Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gotland"" "subject:"potland""
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Transportlösningar för Visby kryssningskaj : En turistorts utmaningar i högsäsongHedenmo, Otto, Enarsson, Pär January 2016 (has links)
In Visby, cruise calls have become less frequent over the years and to prevent this development it has been decided to build a cruise port located south of Visby harbor. To reach Visby the cruise passengers need to pass through the harbor and all its crossings. However, in Visby harbor the ferries to the mainland are already causing traffic jams during peak season and without a functioning transport solution the cruise passengers will probably cause even bigger problems. In order to encourage a sustainable tourism a traffic solution for the harbor needs to be presented. The aim of this study is to evaluate how the new cruise port will affect the traffic situation in Gotland, both local and regional. A qualitative study has been carried out to gather information and opinions from local actors in Gotland, regarding traffic and tourism. Based on this qualitative study and a method developed by the Swedish transportadministration, four different transport solutions have been evaluated. One shuttlebus solution and three different walkways. These solutions have been simulated in the software Vissim in order to evaluate the efficiency for each solution, and in Enviver to calculate the emissions they cause. The study shows that the walkway that does not affect traffic in the harbor is the solution that is most efficient and has lowest emissions, but it also demands large investments. The shuttlebus solution was also efficient but with higher emissions and it is dependent on buses and drivers to be available.
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Photovoltaic power potential on Gotland: A comparison with load, wind power and power export possibilitiesZaar, Emil January 2016 (has links)
The Swedish Island of Gotland provides an interesting case of how renewable energy technologies can be combined and integrated into the electricity system. The study simulates the load, wind power production and PV power production to estimate the PV power potential for existing buildings on Gotland. The theoretical PV power potential on Gotland is calculated to be 667 MW. The PV power potential is split between 28% for dwelling buildings, 9% for multi-dwelling buildings, 7% for industry and 56% for other buildings. The current limit for wind power on Gotland is 195 MW. With the installed capacity of 194 MW wind power, an additional of 22 MW of PV power is possible to integrate without increasing the hours of overload on the power cable. With the prospected submarine power cable, a total of 529 MW PV power is possible to integrate with the existing 194 MW of wind power.
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Ajvides flinta under luppen : Flintslagare och slagplatser för flinta på en gropkeramisk lokal på GotlandSandhagen, Jonas January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Återbruket av bildstenar i romanska kyrkor på Gotland / The reuse of picture stones in Romanesque churches on GotlandHardy, Jeremy January 2016 (has links)
In the ongoing discussion about the gotlandic picture stones, there is a highly debated question if we can interpret their reuse in gotlandic churches as a ritual practice or not. Also, if the reuse was of ritual character, was it in order to oppress and humiliate an earlier faith? Or to redeem and initiate the old faith into Christianity, in a respectful manner towards the past? This work focuses on the churches with Romanesque architecture since they are the closest kept monuments that could shed more light on the time period that spans on the transition from Viking age to Middle age Gotland. The aim of the thesis is to shed more light on the period when the first stone churches on Gotland were built as a manifestation of Christianity. It is of great interest here to question how the first stone church builders on Gotland looked upon their forefathers and their past. Investigations of how picture stones are placed and reused in Romanesque churches have been made, with overviews of their context and dating. This in order to contribute to the ongoing debate about the reuse of picture stones. The discussion is completed by pointing out clear examples of meaningful use in accordance to the churches heavily symbolic room and space. The Romanesque churches were seen as representations of the temple of Jerusalem. Connecting the placing of picture stones to the value of these churches room and space, can result in interpretations of continuity and cultural process.
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Kultur- och näringspolitiska klusterinitiativ : En fallstudie av Filmkluster FårösundBornestad, Kajsa, Wistrand, Fanny January 2014 (has links)
Idag försöker många regioner att konstruera kluster då det finns en stark tilltro till att klusterbildning ska lösa regionala tillväxtproblem. Det har dock riktats kritik mot klusterinitiativ då det tas för givet att interaktion mellan aktörer leder till innovationssystem och att kluster tycks ha blivit ett självändamål. På liknande sätt som kluster ses som ett verktyg för regional tillväxt kopplas kultur allt oftare samman med regional utveckling. Region Gotland etablerar inom kort Filmkluster Fårösund 2014-2016, vilket utgör studieobjektet i denna fallstudie. Studien syftar till att undersöka vilka drivkrafter som ligger bakom Region Gotlands satsning av ett filmkluster samt hur filmklustrets innebörd tolkas av olika aktörer i projektet. Olika uppfattningar om vad filmklustret ska syfta till kan leda till olika handling, med risk för att filmklustrets önskade effekter inte nås, då framgångsrika kluster kräver samordning. Studien är av kvalitativ ansats och bygger på djupintervjuer samt dokument. Den teoretiska referensramen utgörs av översättningsteorin som ett sätt att förstå drivkrafter och tolkning bakom organisatoriska förändringar. Studien har visat att drivkraften bakom filmklustret handlar om att skapa ett meningsinnehåll som sträcker sig bortom effektiv problemlösning. Filmklustersatsningen är influerad av andra moderna regioner och rådande trender i samhället och drivs av en vilja att förändra sin gamla identitet. Filmklustret består i nuläget av multipla identiteter som är ett resultat av aktörernas något skilda tolkningar av vad kluster ska innebära med risk för att de förväntade effekterna inte nås.
