Spelling suggestions: "subject:"habermas."" "subject:"harbermas.""
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Liberdades em disputa = a reconstrução da autonomia privada na teoria critica de Jurgen Habermas / Liberties in dispute : the reconstruction of private autonomy is Jurgen Haberman critical theorySilva, Felipe Gonçalves 04 September 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Marcos Nobre / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T23:05:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Silva_FelipeGoncalves_D.pdf: 1207305 bytes, checksum: ea3019de00dd0a76c99b166dbdade0ce (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar a reconstrução do conceito de autonomia privada na obra Direito e Democracia, de Jürgen Habermas. Tal estudo foi cumprido em atenção ao projeto mais amplo do autor de rearticular a Teoria Crítica da sociedade segundo os termos intersubjetivos de sua teoria do discurso, o que nos levou a investigar os diferentes momentos do programa reconstrutivo desenvolvido na obra e a maneira particular com que o conceito se insere em cada um deles. Assumimos, por hipótese, que a estrutura do empreendimento crítico que compõe Direito e Democracia é composta por três momentos principais - a "reconstrução interna", a "reconstrução externa" e o cruzamento dessas duas perspectivas possibilitado pela noção de "paradigma jurídico". Na reconstrução interna, a autonomia privada é caracterizada como a exigência normativa de iguais liberdades subjetivas de ação e reclamação a todos os membros de uma comunidade jurídica, assegurando-lhes a liberdade de arbítrio e a liberdade ética em contornos definidos democraticamente. Na reconstrução externa, os direitos que compõem a autonomia privada são considerados constitutivos de um domínio da vida social caracterizado por formas comunicativas de acesso reservado. Nesse âmbito da investigação, a "esfera privada" passa a ser considerada inscrita nos processos sociais de formação da vontade política em seus pontos mais distantes dos núcleos sistêmicos de tomada de decisão, atribuindo a ela uma posição germinal na identificação dos novos problemas sociais que compõem as esferas públicas informais. Por fim, no âmbito de discussão que envolve a disputa entre os paradigmas jurídicos, a saída dos impasses deixados pelos modelos liberal e do Estado social exigirá a procedimentalização da escolha sobre o sentido da igualdade de tratamento jurídico. Sob a ótica de um novo paradigma procedimental, a compreensão inicial da autonomia privada é retomada pelo autor e passa a incorporar demandas por igualdade material no postulado de "iguais liberdades subjetivas de ação". Ao final do percurso, a hipótese estrutural que possibilitou o desenvolvimento da tese mostra-se performativamente confirmada. Ela permite compreender as modificações por que passa o conceito de autonomia privada como um movimento progressivo de reconstrução composto por três momentos principais, bem como indicar transformações correlatas de outros conceitos-chave a ele vinculados, tais como "autonomia pública", "cooriginaridade" e a própria "tensão entre facticidade e validade" / Abstract: This work aims to study the concept of private autonomy in Jürgen Habermas' Between Facts and Norms. The study was made in regard to the author's larger project of rearticulating critical theory under the intersubjective turn of his discourse theory, which led us to investigate the different steps of the reconstructive program developed in this work and the particular way the concept is discussed in each of them. We assume, hypothetically, the structure of the book as composed of three main stages - the "internal reconstruction", the "external reconstruction" and the intersection of these former perspectives made possible by the notion of "legal paradigm". In domain of the internal reconstruction, private autonomy is characterized as the normative requirement of equal individual liberties to all members of the legal community, providing them the freedom of choice and ethical freedom in boundaries defined democratically. In the external reconstruction the private autonomy's rights are considered to constitute a domain of social life characterized by communication forms of restricted access. The "private sphere" is considered here enrolled in the social processes of political will formation in its most distant points of the systemic decision-making institutions. Finally, in the scope of discussion involving the dispute of legal paradigms, the response to the impasse left by the liberal and the welfare state models will require to procedimentalize the choice about the meaning of equal legal treatment. From the viewpoint of a new procedural paradigm, the initial understanding of private autonomy is revaluated by the author and incorporates demands of material equality in the assumption of "equal individual liberties of action." At the end of the course, the structural hypothesis which allowed the development of the thesis is shown performatively proven. It allows to understand the changes undergone by the concept of private autonomy as a progressive reconstructive movement consisted of three principal steps, and to indicate changes related to other key concepts linked to it such as "public autonomy", "cooriginarity" and the "tension between facts and norms" / Doutorado / Teoria Crítica da Sociedade / Doutor em Filosofia
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Comunicação e cultura: os pressupostos da \"guinada linguístico-pragmática\" da teoria do agir comunicativo de Jürgen HabermasSandro Assencio 10 May 2013 (has links)
