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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

« L’ingénierie de la biologie » : une analyse des représentations du vivant portées par l’imaginaire sociotechnique de la biologie de synthèse

Tanguay, Éloïse M. 10 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire traite des représentations du vivant portées par l’imaginaire sociotechnique de la biologie de synthèse. Domaine technoscientifique en pleine expansion, elle a comme objectif de fabriquer des entités biologiques détenant une application commerciale. En plus de ses visées économiques, les promoteurs de la biologie de synthèse annoncent qu’elle constitue une solution aux enjeux engendrés par la crise écologique. Ce type de promesse étant moins étudié par la sociologie des sciences et des technologies, ce présent mémoire fera lumière sur cet enjeu. Je montrerai que la biologie de synthèse s’inscrit dans le modèle bioéconomique qui implique une mise en ressource à large échelle globale des processus biologiques. L’imaginaire de la biologie de synthèse reconduit ainsi une double promesse : poursuivre le modèle de développement industriel tout en évacuant les limites écologiques qui s’y posent. Avec une analyse des discours médiatiques et publicitaires relatifs aux promesses écologiques de la biologie de synthèse, je démontrerai que son imaginaire s’appuie sur une représentation machinique et informationnelle du vivant. Par le fait même, cette analyse montrera que la volonté de mettre les processus biologiques en ressource se décline elle-même en deux tendances. D’une part, le vivant est posé dans les termes d’une matière première inerte et malléable. D’autre part, il est représenté comme une entité active qui peut être mise au travail. L’imaginaire de la biologie de synthèse relève donc d’une radicalisation de la volonté d’englober les processus biologiques dans la production industrielle. Les promesses écologiques de ce domaine apparaissent subordonnées à cette visée. / This thesis focuses on the representations of the living carried by the sociotechnical imaginary of synthetic biology. Synthetic biology is a fast-growing technoscientific field whose main objective is to manufacture biological entities with commercial applications. In addition to its economic aims, promoters of synthetic biology claim that it represents a solution to the challenges posed by the ecological crisis facing contemporary societies. As this type of promise is less studied by the sociology of science and technology, this thesis will shed light on this issue. I will show that synthetic biology is part of the bioeconomy, which proposes the large-scale transformation of biological processes into valuable resources. The imaginary of synthetic biology thus makes a double promise : to continue the industrial development model while bypassing its ecological limits. Through an analysis of media and advertising discourse relating to the ecological promises of synthetic biology, I will demonstrate that its imaginary underpins a machine-like, informational representation of living matter. Furthermore, this analysis will show that the desire to turn biological processes into resources underlies two trends. On the one hand, living matter is posited in terms of an inert, malleable raw material. On the other, it is represented as an active entity that can be put to work. The sociotechnical imaginary of synthetic biology thus reflects a radicalization of the desire to incorporate biological processes into industrial production. The ecological promises of this field appear subordinate to this aim.

Les politiques de développement des énergies renouvelables et nouvelles en Corée du Sud et en France / The new and renewable energy development policies in Soutch Korea and in France