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Public’s behavioural responses to cyanobacterial blooms in Sweden : economic impact and demand for informationWallström, Jenny January 2016 (has links)
Eutrophication caused by nutrient loads from human activities is considered as one of the most serious environmental threats to the Baltic Sea. Due to climate change, cyanobacterial blooms are expected to increase in the future. This could affect people’s utility of beach recreation negatively in countries surrounding the Baltic. Based on a web survey carried out in south-eastern Sweden, public’s reactions and attitudes to cyanobacterial blooms are analysed. Possible economic impact on Gotland of more widespread blooms are estimated, and public demand for better information is evaluated. The result shows that 30% of the respondents from south-eastern Sweden would consider cancelling their plans of travelling to Gotland with knowledge about forthcoming algal blooms around the island. Determinants of tourists’ tendency to cancel their travel arrangements are earlier negative experiences of algal blooms and concerns regarding their pets’ bathing. The annual local economic loss for Gotland’s tourism industry is estimated to between 15 and 221 million SEK. The median willingness to pay for a mobile application which provides one-day forecasts of algal blooms is 25 SEK on Gotland and 20 SEK in southeastern Sweden. Boat owners, people who visit beaches often and those who travel to Gotland frequently, are more likely to pay for the mobile application. People who think algal blooms are natural show less demand for information.
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Consumer Restistance to Innovations : The Case of Electric Passenger Cars on GotlandEngesser, Valeska Katharina, Sawatzki, Inna January 2016 (has links)
Background: The Swedish island Gotland provides suitable conditions for the successful implementation of electric cars. Despite these conditions and the availability of the product in the Gotlandic market, electric cars do not find acceptance among consumers on Gotland. This phenomenon of consumer resistance behavior represents a rather under-researched area in current literature. Since resistance behavior is one of the main reasons responsible for the high failure rate of innovative products such as electric cars, this justifies the relevance of this study. Purpose: The aim of this study is to explore the reasons for consumer resistance behavior towards electric cars on Gotland. By answering this question, the authors intend to contribute not only theoretically to the existing theory of this phenomenon but also to shed new light on the special case of Gotland regarding the non-adoption of electric cars. Methodology: In order to answer the research question, an exploratory case study approach was chosen. Quantitative data in form of a questionnaire as well as qualitative data including a group interview and six expert interviews were collected and analyzed. Key findings: The barriers preventing consumers on Gotland from adopting electric cars are rooted in four different areas. First, functional barriers occur due to the limited range of electric cars, the existing charging infrastructure, the purchase cost, as well as the technological development status of the car batteries. Second, institutional barriers arise since the local government does not provide sufficient support for the further implementation of electric cars and related issues. Third, a contextual barrier in terms of the local car industry was figured out. This contributes a lot the last identified barrier, the cognitive barrier, which concerns the consumers themselves since their lacking knowledge and awareness about issues related to electric cars on Gotland is one of the main reasons for the resistance towards this innovation. As long as these barriers exist, consumers tend to postpone the buying decision of this product to a future point in time.
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Artros – för alltid en folksjukdom? : En kartläggning av artros inom det medeltida gravfältet vid S:t Hans och S:t Pers kyrkoruiner i Visby / Osteoarthritis – forever a Public Disease? : A Survey of Osteoarthritis Within the Medieval Population at S:t Hans and S:t Per in Visby.Stenhaug, Belinda January 2019 (has links)
Osteoarthritis is one of the most common general diseases in modern society Sweden. It is also one of the most common diseases traced within archaeological human remains. The aetiology of osteoarthritis has been widely debated within the field of medicine and paleopathology. The initial claim that the degenerative disease is caused by activity and ageing has been questioned and factors such as environment, diet and genetic markers has been brought up and to some extent studied. Even though osteoarthritis being one of the most common diseases recognized among archaeological human remains, it has during recent years often been neglected within the field and referred to mostly in different palaeopathological atlases. By studying human remains from the medieval churchyard of St: Hans in Visby, Gotland, the notion of osteoarthritis as a general disease in the past is discussed in the following study. The concept of a medieval “general public” is examined by looking at social strata through grave placement on the studied graveyard.