O objeto da presente pesquisa constitui-se na análise imanente dos pressupostos da \"guinada linguístico-pragmática\" de Jürgen Habermas verificada no interior de sua magnum opus - a Teoria do agir comunicativo, publicada em 1981. O objetivo a que nos propusemos alcançar é a elucidação do modo peculiar como Habermas absorve as aquisições teóricas da pragmática linguística (em especial J. L. Austin e J. R. Searle) visando a construção de sua teoria da comunicação, cujo ponto central é a postulação do consenso entre sujeitos capazes de linguagem e ação como o \"fim último\" ou télos do agir comunicativo. A hipótese teórica - ou de trabalho -, que acreditamos ter sido confirmada ao longo de nossa pesquisa, é a de que Habermas, mesmo sendo um árduo defensor da razão e do \"projeto da modernidade\", compartilha ponto comum com os pensadores do período que se convencionou designar pós-modernidade: o chamado \"idealismo linguístico\", isto é, apreensão dos atos comunicativos como entidades autônomas, porque separados das relações materiais e sociais dos homens. / The object of this research is the immanent analysis of the Jürgen Habermas \"linguistic-pragmatic turn\" presuppositions, verified in his magnum opus - The Theory of Communicative Action, published in 1981. The goal we set ourselves to achieve is to elucidate the peculiar way as Habermas absorbs the theoretical acquisitions of linguistic pragmatics (especially J. L. Austin and J. R. Searle) for the construction of a theory of communication, whose focal point is the postulation of consensus between subjects capable of speech and action as the telos of communicative action. The theoretical hypothesis that we believe have been confirmed throughout our research is that Habermas, despite being a vehement defender of reason and the \"Project of modernity\", shares common ground with the thinkers of that period is conventionally designate postmodernity: the so-called \"linguistic idealism\", i. e. the seizure of communicative acts as autonomous entities, because separed of socials and materials relations of men
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O capitalismo tardio e sua crise = estudo das interpretações de Ernest Mandel e a de Jürgen Habermas / The late capitalism and its crisis : a study of interpretations of Ernest Mandel and Jurgen HabermasSilva, Aristóteles de Almeida, 1978- 20 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Silvio César Camargo / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-20T02:03:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Silva_AristotelesdeAlmeida_M.pdf: 558834 bytes, checksum: cbcb3cd4c7df24059eed01ff66ad6e5f (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: O objetivo desse trabalho é estudar a obra de Ernest Mandel O capitalismo tardio e Jürgen Habermas Problemas de legitimação no capitalismo tardio, onde analisam o capitalismo do pósguerra e sua crise. As transformações do capitalismo desde o fim da Segunda Guerra Mundial desencadearam uma importante discussão sobre a explicação marxista do desenvolvimento capitalista, de sua crise e sobre as condições para superação desta formação social. A discussão evidencia que a confrontação com a obra de Marx é oportuna não só porque permite entender quanto o capitalismo se transformou desde Marx, mas também para discutir se ela ainda consegue oferecer uma explicação relevante para se compreender as modificações estruturais contemporâneas. Nesse sentido, os autores se relacionam de maneira distinta com o legado marxiano. A obra de Mandel se mostra como um esforço para explicar o período segundo o instrumental teórico marxiano, mantendo o papel central da teoria do valor-trabalho e a crise como manifestação das contradições imanentes do capital. Já a obra de Habermas aponta para uma mudança de forma e lógica da crise, consequentemente apontando para a ineficácia da teoria do valor-trabalho aplicada aos dias atuais, o legado de Marx só continuaria a ser útil caso fosse reconstruído. Por fim, discutiremos as consequências dessas distintas explicações para os projetos de emancipação / Abstract: The purpose of this research is to study the work of Ernest Mandel's Late Capitalism and Jürgen Habermas Legitimation crisis, whose works examine the capitalism in postwar and its crisis. The transformations of capitalism since the end of Second World War caused an important discussion on the Marxist explanation of capitalist development and of its crisis, and the conditions to overcome this social formation. The discussion shows that the confrontation with Marx's work is timely not only because it allows us to understand how capitalism has turned since Marx, but also to discuss whether it still is able to offer a relevant explanation to understand the contemporary structural changes. In this sense, the authors relate differently with the Marxian legacy. Mandel's work appears as an effort to explain the period according to the concepts of Marxian theory, maintaining the central role of the labor theory of value and the crisis as a manifestation of the immanent contradictions of capital. Already the work of Habermas points to a change of form and logic of the crisis, thus pointing to the ineffectiveness of the labor theory of value applied to the present day, the legacy of Marx would still only be useful if it were rebuilt. Finally, we discuss the consequences of these different explanations for the projects of emancipation / Mestrado / Sociologia / Mestre em Sociologia
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A noção de capitalismo tardio na obra de Jürgen Habermas : em torno da tensão entre capitalismo e democracia / The notion of late capitalism in the work of Jürgen Habermas : around the tension between capitalism and democracyDa Hora Pereira, L. J., 1986- 21 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Yara Adário Frateschi / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-21T10:06:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
