderns gotländska bildstenar klassificerade som kiststenarStenqvist, Elin January 2014 (has links)
Picture stones were produced on the island of Gotland during the Iron Age, about 100-1150 AD. In this dissertation it has been made clear that biographical- and pre-iconographic perspectives enables new understandings of the stones. The wave-shaped cist stones, about 30 of the nearly 500 picture stones, were clearly produced as different from the axe- or mushroom-shaped large- and dwarf stones. This has been shown by their difference in shape, size and the frequency and placement of motifs. Reuses of cist stones does however concur with the other stones and suggest they were used for the same reasons and purposes. In this dissertation it has also been made clear that there is no concrete evidence that the cist stones were erected as cists constructions, especially for women or used for offerings. The term “small wave-shaped” picture stones has therefore been introduced as a substitute.
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Föryngring av tall med och utan skärm på Gotland / Regeneration of Scots pine with and without shelter wood on GotlandHammarberg, Sarah January 2014 (has links)
Föryngringen av skog på Gotland har historiskt sett varit problematisk under lång tid och i dagsläget används främst markberedning följt av plantering av tall. Förutsättningen för föryngring under skärm samt naturlig föryngring under fröträd som föryngringsmetod har studerats i denna rapport då det råder brist på skriftliga sammanfattningar om dessa båda metoder. Föryngringsmetoderna studerades genom fältstudier på 16 lokaler och intervjuer med verksamma inom branschen på Gotland. Naturlig föryngring visade sig ha viss framgång på norra Gotland samt fungera väl på nordöstra Fårö. Förutom på Fårö visade emellertid föryngring med markberedning och plantering bäst resultat. Plantering under skärm och självföryngring under skärm verkade fungera på norra Gotland på jordar av grus och sand. Att resultatet skiljer sig åt beror sannolikt på olika markstrukturer för de olika delarna av ön där vissa av norra Gotlands jordar med sand, grus och mindre stenstruktur har större nytta av en högskärm samt lämpar sig bättre för naturlig föryngring.
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Död och begraven : en analys av de avrättades behandling på galgbacken / Dead and burried : an investigation of the treatment of executed people burried at the gallowsAndersson, Sara January 2010 (has links)
This paper concerns the treatment of people at execution places and it is focusing on Gotland and the execution place called Galgberget. The material in the paper comes from Galgberget and a gallow in Denmark called Slots Bjergby. Together with this the laws of Gotland during the medieval and later periods are discussed and also how the archaeological material (especially the buttons) found on the excavation site can help to understand the people buried on the gallow site. The result of the analysis shows that the laws and the material found on the excavation site often tells different things. The punishments are often softer then what the law says. The material is also suggesting that it was possible to gain a better place on the execution site and that the many execution places in Visby were used for different kinds of punishments.