Lee, Youhyun 15 November 2016 (has links)
La Corée du Sud et la France, reconnues pour une grande dépendance à l'égard de l'énergie nucléaire, sont désormais confrontées à une nouvelle phase de la politique énergétique. Le développement des énergies nouvelles et renouvelables est une tâche cruciale pour réduire les gaz à effet de serre qui provoquent le problème du changement climatique. En outre, l'énergie nouvelle et renouvelable amène la croissance verte du pays. La raison pour laquelle nous apprécions l'énergie nouvelle et renouvelable est non seulement à cause de l'environnement, mais aussi pour ses effets sur l'économie. L'importance de l'énergie nouvelle et renouvelable est encore en croissance avec l’Accord Paris après la C.O.P 21.Cette étude aborde plusieurs questions importantes dans l'administration publique, telles que la définition de l'acteur de la politique, en analysant le processus politique et l'instrument de la politique. Il traite également des définitions des énergies nouvelles et renouvelables, des systèmes juridiques, des plans et des discussions sur la coopération énergétique. En comparant et en repensant de deux autres politiques de chaque pays, leurs défis concomitants vers la transition énergétique vont encore être développés. / The South Korea and France, those who are recognized for high dependence on nuclear power, are now facing a new phase of energy policy. The development of new and renewable energy is a crucial task to reduce green house gas which provokes climate change problem. Furthermore, new and renewable energy leads the green growth of the country. The reason why we do appreciate the new and renewable energy is not only because of environment, but also because of economic reason. The importance of the new and renewable energy is still growing in accordance with Paris Accord in 2015 after C.O.P 21.This study approaches several major issues in public administration such as defining policy actors, analyzing the policy process and the policy instruments. It also deals with the definitions of new and renewable energy, legal systems, plans, implementation and discussion about global energy cooperation. By comparing and rethinking of two other countries policies, their concomitant challenges toward energy transition will be going forward.

Will green banking unlock a sustainibility transition towards a low-carbon economy? : The perspective of a member-owned bank in Sweden / Kommer gröna banker möjliggöra en hållbarhetsövergång till en koldioxidsnål ekonomi? : En svensk medlemsägd banks perspektiv

Solheim, Ulrika January 2019 (has links)
In the climate change discussion, there is a broad consensus about the importance of support from the financial industry when it comes to supporting changes towards a more sustainable society. However, investments in the society supporting a transition towards a low-carbon economy are still waiting to become unlocked. This thesis aims to provide an understanding of a possible sustainability transition towards a low-carbon economy within the Swedish financial industry. To fully understand a possible change, this study has investigated the dynamics of the financial industry from the perspective of a member-owned bank in Sweden. Hence this study seeks to explore a fundamental and comprehensive change, the theoretical framework of socio-technical transition and the multi-level perspective is used. This contributes to a vast mapping of the financial industry and a better understanding of the dynamics of social change and innovation, such as a low-carbon economy transition. To gain in-depth