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Kan Gotland reducera en stor del av sina koldioxidutsläpp genom CCS? / Can Gotland reduce a great deal of its carbon dioxide emissions through CCS?Dahlström, Erika January 2019 (has links)
De ökande växthusgasutsläppen till atmosfären leder till skadliga effekter för jordens klimat. Växthusgasutsläppen minskar i för långsam takt för att klimatpolitiska mål ska kunna nås, till exempel Parisavtalet från 2015. Koldioxidlagring eller CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) ses som en viktig teknik för att minska industriers utsläpp, speciellt inom energiproduktion men även inom cementindustri, för att minska utsläpp från tillverkningsprocessen. I den här studien undersöks möjligheterna för koldioxidlagring i ett område i sydöstra Östersjön. Syftet är att undersöka möjligheten att Gotland kan reducera en stor del av sina koldioxidutsläpp genom CCS-teknik. En source to sink-matchning utförs genom att matcha koldioxidutsläppen från utvalda industrier på Gotland med geologiska reservoarer i Östersjön, för att se om reservoarerna kan lagra koldioxiden. Resultaten visar att lagringskapaciteten i området är enorm teoretiskt sett, i praktiken är kapaciteten låg och det krävs en undersökning av ett större område än det som undersöktes i denna studie. Kostnaderna för CCS-teknik är mycket höga och det krävs statliga finansieringar inledningsvis för implementering. Kostnaden för koldioxidutsläpp bör vara högre än kostnaden för koldioxidlagring. Teknikutveckling, samhällsförändring och samarbete mellan länder är viktigt för att öka takten av CCS implementering. / Increasing greenhouse gas emissions will lead to harmful effects on the climate of the Earth. The emissions are decreasing too slowly in order to achieve policy objectives such as the Paris Agreement, 2015. CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) is considered important to reduce industrial emissions, especially in the energy generation sector, but also in the cement industry, to reduce emissions connected to the production processes. The possibilities for CCS in an area in the southeastern Baltic Sea are investigated. The objective is to investigate the possibility that Gotland can reduce a great deal of its carbon dioxide emissions through CCS-technology. A source-to-sink match is performed by matching emissions from selected industries in Gotland with geological reservoirs in the Baltic Sea, to see if the reservoirs can store carbon dioxide. The results show that the theoretical storage capacity in the area is huge, but in practice it´s low. This shows that a study of larger areas is required. The costs of CCS technology are very high, government funding is initially required. The cost of carbon dioxide emissions should be higher than the cost of carbon dioxide storage. Technology development, social change and cooperation between countries are needed to increase the pace of CCS implementation.
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Signs and symbols represented in Germanic, particularly Scandinavian, iconography between the Migration Period and the end of the Viking Age.Hupfauf, Peter Rudolf Martin January 2003 (has links)
This research focuses on the analysis of pictorial images from objects of Germanic/early Scandinavian cultures in order to discriminate elements which are only applied for decorative reasons from those which also express symbolic values. At the outset I introduced an interpretation of the terms �signs� and �symbols� in order to inform the reader to which extent these terms were applied. It appeared that techniques, such as the geographical and chronological classification, traditionally used by archaeologists and historians to analyse objects/artefacts, were not always sufficient enough to gain all information which images may offer. Sometimes it seems to be difficult to determine if certain images shown on objects from early mediaeval, central and northern European origin, were created as a space-filling decoration only or if they held additional, probably symbolic, information as well. I have investigated aspects from visual perception, as applied within the domains of psychology, visual art and design. The methods, as they are introduced in this thesis, can be used as a identification scheme, applied on objects of great diversity. I have applied them on guldgubber (little embossed gold foils), bracteates and Gotland picture-stones. Objects of great historical and geographic difference, as well as physical diversity, such as size and material were chosen purposely to create an overview of the symbolic expressions in Germanic/early Scandinavian artefacts and to test the extent of the identification method derived from the domain of visual perception. A detailed analysis of sixty four guldgubber, found in Lundeborg, near Gudme, on the island of Fyn (Denmark), is placed in an appendix. An analysis of these objects appeared to be particularly interesting because it is not known what the purpose of guldgubber were to the present day.
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