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Chef utan uniform : situationsanpassat ledarskap i Gotlands kommun / Management without uniform : situational leadership in the municipality of GotlandSandgren, Elin January 2009 (has links)
When a leader changes to a new post in another kind of organisational culture, what happens then? Could a leader use the same kind of leadership when leading different kinds of groups? Different cultures have different needs and ways to handle things and in the end it all comes to situational leadership. Both leaders and theorists claim that the leader must adjust to what the organisation and its members needs. This paper contains an inquiry of how officers have handled their new assignments as leaders in the civilian world of the municipality. The research shows that a former military leader must also be able to lead another kind of group if they change to a civilian career. A heterogeneous group demands more of the leader. It is necessary that the leader has the ability to use situational leadership, as a military approach often is not welcome in other parts of the community. The leaders must therefore adjust to the organisational culture in the environment where they work. The conclusion of the inquiry is that the officers have been well educated and have an ability to use situational leadership successful also in a civilian working environment. / Då Försvarsmakten avvecklat många av sina förband, så har därmed de officerare som velat kvarstanna på hemorten fått söka sig till den civila arbetsmarknaden. Av de officerare som stannade på Gotland efter nedläggningen av de gotländska förbanden var det många som blev chefer i civila organisationer. Undersökningen för denna uppsats har fokuserats kring några av dessa chefer, som nu arbetar inom Gotlandskommun, och deras ledarskap. Organisationskulturen påverkar ledarskapet och en ledare som kommer till en nymiljö måste anpassa sig till den nya kulturen och till hur medlemmarna hanterar saker i denna. Uppsatsen undersöker hur före detta officerare använder sig av sitt ledarskap från den militära miljön när de blir chefer inom den offentliga sektorn och tvåfrågor ställs: Hur organisationen och dess kultur påverkar den nya ledaren och hans ledarskap respektive hur ledarna uppfattar den nya organisationens förväntningar på dem. Syftet med undersökningen är att synliggöra för- och nackdelar den militära bakgrunden har vad gäller att leda en mer heterogen grupp samt att ge en bild av hur ledarens egen uppfattning om hur detta ledarskap tas emot av den civila organisationen. Uppsatsen är en kvalitativ fallstudie som baserats på intervjuer med sex personer där analysens fokus har lagts på ledaren och organisationskultur. Analysen har gjorts genom kodning av intervjumaterialet där generella åsikter tagits fram. De teoretiska referensramarna pekar på att det är skillnader på olika organisationer och deras kulturer. Även de intervjuade cheferna anser att de märker stor skillnad mellan de olika organisationstyperna och deras kulturer. Centrala lärdomar som återkommer i uppsatsen är att ledaren måste anpassa sig till den nya kulturen samt att ledaren måste klara av att behärska ett situationsanpassat ledarskap. Resultatet är tänkt att kunna vara en vägledning för personer som exempelvis kommer att byta arbetsmiljö till nya organisationskulturer eller som är chefer och kommer att få in nya personer från annorlunda organisationskulturer till sin egen organisation.
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Landsbygd kontra stadsmiljö - gotländska avrättningaplatser som talar. / Countryside versus urban area - gotlandic executions that reveals.Gustafsson, Olivia January 2018 (has links)
Gustafsson, O. 2018. Landsbygd kontra stadsmiljö–gotländska avrättningsplatser som talar. Gustafsson, O. 2018. Countryside versus urban area–Gotlandic executions that reveals. This bachelor thesis covers two executional sites on Gotland, one on the east coast near Visby, called Galgberget and the second one on the southern part of Gotland called Grötlingbo. The focus of this bachelor thesis will be on separating the sites and comparing them with each other based on their executional marks found on the bones from each site. I examined the 29 boxes recovered remains, with 25 boxes from Galgberget and four boxes from Grötlingbo, excavated from these two sites and used different methods to determine what kind of weapon and crime can be linked to the executional marks on the remains. One of the four methods that was used for this examination was sharp force trauma, that revealed a similarity in cervical vertebra damage on the individuals from both sites. The second method was dismembering, which was only identified on the bone fragments from Galgberget. The third method that was used to examine the remains was penetration wounds, which only appears on the remains that had been through violence-related circumstances or torture with a 20-centimetre nail through the head, the remains with these kinds of wounds were only discovered at Galgberget. The fourth method that was used was bone fractures, which showed; after examining the 29 remains that it was only discovered at the Galgberget executional site. It can be concluded from this that even if the execution sites are near-by each other, they performed different kinds of executions, with different kinds of execution marks. For example, from Grötlingbo the only execution mark there was the cervical vertebra sharp force trauma. Meanwhile from Galgberget there were several execution marks, which are mentioned in the methods above. Keywords: Galgberget, Grötlingbo, execution marks, Gotland, execution.