knowledge, a case study was performed. Both qualitative and quantitative data was collected through semi-structured interviews and data from the case company’s customer database. The carbon footprint of the case company bank’s loan portfolio was calculated and analysed through a sensitivity analysis. This was done in the aim to gain deeper insights about how actions from a bank could contribute to a low-carbon economy. The empirical findings in this thesis showed that a bank does have the ability and power to contribute to a lower carbon footprint in a bureaucratic and stable regime as the financial industry. However, this responsibility could be hard to put at a single actor. As the financial industry has a strong carbon lock-in, the approach has to be long-term. The actions that could enable a sustainability transition within the financial industry seems to be a collection of many different transition pathways. By remaining the landscape pressure and the development of niche innovations, a long-term sustainability transition seems imaginable. By collecting the forces of regulatory work along with collaboration among incumbent actors and increasing development of new low-carbon financial products, there is positive movement. With patience and an attitude change, the financial industry can see a sustainability transition in the horizon. / I diskussionen om klimatförändringar finns det en enighet om vikten av stöd från finansbranschen när det gäller förändringar mot ett mer hållbart samhälle. Investeringar i samhället som stöder en övergång till en koldioxidsnål ekonomi väntar dock fortfarande på att slå igenom. Denna uppsats har som syfte att förstå en möjlig hållbarhetsövergång till en koldioxidsnål ekonomi inom den svenska finansbranschen. För att förstå en möjlig förändring har denna undersökning granskat finansbranschens dynamik utifrån en svensk medlemsägd banks perspektiv. Då denna uppsats strävar efter att utforska en grundläggande och omfattande förändring, så har det teoretiska ramverket för socio-teknisk övergång och multi-nivåperspektivet används. Detta bidrar till en omfattande kartläggning av finansbranschen samt en bättre förståelse för dynamiken i socialförändring och innovation, så som en övergång till en mer koldioxidsnål ekonomi. För att få fördjupad kunskap inom ämnet så har en case-studie utförts. Både kvalitativa och kvantitativa data har samlats in genom halvstrukturerade intervjuer och data från case-företagetskunddatabas. Koldioxidavtrycket i case-företagets utlåningsportfölj beräknades och analyserades genom en känslighetsanalys. Detta gjordes i syfte att få djupare insikter om hur åtgärder från enbank skulle kunna bidra till en koldioxidsnål ekonomi. De empiriska resultaten i denna studie visade att en bank har förmågan och kraften att bidra till ett lägre koldioxidavtryck i en byråkratisk och stabil regim som finansindustrin. Detta ansvar kan dock vara svårt att lägga på en enskild aktör. Eftersom finansbranschen idag har investeringar i koldioxidtunga aktiviteter måste tillvägagångssättet vara långsiktigt. De åtgärder som kan möjliggöra en hållbar övergång inom finansbranschen verkar vara en samling av många olika övergångsbanor. Genom att ha fortsatttryck från landskaps-nivån och en fortsatt utveckling av nisch-innovationer verkar en långsiktig hållbarhetsövergång tänkbar. Genom en enad kraft, samarbete mellan etablerade aktörer och ökad utveckling av nya finansiella produkter med låg koldioxidutsläpp, verkar en förändring möjlig. Med tålamod och en attitydförändring kan finansindustrin se en hållbarhetsövergång i horisonten.