DaHoraPereira_L.J._M.pdf: 1837036 bytes, checksum: a9fc0d276ff4a9b8722b4fcc496f95f7 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2012 / Resumo: O tema da democracia constitui talvez o tema mais importante na obra do filósofo alemão Jürgen Habermas. No entanto, apesar da importância essencial de uma discussão vinculada diretamente aos seus aspectos normativos, pretendemos testar uma perspectiva complementar no estudo desta temática. Ora, é importante ressaltar que Habermas pensou a democracia não apenas a partir de suas possibilidades normativas de realização de ideais como os de autonomia e auto-determinação. Como um autêntico teórico crítico, ele também investigou as possibilidades concretas de institucionalização de formas democráticas de governo. A análise da relação tensa entre capitalismo e democracia é importante para refletir sobre os condicionamentos sistêmicos ou estruturais que o capitalismo impõe ao funcionamento dos regimes democráticos liberais. Ou seja, trata-se aqui de pensar a democracia a partir de suas possibilidades concretas de realização, o que pressupõe levar em conta os obstáculos impostos pelo capitalismo tardio. Desse modo, esta dissertação de mestrado tem como objetivo analisar as duas primeiras décadas da trajetória intelectual do filósofo alemão sob o prisma da relação entre capitalismo e democracia. Investigaremos como o tratamento dessa problemática surge a partir dos diagnósticos do capitalismo tardio produzidos pelo autor ao longo de diversas obras, culminando na sua Teoria da Ação Comunicativa (1981). Ademais, na trilha de Habermas, nos perguntaremos acerca do estado desta relação tensa no contexto do capitalismo contemporâneo, marcado pelo neoliberalismo, pela globalização e por crises / Abstract: The theme of democracy is perhaps the most important theme in the work of the German philosopher Jürgen Habermas. However, despite the essential importance of a discussion tied to its normative aspects, we intend to test a complementary perspective in the study of this issue. At present, it is important to emphasize that Habermas thought democracy not only from of their normative possibilities of realization of ideals, such as autonomy and self-determination. As an authentic critical theorist, he also investigated the concrete possibilities of institutionalization of democratic forms of government. The analysis of the tense relationship between capitalism and democracy is important to think about the systemic or structural constraints that capitalism imposes on the functioning of liberal democratic regimes. That is, we mean to think democracy from its concrete possibilities of realization, which requires taking into account the obstacles imposed by the late capitalism. Thus, this dissertation aims to analyze the first two decades of the intellectual history of the German philosopher from the perspective of the relationship between capitalism and democracy. We will investigate how the treatment of this topic emerges from the diagnoses of late capitalism produced by the author over several works, culminating in his Theory of Communicative Action (1981). Furthermore, on the steps of Habermas, we will ask about the status of this tense relationship in the context of contemporary capitalism, characterized by neoliberalism, globalization and crises / Mestrado / Filosofia / Mestre em Filosofia
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La negociación colectiva: una mirada desde la teoría de la acción comunicativaTapia Díaz, Andrés January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Hållbar dialog? : Retorik i möten om svensk kärnavfallshanteringHansson-Nylund, Helena January 2016 (has links)
Rhetorical choices and strategies are central to democratic decision-making, especially regarding decisions on matters that are open for argumentation depending on perspective. The thesis considers public meetings on Swedish nuclear waste management as an example of rhetorical argumentation, specifically in relation to the project of finding a place for final deposition of the high-level spent nuclear fuel – with local geological investigation as a critical part of that project. Project managers have met with other organizations such as protest groups, associations of experts and authorities on several occasions, mainly through local and national hearings. The thesis is guided by a research question regarding the most salient challenges to a resilient rhetorical dialogue for nuclear waste management. The concept of rhetorical dialogue is applied in two ways. Firstly to explain the lack of dialogue that is experienced by participants despite arrangements to reach consensus-oriented dialogue in the Habermasian sense. Secondly in a discussion of rhetorical relations that might explain ambiguity in participants’ interpretations of each other. Three meetings are compared: two local meetings at sites of geological investigation (Kynnefjäll 1979 and Kolsjön 1985) and one national meeting held in Stockholm in 2008. Research materials have been collected from the archives of participating organizations and from interviews with participants. Analyses of these materials are combined with a rhetorical analysis of meeting recordings, with a specific focus on question-reply argumentation. One main conclusion is that the principal rhetorical challenges concern the roles of participants in relation to the rhetorical situation, the establishment of rhetorical genre in the format of hearings, and inclusion of relevant perspectives in the early project phase.