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Gotlands hällristningar : En analytisk tolkning av motiven och placeringen i landskapet. / The rock carvings on Gotland : An analytical interpretation of the images and placement in the landscape.Bergqvist, Emma January 2018 (has links)
The rock carvings in southern Scandinavia are an important part of Bronze Age research and the Scandinavian cultural heritage. There are three known sites with rock carvings on the island of Gotland. They are located in the parishes of Lärbro, Fårö, and Lye. The rock carvings on Gotland has been somewhat forgotten and are not a big part of research regarding the Bronze Age on Gotland. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the images on the rock carvings as well as analyse their placements in the landscape, both the natural and the cultural. The images will be analysed and possible interpretations of them will be discussed individually and together. Their relation to other ancient monuments and archaeological features will also be analysed. Each area’s cultural landscape where the rock carvings are present will be presented and compared with the other sites on Gotland. The result of this thesis shows that the rock carvings in Lärbro and Fårö are similar in both images and placement in the landscape. Ships, cupmarks, and weapons are among images carved at both sites. They both have a connection to fresh water and are in close proximity to stone ships. These two rock carving sites show a connection to the sea and a maritime identity in both their images and the surrounding cultural landscape. The rock carving in Lye has a smaller number of images, only cupmarks and a pair of foot soles. It is located in a different landscape which does not exhibit a connection to water in any way but instead shows a link to the land. This indicates that the rock carvings on Gotland had a connection to both the water and the land.
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Öster i Väster : En studie av östersjökeramiken från Västergarn, Gotland / East in the West : A Study of the Baltic Sea Ware from Västergarn, GotlandHolmbäck, Martin January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the earliest active time period of the harbour of Västergarn on the island of Gotland. The exact time of the founding of Västergarn has been debated for almost a century. Extensive excavations were conducted between 2005 and 2013 by the University of Gotland which resulted in a large amount of pottery, of which the earliest type was the Baltic Sea ware. I aim to add to this discussion with a study of the morphology and chronology of the Baltic Sea ware found at the site. This type of pottery is an excellent archaeological source material for exploring the early history of Västergarn. Because the Baltic Sea ware is found all over the excavated area it provides evidence for the material needs of a growing urban population. As an everyday resource for the people of Västergarn it also indicates when the site was permanently settled. The study of the morphology and the distribution pattern clearly shows that Västergarn was well populated already in the 12th century. Such an early date for occupation of the site has been questioned in earlier research. There is now archaeological evidence to argue that the settlement within the earthen rampart was probably founded in the second half of the 11th century. In the same time period Visby was established as an urban site. Furthermore, based on a topographical study comparing the presence of Baltic Sea ware in different trenches with the shore line I argue the rampart was constructed somewhere between circa 1000 and 1200 A.D. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka den tidigaste aktivitetsperioden i den gotländska hamnen Västergarn. Den exakta tiden för Västergarns grundande har debatterats i nästan ett århundrade. Extensiva utgrävningar genomförda av Högskolan på Gotland mellan 2005 och 2013 resulterade i en stor mängd keramik, varav östersjökeramiken är den äldsta. Jag ämnar utveckla denna diskussion med en studie av morfologin och kronologin av östersjökeramiken som finns på platsen. Denna godstyp är ett utmärkt arkeologiskt källmaterial i undersökningen av Västergarns tidiga historia. Då östersjökeramiken har hittats på nästan hela det utgrävda området bevisar det att en växande befolkning fanns på platsen. Som vardagsgods i Västergarn antyder keramiken också när platsen blev permanent befolkad. Studien av östersjökeramikens morfologi och korologi visar också tydligt att Västergarn var välbefolkat redan under 1100-talet. En så tidig datering för platsens befolkning har länge varit ifrågasatt inom tidigare forskning. Nu finns det dock arkeologiskt bevis att platsen troligen blivit grundad under den andra halvan av 1000-talet. Staden Visby grundades under samma tidsperiod. Fortsättningsvis, med basis i en topografisk analys som jämför östersjökeramikens närvaro i vissa schakt med strandlinjen argumenterar jag för att Västergarnsvallen byggdes någon gång mellan cirka år 1000 och 1200.
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