Green growth? A consumption perspective on Swedish environmental impact trends using input–output analysis / Grön tillväxt? Svensk miljöpåverkan ur ett konsumtionsperspektiv med tillämpning av input–output-analys

Berglund, Mårten January 2011 (has links)
Consumption-based environmental impact trends for the Swedish economy have been generated and analysed in order to determine their levels compared to official production-based data, and to determine whether or not the Swedish economy has decoupled growth in domestic final demand from worldwide environmental impact. Three energy resources (oil, coal and gas use, as well as their aggregate fossil fuel use) and seven emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O, SO2, NOx, CO and NMVOC, as well as the aggregate CO2 equivalents) were studied. An augmented single-regional input–output model has been deployed, with world average energy and emission intensities used for products produced abroad. A new method for updating input–output tables for years missing official input–output tables, was also developed. For each of the resources and the emissions, two time series were generated based on two different revisions of Swedish national accounts data, one for the period 1993–2003, the other for the period 2000–2005. The analysis uses a recently revised time series of environmental data from the Swedish environmental accounts, as well as recently published global environmental data from the IEA and from the EDGAR emissions database (all data from 2010 or later). An index decomposition analysis was also performed to detect the various components of the time series. For fossil fuels consumption-based data don't differ much from production-based data in total. For the greenhouse gases there is a clear increase (CO2eq emissions increase approximately 20 % from 1993–2005, mainly driven by an increase in CH4 emissions), resulting from increased emissions abroad due to the increased demand for imported products. This suggests Sweden has not decoupled economic growth from increasing greenhouse gas emissions – contrary to what the slightly decreasing official production-based UNFCCC data say. For the precursor gases (SO2, NOx, CO and NMVOC), emissions are generally decreasing, with the exception of SO2 and NOx which increase in the second time series. For all emissions studied, consumption-based data lie at much higher levels than the official production-based UNFCCC data. However, further research is needed regarding the resolution of the data of the energy use and the emissions generated abroad by the Swedish domestic final demand. Also, extension of the time series and of the environmental parameters to such things as material use is needed to find out with more certainty to what extent Swedish growth has been sustainable or not. / I den här studien har konsumtionsbaserade tidsserier på svensk fossilbränsleanvändning och på svenska utsläpp av luftföroreningar tagits fram i avsikt att jämföra dessa med de officiella produktionsbaserade tidsserierna. Syftet har varit att avgöra om det svenska samhällets påverkan på resurser och miljö ur ett konsumtionsperspektiv har minskat eller ökat över tiden, och framförallt om en frikoppling har skett mellan den svenska ekonomiska tillväxten och den påverkan Sverige har på miljön i Sverige och utomlands. Tre fossila bränslen (olja, kol, gas samt aggregatet fossila bränslen) och sju luftföroreningar (CO2, CH4, N2O, SO2, NOx, CO och NMVOC samt aggregatet CO2-ekvivalenter) har analyserats. En enkelregional input–output-modell har tagits fram, utökad med globala medelintensiteter för den produktion som sker utanför Sverige. En ny metod har också utvecklats för att generera input–output-tabeller för år där officiella sådana tabeller saknas. För samtliga energiresurser och luftföroreningar, upprättades två stycken tidsserier, baserat på två olika revisioner av ekonomiska data från nationalräkenskaperna. Den första tidsserien täcker åren 1993–2003, och den andra åren 2000–2005. Miljödata togs från nyligen reviderade tidsserier från de svenska miljöräkenskaperna samt från IEA och den internationella luftföroreningsdatabasen EDGAR (alla data reviderade 2010 eller senare). En komponentanalys utfördes också, för att identifiera olika bidragande komponenter i tidsserierna. Vad gäller fossila bränslen i sin helhet, uppstår ingen markant skillnad mellan konsumtionsbaserade och produktionsbaserade data. Vad gäller växthusgaserna kan en klar ökning urskiljas (20 procents ökning av CO2-ekvivalenter mellan 1993–2005; CH4-utsläppen har där bidragit mest), vilket beror på stigande utsläpp utomlands orsakade av ökad efterfrågan på importerade produkter. Detta antyder att den svenska tillväxten ännu inte frikopplats från ökade utsläpp av växthusgaser, vilket står i motsats till den minskning i utsläpp som de officiella produktionsbaserade siffrorna från UNFCCC-rapporteringen redovisar. För övriga luftföroreningar (SO2, NOx, CO och NMVOC), sker i allmänhet en minskning, förutom för SO2 och NOx som ökar i den andra tidsserien. Samtliga luftföroreningar ligger vidare på en betydligt högre nivå jämfört med UNFCCC-rapporteringen. Mer detaljerade studier behövs dock på den energiförbrukning och de utsläpp som svensk slutlig användning för med sig utomlands. Tidsserierna behöver också förlängas och fler miljövariabler som t.ex. materialanvändningen behöver studeras för att kunna dra säkrare slutsatser kring i vilken utsträckning som den svenska tillväxten har varit hållbar eller ej.

L'Afrique face aux défis de l'économie post-pétrole : du rôle des institutions financières de développement dans la promotion des énergies renouvelables / Africa facing the challenges of the post-oil economy : the role of development financial institutions in promoting renewable energy