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Subjektifilosofiasta pedagogisen toiminnan teoriaanKivelä, A. (Ari) 26 March 2004 (has links)
This study examines the paradigm shift from philosophy of subject to the philosophy of intersubjectivity. Modern pedagogic thought is deeply rooted in the philosophy of subjectivity. Its point of departure is the concept of the autonomous subject capable to form and define him-/herself and the world of his/hers. This line of thought is the main conceptual framework of theory of formation (Bildung) tradition. Theory of education (Erziehung) has been built upon a presupposition, that educational influence makes human being able to use reason potential to every human being and thus to realize the process of formation. Pedagogical thought of Immanuel Kant is the most prominent example of modern pedagogical thought. Kant argues that human becomes human through education. Education should force human to the autonomous use of reason. However, the concept of educational influence is in contradiction to the kantian idea of human freedom and autonomy. Despite of educational heteronomy should educatee be recognized as an autonomous subject. This basic problem of the modern theory of education is called pedagogical paradox.
Helmut Peukert and Jan Masschelein have tried to find option fort the philosophy of subjectivity and thus the way out from the pedagogical paradox. This can be done by the shift from the philosophy of subject to the philosophy of intersubjectivity. According to Habermas, philosophy and human sciences must abadon the idea of autonomous subject and intersubjectivity must be taken as the basic concept of the theoretical reflection. Intersubjectivity must be seen as basis for the human existence. Thus pedagogical action is seen as communicative action. Peukert and Masschelein have not taken in account the critics against Habermas' and Tugendhat's project. Dieter Henrich and Manfred Frank argue intersubjectivity cant take priority against subjectivity or vice versa. Subjectivity and intersubjectivity have the same origin in human existence. Human beining must be seen as subject and person. The author attempt to reconstruct this line of thought by the conceptual analysis of Johann Gottlieb Fichte's philosophy. This opens possibilities for the educational understanding of Henrich's philosophy and his programmatic theory of subjectivity and intersubjectivity. / Tiivistelmä
Työssä tarkastellaan subjektifilosofian ja intersubjektiivisuusteorian välistä suhdetta. Moderni pedagoginen ajattelu nousee subjektifilosofisesta perinteestä. Sen sivistysteoreettisena lähtökohtana on ollut ajatus itseään ja omaa maailmaansa määrittävästä autonomisesta ja itsetoiminnallisesta subjektista, joka kykenee käyttämään omaa järkeään. Kasvatusteoreettisen refleksion kohteena on puolestaan ollut kysymys siitä, kuinka kasvatuksellisen vaikuttamisen avulla on mahdollista tuottaa tai saada aikaan autonomisen subjektin kehittyminen. Immanuel Kantin pedagoginen ajattelu on esimerkki modernista pedagogisesta ajattelutavasta ja sen ongelmista. Kantin mukaan ihminen tulee ihmiseksi kasvatuksen kautta. Kasvatuksen tehtävänä on mahdollistaa, että ihminen oppii käyttämään ihmiselle ominaista potentiaalista järkeä itsenäisesti. Tämä edellyttää kuitenkin ulkoista kasvatuksellista pakkoa, joka on ristiriidassa Kantin ja koko modernin filosofian kannalta keskeisen itseä määrittelevän vapaan subjektiviteetin periaatteen kanssa. Hän kiteytti modernin pedagogiikan dilemman kysymykseen "kuinka kultivoida vapautta pakolla". Kasvatuksellinen pakko on välttämätön järjen autonomisen järjenkäytön empiirisen kehittymisen kannalta. Pakosta huolimatta kasvava on kuitenkin tunnustettava alusta saakka vapaana olentona. Tätä argumentaatiomallia ja sen myöhempiä variantteja on nimitetty pedagogiseksi paradoksiksi.