Masra, Succès 30 September 2016 (has links)
En 2015, lors de la COP21, à l’occasion de l’accord global sur le climat de Paris, l’Afrique s’est engagée sous le Leadership du Groupe de la Banque Africaine de Développement (BAD) et de ses autres Partenaires Techniques et Financiers, à installer à l’horizon 2030 une capacité de 300 GW d’énergies renouvelables. Cet ambitieux objectif de l’Initiative Africaine pour les Energies Renouvelables (AREI) dont la BAD est agence d’exécution, vient compléter son engagement sur la décennie 2005- 2015, qui a permis de faire passer la part des énergies renouvelables de 4% à 20% de son portefeuille. Et pourtant, l’Afrique reste le continent qui, malgré son fort potentiel en énergies renouvelables (solaire :10 TW ; hydroélectrique : 350 GW ; éolien :110 GW, et géothermie : 15 GW), a 2/3 de sa population (645 millions) sans accès aux sources modernes d’énergie (BAD, 2016).C’est dans ce contexte d’urgence d’une part et de besoin de solutions durables d’autre part que notre thèse, en s’appuyant sur des projets structurants d’énergie renouvelables instruits et suivis sur la période 2010-2015 comme Economiste Principal de l’Energie au sein de la BAD, a consisté à analyser comment la BAD, en tant que première Institution Africaine de financement du développement couvrant les 54 pays africains, peut-elle mieux appuyer l’Afrique à faire face aux défis de l’économie post-pétrole grâce à une promotion plus efficace des énergies renouvelables. Cette analyse, normative, nous a permis d’aboutir à une double série de recommandations à la fois internes et externes à la BAD, dans la perspective d’une amélioration de l’efficacité de l’aide publique au développement drainée par cette Institution. / In 2015, during the COP 21, on the occasion of the global climate agreement in Paris, Africa committed under the Leadership of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB) and its other technical and financial partners, to install a capacity of 300 GW of renewable energy by 2030. This ambitious target set in the framework of the African Renewable Energy Initiative (AREI) for which AfDB is the executing agency, completes its commitment of the decade 2005-2015, which permitted it to increase the share of renewable energy from 4% to 20% of its energy portfolio. Yet, Africa remains the continent which, despite its strong renewable energy potential (10 TW of solar, 350 GW hydroelectric, 110 GW wind and 15 GW of geothermal potential), is paradoxically characterized by two third of its population (645 millions) without access to modern energy sources (AfDB, 2016). It is in this context of energy emergency in one hand and the need for sustainable energy solutions on the other hand, that our thesis, based on renewable energy projects designed or implemented as Principal Energy Economist within the AfDB over the period 2010-2015, analyzes how AfDB, as the first African Development Financing Institution covering the 54 African countries, can assist this continent to better meet the challenges of the post-oil economy, through a more effective development of renewable energy. This analysis, essentially normative, allows us to achieve a double set of recommendations both internal and external to the AfDB in the perspective of enhanced effectiveness of Official Development Aid channeled by this institution, from the specific angle of the promotion of renewable energy.

The impact of economic and financial development on carbon emissions : evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa

Onanuga, Olaronke Toyin 09 1900 (has links)
In the literature, some studies argue that affluence and the financial sector encourages low-carbon investments which result in lower emissions while others find that they enhance emissions. Contemporary studies barely consider agriculture, employment generation and the degree of financial development as determinants of emissions. In view of these, the thesis investigates the impact of economic and financial development on CO2 emissions in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Applying the EKC and STIRPAT framework, the study modelled three functional forms which were estimated using an unbalanced panel data of 45 SSA countries by employing static and dynamic analytical methods. The models were re-estimated for 24 low (LIC), 13 lower-middle (LMIC), six upper-middle (UMIC) and two high-income countries (HIC). The study found evidence that empirical results differ in terms of the (sub-) sample of countries, estimation methods and functional forms. In detail, the study found different CO2 emissions-economic development relationships for the income groups. However, there is evidence of a linkage between later developments of the economies with lower emissions in LIC and UMIC while this linkage does not exist in LMIC and HIC. The study also found that financial development lowers CO2 in UMIC while it enhances emissions in LIC, LMIC and HIC. Despite this, there is evidence of a linkage between later developments of financial sectors with higher emissions in LIC and HIC and a linkage between later developments of financial sectors with lower CO2 in UMIC in SSA meanwhile no linkage was found for LMIC. The study concludes that not all economic development increases the level of CO2 emissions and not all financial development limits CO2 emissions in SSA during the study period. Generally, the main contributory variables to CO2 emissions are income, trade openness, energy consumption, population density and domestic credit to private sector to GDP. The main reducing factors of CO2 emissions are agriculture and official exchange rate. The thesis recommends that SSA needs to be more responsive to a cleaner CO2 environment by moving away from the conduct of unclean development strategy to intensified green investments. / Economics / D. Phil. (Economics)

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