Erityisesti saksalaisella kielialueella on etsitty vaihtoehtoja subjektifilosofiselle paradigmalle. Helmut Peukert ja Jan Masschelein ovat pyrkineet osoittamaan, kuinka pedagoginen paradoksi on ratkaistavissa siirtymällä subjektifilosofisesta paradigmasta intersubjektivistiseen ajattelutapaan. He nojautuvat vahvasti Jürgen Habermasin ohjelmalliseen näkemykseen, jonka mukaan subjektifilosofian umpikujat ja ongelmat siirtyvät pois päiväjärjestyksestä, mikäli filosofiassa ja laajemmin myös ihmistieteissä luovutaan autonomisen itseriittoisen subjektin ensisijaisuuden periaatteesta ja korvataan se oletuksella kielellisen intersubjektiviteetin ensisijaisuudesta subjektiviteettiin nähden. Kasvatustieteessä tämä merkitsee pedagogisen toiminnan samaistamista kommunikatiiviseen toimintaan. Kasvatustieteellisessä keskustelussa ei ole kuitenkaan otettu huomioon intersubjektivistista käännettä kohtaan esitettyä kritiikkiä. Dieter Henrich ja Manfred Frank ovat filosofian alueella kritisoineet Habermasia ja tämän ajatteluun vaikuttanutta Ernst Tugendhatia siitä, ettei intersubjektivistinen käänne ole aivan yksinkertaisesti toteutettavissa. Näin siksi, ettei ainakaan käsiteanalyyttisen tarkastelun tasolla ole mahdollista osoittaa, kuinka subjektiviteetti olisi kielellisen intersubjektiviteetin johdannainen. Henrich onkin esittänyt, että subjektiviteetti ja intersubjektiviteetti ovat yhtä alkuperäisiä ilmiöitä. Tästä seuraa, että konkreettista yksilöä on tarkasteltava sekä subjektina että persoonana.
Henrichin ohjelmallista näkemystä on mahdollista eksplikoida Johann Gottlieb Fichten interpersoonallisuusteorian ja subjektiteorian avulla. Fichten ajattelu avaa myös mahdollisuuden kasvatus- ja sivistysteoreettiselle tarkastelulle, joka ei palauta pedagogista toimintaa palauteta joko subjektifilosofiseen tai intersubjektivistiseen paradigmaan. Fichten kasvatus- ja sivistysteoreettisten implikaatioiden avulla on siten mahdollista avata tietä Henrichin subjektiteoreettisten näkemysten kasvatus- ja sivistysfilosofiselle reseptiolle.
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La existencia y la comunicación como expresiones lúdicasLara López, Ana January 2004 (has links)
Informe de Seminario para optar al grado de Licenciado en Filosofía
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Délibérer avec un misanthrope? : la misanthropie face à l’éthique de la discussion de Jürgen HabermasPesenti, Frédérik 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Private Women with Public Opinions : Negotiating Gender in Early Modern Fashion MagazinesPopp, Nele January 2023 (has links)
This thesis researches the construction of gender ideals for the new Middle Class and women’s involvement in the same by analysing fashion magazines published in Germany and Sweden between 1786 to 1827 and 1818 to 1844, respectively. The analysis consists of two parts: first, the share of women’s involvement in the public sphere as defined by Habermas as well as the justification of the inclusion of female-written texts and second, the nature of gender ideals in relation to the separate spheres’ framework. They show that the highest percentage of female contributions to fashion magazines was 5.3 % for the Swedish magazine from 1840 to 1844, while the lowest percentage of female contributions was 2.1 % for the German magazine from 1820 to 1827. Furthermore, the inclusion of texts written by women was often justified through their domestic virtue or the statement that they never wanted their texts to be published. The publication was thus against their will, which firmly anchors the female authors in the private sphere. In the second part, this study shows that women authors in the fashion magazines mainly advocated for the separation of the public and private but, in comparison to gender ideals shared by male authors, did not advocate for the submission of women. Regarding the stereotypes of emotionality and rationality, I find that women were mostly portrayed as emotional by men but would contest these negative portrayals of their sex. At the same time, men were portrayed as emotional and rational by both female and male authors, which is surprising considering the prominent male ideal of rationality.
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